WikiLeaked: Over 11,000 messages from private WikiLeaks chat released

“Objectivity is short-hand for not having a significant pre-conceived agenda, eliding facts the audience would be interested in, or engaging in obvious falsehoods.” ~ WikiLeaks

Presented below are over 11,000 messages from the WikiLeaks + 10 chat, from which only excerpts have previously been published.

The chat is presented nearly in its entirety, with only a handful redactions made to protect the privacy and personal information of innocent, third parties as well as the already public name of an individual who has sent hate mail, made legal threats and who the source for the DMs considers a threat. It is at the request of the source that Mark’s full name is redacted, leaving only his first name and his initials (which he specified is alright). Though MGT’s full name is already public and easily discoverable, the source’s wishes are being respected. Beyond this individual, the redactions don’t include any information that’s relevant to understanding WikiLeaks or their activities.

The chat log shows WikiLeaks’ private attitudes, their use of FOIA laws, as well as discussions about WikiLeaks’ lobbying and attempts to “humiliate” politicians, PR and propaganda efforts (such as establishing a “medium term truth” for “phase 2”), troll operations, attempts to engineer situations where WikiLeaks would be able to sue their critics, and in some instances where WikiLeaks helped direct lawsuits filed by third parties or encouraged criminal investigations against their opponents. In some instances, the chats are revealing. In others, they show a mundane consistency with WikiLeaks’ public stances. A few are provocative and confounding.

The extract below was created using DMArchiver, and is presented as pure text to make it easier to search and to provide as much metadata as possible (i.e. times as well as dates). The formatting is presented as-is, and shows users’ display names rather than their twitter handles. (Note: Emmy B is @GreekEmmy, not the author.)

CW: At various points in the chat, there are examples of homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, antisemitism and other objectionable content and language. Some of these are couched as jokes, but are still likely to (and should) offend, as a racist or sexist jokes doesn’t cease to be racist or sexist because of an expected or desired laugh. Attempts to dismiss of these comments as “ironic” or “just trolling” merely invites comparisons to 4chan and ironic nazis. These comments, though offensive, are included in order to present as full and complete a record as possible and to let readers judge the context, purpose and merit of these comments for themselves.

Since publication, Mary (she/her), the source of the DMs, has publicly come out as trans. It was in part due to her first hand experiences with the transphobia and sexism in the chats that Mary chose to leak the archive and make it public.

If any current or former staffers, volunteers or hackers wants to add to my growing collection of leaks from within #WikiLeaks, please reach out. DMs are open and I’m [ OUT OF DATE ] on Wire. — Emma Best (ᴜ//ғᴏᴜᴏ) 🏳️‍🌈 (@NatSecGeek) June 28, 2018

[2015-05-01 13:52:11] <noll> group Dm on Wls related trolls activity, incoming events & general topics.

[2015-05-01 13:53:39] <WikiLeaks> There's a race on now to 'spoil' our new submission system beta.

[2015-05-01 13:55:02] <WikiLeaks> Greenberg, who palled up with the openleaks people, launched an attack on wired. Annoying if that framing starts to spread. Verge...

[2015-05-01 13:55:53] <WikiLeaks> ..stripped the hostility. We're putting out a statement to soon. The interplay will be surprised by the election in the UK and the weekend.

[2015-05-01 13:56:03] <WikiLeaks> suppressed.

[2015-05-01 14:01:26] <noll> yes, both Wired & Verge contained DDB's line of attack. how anyone could fall for OL says it all. expect submissions portal will face -

[2015-05-01 14:02:37] <noll> - cyber attacks. must be one of, if not the most scrutinized area of cyberspace atm.

[2015-05-01 14:03:55] <WikiLeaks> Greenberg is a partisan. Fraudulent to quote the narrative of such people without mentioning the OpenLeaks vaporware plot.

[2015-05-01 14:29:48] <noll> [Tweet] the OL 'quote' manages to contradict itself w/i three lines. which seems indicative of DDB.

[2015-05-01 14:32:09] <WISE Up Action> Hi all. More comfortable discussing stuff in here to be honest.

[2015-05-01 14:37:33] <noll> hi Wise Up. good to see you. yep, agree.

[2015-05-01 14:40:49] <WikiLeaks> We will have a statement in 5mins

[2015-05-01 14:41:31] <WikiLeaks> The Next Web now is the most positive.

[2015-05-01 14:43:08] <WikiLeaks> @AnnieDarkhorse seems pretty reliable too

[2015-05-01 14:43:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad to see all. I'll pick up on the statement and RT. Hopefully, these attacks will fail spectacularly.

[2015-05-01 14:43:50] <noll> will add.

[2015-05-01 14:45:16] <WikiLeaks> @karwalski also

[2015-05-01 14:45:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Agree re Annie. I'm corresponding with @voidiss, she's solid adn enthusiastic, but she's very young. Might let her keep picking up from me.

[DMConversationEntry] You added Matt Watt

[2015-05-01 14:47:22] <noll> we're adding annie, & not much is happening..

[2015-05-01 14:48:41] <noll> Jen, agree.

[2015-05-01 14:52:46] <noll> Jen, could you try adding @AnnieDarkhorse?

[2015-05-01 15:07:29] <noll> any thoughts on whether @DouglasLucas would be interested?

[2015-05-01 15:11:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> I just tried to add Annie. Not sure if it did anything.

[2015-05-01 15:11:35] <WikiLeaks> See

[2015-05-01 15:12:21] <noll> we're seeing this at top of group Dm window: "Darkhorse could not be added". we've sent Dm asking her to check Dm settings.

[2015-05-01 15:12:47] <noll> Wls, will tweet out.

[2015-05-01 15:13:33] <WikiLeaks> DL's a great guy, but prefer not to have journalists here. Too tempting for them to turn such conversations into a story.

[2015-05-01 15:16:15] <WISE Up Action> Ok to invite 'Wales'

[2015-05-01 15:23:44] <noll> understand. / Action, Wales is invited, go to 'View people' which is under the: ... top right.

[2015-05-01 15:24:37] <WikiLeaks> What's Wales?

[2015-05-01 15:25:25] <noll> @WISEUpWales

[2015-05-01 15:25:55] <WikiLeaks> Definitely.

[2015-05-01 15:27:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Tweeted out on

[2015-05-01 15:28:08] <WISE Up Action> H: ok cheers

[2015-05-01 15:28:21] <WISE Up Action> Night Jenny!

[2015-05-01 15:31:17] <noll> good night Jen :o)

[2015-05-01 15:51:46] <WikiLeaks> Someone tells us that DarkHorse doesn't play with others, so perhaps not her.

[2015-05-01 15:56:59] <noll> understood, will drop it.

[2015-05-01 16:23:54] <Matt Watt> Hey, have shared the nextgen link. Assume this group is for distro of important links?

[2015-05-01 16:27:57] <WikiLeaks> Yes and advance notice of hostile twitter PR.

[2015-05-01 16:30:03] <Matt Watt> Ok sounds good.

[2015-05-01 16:49:45] <WikiLeaks> @SAWCSydney is also good

[2015-05-01 16:55:05] <noll> not sure we can add b/c they don't follow us. can someone else?

[DMConversationEntry] M added SAWC Sydney

[2015-05-01 17:02:47] <Matt Watt> Sawcsydney is mainly automated tweets from their facebook page now, as is wikileaksparty. I will give Ian headsup re sawcsydney

[2015-05-01 17:11:03] <noll>

[2015-05-01 17:38:50] <noll> re "more publications - free trade deals", TPP already feature of Sanders/ Clinton race, would be great to nudge campaigns into citing Wls.

[2015-05-01 17:44:56] <WikiLeaks> We're doing well with TPP in US.

[2015-05-01 17:45:12] <noll> also, great article by Kellie Tranter:

[2015-05-01 17:48:57] <noll> yes. & looks like becoming major campaign issue w/ Clinton forced to follow Sanders lead "to neutralize him":

[2015-05-01 17:50:25] <WikiLeaks> We don't like tranter's article, much. Poor rhetoric and all Assange traffic in the cables was moved to intel channels are a result of...

[2015-05-01 17:50:43] <WikiLeaks> ...Dorlings constant FOIAs.

[2015-05-01 17:51:24] <WikiLeaks> It's meant well, but she gives the enemies points, which there is no need to do, high up, then burries ours.

[2015-05-01 17:52:38] <WikiLeaks> e.g no need to faff about with grand jury to and fro. The US admits it, as of this year. End of argument.

[2015-05-01 17:53:44] <WikiLeaks> No need to go into muddying speculations about absense of evidence in Australian FOIAd cables. US admits it and recently.

[2015-05-01 17:54:36] <WikiLeaks> This 'detailitis' is a nasty disease that affects quite a few of our supporters and prevents them using the strongest point, straight up.

[2015-05-01 17:59:01] <noll> haha we thought 'in case they leaked'. agree re Grand Jury, we love detail, but yep, it's good to have the latest & strongest to hand, -

[2015-05-01 18:01:16] <noll> - speaking of which, last third of article implies Wls ended w/ Manning, rather than coming full circle, as seen today.

[2015-05-01 18:21:13] <noll> IoC's Mapping Media Freedom including "cases of trolling & online abuse against journalists":

[2015-05-01 18:32:26] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Committee to Project Journalsts (CPJ), which is HQ'd in NY, engages in detailing such horrors in Ecuador as cab drivers abusing...

[2015-05-01 18:33:03] <WikiLeaks> ...journalists for being inaccurate sleaze bags thanks to Correa naming and shaming their articles.

[2015-05-01 18:34:39] <noll> sleaze bags - turn on Fox News & watch the 'Mike' interview.

[2015-05-01 18:36:28] <noll> think it's reaching the end. on that basis CPJ should investigate Correspondents Dinner.

[2015-05-01 19:31:24] <noll> if this is end of cryptography, it's getting closer:

[2015-05-02 05:52:25] <noll> Adrián Lamo posting random "this is not" legal advice for JA:

[2015-05-02 06:03:26] <Emmy B> Yes saw it, thank you! not sure I'd like to engage with that horrid individual in twitter.

[2015-05-02 06:04:33] <Emmy B> Going to Brighton tomorrow, will watch that comedy, see what it is all about, sent tweets to artist and asked permission to distribute

[2015-05-02 06:05:22] <Emmy B> supportive flyers, he was most encouraging, let's see... I hope it will be a positive show :-)

[2015-05-02 06:16:53] <noll> some clips of his work. looks good & yep, likely to be positive.

[2015-05-02 06:21:28] <Emmy B> *excited*

[2015-05-02 06:54:04] <Emmy B> Reading above 'detailitis' LOL making up words :-D

[2015-05-02 07:00:05] <noll> Em, still traces of yahoo group where it was invented:

[2015-05-02 07:06:32] <Emmy B> hahaha :-)

[2015-05-02 07:07:14] <Emmy B> (let me not start on fwlf !!!)

[2015-05-02 08:16:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh good grief, that WLF tweet is patently absurd. How can anyone take then seriously? I guess I constantly underestimate people's stupidity.

[2015-05-02 08:16:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Them

[2015-05-02 08:17:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Enjoy the play, Emmy

[2015-05-02 08:19:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Re Lamo, is anyone still talking or listening to that <bleep>?

[2015-05-02 08:20:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Re the accusations about journalists in Ecuador, common attack, learned to ignore it. Correa is adored by his people & for good reason.

[2015-05-02 08:21:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> His division of media into private, public, state is very interesting. One thing I really like is that media corps can't buy other business.

[2015-05-02 08:23:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm a free market believer but we need media separate from those interests.

[2015-05-02 08:23:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hehe, we needed separation of press & state as well as separation of church & state.

[2015-05-02 08:25:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, fascinated by what Correa's doing in Ecuador.

[2015-05-02 09:09:53] <Emmy B> Been reading some Greek political articles also turn their eyes to Ecuador regarding restructuring media as well as the debt issue.

[2015-05-02 12:08:11] <WikiLeaks> It is a good time to spread Cameron, Osborne, Clegg, Milliband, Alex Salmond WL results. Try with "-stratfor" first

[2015-05-02 12:39:04] <noll> backup account still isn't appearing in hashtags.

[2015-05-02 12:43:26] <noll> obviously stratfor flooding results is well know, is there no way to have it just show the end of email chains?

[2015-05-02 13:12:59] <WikiLeaks> No.

[2015-05-02 13:13:22] <WikiLeaks> You can sort by date, reverse, to send the end of the chain first in rhe results list, though.

[2015-05-02 13:54:38] <WISE Up Wales> Hi all. Can someone fill me in in 140 characters on the purpose of this group vs prev group and maybe benefits of this vs using IRC etc? Ta!

[2015-05-02 14:00:21] <noll> hi Wales, for various reasons prev group is not secure enough. re IRC, this is more convenient, & semi-protected by Twitters privacy rules.

[2015-05-02 14:12:27] <WISE Up Wales> OK, thanks H. Security issues were about who was on the list then?

Never quite know who you're dealing with online I guess. I don't, anyway!

[2015-05-02 15:09:15] <WikiLeaks> We can not assume that a twitter list is private. It's more that there were a few trollish people on the previous list, which make

[2015-05-02 15:09:24] <WikiLeaks> having a useful conversation difficult.

[2015-05-02 15:34:56] <Emmy B> I appreciate having the list, I hope we can do better work supporting in twitter as a result.

[2015-05-02 15:35:13] <Emmy B> Goodnight everyone :-)

[2015-05-02 16:43:45] <noll> [redacted ad hominem attack against an editor]

[2015-05-02 17:04:06] <noll> [redacted, third party information]

[2015-05-02 17:10:10] <noll> gossip columnist that can only see gossip, or same 'nothing to see' used on cablegate, whatever.

[2015-05-02 18:35:20] <WikiLeaks> Please see:

[2015-05-02 18:40:16] <noll>

[2015-05-02 19:24:31] <noll> looks like PR's paycheck fishing, trying to draw CM into commenting.

[2015-05-03 00:14:41] <WISE Up Wales> Hmm, this is complicated, not least cos it's not just artist [redacted, third party information] but also 'the man behind the idea' [redacted, third party information]

[2015-05-03 00:18:57] <WikiLeaks> Their statement is that its from the moment of heroism, which makes sense, since no-one recognizes anything else.

[2015-05-03 00:18:57] <WISE Up Wales> and [redacted, third party information] statement on the website (& a later short description) refers to "Bradley Chelsea Manning" which is not the best.

[2015-05-03 00:19:24] <WikiLeaks> Yes. They should fix that.

[2015-05-03 00:20:13] <WikiLeaks> Although, if they want to tour the statue accross localities that are conservative, it makes sense to not draw attention to the sex issue.

[2015-05-03 00:20:20] <WISE Up Wales> They probably wanted to avoid the issue being diverted off into trans-politics - ie Manning is in jail for the leaks not for being trans...

[2015-05-03 00:21:00] <WISE Up Wales> but unless there's some acknowledgement, that's going to happen anyway, thanks to [redacted, third party information] and suchlike.

[2015-05-03 00:22:13] <WikiLeaks> They probably thought Bradley Chelsea Manning was a good way of getting the popular name in, and the new one, and not getting diverted.

[2015-05-03 00:22:55] <WikiLeaks> But that's going to happen regardless thanks to statist fake radicals.

[2015-05-03 00:23:17] <WISE Up Wales> Using "Chelsea (formerly known as Bradley) Manning" would be improvement. I think all the media i/vs with artist he's referred to Brad & he.

[2015-05-03 00:23:59] <WikiLeaks> Why do you say you think that?

[2015-05-03 00:24:14] <WikiLeaks> Is that based on recent interviews you have seen?

[2015-05-03 00:24:55] <WISE Up Wales> Because I've only seen a few interviews and those referred to Bradley and he. Don't have TV, don't watch a lot of vid of news reports

[2015-05-03 00:25:47] <WISE Up Wales> but hope I'm wrong!  It's a big and ongoing problem. Can't even start having a conversation about Manning's situation without getting into..

[2015-05-03 00:26:01] <WikiLeaks> The gender issue really is vulgar.

[2015-05-03 00:27:08] <WikiLeaks> 35 years in prison is just fine, provided CM can be called a 'she' by the guards. Horror.

[2015-05-03 00:27:36] <WISE Up Wales> ...the trans issues immediately. It's a societal problem, how we place so much importance on gender. I just do what I can with it as it is.

[2015-05-03 00:28:47] <WISE Up Wales> Gender identity politics is a nightmare. & a gift to the state, unfortunately.

[2015-05-03 00:29:28] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Gender essentialism is regressive.

[2015-05-03 00:30:58] <WikiLeaks> The whole fight was to liberate people from essentialism and understand that gender is a matrix of many biological signaling paths and..

[2015-05-03 00:32:14] <WikiLeaks> ...behaviors, each of which can have different strength accross individuals and societies.

[2015-05-03 00:35:04] <WISE Up Wales> There's no liberation where the fight's ended up: now we've 'the cotton ceiling' where blokes who say they feel like they're women...

[2015-05-03 00:35:21] <WISE Up Wales> ...possibly only part time, complain that lesbians won't have sex with them!

[2015-05-03 00:35:53] <WikiLeaks> To do away with binary 'he', 'she' as a stultifying simplfication and look at their unique values, skills and behaviors as an individual.

[2015-05-03 00:35:57] <WISE Up Wales> Meantime, many men are now afraid to enter social centres around UK for fear of being attacked for their behaviour

[2015-05-03 00:36:42] <WISE Up Wales> Yeah, a gender neutral pronoun would be v helpful.

[2015-05-03 00:37:53] <WikiLeaks> "the prisoner" has worked well for judges in our experience.

[2015-05-03 00:38:40] <WikiLeaks> "Bring the prisoner in". "What do you have to say, prisoner?", etc.

[2015-05-03 00:39:01] <M> FYI, 'Anything to Say' put out a statement re Manning portrayal on original kickstarter (at bottom)

[2015-05-03 00:39:22] <WISE Up Wales> But we're stuck with centuries of patriarchy too. The important thing is to build alliances between all those who are oppressed, not divide

[2015-05-03 00:40:27] <WikiLeaks> [redacted, third party information] A fake leftist, and a manipulative, predatory exhibitionist.

[2015-05-03 00:41:26] <WISE Up Wales> Indeed.

[2015-05-03 00:41:43] <WikiLeaks> Here:

[2015-05-03 00:44:47] <WISE Up Wales> That statement is helpful (is that posted by Vaughan Smith?) but I can't see anything like it on

[2015-05-03 00:46:50] <WISE Up Wales> 'The prisoner' can work but you can't write long pieces or talk to people on the street for long in that vein. Also, in my experience...

[2015-05-03 00:47:36] <WISE Up Wales>'s important to clarify Chelsea/Bradley - you have to do it - or people think there are more than one person. Happened loads of times

[2015-05-03 00:48:34] <WISE Up Wales> I think it's easy to forget when you know the story but many ppl simply don't, or only sketchiest details

[2015-05-03 00:48:36] <WikiLeaks> We were being sarcastic with 'The Prisoner', pointing to this radical discovery of gender neutrality by hang'em'high judges.

[2015-05-03 00:48:43] <WISE Up Action>

[2015-05-03 00:50:32] <WISE Up Wales> Sarcasm doesn't travel easily on twitter!  Or I'm slow! :o)

[2015-05-03 00:51:41] <WikiLeaks> Manning does have a Y chromosome and male genitalia. It's anglo-centric to suggest that an Italian should move into the subjective frame.

[2015-05-03 00:52:18] <WikiLeaks> Doesn't help with anglo-left audiences but it does demonstrate their provincialism.

[2015-05-03 00:54:20] <M> If Dormino had tried to create his own idea of what Manning would look as a female figure, he would have been attacked for that, too.

[2015-05-03 00:56:27] <WikiLeaks> Yes. And it would have turned off audiences in most countries.

[2015-05-03 00:57:56] <WikiLeaks> But they do need a little subpage to say how they've been in contact with the manning camp so people can shutup the idiots with it.

[2015-05-03 01:02:21] <WISE Up Action> Agree M and Wls

[2015-05-03 01:03:02] <M> Agreed. Preferably sooner so they can kick it in the can before people pick it up and make a big hubbub about it.

[2015-05-03 01:08:09] <WISE Up Action> Think it's clear that the artwork is from a 'historical' perspective. Dormino shouldn't need to explain, but if he did clarify this...

[2015-05-03 01:08:42] <WISE Up Action> Would nullify the gender debate

[2015-05-03 01:09:42] <WikiLeaks> The 'historical' aspect is explicity mentioned on the site.

[2015-05-03 01:10:03] <WISE Up Wales> "The sculpture will show Chelsea Manning at the time when the facts took place.

This is also motivated by the fact that the artist could not

[2015-05-03 01:10:15] <WISE Up Wales> get enough portraits of her actual look to make a realistic portrait.

All we are doing is to try and keep alive the public interest on this

[2015-05-03 01:10:31] <WISE Up Wales> story. The story of three courageous persons. One women and two men."

[2015-05-03 01:12:02] <WISE Up Wales> But the 2nd sentence is bullshit. 'Actual look' would be meaningless in the context of this sculpture.

[2015-05-03 01:13:25] <WISE Up Wales> Yeah, they could really do with the approval of CM to quote to detractors.

[2015-05-03 01:13:50] <WikiLeaks> Her 'actual' look is the same as the look of the statue, anyway.

[2015-05-03 01:15:57] <WikiLeaks> Did you notice @xychelsea dissing the Baltimore protesters?

[2015-05-03 01:16:38] <WikiLeaks> "I know deep down that this is not the answer #BaltimoreRiots"

[2015-05-03 01:17:42] <WikiLeaks> She's going to have to be careful with this new public face. It may well be a mistake.

[2015-05-03 01:18:18] <M> I've been a bit disappointed by the feed. I think her articles are a lot more powerful/interesting than her twitter feed.

[2015-05-03 01:18:25] <WikiLeaks> Before everyone could project what they wanted onto her.

[2015-05-03 01:19:02] <M> And there's been a lot of suspicion about the way the account is handled. She has confirmed it's her, but re how tweets/replies are relayed.

[2015-05-03 01:19:50] <WikiLeaks> Yes. There's likely some not altogether bright "PR advice" from Fitzgibbeon on the statements.

[2015-05-03 01:20:20] <WikiLeaks> The retweets are nearly all Fitzgibbon clients.

[2015-05-03 01:26:29] <WISE Up Action> G, yeah think they could lose that second sentence and the statement would be stronger. Would be enough to rebut criticism.

[2015-05-03 01:29:49] <WISE Up Action> Agree CM camp need to be careful with PR people coming in, picking up narrative.

[2015-05-03 02:15:46] <Emmy B> Ultimately a piece of art speaks by itself. Because it is public art it is there calling for discussion. The narrative ok could do with a

[2015-05-03 02:17:48] <Emmy B> little clarifying but essentially it is the piece of art that will speak by itself. Fascinating to read above perspectives :-)

[2015-05-03 08:42:22] <noll> [Tweet] Agree w/ everyone's points. thanks M, was looking for that last night. & yes, it could do w/ being on AtS website.

[2015-05-03 08:50:32] <noll> also, re CM's TL, have to agree, it is awful - mostly b/c it's completely soulless. if PR rather than accepting risk continues long-term, -

[2015-05-03 08:51:54] <noll> - it will hurt CM.

[2015-05-03 13:39:45] <Emmy B> Aidan is funny :-) he supports. Helped him distribute my flyers with his ads for next show, gave him lots more to distribute, he was very

[2015-05-03 13:41:58] <Emmy B> thankful, chatted after the show about details, he asked for more info to get it right, I will send links with info.

[2015-05-03 13:43:51] <Emmy B> the shows continue this week in Brighton, today about 30 ppl came filling the small venue, great atmosphere. He will do the show in London

[2015-05-03 13:45:38] <Emmy B> in July 20th, very keen to link up with supporters and improve the show. Wants to come Fri 19th July at special anniversary vigil. Leicester

[2015-05-03 13:49:47] <Emmy B> square theatre the next venue and in August Edinburgh festival.

[2015-05-03 14:27:06] <WISE Up Wales> Hi Emmy, glad this was worth the trip to Brighton. If show is good, maybe we should put dates/links on wiseup calendar?

[2015-05-03 15:10:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry I missed most of the above discussion until now. I agree with y'all, esp. what WL said about the gender representations.

[2015-05-03 15:11:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Emmy, glad to hear the show ' s good. Wish I could afford another summer trip to London but can't this year.

[2015-05-03 18:47:59] <noll> w/ re to catching show in Brighton, Killian: "you can book tickets to guarantee a place ( they are still free) but also it is a lunch time -

[2015-05-03 18:48:12] <noll> - show so u can probably walk in."

[2015-05-03 18:54:21] <noll> DM on EAW:

[2015-05-03 19:30:05] <noll> @TransTroops are trolling CM statue & Courage to Resist/ CM Defense Fund's donation spend.

[2015-05-03 19:45:06] <M> 12 followers. Not really an issue.

[2015-05-03 20:37:49] <Emmy B> oh Aidan needs a new title for show for Edinb. Been told 'saving Assange' too much like 'saving private ryan' etc he was asking me for ideas

[2015-05-03 20:38:34] <Emmy B> (me? gig titles? LOL) any suggestions will pass on :-)

[2015-05-03 20:50:28] <M> Not getting positive engagement or retweets. You can keep an eye on it, but not worth the effort because no effectiveness atm.

[2015-05-03 20:54:23] <Emmy B> I blocked them a few days ago but they persist, if they continue the same tune maybe I will add their name to the troll list?

[2015-05-03 20:54:42] <Emmy B> [Media-image]

[2015-05-03 20:58:04] <Emmy B> Morning all :-) @ H thax for link! interacted with Symeou back in Autumn when we were doing EAW twitter campaign, actively campaigns against

[2015-05-03 21:00:41] <Emmy B> I mentioned the very case to Aidan to demonstrate how unjust & distractive use of EAW is & made parallels with JAs case, will send link on.

[2015-05-03 21:02:25] <noll> Em, yes would do. / M, agree. think worth noting it's there - seems similar to old prolific (now suspended) troll account: @ManningTrial

[2015-05-03 21:06:42] <Emmy B> @ g absolutely, I will ask for the details! (he offered free tickets to supporters) happy for us to distribute flyers etc at venue, also...

[2015-05-03 21:08:16] <Emmy B> he said we are most welcome to stand up say a few words at the end of the show so if you are around Sat 20th... :-)

[2015-05-03 21:08:33] <Emmy B> *July*

[2015-05-03 21:10:04] <Emmy B> @ jenny <3

[2015-05-03 21:13:28] <noll> what about 'Speak For Me'?

[2015-05-03 21:14:56] <Emmy B> goodnight :-)

[2015-05-03 21:34:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> That sounds great Emmy!

[2015-05-03 21:36:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Late, just dropped in, good night all. Tweeted the DM story. Wow, that's horrific. And a good example of what JA is fighting.

[2015-05-03 21:54:35] <Emmy B> Thanks Jenny! Chortle has a review of the show

[2015-05-03 21:58:23] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-03 21:59:11] <Emmy B> I sent an e-mail to Steve Bennett the author with request to kindly change the word charges, we have corresponded in the past, hopefully

[2015-05-03 21:59:21] <Emmy B> he will correct.

[2015-05-04 00:57:49] <WISE Up Wales> Killian is from Dublin where there's lots of support. I've emailed our Irish list - includes actors/musicians who may know him already...

[2015-05-04 00:59:13] <WISE Up Wales> ...or can make contact. Donal O'Kelly will be at Edinburgh Fringe too. Good to build links.

[2015-05-04 03:15:44] <Emmy B> Wonderful! :-) xx

[2015-05-04 04:30:44] <Emmy B> How lovely! just read Steve Bennett's e-mail confirming that he amended his article, there is hope after all! Let's keep trying! :-)

[2015-05-04 05:11:20] <Emmy B> [Media-image]

[2015-05-04 05:11:42] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-04 05:11:52] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Anyone seen this?

[2015-05-04 05:12:33] <Emmy B> My comment on the Bennett article has been removed, a first!

[2015-05-04 05:14:55] <Emmy B> @ Wise Up , no reading now !

[2015-05-04 08:04:49] <noll> Em, what did your comment say? surprised BreeZee wasn't censored:

[2015-05-04 08:18:23] <Emmy B> nice one ;-)

[2015-05-04 08:19:13] <Emmy B> well it is my first ever comment to be moderated out so I must have done something terribly wrong hahahaha

[2015-05-04 08:19:22] <Emmy B> three points:

[2015-05-04 08:22:14] <Emmy B> 1. her relationship with John Humphrys (mentioned here:

[2015-05-04 08:23:05] <Emmy B> instead of conducting an interview to find out the truth he took it upon himself as part of the establishment to make JA a social pariah.

[2015-05-04 08:24:30] <Emmy B> could have lead to prejudice, evident from the arrogant disdain throughout her article.

[2015-05-04 08:26:42] <Emmy B> 2. claimed Sony e-mails are of employees engaging in sony economic activity, they are not personal e-mails. Mentioned the argument that some

[2015-05-04 08:28:11] <Emmy B> wish to see corporations get privacy rights as if they were individuals instead of being public institutions owned privately

[2015-05-04 08:28:23] <Emmy B> . Claimed she reflected this view

[2015-05-04 08:29:37] <Emmy B> 3. with regards to 'they engage in gossip' I said she shares views of others who claimed cablegate was libelous gossip, mentioned Erdogan

[2015-05-04 08:30:08] <Emmy B> of course and asked if she was comfortable sharing a chair at the same table as Erdogan.

[2015-05-04 08:31:49] <Emmy B> it doesn't matter, I must have been rude without realising... but i have not kept copy so maybe I don't recall everything correctly.

[2015-05-04 09:16:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, I doubt you were rude. I suspect they simply didn't like what you said. Too bad you didn't keep it. Could've blogged it & then we could

[2015-05-04 09:17:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> point out the Guardian's hypocrisy in what they allow in their comments.

[2015-05-04 09:17:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> What you said all sounds rational and reasonable to me.

[2015-05-04 09:17:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> But congrats on getting banned by the guardian, I'd take that as an ironic compliment. LOL

[2015-05-04 09:17:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> not banned, but you know what I mean. Censored?

[2015-05-04 09:18:14] <Emmy B> oh Jenny :-) xxxx hahaha

[2015-05-04 09:19:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Interesting tweet and article, Wiseup.

[2015-05-04 09:20:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> :)

[2015-05-04 10:28:21] <Emmy B> oh, Mr Humphrys won Sony award 2 years ago !!!

[2015-05-05 09:17:49] <WikiLeaks> Great story on Marval CEO saying he doesn't believe in female superhero's to Sony CEO (because they don't pay) out today form WL docs.

[2015-05-05 09:18:25] <WikiLeaks> Would be helpful to push this to feminists.

[2015-05-05 10:04:37] <Emmy B> They may be interested in updating their article:

[2015-05-05 11:14:22] <noll> Marval CEO story fits well w/ ongoing Black Widow/ Joss Whedon 'controversy'

[2015-05-05 16:07:28] <WISE Up Action> FYI  Re CM 'approval' for Davide Dormio statue as per previous discussion. It's now up on CMSN which is some help

[2015-05-05 16:10:32] <WISE Up Action> I think the 'image' is totally appropriate (and anyway who's to say it's a 'male' image, just cos it's short hair & tros!).But I'm gonna

[2015-05-05 16:14:23] <WISE Up Action> email them again about changing name & he to she.That's a clear line that shouldn't be ignored however off putting to some ppl it may be.

[2015-05-05 17:31:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree about the image. Besides, it represents who she was when she took action as a whistleblower and when she stood trial. That's part of

[2015-05-05 17:31:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Who she is today.

[2015-05-05 17:33:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> This 'argument' over the  statue title and gender image seems ridiculous at best & at worst an attempt to steal attention from the real

[2015-05-05 17:33:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Purpose and message of the artwork.

[2015-05-05 17:35:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't like to see something that should be about human courage, integrity and truth be buried in an argument over how CM looks in it.

[2015-05-05 17:37:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Most public photos of her are as the soldier in uniform.

[2015-05-05 17:38:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's this 'trans' twitter account that has been attacking courage to resist, wondering if that's a troll, not real.

[2015-05-05 17:51:38] <WISE Up Action> Maybe,dunno.It's crap anyway. And the image is fine.I dont think the use of Bradley and he is OK tho.It's a very simple matter to correct it

[2015-05-05 17:53:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I agree re the use of 'he' and didn't she legally change her name?

[2015-05-05 18:01:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> Regardless, she expressed her preference so that should be respected. But I think the artist meant well. It's an adjustment, I occasionally

[2015-05-05 18:01:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> Forget and I try.

[2015-05-05 18:05:54] <WikiLeaks> Part of the problem is that the person at that time was also a 'he' and also called 'bradley'.

[2015-05-05 18:06:49] <WISE Up Action> That's totally understandable of course - we all do. And yes, she legally changed her name over a year ago. I have just emailed thanking

[2015-05-05 18:06:57] <WikiLeaks> There doesn't seem to be a word, 'heed', representing a past tense form.

[2015-05-05 18:09:27] <WISE Up Action> them and linked to her request

[2015-05-05 18:09:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> The legal name change is a solid reason for using Chelsea. Perhaps 'formerly Bradley' might work - yes, we don't really have good terms for

[2015-05-05 18:09:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> gender changes.

[2015-05-05 18:10:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Or non-standard genders for that matter.

[2015-05-05 18:11:00] <WISE Up Action> won the world boxing heavyweight championship? the historical record is Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) not the other way round.

[2015-05-05 18:11:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, that makes sense and will very likely be the same for Chelsea.

[2015-05-05 18:12:03] <WikiLeaks> FYI:

[2015-05-05 18:14:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Interesting! A nice visualization of language evolving.

[2015-05-05 18:17:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> And that represents a change in society & culture too, though there will always be some resistance.

[2015-05-05 18:17:58] <WISE Up Action> Hah, well Chelsea prefers trans* (with a * OK?) It's a fucking minefield!! Lucky I noticed before we publd this

[2015-05-05 18:19:55] <WikiLeaks> It may have legal and financial consequences.

[2015-05-05 18:20:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah. I was just looking at medical terminology, represented by PubMed  (Medline)'s medical subject headings.

[2015-05-05 18:20:35] <WikiLeaks> There was a huge debate over the definition of 'waterboarding', which used to be defined as a torture technique. That fight is documented...

[2015-05-05 18:20:37] <WISE Up Action> it's just a matter of doing our best like with anything. What may?

[2015-05-05 18:20:46] <WikiLeaks> the WikiPedia history for the term.

[2015-05-05 18:21:25] <WikiLeaks> Similarly, there's has been a big fight on as to whether our staff are journalists and as to whether WL is a media organization, becuase..

[2015-05-05 18:21:36] <WikiLeaks> has legal and political consequences.

[2015-05-05 18:21:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Transgender added in 2013, formerly transsexualism from 2001-2012.

[2015-05-05 18:23:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, and those consequences can be serious.

[2015-05-05 18:25:52] <M> Transvestite always referred to cross-dressing rather than living as non-birth sex, I think. Eddie Izzard still calls himself transvestite.

[2015-05-05 18:26:41] <WISE Up Action> Oh right. Well there's a world standard/protocol for treatment etc

[2015-05-05 18:27:08] <M> There's always Ed Wood's 1953 classic, "Glen or Glenda":

[2015-05-05 18:28:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Re defining journalists, I think the world is changing faster than the old definitions can keep up with, and the 'old guard' is trying...

[2015-05-05 18:28:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> to hold onto what favors them, fighting inevitable change.

[2015-05-05 18:30:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's true in a lot of areas today. My own field keeps playing with names, librarians, information specialists, informationists, etc.

[2015-05-05 18:31:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> When I was at Vanderbilt, it would change every couple of years. When I left, we were 'knowledge management specialists' or some such.

[2015-05-05 18:32:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> People have tremendous arguments over what we call ourselves, which I think is ridiculous, yet it does represent a massive shift in...

[2015-05-05 18:33:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> What we do and how we do it.

[2015-05-05 18:34:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> And if you don't stay up with the changes you rapidly become obsolete.

[2015-05-05 18:34:55] <WikiLeaks> People should call themselves 'obsoletists' and be done with it.

[2015-05-05 18:35:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think that's the same underlying fear of 'traditionalists' looking at new forms of journalism and media like Wikileaks and others.

[2015-05-05 18:36:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL! Yes, that's exactly what they are! And what they're afraid of.

[2015-05-05 18:36:24] <WikiLeaks> There just a bunch of finks trying to protect their turf.

[2015-05-05 18:37:43] <WikiLeaks> Really, we've never encounted a profession with such responsibility and such incompetence. Each day they fly jumbo jets filled with entire..

[2015-05-05 18:38:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Exactly. I see so much of that in academia. The territoriality and inflated egos are incredible.

[2015-05-05 18:39:10] <WikiLeaks> ..nations. And each day they manoever according to whim, petty personal vendettas, sucking up or because they can't be arsed.

[2015-05-05 18:39:44] <WikiLeaks> There's more deaths on the average journalists head than the average soldier, by a factor of a 100.

[2015-05-05 18:41:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wouldn't doubt that. I was just complaining earlier today how giving a previously intelligent woman the title of 'Dean'...

[2015-05-05 18:41:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> Resulted in immediate deletion of brain function while simultaneously inflating the ego beyond proportion

[2015-05-05 18:42:19] <WikiLeaks> If you want to see who someone really is, give them power.

[2015-05-05 18:43:10] <WikiLeaks> There's a half dozen decent national security journalists in english, who the other 10,000 journalists in english detest.

[2015-05-05 18:43:47] <M> [Tweet] This was just tweeted, but I can't get the link to open:

[2015-05-05 18:44:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, sadly very true. Seen it happen close up.

[2015-05-05 18:44:46] <WISE Up Action> So agree. The power and abnegation of responsibility of media is so damaging. Imagine the good that could be done! It's so depressing

[2015-05-05 18:45:32] <WikiLeaks> Facebook have now directly intervened in the UK election. A sign of things to come.

[2015-05-05 18:47:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Interesting link, M.

[2015-05-05 18:47:54] <WISE Up Action> It's opened for me, M.

[2015-05-05 18:48:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Seriously? Facebook is so dangerous. I'm glad I got off it.

[2015-05-05 18:49:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> I tell people I am boycotting it for ethical reasons. Most agree but then say they're using it anyway b/c family or friends are.

[2015-05-05 18:52:22] <M> PDF: New FOI document re WL, TPP, WaPo article saying US will not charge JA

[2015-05-05 18:54:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes. Not as much there as I expected but it does include the TPP environmental Chpt release

[2015-05-05 18:55:26] <M> PDF: New FOI document re WL, TPP, WaPo article saying US will not charge JA

[2015-05-05 18:56:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> The highly redacted bit on the HOM interview is interesting, though.

[2015-05-05 19:54:35] <noll> M, is this the link?

[2015-05-05 20:07:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, that's it.

[2015-05-05 20:07:25] <noll> interesting comments by US Head of Mission

[2015-05-05 20:07:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree. I'd love to see the redacted parts of that.

[2015-05-05 20:09:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> *totally off topic* But just have to say that having my heart monitor broadcasting over AT&T to some medical co in another state is creepy!

[2015-05-05 20:11:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> HIPAA protections my ass. This is probably totally unprotected & hackable, & the fact no one could care less about my irregular heartbeat is

[2015-05-05 20:11:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Irrelevant.

[2015-05-05 20:12:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Freaky.

[2015-05-05 20:12:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> *interruption over*

[2015-05-05 20:20:27] <noll> HIPAA exemptions (usual cover-all..):

[2015-05-05 20:32:46] <noll> another take re Wls comments on armchair stenographer/ war:

[2015-05-06 01:33:27] <Emmy B> Re: Hipaa exceptions, what a nightmare.

[2015-05-06 01:51:59] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-06 05:37:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, thanks, I really need to look over those exceptions... what a nightmare!

[2015-05-06 05:39:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm getting really, truly sick of 'National security' as an excuse for violating our rights and liberties. It's gone insane!

[2015-05-06 08:28:56] <noll> as politicians get nervous over gaining/ retaining seats, now is good time to flag UK/ election centric cables.

[2015-05-06 09:12:22] <noll> has anyone else been blocked by Steinitz?

[2015-05-06 09:26:33] <WISE Up Action> Yep, still blocked

[2015-05-06 09:42:38] <Emmy B> I don't think I am, I can view her profile and her photo stream with no problem.

[2015-05-06 09:43:09] <Emmy B> I just realised that Anke has three accounts not just one:

[2015-05-06 09:43:35] <Emmy B> Please observe the retweets demonstrated on the archived link.

[2015-05-06 09:43:54] <Emmy B> Anke Domscheit-Berg


[2015-05-06 09:44:12] <M> The other two haven't been used since 2013.

[2015-05-06 09:44:18] <Emmy B> Anke Domscheit-Berg


[2015-05-06 09:45:21] <Emmy B> Yes you are right, I just noticed.

[2015-05-06 09:46:11] <Emmy B> I just mention this here, in case @ h wishes to check steinitz interaction with those accounts.

[2015-05-06 10:11:52] <noll> Em, will look through them, & document anything interesting.

[2015-05-06 12:17:34] <M> Feminist activists went and put a wig on Manning statue and spraypainted a trans logo near/on the display.

[2015-05-06 12:24:17] <noll> & they didn't spray-paint 'rapist' etc on JA statue, hard to think of more compelling sign of Sweden's snowballing PR failure.

[2015-05-06 12:27:37] <M> Heh, apparently JA is now considered a "famous Londoner".

[2015-05-06 12:28:03] <WISE Up Action> Doesn't look as though its damaged, which is good.

[2015-05-06 12:31:15] <WISE Up Action> It really pisses me off that the message on protesting the image is that girlie's must have long hair ffs

[2015-05-06 12:37:23] <WISE Up Action> wtf is that about?! How is it 'male'? We females not allowed to wear trousers now, huh?

[2015-05-06 12:50:56] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-06 12:53:56] <Emmy B> Not quite the same as pulling down the swastiga from the Acropolis, now, is it?

[2015-05-06 12:54:26] <M> The statement is ridiculous."This is a typical act of ‘daddy knows best’ male supremacy", etc. I hadn't realized they glued the wig on.

[2015-05-06 12:55:30] <Emmy B> some may see this action as kind of putting the david's star on the new Jew, opening the way for the real trans/homo-phobes to bully Chelsea

[2015-05-06 13:01:04] <Emmy B> very selfish

[2015-05-06 13:09:22] <noll> M, MacFadyen was certainly improvement - imagine David Leigh screeching about JA to hapless tourists 30 mins..

[2015-05-06 13:12:55] <WISE Up Action> Oh H lay off with the nightmares x

[2015-05-06 13:16:12] <Emmy B> hehehe can't fit into anything decent... will be giving the reception a miss ;-)

[2015-05-06 13:24:33] <noll> when did feminism fall to empty posers..

[2015-05-06 13:28:00] <WISE Up Action> Precisely. A Barbie wig indeed. How much do we want to promote them, though? How much is it circulating w/o us? Shld we ignore? Or not?

[2015-05-06 13:32:13] <noll> should we ignore? / & why a Barbie wig - b/c group is likely fake - first post "May 3rd, 2015"

[2015-05-06 13:34:05] <Emmy B> This action is grotesque  I would not call them feminists.

[2015-05-06 13:34:42] <Emmy B> Only the trolls will jump on this.

[2015-05-06 13:37:12] <Emmy B> there is another aspect to this too. Do all trans* ppl have to be 'outed' as such? only the person involved has the right to define/declare

[2015-05-06 13:37:31] <Emmy B> express what they are.

[2015-05-06 13:38:24] <Emmy B> this artistic expression (statue) does not represent CM as a person as much as an idea due to her action, which is for what she will be

[2015-05-06 13:38:39] <noll> - we're not sure how to respond. / Em, group has 'existed' for *three days via few random fem' posts. & now this. it's not authentic.

[2015-05-06 13:38:52] <Emmy B> remembered.

[2015-05-06 13:39:13] <Emmy B> Well, if this is the case, we should take a look at them.

[2015-05-06 13:39:23] <Emmy B> thanks!

[2015-05-06 13:40:27] <WISE Up Action> Well that's true Emmy, but she has come out. And I think it's both but the person is integral to the idea you speak of.

[2015-05-06 13:41:08] <noll> no fem' group serious enough to take that action would make Barbie mistake, or post such obviously contrived material.

[2015-05-06 13:42:14] <WikiLeaks> The statue is a success. It's pictures are everywhere. The idiots will be seen as such.

[2015-05-06 13:42:41] <noll> - going back to your comments, - we expect CM is very proud of who she was during that time. & others should be to.

[2015-05-06 13:43:38] <Emmy B> @ h Buzfeed and gawker posts, could it be these ppl are not German but American? why use US publications?

[2015-05-06 13:49:30] <Emmy B> Strange spellings of phobia as 'foebia' in the domain name, what language is that? German?

[2015-05-06 13:50:46] <Emmy B> ah! probably word play with Foe, I see...

[2015-05-06 13:55:37] <WISE Up Action> This is the letter we sent earlier

[2015-05-06 13:56:28] <WISE Up Action> now replied affirming.

[2015-05-06 14:00:01] <WikiLeaks> Sorry--who replied affirming what?

[2015-05-06 14:00:23] <WikiLeaks> Also, who wrote the excellent, long, recent wiseup text re: Manning?

[2015-05-06 14:01:05] <noll> Wls, perhaps. it's not likely to excite serious fem/ trans activists, but then they're not ones jumping up & down in limelight.

[2015-05-06 14:01:41] <WISE Up Action> Chelsea Manning Support Network. And that they agreed with the request and how it was formulated. Hah! Me We're making an attempt to update

[2015-05-06 14:03:01] <noll> Em, agree, dressed up as anarchists posting buzzfeed.. it's laughable.

[2015-05-06 14:04:07] <WISE Up Action> the whole site.So that will become a sep heading 'Chelsea Manning' on the menu. Other headings still to be written up 'JA' 'The Docs' etc

[2015-05-06 14:08:58] <WikiLeaks> Yes. The German trans* activists are probably a CIA first mission test.

[2015-05-06 14:09:22] <WikiLeaks> Do you know who wrote it at CMSN?

[2015-05-06 14:13:12] <WikiLeaks> Their prose is not usually so good.

[2015-05-06 14:14:50] <WISE Up Action> Wrote what? D'you mean their write up on their website

[2015-05-06 14:15:38] <Emmy B> Lindi wrote the wise up article, dah!

[2015-05-06 14:16:51] <Emmy B> As usual, her language is amazing <3

[2015-05-06 14:19:52] <WISE Up Action> Cheers, Em! Yes, I wrote

[2015-05-06 14:22:14] <WikiLeaks> We meant this:

[2015-05-06 14:22:19] <WikiLeaks> It's excellent.

[2015-05-06 14:23:10] <WikiLeaks> The best thing we've seen, actually.

[2015-05-06 14:23:18] <WikiLeaks> [on Manning]

[2015-05-06 14:25:01] <WikiLeaks> Although we're proud of this, too:

[2015-05-06 14:26:19] <Emmy B> :-)

[2015-05-06 14:29:17] <WISE Up Action> Oh praise indeed. TYVM. I have concentrated on following the case closely as I can.Good old Alexa.And there is a link to yr statement in it.

[2015-05-06 14:31:10] <Emmy B> Maybe should be the basis for a new flyer? ready for London Pride?

[2015-05-06 14:37:40] <WISE Up Action> which we also thought singular (it's under Court Martial heading) and have had on home page since it was pub'd...

Yes, maybe we do need

[2015-05-06 14:37:48] <WikiLeaks> It's very clear, but still covers a lot of detail, that's a hard combination.

[2015-05-06 14:37:59] <WISE Up Action> new flyer.

[2015-05-06 14:47:01] <WISE Up Action> I felt there was not a lot out there that was comprehensive & interesting so spent a lot of time on it.Very glad indeed you all like it! TY

[2015-05-06 14:47:53] <Emmy B> I think it would be a wonderful content for a new flyer in addition to the excellent we still have and we can take the opportunity to update

[2015-05-06 14:48:01] <Emmy B> the photo to how CM wishes to be depicted :-)

[2015-05-06 15:09:33] <Emmy B> Thanks for the Re-tweets from WiseUp Blog WL :-) Good Night all! x

[2015-05-06 15:10:45] <noll> night Em :o) x

[2015-05-06 15:22:19] <M> Channel 4 has comedy programme "Bugsplat" which apparently parodies Collateral Murder

[2015-05-06 16:52:58] <Bean> did someone say 'flyer'? email me if you would like a hand :)

[2015-05-06 23:41:30] <Emmy B> Beanyyyy! <3

[2015-05-06 23:52:44] <Bean> yes am here lurking in the background! <3

[2015-05-06 23:54:02] <Emmy B> :-D

[2015-05-06 23:57:19] <Emmy B> Thank you for your kind offer, I will speak to Lindi about a new flyer for CM and we are coming up to the 3rd Embassy Anniv. so I'd like to

[2015-05-06 23:59:11] <Emmy B> Ask for an update to our Sun or Cell flyer cover pls to '3 years'

[2015-05-07 00:00:16] <Bean> yes great - no worries...

[2015-05-07 00:00:35] <Bean> also... bean will be lurking indefinitely in the uk from july so look forward to catching up with y'all over time :)

[2015-05-07 00:02:37] <Emmy B> omg - fantastic!!!! really looking forward it :-) catch up with you later *dashing- schoolrun*

[2015-05-07 00:04:13] <Bean> :)

[DMConversationEntry] WISE Up Action changed the group name to hazelpress + 9

[2015-05-07 06:44:35] <WISE Up Action> apparently I 'changed the group name to hazelpress + 9'.It's unintentional.Don't know what I did or what it was before.Sorry. Am technodiv

[DMConversationEntry] You changed the group name to wikileaks + 10

[2015-05-07 06:57:27] <noll> well.. 'my first CIA operation' sure made an impact:

[2015-05-07 07:02:27] <WikiLeaks> The statue has already established its own credibility. They'll need a much sexier operation than that to ruin it.

[2015-05-07 07:33:51] <noll> perhaps MI5 trainees can do better, unlikely / if schedule allows, this could be good moment to bring AtS to UK:

[2015-05-07 07:51:50] <noll> of interest:

[2015-05-07 08:03:35] <noll> another perfect rely by Greenwald:

[2015-05-07 08:59:46] <Emmy B> What does AtS stand for?

[2015-05-07 09:00:50] <noll> Anything to Say

[2015-05-07 09:03:02] <Emmy B> of course! ::-)

[2015-05-07 09:03:58] <Emmy B> I think Paris might be next on schedule :-)

[2015-05-07 09:23:37] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-07 12:08:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great stuff! I get stuck in work and in a doctor's office and cool stuff happens out here. But I'm being sent home so can catch up soon. :)

[2015-05-07 12:09:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think ignoring those idiots is best. No one is going to take seriously someone stupid enough to use a Barbie wig to deface art.

[2015-05-07 12:10:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Congrats Lindi on the article.

[2015-05-07 12:12:20] <Emmy B> Agree, excellent point!

[2015-05-07 14:02:53] <noll> [Tweet] bbc one - "remarkable", "sensational"

[2015-05-07 14:13:30] <WikiLeaks> That's a major turn around compared to polling.

[2015-05-07 14:16:30] <noll> yes! surprising, looks like we're staying up. Greens + 1 :o) Lib Dems.. haha / Em, was only one Steinitz/ Anke:

[2015-05-07 14:18:01] <WikiLeaks> We'd guess that the exit poll is flawed, but it's also possible that today's front pages + Torygraph emails shifted results.

[2015-05-07 14:19:39] <Emmy B> thx H! I don't understand UK pol in the least!

[2015-05-07 14:19:58] <WikiLeaks> Cameron is now 1/7 to be next PM for bookmakers. The smart money is on the Tories now.

[2015-05-07 14:22:07] <noll> 2010's exit was close to dead on:

[2015-05-07 14:30:15] <noll> - but that only goes so far, labour's front bench has no weight to it, & major figures like ed balls/ miliband don't cut it at all.

[2015-05-07 14:31:41] <WikiLeaks> Yes. That's well known.

[2015-05-07 15:30:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> At least they have some slight variations in their parties and more than 2 potential options. I don't know the UK parties well,  but it's

[2015-05-07 15:30:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Interesting

[2015-05-07 15:31:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Somehow my country has to find a way out of this '2 party' system which has devolved into evil #1 vs evil #2 & there's no real diff.

[2015-05-07 15:57:15] <noll> SNP advance is stunning. since indyref London establishment has seemed set on federal UK, b/c after all, anything less is lost.

[2015-05-07 16:13:02] <noll> Jen. there's also no substantial diff' here - labour tends feed fatcats & undo minimalist socialism w/ jawdropping economic incompetence.

[2015-05-07 16:58:06] <noll> if conservative largest party, labour largest coalition? - media could effectively decide this.

[2015-05-07 17:42:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Guess I don't know the parties well enough. Just seems like there's more variety with Tories, Conservatives, Labour, Greens.

[2015-05-07 17:43:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Well, we technically have a Green party in some places, I think. Really, the only semi-viable 3rd party is Libertarians & I vote 4 them.

[2015-05-07 17:45:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not that it's done much good.

[2015-05-07 17:48:01] <noll> Andrew Marr - ultimate establishment journo is now forecasting federalism via bbc. / Jen, have to go back to 1908:

[2015-05-07 17:51:55] <noll> - for last time 3rd party (Liberals) formed govt. but things looking interesting for future, & soon climate change w/ become huge factor.

[2015-05-07 17:54:34] <Bean> had a laugh at asks 'what went wrong with the polls?' not ' what went wrong with labour... and our politics?' !!

[2015-05-07 17:54:37] <Bean>

[2015-05-07 17:56:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL!

[2015-05-07 18:02:07] <noll> haha JB looks close to tears! wonder what he was hoping for (for himself) over next 5 years.

[2015-05-07 18:19:48] <noll> labourites now blaming media bias - but it's a chicken & egg thing: leadership/ policies, could have followed SNP 'social' platform which -

[2015-05-07 18:22:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's clear the Scottish independence movement isn't finished by a long shot.

[2015-05-07 18:22:40] <noll> - powered past media. or, looked ahead & elected David Miliband & gone Blair 2.0. as it is we've literally already forgotten their campaign.

[2015-05-07 18:31:55] <noll> [Tweet] looks like Wls ally George Galloway is out.

[2015-05-07 18:34:30] <noll> Jen, Marr has been very well briefed by Whitehall, stating SNP is "unstoppable" & Cameron will lead last UK 'as we know it' govt.

[2015-05-07 18:52:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Galloway seemed like a cool guy, or at least independent and unique. And always sad to see a WL supporter go out

[2015-05-07 18:56:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's very interesting re the SNP. Definitely worth watching. There was likely to be a backlash given the closeness of the referendum...

[2015-05-07 18:56:32] <noll> labour campaign in GGalloway's constituency was in complete disarray, but then they got it together & GG responded w/ v. negative campaign.

[2015-05-07 18:57:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, yeah, voters get sick of those kinds of campaigns. Not the best tactic.

[2015-05-07 18:59:16] <WISE Up Action> Maybe SNP anti-austerity,anti-trident etc message winning so dramatically will have impact widening the parties, forcing some change

[2015-05-07 19:00:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> There will have to be some adjustments made in response to big SNP win. They have certainly made a statement.

[2015-05-07 19:02:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, GG is one of the few British politicians I've heard of, so he was a strong voice.

[2015-05-07 19:04:27] <noll> Jen, agree re GG. / Action, agree, if only labour had followed policies w/ decent front bench, & greens had CL leading.

[2015-05-07 19:04:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> Who's CL?

[2015-05-07 19:05:52] <noll> Caroline Lucas -

[2015-05-07 19:08:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks. Her name's faintly familiar - seen her mentioned on Twitter. Good to know.

[2015-05-07 19:09:55] <noll> she was leader of Greens, replaced by:

[2015-05-07 19:10:45] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 19:12:17] <WISE Up Action> Oh God, give me anything to radicalise parties against Tories.

[2015-05-07 19:12:51] <noll> Jen, are you in US, if so can you see:

[2015-05-07 19:13:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh wow, that is an awful interview. Embarrassing!

[2015-05-07 19:14:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm in the US, can't view the BBC iPlayer (which quite often irritates me as I do like some of their drama shows).

[2015-05-07 19:18:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> My parents vote Green sometimes, but that party isn't significant here. Then again, I vote Libertarian & that's not much better.

[2015-05-07 19:19:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> But I am hoping Vermont 'socialist' Bernie Sanders is going to give Clinton fits. Doubt I'd vote for him, but he's a character & quite

[2015-05-07 19:20:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> popular is some areas.

[2015-05-07 19:20:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Plus, he'll go after her, which I'll enjoy just because.

[2015-05-07 19:22:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, work night so off to sleep for me. Y'all are up late, or is it early by now? G'night, hope the final results aren't too bad 4 you.

[2015-05-07 19:24:13] <noll> Jen, Sanders does look likely to push HC to left, but it'll only be skin deep. it's 3.23 am, we're staying up for results - as always :o/

[2015-05-07 19:24:26] <noll> night xx

[2015-05-07 19:25:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, she won't change; only Hillary matters to Hillary. But I'd like to see her sweat a bit.

[2015-05-07 19:25:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Get some sleep soon! :)

[2015-05-07 19:27:00] <noll> will do, 6 or 7 am should see things out!

[2015-05-07 19:28:16] <noll> Action, you've got it - SNP.

[2015-05-07 19:29:27] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 19:35:42] <noll> bbc reporting that guardian reporting Ed Miliband could be out by lunch time. sounding upset..

[2015-05-07 19:37:03] <noll>

[2015-05-07 19:44:41] <noll> no sign yet of Kirsty Wark's bbc cocaine performances..

[2015-05-07 19:48:02] <noll> (probably in a Scottish toilet ranting about Putin's new tanks).

[2015-05-07 20:09:48] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 20:11:43] <noll>

[2015-05-07 20:18:03] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 20:20:46] <WISE Up Action> Bless her (SNP) cotton socks. Blair's endorsement kiss of death.

[2015-05-07 20:29:50] <WISE Up Action> Hope Labour losses (if they continue) don't give the Labour right an excuse to say it all went wrong because they veered 1cm to the left!

[2015-05-07 20:31:49] <noll> completely agree. neo-liberalism, when will it be taken on? at least SNP has proven there are votes/ power for at least voicing opposition.

[2015-05-07 20:37:19] <WISE Up Action> Yep-in some ways I think mass shout out coming from Scotland is greater hope for any change even if it's bad news short term for rest o us

[2015-05-07 20:39:20] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 20:40:25] <WISE Up Action> It's heartening that (whatever SNP is actually like) NS was strident for anti-austerity and that must be largely what the vote is for

[2015-05-07 20:42:24] <WISE Up Action> and the turnout in Scotland so big. I'm just relieved to see ANYTHING that gives hope that people will vote so vociferously for change

[2015-05-07 20:51:04] <WISE Up Action> Yeah-that's exactly what I hope.And I don't know how clear it is how much the vote in Scotland is for independence & how much agnst policies

[2015-05-07 20:51:27] <WISE Up Action> that have dominated in UK

[2015-05-07 20:54:02] <noll> - even SNP don't want full independence (read Wls cables). it's all about London establishment policies (see death of Tories 80s, then -

[2015-05-07 20:55:00] <noll> labour post-Blair). / Clegg survives - almost alone.

[2015-05-07 20:56:32] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 20:59:29] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-07 21:01:21] <noll> bonfire of the vanities..

[2015-05-07 21:28:13] <noll>

[2015-05-07 21:38:19] <noll> [Tweet] clueless..

[2015-05-07 21:38:47] <WISE Up Action> pointless!

[2015-05-07 21:42:18] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for the cable. I'm going to bed I think. Red wine & tiredness giving me heartburn; party politics & estab media giving me heartache!

[2015-05-07 21:44:28] <noll> night Action xx think will be following shorty, result clear.

[2015-05-07 21:45:03] <WISE Up Action> Night - nice to have yr companionship xx

[2015-05-08 03:09:34] <Emmy B> Overall majority for the tories, rule Britania & all that. I blame Olympics, Jubilee street parties + Ed no charisma

[2015-05-08 03:09:41] <Emmy B> (not putting gorgeous baby girl on list just because)

[2015-05-08 03:10:56] <Emmy B> "The war mongers have it!" x 2

[2015-05-08 03:32:40] <WISE Up Wales> Well, at least we don't have to go through that thing of people becoming re-disillusioned with Labour all over again...

[2015-05-08 03:33:06] <WISE Up Wales> ...and the Tories on their own get to take full responsibility and blame for what they do...

[2015-05-08 03:33:49] <WISE Up Wales> ...and there are (hopefully) still a few libertarian Tories to cause Cameron some problems.

[2015-05-08 06:33:32] <noll> Russell *Brand "People were telling me, journalists, who know loads about politics, look if Labour don’t get in.."

[2015-05-08 06:39:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> Interesting quote from the story further down "Cameron has heard Salmond’s Scottish lion roar and wants to tame the beast." I.e. more

[2015-05-08 06:39:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> political doublespeak

[2015-05-08 06:40:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> But at least he has to pay some attention.

[2015-05-08 06:45:25] <Emmy B> hmm GCHQ may get higher budget & teams on SNP? Imagining Putin & Isis Brigade 77 Social Media Task force may get 3rd target.

[2015-05-08 06:53:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> I suspect you're right Emmy. They already were targeting them, now more. But still glad to see popular defiance to that.

[2015-05-08 07:18:42] <WISE Up Action> Agree, W, but full mandate for continuation of same is dire. Immediate implications for people eg benefits,muslim community,nhs v upsetting.

[2015-05-08 07:18:51] <WISE Up Action> A change of gov does make the machine stutter a bit at least.

[2015-05-08 07:19:54] <WISE Up Action> But we mostly do get at least two terms of anyone, don't we?

[2015-05-08 07:44:18] <noll> A, W, agree that it'll be bad, but not sure it'll be so much worse, unlike Thatcher era, current brood keep (at least) referencing Peel era.

[2015-05-08 07:59:30] <WISE Up Action> No-one needs to repeat Thatcher - it's never been undone.

[2015-05-08 08:34:01] <noll> agree.

[2015-05-08 09:00:41] <noll> [Tweet] of interest.

[2015-05-08 09:04:30] <Emmy B> yes it is but I thought Trade Unions stayed out of politics these days

[2015-05-08 09:13:42] <Emmy B> The nightmare of every politician :

[2015-05-08 09:14:05] <Emmy B> Is this what GCHQ will have in store for SNP?

[2015-05-08 09:17:20] <Emmy B> the threat alone of any disclosures would probably be enough to be used at time negotiations btw Westminster/Holyrood. With current

[2015-05-08 09:17:42] <Emmy B> capabilities and motive....who will ever know.

[2015-05-08 09:18:01] <noll> Unions funds Labour/ City funds Tories (& both expect to get what they pay for).

[2015-05-08 09:21:55] <Emmy B> very interesting thanks for sharing! an incentive for labour to keep rhetoric at least on 'workers rights' etc

[2015-05-08 09:31:12] <noll> "Is this what GCHQ will have in store for SNP?" - seems unlikely? Tories will threaten SNP w/ independence (ie. losing £8+ billion a year).

[2015-05-08 09:39:42] <noll> no comment needed.

[2015-05-08 10:00:35] <M> WikiLeaks' Sony email on Marvel CEO vs Female Superheroes made Guardian's "This Week in Feminist News"

[2015-05-08 10:02:19] <Emmy B> So much for Ms Bennett's vitriolic 'deals with gossip' article.

[2015-05-08 10:02:49] <Emmy B> I wonder if comments are still open :-)

[2015-05-08 10:14:08] <Emmy B> no, there is a shame!

[2015-05-08 10:27:58] <Emmy B> going through the comments in the particular article I observed that whilst most commentators put a URL intact to refer to an outside source

[2015-05-08 10:29:30] <Emmy B> 2 accounts have embedded their URL into a word/phrase ie they inserted a hyperlink. How is this possible? have they used html code in the

[2015-05-08 10:30:00] <Emmy B> comments section to embed? Does anyone now? example:

[2015-05-08 10:31:19] <Emmy B> [Media-image]

[2015-05-08 10:42:12] <noll> Em, isn't system: select txt, URL button, pop-up field, insert URL etc? haven't used for ages. going back to M5S: if used would follow -

[2015-05-08 10:46:17] <Emmy B> You are right, just remembered option thanks!

[2015-05-08 10:55:51] <noll> - (or one way of using) something similar to DEA/ NSA, w/ media, others using "parallel construction" cover where information originated.

[2015-05-08 11:01:25] <Emmy B> Yes, agree, it would have to be.

[2015-05-08 11:03:34] <Emmy B> So several risks facing politicians with GCHQ capabilities: 1. blackmail 2. exposure (parallel construction) to discredit

[2015-05-08 11:04:39] <Emmy B> 3. various forms of sabotage via leaking to political adversaries both in own party or competitor party... where r the politics professors

[2015-05-08 11:07:12] <Emmy B> writing about all this? and only Caroline Lucas has taken gov to court regarding Wilson rights...what happened to this case anyway?

[2015-05-08 11:07:14] <noll> yes, although 1. & 3. are extraordinarily risky, so would also need form of parallel construction.

[2015-05-08 11:07:24] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-08 11:09:28] <Emmy B> Interested to see SNP position on the matter, will they get 'radicalised' if get to taste the med. throwing their weight behind CL efforts?

[2015-05-08 11:10:22] <Emmy B> or probably could be in it too? having their own circle within the listening network.

[2015-05-08 11:12:21] <Emmy B> They certainly play to win. That is a classic problem with regulatory capture of the grand scale, if one takes a bird's eye view.

[2015-05-08 11:13:04] <Emmy B> How can we possibly expect parties that want to govern to forego such a sweet tool of power?

[2015-05-08 11:18:04] <M> NPR responded to controversy over their selection of guests for the recent WL podcast with Michael Choen, John Cook

[2015-05-08 11:43:39] <noll> re how much more Tories will hurt poor to pay for Labour's bankcat frenzy:

[2015-05-08 11:44:56] <noll> Em, that's great point. we don't know where that went, other than nowhere:

[2015-05-08 11:52:05] <Emmy B> Good links, M, Hazel, thanks!

[2015-05-08 12:07:02] <noll> thanks :o) IPT yet to rule on CL complaint:

[2015-05-08 12:09:49] <noll> - "IPT dealt w/ 1,500 complaints since it established. not upheld any about any of UK's intelligence agencies."

[2015-05-08 12:12:53] <noll> but that's recently changed:

[2015-05-08 12:50:00] <Emmy B> Excellent resources those hazel! :-)

[2015-05-08 14:31:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, those are great and I agree, Emmy, maybe WL should consider it, too.

[2015-05-08 14:32:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> At least you're supposed to have a guarantee your MPs aren't being bugged, our Congress is surely bugged and blackmailed. No doubt.

[2015-05-08 14:34:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Be cool if Lucas could make a case and make it stick, or one or more of the SNP-ers. They'll surely be surveilled. Who isn't these days? :(

[2015-05-08 20:51:07] <noll> anyone has any ideas re UK based FOI requests on Wls/ JA related. pls post.

[2015-05-09 00:27:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Please please Re-tweet widely :-)

[2015-05-09 00:33:13] <Emmy B> Theresa May on Snowden revelations, terrorism, new legislation and the SNP's attitude to Data Retention etc.

[2015-05-09 00:34:01] <Emmy B> so this is what we can expect and no one is there to stop them auch!

[2015-05-09 07:28:19] <noll> Em, 'Theresa May to revive 'snooper's charter' now Lib Dem brakes are off'

[2015-05-09 08:00:02] <Emmy B> Let's brace ourselves for what's to come!

[2015-05-09 08:20:43] <noll> isn't it retroactive legislation? "what's to come!" already here, just needs to be signed off.

[2015-05-09 12:03:39] <noll> David Miliband/ Hillary Clinton (Blair/ US) love-in could be coming back around..

[2015-05-09 12:11:47] <noll> seems that's out of date:

[2015-05-09 13:19:05] <WISE Up Action> May is an absolute nightmare.It's just the sort of thing I meant.Tories pretend they don't like stuff like this in opposition but in govt

[2015-05-09 13:19:25] <WISE Up Action> they're rabid

[2015-05-09 17:01:34] <noll> agree, but it's a weapon & an arms race, unless a party advocates disarmament.. difference is how deeply it reveals nature of the state, -

[2015-05-09 17:03:21] <noll> - willing to target civilians at home/ abroad, sweep away liberties & for what? utterly counter-productive, destabilizing foreign policies.

[2015-05-09 17:22:19] <noll> not to mention the slaughter. re change - climate as political 'tipping-point':

[2015-05-10 11:46:39] <noll> v. Wls sort of issue coming up (will be passed at some point, & once started will likely never end):

[2015-05-10 11:55:49] <Emmy B> Any excuse to bomb it seems, but even more ppl will flee (the bombing), just in different directions (someone else's problem?)

[2015-05-10 13:36:12] <noll> is anyone else seeing "Service Temporarily Unavailable" for this:

[2015-05-10 13:54:34] <noll> it's back up.

[2015-05-10 14:17:21] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-10 14:17:52] <Emmy B> In which planet do we live in?

[2015-05-10 14:33:23] <noll> *sigh / we're in process of writing to Phillip Knightley on off chance he'll do a written Q/A interview re Wls/ JA case (b/c we're -

[2015-05-10 14:35:15] <noll> - sick of the one line quotes amid inaccuracy). if anyone has question ideas, pls post. two interesting FOIs sent to UK Home Office today, -

[2015-05-10 14:35:46] <noll> - should have response w/i two weeks or so.

[2015-05-10 14:50:27] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-10 14:50:47] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-10 18:53:39] <noll> re trolls, media, threat narratives etc, this is often hilarious, v. clever:

[2015-05-10 18:59:44] <noll> (disclaimer - we're not particularly interested in US Atheism/ Feminism wars, but as mention in previous group, techniques used seem to -

[2015-05-10 19:00:13] <noll> - have caught on, to say least).

[2015-05-10 19:12:26] <noll> - a perfect description of MGT, different time, place, subject:

[2015-05-10 20:41:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> I never even knew such a 'war' exists and I'm an American atheist, ok, ignostic to be pedantic, but... wow, that is a good description.

[2015-05-10 20:41:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Same behavior.

[2015-05-10 20:43:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> This Gove guy sounds terrible - i.e, he'll fit in well with Clinton and co. :(

[2015-05-11 03:28:59] <WikiLeaks> Supreme court has found against JA.

[2015-05-11 03:30:01] <WikiLeaks> Very important now to point out 1) that there is a dissenting opinion that found in JA's favour and said the warrant shoudl be quashed.

[2015-05-11 03:30:27] <WikiLeaks> i.e some judges (but not the majority) went JA's way. i.e reasonable minds, even in sweden, differ.

[2015-05-11 03:31:47] <WikiLeaks> 2) john pilger's article as background. 3)

[2015-05-11 03:33:03] <WikiLeaks> prison at least. 5) the UN is still considering the case at the WGAD and will make its judgement any moment.

[2015-05-11 03:34:30] <Emmy B> Thank you! we keep going <3

[2015-05-11 03:34:35] <M> SC suggests major reason for decision was prosecutor's move to interrogate (goes with narrative from JA lawyers)

[2015-05-11 03:35:18] <M> This interesting too, Samuelson says decision made w/o letting them close argument

[2015-05-11 03:37:15] <M> The past few prosecution statements don't sound like they're making any progression.

[2015-05-11 03:48:35] <M> I don't see any of the articles noting the difference in judicial opinion, so I think v important to push that a lot.

[2015-05-11 04:01:05] <WISE Up Wales> Is there a link to share that references the dissenting opinion in Supreme court?

[2015-05-11 04:11:03] <M> Only the Supreme Court ruling as far as I know (Swedish only currently)

[2015-05-11 05:13:18] <M> Important article from Guardian: split decision means it isn't set it stone

[2015-05-11 06:05:26] <Emmy B> 'One of the five Supreme Court judges dissented and argued for the arrest warrant to be lifted.'

[2015-05-11 06:15:57] <noll> M, archived, translated:

[2015-05-11 07:16:59] <noll> we will be posting new article re SC decision, proportionality etc, around 6 pm.

[2015-05-11 09:08:44] <M> Full decision is now up (Swedish PDF)

[2015-05-11 09:08:58] <WikiLeaks> Worth educating: @madsvim (31k followers)

[2015-05-11 09:15:46] <noll> M, full decision, archived, 'translated':

[2015-05-11 09:16:49] <noll> our article will be posted tmrw 6 pm - too much to get through to get it out today.

[2015-05-11 09:18:59] <noll> does anyone know what aspects of appeal arguments were not heard (ie cut off)?

[2015-05-11 09:19:49] <WikiLeaks> All of them.

[2015-05-11 09:20:11] <WikiLeaks> We only filed documents for the case to open the appeal.

[2015-05-11 09:20:37] <WikiLeaks> Then the prosecution filed documents saying that the Supreme should hear the appeal.

[2015-05-11 09:21:03] <WikiLeaks> Normally, then you "hear" the appeal. i.e then the arguments proper are made.

[2015-05-11 09:21:17] <WikiLeaks> And then the other side responds and then you respond to their response.

[2015-05-11 09:21:49] <WikiLeaks> The court made its full appeal decision just on the application to appeal, not the appeal itself.

[2015-05-11 09:22:17] <WikiLeaks> to be clear: it decided the full appeal, but just using the document set for the application to appeal

[2015-05-11 09:22:31] <WISE Up Wales> Can this departure from normal process be appealed, or is there nowhere to go with it?

[2015-05-11 09:22:38] <WikiLeaks> which is highly irrigular and neither did it notify us that it was doing that.

[2015-05-11 09:23:01] <WikiLeaks> nowhere to go under swedish law

[2015-05-11 09:23:18] <WikiLeaks> but it may feed into an ECHR case

[2015-05-11 09:23:48] <WikiLeaks> simiarly the UK supreme court decided on an argument that neither party presented. also highly irrigular. that's what happens in

[2015-05-11 09:23:52] <noll> is there anyway we can paraphrase this? as coming from Samuelson's team or something.

[2015-05-11 09:24:07] <WikiLeaks> super political cases. If the law is on your side, they have to cheat.

[2015-05-11 09:24:29] <WikiLeaks> it's mentioned in the guardian article by crouch

[2015-05-11 09:26:56] <noll> political cases.. agree. yes, we have that quote, but as you get w/ msm, it's pathetically short, w/o detail, context etc.

[2015-05-11 09:31:13] <noll> is it true that after questioning, the appeal against detention order can be rebooted?

[2015-05-11 09:34:01] <noll> / re previous: whatever, we'll fill it out.

[2015-05-11 09:42:59] <Emmy B> Unlike prospect of success with @madsvid

[2015-05-11 09:54:32] <M> @Madsvid has 30k followers - but is also following 30k which suggests 'I follow you, you follow me', so people who don't actually care

[2015-05-11 09:55:02] <M> Noticeable also in that they don't receive many retweets. Plus, they don't seem to care about facts.

[2015-05-11 10:06:23] <WikiLeaks> The follow 31k too, so the follow count likely means little.

[2015-05-11 10:06:36] <WikiLeaks> [They]

[2015-05-11 10:07:24] <Emmy B> Good points, thank you :-)

[2015-05-11 10:07:57] <WikiLeaks> But the Chair of the UN WGAD is from Norway and is also called 'Mads'. Norway is small and socially connected, so opinions there matter.

[2015-05-11 10:11:53] <Emmy B> *cough cough*, this Mads is Danish x but don't worry we are on the case :-)

[2015-05-11 11:04:40] <Emmy B> Very good interview with @AndrewSymeou1 about his ordeal brought on by EAW

[2015-05-12 07:44:02] <noll> glee of Ian Brown's NSAUA testimony re GCHQ impunity, is.. (& all those pesky court cases don't seem to worry him one jot).

[2015-05-12 08:19:13] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-12 08:22:42] <noll> Em, #SnooperCharter battle going to run & run, opportunity for Wls. thank for interview link - horrifying.. / another great release :o)

[2015-05-12 08:25:36] <Emmy B> :-)

[2015-05-12 08:27:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's an awesome release! I've been sending out to some US Sens/Reps.

[2015-05-12 08:27:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> FWIW

[2015-05-12 08:31:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> OK, now I can't see those in my timeline. Weirdness. Was going to do some more.

[2015-05-12 11:30:57] <WikiLeaks> Once those SNP MP's get up to speed, Labour will be forced to be a lot more oppositional or else risk losing all relevance.

[2015-05-12 11:39:44] <Emmy B> But there are forces within Labour that say 'to get to power you go right' & majority of MPs follow such line. I hope u are right of course.

[2015-05-12 11:46:38] <noll> [Tweet] running down the clock (so that collapse of case can be blamed on JA)?

[2015-05-12 11:50:07] <noll> Em, Labour v. likely turn right in terms of economy/ business interests, but w/ civil liberties, coalition SNP/ Lab/ 'The Liberals'?

[2015-05-12 11:50:38] <noll> / Em can you repost you troll block list? thanks :o)

[2015-05-12 11:51:16] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-12 11:53:52] <Emmy B> Updated it adding two more accounts, feedback very welcome.

[2015-05-12 11:54:23] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-12 11:55:04] <Emmy B> the iamlikenew seems to be prolific both seem (to me at least) 'paid'

[2015-05-12 11:57:10] <Emmy B> Placed it as a page on my blog so it is now very easy to find.

[2015-05-12 12:09:36] <noll> "at stake, a [neo]-liberal economic order"

[2015-05-12 12:43:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks Emmy!!

[2015-05-12 12:44:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> I have, in extreme procrastination at work, created a public list of US Senators' Twitter accounts, all 100, via my account. Use at will.

[2015-05-12 12:45:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> The House of Reps may be a chore for another day.

[2015-05-12 12:50:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome news re the TPP Fast Track. Embarrassing to Obama, his own party got in his way. Hahaha. We owe this to Wikileaks releases.

[2015-05-12 12:53:58] <Emmy B> Thank you Jenny! excellent work and so useful for our campaigns :-)

[2015-05-12 12:56:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Was trying to tweet WL's new release at them this am and realized I needed an actual list, not just the few I follow. :)

[2015-05-12 12:59:08] <Emmy B> This is the type of work that benefits the community, never thought to make a UK MPs in Twitter list, despite Myo/me tweeting all of them.

[2015-05-12 12:59:22] <Emmy B> Will do in future! <3

[2015-05-12 13:08:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> :)  It will be good to throw WL releases & news and related issues at them, even a few a time.

[2015-05-12 13:14:45] <WikiLeaks> If someone can make a list of all the SNP MPs (nearly all of them new) that would be very helpful. They're fresh at the moment.

[2015-05-12 13:15:12] <WikiLeaks> SNP is the only party of influence that has a chance of being pro-WL.

[2015-05-12 13:31:41] <noll> new Wls-related FOIs:

[2015-05-12 13:32:45] <WikiLeaks> Looking

[2015-05-12 13:44:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Be interested to see what, if anything, they send you, Hazel.

[2015-05-12 13:46:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'll let one of the UK folks take the lead on listing the SNP MPs; but if needed, I can help.

[2015-05-12 16:37:58] <noll> Jen, previous FOI reply proved interesting, but yes, will see if that repeats. / our new article has expanded, will take a bit more time.

[2015-05-12 16:54:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good luck! :)

[2015-05-13 05:27:34] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-13 05:28:37] <noll> if anyone has FOI idea re UK - now is the time.

[2015-05-13 05:42:01] <noll> [Tweet] this could (if not already) incl. Wlsup:

[2015-05-13 08:46:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> That article on Cameron is terrifying. Sounds like they want to stop anyone encouraging any kind of independent thought.

[2015-05-13 08:47:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Let's treat anyone utilizing intellectual freedom as an extremist and terrorist. How terrifying that is!

[2015-05-13 08:48:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> God forbid we dare to teach young people to think for themselves (putting aside the fact that I don't believe in a definable God).

[2015-05-13 08:51:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> My librarian's soul is outraged that anyone can say this kind of thing with a straight face and mean it.

[2015-05-13 09:06:04] <noll> "UK Supreme Court produced 117 pages of argument before side-stepping everything before it, but the Swedish Supreme Court only managed -

[2015-05-13 09:06:54] <noll> - eight and a half dulsetory pages." (political judgements - different traditions).

[2015-05-13 09:14:36] <noll> Jen, agree, it's insane. there wasn't single ME threat or attack against UK before Iraq. legacy of war that never ends? Airstrip One

[2015-05-13 09:23:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Amazing how people justify themselves, either by wasting time on extra documenting or trying to avoid seeing anything at all.

[2015-05-13 09:25:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, we brought too much of this on ourselves. Nationally and personally, the US needed to respond to 9/11 decisively. But...

[2015-05-13 09:26:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> it should have been done within 6-12 months. I know an ex-soldier who said they'd done what was needed in a few months & should've been out

[2015-05-13 09:27:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> This perpetual war we've instigated is harming everyone and only benefiting some military contractors and politicians.

[2015-05-13 09:30:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sadly, those making a fortune off the war have too much influence and power over our governments.

[2015-05-13 09:33:54] <Emmy B> So true Jenny!

[2015-05-13 09:43:27] <WISE Up Action> March2015 ' extremism analysis unit is compiling list of LEGAL BUT UNACCEPTABLE individuals & groups: 'The move goes far beyond current

[2015-05-13 09:45:41] <WISE Up Action> powers to ban violent extremist & terrorist orgs & paves way for range of non-violent legal orgs to be blacklisted

[2015-05-13 09:47:41] <WISE Up Action> Except. Not at Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

[2015-05-13 11:52:43] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-13 18:08:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's absolutely crazy! If you're obeying the law, how can you be 'unacceptable' in a free society? You're unacceptable b/c May doesn't

[2015-05-13 18:10:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> like your politics, religion, ethnicity, ideas, or just that you dare question her? What are we becoming? What Orwellian nightmare is this?

[2015-05-13 18:12:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> I can't Cameron & May are getting away with this without massive public rejection and where are the journalistic hard questions?

[2015-05-13 18:12:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Are all the UK Press sellouts? I'm not surprised by some but...

[2015-05-13 18:14:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Obama & Clinton wouldn't get away with this in my country yet. They have to be sneakier. Is that better? Not sure.

[2015-05-13 23:58:38] <Emmy B> Again you are right Jenny... everyone seems to be frozen on the issue somehow here in UK but it is slowly entering the political discorse

[2015-05-14 00:23:07] <WISE Up Action> Em, sense a period of widespread conflict ahead. Unions already active, general public waking up to consequences of Tory gvt. London esp

[2015-05-14 00:24:20] <WISE Up Action> At centre of protests to come in diff areas. Think the housing issue will become huge.

[2015-05-14 01:04:10] <Emmy B> Let's hope so! because unless there is push bottom up.... we've had it!

[2015-05-14 01:50:55] <Emmy B> Something dodgy about @madsvid followers/follows all about marketing, purchase followers, branding oh & he follows the usual Guardian crowd

[2015-05-14 05:58:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Could be work-related. Or he doesn't have real followers. I need to clean mine out sometime. But if he buys into Guardian poison, not good.

[2015-05-14 06:40:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> [Tweet] Now this is a cool approach to Cameron's blatant stupidity. :)

[2015-05-14 08:50:54] <noll> "May asked to define extremism in new counter-extremism bill".

[2015-05-14 08:59:35] <Emmy B> :-)

[2015-05-14 12:44:53] <noll> this is huge.

[2015-05-14 13:16:07] <noll> or not.. can anyone see a way to link Laden perjury to verdict? b/c atm we can't.

[2015-05-14 13:29:35] <noll> @carwinb.

[2015-05-14 13:36:45] <WISE Up Action> The naming of AQ in Charge 1 (4) &. (5) significant or not?

[2015-05-14 13:41:40] <noll> having read Alexa's TL - it's significant that it was used, but verdict on Wanton Publication charges doesn't rely on that evidence.

[2015-05-14 13:46:51] <noll> "for those 4 files [which] would be privileged out.. would not be able to view content"

[2015-05-14 13:47:46] <noll> ugh.. you couldn't make it up.

[2015-05-14 14:00:14] <WISE Up Action> Yeah got it. Reading that section. Alexa did incredible job.

[2015-05-14 14:03:30] <noll> yes, agree. she said she was writing it up, hope so, it really should be.

[DMConversationEntry] Cabledrum added WikiLeaks Press

[2015-05-14 20:12:44] <Cabledrum> A little side note re. Bundestag Inquiry into NSA:

[2015-05-14 20:12:48] <Cabledrum> Johannes Eisenberg, a (former?) lawyer of WL, served as legal adviser for seven witnesses, all from BND, incl. General Breitfelder.

[2015-05-14 20:12:55] <Cabledrum> Of course, everyone has the right to legal assistance.

[2015-05-14 20:13:01] <Cabledrum> But obviously, Eisenberg is a contractor of the BND. That doesn't make him necessarily trustworthy.

[2015-05-14 21:24:43] <Emmy B> Thanks for this! There is so much out there in German about the new publication but difficult to follow.

[2015-05-14 21:25:05] <Emmy B> Has it been well received?

[2015-05-14 23:39:16] <Emmy B> I will be doing an SNP Twitter member List today

[2015-05-15 03:41:03] <Emmy B> This might be of interest maybe CD you can explain it to us a bit

[2015-05-15 03:41:08] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-15 06:00:41] <Cabledrum> First of all, the documents show how all concerned parties systematically try to block the work of the inquiry commission.

[2015-05-15 06:01:04] <Cabledrum> The witnesses from BND and Telekom "can't remember", "was not responsible", "do not know" and so on

[2015-05-15 06:01:51] <Cabledrum> For instance, the former CEO of Telekom, Kai-Uwe Ricke, had a four-eyes-meeting with the chief of the BND...

[2015-05-15 06:01:55] <Cabledrum> ...but can't remember what they've been talking about

[2015-05-15 06:02:33] <Cabledrum> The newspaper article you mentioned, "Kauder and Maaßen criticize WikiLeaks", comes from the "Welt", a very conservative newspaper

[2015-05-15 06:03:42] <Cabledrum> Volker Kauder (CDU parliamentary leader) is a conservative hardliner.Hans-Georg Maaßen is the chief of Germany's domestic secret service BfV

[2015-05-15 06:04:03] <Cabledrum> Kauder criticizes that the WL release "might threaten the cooperation of German secret services with the NSA"

[2015-05-15 06:06:25] <Cabledrum> (hopefully, he's right)

[2015-05-15 06:08:57] <Emmy B> Let's hope so, yes! Thank you very much for this Cabledrummer.

[2015-05-15 06:09:45] <Emmy B> I only took a quick look at the english reports but there is little analysis in English for the latest release.

[2015-05-15 08:27:04] <M> Found the original Reddit threads where "Assange Shuffle Collective" took credit for the goatse billboard in Buckhead, Atlanta.

[2015-05-15 08:27:14] <M>

[2015-05-15 09:07:22] <noll> [Tweet] new pet-theories billboard!

[2015-05-15 09:44:32] <noll> M, is that Homeland Security's first case?.. ASC (pre-arrest ritual) to FBI: "good luck we're behind 7 proxies".

[2015-05-15 09:48:38] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-15 09:53:02] <noll> Wls, perhaps #wanted2015 suggestions should be relayed anonymously. Theresa May goons w/ nothing better to do comes to mind.

[2015-05-15 16:35:53] <noll>

[2015-05-15 18:57:51] <noll> later today we're posting two articles. here's first:

[2015-05-15 18:58:14] <noll> - it's not yet complete.

[2015-05-15 19:20:42] <Emmy B> Thank you very much hazelpress! wonderful work! It is very clear, easy to follow arguments

[2015-05-15 19:41:08] <noll> thanks Em. :o)

[2015-05-15 20:07:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oustanding work, Hazel!!! Very clear, reasoned, well-supported.

[2015-05-15 20:20:32] <noll> thanks Jen. :o) / here's second:

[2015-05-15 20:31:52] <Emmy B> "This conduct is highly irregular and follows the pattern set by Assange's extradition appeal to the UK Supreme Court (May 2012), where the

[2015-05-15 20:32:14] <Emmy B> court decided on an argument that neither party presented, rather than set precedent through.. bypassing of ECtHR case-law "that is correct"

[2015-05-15 20:32:32] <Emmy B> I can't grasp completely this point

[2015-05-15 20:32:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks for sharing! On the second one - see if you can make it clearer where you are showing the courts' opinion distinct from your response

[2015-05-15 20:33:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> A couple of spots weren't clear, sounded like you were arguing their side not opposing it.

[2015-05-15 20:34:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Otherwise, these are wonderful!

[2015-05-15 20:34:55] <Emmy B> particularly this bit "rather than set precedent through.. bypassing of ECtHR case-law "that is correct""

[2015-05-15 20:39:39] <noll> if means, that in order to rule against JA, the UK SC would have had to set a UK case-law precedent, that bypassed EU case-law precedents.

[2015-05-15 20:43:04] <noll> & SC wasn't willing to do that, & besides, why do it when you can just, not ignore, but bypass presented arguments, by ruling on something -

[2015-05-15 20:43:47] <Emmy B> thank you, that explains it pls consider putting it in like that? it would make it clearer to an international audience :-)

[2015-05-15 20:43:59] <noll> - else.

[2015-05-15 20:44:14] <noll> yes, will tidy that up.

[2015-05-15 20:44:16] <Emmy B> spell check "ablity"

[2015-05-15 20:44:25] <Emmy B> *reading*

[2015-05-15 20:46:36] <Emmy B> The Hyperlinked article in"According to Thomas Olsson (representing Assange), Ny is yet to submit MLA requests to either the UK or Ecuador."

[2015-05-15 20:47:54] <Emmy B> does not support the statement you make, it just states that the interview date has not been set, it des not say MLA requests not submitted

[2015-05-15 20:48:07] <Emmy B> did I misunderstand?

[2015-05-15 20:48:47] <noll> yes, "they need to make a request" can only mean they have't made one.

[2015-05-15 20:49:32] <noll> fixed "ablity", thanks. :o)

[2015-05-15 20:49:55] <noll> *haven't

[2015-05-15 20:52:22] <Emmy B> "although politically the process in Sweden is dead." you mean the appeal?

[2015-05-15 20:56:01] <noll> yes, to restart the process is now pointless. the decision was so blatantly political, devoid of any concern for the law or argument, that -

[2015-05-15 20:58:12] <noll> - to attack it in Sweden's courts is futile. b/c after all (as w/ UK) the SC has ruled..

[2015-05-15 21:00:20] <Emmy B> Well, following this case I am delighted to have the political nature of judicial authorities exposed. Still, as such there is a state of

[2015-05-15 21:00:26] <Emmy B> continuous flux

[2015-05-15 21:00:45] <Emmy B> it seems the only limitation is resources, financial or otherwise.

[2015-05-15 21:02:27] <Emmy B> By starting last summer, the legal team has come a long way in exposing several weaknesses and ultimately penetrate the 'authority tower' of

[2015-05-15 21:03:50] <Emmy B> Mrs Ny in the court of public opinion, questioning her judgement and operation in this manner. Equally, the Swedish Supreme court is not

[2015-05-15 21:05:10] <Emmy B> going to look pretty, still, politics is everywhere it seems...

[2015-05-15 21:06:12] <noll> there is no way the SC will reverse itself. & v. especially not after that ruling. it would be political suicide for all involved.

[2015-05-15 21:07:40] <noll> it's now down to Ny (& the political pressures on her), one of which is the ECtHR (which could well reverse Swe SC).

[2015-05-15 21:08:50] <Emmy B> 'in light of new evidence' etc etc, authority has the privilege to re-define acceptability. But of course you are right, pressure now is on.

[2015-05-15 21:10:09] <noll> note how both UK & Swe SCs avoided taking on ECtHR precedents, various actors may not want case to go there. yes, pressure is definitely on.

[2015-05-15 21:10:32] <Emmy B> Thanks for all your hard work <3 my goodness were is the dawn in this country of perpetual overcast?

[2015-05-15 21:11:50] <noll> it seems like dusk. we must get some sleep. will get back to this later on. xx

[2015-05-15 21:12:12] <Emmy B> Good idea! xx

[2015-05-16 06:06:27] <Emmy B> Public List of SNP Members of Parliament (57):

[2015-05-16 06:10:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great, Emmy and Hazel!

[2015-05-16 08:19:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great!

[2015-05-16 09:41:09] <WikiLeaks> Good work, Emmy on that list.

[2015-05-16 09:42:24] <WikiLeaks> Is there a way to search the list output, e.g from:greekemmy/list/blah?

[2015-05-16 10:03:18] <M> I couldn't find a built-in functionality for searching lists. Tutorials I saw were just copying all the account names into adv search.

[2015-05-16 10:05:10] <M> The list is pretty long, so for this method, you'd have to divide it into 3 separate searches to cover all members.

[2015-05-16 10:05:32] <M> Template: 1)

[2015-05-16 10:07:02] <M> Not sure if there's a better way, but those three links combined covers entire list. Just replace the search term at front.

[2015-05-16 10:39:31] <noll> great work Em :o) / we're going to focus entirely on other work next 10 days or so, will then start Fwlf article, followed by -

[2015-05-16 10:40:41] <noll> - al-Awlaki cables story. will check in time to time, see how things are. h xx

[2015-05-16 11:15:39] <noll> embarrassing. mistake corrected: "Section 240A: The "credit period" is the number of days represented by half of the sum of - the number -

[2015-05-16 11:16:07] <noll> - of days on which the offender is subject to [an electronically monitored (EM) curfew of at least nine hours per day]." apologies, not -

[2015-05-16 11:16:21] <noll> - hours in the day.

[2015-05-16 14:51:53] <WikiLeaks> Emmy, do you have a similar list for the Scottish domestic MPs?

[2015-05-16 15:12:58] <Emmy B> No, but I can get it done tomorrow.

[2015-05-16 15:40:00] <Emmy B> SNP got 69 seats at 2011 Holyrood elections (out of 129), next election is 5th May 2016.

[2015-05-16 15:43:15] <Emmy B> I just found a public list compiled by @thesnp (official twitter account) with 57 MSPs (Members of Scottish Parliament)

[2015-05-16 15:43:40] <Emmy B> Here:

[2015-05-16 15:45:02] <Emmy B> I will work on this list to make one for all 129 MSPs.

[2015-05-16 15:45:30] <Emmy B> tomorrow :-)

[2015-05-16 15:50:43] <Emmy B> One of the SNP MPs has compiled a public list of Media journos focusing on Scotland, might be of use:

[2015-05-16 16:45:18] <Emmy B> Oh, Found another list with 120 MSP

[2015-05-16 19:38:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, that's helpful of that Scottish MP. :)

[2015-05-16 19:50:48] <noll> amazing work Em :o) we'd like to take time out & help w/ any twitter campaign re lists, just let us know what to post, will give up evening.

[2015-05-16 19:53:52] <noll> will do via @hazelpress2, for obvious reasons like to keep main account spartan.

[2015-05-16 22:11:47] <WISE Up Wales> Anyone know about this UK whistleblower? - can only find this one opinion piece:

[2015-05-16 22:13:45] <WISE Up Wales> Ah, he's commented here:

[2015-05-16 22:15:55] <WISE Up Wales>

[2015-05-16 22:16:06] <WISE Up Wales> working covertly to eliminate the biggest threat to the UK for about a year. My real intentions along with more than enough information to

[2015-05-16 22:16:19] <WISE Up Wales> eliminate the Trident programme are contained in a report that was released on the 05-05-15. Almost all of my email accounts have been ...

[2015-05-16 22:16:29] <WISE Up Wales> blocked and I'm in hide out in a foreign country; I might be arrested or killed before the public can read the report. I don't know how many

[2015-05-16 22:16:38] <WISE Up Wales> laws I've broken along the way; I doubt men live long enough to serve the sentence they'll give me. Anyone who reads it will understand:

[2015-05-16 22:16:47] <WISE Up Wales> my information comes from prefect sources, I have no reason to lie and they will understand if change isn't made a nuclear catastrophe

[2015-05-16 22:16:58] <WISE Up Wales> almost certainly will happen! My ID and photos are in the report, it will break news soon, but no media outlet will publish the full report

[2015-05-16 22:17:02] <WISE Up Wales> because it contains TS information. I have sacrificed everything please help me end this world order of fear!

[2015-05-16 22:17:33] <WISE Up Wales> end quote. Link to comment:

[2015-05-16 22:19:25] <WISE Up Wales> Sounds like he needs help. Ideas? Will forward the new WL submission link.


[2015-05-16 22:24:45] <WISE Up Wales> Oh, report seems to be already on this link:

[2015-05-17 01:30:53] <WISE Up Wales> Thanks for the SNP list Emmy! Just about to use it for the above and for this:

[2015-05-17 01:32:40] <WISE Up Wales> ...if I can work out how to use it. Can I send one message that will go to all on the list? Or do I have to tweet one by one?

[2015-05-17 01:47:45] <WISE Up Wales> Oh, they're for reading tweets only? I'll have to send messages one by one then I guess. That's not nearly so attractive!  :o(

[2015-05-17 02:25:37] <Emmy B> Yes g that's right, only individual tweets. Sorry.

[2015-05-17 02:28:54] <Emmy B> has the herald checked the story?

[2015-05-17 02:45:45] <Emmy B> (I am on paywall)

[2015-05-17 03:11:14] <WISE Up Wales> I presume it must have done checks to run it as front page. I haven't read Herald article, only editorial. Full info

[2015-05-17 03:12:26] <WISE Up Wales> He says he intends to hand himself in to police.

[2015-05-17 05:00:16] <WISE Up Wales> Now published online:

[2015-05-17 05:08:32] <Emmy B> thank you for sharing g!

[2015-05-17 05:41:52] <noll>

[2015-05-17 05:51:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Let me guess - totally faked.

[2015-05-17 05:51:43] <noll> Wales, thanks for info. "cover-up of collision with French nuclear submarine" no wonder Brown offered to ditch sub..

[2015-05-17 05:53:06] <noll> Jen, yep. & so obviously doctored can only assume someone wanted to make it obvious.

[2015-05-17 05:56:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good luck with project!

[2015-05-17 05:56:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Em, same here re help with lists.

[2015-05-17 05:56:45] <noll> thx Jen x

[2015-05-17 09:02:09] <WISE Up Action>

[2015-05-17 13:19:32] <Emmy B> Amazing Alexa work! it is likely then that USG manufactured evidence for the trial.

[2015-05-17 13:20:58] <Emmy B> Holyrood MSP List

[2015-05-17 13:21:33] <Emmy B> Thanks for the offers of help! ok at the mo.

[2015-05-17 13:22:56] <Emmy B> This is it

[2015-05-17 13:24:13] <Emmy B> Regarding Mark Goeder Tarant (ex Pickett) 21st of May the next hearing. I will not even bother reading whatever comes form that place.

[2015-05-17 13:25:48] <Emmy B> I spent a good part of a year shaking in my boots 'oh my god he is going to harm WL' I am shaking no more. He is a liar through and through.

[2015-05-17 13:28:16] <Emmy B> He has been proved so again and again and again. He uses fear to get attention from the community. This time I will not oblige :-)

[2015-05-17 15:57:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, Emmy, that's the best approach. The only ones who pay any attention are his same group of trolls. You can see that clearly.

[2015-05-18 08:34:34] <noll> [Tweet]

[2015-05-18 08:38:58] <M> This method is not reliable. WikiLeaks is placed at White House. Russell Brand placed at University of Texas. I'm placed at US gov building.

[2015-05-18 08:39:41] <M> I don't know the rationale behind it, but a lot of users get placed at US government buildings.

[2015-05-18 08:39:57] <M> Think too that a lot of people use Tor.

[2015-05-18 08:50:22] <Emmy B> I don't put any significance too (other the entertainment factor) it is curious though that out of all the troll list twitter handles

[2015-05-18 08:51:22] <noll> all the same it's hilarious (@hazelpress turns up: Revolution Live, Fort Lauderdale, Florida). fyi FOI three is not getting a case no. -

[2015-05-18 08:51:34] <Emmy B> MGT(forum) and AT(PGPBoard) show at US Embassy London as well as when I type MGT's name on google maps.

[2015-05-18 08:52:04] <Emmy B> (I am UK Supreme Court hahaha)

[2015-05-18 08:52:16] <M> I see. Possibly in some instances it is accurate, but it is so random that it has no weight as evidence.

[2015-05-18 08:53:20] <Emmy B> Agree totally but we have inadvertently produced a win :-)

[2015-05-18 08:54:22] <noll> we've rewritten it:

[2015-05-18 08:55:27] <noll> (thankfully not to Florida..)

[2015-05-18 08:56:45] <Emmy B> :-)

[2015-05-18 08:57:04] <Emmy B> [Media-image]

[2015-05-18 08:58:00] <Emmy B> While he is doxing me, MGT makes an error, he forgets to log out of his Google account, he does it four times. I have archived and passing

[2015-05-18 08:58:45] <Emmy B> on to Chris and Cabledrum for their court cases. This is more evidence MGT still in control of Forum's twitter account which he denies.

[2015-05-18 08:59:57] <Emmy B> Pls do not share in twitter or he will delete tweets, the longer they stay up the better it is.

[2015-05-18 09:02:59] <WikiLeaks> Emmy; good find.

[2015-05-18 09:20:11] <Emmy B> Thx <3

[2015-05-18 09:21:24] <Emmy B> Gary told me Asher Wolf discovered the Google maps feature. I played around and produced the shots but it was a friend who saw the value &

[2015-05-18 09:22:47] <Emmy B> encouraged me to share. Then it caught on by others which made MGT 'lose his marbles' & wanting revenge doxed me/cabledrum etc and he made

[2015-05-18 09:23:49] <Emmy B> the mistake so it was 'a group effort' which is the best part of it as we win twice a. co-operation b. good result *grin*

[2015-05-18 09:24:59] <Emmy B> and he hopefully loses where it matters: in court.

[2015-05-18 09:32:07] <noll> "damn, now everyone knows [who tweets from @wikileaks_forum]", evidence we've seen is rock solid (& v. funny), this is icing on cake, -

[2015-05-18 09:32:11] <noll> great stuff! :o)

[2015-05-18 09:56:29] <Cabledrum> Great find, Emmy! Imho, we can tweet it. It's archived and several witnesses have seen it. It doesn't matter whether he deletes the tweets

[2015-05-18 10:43:25] <WikiLeaks> Please don't tweet it.

[2015-05-18 10:43:37] <WikiLeaks> He may make more similar mistakes.

[2015-05-18 10:51:44] <Cabledrum> Grmpf, ok. 3 days left until court decision...

[2015-05-18 10:54:54] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Why have him warning. It should be a surprise.

[2015-05-18 12:11:40] <Emmy B> Thank you Cabledrummer! :-) I wish all the very best and please keep us informed with developments!

[2015-05-18 22:14:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, agree. Catch him by surprise in court. :) And good luck!

[2015-05-18 22:37:03] <Emmy B> He already deleted tweets probably realised error when he was making this forum post (archived)

[2015-05-19 04:01:09] <Cabledrum> Very good, Emmy! This is evidence for both, the forum and the twitter acc. The forum post is still online with his name on the screenshots

[2015-05-19 04:03:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great!

[2015-05-19 04:04:17] <Cabledrum> Jenny : "Catch him by surprise in court" doesn't work out in Germany. All evidence has to be presented to the court in advance :(

[2015-05-19 04:05:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually it probably does in the US too, at least in criminal court, I think. Not sure. Never dealt with more than traffic court.

[2015-05-19 04:07:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Just thinking no need to advance warn him on twitter rather than in court docs. But it seems he knows he messed up anyway.

[2015-05-19 08:10:16] <Emmy B> For sure it is the same screenshots but at the forum post he has cropped his name out.

[2015-05-19 12:01:23] <Emmy B> [Tweet] In support of William Mc Neilly

[2015-05-19 13:02:34] <Emmy B>

[2015-05-19 13:02:57] <Emmy B> Shall we share 1st of June event with SNP MPs?

[2015-05-19 13:56:00] <noll> worth watching (if only to see how moribund hipster-journalism compared to geek): Lyndon LaRouche

[2015-05-19 13:56:21] <noll> Em, we would :o)

[2015-05-19 20:15:54] <Cabledrum> Emmy: No, the screenshots at FWLF are not cropped, his name is clearly visible.. Note the scrollbar at the bottom..

[2015-05-19 23:07:59] <Emmy B> Cabledrummer You are right! I was looking at the archived link that does not capture the bar and that section on the picture.

[2015-05-19 23:08:07] <Emmy B> Have you managed to capture this?

[2015-05-19 23:09:29] <Emmy B> (Gosh, good thing we didn't tweet about it) Maybe the waybackmachine captures the bar? (I don't know)

[2015-05-19 23:10:37] <Emmy B> @ H thank you for the video, watched some of it, made my hair curl!!! US funding facists but htis is exactly what they did to Greece after

[2015-05-19 23:11:45] <Emmy B> the war (in the name of anti-communism) and opposed the Greek gov efforts to close the concentration camps for political prisoners

[2015-05-19 23:12:45] <Emmy B> and their families, even in the mid 50's, again interfering in the late 60's with their support of the junta, 7 years of hell all with the

[2015-05-19 23:14:02] <Emmy B> blessing of CIA torture training, leading up to the national betrayal at Cyprus in 1974 (the attempt to impose junta there

[2015-05-19 23:14:50] <Emmy B> and the attempted overthrow of Makarios which gave the perfect opportunity to Turkey -preparing for an invasion since the 50's- to finally

[2015-05-19 23:16:47] <Emmy B> invade with the assistance of US/UK and Israel...Eastern Europe did suffer under USSR, Greek experience says "Belonging to the west" also

[2015-05-19 23:17:35] <Emmy B> came at a heavy price for Human Rights, national sovereignty and even national security.

[2015-05-19 23:19:25] <Emmy B> (Listening to Frontline club questions from Rumanian journo about Russia being a threat to Rumania, I could just kick the journo,

[2015-05-19 23:20:32] <Emmy B> does he think that Nato membership will offer security? on the contrary, for small countries it is just changing one master for another.)

[2015-05-19 23:22:42] <Emmy B> With the added risk that your protector (like a pimp) might actually send you packing to your enemy's arms..occasionally...

[2015-05-19 23:23:02] <Emmy B> as a chip to their own bargaining, for their own interests.

[2015-05-19 23:23:17] <Emmy B> (apologies for the rant).

[2015-05-20 00:52:31] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Got an RT from SNP MP for courage foundation, please someone, maybe WiseUps tweet at him too thx

[2015-05-20 05:44:26] <Cabledrum> Emmy: Yes, captured on and wayback machine, both with working scrollbar

[2015-05-20 06:31:39] <Emmy B> Excellent! Hope your lawyer can use them in advance of tomorrow's hearing, all the best!

[2015-05-20 06:36:01] <WikiLeaks> Emmy, re, rewteet; exactly what we were hoping for. Be the troll you want to see in the world.

[2015-05-20 06:38:15] <Emmy B> :-) My dear WL putting best foot forward and let's see :-)

[2015-05-20 06:47:12] <Emmy B> He RTed WiseUp!!! (16 rts) too :-)

[2015-05-20 06:49:05] <WikiLeaks> Did you hit all the mps?

[2015-05-20 06:49:15] <WikiLeaks> Also, can you change your icon to something less creepy?

[2015-05-20 06:49:36] <WikiLeaks> It may help when approaching people.

[2015-05-20 11:15:26] <Cabledrum> I've just received a new preliminary injunction, for this tweet:

[2015-05-20 11:15:29] <Cabledrum> I've removed this tweet 3 day later by request of Goeder-Tarant's lawyer.

[2015-05-20 11:15:35] <Cabledrum> I have no idea why they seek a preliminary injunction, in spite of the fact that the concerned tweet has already been removed

[2015-05-20 11:20:38] <noll> re variations on media narrative: 'Wls by helping ES assisted AQ', OBL letter is of use.

[2015-05-20 11:36:53] <noll> Em, maybe look at SMaurizi/ suigenerisjen/ carwinb's icons, & if needed ask someone to do quick photo-shoot? xx

[2015-05-20 11:44:01] <WISE Up Wales> Hey WL & all - this is getting a bit personal. Hope no one's saying Emmy's lovely face is creepy!  :o) FWIW I thought the eye icon was fine.

[2015-05-20 11:52:21] <Emmy B> Yes well, not the happiest of feedback but I have now changed my avatar into a sun, one of Somerset Bean's work, which I admire so it is all

[2015-05-20 11:52:34] <Emmy B> good!

[2015-05-20 11:54:43] <noll> it's not personal, it's just a bad photo (& we've all experienced that countless times..), & not ideal for campaigning. maybe Bean could -

[2015-05-20 11:55:23] <Emmy B> no Bean could not :-) thanks

[2015-05-20 11:56:00] <noll> - knock something together?.. or not! :o)

[2015-05-20 12:39:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> I liked the eye icon, actually thought about imitating it, but the sun icon is really nice and striking also.

[2015-05-20 12:40:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good luck tomorrow, Cabledrummer. Hopefully, you can make some progress vs MGT's insanity

[2015-05-20 12:41:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Still catching up from the conference but if you need help tweeting to the SNP MPs or whatever else, let me know!

[2015-05-20 12:42:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> I got to give a 5 minute presentation on the importance of online privacy in communities and our libraries in a session on librarian

[2015-05-20 12:42:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Activism. That was good.

[2015-05-20 12:43:19] <Emmy B> Thank you Jenny! I saw the response, excellent work :-)

[2015-05-20 12:46:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> :) I asked Julian's question, who has a smart phone, then turned it around and asked who didn't...we actually had 1 person say she didn't.

[2015-05-20 12:47:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> I told everyone else they were under surveillance. They laughed.

[2015-05-20 12:47:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> But hopefully I made a few people pay attention.

[2015-05-20 12:48:47] <noll> speaking of which:

[2015-05-20 12:48:57] <WikiLeaks> Cable, you should look at the process in germany to declare someone a vexacious litigant.

[2015-05-20 12:50:36] <noll> Bean, could you post temp URL containing HD version of graphic Em is using? it's great for icon, but bit blurry.

[2015-05-20 12:51:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Brilliant! Paul & Wyden don't always get it right but seeing them filibuster the Patriot Act rocks!

[2015-05-20 12:51:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good idea, WL

[2015-05-20 12:52:56] <noll> Jen, agree on both. :o)

[2015-05-20 12:58:58] <noll>

[2015-05-20 15:44:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet]

[2015-05-20 15:45:54] <Emmy B> Plenty of commentaries to engage with.

[2015-05-21 00:07:39] <Emmy B> This guy also very outspoken in support of McNeilly @euanwrites giving interviews etc...

[2015-05-21 02:58:53] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Got an RT from Jenny Jones on the Wise up blog post about the 3rd Anniversary Vigil outside the embassy.

[2015-05-21 03:00:03] <Emmy B> Seems she is happy to interact - Follow up would be good :-)

[2015-05-21 06:40:52] <Cabledrum> Today's court decision in my case has been postponed until tomorrow for technical reasons

[2015-05-21 06:41:17] <Cabledrum> There has been a "fairly final" decision in PC's case, but I don't know any details yet

[2015-05-21 08:18:56] <Cabledrum> Bad news: As it seems, the court has rejected PC's claim

[2015-05-21 08:42:31] <Emmy B> Written explanation end of next week. Court said too complicated for a verbal explanation.

[2015-05-21 09:11:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry to hear that Cabledrummer - hope your case goes well tomorrow!

[2015-05-21 09:57:37] <WikiLeaks> Rejected under what basis?

[2015-05-21 10:03:12] <noll> how it could be rejected? MGT libeled PC & JA repeatedly, at this point it's an easily provable fact.

[2015-05-21 10:55:26] <Cabledrum> WL: The court didn't explain the decision in any way. We have to wait for the written reasons for the judgment

[2015-05-21 10:58:03] <Cabledrum> PC intends to appeal against  the judgement by all means

[2015-05-21 11:02:49] <noll> re:

[2015-05-21 11:03:15] <noll> *where is

[2015-05-22 01:12:12] <noll> can we point this out again, Carr's (v. important for Wls) testimony was on 31 July, but where is that day here:

[2015-05-22 01:53:19] <Emmy B> I don't know how many time I have shared this but it is a must.

[2015-05-22 01:55:47] <Emmy B> Events that unfolded in 1944 in Greece, the 'carving of influence btw Churchill/Stalin' West enabling fascism (previously shared by H).

[2015-05-22 01:57:35] <Emmy B> If WL ever runs 'The World Tomorrow' again, invite Manolis Glezos, he won't be with us forever :-)

[2015-05-22 02:02:37] <Emmy B> SNP Secures Westminster Debate regarding Trident Thursday 28th

[2015-05-22 02:07:10] <WISE Up Wales> I'm working on a rush McNeilly/Trident flyer for tomorrow & Mon. Will share a generic version later in case anyone else can use.

[2015-05-22 02:32:10] <Bean> If you'd like me to give it a go, I've a couple of 'spare' hours tonight. Just email me bean[at]somersetbean[dot]com

[2015-05-22 02:37:29] <WISE Up Wales> Hey, thanks, but I've done what I need for tomorrow now., if I can get it to save as a pdf on old laptop where my very old dtp prog is...

[2015-05-22 02:37:55] <WISE Up Wales> ...but I'm sure there's a need for solidarity flyers people can print.

[2015-05-22 02:38:54] <WISE Up Wales> ...properly designed, like! Did I imagine that you're based in uk at present?

[2015-05-22 02:45:16] <Bean> No probs - I'm sure you've done it beautifully :) But yes here of course for future materials! Another month, and I'm over there - Bristol.

[2015-05-22 04:32:26] <WISE Up Action> I'm looking to go to the Stand Up for Truth talk on 1st (Ellsberg, Drake, Radack et al) so will print some off if available. D

[2015-05-22 04:33:02] <WISE Up Action> Should say that I'm rubbish at designing my own!

[2015-05-22 04:41:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Short feedback by Deputy London Mayor Roger Evans on my enquiry to London Assembly here:

[2015-05-22 05:08:44] <Emmy B> who now follows me *scratching head*

[2015-05-22 05:49:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's pretty amazing sometimes who will follow you on Twitter. :)

[2015-05-22 05:50:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wish I could afford to fly over for your upcoming events. Last summer in London was my travel budget for a couple of years.

[2015-05-22 05:50:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> But my heart's with you and with Julian.

[2015-05-22 06:47:58] <Emmy B> Thank you Jenny we have started the campaign with good exposure so far, we have a great vigil last year and hope for the same this year <3

[2015-05-22 06:48:14] <Emmy B> Many thanks to everyone for the RTs !

[2015-05-22 06:49:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wish we didn't need to keep having the vigils but last year's was excellent and I think you'll be just as strong this year.

[2015-05-22 06:50:27] <Emmy B> Thanks for the encouragement Jenny :-)

[2015-05-22 07:17:18] <WISE Up Wales> Yeah, sure it will be excellent.

[2015-05-22 07:18:14] <WISE Up Wales> I've just posted this as a page on wise up. At present it's not linked to a post...

William McNeilly
[2015-05-22 07:19:44] <WISE Up Wales> It's got my hasty d-i-y flyer, which is also here: [2015-05-22 07:32:32] <Emmy B> Wonderful work! [2015-05-22 08:13:16] <Cabledrum> I still don't have a court decision. The clerk's office of the court was closed today for unknown reasons. [2015-05-22 08:13:23] <Cabledrum> Monday is a bank holiday in Germany, so we have to wait until Tuesday [2015-05-22 08:16:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's frustrating cabledrum, hang in there! [2015-05-22 08:17:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Nice, WiseupW! [2015-05-22 08:25:56] <Emmy B> Bizarre! [2015-05-22 11:54:10] <WikiLeaks> Are you able to bill MGT for the costs if you win, Cable? [2015-05-22 11:58:58] <Emmy B> Hi everyone! I am off for a few days with limited access to wifi, will keep an eye but activity limited, back on Thursday :-) [2015-05-22 12:05:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> Enjoy your holiday, Emmy [2015-05-22 12:59:08] <Emmy B> Thx Jenny! [2015-05-22 15:42:24] <Cabledrum> WL: If I win, MGT has to pay my lawyer and the court costs, all in all approx. 3000 Euros, plus his own lawyer [2015-05-22 18:19:22] <M> [Tweet] FYI [2015-05-22 18:19:51] <M> I'm not a programming person, so I don't know what this means or if it is fixable, but something to look at. [2015-05-22 19:49:01] <Cabledrum> That message is not part of the website but part of the URL, harmless crap. Example: [2015-05-22 19:55:17] <M> Right. I didn't think it was harmful, but it seems like an odd thing to be able to do. [2015-05-25 21:18:03] <Emmy B> @ h I don't seem to find your post with fwlf defamatory tweets and can I include it in my post "Days and Works"? [2015-05-26 03:27:52] <noll> Em, here: [2015-05-26 03:30:09] <Emmy B> Great thanks! [2015-05-26 06:28:08] <Cabledrum> The Frankfurt district court has annulled the preliminary injunction concerning the publication of Goeder-Tarant's photo :) [2015-05-26 06:31:55] <WikiLeaks> Congrats cable. Did you get a costs order, too? [2015-05-26 06:31:56] <Cabledrum> The court seems to be completely overloaded. I still have to wait for the written reasons for the judgment "for one or two weeks" [2015-05-26 06:35:24] <Cabledrum> No. MGT has to pay the court fees and the lawyers, since he lost [2015-05-26 06:36:06] <WikiLeaks> Great. But who will collect the debt? You or the court? [2015-05-26 06:37:02] <Cabledrum> But I'm afraid that he has a legal protection insurance, in contrast to me [2015-05-26 06:39:00] <WikiLeaks> How does that work? Does he have it generally, who is paying for it? Or did he just pay extra for that case, as an insurance fee? [2015-05-26 06:39:53] <Cabledrum> It's 3 bills, one from the court and 2 from the lawyers. My lawyer already sent his bill to MGT today [2015-05-26 06:41:20] <WikiLeaks> He may well not pay your lawyers bills, which would be good. Then they can use standard debt collection techniques to map out... [2015-05-26 06:41:34] <WikiLeaks> his holdings and money flows. [2015-05-26 06:42:33] <Cabledrum> I don't know. Legal protection insurance is expensive. I guess, that he concluded an insurance after the PC case started [2015-05-26 06:43:28] <Cabledrum> hmm, that's a very long way, could take years [2015-05-26 06:43:57] <WikiLeaks> He likely did so fraudulently if he paid for it himself. Insurance companies would want to know expected claims in advance. [2015-05-26 06:44:33] <WikiLeaks> The fees would be so high as to not make it worthwhile if they knew all his pending legal actions. [2015-05-26 06:48:03] <Cabledrum> yes, that's why he sued me for the recent publications of his photo but ignored the publications of last year [2015-05-26 06:57:06] <Cabledrum> Just for the records: MGT only lost the preliminary injunction now. The principal proceedings in this case goes on trial in October [2015-05-26 08:01:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's still a great beginning! Congrats Cabledum! [2015-05-26 08:03:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> It would be interesting to know the cost of legal insurance in Germany, esp. for someone who doesn't have a professional requirement for it. [2015-05-26 08:04:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> In the states Doctors are basically required to have malpractice insurance and it costs them a lot. Probably some other fields as well. [2015-05-26 08:05:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> I did have some legal insurance offered to me at the University of Florida, but it was basics, like rapid access to an attorney, lower fees. [2015-05-26 08:05:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> SUNY doesn't offer it. [2015-05-26 08:08:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bet he's paying and arm & a leg for it. Be nice to know how much - indicates he knows he's doing stuff to land him in court & lose. [2015-05-26 08:08:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Also wonder if he's being 'helped'. [2015-05-26 08:09:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> But I agree, if you win in October, best to get your costs paid ASAP before he wiggles out and/or the insurance co. drops him. [2015-05-26 08:51:06] <WikiLeaks> What is the name of the company providing legal insurance? [2015-05-26 10:06:50] <Emmy B> Congratulations Cabledrummer! [2015-05-26 11:51:25] <Cabledrum> WL: It's just an assumption that MGT has a legal insurance. I have no idea which one it might be. [2015-05-26 13:02:49] <noll> congrats Cables, hope main event goes as well. any news re reasoning behinds PC judgement? [2015-05-26 13:06:07] <Emmy B> Chris has asked me for absolute discretion in the next few weeks/months regarding her case as she escalates her efforts. [2015-05-26 13:07:01] <noll> understood. [2015-05-26 13:08:08] <Emmy B> There is a long road till conclusive outcome is reached. I am trying to assist with gathering evidence, offering support. Patience everyone. [2015-05-26 13:08:14] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-05-26 13:18:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Absolutely, Emmy. [2015-05-26 13:22:00] <Emmy B> Thank you very much! [2015-05-26 14:17:46] <WISE Up Action> Wls FYI whistleblower seminar in Stockholm June 5 [2015-05-27 06:08:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Is there a single link to the TPP chapters released by Wikileaks? Be useful for tweeting at Congress. [2015-05-27 06:11:26] <WikiLeaks> No, but you can construct a search. [2015-05-27 06:43:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Will do, thanks! [2015-05-27 22:03:03] <Cabledrum> "The Magic of Fresh Content on your Web Site" by Mark Goeder-Tarant, Feb 2007 :) [2015-05-28 05:30:05] <Emmy B> If someone knows how to create a URL to point to a particular time in a video please share xxx [2015-05-28 05:32:12] <Emmy B> @ Cabledrummer I came across this article and similar other regarding MGT pre-forum activity as a seo expert when he created a fwlf page [2015-05-28 05:37:35] <Emmy B> in google plus [2015-05-28 05:38:38] <Emmy B> all singing and dancing and he had his name and photo in the pages circles there (Mark Goeder). This is how I learnt his name. [2015-05-28 06:20:52] <Emmy B> Very Important I think if someone can capture this section of the video Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe answers London Assembly's questions regarding [2015-05-28 06:21:36] <Emmy B> the guarding of the Ecuadorian Embassy (I don't know how to do it) maybe @ M can add it to 'This day in WL' - don't know but maybe can be [2015-05-28 06:21:58] <Emmy B> used especially when he is talking about the embarrassment factor: [2015-05-28 06:22:25] <Emmy B> [2015-05-28 06:23:16] <Emmy B> Go to 1 hour and 51 minutes in the BBC i-Player video, it goes on to 1 hour 56 minutes. [2015-05-28 06:24:51] <Emmy B> The video is available on i-player (UK TV license holding) for 28 days. If u cannot access it, maybe someone can tell me how to do it. Thx! [2015-05-28 06:26:20] <Emmy B> Video might be also useful in quotes to add to the govwaste website. [2015-05-28 07:13:01] <noll> "Frankfurt district court annuls prelim' injunction re Goeder-Tarant photo: #Wlsup [2015-05-28 07:13:58] <noll> 3:38 PM - 26 May 2015 / has been censored. [2015-05-28 07:18:57] <noll> Em, under player window on right, there's download button - if you can stand to install/ remove: BBC iPlayer Downloads.. [2015-05-28 07:27:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Emmy, take a look at this - I got it from YouTube so I didn't do set up the links myself, but they may help: [2015-05-28 07:28:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Then again, they may not work at all. :( [2015-05-28 07:30:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not sure if I messed up the links or if the time listings are just an advice, not real internal video links. Sorry! [2015-05-28 09:36:00] <Cabledrum> hazel: Has Twitter notified you in any way or has the tweet just disappeared? [2015-05-28 10:10:02] <noll> hi Cables, Twitter required mobile number & code just to find out why account was frozen, after which tweet was disappeared (we tried to - [2015-05-28 10:12:32] <noll> - archive but it had already gone), we then had to delete something that was already deleted. to get that kind of service - MGT must have [2015-05-28 10:13:22] <noll> - sent himself remarkably imaginative threats. [2015-05-28 10:30:32] <Cabledrum> Strange! Twitter didn't ask me to remove my tweets, they are still online. Due to the court decision there is no legal reason to remove them [2015-05-28 10:41:20] <WikiLeaks> Emmy B, re, video, the breakin? [2015-05-28 11:31:19] <Emmy B> @ WL sorry I don't understand :-) [2015-05-28 12:12:33] <noll> Cables, we know, but there's no space to question whatever claims MGT made within process, would have to send in (likely ignored) complaint. [2015-05-28 12:17:11] <noll> Em, um.. [2015-05-28 12:18:37] <noll> - it's impossible to recommend anything. [2015-05-28 12:31:39] <noll> (Em, we hv no idea what that means!) Cables, jtlyk we're free to start MGT/ Steinitz after 31, will be in touch./ also, will Supernerds be - [2015-05-28 12:32:54] <noll> - be posted, or streams remain up after the show? just dipped in, looks v. good. [2015-05-28 12:52:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, couldn't access while at work, but very much want to see Supernerds. [2015-05-28 13:28:46] <Emmy B> Greek breakin [2015-05-28 16:39:29] <Emmy B> Big relief all around :-) I have found a solution to my recording issue so there will be no need for any sort of breakin, what so ever :-) [2015-05-28 16:39:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> :) [2015-05-28 16:40:42] <Emmy B> heh [2015-05-29 07:03:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Add @ascorbic to WLtrolls list. I'm about to block. [2015-05-29 09:39:26] <Emmy B> Check out his public lists Jenny, he is an interesting one... I will start another list, for our info and put his name on... next to Heather [2015-05-29 09:39:42] <Emmy B> brook, and David Allen Green... [2015-05-29 09:40:05] <Emmy B> I will take a closer look at him over the weekend xx [2015-05-29 10:15:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> OK! He was spouting their traditional nonsense, but he did stop sooner than I expected - went away on his own. :) [2015-05-30 04:47:09] <noll> can someone else remind Bella not to feed Bolt's "sorcery" obsessions (we're tried & failed several times). [2015-05-30 09:40:31] <WikiLeaks> WikiLeaks is riding high in germany and will continue to for the next few months, so it's a good time for cases there. [2015-05-30 09:40:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorcery? Seriously? [2015-05-30 09:41:55] <WikiLeaks> Not feeding the trolls seems to have worked quite well. [2015-05-30 09:42:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's awesome! I know SuperNerds was amazing plus the new releases. Hope it means good things for Cable and P's cases. [2015-05-30 09:42:46] <WikiLeaks> The combination of WL doing well, and very few engaging with them, seems to have left them moribund. [2015-05-30 09:43:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> I suspect it's always good to avoid feeding the trolls, much like alligators or tribbles. [2015-05-30 09:43:02] <WikiLeaks> So it's annoying that Bella is feeding some. [2015-05-30 09:44:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's tough not to avoid responding when someone spouts off idiocy. I shouldn't have gotten into it with one yesterday but sometimes you're [2015-05-30 09:44:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> not sure at first. [2015-05-30 09:47:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some people just have swallowed propaganda and can be reasoned with bit others, not. May take a few tweets to tell the difference. [2015-05-30 09:47:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bit = but [2015-05-30 09:48:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, congrats on SuperNerds and all the recent releases! It's been great to see so many people picking up on the new data. [2015-05-30 10:40:52] <Emmy B> <3 Bella <3 [2015-05-30 11:10:49] <WISE Up Action> Anyone seen / heard any more from Steinitz? [2015-05-30 12:56:28] <noll> interesting article: [2015-05-30 16:18:36] <WikiLeaks> We think she's too stupid to be much of a threat. [2015-05-31 10:14:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] I don't know why this particular tweet of mine would be favoured by so many spam accounts, any ideas? [2015-05-31 10:15:18] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-05-31 12:39:50] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Even more spammers favour this tweet, what is twitter like? [2015-05-31 13:58:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Don't know. Sometimes is just takes one RT to get others to copy. I've got a bunch of random accounts following me, no idea why. [2015-05-31 13:59:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thought about cleaning them out but then figured I wouldn't bother. Do need to clean out who I am following at some pt. [2015-05-31 13:59:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some ppl follow just to get their stats up, I think. [2015-05-31 14:19:57] <Emmy B> I think you are right! [2015-05-31 16:16:18] <noll> @RandPaul is at it again: [2015-05-31 16:24:01] <noll> [2015-05-31 23:56:28] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-06-01 05:51:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Considering the source that's a rather nice compliment for the Senator from Kentucky. LOL [2015-06-01 17:20:42] <Cabledrum> I've just received the written reasons for the judgement on the annulment of the injunction. It says almost nothing. [2015-06-01 17:20:47] <Cabledrum> A preliminary injunction requires urgency and the only reason for the annulment is the lack of urgency in this case. [2015-06-01 17:21:04] <Cabledrum> The court has neither judged whether the publication of his photo is a violation of MGT's rights nor whether he is responsible for FWLF. [2015-06-01 17:21:16] <Cabledrum> This judgements are deferred until the principal proceedings in October. [2015-06-01 17:22:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> That makes sense, still good to see his injunction removed. [2015-06-01 17:23:47] <WikiLeaks> Big day tomorrow for WL. Prepare to fight lots of fun wars. [2015-06-01 17:43:48] <noll> another one, or big as in Kerry cycling round world apologising? either way, look forward to whatever's next. [2015-06-01 17:47:19] <noll> Cables, if it's no longer deemed urgent - that must indicate court no longer fully believes? we still don't understand PC verdict, would be [2015-06-01 17:48:20] <noll> - good to have some kind of overview of that decision at some point/ when poss'. [2015-06-01 18:00:19] <Cabledrum> MGT falsely claimed that he wasn't aware of the publication of his photo before January 2015. [2015-06-01 18:00:22] <Cabledrum> He forgot that he demanded the removal of this photo already in April 2014, by written letter. [2015-06-01 18:00:27] <Cabledrum> This is the ONLY reason why the court has annulled the injunction. [2015-06-01 18:00:54] <Cabledrum> PC's case: I have no update yet. She is still waiting for the written reasons of judgement. [2015-06-02 01:08:26] <Emmy B> @ WL on the edge of our seat as usual :-) [2015-06-02 01:11:11] <Emmy B> @ CD 1. He wants to run u dry of money 2. seek legal advise re fresh publications. MGT's photo is out there already, job done! 3. we should [2015-06-02 01:11:47] <Emmy B> look to crowdsource funds! Very important. [2015-06-02 02:33:20] <Emmy B> OOps what do I read? see final paragraph [2015-06-02 06:32:05] <noll> latest certainly raises host for question too obvious to bother listing, expect for largest, will 100k (forever) taint mantra of public [2015-06-02 06:34:19] <noll> - service whistleblowing? if leak comes this way, 'greed motive' will be used by adversaries - forever, regardless of whether justified. [2015-06-02 06:37:23] <noll> - this motive argument will also impact cases (incl. Manning appeal) via enhancing or generating soliciting claims. [2015-06-02 06:43:32] <WikiLeaks> Yes. But then those questions will become boring and we will announce the next prize and the next one and the next one... [2015-06-02 06:51:51] <noll> means will also become boring unless accompanied by an end, & then they're stuck w/ each other. but, if can push leaks to domino a bit?.. [2015-06-02 06:53:12] <noll> it's risky. but what isn't. [2015-06-02 06:53:42] <WikiLeaks> Each prize has a different demographic and campaigns can be started quickly off the back off major stories (e.g torture report). [2015-06-02 06:54:23] <WikiLeaks> Yes. World wide freedom of the press is closing, so we decided to buck the trend and aggressively push in the other direction. [2015-06-02 07:25:24] <noll> agree, hatches are being battened down everywhere, one would think there is a storm approaching. [2015-06-02 07:32:54] <noll> [Tweet] nytimes writes up 'Russia's "industrialized" trolls' story, applicable everywhere, ie. Savchuk = Sandra & so on. [2015-06-02 07:45:18] <noll> McConnell attacking #USAFreedomAct: [2015-06-02 07:57:47] <noll> [2015-06-02 07:59:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-02 08:00:36] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-02 08:01:46] <M> Still offline for you? Works for me. [2015-06-02 08:04:26] <noll> M, we're seeing: "Internal Server Error" on Chrome, "The website cannot display the page" on Explorer, but Tor is working fine. [2015-06-02 08:04:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-02 08:04:45] <Emmy B> is this right? [2015-06-02 08:04:59] <Emmy B> or is it spamming? [2015-06-02 08:05:27] <noll> spam: "$22940.05 pledged so far by 40 people. 22.94005 Goal 23% complete out of $100000" [2015-06-02 08:09:45] <WikiLeaks> Human bug in our checking bitcoin transactions. All transactions over a certain amount are manually verified. [2015-06-02 08:10:27] <noll> pledge page is back online. [2015-06-02 08:11:37] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-02 08:31:48] <Emmy B> Not just now cause i am busy but later this evening I will tweet to : [2015-06-02 08:32:54] <WikiLeaks> Great list emmy. Be helpful if others use that too. [2015-06-02 08:34:53] <Emmy B> Thanks! yes please everyone feel free to use it, will add to it tonight :-) [2015-06-02 09:22:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> Cool, after work today I'll join in. Just made a pledge myself. [2015-06-02 09:24:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> I may be a bit slow responding to things for a bit. Looks like I'm going to have to undergo surgery soon. Ugh. Bear with me. [2015-06-02 09:52:02] <WikiLeaks> Jenny, that must be very annoying. Our best wishes for you. [2015-06-02 09:59:44] <noll> best wishes Jen xx [2015-06-02 10:11:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thank you! [2015-06-02 10:41:05] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-06-02 14:03:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-06-02 16:17:02] <noll> does anyone know if vid or audio of StandUpForTruth was taken/ will be made available?/ Em, WSJ omits everything negative re TPP, but then.. [2015-06-02 16:19:10] <noll> - somehow - with those last quotes - seems to speak out against censoring negotiations (which it also says are 'nothing to here'). [2015-06-02 16:19:15] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-06-02 16:34:35] <noll> thanks! & yep, if you see film posted pls let us know. [2015-06-03 08:27:26] <noll> [2015-06-03 09:24:56] <Emmy B> No british publication approaches the fact that spying on foreign governments is simply that. Obama is happy to use the espionage act to [2015-06-03 09:26:40] <Emmy B> prosecute and persecute whistleblowers but NSA/GCHQ commit espionage daily. Now we read about aggrement to make it all easy and legal. [2015-06-03 09:31:09] <Emmy B> what are small countries like Greece to do?, Malta? Cyprus? it is insufferable! [2015-06-03 10:04:03] <Emmy B> [2015-06-03 10:04:37] <Emmy B> Public List of WL TISA Release Partners :-) [2015-06-03 11:24:01] <noll> & then the "Guardian staff" (trust us, you don't need to see the docs) 'report' on Wls' "document dump" [2015-06-03 11:26:39] <WikiLeaks> At least they linked. [2015-06-03 11:38:34] <noll> progress of a sort. [2015-06-03 11:39:18] <noll> bet there are 5-eyes clauses in all three. [2015-06-03 11:45:38] <WikiLeaks> Likely. [2015-06-03 13:31:34] <Emmy B> poor guy [2015-06-03 13:31:52] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-03 13:32:09] <Emmy B> another in need of asylum [2015-06-03 16:21:17] <noll> Erdoğan is repulsive. Here's the article (only one capture before being taken down): [2015-06-03 16:42:08] <noll> [2015-06-03 16:54:43] <WikiLeaks> Do you see a copy of the video? [2015-06-03 17:06:13] <noll> here: [2015-06-03 19:10:55] <noll> #mostwanted2015: policy docs of 2007/9 switch from radical emissions reduction to geoengineering, unquestionably greatest gamble in history. [2015-06-04 04:49:21] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-04 05:54:35] <noll> [Tweet] it's a problem/ embarrassment: "[when 'left' or whatever] slips from specious bombast into clear falsehood". [2015-06-04 06:35:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's always true, HazelP, left, right, or anyone. The specious bombasting is dangerous enough, esp. when public buys into it. [2015-06-04 07:03:48] <noll> section re "IBC’s work w/ Wikileaks": [2015-06-04 07:04:45] <noll> *shame [2015-06-04 07:07:35] <noll> - & it's (ironically in this case) usually driven by funding. lancet survey seems, just going on history of these things, to be closer to [2015-06-04 07:08:23] <noll> - the mark. [2015-06-04 08:39:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> The reporting of "COI" (Conflict of Interest) in medical and scientific literature is a big issue, particularly the reporting of funding. [2015-06-04 08:40:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> In most cases, the concern centers around pharmaceutical and biotech company funding and author involvement with the companies. [2015-06-04 08:42:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Looking at funding and COI is one of the things I include when teaching how to evaluate the published literature and clinical trials. [2015-06-04 08:43:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> But there's paying attention to potential COI and then there's absurd attacks meant to hurt someone, looks like this case is the latter. [2015-06-04 08:45:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> Getting government funding may/may not be a conflict, depending on a number of variables. In evaluating study bias, I look for disclosure. [2015-06-04 08:48:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now, you almost always see disclosures required. Some institutions have banned drug company 'swag' for doctors and clinical personnel. [2015-06-04 08:50:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> If you get external funding, honorariums, etc., to give a speech/presentation or other things, most academics have to report it. [2015-06-04 08:51:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> But I haven't seen that for government funding, though it's certainly an issue. I know Julian wrote an interesting article on it years ago. [2015-06-04 08:52:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> But most US govt agencies funding research require reporting their support and public access to resulting articles. Well, the 'normal ones'. [2015-06-04 08:53:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'd bet that there's CIA/NSA/DOD/etc. funding that remains hidden. It's the NIH/NSF/DOE/CDC/etc. that requires public access & reporting. [2015-06-04 09:36:10] <noll> Jen, agree re COI points, & yes, US pharma is awful. re non-slanted reporting, here's crux & Ahmed can't answer it: [2015-06-04 10:04:31] <noll> whilst on 'reporting + distortions = propaganda' topic, would be great if WLP finally sorted out posting policy. [2015-06-04 10:05:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, there's a problem if he can't show direct funding/influence for specific work. If their disclosures are open then the reader can decide [2015-06-04 10:07:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah, they're not always consistent. But political parties are a nightmare at any time. My last Libertarian Party mtg degenerated into chaos [2015-06-04 10:11:20] <noll> Jen, he's missing point entirely? isn't issue conformity to cosy cliques? & funding - what's that to you/ you're group if you're ostracised? [2015-06-04 10:16:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not quite sure I know what you mean. RE conformity to cliques - that's a common & sad human behavior. People will swallow a lot to belong. [2015-06-04 10:18:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not sure what funding has to do with being ostracized, except that you can find it hard to get funded if going against accepted norms. [2015-06-04 10:20:04] <noll> yes, mean that all these groups (IBC etc) operate in closed circles. / completely agree, all the same, would be good if WLP uped their game. [2015-06-04 10:26:55] <noll> re IBC: bias also socially driven - & when not funded direct, there's future funding, job, contacts, that exclusive dinner invite etc. [2015-06-04 10:29:59] <noll> there's a great story there, but unfortunately (& typically) Ahmed seems to have signed up elsewhere. [2015-06-04 10:33:01] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-04 10:36:44] <Emmy B> @ WL "You are a winner" Well done! this achievement will give hope to many and courage to even more <3 [2015-06-04 10:37:56] <Emmy B> Well I take all that back after chasing that button all around the screen!!!!!! ;-p [2015-06-04 10:38:51] <Emmy B> and again ;-p [2015-06-04 10:39:13] <noll> haha [2015-06-04 13:53:57] <Emmy B> :-) should we believe all that we see? :-) [2015-06-04 14:23:20] <noll> Wls again dragged into IBC/ Ahmed/ COI conflict: [2015-06-04 14:24:48] <noll> - or maybe not: [2015-06-04 14:28:04] <noll> - to do quick accuracy checks on Ahmed's work here & in previous 'Insurge intelligence' articles - quite a change in quality, COI? [2015-06-04 14:28:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL - Glad I'm not the only one who chased that button all over the place! :) [2015-06-04 14:31:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> It would take a good bit of work to go through the various articles and check actual funding and policies. Funding doesn't always = COI. [2015-06-04 14:32:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sometimes it's just necessity. But it could make a good subject for an objective journalist to track where many of these NGOs get funds. [2015-06-04 14:33:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> And what influences they are under and which ones bow to those influences and which ones don't. [2015-06-04 15:13:21] <noll> w/ COI & journalism - levels of child-like bias/ ignorance/ idiocy on all sides (incl the subject) seems a. beyond absurd & b. never greater [2015-06-04 15:34:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's always an observer bias of some kind. It's inescapable. The key is to 1. recognize you have it & 2. Admit/disclose it. [2015-06-04 15:35:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> And the reader's responsibility is to read critically and evaluate how much bias and how much influence. [2015-06-04 15:36:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's why I love Julian's idea of scientific journalism - making source documents openly available so interpretive stories can be checked. [2015-06-04 18:03:20] <noll> agree, it one of JA best moments (has a great little Wikipedia entry: [2015-06-05 07:21:21] <M> Rusbridger attacks JA in exit interview: 'As for JA, he hasn’t spent the last few years in exile because of anything to do with publishing.' [2015-06-05 07:21:25] <M> [2015-06-05 09:08:06] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-06-05 09:31:33] <noll> Thomas Quick report - Claes Borgström mentioned 102 times: [2015-06-05 10:21:25] <Cabledrum> bing, bing, bing: 50% reached [2015-06-05 10:36:55] <noll> if copy/ paste page 337/ 8 into Google translate, it's quite damning of Claes, while at same time no way near as damning as should be. [2015-06-05 10:48:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Those two pages didn't mention him when I looked at them, but he's certainly mentioned throughout (by using 'find'). [2015-06-05 10:49:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome re the 50%! [2015-06-05 10:51:04] <noll> sorry, it's pages 377/ 8. [2015-06-05 10:51:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow - that's particularly nasty from Sandra, not that I'm surprised. I blocked her so may not be able to respond which is probably good. [2015-06-05 10:51:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wouldn't be polite. [2015-06-05 11:11:05] <M> English summary of Quick report with comments from Anne Ramberg, Thomas Olsson, Claes Borgström [2015-06-05 11:25:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Of course Borgstrom refuses to take responsibility for his failures. Looks like Olsson's getting plenty of experience cleaning up after him. [2015-06-05 13:02:19] <WikiLeaks> Emmy, we appreciate the effort, but not helpful to feed the Eckersley troll like that (your anaysis). [2015-06-05 13:02:54] <WikiLeaks> SE's article was poorly written, obviously biases, and on a website with no credibility. [2015-06-05 13:04:10] <WikiLeaks> i.e it didn't need to be addressed. Now it's on your website and SE can claim more earnings for her work or otherwise feel like she exists. [2015-06-05 13:05:22] <WikiLeaks> We have a series of wonderful publications this month that touch on every economic sector of most of the world. [2015-06-05 13:05:58] <WikiLeaks> So there's lots to be gained in a positive approach and if you want to whack someone for sport, then we suggest... [2015-06-05 13:06:45] <WikiLeaks> ...those prominent figures who are pro-TISA/TPP, since they're positional opponents anyway and we might make friends with their enemies. [2015-06-05 13:07:04] <Emmy B> I agree with your assessment regarding the SE article, it was not my analysis but a friend asked if I could host her article and I accepted. [2015-06-05 13:07:32] <Emmy B> as she hasn't got her own blog [2015-06-05 13:08:18] <WikiLeaks> SE is in the gutter. Tell her to aim higher. [2015-06-05 13:08:45] <Emmy B> *sigh* [2015-06-05 13:10:40] <Emmy B> yes, sorry [2015-06-05 13:51:32] <noll> first FOI is in: [2015-06-05 13:57:43] <noll> - bother to answer whether used at Ecu embassy - which may, or may not imply NS response made solely to avoid answering 2nd question, [2015-06-05 13:58:59] <noll> - ie. police gadgets aren't usually involved in NS issues, unless of course - they are etc. [2015-06-05 14:40:59] <WISE Up Wales> Use of 'neither confirm nor deny' is v suspect. eg in spycops case [2015-06-05 14:42:50] <WISE Up Wales> ... in court the evidence that undercover cop was an undercover cop, while still refusing to confirm that he was one. [2015-06-05 14:45:38] <WISE Up Wales> More: [2015-06-05 23:04:45] <WISE Up Action> H: there is video of stand up for truth here, but the audio quality deteriorates [2015-06-06 04:53:34] <noll> Action, thanks, "deteriorates [until could be used as torture].." / apparently: "You've all been bamboozled" [2015-06-06 17:34:05] <noll> Wachowski's latest: [2015-06-06 17:35:13] <noll> - doesn't shift gears till 3rd episode. [2015-06-06 22:03:46] <M> As far as fake articles go, this one was pretty cute: [2015-06-07 03:57:27] <Emmy B> I like it, imagine now, if such an activity was to feature in Supernerds!...some headlines? :-D lovely thought to start our day! [2015-06-07 05:56:20] <noll> how fitting - a war criminal testified against CM (w/ fake evidence)? [2015-06-08 05:50:23] <noll> 2nd FOI is in. [2015-06-08 05:52:20] <Emmy B> Bless you, good work! [2015-06-08 05:52:48] <Emmy B> I will be writing to the London Assembly again, who else should I write to? any ideas? [2015-06-08 05:54:23] <noll> (you can download FOI PDFs from 'FOI archive' at bottom of pages). thanks Em :o) maybe new SNP MPs? [2015-06-08 05:56:30] <noll> Em, HO will not answer/ give info' about individual cases, we just asked to make a point. [2015-06-08 05:59:10] <Emmy B> good idea about SNP, Caroline Lucas too, it is time to do so. [2015-06-08 06:06:28] <WikiLeaks> If you watch the Trident debate in Parliament, you will see that Alex Salmond cites WikiLeaks as the publisher. [2015-06-08 06:06:55] <WikiLeaks> That's important because it means WL is in Salmond's brain. [2015-06-08 08:01:42] <Emmy B> I went to the Public gallery at Westminster and listened to that debate. Indeed it was a pleasure to hear A. Salmond attributing WL and [2015-06-08 08:03:21] <Emmy B> the Scottish Herald for making public McNeilly's disclosure. [2015-06-08 08:04:29] <Emmy B> I will write to them. Twitter has its limitations and I have the trolls at my heals. Better to write. [2015-06-08 10:25:03] <noll> Actions, beginning to look like @carlbildt's "it's not allowed" wasn't only referring to Swe excuses. [2015-06-08 10:34:09] <noll> Em, if you need to rip audio, try: [2015-06-08 10:36:43] <Emmy B> Thank you very much. [2015-06-08 10:38:42] <noll> we're building up little audio library: [2015-06-08 14:55:48] <M> Joe Lieberman, Dianne Feinstein, Tony Blair among those who asked for leniency for Petraeus [2015-06-08 15:00:58] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! [2015-06-08 15:02:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> Graham too. Can't believe he's running for President, utter moron. Though he has to fight with Rubio & Santorum for the idiots' crown. [2015-06-08 15:03:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Feinstein is a clear case for term limits on Senators. What are people thinking? [2015-06-08 15:15:03] <WikiLeaks> Omidyar's largest ever recorded political donation was to Feinstein. [2015-06-08 15:16:48] <Emmy B> He plays it seems a very curious game with the 'new look etc' but I don't understand a lot about USpol. [2015-06-08 15:43:27] <noll> if anyone wants to know what's beyond Omidyar's 1% of SN docs, suggest: [2015-06-09 09:13:53] <noll> May 2012 - SC 'Vienna ruling' against JA: [2015-06-09 10:07:17] <Cabledrum> [Tweet] I've just learned that in fact there has been a whistleblowing article in the German law, from 1951 until 1968 [2015-06-09 10:07:28] <Cabledrum> It roughly stated: When a member of the German parliament reveals a state secret to the public, this is not an illegal act ... [2015-06-09 10:07:31] <Cabledrum> ... provided that he intends to prevent a breach of a constitutional law this way [2015-06-09 10:07:47] <Cabledrum> (Sadly, my English is insufficient for an accurate translation.) [2015-06-09 10:11:24] <WikiLeaks> Killed in 1968? [2015-06-09 10:26:00] <Cabledrum> Yes it got deleted in 1968 [2015-06-09 10:29:03] <noll> what happened in '68? [2015-06-09 10:32:07] <Cabledrum> It has been mentioned by Mr. Foschepoth at the "Digital Surveillance State" event on Sunday [2015-06-09 10:33:01] <noll> thanks, will check it out. [2015-06-09 10:34:33] <Cabledrum> hazel: In 1968, the German Emergency Acts ("Notstandsgesetze") took place [2015-06-09 11:08:37] <Emmy B> Maybe it is worth seeing this move in the historic context of the cold war [2015-06-09 11:15:14] <Emmy B> Meanwhile in Greece of the colonels: [2015-06-09 11:18:29] <Emmy B> @ CD "According to Article 10 of the Grundgesetz, limitations may be placed on privacy of correspondence, confidentiality of telecom..." hmm [2015-06-09 12:08:28] <noll> does anyone know if film/ audio of JA's South Bank talk exists? [2015-06-09 12:09:42] <Emmy B> I haven't come across one yet [2015-06-09 12:12:04] <noll> '68 see from 08:13 [2015-06-09 12:16:35] <Emmy B> OTT I know :-) [2015-06-09 12:56:30] <noll> [2015-06-09 14:49:22] <noll> small but important addition: [2015-06-09 15:09:36] <noll> Wikipedia is now following Syria battle in real-time via "UK based SOHR".. [2015-06-10 04:50:53] <noll> [2015-06-10 04:51:37] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 04:51:46] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 04:51:54] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 04:54:46] <noll> why do we have feeling above is link to ideology behind #TPP #TTIP #TISA? also, any hashtag ideas for the three? [2015-06-10 05:07:53] <WISE Up Action> Just shared that story with folks at work and they actually laughed it off as a joke or from a spoof [2015-06-10 05:10:48] <noll> um.. [2015-06-10 05:34:58] <noll> amazing/ telling that big pharma finds it necessary to blasting that at UK govt. [2015-06-10 05:43:54] <noll> #TPP #TTIP #TISA #TPPTTIPTISA [2015-06-10 05:57:31] <WISE Up Action> Was thinking of tag around Secrecy / SecretTrade but can sound too general [2015-06-10 06:15:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> A #SecretTreaties tag wouldn't be bad to combine with the others. [2015-06-10 08:38:22] <noll> Jen, agree. #TPPTTIPTISA #SecretTreaties #GlobalTreaty etc [2015-06-10 08:38:37] <Emmy B> #TradeSecrets (already exists) #TradeTraps [2015-06-10 08:38:55] <Emmy B> @ WL amazing! :-) [2015-06-10 08:40:46] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 08:43:48] <Emmy B> #TradeTriad [2015-06-10 08:43:57] <Emmy B> a group of three [2015-06-10 08:44:42] <Emmy B> (would match the pretty triangle) [2015-06-10 08:47:44] <noll> that's great, sort of goes w/: [2015-06-10 08:50:06] <Emmy B> & ahm... [2015-06-10 08:51:30] <Emmy B> Excellent! [2015-06-10 08:52:39] <noll> haha couldn't be more fitting. [2015-06-10 08:53:10] <noll> [2015-06-10 08:55:55] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-06-10 08:57:23] <Emmy B> It is the best idea to link TTP TTIP TiSA into a triad as WL has done, look how many groups only focus on one or the other treaty [2015-06-10 08:59:07] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 09:09:38] <noll> we've emailed idea to @GeorgeMonbiot. [2015-06-10 09:16:05] <noll> does anyone know who Jonathan Simon is? he's send us idiotic emails re JA case. [2015-06-10 09:19:01] <Emmy B> I do not no. [2015-06-10 09:20:40] <WISE Up Action> Nor me. [2015-06-10 09:24:06] <noll> thought might be: [2015-06-10 09:32:53] <WISE Up Action> Now wound up thanks to Ken Clarke. Thanks H! :) [2015-06-10 09:43:28] <noll> haha sorry! should have seen us day Nigel Lawson turned up here to explain climate change actually good b/c UK will produce more wine. [2015-06-10 09:53:52] <Emmy B> have you seen UK olives? green and horrid (sorry) [2015-06-10 09:58:04] <noll> never even heard of them! (or tried UK wine). / so, what could JA expect if delivered to the US? [2015-06-10 13:37:47] <noll> IBC/ Lancet argue over the dead - really highlights importance of Manning's whistleblowing: [2015-06-10 15:24:33] <Emmy B> It is great to see straight away Academics on board WL release analysis rather than getting papers report what lobbies & politicians (always [2015-06-10 15:26:14] <Emmy B> ready with a quote spinning their way) want to project on the public. Good approach in setting the real agenda, also easy for most journos [2015-06-10 15:26:21] <Emmy B> to report :-) [2015-06-10 17:04:30] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-06-10 17:04:46] <Emmy B> @ WL this article is from 2014!!! [2015-06-10 17:09:28] <Emmy B> Guardian's latest article is from the 3rd of June covering WL TISA and previous TPP releases [2015-06-10 17:09:59] <Emmy B> They haven't yet covered Health chapter...I keep looking :-) [2015-06-10 17:20:59] <Emmy B> What on Earth is this article about I have no idea it claims WL hosted stuff and then deleted it - disinfo? or a joke [2015-06-10 17:48:34] <M> It's about an 'alternate reality game' [2015-06-10 17:49:03] <M> [Tweet] As far as the WL stuff goes, it's bullshit: [2015-06-11 09:18:10] <Emmy B> It is time for WL to write a cypherpunk volume II I think, there is a lot that is commonly known through the Snowden revelations and it is [2015-06-11 09:19:24] <Emmy B> important that they come together and made sense of, given voice for the professional bodies legal/medical/political to start realising the [2015-06-11 09:21:07] <Emmy B> issue/s and the general public too, a book that will verbalise in political speak, in legal speak, social, educational speak where we are & [2015-06-11 09:21:55] <Emmy B> were we need to go, a lot of latest JA interviews are pointing to such matters... :-) [2015-06-11 09:22:33] <Emmy B> (already) [2015-06-11 09:24:24] <Emmy B> when Teresa May delivers her speeches about anti-terror laws and legalising surveillance... where is the counter narrative? politicians [2015-06-11 09:25:36] <Emmy B> don't even have the vocabulary for the counter narrative. In other professions too. Of course, so much to do already... :-) [2015-06-11 09:27:12] <Emmy B> and thanks for doing all you've done! [2015-06-11 09:28:53] <WISE Up Action> Em Remember Stand Up for Truth @jrschlosberg mentioned the lack of counter narrative in MSM. How to break through that? [2015-06-11 09:44:42] <Emmy B> maybe Non 5 eyes countries have more of a chance to be leaders in developing the counter narrative but of course there is both fear [2015-06-11 09:46:23] <Emmy B> and complicity. Anglo-Saxon pride and a system of clientelism among 5 eyes makes those counties' MSM complicity a ticket to establishment [2015-06-11 09:47:49] <Emmy B> status. Difficult to see dissenting will let alone speak, SNP is a hopeful at this precise point, what MSM do they control? [2015-06-11 09:47:54] <Emmy B> any? [2015-06-11 09:48:10] <Emmy B> hmm [2015-06-11 11:51:54] <WikiLeaks> There was only one paper, a Sunday paper, that supported Scottish independence. [2015-06-11 11:52:09] <WikiLeaks> - and it was in Scotland. [2015-06-11 11:52:19] <WikiLeaks> A new pro-independence paper has been founded. [2015-06-11 11:52:33] <WikiLeaks> The other Scottish papers now have to pretend to support Independence. [2015-06-11 11:57:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hopefully the pressure of the people's demands via voting will facilitate more supportive press for the SNP and independence. [2015-06-11 11:59:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm rather enjoying watching Rand Paul try to politically capitalize on the worst anti-liberty behaviors of Obama's Admin (& Clinton) [2015-06-11 12:01:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> He's going after the NDAA and interminable detention w/out due process next. Despite some issues I have with him, he's still pushing... [2015-06-11 12:02:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> some important issues into public debate, making it tough on the MSM to ignore them. It's fun to watch them squirm. [2015-06-11 12:03:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's nice to see a politician 'making hay' out of constitutional violations. :) [2015-06-11 12:13:21] <WikiLeaks> Visa blockaded WL, but soft core child porn is just fine [2015-06-11 13:34:38] <WikiLeaks> They would have tried to go all the way. Politically impossible to do anything else. [2015-06-11 13:35:34] <WikiLeaks> A more interesting question is whether England would have permitted it and how it would have turned formal Scottish independence into.. [2015-06-11 13:35:50] <WikiLeaks> ..a shell through the use of bilateral treaties. [2015-06-11 13:36:45] <WikiLeaks> There is also a real question about the wisdom of sharing an Island with an aggressive nation 10x your size. [2015-06-11 13:37:40] <Emmy B> From a Greek and Cyprus perspective (and some 50+ years family experience in AngloEgyptian Sudan) Britain nothing but benign :-( [2015-06-11 13:42:05] <Emmy B> Even WWII their 'assistance' to Greek resistance was always hampered by their Monarchical agenda (support the Greek King at all costs) [2015-06-11 13:43:07] <Emmy B> In the end came the betrayal in post war Greece and also in Cyprus. It is colonialism of course which was no different to what was meted [2015-06-11 13:44:51] <Emmy B> to Ireland, Scotland and even Wales (four years in Cardiff which is so Anglicised still you have a strong Welsh identity). [2015-06-11 13:53:58] <Emmy B> I don't think one solution fits all ie Nation states are always best, but the English have dominated the other nations and have been brutal [2015-06-11 13:55:31] <Emmy B> in doing so, let the others be I say, there are no barbarians at the gate other than ourselves. Thank goodness! :-) [2015-06-11 14:10:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good points, Emmy. [2015-06-11 14:11:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's so much history b/w Scotland & England, a lot of it quite bitter. I don't know if full independence is possible today, but some [2015-06-11 14:12:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> will always want it. [2015-06-11 14:14:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't know how the Scotland - UK relation works relative to US federal - state. Here there is always some tension over State rights. [2015-06-11 14:15:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> After all, we fought a civil war over that, yes, it was about slavery too, but really it was states rights vs federal govt at core. [2015-06-11 14:16:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> The 10th Amendment and states' rights may be much quieter now than before but it's still an issue, i.e. re Marijuana legalization now. [2015-06-11 14:17:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wonder what the SNP would consider feasible now short of full independence; how much separation would satisfy them and their supporters. [2015-06-11 14:25:26] <Emmy B> I remember our conversations in Earls Court about US Jenny :-) learned a lot including not all higher education or healthcare is private. [2015-06-11 14:26:21] <Emmy B> Are such matter decided at state level or federal level? and who collects the taxes? [2015-06-11 14:28:31] <Emmy B> Here in UK all direct and indirect taxes go to central gov with the exception of Council tax (police, local road maint rubish collection) [2015-06-11 14:29:19] <Emmy B> which goes to the local government (borough/municipality level). [2015-06-11 14:30:40] <Emmy B> Scotland though gets to administer already how to spend central gov money within Scotland via the devolution agreement. [2015-06-11 14:33:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's part of the complicated nature of changing something like healthcare or education policy in the US. Each State can make policy. [2015-06-11 14:34:27] <Emmy B> I see! very difficult then, the Constitution does not mention anything about education for example? [2015-06-11 14:34:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> You pay federal taxes and in most states you pay state taxes. Some states don't have income tax, but collect by sales tax, property tax, etc [2015-06-11 14:34:53] <Emmy B> Indirect tax [2015-06-11 14:35:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, exactly - it doesn't, and by the 10th Amendment anything not specifically said to be federal responsibility is actual supposed to be [2015-06-11 14:35:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> in state hands. [2015-06-11 14:36:26] <Emmy B> And at state level how is each state governed? [2015-06-11 14:36:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some states have tried their own health insurance programs, with varied success and mostly failure. Tennessee's state health insurance [2015-06-11 14:37:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> went belly up more than once. Got sued by Hospitals for millions in nonpayment. Mass is supposed to be a bit better, varies. [2015-06-11 14:38:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Different states and even more local areas can try out different education approaches to some degree. [2015-06-11 14:38:46] <Emmy B> such a big country so many states, surely some 'got it right' ? [2015-06-11 14:38:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> The federal govt uses the funds it gives the states to pressure states to go along with federal mandates. [2015-06-11 14:39:13] <Emmy B> mandates about what? [2015-06-11 14:39:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not many that I know of, problems include lack of funds to pay for it at state level, lack of enough primary care providers, many things. [2015-06-11 14:41:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> But, for example, when Obamacare went through, states could choose to expand Medicare/Medicaid or not, some did, some didn't. Some are [2015-06-11 14:41:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> even considering banning it. [2015-06-11 14:42:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> One weird example, Arizona refuses to go on daylight savings time so it's off from rest of country in time for much of the year. [2015-06-11 14:42:46] <Emmy B> ::-) [2015-06-11 14:43:19] <Emmy B> their own 'timezone' :-D [2015-06-11 14:43:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, exactly. Seriously. [2015-06-11 14:45:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's not always easy for the fed govt to overrule states, look at Marijuana legalization now. Feds trying to make it stop but failing. [2015-06-11 14:46:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> I remember big fights b/w states & fed govt over speed limits. Speed limits on highways vary state to state, but years ago fed govt [2015-06-11 14:46:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> threatened highway funds to states to get nationwide 55 mph. Didn't last long. [2015-06-11 14:47:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> NY still has 55 but FL was 70 mostly. [2015-06-11 14:48:43] <Emmy B> So this is an example of the mandates you were talking about earlier? [2015-06-11 14:48:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Seems like silly issues, but permanent tension. So I look at Scotland situation through US lens, need learn more of their perspective. [2015-06-11 14:48:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes. [2015-06-11 14:50:17] <Emmy B> But, do you have any 'national' or 'ethnic' issues among states? I know it is all America but are there ethnic distinctions at all? [2015-06-11 14:51:23] <WISE Up Wales> I suppose we only have to look to Ireland to see just how low Brits will stoop to hinder independence. [2015-06-11 14:52:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's not really ethnic differences but cultural differences, except in certain places. Some places like south florida, South Cali, South Tx [2015-06-11 14:53:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> have strong Mexican, latin/so American influences. And ethnic groups settled in certain places. Like Swedes and Norwegians in Wisconsin [2015-06-11 14:55:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> Dutch communities in Iowa, parts of NY & PA. English 'pilgrim' influences in New England. But more, the states and regions have unique [2015-06-11 14:56:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> character. The Eastern South is very different from the Western South from New England from the Midwest from the far west, then Cal, OR, WA [2015-06-11 14:56:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> In Pacific northwest different. [2015-06-11 14:57:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Accents, foods, pace of life, primary religions, attitudes, etc change. Remember US is as big as or bigger than Europe. [2015-06-11 14:59:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think we have a problem, due to size, of the lowest common denominator getting nationally elected. Hard to escape huge mass media at that [2015-06-11 14:59:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> stage. [2015-06-11 15:00:04] <Emmy B> We keep talking about US this US that, really, we mean the federal gov ie the politicians that govern. Still, the represent the people. [2015-06-11 15:00:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> Very difficult to mass appeal across so many varied cultures and attitudes and belief systems. [2015-06-11 15:01:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> So gets watered down to mass stupidity. [2015-06-11 15:01:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> But that's why state and local govts have as much power as they do. [2015-06-11 15:03:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> Even the original 13 were hesitant to give up states' rights, thus 10th Amendment. [2015-06-11 15:04:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, this was today's lesson in Americana. For next time... ;D [2015-06-11 15:05:45] <Emmy B> :-) thank you Jenny, we have learned something new today :-) x [2015-06-11 15:07:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Teach me more about the UK and other countries. I wish I could afford to travel more. [2015-06-11 15:07:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> :) [2015-06-11 15:08:39] <Emmy B> Well <3 (I am greek - heh) but genny (wales) shared an excellent video back there really worth watching also the Logan symposium video [2015-06-11 15:09:01] <Emmy B> (dec 2014) remember we had a stall for Chelsea there :-) [2015-06-11 15:09:44] <Emmy B> About Northern Ireland [2015-06-11 15:10:21] <Emmy B> and to tight it all in with Greece (;-p).... [2015-06-11 15:10:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I'm watching a lot of YouTube vids, I'm also a big fan of British TV drama, mystery and sci-fi. I actually do watch more UK TV than US. [2015-06-11 15:12:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Well, I'm off work and can home and get dinner. Have a good night, I may pop back on later when y'all should be sound asleep. :) [2015-06-11 15:13:58] <Emmy B> bye bye Jenny! xxx have a good day at work!!! [2015-06-11 15:14:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-11 15:16:10] <Emmy B> Boer war, Russia, Northern Ireland, Greece, and Palestine ... British colonial pedigree [2015-06-11 16:26:27] <noll> [2015-06-11 16:52:19] <noll> Em, you forget England was a slave state ruled by Norse of Northern France: [2015-06-11 17:01:34] <noll> - colonialism, but cold war conflict which if lost wld hv spread to Italy & beyond. & as you know, regardless of outside interests, Greek - [2015-06-11 17:02:22] <noll> polarization goes back to dawn of history. [2015-06-11 18:16:10] <noll> Wales, as w/ Falklands, Gibraltar it's a matter of democracy/ self-determination: [2015-06-11 18:28:22] <noll> re Ireland - race for independence steppingstone was lost & nationalist patience long gone: [2015-06-11 18:32:58] <noll> Em, simplifications from left or right/ east or western lens are equally wrong. the Boer war started by a lunatic governor. Russia, pure - [2015-06-11 18:41:29] <noll> imperialism, NI b/c no choice, Greece b/c look at post-war map, Palestine b/c an imperial era is just that, &: [2015-06-11 18:44:55] <noll> re distorted lens, it'd be interesting to hear what anyone think would have occurred if NATO hadn't intervened in Libya? one side usually [2015-06-11 18:52:45] <noll> - has nothing to say after their self-interested bombing panacea failed, the other side just wishes the war away & lies about causalities. [2015-06-12 06:51:53] <WikiLeaks> Scotland will pal up with US post independence, like Ireland. They need a counter-weight to England. [2015-06-12 07:08:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Is there a reasonable counterweight available for Scotland in today's world? Not sure Russia or China would be even within possibility. [2015-06-12 07:09:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> The best I see worldwide is the Latin American countries starting to stand together. But is such available to Scotland? [2015-06-12 07:10:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Of course, on my end, I'd like to see the US draw way back on its foreign involvement. Not isolationist, but get out of current insanity. [2015-06-12 09:19:15] <Emmy B> US post war Policy of strengthening the most radical islamists (from Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia) to counteract first USSR then Russia is [2015-06-12 09:20:41] <Emmy B> so short sighted and so distractive, long term to Western civilisation is at least idiotic. Using Nato in this manner disables its function [2015-06-12 09:22:03] <Emmy B> as an alliance of even the pretence of a common interest. [2015-06-12 09:25:24] <Emmy B> What happened in the Ukraine and West's support to modern day European fascism (our own demon) though is even more dangerous and idiotic. [2015-06-12 09:27:28] <Emmy B> I am sorry to be so negative but my view is that US policy has been extremely successful in creating chaos they cannot control. [2015-06-12 09:28:14] <Emmy B> They did not 'win' in Afghanistan nor in Iraq, despite the billions spent and the military effort. All they managed to do is destroy destroy [2015-06-12 09:34:46] <Emmy B> Personally I don't see Russia as a threat, post USSR they have no ambition or they would not have let first the Balkans, then rest East E. [2015-06-12 09:36:38] <Emmy B> let go without a fight or even a 'new negotiated understanding' a new Yalta so to speak, a tactical withdrawal understanding, something to [2015-06-12 09:36:44] <Emmy B> fall back to. [2015-06-12 10:15:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree with you, Emmy. Bush and Obama's policies in the Middle East & Ukraine (and other places) has been not just foolish but outright [2015-06-12 10:16:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> dangerous and counterproductive. [2015-06-12 10:17:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm afraid they've created such a large power infrastructure built around these useless, endless wars and warmongering that it's going to [2015-06-12 10:18:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> be difficult for the US to get out of it, regardless of who is President. [2015-06-12 10:19:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Unless we get someone very unusually courageous and independent. Or some real internal pressure - but, typically, foreign 'evils' are [2015-06-12 10:20:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> used to keep internal controls in place, thus the anti-Muslim terror phobia and the anti-Russia propaganda. [2015-06-12 10:21:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> UK is doing it too, as are other EU nations. [2015-06-12 11:00:58] <Emmy B> It is true, very hard to develop an alternative. [2015-06-12 18:55:24] <noll> Em, it goes unreported but *everyone knows the Ukraine separatists are as equally fascistic as pro-EUs. if you think Putin's Russia is not - [2015-06-12 18:58:04] <noll> - imperialistic, then explain North Caucasus campaigns (& a casus belli which earned a death sentence for reporting on) - that's why it's - [2015-06-12 18:59:58] <noll> - missing from Cablegate? we're not excusing US/ NATO at all. there was no reason to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, & expansion east is insane. [2015-06-12 19:03:54] <noll> anti-Russian propaganda shows intent, & Russian propaganda illustrates failures. our points concern scientific journalism/ history - [2015-06-12 19:06:14] <WikiLeaks> Russia has minor imperialistic goals in its near abroad. But it's economy is considerably smaller than that of Italy... [2015-06-12 19:06:56] <noll> - invented by Thucydides, w/o which we are lost? it's important to flag balance, interests of today's four empires. Wls, we agree, & yet - [2015-06-12 19:07:18] <WikiLeaks> ..It on the defensive and terrified as the the US produces its next generation weapons and enroaches inexorably. [2015-06-12 19:08:39] <WikiLeaks> The greatest landmass in the world with an economy the size of italy and borders with a great many states -- including a massive China. [2015-06-12 19:08:55] <noll> - Hitler made just that mistake. Russia is a behemoth, something that US etc seem // what can you say? - historically illiterate of. [2015-06-12 19:09:09] <WikiLeaks> It runs an independent foreign policy and its arms sales are the only thing that keep a semblance of independence for smaller states. [2015-06-12 19:09:45] <WikiLeaks> Russia is absolutely terrified. [2015-06-12 19:12:00] <WikiLeaks> Kalingrad, Crimea, and its only foreign naval base, Syria are all under threat and are not protected by Russia's strategic depth. [2015-06-12 19:12:47] <WikiLeaks> Meanwhile the US hacks the hell out of it, and attempts to forment an orange revolution in an explicitly stated policy of regime change. [2015-06-12 19:14:19] <WikiLeaks> Consequently the Kremlin is deeply paranoid of everyone, including foreign funded NGO's and invading "western" cultural practices, like gays [2015-06-12 19:15:20] <WikiLeaks> and the internet. That pushes it to become authoritarian, because it thinks it may be overthrown by US subversion, meanwhile opportunists.. [2015-06-12 19:15:51] <WikiLeaks> ...within Russia play on Kremlin fears for their own advancement and power consolidation. [2015-06-12 19:18:50] <noll> we agree, w/ all of that, Victoria Nuland intercepts show the depth of US meddling. & yet greatest danger to Kremlin & its satellites is - [2015-06-12 19:18:59] <WikiLeaks> US next generation weapons are serious advancements. It's play in Ukraine was in Russia's sister country, and so the Russian ruling class... [2015-06-12 19:19:14] <WikiLeaks> are terrified the same thing could happen to them. [2015-06-12 19:20:49] <noll> - as always velvet revolutions, b/c who would want to remain w/i that sphere, it's a goldmine that will slowly erode they're influence - [2015-06-12 19:22:39] <noll> & power. w/o huge reform, closing that door, they should be concerned. but, as you say, they're trapped? western 'reforms' = weakness, [2015-06-12 19:24:54] <noll> - a white flag, intolerable to reactionaries. if west pushes at the weakness - and they push back, as they both are - there lies the danger. [2015-06-12 19:30:10] <noll> antidote is another round of glasnost/ perestroika, but it's politically inconceivable, mostly thanks to US pressure providing an exit. [2015-06-12 19:32:50] <WikiLeaks> Exactly. [2015-06-12 19:33:21] <WikiLeaks> And unity with China is very dangerous, also. [2015-06-12 19:34:58] <WikiLeaks> 10x the population, 7x the GDP, right up against its exposed south eastern flank. [2015-06-12 19:37:22] <noll> pact b/w Russia/ China? they both share achilles heel. w/ China, it's a nightmare in waiting. US should be extraordinarily careful.. but. [2015-06-12 19:39:34] <noll> that's not likely: [2015-06-12 19:44:03] <noll> interesting that china has pre-emptively constructed ready made flash point w/ south seas islands, will US/ regional allies take hint? no. [2015-06-12 19:45:36] <noll> & just imagine another GW Bush pondering any of this. [2015-06-12 19:54:09] <noll> re costs, we've just seen 'Kajaki' [2015-06-12 19:56:03] <noll> - & could be set anywhere, involving anyone. [2015-06-13 04:22:33] <Emmy B> "But it's economy is considerably smaller than that of Italy..." Didn't know that, what an eye opener. [2015-06-13 04:28:00] <Emmy B> In '95, not long after Glastnost, Perestroika I was working for an AngloRussian shipping company, bringing containerised traffic (consumer [2015-06-13 04:29:41] <Emmy B> goods) Froem Western Europe to St Petersburg and bringing back metals for (mainly) Steinweg in Rotterdam. This was a reflection of Russian [2015-06-13 04:30:30] <Emmy B> economy, based on trading commodities ie not sophisticated. [2015-06-13 04:31:43] <Emmy B> The firm also shipped 'project cargo' into Russia, mainly Western manufactured equipment for the gas extraction Russian industries as far [2015-06-13 04:32:48] <Emmy B> as Siberia and Novosibirsk, generally the energy sector. It was all foreign firms shipping the goods into Russia. I saw then as I see now [2015-06-13 04:33:50] <Emmy B> the West going after the Russian resources. So now all this US bla bla 'Europe must be independent of Russia from its energy needs' it is a [2015-06-13 04:34:40] <Emmy B> big lie in a way because it was the West that immediately went in to develop this sector. Sadly, I think this anti-Russian rhetoric is not [2015-06-13 04:37:14] <Emmy B> different than building up a case for the eventual control of Russian resources. German Banks were from the start investing heavily & [2015-06-13 04:38:32] <Emmy B> building transport infrastructure ie Berlin- Moscow direct rail link etc. So it has been a steady Western reach out to get to Russia market [2015-06-13 04:39:07] <Emmy B> and resources from West's financial centres. [2015-06-13 10:25:22] <Emmy B> @ WL <3 You did it again ! :-) [2015-06-13 10:29:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> That fear from Russia has been around for awhile. My sister was there in the Peace Corps when the Russians threw out the Peace Corps, [2015-06-13 10:29:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> She had to come home early. [2015-06-13 10:31:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> My personal fears are supporting the rise of fascism in Ukraine and similar places in a foolish use of Russia as an enemy to stir fear in US [2015-06-13 10:31:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> citizens to keep them from rising up against problems at home. [2015-06-13 10:32:17] <WikiLeaks> Peace Corps is perfectly nasty at its core. It has its own cable system, complete with classifications and uses the same layout as State. [2015-06-13 10:32:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> And the use of China as another boogeyman to get us into yet another war or cold war. That would be the worst thing . [2015-06-13 10:32:57] <Emmy B> I have no idea what peace corps is, looking up now... [2015-06-13 10:33:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> My parents were both peace corps volunteers and they took their work in Africa in the 60s seriously - my Mom was a nurse. They tried to do [2015-06-13 10:33:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> good things. [2015-06-13 10:34:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> A lot of the volunteers really want to help. But I can believe high levels are corruptible. [2015-06-13 10:35:16] <WikiLeaks> [2015-06-13 10:35:35] <WikiLeaks> It's used as cover for CIA etc also. [2015-06-13 10:36:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Emmy - peace corps send volunteers around the world to provide help, training, education, medical care. Most volunteers really want to help. [2015-06-13 10:37:11] <Emmy B> Thank you all, reading now... [2015-06-13 10:38:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> I grew up on my parents' stories of West Africa and the amazing people they met there. [2015-06-13 10:39:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> The same true of my parents' peace corps friends. It's very disheartening to hear it's been misused by the USG. [2015-06-13 10:40:12] <Emmy B> Very interesting... [2015-06-13 10:41:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> I nearly volunteered myself coming out of college but wanted to get my PhD, which I never quite finished in the end. [2015-06-13 10:41:49] <Emmy B> From a time perspective, Before Peace Corps type org, it was churches who played such role in spreading culture/religion influence in Africa [2015-06-13 10:43:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, and churches still do a lot of that. [2015-06-13 10:43:27] <Emmy B> My great grandad as building contractor built UK gov offices in Chartum (Sudan) & US Christian missions in South Sudan in 30's 40's. [2015-06-13 10:43:40] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Peace Corps was a brilliant, if evil idea. [2015-06-13 10:44:53] <Emmy B> I guess it can sit above religious obstacles ie penetrate islamic African countries where a Christina mission would not have much chance... [2015-06-13 10:44:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Damn, it makes me angry that they misappropriated the good work and true caring of people like my parents and so many of the volunteers. [2015-06-13 10:46:51] <WikiLeaks> It's not like some of the work wasn't useful, but yes, State uses Peace Corps as a means of public diplomacy to calm irate populations. [2015-06-13 10:47:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's a weird sort of balance, do you take good work that comes with religious evangelism or risk infiltration of secular volunteers w/ govt. [2015-06-13 10:47:36] <WikiLeaks> Much the same thing. [2015-06-13 10:48:49] <Emmy B> The missions did good work offering education and health care but also created cultural alienation & dependence of locals from the europeans [2015-06-13 10:49:11] <WikiLeaks> Duel agenda in both cases. "Do gooding" opens the door, but coversion is the main game. [2015-06-13 10:49:11] <Emmy B> for work as well as 'society'. [2015-06-13 10:51:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> For most volunteers it was purely about the doing good. It was for my parents and their friends. My Mom was a nurse, provided health care [2015-06-13 10:52:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> She took a lot back with her, used to carry me like the African women did their babies. Taught us Swahili. Made sure we understood [2015-06-13 10:53:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> people everywhere had value. [2015-06-13 10:53:52] <Emmy B> "like the African women did their babies." how sweet :-) [2015-06-13 10:54:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> But my parents were 60s hippy types. [2015-06-13 10:55:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> She wrapped me up on her back with African robes, supposed to make baby feel safe and feel mother's heart beat. [2015-06-13 10:57:09] <Emmy B> They would have loved their experience then and took a lot out if it. What a difference a few decades make. My family settled in Africa in [2015-06-13 10:58:28] <Emmy B> 1913 and left in late 50's early 60's I think, very very different attitudes but my mum describes herself as a white African so... [2015-06-13 10:58:40] <Emmy B> aww! [2015-06-13 10:59:07] <Emmy B> Jenny, did your parents make local friends? [2015-06-13 10:59:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's interesting, but yes, generations differ a lot. [2015-06-13 11:00:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, my Mom used to talk about the girl next door, young preteen who spoke 7 languages fluently. And about the Masai people & how dignified [2015-06-13 11:00:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> they were. [2015-06-13 11:02:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> I was more a child of the 80s and rebelled against what I thought was my parents' sappy liberalism. They meant well but I thought they were [2015-06-13 11:03:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> Full of it. LOL. Typical enough. :D [2015-06-13 11:04:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, sad to hear Peace Corps misused. It meant a lot to my family. [2015-06-13 11:06:02] <Emmy B> :D I think we owe a lot to that generation Jenny as far as HR and civil liberties are concerned. Whether they lived up to their own [2015-06-13 11:06:56] <Emmy B> standards is another matter if I am permitted to say so, but created a horizon for us, that still today (drowning in consumerism) provides [2015-06-13 11:07:04] <Emmy B> a focus, a direction. [2015-06-13 11:08:14] <Emmy B> But going back to Peace Corps, I think it is fair to say, once an institution is established with state backing and resources it is very [2015-06-13 11:08:47] <Emmy B> easy to divert its primary function away from its apparent objective. [2015-06-13 11:10:01] <Emmy B> I will read a bit more about Peace Corps, thanks for bringing it up :-) [2015-06-13 11:10:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh yes, they did do a lot of good. I got frustrated with parts of it that were illogical or overdone, like feminism that turns into hatred [2015-06-13 11:10:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> Or constant whining excuse for failure. [2015-06-13 11:11:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Or in my case, constant pressure to succeed professionally. Parents tend to try to make up what they felt they didn't have thru their kids. [2015-06-13 11:11:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Made me hate feminism. [2015-06-13 11:12:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, the peace corps is an interesting topic. [2015-06-13 11:12:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> And anyway, world's always moving on and growing up reminds you of what your parents did right as well as wrong. [2015-06-13 11:13:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> :) [2015-06-13 11:13:11] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-06-13 11:13:22] <Emmy B> yes [2015-06-13 11:15:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> You are right about organizations like the Peace Corps. Sadly ripe for misuse and diversion. That's why I'm very cautious of charities. [2015-06-13 11:16:45] <Emmy B> oh [2015-06-13 11:24:26] <Emmy B> YMCA seems more benign [2015-06-13 11:25:22] <Emmy B> I did not realise Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) was a UK government project either [2015-06-13 16:53:24] <noll> [2015-06-13 16:53:46] <noll> [Tweet] somewhere in-between? [2015-06-13 16:56:43] <WikiLeaks> Do you have the full text to that ST article? [2015-06-13 16:59:13] <noll> not yet, trying to find a repost, damned if giving STimes bank details, esp. for this crap. will tweet it asa turns up. [2015-06-13 17:05:11] <noll> a few further details here: [2015-06-13 17:10:10] <noll> looks like 4 paragraphs & the rest is just padding. [2015-06-13 17:30:22] <M> Here's the full ST article: [2015-06-13 17:37:28] <noll> thanks. [2015-06-13 17:43:05] <noll> "which contain details of secret intelligence techniques/ info that could allow UK & US spies to be identified" [2015-06-13 17:44:01] <noll> if there's any truth in story, above seems more than likely. [2015-06-13 18:25:41] <noll> [2015-06-13 19:18:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-13 19:21:31] <noll> hilarious: [2015-06-13 19:27:25] <WikiLeaks> Great find. [2015-06-13 19:28:19] <noll> as always - couldn't make it up. [2015-06-13 19:28:44] <WikiLeaks> "The CIA employee will inform you if and when you have been cleared by the Peace Corps to apply for employment with the Peace Corps." [2015-06-13 19:32:12] <WikiLeaks> It's in knots trying to resolve its own contridictions: to avoid scandals re: CIA infiltration but at the same time, to enable it. [2015-06-13 19:33:26] <noll> [2015-06-13 19:37:33] <noll> also acts as official CIA 'work experience': [2015-06-13 19:40:46] <WikiLeaks> Another way to read this is that PC is trying to protect CIA agents from foreign infiltration. [2015-06-13 19:45:55] <noll> & CIA from foreign infiltration, monitoring/ surveillance of PC recruits likely v. intense, to say least. [2015-06-13 19:48:13] <noll> sounds like a fun way to travel to "139 countries served since 1961": [2015-06-13 20:06:13] <WikiLeaks> "beware the three C's -- Communism, Cuties, and the CIA." [2015-06-13 20:40:44] <noll> great article, when it comes to cult-like institutions, agencies, elitist sectors & brotherhood associations could use several alphabets. [2015-06-13 20:42:35] <noll> guardian posts w/o comment: [2015-06-14 01:06:54] <Emmy B> interesting they do not challenge a single sentence they report from the times article [2015-06-14 01:42:20] <M> Ryan Gallagher did a breakdown of problems with the ST Snowden story: [2015-06-14 03:02:22] <WISE Up Wales> This from Craig Murray on the ST Snowden story: [2015-06-14 05:00:54] <Emmy B> [2015-06-14 06:25:18] <noll> [2015-06-14 06:33:50] <noll> the onion should do a take down of 'journalism' & .govt anonymous sources. [2015-06-14 06:51:21] <noll> [2015-06-14 06:58:53] <noll> [2015-06-14 08:26:13] <WISE Up Action> My goodness [2015-06-14 08:29:46] <noll> "a *Shill*man Journalism Fellow at the 'Freedom Center'" - don't hold back! [2015-06-14 08:31:22] <Emmy B> I mean the timing is perfect, maybe Brigade 77's first assignment, tie Snowden to Russia so budget allocated, box ticked (:-D) then throw [2015-06-14 08:31:40] <Emmy B> the dog a bone, let's see how it does.... [2015-06-14 08:32:11] <Emmy B> We should keep notes LOL [2015-06-14 09:10:15] <Emmy B> Ewen McAskill [2015-06-14 09:12:51] <noll> [2015-06-14 09:17:23] <Emmy B> McAskill's article is good, no comments are open [2015-06-14 09:17:54] <Emmy B> I think I will go buy the printed version see what they have actually printed vs their online content. [2015-06-14 09:21:23] <noll> could you put some large scans online? - they are different: [2015-06-14 09:36:15] <Emmy B> Sorry, @ Hazel, what do you mean (I just came back form the shop with the paper version) [2015-06-14 10:21:13] <noll> can you make a scan of the article w/ scan resolution set high, & post a temp page on your blog w/ the images so that others can save them? [2015-06-14 10:25:40] <noll> Em, does page 2 of article contain Miranda lie? [2015-06-14 10:36:50] <noll> a UK 'journalist' holding power (seen here in the guise of a mass murding idiot) to account: [2015-06-14 10:38:43] <Emmy B> yes it does [2015-06-14 11:08:12] <Emmy B> [2015-06-14 11:53:07] <Cabledrum> WL: There's a problem with the domain registrar of [2015-06-14 11:53:27] <Cabledrum> The registry for the TLD .org (afilias-nst) does not deliver an authoritative DNS for [2015-06-14 13:03:06] <Emmy B> Thanks for checking! I won't include the domain name just now in a new flyer we are putting together. [2015-06-14 13:42:43] <noll> [Tweet] Em, is this it? [2015-06-14 14:05:00] <Emmy B> Will give the topic a miss and stick with WL news :-) x [2015-06-14 14:05:10] <Emmy B> But on a good note [2015-06-14 14:06:21] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-06-14 14:06:52] <Emmy B> Great strides forward in HR in Greece the last few months :-) [2015-06-14 14:15:29] <noll> still 16th etc. here's the FT piece: [2015-06-14 17:08:29] <noll> two amusing propaganda pieces on NK, complete w/ "a source said": [2015-06-14 17:16:12] <noll> point we were making re journalism etc yesterday transferred to STimes article: [2015-06-14 17:24:05] <noll> - of attacks on Wls/ Cablegate incl the significant Shamir case, which had 2 parts. ie. next: a patent nonproof presented/ adopted as proof. [2015-06-15 07:44:28] <noll> [2015-06-15 07:49:21] <noll> perhaps this has gone so sideways they're will be no follow-up (which could also involve attacking SH/ Wls). [2015-06-15 09:32:47] <M> Dagens Juridik criticizes secrecy re prosecution plans to question JA [2015-06-15 11:01:38] <noll> latest FOI - surveillance FOIs are designed to be appealed & then taken to UK info commissioner. [2015-06-15 11:03:47] <noll> appeal for 33368 question is already in - it failed to address any of the points we raised, just repeated initial justification. [2015-06-15 11:05:55] <Emmy B> Excellent work H <3 [2015-06-15 11:06:16] <Emmy B> and many thanks to everyone for sharing all the info links :-) [2015-06-15 11:07:26] <noll> thanks Em, we're preparing another batch of FOIs, will let everyone know contents when sent. [2015-06-15 11:26:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's great, HP! [2015-06-15 12:54:34] <noll> [Tweet] UK press outdoing themselves these days.. [2015-06-15 13:03:41] <noll> Bloomberg article w/ "comment from @foreignoffice, but FO has nothing to do with arranging #Assange MLA": [2015-06-15 13:05:57] <Emmy B> Are they going to procrastinate on technicalities? [2015-06-15 13:13:43] <noll> MLA sent 1 June, things shouldn't complex - but if Ny waits till near her 31 July deadline, will have a 13 day failure excuse - & blame JA. [2015-06-15 13:16:34] <Emmy B> Honest to god one day we must know what has happened with this case, the politics, the interference. [2015-06-15 13:16:44] <Emmy B> so unfair [2015-06-15 15:44:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's pure insanity. I'm suspicious Ny wants to let it die on statute of limitations so she doesn't have to produce exculpatory evidence [2015-06-15 15:45:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> or get embarrassed by being either unable to make charges or getting taken to pieces in court. [2015-06-15 15:47:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Leaves JA without chance to see and release exculpatory evidence or to prove his innocence, so he's left without way to clear his name fully [2015-06-15 15:48:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> And he's still stuck b/c of US hidden indictment and UK threat to arrest regardless. [2015-06-15 15:48:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Infuriating! Wishing for a way to sneak him out to Ecuador. [2015-06-15 15:49:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Too bad he doesn't fit in a diplomatic bag. :P [2015-06-15 16:49:44] <noll> [2015-06-15 17:59:31] <noll> [Tweet] Hector X. Monsegur @hxmonsegur 1h Looks like I'll be heading to Berlin this year. Nice! [2015-06-15 20:46:37] <M> Quotes from Keith Lowry - who investigated Manning and Snowden - are beyond ridiculous. [2015-06-15 20:55:02] <Emmy B> Yes, but such views about whistleblowers and Manning in particular were expressed at the time even by the Guardian remember? [2015-06-16 05:34:37] <noll> oppositism - isn't the 'problem' the odd person in mass-crimes office who isn't "malicious in nature"? [2015-06-16 06:22:28] <noll> #wanted2015 - #ForcedDisappearance files [2015-06-16 06:41:38] <noll> Henry Jackson Society began Snowden attack: [2015-06-16 06:42:08] <noll> More: [2015-06-16 06:51:43] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Re HJS [2015-06-16 06:55:48] <noll> [2015-06-16 06:58:27] <noll> HJS has made similar attacks against Wls: [2015-06-16 06:59:38] <noll> HJS website is *not secure - would avoid viewing directly. [2015-06-16 10:22:37] <Cabledrum> Wikileaks: [2015-06-16 10:22:49] <Cabledrum> Standard DNS lookup terminates with "Domain does not exist" [2015-06-16 10:22:57] <Cabledrum> Whois looks ok, name server points to ns* [2015-06-16 10:23:03] <Cabledrum> Direct DNS lookup at ns* works out [2015-06-16 10:35:55] <Emmy B> Maybe they've taken it down CD [2015-06-16 10:48:54] <Cabledrum> No, it looks like a technical problem of their domain registrar [2015-06-16 10:51:00] <Emmy B> thank you! [2015-06-16 19:10:30] <noll> [2015-06-17 06:09:41] <Cabledrum> @smsteinitz is back on Twitter [2015-06-17 06:12:21] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-17 06:16:02] <noll> [Tweet] re scepticism of what SNP says now & will do. [2015-06-17 06:40:43] <noll> following arrest UK can legally hold someone w/o charge for 96 hours - by 19th JA will have been held for 39,744 hours. [2015-06-17 07:55:47] <Emmy B> The hypocrisy.... [2015-06-17 08:01:22] <Emmy B> Re Russian sanctions, Syriza intervention avoided expansion of sanctions further back in Feb. They do not have to power to cancel existing [2015-06-17 08:02:24] <Emmy B> sanctions which will be prolonged as long as the powers to be wish. Gr/Syriza-Anel position is against sanctions in general as non effective [2015-06-17 08:02:32] <Emmy B> counterproductive. [2015-06-17 08:03:35] <Emmy B> The other two elements of foreign policy re issue is: 1. 100,000 Greek origin ppl in Mariupoli and their safety, 2. the counter sanctions by [2015-06-17 08:04:46] <Emmy B> Russia to EU cost Gr agriculture Russian market (pre-sanctions 70% of Gr agricultural exports went to Russia). Under current financial situ [2015-06-17 08:05:23] <Emmy B> you can imagine the impossible diplomatic situation for GR [2015-06-17 08:21:08] <noll> important update: [2015-06-17 08:29:17] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing! [2015-06-17 08:34:03] <noll> Em, agree, GR is canary for so much atm. it's *own export/ people's interests vs Troika/ US interests - 'do as we say or else'. it's awful. [2015-06-17 08:35:35] <noll> interesting article posted by appelbaum: [2015-06-17 09:21:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> That is interesting. That's a common problem, reducing high complexity to simplistic examples, esp biased ones. Not that reducing complexity [2015-06-17 09:22:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> is always bad, but large nations are always a huge mixture of people, cultures, policies... often one part of the govt doesn't know another [2015-06-17 09:22:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> is doing. [2015-06-17 10:14:10] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-06-17 10:20:40] <Emmy B> Disgraceful behaviour as usual! [2015-06-17 10:55:02] <WikiLeaks> This is our backgrounder for the 3 years. Please try to stick roughly to its framing [2015-06-17 10:55:14] <WikiLeaks> (i.e angle, chronology) [2015-06-17 10:56:17] <WikiLeaks> There will likely by a counter-attack by the Sweden tomorrow so it is important to establish the true narrative now. [2015-06-17 11:00:05] <noll> this is a good stat for countering, hasn't been used before. [2015-06-17 11:05:12] <WikiLeaks> no page? [2015-06-17 11:05:23] <WikiLeaks> Is that your 96 hours stat? [2015-06-17 11:05:30] <WikiLeaks> If so, yes, that's very good. [2015-06-17 11:05:53] <noll> sorry reworded Tweet. [2015-06-17 11:07:36] <noll> both came for researching new FOI, will put link to new ones here this evening. [2015-06-17 11:18:54] <noll> are we reading that right (it's incredibly muddled) - that in effect there is a 90 day time limit on executing the warrant? [2015-06-17 11:27:39] <WikiLeaks> It's muddled, but one should look at the enabling legislation in the UK. The Framework text can only be used to resolve ambiguities. [2015-06-17 11:49:58] <Emmy B> If it was all supposed a secret about prosecutor coming to question JA at embassy how is it Expressen journo Chris was outside the embassy [2015-06-17 11:50:27] <Emmy B> asking questions from the vigil ppl? how did he know to come? [2015-06-17 11:51:25] <Emmy B> it seems someone from the prosecutors office is leaking info selectively to Expressen [2015-06-17 12:04:40] <noll> looks like 90 time limit is completely ignored by Extradition Act: [2015-06-17 12:26:01] <noll> & there's nothing in Crime/ Policing Act amendments. & yet, "Framework Decisions are binding upon Member States": [2015-06-17 12:36:11] <Emmy B> It is blamed on Ecuador in Swedish press [2015-06-17 12:51:01] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-17 12:51:06] <WikiLeaks> Eckersley's Assange contract looks like it has ran out. [2015-06-17 12:57:40] <noll> [2015-06-17 13:00:11] <noll> - although she's still got Fwlf to endlessly argue w/. [2015-06-17 14:18:38] <M> [Tweet] Does Levine not realize this is fake? [2015-06-17 14:23:47] <Emmy B> Well the 'tor is US navy funded thus unsafe' perspective has been popular among a certain circle including him. [2015-06-17 14:23:56] <Emmy B> He is just adding to the mythology? [2015-06-17 14:24:08] <Emmy B> He wants a dig [2015-06-17 14:26:15] <M> It's unfortunate that an otherwise bright individual can become involved in such a petty feud. [2015-06-17 14:31:56] <Emmy B> shh *I don't like him* shh intellectual arrogance climbs its podium poking at a very popular person who also has dimples? (try...envy?) [2015-06-17 14:32:11] <Emmy B> hahaha [2015-06-17 14:38:28] <Emmy B> [Tweet] I live to regret it but: [2015-06-17 14:58:28] <noll> new FOIs: [2015-06-17 15:14:26] <noll> question three had just been updated. very hard to know how to word these things. [2015-06-17 15:16:29] <noll> *has [2015-06-17 15:20:41] <noll> could use a Jason Leopold tutorial.. [2015-06-17 16:25:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm utterly disgusted at Ny. Unbelievable behavior. [2015-06-17 16:26:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> How can anyone believe her or justify her? [2015-06-17 16:27:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wish I could be more proactive helping right now, but I'll be in hospital next Tues - Thurs having my cardiac surgery. Trying to get work [2015-06-17 16:28:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> and etc. in order by then. [2015-06-17 16:28:49] <noll> does anyone know where Ny's denial of sending a cancellation email is posted? [2015-06-17 16:29:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> End of next week, I'll probably be online a lot and bored in recovery, so I can do stuff then if needed [2015-06-17 16:29:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> She's denied it? [2015-06-17 16:31:19] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-17 16:32:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, bad if she got caught by the Guardian. How stupid! [2015-06-17 16:35:10] <WISE Up Action> It's just this that's being referred to, I think: para 4 'in email correspondence seen by the Guardian' [2015-06-17 16:35:35] <noll> ah, we see, it's all within the same article, here: [2015-06-17 16:36:42] <noll> Action, Jen, that's astonishing - they're literally compulsive liars. [2015-06-17 16:52:59] <noll> & why lie about that? it's completely pointless. as though lying has become a pathological compulsion. must be a fun office. [2015-06-17 17:08:22] <WISE Up Action> It's the wind up. The 'can't confirm or deny' of the security services. Plus it was technically still a 'prospective appointment' [2015-06-17 17:08:39] <WISE Up Action> tho obv arranged in all but name. [2015-06-17 17:10:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> You're right, the Guardian has become astonishingly corrupt. I've seen places like that, usually it's terrible leadership, top down paranoia [2015-06-17 17:11:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> People compete for favor & lie, whisper, gossip, and backstab. [2015-06-17 17:13:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> I also can't imagine what Ny's office is like. How many excuses? How embarrassing. [2015-06-17 18:27:39] <Cabledrum> [2015-06-17 18:29:54] <Emmy B> I am including site in only one of the two flyers we are printing for distribution outside the embassy. [2015-06-17 18:56:49] <noll> Cables, v. expired, we see host of 'do not enter' privacy error warnings. [2015-06-17 19:13:34] <noll> day 1,654 [2015-06-18 06:08:17] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-18 06:33:42] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-18 07:05:30] <noll> [2015-06-18 09:25:38] <noll> [2015-06-18 09:45:30] <WikiLeaks> What's that cspan reference? [2015-06-18 09:46:54] <noll> [2015-06-18 09:47:27] <noll> #FastTrack passes 218-208 [2015-06-18 09:51:16] <WISE Up Action> Oh shit. [2015-06-18 10:09:23] <noll> yep, & can't imagine Senate voting against. [2015-06-18 10:54:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh shit sums it up perfectly. Wonder how much money went into paying off those reps. [2015-06-18 10:56:17] <Emmy B> A close call [2015-06-18 10:58:47] <WikiLeaks> Senate will not vote against. [2015-06-18 10:59:00] <WikiLeaks> Not unless we publish the remaining chapters before it votes. [2015-06-18 11:03:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> Or one of the Sens running for President decides to make trouble. Wonder if Rand Paul would make a stink - he seems to be against it. [2015-06-18 11:03:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> But yes, hopefully the increasing fund pledge for the TPP will get it leaked to WL. [2015-06-18 11:07:02] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-18 13:43:14] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-18 13:45:10] <Emmy B> FWLF continues to spam my threads, here in a parallel thread with gerge42 mgt gets the MP to laugh and share in the joke. What does one do? [2015-06-18 13:45:58] <WikiLeaks> The MP is a tory twat. [2015-06-18 13:47:02] <WISE Up Action> Quite. [2015-06-18 13:49:22] <Emmy B> :-) of course, but still, every one of my serious efforts to push the message across is spammed by mgt. Do I go back explaining who fwlf is [2015-06-18 13:49:38] <Emmy B> or drop the whole thing? [2015-06-18 13:51:13] <WikiLeaks> Have you banned him and his proxies? [2015-06-18 13:52:04] <Emmy B> yes [2015-06-18 13:52:36] <noll> why push anything at a gutter, unless you want to troll it, don't bother? [2015-06-18 13:53:19] <WikiLeaks> The issue is, he is trolling people she talks to, e.g like the tory MP, because she talks to them. [2015-06-18 13:53:30] <Emmy B> but he sees all my tweets anyway I don't know how and within minutes he is on my threads [2015-06-18 13:54:09] <WikiLeaks> You could just change the name of your account and the icon to a pretty blonde. [2015-06-18 13:54:55] <Emmy B> why? [2015-06-18 13:55:44] <WikiLeaks> He won't know the new name. And the blonde--studies show attractive women as icons open up resistant social groups of men, such as MPs. [2015-06-18 13:56:28] <WikiLeaks> Or just create a new account to do this. [2015-06-18 13:58:02] <Emmy B> hahahaha [2015-06-18 13:59:25] <Emmy B> my problem...I don't want to pretend to be other than I am...very limiting I know [2015-06-18 14:00:36] <Emmy B> but anyway a good idea for future campaigns. [2015-06-18 14:01:05] <WikiLeaks> Pick a dead actress if you want plausible deniability, where the image represents a statement, rather than a person. [2015-06-18 14:01:30] <WISE Up Action> well I guess you may have to have patience, Em - he does totally shoot himself in the foot - MG I mean [2015-06-18 14:02:56] <Emmy B> thank you all, great support <3 I return to the battlefield :-) [2015-06-18 14:03:13] <Emmy B> hahaha x [2015-06-18 14:14:04] <noll> we might put one together, HP is v. constrained. [2015-06-18 14:33:17] <noll> [2015-06-18 15:51:56] <noll> is this true? if not, does anyone know who @ZULU4O1 is? - all they do is feed Fwlf. [2015-06-18 15:59:34] <Emmy B> sweetie, no thank you, but really appreciate this :-) I will just persevere and eventually prevail. [2015-06-18 16:00:59] <Emmy B> who is this Tom Coburg who keeps tweeting at me about Greece, anyone? [2015-06-18 16:12:38] <noll> well, it's there if needed, we might well use now & again. no idea who Tom Coburg is, but recognise the account. [2015-06-18 22:23:13] <M> [Tweet] Parody account getting some traction. [2015-06-18 23:40:24] <Matt Watt> I have seen my name mentioned several times regarding that Zulu account, not me running it, also not sure who is. [2015-06-18 23:43:45] <Matt Watt> Heading to #3years2long protest in Sydney at UK consulate. Is a time set on todays MidEast release, might be able to link for Aus media pub [2015-06-18 23:54:37] <WikiLeaks> Matt, Google removed your video: [2015-06-19 00:01:36] <Matt Watt> Which video was it? Link doesnt give me a title. They have taken down several over years, once because a radio in background playing music! [2015-06-19 00:04:08] <Matt Watt> Worked out it was the racist on the train. Was taken down for privacy breach, she was staying stop recording in the video. [2015-06-19 00:05:06] <Matt Watt> *saying [2015-06-19 00:17:37] <M> [Tweet] [2015-06-19 05:33:23] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-19 05:40:01] <WikiLeaks> Action stations soon. [2015-06-19 06:01:55] <WISE Up Wales> Emmy - re Tom Coburg, he's just a guy with a blog afaics. He did flaky post abt McNeilly info a while back, I commented & he removed it. [2015-06-19 06:03:00] <WISE Up Wales> Communicated with me about it - no issues - thanked me for alerting him. [2015-06-19 06:06:50] <Emmy B> Thank you genny! [2015-06-19 06:06:57] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-06-19 06:11:36] <noll> Matt, thanks for info', will send Zulu a DM re Fwlf. also, re video this may help: [2015-06-19 06:25:30] <noll> [2015-06-19 06:33:52] <Emmy B> [2015-06-19 06:34:48] <Emmy B> Congratulations on new release, hope translations into English will one day be possible. [2015-06-19 06:45:18] <noll> can wait for the full 500,000 - [2015-06-19 06:47:25] <noll> *can't [2015-06-19 06:49:17] <WISE Up Action> Excellent.TY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [2015-06-19 07:48:30] <noll> the rest of this could prove v. interesting: [2015-06-19 11:42:41] <M> The MGT/Steinitz/Stern saga continues: [2015-06-19 12:07:02] <noll> Cables, when you have a moment can you post a translation of final sentence? v. hard to make out clear meaning from online translations. [2015-06-19 12:41:11] <M> Write-up on Google/Appelbaum disclosure: [2015-06-19 13:07:21] <noll> Steinitz has even blocked our backup account (opened 25 March), & she would not have noticed it unless mapping Wlsup? [2015-06-19 16:24:26] <noll> [2015-06-19 16:26:09] <noll> CN has wrong link: [2015-06-19 16:27:49] <noll> anyone want a job, pays more if you have experience: [2015-06-19 16:28:13] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-19 16:28:57] <WISE Up Action> Did you delete Dubya tweet, H? [2015-06-19 16:29:40] <WikiLeaks> WL is rocking, but even bigger next month. [2015-06-19 16:29:52] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-06-19 16:30:14] <Emmy B> Great work! [2015-06-19 16:31:52] <Emmy B> I liked WL wrote up its own research as we get a taste of what is in the cables (non Arabic speakers) [2015-06-19 16:32:18] <Emmy B> Goodnight everyone :-) [2015-06-19 16:32:47] <noll> amazing work Wls! / Action, yes deleted - image wasn't connected to story, replaced it w/ 'Civil Service' executioner job ap form. [2015-06-19 18:20:24] <noll> Wls, some complaints on Twitter re passport images: [2015-06-19 18:38:44] <noll> seems SA is collecting Iran Passport Police passports, whatever could officers able to issue passports be paid to be helpful w/. [2015-06-19 21:50:12] <noll> [2015-06-19 21:51:44] <noll> [2015-06-20 03:15:05] <Cabledrum> At least, the name of MGT's lawyer is public now: Dr. Severin Müller-Riemenschneider @RA_Medienrecht [2015-06-20 16:58:20] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-20 17:08:41] <noll> [2015-06-20 17:21:53] <WISE Up Action> Craig gets apoplectic at Werriity! [2015-06-20 17:41:27] <noll> lots of “blurred lines” & "desire" b/w Fox/ Werritty/ HJS/ UScons [2015-06-20 17:43:02] <WikiLeaks> NYTimes just called us an "anti-privacy group". [2015-06-20 17:49:32] <WISE Up Action> ffs [2015-06-20 17:49:50] <noll> expect Mafia said same of FBI. from "the transparency group" [2015-06-20 18:07:13] <M> Collected quite a few of the english #saudicables articles here: [2015-06-20 18:30:32] <noll> does anyone have text from STimes' latest? [2015-06-20 22:06:13] <Cabledrum> Poll: Who of us is blocked by @smsteinitz? Is anyone blocked by @smsteinitz without prior interaction? [2015-06-21 02:56:03] <Emmy B> It does not seem that I am blocked by steinitz [2015-06-21 03:14:20] <Emmy B> She seems to be covering Snowden now [2015-06-21 03:18:56] <Emmy B> If you google translate she follows the Sunday Times article line 'with an enquiring mind' and 'grey' conclusions. [2015-06-21 04:36:22] <WISE Up Wales> First tweet against me since armed forces day tweets yesterday. I expect more. 77th Brigade? [2015-06-21 04:49:43] <noll> Wls, congrats, according to NYT you're now just "the group WikiLeaks" [2015-06-21 04:51:13] <noll> STimes latest [2015-06-21 04:59:47] <Emmy B> genny, I have replied we'll see whether they engage further. Thanks for sharing are they preparing for part two reason for detaining JA? [2015-06-21 05:04:44] <noll> Em, Cable, what is situ w/ Cables (still under-way?) and PC (moving to appeal?) cases? & PC judgement - on what grounds did she lose? [2015-06-21 05:12:07] <noll> also, again.. .. re: [2015-06-21 05:15:31] <Emmy B> PC case is ongoing. Trying to be helpful, supportive & show discretion according to her specific request. [2015-06-21 05:16:01] <noll> we want to create Wls/ no harm page, & most important/ useful page on net is memory holed? Wales, Action, or anyone - does anyone know why? [2015-06-21 05:19:21] <Emmy B> I don't understand what you mean [2015-06-21 05:22:10] <noll> we mean - where is Wednesday 31 July, Gen. Robert Carr testimony: [2015-06-21 05:25:34] <WISE Up Action> Will take a look, H x [2015-06-21 05:25:39] <Emmy B> My dear H not at all [2015-06-21 05:26:07] <Emmy B> you can call me at home if you wish :-) [2015-06-21 05:38:28] <noll> thanks Action, we understood this "no harm" testimony was v. important, & a. it's gone, b. we need for a page. Em, well, we hope not, but - [2015-06-21 05:41:40] <noll> - find it hard to think of other reasons (that make sense). can you send you're number via DM, will try and call later on. [2015-06-21 05:42:16] <WISE Up Action> OK will do x [2015-06-21 06:21:05] <WISE Up Action> OK, H - [2015-06-21 06:24:02] <WISE Up Action> Well, the second is really 82. 2, but the section starts at 81. 11. [2015-06-21 06:38:08] <noll> thanks Action, but are we missing something? page goes: '07-30-13-AM-session' to '08-01-13-AM-session_0', where is: 07-31-13-PM-session ? [2015-06-21 06:45:51] <noll> can you ask CMDF - b/c FPF page doesn't appear in searches, & god knows how to navigate to transcripts via website. [2015-06-21 06:55:15] <noll> [2015-06-21 07:17:41] <WISE Up Action> Thx for the scaggy ST piece - pathetic. Note how they slip in the juxtaposition of Snowden w/bogeyman 'Vladimir Putin,the Russian president' [2015-06-21 07:18:05] <WISE Up Action> (looming image of them shaking hands) [2015-06-21 07:21:26] <WISE Up Action> It's not 'to Russia', or even 'Putin', or even 'the Russian president' - Putin stays on the page for 5 words in his fullest nomenclature! [2015-06-21 07:24:09] <WISE Up Action> and I see now what you mean about the missing link (ha) on that page.And yes, their archiving is non-existent (ours too - except there's [2015-06-21 07:26:52] <WISE Up Action> to most imp stuff on our home page. Above the blog roll. We're slowly trying to sort site to be more accessible but it takes time& all busy [2015-06-21 07:30:48] <WISE Up Action> Will contact CMSN point out it's a bit imp to get easy access to this (!) but they're in similar situation,I'd say-& now much diminished,ofc [2015-06-21 07:58:23] <noll> "intelligence chiefs were furious that accuracy of claims confirmed to Sunday Times by Downing Street &, later, to BBC" articles should [2015-06-21 08:02:57] <noll> - be used as case studies, absolute classics. thank again Action, we're going to host, but would be good for them to hv complete set up. [2015-06-21 13:46:49] <noll> [2015-06-21 17:18:45] <WISE Up Action> [2015-06-21 17:21:05] <noll> [2015-06-21 17:28:17] <WISE Up Action> Cheers, H x Now explain how to access fr yr Home page! [2015-06-21 17:37:25] <noll> thanks Action, & thanks for help! xx [2015-06-21 21:42:17] <M> I was hoping this would be a good article, but was underwhelmed. Says "rape allegations" in first paragraph. [2015-06-22 05:36:16] <WikiLeaks> Do you have the full text? [2015-06-22 05:53:07] <noll> UN has found Dahiya doctrine/ Hannibal directive to be a war crime: [2015-06-22 07:26:23] <M> Full text of crikey article here: [2015-06-22 07:46:13] <WISE Up Action> thanks,M. I think it's quite helpful - gets a lot of points across in short space. And maybe the 'rape allegations' bit a copy editor? [2015-06-22 09:38:42] <noll> [Tweet] @PGPBOARD seems to have followed Sandra K. [2015-06-22 09:42:44] <Emmy B> There was a pastebin dox somewhere about Alan Taylor, could have sth to do with it? [2015-06-22 09:43:43] <Cabledrum> [Tweet] I've published a piece on @smsteinitz, in German. Let's see how quick the lawyers of "Stern" are ... [2015-06-22 09:53:56] <noll> - Google translate hates German.. Is there any way to do an English version, almost anything would be better than: [2015-06-22 10:08:41] <Cabledrum> I'm very sorry but I'm unable to translate this piece into English [2015-06-22 10:38:45] <Cabledrum> I've found someone who translates it into English until tomorrow [2015-06-22 14:42:54] <noll> [Tweet],-2.3278149,6z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en,-0.076856,13z/data=!3m1!4b1 [2015-06-22 14:47:04] <WISE Up Action> Ha! [2015-06-22 16:36:54] <WikiLeaks> Ugh, the sound in the French promo video is corrupted. [2015-06-22 16:55:09] <M> How's it supposed to be? [2015-06-22 16:56:22] <WikiLeaks> Less crackly/hissy/overpeaked [2015-06-22 17:13:17] <M> It's not that bad. Just sounds like an old war recording. [2015-06-23 08:29:17] <M> [2015-06-23 10:59:31] <noll> is this fake, no archive link & can't find cable despite searches via main keywords: [2015-06-23 11:10:16] <M> Here it is HP: [2015-06-23 11:11:16] <Emmy B> The writer Sam Wilkin @WilkinReports could also be asked to link, I will do so, Thanks for the link M [2015-06-23 11:11:58] <noll> more details: [2015-06-23 12:13:13] <noll> military pageant 2.0: [2015-06-23 12:42:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-23 12:55:01] <M> The Saudi Cables: Revelations from Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Sudan & Egypt [2015-06-23 13:15:59] <M> Link for Liberation is wrong [2015-06-23 15:23:23] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-23 15:23:35] <Emmy B> [2015-06-23 15:24:22] <Emmy B> According to the Telegraph, WikiLeaks is an online Whistleblower! [2015-06-23 15:41:51] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-23 15:42:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-23 15:57:01] <noll> #PJLRenseignement being attached to #FranceLeaks [2015-06-23 16:06:49] <noll> [2015-06-23 16:12:27] <M> "There was no instant confirmation of the accuracy of the docs...but WikiLeaks has a track record of publishing intel & diplomatic material" [2015-06-23 16:12:53] <M> NYT implies WikiLeaks "track record" of 100% accuracy... but can't actually get themselves to say it. [2015-06-23 16:13:14] <M> NYT implies WikiLeaks "track record" of 100% authenticity... but can't actually get themselves to say it. [2015-06-23 16:14:42] <noll> [Tweet] similar to AP's "WikiLeaks releases documents *it says* shows NSA" [2015-06-23 16:18:30] <noll> ah.. they're v. similar, as in the same.. [2015-06-23 17:39:56] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-23 18:20:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, I've missed a lot. Congrats on the excellent new releases! I'm between days in hospital - back in tomorrow for an overnight. [2015-06-23 18:21:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Then hopefully done and well. And I can catch up. [2015-06-23 18:22:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome to see the Saudi cables come out - that's fantastic to get real info on our so-called allies. And wow re the French Presidents! [2015-06-23 18:39:27] <noll> Jen, hope all's going well :o) is this 1st NSA cable leak!? yet again - amazing work, Gaelic Rushmore! next up?! [2015-06-23 19:12:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks. 1/3 through and ok so far. I think I just killed my RT'ing limit for today catching up. [2015-06-23 19:13:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> WL is on a roll!!! I've been waiting for some hot stuff out of the Middle East, esp. Saudi Arabia. Exciting!!! [2015-06-23 23:43:51] <M> English live-blog of Hollande meeting [2015-06-24 03:57:39] <Emmy B> I am extremely sorry to bother you at such time but [2015-06-24 03:58:11] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-24 04:11:20] <Emmy B> sorry, wrong, whois enquiry shows no issue, why is it offline though? [2015-06-24 04:51:18] <Cabledrum> Indeed strange, site down since Monday [2015-06-24 04:58:16] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-24 04:59:46] <Emmy B> I don't know whether this is helpful at all as I am technically clueless, wanted to compare Athens Affair (wiretapping scandal 2004/5) [2015-06-24 05:01:46] <Emmy B> to franceleaks and both above screen shots are from trying to access site via the Athens Affair wikipedia page. [2015-06-24 05:02:15] <Emmy B> Ping? [2015-06-24 05:20:59] <Cabledrum> Emmy: There is no content atm, [2015-06-24 05:23:24] <Emmy B> hahaha 'it is all Greek to me' [2015-06-24 05:23:29] <Emmy B> thx [2015-06-24 05:27:12] <Cabledrum> English translation of my article on Steinitz: [2015-06-24 05:27:38] <Cabledrum> FWLF was so kind to translate the Stern articles: [2015-06-24 06:26:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wikileaks' revelation on the French Presidents' phone tapping made my local news this morning. :) [2015-06-24 06:29:25] <WISE Up Action> Hope you are feeling well, Jenny xx WikiLeaks is flying! Can't think of 2 much more apposite leaks for this moment in time. Excellent! [2015-06-24 06:31:08] <Emmy B> FrenchLeaks reported on Classic FM this morning :-) [2015-06-24 06:32:27] <Emmy B> @ Jenny when you are out let us know, Ganbatte! <3 [2015-06-24 07:20:25] <M> [Tweet] [2015-06-24 08:51:46] <M> Thought this was interesting in Guardian article comments - overwhelmingly supportive of JA: [2015-06-24 08:54:30] <M> "Obama reiterated without ambiguity, his firm commitment to end the practices that may have taken place in the past" [2015-06-24 11:26:46] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing M :-) [2015-06-24 12:14:06] <Emmy B> [2015-06-24 12:14:20] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-24 12:15:47] <WISE Up Action> Ha - keep em coming! [2015-06-24 12:16:49] <Emmy B> "Assange had developed a source" [2015-06-24 12:17:06] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-24 12:17:48] <Emmy B> Is the Guardian speaking to special branch over the latest release? I might ask :-) [2015-06-24 12:28:34] <WISE Up Action> 'Developed' is a bit nasty. Plus:Associates of Snowden have said that they believe he deliberately avoided giving sensitive US documents to [2015-06-24 12:28:40] <WISE Up Action> Assange [2015-06-24 12:30:29] <WikiLeaks> It's Hosenball. [2015-06-24 12:31:51] <WikiLeaks> We were involved in having him retrenched from Newsweek his reporting was so bad. We celebrated this victory only to find him at Reuters. [2015-06-24 12:31:57] <WISE Up Action> Aha [2015-06-24 12:32:28] <WikiLeaks> He does have close contacts to US intelligence, but then he also invents. [2015-06-24 12:45:37] <Emmy B> oh Thank you :-) [2015-06-24 13:04:08] <noll> re [2015-06-24 13:32:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-24 15:55:40] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-24 16:17:17] <Emmy B> thx for sharing this is good! [2015-06-24 18:17:04] <noll> [2015-06-25 05:22:20] <noll> [2015-06-25 08:13:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm back or at least home resting for a few days. [2015-06-25 09:59:31] <Emmy B> Wonderful Jenny, hope for a good recuperation, go with the flow :-) x [2015-06-25 13:51:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] at this tweet you have a blank page no FOX link [2015-06-25 14:55:35] <noll> so, Wls uses: [2015-06-25 14:56:53] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-25 15:48:29] <noll> should add a ? to previous. [2015-06-25 16:00:25] <noll> [Tweet] within decade world may well be in state of emergency - & that'll be dawn of surveillance society. [2015-06-25 16:20:46] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-25 17:22:13] <WikiLeaks> Hazel: Just relates to that site. [2015-06-25 20:04:02] <noll> understood. [2015-06-26 06:59:49] <noll> telesur update on inheritance tax protests: [2015-06-26 07:25:09] <noll> Correa's reform (35 up to 47.5%) definitely on high side of norms:$FILE/2013-international-estate-and-inheritance-tax-guide.pdf [2015-06-26 07:28:36] <noll> questions re stability - whether up-mid/ mid class consider themselves next/ view changes as political attack on power base. Correa calls [2015-06-26 07:34:00] <noll> - on coup narrative, but he's certainly up for a fight - nothing gradual to soften opposition. so, is it 'soft coup' or 'coup bait'? [2015-06-26 08:20:44] <noll> [2015-06-26 08:35:22] <WikiLeaks> Correa's trying to push family holdings into limited by share companies as their more flexible and to hit dynasties. The tax is 2% for <35k [2015-06-26 08:36:32] <WikiLeaks> But it has galvanized the rich and the "rich as soon as my relative dies" lot. [2015-06-26 08:37:17] <WikiLeaks> They've then pushed this into the media vehicles they control and presented it as a general attack on the family. [2015-06-26 08:37:56] <WikiLeaks> Then attached this to other Correa irritants. [2015-06-26 08:38:27] <WikiLeaks> Pope is visiting in a week so they know they only have a week to make it work as the Pope will be a calmer. [2015-06-26 09:14:35] <noll> UK has 40% & one threshold (similar level to Ecu's high band) w/ offsetting via charity, Ecu offsetting via shares is good re dynasties, - [2015-06-26 09:22:18] <noll> - guess it's question of best time to take those interests on, & now is the best time. & yes, Pope visit could help. [2015-06-26 09:26:46] <noll> google url tranlstion proving difficult, some alternatives here: [2015-06-26 13:09:49] <noll> [2015-06-26 13:14:17] <Emmy B> Greek Parliamentary commission on "The Athens Affair" and "Pythia I" (assassination plan for Kostas Karamanlis whilst PM) has completed [2015-06-26 13:14:41] <Emmy B> its work and the file passed on to judicial authority. [2015-06-26 13:15:23] <noll> [2015-06-26 13:15:35] <Emmy B> WikiLeaks Cables used by the commission to put context historical & diplomatic understanding to the story. [2015-06-26 13:16:06] <Emmy B> worth the read : [2015-06-26 13:16:29] <Emmy B> Original Greek [2015-06-26 13:18:12] <Emmy B> this story will be around for many days, I will summarise findings when I get a chance. Other than the WL press article I co-wrote [2015-06-26 13:19:02] <Emmy B> there have not been much published on the story since the well known 'The Athens Affair" article published by Privacy International all [2015-06-26 13:19:28] <Emmy B> those years ago, now I think the story will be reported by the international press. [2015-06-26 13:21:02] <Emmy B> I just saw the WL tweet on the story, many thanks for picking up the story, really important to get to the truth and the bottom of matter [2015-06-26 13:21:56] <Emmy B> The particular PM resigned early before the conclusion of his term and it is rumoured as a result of the pressures on him and that plot. [2015-06-26 13:23:11] <Emmy B> The present gov coalition in Greece contains the minority partner ANEL, a splinter from the traditional right wing party New Democracy. [2015-06-26 13:24:00] <Emmy B> Despite his splitting off, he remains close to the Karamanlis fraction of the New Democracy party (now headed by Samaras) [2015-06-26 13:24:56] <Emmy B> The current President of democracy is also from the Karamanlis fraction (a deal brokered by ANEL) [2015-06-26 13:25:44] <Emmy B> I will be very much surprised if they let this story go away any time soon. In particular considering the current gov's position towards [2015-06-26 13:25:57] <Emmy B> energy co-operation with Russia [2015-06-26 13:26:59] <Emmy B> which rings a familiar tone with Karamanlis's energy strategy. [2015-06-26 13:29:43] <Emmy B> So interesting :-) Thnk you WL :-) [2015-06-26 19:41:10] <noll> [2015-06-27 06:32:58] <noll> Em, thank for sharing, do you know if the commission's findings are online anywhere? h xx [2015-06-27 07:20:27] <noll> no comment needed: [2015-06-27 19:35:55] <noll> great (pre-Snowden) anecdote from 6.25 "it literally made him sick": [2015-06-28 10:27:42] <M> Today's NYTimes comic references TPP and FranceLeaks: [2015-06-28 11:26:45] <noll> [Tweet] yet to see msm article mentioning GR instability/ possibility of fear driven coup: [2015-06-28 11:34:52] <noll> [2015-06-28 11:39:42] <Emmy B> 176 votes pro referendum include the Golden Dawn MPs voting with the Syriza / ANEL gov. Who's gonna do the coup? Samaras New Democracy is [2015-06-28 11:41:00] <Emmy B> going to be the big loser I think. Already Castas Karamanlis (embolden by the wiretapping result publicity?) is poking his head and [2015-06-28 11:42:53] <Emmy B> making public statements after 6 years of silence. The Greek President Pavlopoulos is briefing Karamanlis first then Samaras. [2015-06-28 11:44:48] <Emmy B> But everything is very difficult and will remain so for a while. [2015-06-28 11:47:33] <Emmy B> There are deeply entrenched interests financial, political patronage and security links with NATO with the US & allies, the constraints [2015-06-28 11:48:40] <Emmy B> are many. As long as gov remains uncorrupt whatever steps they take will be for the best. [2015-06-28 11:49:46] <Emmy B> Parliament president recently visited the parliamentary vaults and got photographed in the place where 'the Files of Cyprus' are held [2015-06-28 11:50:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wish the new Greek govt all the best. Looks like they're facing some of the issues Correa is in Ecuador only worse b/c of NATO & EU. [2015-06-28 11:50:44] <Emmy B> documents that remain secret for 40 years since the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus [2015-06-28 11:51:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> I just wish I could get a govt that isn't buried in corruption. Other than a few standouts... *sigh* [2015-06-28 11:52:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Maybe those will get released to history some time, Emmy. [2015-06-28 11:53:33] <Emmy B> This visit was a message and photo opportunity was a political message. [2015-06-28 11:53:47] <Emmy B> I hope so too Jenny <3 [2015-06-28 11:55:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> We need more protected, unredactable, undeletable archived like WL is creating. As bad as some of it makes my country's govt look [2015-06-28 11:56:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> deservedly so, I'm glad for PLUSD and the others. Historically, culturally, ethically, politically invaluable. [2015-06-28 11:57:14] <Emmy B> I agree! :-) [2015-06-28 11:58:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Anyway, congrats on Greece's growing independence - loved seeing the call for a national referendum and the effect. :) [2015-06-28 12:01:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's a tough balance internal to any country and internationally, balancing growing worldwide connectivity with national sovereignity [2015-06-28 12:02:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> And encouraging multiple cultures, religions, beliefs inside a locality while maintaining civil liberties and balance simultaneously. [2015-06-28 12:05:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Integrate with equality before the law for all yet encouraging diversity and allowing individual beliefs, even when they disgust you. [2015-06-28 12:06:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wonder if we'll ever get it right? [2015-06-28 12:06:38] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-28 12:12:20] <Emmy B> Defence Minister Kammenos just offered US another NATO base in Carpathos who is going to sponsor a coup? Gov retains intact mil co-operation [2015-06-28 12:13:07] <Emmy B> with Israel. [2015-06-28 12:14:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Gah, wish they'd toss out the US bases. We don't need to be sending more troops & spending the $ we need to pay debt & fix problems at home. [2015-06-28 12:16:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> When I think of conditions in places like Detroit, I get so angry we're spending billions to put soldiers where not needed or worse. [2015-06-28 12:16:57] <Emmy B> agree Jenny! [2015-06-28 12:18:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bet cost of 1 base would pay for so much good at home. ARGH! The whole world is insane it seems. [2015-06-28 12:18:57] <Emmy B> very true [2015-06-28 12:19:45] <noll> mil-mil relations w/ US are good, but follow the money, or lack of: [2015-06-28 12:20:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Like the counts of all the £s spent detaining Julian instead of helping UK citizens. [2015-06-28 12:20:45] <noll> - traditional 'restabilizing' coup. obviously, only in event of huge unrest. [2015-06-28 12:21:30] <noll> *plenty [2015-06-28 12:25:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Craziness! Hate to even think what some of those funds pay for, esp. In places like El Salvador. [2015-06-28 12:30:44] <Emmy B> I am not going speculate further re Greece a week is a week, we will see how the vote goes, printers will be busy. [2015-06-28 12:32:24] <Emmy B> but I found the Saudi cable interesting [2015-06-28 12:34:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> I am not sure I want to know who they gave it to - well, I do, but in a 'watching a postmortem' kind of way, you know it'll be bad but need [2015-06-28 12:34:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> to know [2015-06-28 12:35:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> In faint hope one could stop it from happening again. [2015-06-28 12:36:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> OK, I'm taking a mid afternoon nap. Back to work tomorrow and I'm still sore and bruised. Night y'all. [2015-06-28 12:38:23] <noll> night Jen, xx [2015-06-28 12:41:52] <Emmy B> take care! [2015-06-28 13:57:13] <noll> "the document speaks for itself" here's two previous Tim Weiner/ c-span: [2015-06-28 14:07:14] <noll> use on espionage on journalists from 13.00, Blank Check interview. [2015-06-28 17:13:51] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-28 17:58:58] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-28 18:04:03] <noll> considering technology available - that's probably? the most inept media campaign we've ever seen. [2015-06-29 04:10:43] <M> Haha, Indians have started #JulianAssangeOnceToldMe hashtag in response to the false Lucman/MQM claim. [2015-06-29 06:33:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> I love it! The hashtag is brilliant! [2015-06-29 07:03:31] <noll> [2015-06-29 07:04:29] <noll> cables are just media round-ups, & afa can see nothing re funding. [2015-06-29 07:18:14] <noll> [2015-06-29 12:17:27] <noll> [2015-06-29 12:20:01] <noll> devastating paragraphs in both of those on EU/ IMF - a sort of slow shock doctrine. [2015-06-29 14:27:09] <Emmy B> Amazing release WL ! amazing! [2015-06-30 00:11:12] <M> [Tweet] Moscovici tweet from June 24 that he'd be "shocked" if NSA spied on him [2015-06-30 00:11:29] <M> Guess he's shocked! [2015-06-30 04:19:06] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-06-30 05:18:21] <noll> [2015-06-30 06:36:12] <noll> [2015-06-30 06:37:27] <noll> "Englishmen the heart of the global Freemasonry [cult]" [2015-06-30 10:11:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-06-30 10:11:53] <Emmy B> [2015-06-30 10:36:46] <Emmy B> This is a Syriza/ANEL gov of national emergency, they will not upset Nato and appointing the ANEL leader to the Ministry of defense means [2015-06-30 10:37:35] <Emmy B> exactly that, although Kamenos will continue purchasing military spares from Russia for some limited Russian armaments purchased in the past [2015-06-30 10:38:36] <Emmy B> no one is going to challenge NATO because they understand US will whistle & our 'friendly neibours' will smile. [2015-06-30 10:39:05] <Emmy B> Extraordinary statements by Davutoglu today [2015-06-30 11:42:41] <noll> [2015-06-30 12:07:29] <Cabledrum> My lawyer informed me that the court fees for MGT's lost injunction have been paid by a legal expense insurance [2015-06-30 12:15:46] <noll> "children can do it, until we educate them out of it." [2015-06-30 12:16:48] <noll> Cables. thank for update, good luck going forward. [2015-06-30 14:03:46] <Emmy B> Thanks Cabledrummer, good to know! [2015-06-30 18:47:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hopefully that means when you win, you will get your costs paid via his insurance. Bet he'd claim he couldn't pay otherwise. Good luck! [2015-06-30 21:28:25] <WikiLeaks> What's that Fuck Glastonbury related to? [2015-06-30 22:23:31] <noll> speaking of which but hopefully not - Snowden teaser: [2015-06-30 23:46:22] <Emmy B> "The Transparency Lobby Group" [2015-07-01 02:53:47] <M> French PM is a stick-in-the-mud: [2015-07-01 10:20:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-01 10:25:21] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-01 10:27:33] <Emmy B> Thank you wikileaks!!!! <3 [2015-07-01 10:44:04] <noll> if that's what Merkel thinks then this: [2015-07-01 10:54:07] <Emmy B> Of course it is! [2015-07-01 14:20:20] <noll> [2015-07-01 14:33:06] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-01 15:15:04] <M> Patti Smith's full Glastonbury set (in which she dedicates a song to WikiLeaks): [2015-07-01 15:23:38] <Emmy B> Mum is 80 she loves WL :-) needed no persuading :-) they knew how to rock and roll those oldies :-) [2015-07-01 18:05:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> I tweeted the Merkel release to my set of Congressmen good on surveillance issues plus some Senators. [2015-07-01 18:05:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> WTF was the NSA thinking tapping her again?! [2015-07-01 18:08:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Meanwhile, I'm back in the emergency room tonight. Argh! it's 2am in the UK so you're all sleeping I'm sure. [2015-07-01 18:28:02] <WikiLeaks> Sucks. [2015-07-01 22:20:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, you were up late! Hope you get some sleep. I've likely got appendicitis according to the docs. [2015-07-01 23:52:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now they're not sure. Basically, they just don't know. So I'm being observed overnight. Joy. [2015-07-01 23:52:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good morning UK and European friends! [2015-07-02 00:45:30] <WISE Up Wales> hi jenny. that sounds bad. they decided what's wrong yet? [2015-07-02 01:24:31] <WISE Up Action> Good morning. [2015-07-02 02:31:14] <Emmy B> Good morning :-) (I love this) [2015-07-02 05:40:50] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-02 05:42:19] <noll> morning Jen, is everything okay? [2015-07-02 05:49:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-02 06:01:31] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-02 06:13:41] <noll> [2015-07-02 06:15:14] <noll> all other analysis sections seem fine. [2015-07-02 06:18:31] <M> There's an extra "analysis" folder in the urls that just needs to be removed. [2015-07-02 06:19:19] <WikiLeaks> m, can you be clearer? [2015-07-02 06:20:03] <M> So on this page: [2015-07-02 06:20:55] <M> First HTML link works, HTML link at bottom needs to be fixed. [2015-07-02 06:21:53] <M> My first comment was wrong, sorry. Both HTML and PDF at bottom need to be fixed. [2015-07-02 06:39:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hi all. I'm just sitting in the hospital waiting for the surgeons to decide what to do. So it's good to see you all up and active. [2015-07-02 06:57:38] <WISE Up Action> Love to you, Jenny xx [2015-07-02 10:13:18] <Emmy B> Jenny <3 [2015-07-02 12:02:51] <noll> [2015-07-02 12:03:15] <noll> best wishes Jen xx [2015-07-02 12:26:07] <Emmy B> wow GG [2015-07-02 14:25:53] <WikiLeaks> hmm? [2015-07-02 14:35:21] <noll> are Blocknet/ Horizon any good? [2015-07-02 15:27:29] <noll> of interest: [2015-07-02 15:30:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Everyone wish Julian a very happy birthday for me tomorrow. They're taking out my appendix then. [2015-07-02 15:31:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> So many awesome WL releases! Love to see this! Keep those bullies on the hot seat! :) [2015-07-02 16:21:27] <Bean> all the best Jenny! happy birthday Julian! hugs all round... i'm lurking here (like the nsa), listening to all, do sing out if u need... [2015-07-02 16:21:43] <Bean> any graphic design assistance :) [2015-07-02 16:41:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> :) [2015-07-02 22:47:36] <Emmy B> Happy Birthday to Julian <3 May more of your amazing dreams come true! Big Thank you for WL! [2015-07-02 22:48:42] <Emmy B> (GG=George Galloway about adopting bitcoin for Mayoral expenses) [2015-07-02 22:49:58] <Emmy B> Oh please no MGT poster he's not worth it [2015-07-02 22:55:44] <Emmy B> On a Greek note: living abroad is difficult to get the pulse of the country but capital controls have spread fear to all. [2015-07-02 22:58:51] <Emmy B> fear not only financial. The 'yes' campaign misdirects to 'yes to Europe" rather than 'yes to austerity' [2015-07-02 23:00:56] <Emmy B> prompting all kinds of established interests to echo 'yes to Europe' - 16 top ranking generals issued open letter 'Greece belongs to Europe' [2015-07-02 23:02:54] <Emmy B> The political tremors reveal the insecurity of the country regarding its sovereignty. Statements by Tsipras yesterday at Ministry of Defence [2015-07-02 23:05:47] <Emmy B> visit that the country's geopolitical direction remains the same (ie we stay in NATO/EU) would not have been necessary if not heavyweights [2015-07-02 23:09:04] <Emmy B> did not apply pressure that Tsipras' gov emancipating referendum rocking the boat of status quo is a dangerous sign of independent politics. [2015-07-02 23:11:47] <Emmy B> Dangerous not so much because it offers the people a say directly, challenging the elitist aspect of representative democracy (although [2015-07-02 23:13:14] <Emmy B> there is an aspect of this too) but also dangerous because of what US might do (UK previously) echoing Greece/Cyprus past of being very [2015-07-02 23:14:11] <Emmy B> much a foreign protectorate (Cyprus pervertedly still is). [2015-07-02 23:16:07] <Emmy B> Awaiting the referendum results with interest. Syriza got 36% in January. What will the ppl vote? will fear prevail? [2015-07-03 00:34:38] <Emmy B> Every single party, ex PM of last 30 years campaigns 'yes' to austerity as 'yes' to Europe. Private Media all en mass pro yes. [2015-07-03 01:59:51] <Emmy B> @ WL for info: Ethnos keeps the content of Article at minimum on their online publication leaving the details for the printed edition. [2015-07-03 04:44:16] <noll> Em, -> [2015-07-03 04:46:39] <noll> & in takes 10 minutes to read.. [2015-07-03 04:46:55] <noll> *it takes [2015-07-03 04:49:21] <Emmy B> Well I wonder how many votes this rejection has cost Hollande, Europe is changing, slowly but surely. [2015-07-03 04:50:36] <Emmy B> WikiLeaks & Assange case has become a standard against which one can judge someone's liberality and faith in democracy. [2015-07-03 05:07:54] <WISE Up Action> This is an excellent & most moving letter.I salute you,Julian,& honour your sacrificial Love.May it be to you 100fold [2015-07-03 05:21:57] <Emmy B> Agree! you will be rewarded in this life and in the next xxx [2015-07-03 05:33:11] <Bean> hp - sure, send me an email with your ideas :) [2015-07-03 05:35:19] <noll> thanks :o) will do. [2015-07-03 05:35:21] <noll> [2015-07-03 05:36:27] <Emmy B> MGT has removed the entire defamatory board off the fakers forum where he posted threads against supporters. [2015-07-03 05:39:40] <noll> [2015-07-03 05:43:52] <noll> hmm [2015-07-03 05:56:19] <noll> [2015-07-03 06:46:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hi all! As you've said, felicitations to Julian on his birthday, a heartfelt thank you for all you've done for us, and best wishes. [2015-07-03 06:47:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> For me, yippy, they're not doing the appendectomy. I get to go home on antibiotics. Bad news, last week's surgery failed so a fib back. [2015-07-03 06:47:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Guess we all just keep struggling through. [2015-07-03 06:48:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> And I agree, Emmy, WikiLeaks & Assange case is a standard against which one can judge someone's liberality and faith in democracy. [2015-07-03 09:22:05] <WISE Up Action> Oh, Jenny, that's BS that it failed. Thinkin of you x [2015-07-03 10:41:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> #LotsO'Leaks ? 😆 [2015-07-03 10:42:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry, I'm on good drugs while waiting to hopefully get out of here. [2015-07-03 10:44:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> And thanks, I knew it had a 60% success rate going in. [2015-07-03 14:49:11] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-03 15:32:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's a great photo and sentiment. Jesselyn is kick ass! I admire her a lot. [2015-07-03 23:31:31] <M> Interesting: Sweden’s Left Party is learning all it can from Ecuador’s current administration, says party leader Jonas Sjöstedt. [2015-07-03 23:31:33] <M> [2015-07-04 03:35:57] <noll> fair number of trolls hopped on Guardian/ AP's spectacularly lazy/ "allegations by" bullshit article: [2015-07-04 03:36:24] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-04 03:40:18] <noll> [2015-07-04 04:19:37] <noll> great to see Glenn & David byline. [2015-07-04 04:42:11] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-04 04:53:52] <noll> & we've finally been blocked by @wikileaks_forum :o) [2015-07-04 05:11:11] <Emmy B> oh they just unblocked me , the man is playing games as usual... *ignoring* but rest assured not idle on the real matter :-) [2015-07-04 05:15:47] <noll> [2015-07-04 05:22:33] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-04 05:22:41] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-04 05:45:29] <noll> [2015-07-04 05:51:14] <noll> (we've deliberately left fake forum's translation unchanged). [2015-07-04 09:45:35] <WISE Up Action> Are you saying that the translation you published is from fake forum, H? Sorry - confused. x [2015-07-04 10:06:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Nice new release. Sent to my list of the best in Congress on surveillance & my own Rep, Sens, few others. :) [2015-07-04 12:13:03] <noll> Action, yes it is, see: [2015-07-04 13:56:08] <noll> now changed a few bits & pieces, & sourced to a pastebin. prove it - etc. [2015-07-04 14:11:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL. [2015-07-04 20:28:10] <WISE Up Action> This is my take on letter - [2015-07-04 23:36:01] <Emmy B> [2015-07-04 23:36:43] <Emmy B> News Feed in English regarding Greek developments today [2015-07-05 03:18:21] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-05 03:49:22] <Emmy B> Good news thank you for sharing ! [2015-07-05 04:57:46] <noll> Action, looks really great, can we use and link back in a week or so? - we'd like to leave door open for MGT's supposed lawsuit, which [2015-07-05 05:00:30] <noll> - could be of interest. [2015-07-05 05:00:49] <noll> [2015-07-05 05:27:25] <Emmy B> @ H Interesting in so far as 'the forum' could not enact a lawsuit without revealing ownership identity. Only MGT can enact as an individual [2015-07-05 05:29:42] <Emmy B> Note: Ownership may have now become corporate adding more layers of protection and liability protection for MGT [2015-07-05 06:33:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thank you, Emmy for the feed. Historic events. So glad to see democracy at work in its heart. [2015-07-05 06:34:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> MGT and the WLF go from one insanity to another. [2015-07-05 08:11:02] <WISE Up Action> Any1 welcome to use,H, w/o need for credit;it's better English & may convey sense better, but I think it might be a good idea to run it past [2015-07-05 08:11:49] <WISE Up Action> someone else I know for accuracy first. [2015-07-05 10:39:24] <Emmy B> Greferendum is over what a relief, no dead or injured, no 'troubles' I can smile and smile, could it be such history is in the past? [2015-07-05 10:39:39] <Emmy B> at least for now :-) [2015-07-05 10:43:39] <Emmy B> In January election Syriza won the election today they seemed to win the right to govern. [2015-07-05 10:44:34] <Emmy B> unbelievable results projected a 'No' vote at 60 % let's see it to the end though [2015-07-05 11:13:28] <noll> hi Action, it seems fine. we'll link back as soon as finished w/ MGT. [2015-07-05 11:21:31] <WISE Up Action> Just getting it checked by french speaker now, H. And still noticing silly single word errors myself! Do what you want but will let you know [2015-07-05 11:21:51] <WISE Up Action> when fully corrected x [2015-07-05 11:22:11] <noll> [2015-07-05 13:21:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, Emmy, that would be really decisive. Hope your family is well during all this. [2015-07-05 13:26:06] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-05 13:41:23] <Emmy B> @ Jenny Thank you ! all is well. @ hazel yes resignation very timely, Bakogianni (Mitsotakis's daughter demanded it publically) her dad a [2015-07-05 13:42:47] <Emmy B> party heavyweight, both of his children high in the party, Bakogianni has served as foreign minister (see cablegate), his son an MP. [2015-07-05 13:42:52] <Emmy B> *yes this is Greece* [2015-07-05 13:43:54] <Emmy B> Her first husband was assassinated by 17th of November. She is very well respected in the party although never favoured with leadership. [2015-07-05 13:45:13] <Emmy B> Current husband was mentioned having undeclared $ abroad. The Mitsotaki family are from Crete, pro US. Father was PM for many years. [2015-07-05 13:48:29] <Emmy B> It is not clear to me who may take Samaras place. [2015-07-05 13:49:47] <Emmy B> Internal changes in New Democracy party may cause the gov some heartache as Anel MPs still close to ND (their party of origin) and with [2015-07-05 13:50:27] <Emmy B> changes at mothership they may wish to jump their current ship, to bring the coalition down. All senarios, one thing is for sure the road is [2015-07-05 13:50:38] <Emmy B> bumpy. [2015-07-05 13:51:33] <Emmy B> @ WL thank you so much for all you have done, I hope the troika plans exposed bring some more hope to many <3 [2015-07-05 13:54:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wishing for the best, Emmy. Looks like the Greek people have support from many people worldwide. [2015-07-05 14:15:27] <Emmy B> It is very moving and very unbelievable. [2015-07-05 14:52:10] <WISE Up Action> It IS very moving, Em. Congrats. So encouraging to see people actually rejecting MSM brainwashing. I bet you're in shock! xx [2015-07-05 18:37:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> [Tweet] Hope WL is grabbing this too. Hacking Team got hacked. [2015-07-05 21:46:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> ? Pls do explain some time. [2015-07-05 22:20:37] <M> Strange blip about JA/Puig/Marshal at bottom of Daily Mail article: [2015-07-05 22:24:52] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-05 22:27:57] <M> Always amusing/sad how they redact the documents publicly available through WL. [2015-07-06 05:39:01] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 06:38:42] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing H [2015-07-06 06:43:17] <noll> thanks, - [2015-07-06 06:56:36] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 07:15:48] <noll> see: @csoghoian for HT client list. [2015-07-06 07:28:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> I know Barret's case, just... this was all over Twitter, reaching thousands of people already, so it didn't occur to me at this time. [2015-07-06 07:31:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wonder how many people it did reach, take ioerror's thousands, my thousand, other RT's followers and so on. [2015-07-06 07:36:50] <noll> have no idea how Brown case effects things, some journalists are linking, some are not, & perhaps waiting for it to be covered by 1st Amen [2015-07-06 07:36:58] <noll> - via publishing. [2015-07-06 07:38:41] <noll> [Tweet] interesting, is this bullshit? [2015-07-06 07:41:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wouldn't trust the source. Regardless, the stable doors are wide open and the horses out, to use an old cliché. [2015-07-06 07:44:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> They were forced to drop it in Barret's case and that wasn't Twitter which spreads like wildfire. [2015-07-06 08:05:05] <noll> he's run away: [2015-07-06 08:06:41] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 08:16:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> Barrett's real issues were his angry reaction to the FBI abusing his mother - he publicly threatened an FBI agent. That's why he's in jail. [2015-07-06 08:18:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't blame him much, if it was my Mom I'd react badly too, but he went just a bit overboard. Still, I think the FBI is truly at fault. [2015-07-06 08:18:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> They are allowed too much leeway to abuse people during investigations, same problem we have with local police. [2015-07-06 08:19:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> This country desperately needs enforced accountability for law enforcment. [2015-07-06 08:19:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> But that's another soapbox. [2015-07-06 08:33:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> I've seen people posting mirror sites for the material already. In this case, they can't focus on an individual, it's internationally spread [2015-07-06 08:34:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> I never accessed the site, just RT'd ioerror and Chris S. [2015-07-06 08:34:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Looks like Intercept's got it all too. [2015-07-06 08:40:51] <noll> [2015-07-06 08:42:03] <noll> scroll down, v. funny [2015-07-06 08:47:18] <noll> re BB.. gd work w/ prjPM? but overboard from start, & knew where that was going. [2015-07-06 08:59:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL, Thanks Hazel, the one about the Russian Secret Police is hilarious! [2015-07-06 09:01:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Re BB, he's a gifted, brilliant writer but was having addiction problems. I hope he's fully over those. Hate to see such talent wasted. [2015-07-06 09:04:56] <noll> [2015-07-06 09:32:52] <noll> [2015-07-06 09:37:57] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 10:11:50] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 10:15:32] <Emmy B> Horrid! [2015-07-06 10:28:21] <noll> Em, -> [2015-07-06 11:03:45] <Emmy B> You will enjoy I think [2015-07-06 11:05:26] <Emmy B> Although when I read it many years back I could not but note the obvious discriminatory attitudes of the three British Agents, very telling [2015-07-06 11:05:48] <Emmy B> of British attitudes and agenda at the time. [2015-07-06 11:12:41] <Emmy B> US involvement in Greece was from at least 1943 with the deployment of OSS [2015-07-06 11:14:16] <Emmy B> Who recruited locally in Greece members from minor resistance groups (like PAO) for their operations of Monarchical political orientation. [2015-07-06 11:16:56] <Emmy B> So by the end of the war both British and US had developed a foothold among minority armed groups under their control (and pay) which later [2015-07-06 11:17:38] <Emmy B> continued their action during the civil war on the side of the British and US for the re-establishment of Monarchy in Greece. [2015-07-06 11:18:15] <Emmy B> I will take resource to Greece with me for reading :-) [2015-07-06 11:37:57] <noll> Em, not sure if you saw this tweet, looks like Greece was also one of first instances of USAID style 'aid'. [2015-07-06 11:48:51] <Emmy B> We gave up 600 books in 2006 to our local library to counter balance my 'must have it, must hoard it' attitude - I don't buy books any more. [2015-07-06 12:18:18] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-06 12:34:09] <noll> can everyone look out for @blumo0n, she wants to put sthing together re MGT/ @support & may be contacting. see: [2015-07-06 13:00:05] <Emmy B> Wishes to do group complaint to Twitter. Asked for my help/participation. I spend a huge time of fwlf as it is...I think only court order [2015-07-06 13:00:11] <Emmy B> would work [2015-07-06 13:01:09] <Emmy B> Problem for me is from now till 26th (going to greece) I have very limited time for any serious work. [2015-07-06 13:02:04] <noll> well, agree w/ all of that, but would just be a matter of resending previous work? [2015-07-06 13:04:25] <Emmy B> She contacted me last week, was dealing with sickness at home so I replied but could not devote much time. [2015-07-06 15:05:23] <M> It's interesting how few and far between these attack/"causing harm" articles compared to a few years ago. [2015-07-06 16:42:53] <noll> [Tweet] Saudi response of owning leak rather than US-style threat narrative was interesting, likely to be repeated. [2015-07-06 16:46:20] <noll> transparencytoolkit under attack, offline. [2015-07-07 01:45:32] <Emmy B> The Pentagon discussed possible implications of Greek referendum in relation to Greek Nato membership [2015-07-07 03:33:50] <noll> UK Met/ HT contacts - bottom 1/3 of article: [2015-07-07 03:37:19] <noll> - like GCHQ: [2015-07-07 05:52:39] <noll> [2015-07-07 11:24:47] <noll> [2015-07-07 11:24:56] <noll> [2015-07-07 11:45:29] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-07 11:55:37] <noll> interesting discussion re less than literal translations - considering Saudi partners' actions: "protect" = "spare", + "support us or else". [2015-07-07 12:02:29] <WikiLeaks> The WL translation is a bit inflamitory, but that's the essense of the message, in the context of the war. [2015-07-07 12:15:43] <noll> agree, if have date correct, it's from 3 years ago: [2015-07-07 12:35:01] <noll> #RedditRevolt - another content/ censorship war unfolds [2015-07-07 15:19:50] <M> Forgot link: [2015-07-08 04:07:13] <Emmy B> Excellent! [2015-07-08 05:06:04] <noll> great article. [2015-07-08 05:14:00] <noll> [2015-07-08 05:18:21] <noll> article: [2015-07-08 05:36:20] <noll> DV 18 year later: [2015-07-08 05:36:29] <noll> *years [2015-07-08 05:37:08] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-08 16:22:24] <noll> [2015-07-08 16:22:47] <Cabledrum> Today, we have filed criminal complaint against MGT for perjury. [2015-07-08 16:22:53] <Cabledrum> (It took a while because our lawyer is very busy. The complete complaint consists of 60 pages.) [2015-07-08 17:04:24] <WikiLeaks> Drum, excellent. [2015-07-08 17:04:42] <WISE Up Action> Here's our final revised & corrected version of open letter from JA to Hollande (also been checked by French speaker) [2015-07-08 17:05:07] <WISE Up Action> English translation that is [2015-07-08 17:05:38] <WikiLeaks> Wise, did you base it on the j4a letter or the one in Le Monde? The latter is not correct. [2015-07-08 17:06:24] <WikiLeaks> We see, it is the Le Monde one. Can you please make it the j4a one? [2015-07-08 17:07:43] <noll> great. will update & link back. - is there link to original j4a post? [2015-07-08 17:08:20] <WikiLeaks> It's under "press" [2015-07-08 17:10:22] <noll> [2015-07-08 17:19:07] <WISE Up Action> Yes, it is the Le Monde. Will revise. [2015-07-08 17:50:05] <noll> search: Bernstein, looks like p. 46, 47 of doc missing? [2015-07-08 19:06:44] <WISE Up Action> OK - this is our English translation of the open letter JA to Hollande, now as per J4A correct version. [2015-07-09 11:38:57] <noll> [2015-07-09 13:24:27] <noll> [2015-07-09 16:42:45] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-09 16:46:26] <noll> educated guess.. [2015-07-09 16:55:00] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-09 17:00:43] <M> Australian Federal Police "does not confirm or deny" buying spyware from Hacking Team [2015-07-09 17:03:44] <noll> forwarded previous to SMaurizi. [2015-07-09 17:27:59] <noll> [2015-07-09 17:29:27] <noll> [2015-07-09 19:14:26] <noll> "And rightly so!!!" [2015-07-10 02:53:17] <Cabledrum> [Tweet] The text about the first German whistleblower protection law is available in English now [2015-07-10 03:50:16] <Emmy B> The Syria coalition with ANEL first crack. Will the Greek gov fall? The new proposals brokered to allow an agreement with creditors & lead [2015-07-10 03:51:36] <Emmy B> to ECB to increase liquidity, remove capital controls includes by passing ANEL's red lines over military spending and island's special VAT [2015-07-10 03:52:22] <Emmy B> status. Despite 'oxi' there is no true independence in policy making. [2015-07-10 03:53:17] <Emmy B> Did I say "Syria"? slip of the tongue, I meant Syriza [2015-07-10 03:54:28] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing Cabledrummer and for all your hard work regarding the bullying operation of mgt! [2015-07-10 06:16:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks Cabledrummer and Emmy for keeping us updated. Good luck. [2015-07-10 06:27:51] <Emmy B> Good appeal for JA French Asylum [2015-07-10 06:32:23] <noll> good luck w/ that.. [2015-07-10 06:37:49] <WISE Up Action> Thanks, Em. That's excellent - hope there'll be more and more. Amplifies many of the points made in the open letter. [2015-07-10 06:40:36] <Emmy B> Which confirms it was a good move to write it :-) Thanks for translating it, will use in blog post summarising June/July solidarity with WL [2015-07-10 06:40:55] <Emmy B> including London Pride March xx [2015-07-10 06:41:33] <Emmy B> will do over weekend, if you could pls edit, would be good <3 [2015-07-10 06:44:08] <noll> it was a good move. is there anyway to get both of the "politicians, intellectuals & artists" letters translated? [2015-07-10 06:44:41] <WISE Up Action> A very good move - so right to pick up on every opportunity. And it is an historic and moving letter. [2015-07-10 06:48:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree. Glad to see people in France speaking up for JA. [2015-07-10 06:50:55] <WISE Up Action> Dunno,H. What nationality is Greta voidiss? I thought to do the letter really because of some familiarity with the style and context. [2015-07-10 06:51:57] <noll> two of DV's favs re geopolitiks [2015-07-10 06:53:12] <WISE Up Action> But maybe could ask one of French speaking ppl who helped check letter. Will see. [2015-07-10 06:55:35] <noll> Action, we don't know Greta's nationality, & don't know any French speakers. those letters are short, be great to add them to J letter page. [2015-07-10 06:58:21] <noll> "THE END end of public key cryptography is approaching. A quantum computer is.." [2015-07-10 08:15:36] <M> [2015-07-10 08:16:18] <M> Philip Dorling: French spying agency tapping Australia’s communications [2015-07-10 08:35:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Greta is Italian. [2015-07-10 09:21:26] <Emmy B> & lovely, very intelligent young lady, 17 years, with her friend Greta joined us specially from Italy for 3rd Embassy Anniversary vigil. [2015-07-10 09:42:53] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-10 11:51:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Emmy, yes, that was Greta and her friend. She and I DM and she said she thought the Vigil was wonderful. [2015-07-10 12:44:31] <Emmy B> :-) as it was the year before Jenny, when we met. Hopefully next 19th of June JA & friends will be sunning themselves some place nice :-) [2015-07-10 13:05:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, exactly! I'd love an excuse to take a trip to Ecuador! 😃 I vote for a big party there next June! [2015-07-10 13:12:53] <noll> [2015-07-10 18:27:46] <WISE Up Action> This is both ludicrous and scurrilous [2015-07-10 18:31:59] <noll> McLaren's entire career seems based on exploiting her profoundly uninteresting love life. [2015-07-10 19:57:38] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-11 05:48:36] <noll> [2015-07-11 06:05:01] <M> Sweden drops case against ice hockey player because he is not expected to return to the country: [2015-07-11 06:19:30] <WISE Up Action> if google translate is right he was 'charged in his absence' and so they actually dropped the charges [2015-07-11 06:26:46] <Emmy B> @ H yes, very interesting perspective from varufakis on German motivations linked to their fiscal vision for Europe rather than the Greek [2015-07-11 06:27:32] <Emmy B> situ per ser. Interesting also that reportedly it is the French who have helped Gr gov formulate the current Gr proposal to creditors. [2015-07-11 06:29:10] <Emmy B> @ M, excellent article, thank you for sharing! [2015-07-11 09:21:06] <M> Motherboard met with/interviewed Hacking Team after hack (but before WL release) [2015-07-11 10:00:30] <noll> it's a sham Wls hasn't got more historical info on things like: [2015-07-12 02:20:49] <Emmy B> Cyprus Secret Service Chief resigned yesterday due to the HT scandal [2015-07-12 02:53:41] <M> Rusbridger interview: attacks JA, then absolves Guardian of any responsibility to protect Snowden. [2015-07-12 03:09:37] <Emmy B> I passed to Greta B @voidiss link of JA Logan Symposium video speech including comments about the Guardian's role as she showed interest... [2015-07-12 03:11:11] <Emmy B> In the aftermath of HT Cyprus scandal & resignation of SS chief, revelations at Cyprus parliament [2015-07-12 03:11:52] <Emmy B> country assisted NSA spying with help of Deutsche Telecom... [2015-07-12 05:52:42] <noll> @gerge42's feeding of @wikileaks_forum is moving from less than helpful, to v. helpful - to Fwlf. not sure what can be done. [2015-07-12 06:00:39] <Emmy B> nothing [2015-07-12 06:22:16] <Emmy B> My opinion is that only legal paths are likely to bring about any result but we have seen through Cabledrummmer's and Chris's action that [2015-07-12 06:23:20] <Emmy B> this is time consuming, financially costly, emotionally draining, takes a very long time and not everyone is prepared to go down that path. [2015-07-12 06:25:17] <Emmy B> We continue to a. support those with legal cases with gathering evidence. b. document what is happening. c. Inform community. [2015-07-12 06:26:18] <Emmy B> however, individuals who have time and inclination can complain to twitter/FB. [2015-07-12 06:48:46] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-12 06:55:50] <Emmy B> I believe Varufakis claim that Germany wants and has been for years pursuing #Grexit [2015-07-12 06:57:16] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-12 06:58:41] <Emmy B> yes I've been reading thank you, referendum & Greek gov manoeuvring has forced everyone to show the true colours [2015-07-12 06:59:51] <Emmy B> but there is more, I for once would like to know to which extend Germany knew Greece/Goldman Saches hiding Greek debt to join Euro. [2015-07-12 07:01:31] <Emmy B> The then Greek PM Kostas Simitis was of 'the German fraction' of PASOK with deep links with Germany, see his brother Spyros Simitis [2015-07-12 07:02:36] <Emmy B> [2015-07-12 07:06:35] <Emmy B> [2015-07-12 07:06:48] <Emmy B> oh those greeks! [2015-07-12 07:09:47] <noll> agree re true colours: [2015-07-12 07:19:06] <Emmy B> somehow I very much doubt France and Germany will fall out over Greece. [2015-07-12 07:20:54] <noll> gd. cop/ bad routine [2015-07-12 07:24:16] <noll> pity GR isn't a US crime org posing as a bank: [2015-07-12 07:24:46] <Emmy B> it is grand theatre indeed but the terms of austerity are very real. The damage is already done in that the 'European dream' has evaporated [2015-07-12 07:25:04] <Emmy B> but maybe this is a good thing. [2015-07-12 07:26:24] <Emmy B> also implications for plans for a European Army must be affected now...the EU current stand is telling on how it may react at a possible [2015-07-12 07:27:26] <Emmy B> crisis with Turkey in the Aegean, only a fool now would believe the alliance has benefits re national security. [2015-07-12 07:29:06] <Emmy B> As time goes all this will sink in to the people's psychy [2015-07-12 07:32:12] <Emmy B> Interesting also to see Russia's stance... to all those who accused Tsipras speaking to Putin as changing geopolitically rather than [2015-07-12 07:33:27] <Emmy B> just enacting diplomacy...Russia's complete silence and inactivity proves it has no ambition in this matter other than to score some points [2015-07-12 07:33:36] <Emmy B> diplomatically. [2015-07-12 10:48:31] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-12 10:48:56] <noll> [Media-image] [2015-07-12 10:53:33] <Emmy B> This is the leaked Schoeble non paper that he immediately denied that he would produce at the negotiation, it played its part in convincing [2015-07-12 10:54:41] <Emmy B> the tinted glasses wearers of how tough he really is, Merkel a kitten by comparison. But this is a tough game. [2015-07-12 10:55:08] <noll> [Tweet] WashPo.. [2015-07-12 10:55:58] <Emmy B> It is all down to interests but do we really know what interests are represented by whom? [2015-07-12 10:56:19] <Emmy B> Do we really know what is at play here? [2015-07-12 10:57:19] <Emmy B> Does anyone know? have a plan? because it seems rather chaotic with so many countries involved [2015-07-12 10:59:22] <Emmy B> The referendum did clarify many things. For example that political establishment and media lied and colluded and lied some more & but lost [2015-07-12 11:00:49] <Emmy B> Samaras resigned, but why? after Syriza, New Democracy is the second strongest party, why did its leader resign, he faced no rebellion. [2015-07-12 11:02:49] <Emmy B> It seems someone whistled and he resigned, no one is asking any questions. They have gone quiet. The temporary leader is very divisive [2015-07-12 11:03:57] <noll> [2015-07-12 11:04:23] <Emmy B> and old school right wing, hardly fit to attract new votes or retain what they got in last election, [2015-07-12 11:04:27] <Emmy B> neither does the party has set process for the selection of new leader. [2015-07-12 11:05:51] <noll> "Do we really know what is at play here?" not really.. "anyone who is confident about anything here is deluding himself." [2015-07-12 11:07:26] <Emmy B> It is all about interests but what are these interest? They must be financial but difficult to really see them. When the political landscape [2015-07-12 11:08:46] <Emmy B> Europe has become so monotonous, when political ideology has been declared dead in a post modern world and efficiency was the new mantra [2015-07-12 11:10:19] <Emmy B> e.g. hardly any difference btw Labour/Tories, Pasok/New Democracy... then we look at a barren political landscape. [2015-07-12 11:11:31] <Emmy B> Even Syriza, with a clear ideological difference, struggles to articulate or bring about a plan outside the established rules of the game [2015-07-12 11:12:58] <noll> one thing clear re interests - Germany again willing to use force, & its choices follow the old pattern - think SNP's rose garden just died. [2015-07-12 11:13:26] <Emmy B> Whatever interests these are, are so institutionalised one might have to live on a different planet to dare to think, [2015-07-12 11:13:32] <Emmy B> and unable to function in the 'real world' [2015-07-12 11:15:07] <Emmy B> Well re Scotland SNP already knows what it means to be conquered and dominated. It already knows that 'Union' is a beautification of [2015-07-12 11:15:23] <Emmy B> what England imposed by force. [2015-07-12 11:16:12] <Emmy B> We shall see what lessons we all learn from all this. [2015-07-12 11:18:09] <Emmy B> In the meanwhile, Greece expends all its politics on this matter and the country needs to be governed. Extremely important particularly [2015-07-12 11:18:18] <Emmy B> in times of crisis. [2015-07-12 11:18:50] <noll> Syriza made classic mistake of left re German right. [2015-07-12 11:19:49] <Emmy B> The crisis is dismantling the state due to resource starvation, and is also dismantling the state with political energy trapped in a mire. [2015-07-12 11:34:11] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-12 11:34:52] <M> Combined tweets from a few different accounts that were reporting on #HackingTeam quite often. [2015-07-12 11:35:30] <WikiLeaks> Germany is centre right dominated, France, centre left, at the political leve. At the economic level France has 100% debt to GDP. [2015-07-12 11:36:20] <WikiLeaks> France is fightened of German dominance in EU and of its own position re debts to Germany. [2015-07-12 11:39:07] <WikiLeaks> France has to be seen to be a player in the issue, or it cedes power to Germany over its own debt fate. [2015-07-12 11:42:56] <noll> Em, final 100 year war b/w Eng/ Scot (after 100 years of 'peace' following 60 Indy war) began w/ Scot invading End on behalf of France. [2015-07-12 11:45:03] <noll> Union (under Scot king) occurred only b/c Scot was bankrupted empire building, after which they became cutting edge of UK empire. [2015-07-12 11:53:39] <noll> - for history of Scot/ Eng pre Norman conquests see Hadrian's Wall. anyway, we wouldn't dismiss Scot agency & powers quite so easily + [2015-07-12 11:58:30] <Emmy B> re Great Britain, the whole world knows it was an English Empire and that's why a third of the world speaks English, who speaks Scotish, [2015-07-12 11:58:37] <Emmy B> Irish or Welsh other than these nationalities? [2015-07-12 12:00:22] <Emmy B> of course there will be scots/irish/welsh among the ranks of the empire as well as allies from scotland/welsh/irish especially I should say [2015-07-12 12:01:07] <noll> it's a bit demeaning.. from a Scot's perspective. [2015-07-12 12:01:12] <Emmy B> in feudal times when the lords irrespective of nationality united in oppressing the common people. [2015-07-12 12:03:13] <noll> [2015-07-12 12:07:54] <noll> language issue is v. interesting b/c nobility/ admin/ literary classes spoke Anglo-Norman French, & not Old English/ Anglo-Saxon until 1500. [2015-07-12 12:09:17] <noll> See: [2015-07-12 12:12:04] <Emmy B> [2015-07-12 12:13:17] <noll> [2015-07-12 12:14:49] <noll> [2015-07-12 12:16:46] <noll> Malcolm from Macbeth.. [2015-07-12 12:23:40] <noll> & not forgetting - [2015-07-12 12:34:03] <Emmy B> Going back to Greece if I may, Thank you WL for your perspective, reveals a very narrow aspect of the motivation behind how Greece is being [2015-07-12 12:35:42] <Emmy B> treated. Once more narrowly technocratic rather than political ie, a federation of states (not strictly speaking but still this is [2015-07-12 12:36:04] <Emmy B> how Eurogroup attempts to behave as) if not ruled by such narrow motivations? [2015-07-12 12:36:27] <noll> [Tweet] Indeed. [2015-07-12 12:36:36] <Emmy B> why do they want a common currency for a common market unless they act as such. [2015-07-12 12:39:03] <Emmy B> imagine Essex going bankrupt within the UK. It would be madness to kick them out of the pound area. The wealthy city on the other hand [2015-07-12 12:40:24] <Emmy B> despite is semi autonomy is forced to share its wealth tax wise with other pound regions within UK. Euro does not have ways of easing out [2015-07-12 12:43:21] <Emmy B> structural imbalances that create surpluses/deficits. [2015-07-12 12:51:18] <Emmy B> *on a humorous point* instead of locking 50 billion worth of Greek assets in Lux as collateral why not demand Lux disclose Greek Tax evaders [2015-07-12 12:53:06] <Emmy B> and seize their assets? from which Lux benefits, one has to wonder the sanity of the brain that imagined the German plan. [2015-07-12 14:05:33] <noll> [2015-07-12 14:05:42] <noll> [2015-07-12 14:33:32] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-12 14:44:11] <noll> US cable re KfW "formed after World War II as part of the Marshall Plan" [2015-07-12 15:13:13] <noll> [Tweet] picking up on Wls comments re France. [2015-07-12 16:49:30] <noll> "Varoufakis wasn’t exaggerating, after all." [2015-07-12 16:54:11] <noll> "German proposals to take over Greek state assets are tantamount to tyranny" Boris Johnson.. [2015-07-12 18:47:40] <noll> this is likely huge underestimate. [2015-07-12 20:12:32] <noll> both sides: [2015-07-12 20:22:39] <noll> [2015-07-12 20:32:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 01:40:42] <Emmy B> The only winner is Golden Dawn. [2015-07-13 01:50:20] <Emmy B> I apologise for the link but... it is my translation of a Greek article that I posted at the *now fake* forum about plans for Greece to join [2015-07-13 01:50:36] <Emmy B> the dollar block [2015-07-13 01:54:57] <Emmy B> The loss of sovereignty in a country with existential threats (and Greek compliance) sends the worst possible message to those whose who [2015-07-13 01:57:25] <Emmy B> threaten its very existence. The Oxi in the referendum had more value than billions spent in armaments as a deterrent. Present capitulation [2015-07-13 01:58:59] <Emmy B> unless a tactical move (which I cannot see as such) it is extremely bad news. [2015-07-13 02:00:37] <Emmy B> The only good thing is as I said before is the end of the dream, even the most romantic of Greeks had the wool pulled from over their eyes. [2015-07-13 02:01:29] <Emmy B> Maybe now space will be free for a different kind of dream. [2015-07-13 02:02:50] <Emmy B> oh, please don't share the archived link publically, but there are plenty of links at the bottom linking directly to WL database [2015-07-13 02:05:11] <Emmy B> ah, found it: [2015-07-13 02:09:13] <Emmy B> Maybe I should transfer all my GIFiles work from the fwlf onto my blog, the articles that I have now posted are now under paywall at TA NEA [2015-07-13 04:28:04] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 04:34:13] <noll> [Tweet] & not just the land, the oil fields & just about everything else. [2015-07-13 04:58:35] <noll> only recent comparable situ in UK would be RBS 260 bn of dead assets w/i Scot econ of 280 bn GDP, London just bought whatever it needed, & [2015-07-13 05:01:36] <noll> used that as a mechanism to assist Ireland: [2015-07-13 05:12:36] <noll> (could add London subsidies - which includes political power, votes on Eng affairs etc - into similarity mix) point is - just where is EU & [2015-07-13 05:31:15] <noll> Germany headed? b/c it seems to be in opposite dir. to UK. [2015-07-13 06:00:27] <noll> - of note, while exposure huge, final losses to UK from RBS bail-out likely trivial. so, Greece debt £255 bn, less than RBS & yet.. [2015-07-13 06:09:34] <WISE Up Action> [2015-07-13 06:10:45] <noll> - the 'support' to GR is set behind sustainability, w/ outcome of consuming GDP. everything that has occurred has been deliberate. [2015-07-13 06:23:15] <noll> PM "finance will be used if you flout the sovereignty of Europe" [2015-07-13 06:24:15] <Emmy B> Very insightful interview thank you Wise Up! [2015-07-13 06:24:40] <noll> in terms of restructuring was GR economic sovereignty'. [2015-07-13 06:26:00] <WISE Up Action> Says it all:"a non-existent group that has the greatest power to determine the lives of Europeans. It’s not answerable to anyone, [2015-07-13 06:26:34] <WISE Up Action> given it doesn’t exist in law; no minutes are kept; and it’s confidential." [2015-07-13 06:27:29] <Emmy B> No minutes taken/published... [2015-07-13 06:28:03] <WISE Up Action> "And is that group controlled by German attitudes?" YV: "Oh completely and utterly. Not attitudes – by the finance minister of Germany." [2015-07-13 06:28:49] <WISE Up Action> Only the French finance minister has made noises that were different from the German line, and those noises were very subtle. [2015-07-13 06:28:57] <WISE Up Action> You could sense he had to use very judicious language, to be seen not to oppose. [2015-07-13 06:29:20] <Emmy B> exactly WL's point made earlier... [2015-07-13 06:29:59] <WISE Up Action> Precisely. [2015-07-13 06:30:25] <Emmy B> I cannot possibly make any predictions, but it might be Greek Parliament does not approve... [2015-07-13 06:46:49] <WISE Up Action> Tsipras statement: [2015-07-13 06:55:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 07:20:33] <noll> perhaps better example re banks would be Fed $860 bn bail-out of Barclays - no asset stripping, almost no reform imposed, bonuses intact. [2015-07-13 08:34:03] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-07-13 08:34:31] <Emmy B> oh great! German and US procurement contracts secure then...I was worried... [2015-07-13 08:35:08] <Emmy B> [2015-07-13 09:46:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 09:46:58] <Emmy B> Please RT [2015-07-13 11:06:34] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 11:07:40] <Emmy B> In this meeting on the 6th of July all political leaders under the moderating role of the Greek President of the democracy agreed a proposal [2015-07-13 11:08:56] <Emmy B> to put forward to Eurogroup. Today, Panos Kamenos (leader of the minority party ANEL in coalition) says, that proposal had ben brokered with [2015-07-13 11:10:04] <Emmy B> the mediation of France, who re-assured them that it would have been accepted at Eurogroup. On that basis the gov took it to parliament & [2015-07-13 11:10:20] <Emmy B> it was ratified by 251/300 MPs [2015-07-13 11:11:08] <Emmy B> But when gov went to Eurogroup the proposal was immediately dismissed. [2015-07-13 11:11:38] <Emmy B> He also talks about 'coup' it might be he will leave coalition [2015-07-13 11:13:11] <Emmy B> He says Tsipras was blackmailed with the total collapse of the banks and the complete haircut of Greek deposits. [2015-07-13 12:01:31] <M> [2015-07-13 13:44:00] <noll> [2015-07-13 13:47:26] <noll> Em, thanks for that info, v. interesting, seems France has also experienced reality check. [2015-07-13 13:52:42] <Emmy B> very welcome, interesting opinion piece by John Pilger which ring true in as far as no political party in Greece other than the communists [2015-07-13 13:52:55] <Emmy B> KKE and Golden Dawn have dared to challenge the Euro [2015-07-13 13:53:45] <Emmy B> or its rules of the game. With regards to varufakis though, we now know why he 'resigned' [2015-07-13 13:54:36] <Emmy B> [2015-07-13 14:49:09] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-13 14:52:47] <noll> [2015-07-13 15:01:24] <noll> [2015-07-13 15:08:25] <Emmy B> [2015-07-14 03:24:53] <Emmy B> Russia has done nothing for Greece since [2015-07-14 03:28:08] <Emmy B> I think is a waste of time. Only the British Administration continues to trumpet such upsurd notions because it suits their politics. [2015-07-14 03:32:31] <Emmy B> Russian EU sanctions means Greece has lost 70% of its export market for Agriculture. [2015-07-14 03:32:44] <Emmy B> It is exactly one more scene in the theatre of the absurd that we currently witness. [2015-07-14 09:22:22] <WISE Up Action> Extremely late Birthday Trib: 'Room to Change the World' [2015-07-14 13:09:58] <Emmy B> Love it! shared <3 [2015-07-14 13:53:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Nice! Posted on Tumblr, twitter. [2015-07-14 13:58:50] <M> Hah. [2015-07-14 14:00:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome! [2015-07-14 14:06:21] <noll> [Tweet] can't stand @20committee, but this is quite funny. [2015-07-14 14:13:42] <M> How is Donald Trump even real [2015-07-14 14:17:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Don't know, closest I can think of is Fubar: fucked up beyond all recognition. [2015-07-14 14:19:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Donald Trump reminds me of John Kerry in that they both appear to be either aliens or robots mimicking humans. [2015-07-14 14:20:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm pretty sure Kerry is a programmed bot. Trump may be the alien life form. [2015-07-15 00:27:41] <M> AA making headlines in Swedish press for harassing Muslim author on social media: [2015-07-15 04:42:37] <noll> twitter storm still underway: [2015-07-15 04:46:39] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-15 04:48:24] <noll> [2015-07-15 04:50:51] <Emmy B> Careful of Koutsomitis ( literal translation = lame nose) he is one of those journos delighting in Greece's woes (plenty of those) [2015-07-15 04:51:20] <Emmy B> Very proud to let us know he spent 4th of July at US Embassy in Athens. [2015-07-15 04:54:04] <Emmy B> Re AA - great PR in advance of further statements by her re her case reaching statutory limit. I suppose from then onwards we could expect [2015-07-15 04:56:01] <Emmy B> monetisation in form of books, articles etc? Which British Tabloid will get the 'kiss and tell' story and for how much? Ridiculous! [2015-07-15 05:15:08] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] This tomorrow [2015-07-15 05:18:27] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-15 05:18:53] <Emmy B> In his parliamentary speech today he points to the fact that even if Parliament approves odius deal' there is every sign that it will not be [2015-07-15 05:19:54] <Emmy B> be implemented as ECB requires IMF participation but IMF will not participate without debt forgiveness...etc... [2015-07-15 05:21:24] <Emmy B> honestly, thank goodness, he hasn't resigned and the facts he quotes go onto Parliamentary record. #ThisIsaCoup [2015-07-15 05:24:43] <noll> re AA, but what will play better in terms of greater role in politics? & re tweets, somewhat sim' to Louise Mensch.. [2015-07-15 05:40:15] <noll> Robert Fisk - always well worth reading re anything Mid East [2015-07-15 05:52:16] <noll> - Fisk misses out Kerry's biggest 18 day motive - spectre of Saudi/ Iran & then regional nuclear arms race. [2015-07-15 06:08:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm glad that we've got you, Emmy, on the Greek situation. I'm learning so much about European politics. Sad to say it seems as bad as US. [2015-07-15 06:11:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Re AA... acting like Louise Mensch is a terrible choice. I haven't translated the Swedish yet, what has she attacked him on? I somehow doubt [2015-07-15 06:11:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> it's just literary criticism. If it's racial, religious, or political, that's just plain foolish. [2015-07-15 06:13:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> And considering that she fabricated evidence and clearly lied, she'd even more stupid to try to get more publicity or money. I still suspect [2015-07-15 06:15:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> she's an attention-seeker. [2015-07-15 06:34:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, that is awful. So painful for the family. [2015-07-15 07:06:56] <noll> "Tsipras must keep number of rebels to fewer than 40 to pass vote" [2015-07-15 07:18:43] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-15 07:20:11] <noll> follow that tweet back to Rand Paul bit. [2015-07-15 08:03:17] <noll> "zero-day vulnerabilities are found on Flash with such regularity they almost feel like a feature" [2015-07-15 09:57:14] <Emmy B> First Look is donating to Chelsea Manning's Defence Fund [2015-07-15 12:05:01] <Emmy B> [2015-07-15 12:06:38] <Emmy B> With English simultaneous translation , the Greek Parliament begins procedure [2015-07-15 12:07:38] <Emmy B> Alternative [2015-07-15 12:08:50] <Emmy B> it's a fast track debate [2015-07-15 12:21:36] <noll> thanks for links Em, what's your impression on whether it'll pass? [2015-07-15 12:33:52] <Emmy B> Every reporter says it will pass. [2015-07-15 12:35:30] <Emmy B> estimation about 40 gov MPs with vote no but the whole opposition other than Golden Dawn will vote yes [2015-07-15 17:42:11] <noll> an evening of capitulation. history repeats. [2015-07-15 21:16:01] <M> Claes Borgström trying to take control of Swedish press/opinion as statute of limitations comes up: [2015-07-16 01:30:09] <Emmy B> It would be such a relief for AA not to have to be questioned about the false submission to the police. It is not fair. [2015-07-16 03:30:51] <noll> blocked: @gerge42 [2015-07-16 06:27:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Borgstrom hasn't got a leg to stand on and he knows it, he's blowing hot air again. Emmy's right, the last thing AA wants is to be forced [2015-07-16 06:28:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> to actually go to court and be questioned about her behavior and actions. [2015-07-16 06:29:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Has Suzanne gone overboard again, HP? [2015-07-16 06:38:52] <noll> Jen, she's feeding MGT, incl. the 'HP run by JA' line, & sending time wasting DMs. [2015-07-16 06:43:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's such a shame. As we've already proved, ignoring them other than periodic warnings (and off-twitter court suits) is the best approach. [2015-07-16 06:59:20] <noll> Jen, agree. / “oh Gott” Merkel's PR week implosion continues: [2015-07-16 07:21:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Merkel's self-destructing. [2015-07-16 08:38:48] <Emmy B> To WiseUps, just published a short post on the blog. Hope ok, let me know if you spot any errors - Thanks :-) [2015-07-16 08:56:30] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-16 10:50:46] <M> Ny told AFP that prosecution is waiting on permission from Ecuador [2015-07-16 11:10:07] <Emmy B> Press Release to AP and UK Press Association is quite effective for counter argument dissemination. [2015-07-16 11:20:24] <WISE Up Action> Will look at it, Em x [2015-07-16 12:36:18] <Emmy B> Thank you for the improvements <3 love them! [2015-07-16 14:01:12] <noll> Home Office didn't include text of section 23 when denying to reveal Swe MLA for surveillance. appearances etc. [2015-07-16 14:04:52] <noll> - of note, HO happily answered FOI re number of interviews, & here cites "identification of individual MLA requests", so - there's only one? [2015-07-16 14:07:54] <noll> re 'prosecution is waiting on permission' it should be re-clarified, esp. if Ny still intent on running clock down. [2015-07-16 22:21:44] <M> Sysadmin finding malware in GI Files attachments [2015-07-16 23:21:53] <Emmy B> Cherie Blair quoted WikiLeaks cables in the defence of Rwanda secret services chief was mentioned yesterday at BBC Radio 4 News, can't find [2015-07-16 23:22:28] <Emmy B> the resource yet but it relates to this story: [2015-07-17 04:21:50] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-17 05:06:06] <noll> Wls, that's Mac + *all recent versions of win: [2015-07-17 05:09:12] <noll> [2015-07-17 05:16:44] <noll> Wls, 403 Forbidden on that email [2015-07-17 05:21:39] <noll> email cache: [2015-07-17 05:24:30] <noll> email chain: [2015-07-17 05:30:12] <noll> email back up. [2015-07-17 05:31:59] <noll> was also 403 on Tor, was that a DDoS? [2015-07-17 05:59:42] <WikiLeaks> Strange. May have been DDoS protection activated, or one of our servers is behaving strangely. [2015-07-17 06:00:10] <WikiLeaks> We have quite a lot of severs in different countries and there's a random chance of getting one or another. [2015-07-17 07:44:03] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-07-17 07:46:26] <Emmy B> Over summer I will make a list of GIFiles published at the FakeWLF, it might be of assistance in the future. e.g.: [2015-07-17 07:57:25] <Emmy B> They have referred to these links to give themselves legitimacy. [2015-07-17 07:58:04] <Emmy B> Also, it would be helping their Google Page ranking and why help them? [2015-07-17 08:44:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Smart idea, Emmy. [2015-07-17 10:19:06] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-07-17 10:23:01] <Emmy B> Another one bites the dust. [2015-07-17 10:24:44] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-17 10:32:00] <WISE Up Action> Check Ball link: using Wls releases on his CV of course. [2015-07-17 10:40:51] <Emmy B> Janine Gibson is also moving to BuzzFeed UK so they are both been given ze boot! as soon as A Rusbridger moved on. The new Guardian editor [2015-07-17 10:41:38] <Emmy B> is 'dusting off the shelves', let's see what direction will the paper take. [2015-07-17 10:42:48] <Emmy B> who'll be next? is Nick Davies nearing retirement yet? [2015-07-17 10:43:18] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing ! [2015-07-17 14:28:59] <noll> [Media-image] "I think this says it all." [2015-07-17 14:52:12] <noll> can't help but wonder if recent Wls releases via smaller local outlets have caused rethink at cash strapped Guardian. [2015-07-17 15:52:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wouldn't be surprised if you're right HP, also I think their reputation has suffered a lot recently. [2015-07-18 02:46:48] <noll> 'The Sun has sunk to a new low' according to the fascists at the Daily Mail. [2015-07-18 03:25:40] <noll> "..but they’re still waiting for permission from Ecuador." [2015-07-18 03:29:08] <noll> - at least be aware of the stage. as mentioned, this will be excuse PRed to world, if it's bs, then Ecu/ JA legal, need to be ahead of that. [2015-07-18 04:36:05] <noll> huge story.. haven't seen reported in msm as yet. [2015-07-18 04:44:01] <noll> [2015-07-18 06:13:13] <noll> [2015-07-18 08:47:54] <M> German officials use disposable phones over eavesdropping fears [2015-07-18 09:10:54] <Emmy B> sounds a good idea [2015-07-19 06:34:35] <WISE Up Action> Babar Ahmad, who w Talha Ahsan another victim of outrageous UK/US extradition before it was changed,back home.Both had to take plea deal ofc [2015-07-19 06:43:08] <WISE Up Action> Both had to take plea deal in US ofc, so, unfortunately 'evidence' never tested in court, but at sentencing hearing judge made remarkably [2015-07-19 06:45:20] <WISE Up Action> enlightened comments which could be applied to other similar prosecutions. Article fr SACC on their case well worth reading for an overview [2015-07-19 06:47:09] <WISE Up Action> (2014 - just after sentencing) & has court docs at the end [2015-07-19 06:53:29] <WISE Up Action> Despite Judge saying: "This is a good person who does not and will not seek in the future to harm other people", SundaySlime scaremongering [2015-07-19 06:56:22] <WISE Up Action> 'Terrorist slips back into Britain..' - ugh [2015-07-19 06:57:32] <WISE Up Action> solidarity (demos etc) against the UK/US extradition treaty that we were opposing bc of JA. [2015-07-19 08:18:04] <WISE Up Action> [2015-07-19 08:45:30] <noll> that is concerning/ recent videos taking a more 'religious' tone: [2015-07-19 08:58:48] <WISE Up Action> That tweet's the first I've noticed overtly 'hostile' to WL,but it still seems fairly sad & best left alone.Vids quite illuminating,cheers H [2015-07-19 09:09:02] <noll> thanks Action, yes, first we've seen as well, v. worrying considering her m. health. [2015-07-19 11:11:03] <Emmy B> thank goodness, she has moved on.... [2015-07-19 11:11:45] <Emmy B> 'Christine Sands' a very difficult individual to deal with [2015-07-19 11:25:37] <noll> - let's hope she's in the process of moving on & not the other thing. [2015-07-19 12:02:37] <noll> [2015-07-19 12:26:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-19 12:44:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-07-19 15:59:44] <noll> HT sales.. off to meet "mr. Sibor (big boss)" w/ “forbidden applications” in Prague [2015-07-20 06:39:45] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-20 07:05:15] <noll> great piece by Ahmed: [2015-07-20 10:47:00] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-20 10:49:53] <M> I love how different WL releases can be linked together. [2015-07-20 10:56:35] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-07-20 12:50:31] <noll> "DCM pointed out that our intention was not to threaten Germany" 8 months later: [2015-07-20 13:11:37] <Emmy B> [Tweet] How can one check whether a document is genuine? [2015-07-20 13:13:10] <Emmy B> SG/SD/WASHDC-12/S26-D48/JULE74 [2015-07-20 13:13:49] <WikiLeaks> Which doc? [2015-07-20 13:14:37] <Emmy B> It is not a WL doc [2015-07-20 13:15:06] <Emmy B> Sorry this is a general question. [2015-07-20 14:25:40] <M> Pretty interesting: @ggreenwald on why Snowden has more public support than Manning [2015-07-20 15:11:37] <noll> [2015-07-20 16:09:59] <WISE Up Action> Interesting....thanks H [2015-07-21 07:20:17] <M> Statement from Embassy of Ecuador in Sweden re ongoing communication between the two countries re JA case [2015-07-21 07:51:31] <Emmy B> This is excellent handling and it would be wonderful if it is continued. Ny will otherwise spin with more freedom. [2015-07-21 07:51:35] <Emmy B> At least now a framework is defined. [2015-07-21 07:51:47] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing <3 [2015-07-21 14:25:13] <Emmy B> [2015-07-22 04:34:06] <noll> can we remind ppl to clean URL tails, esp. if from Fwlf. [2015-07-22 05:23:38] <Emmy B> What do you mean ' URL tails, esp. if from Fwlf.' [2015-07-22 05:41:36] <noll> mean the code tagged onto end of URLs that allows limited visitor tracking. [2015-07-22 05:49:08] <Emmy B> example please? because I don't understand, how do we pick up such code and where do we have it? when we share a link in our tweets? [2015-07-22 05:50:07] <Emmy B> when I press the share button in a newspaper article do I pick up such code? [2015-07-22 05:52:17] <Bean> [Tweet] hi WL - any chance of a tweet or a RT for the funky new flash drives at the shop? [2015-07-22 05:58:03] <noll> [2015-07-22 06:00:00] <noll> // HO have stated that they need another 20 days to consider how to answer FOI re JA assassination plots. [2015-07-22 06:01:58] <noll> Em, it the add-on at the end. ie. in this case: [2015-07-22 06:05:46] <Emmy B> omg shocking FOI reply [2015-07-22 06:07:32] <Emmy B> I don't always see the URLs i share as I just press the twitter share button. I no longer share live links from fwlf only archived ones. [2015-07-22 06:09:17] <noll> yes, & it's similar to some previous FOIs, in that they really didn't need to include Section 27(4) in the denial. [2015-07-22 06:17:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's very useful to know re URLs. I'll have to watch for it. [2015-07-22 06:18:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> The Ardin story just keeps getting worse for her. Talk about a narcissist with ego problems. Wow. [2015-07-22 06:19:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bet Ny would dearly love to keep her off a witness stand. [2015-07-22 06:21:01] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Ha, very good [2015-07-22 06:27:36] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-07-22 08:24:26] <M> [Tweet] Great news [2015-07-22 09:09:21] <Emmy B> Good luck to him! [2015-07-22 09:52:08] <noll> amusing - establishment's Corbyn horror: [2015-07-22 10:03:48] <WISE Up Action> Haha 'Jeremy Corbyn is ‘the Syriza of Britain’, Labour MP Tristram Hunt warns' [2015-07-22 10:09:50] <WISE Up Action> [2015-07-22 10:21:29] <noll> [2015-07-22 10:55:39] <Emmy B> good one! [2015-07-22 12:02:17] <Emmy B> Amusing: [2015-07-22 12:03:38] <Emmy B> The panhellenic association of Greek taxi drivers website publishes the WikiLeaks story of NSA Garman interceptions! :-) [2015-07-22 13:45:05] <M> [Tweet] Very neat. [2015-07-22 13:48:58] <Emmy B> Love it! [2015-07-23 01:08:31] <Emmy B> yes [2015-07-23 06:32:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good grief! [2015-07-23 06:32:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's just sick. [2015-07-23 11:14:48] <Emmy B> Finally two politicians we can be proud for: [2015-07-23 11:21:02] <M> Guardian: "sexual molestation & rape charges". Though it is Esther Addley iirc creator of "anti-privacy" title for WL [2015-07-23 11:25:55] <M> Correct in article body, though. And there's a lot of interesting information. [2015-07-23 11:27:54] <M> Sweden says it will interpret Ecuador's requested protocols (i.e. presence of diplomatic staff) as a refusal to grant access to Assange. [2015-07-23 11:28:31] <M> Also JA may be allowed further appeal through Swedish courts if the failure to question continues. [2015-07-23 11:30:19] <M> Sweden says it will interpret Ecuador's request for pre-interview agreement between Ecuador/Sweden as a refusal to grant access to Assange. [2015-07-23 11:30:21] <M> Also JA may be allowed further appeal through Swedish courts if the failure to question continues. [2015-07-23 11:43:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, Ny's seeking any possible excuse, however absurd, to avoid the interview. Wonder if her failure will bring up possibility of SC revisit [2015-07-23 11:44:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> How can a request for pre-interview agreement be grounds for refusal? [2015-07-23 11:45:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Do these people even think about how ridiculous this makes them look? [2015-07-23 11:46:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> But it wouldn't be bad for PES & TO to get back into court; maybe finally force release of evidence. [2015-07-23 11:46:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> But wow, how is Ny not fired by now? [2015-07-23 12:43:38] <noll> [2015-07-23 12:45:32] <noll> UK guidelines show Ny seems to have things backwards - as always - the question is not who can attend from host state, but can she. [2015-07-23 13:06:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's just arrogance, she doesn't like having to get permission even from a sovereign nation or be seen doing so. [2015-07-23 13:08:55] <WISE Up Action> More 'prestige' issues? [2015-07-23 13:29:57] <noll> jtlyk our HO FOI re DNA requests has been denied, we're now sending it to National Crime Agency. [2015-07-23 13:32:08] <noll> no reply yet re 'EAW and detainment without charge' question, & as mentioned HO has requested more time to answer FOI re JA assassination. [2015-07-23 15:55:24] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for doing FOIs, H xx [2015-07-23 21:14:40] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-23 21:14:54] <M> Re "charges" [2015-07-24 00:11:35] <Emmy B> I wonder what they print on broadsheet edition. [2015-07-24 01:12:46] <Emmy B> Finally mass spying by GCHQ enters the mainstream press [2015-07-24 01:17:26] <WISE Up Action> M - wow, a first? Interesting to see how that pans out re Addley et al pulling that stroke again. [2015-07-24 03:30:05] <noll> National Crime Agency reply "we will not respond to specific requests". [2015-07-24 05:01:31] <Emmy B> Some Updates on the last blog post: [2015-07-24 05:02:14] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 05:02:27] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 05:04:08] <noll> Wolf on Comey: "He's doing his best - like all the men & women who work at the FBI - to Keep All Of Us Safe™ [2015-07-24 05:19:08] <WISE Up Action> Thank you Emmy, D x [2015-07-24 05:24:04] <Emmy B> I am off to Gr on Sun for the rest of the summer so busy times ahead. A note needs to go up about a vigil call out for the 16th of Aug can [2015-07-24 05:25:20] <Emmy B> someone put it up please? There is a new banner *thank you Ecuador* waiting to be aired specially on the day. :-) [2015-07-24 05:38:43] <WISE Up Action> Ok Emmy, will do. Thanks for these updates - potentially damaging for Ny [2015-07-24 05:42:00] <noll> surveillance society: email your local MP re facking or whatever? - don't. meet them in comms/ electronics free zone: [2015-07-24 06:00:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Get me the info on Aug 16 & I'll send it out regularly. I do have some UK & Europe followers. [2015-07-24 06:01:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Have a good visit to Greece. Hope your family is doing OK there. [2015-07-24 06:02:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm off to a short family reunion in Vermont & likely a political arg or two. My Uncle's an ex-WaPo reporter who tends to buy the DC line. [2015-07-24 06:03:23] <Emmy B> Thank you everyone! I will share coastal pictures indulgently hopefully bringing back some sunshine :-) We keep going.... :-) [2015-07-24 06:03:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> My Dad & I are surprisingly getting closer even tho he's a Green & I'm a Libertarian. [2015-07-24 06:03:55] <Emmy B> Enjoy the break Jenny <3 [2015-07-24 06:04:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks, you too! Greece is far lovelier, I'm sure though the mountains are nice. [2015-07-24 06:08:03] <noll> Em, was "Assange" in the title of any of your emails of LAM & MPs? [2015-07-24 06:24:29] <Emmy B> No e-mails to CL contained "Sarah Harrison" to JJ yes it would be but I wrote e-mail via 'write to them' I believe once, the rest letters [2015-07-24 06:25:20] <Emmy B> would be printed at my printer and posted via conventional means. [2015-07-24 06:25:52] <Emmy B> Should I FOI? [2015-07-24 06:45:04] <noll> perhaps, it's a question of what to FOI & to who, & then the fact that almost everything in this area is glomared. in light of govt lawyer's [2015-07-24 06:46:16] <noll> admission, it could be worth filling complaint to: [2015-07-24 06:51:05] <noll> - has my right to private comms w/ MP been (unlawfully: [2015-07-24 06:52:12] <noll> by "i read this", we mean this: [2015-07-24 08:01:41] <WISE Up Action> [2015-07-24 08:03:46] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 10:40:39] <WISE Up Action> Just had a check on Eckersley. Very poor efforts these days. Is Susanne actually crushing her spirit?! [2015-07-24 10:41:41] <WISE Up Action> Just had a check on Eckersley. Very poor efforts these days. Is Susanne actually crushing her spirit?! [2015-07-24 13:09:11] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 13:09:23] <noll> finally.. [2015-07-24 13:41:01] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 13:48:58] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-24 14:33:52] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-07-24 14:34:43] <Emmy B> Thank you SomersetBean :-) 80 x 130 our new vigil poster for the 16th of Aug :-) [2015-07-24 14:38:40] <Bean> Lovely! A pleasure :) [2015-07-24 14:53:14] <Emmy B> Tomorrow 5 years since Afghanistan War Logs [2015-07-24 15:33:25] <noll> [2015-07-24 20:07:42] <noll> if you want to know just how pathetic UK FIO is, just look at Cheney lounging & yawning his way through 9/11: [2015-07-24 23:54:21] <M> Jerky article from Aftonbladet, but ends with: "The prosecutor should have stopped the proceedings five years ago." [2015-07-25 00:17:43] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing M this is good! [2015-07-25 00:18:43] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-07-25 00:20:00] <Emmy B> In the AFP article shared by WL about Turkey striking PKK and ISIS at the same time, there is the concluding sentence above. [2015-07-25 00:22:01] <Emmy B> Greek National security blog On Alert reported yesterday that US F16 were stopping on Crete on their way to Icirlik. I am not an expert but [2015-07-25 00:23:13] <Emmy B> this is curious as there is no distance at all between Crete and Incirilik, why would they need to stop off at Crete for e.g. refuelling. [2015-07-25 00:24:33] <Emmy B> Also be aware the current UN supervised 'negotiations' between Turkish and Greek Cypriots to legalise the 1974 Turkish invasion by de facto [2015-07-25 00:27:23] <Emmy B> recognition of bi community bi zonal 'solution'. [2015-07-25 00:28:52] <Emmy B> US has not only accepted tacitly the bombing of Northern Iraq positions it would have also strengthened Turkey's hand in Cyprus. [2015-07-25 00:31:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-07-25 00:35:04] <Emmy B> Again although not an expert I should mention that Ege Ordusu, the 4th Turkish Aegean Regiment (military base in Ismir) created in 1975 is [2015-07-25 00:35:52] <Emmy B> responsible for the 40,000 Turkish troops occupying 40% of Cyprus. [2015-07-25 00:37:53] <Emmy B> it also has a mandate to 'protect Turkish West Coast from Greek aggression). Reminding that Turkish Parliament has declared 'Casus Belli' [2015-07-25 00:39:19] <Emmy B> if Greece extends it's island's naval territorial control from 6 miles to 12 miles which would have been its right as per international law [2015-07-25 00:43:29] <Emmy B> Also note that Icirlik is the location from which [2015-07-25 00:44:23] <Emmy B> considering recent operational failures by British RAF in Cyprus: [2015-07-25 00:46:09] <Emmy B> due to being overstretched, as well as political constraints faced by Cameron's gov in going further into the dark with the US in Syria/Iraq [2015-07-25 00:48:49] <Emmy B> The upgrade of Incirlik will mean potentially a stronger Turkey in the regional game of power, going further than UK could ever go. [2015-07-25 00:51:52] <Emmy B> Greece still refuses US drones being placed in Crete but for how long I wonder. Turkey has accepted them. Keep all this in mind when reading [2015-07-25 00:54:56] <Emmy B> about political developments in Greece. The country is ruined economically but see how the proponents of 2.4% of budget allocated to defence [2015-07-25 00:55:09] <Emmy B> will always win, no matter what. [2015-07-25 01:53:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-07-25 05:39:00] <noll> fyi this is Ecuador's 'Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters' policy: [2015-07-25 05:57:06] <noll> - fact that Ecu does not have MLA w/ Sweden is almost meaningless, b/c difference b/w Ecu policy & Swe/ EU is nonexistent. it should take [2015-07-25 05:58:56] <noll> an afternoon to make the arrangements, yet Ny is taking 15 days to make one translation. why? [2015-07-25 06:02:01] <noll> as mentioned in several articles - one issue exists - that Ny will again have to misrepresent evidence: [2015-07-25 06:03:43] <noll> context (unlike the EAW situ) lying & distorting will leave Ny open to all sorts of legal action. a countdown will begin on her end. [2015-07-25 06:29:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> That may well be the reason for her endless stalling. If she has to produce real evidence, she has to know her 'case' collapses. [2015-07-25 07:43:24] <noll> - according to Swedish guidelines, Ny has to follow Ecu procedures - which as seen follow international norms: [2015-07-25 08:05:21] <noll> ie. [2015-07-25 08:34:11] <noll> [2015-07-25 09:25:28] <Emmy B> All good information, Thank you H! [2015-07-25 10:34:45] <WikiLeaks> It would be helpful if people filed a great many Swedish foia's to various swedish ministries in relation to the case handling. [2015-07-25 10:36:00] <WikiLeaks> And do so in such a way where these ministries then have to consult with Ny's office as to redactions, creating a paper trail. [2015-07-25 10:36:56] <WikiLeaks> For instance, we hear that Ny has a record of a number of prosecutorial abuses and destruction of evidence. [2015-07-25 10:38:23] <WikiLeaks> We don't want to be presecriptive or there may be duplication. [2015-07-25 10:39:35] <WikiLeaks> We are also worried that come the statue of limitations, Ny and the MoJ will be able to destroy material. [2015-07-25 10:47:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's a great idea! Would it have to be Swedish citizens or journalists? I'm sure @ProfessorsBlogg would be willing to help. [2015-07-25 10:48:04] <WikiLeaks> Doesn't have to be Swedish. [2015-07-25 10:48:33] <WikiLeaks> Or journalists. [2015-07-25 10:48:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> If non-Swedish, non-Journalists can send these, if someone writes them up in Swedish & gives me the addresses, I'd be willing to mail them. [2015-07-25 10:49:49] <noll> Wls, we will file that FOI & research other FOI possibilities. we intend to create a dedicated FOI page when the next HO FOI comes in. [2015-07-25 10:50:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sounds good Hazel. If we set some standard text and a list of addresses, several of us can send them. Greta will, if I ask. [2015-07-25 10:51:45] <WikiLeaks> You just need to mention 'offentlighetsprincipen'. You can write in english. [2015-07-25 10:52:22] <noll> [2015-07-25 10:57:52] <noll> Jen, Wls stated "if people filed great many Swe foia" - suggest ppl create FOIs independently & not standardized to avoid duplication. [2015-07-25 10:58:50] <WikiLeaks> Yes. People should pick their own, obscure angles. [2015-07-25 11:00:21] <WikiLeaks> (well, not necessary obscure, but an idea that others are less likely to have) [2015-07-25 11:01:35] <WikiLeaks> You can also ask for answers, not just for documents, i.e why was something done, or statistics. [2015-07-25 11:01:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> OK, I'll look at some of Hazel's & others to get a sense of how to write one, then give it a shot. And encourage others to do same. [2015-07-25 11:01:57] <WikiLeaks> They are required to provide answers unless they can find an excuse that such a calculation would be onerous. [2015-07-25 12:00:41] <noll> document & information request sent to Göteborg & Stockholm re 'Ny record'. [2015-07-25 12:35:32] <WikiLeaks> Information as to the structure of the Swedish government is here: [2015-07-25 12:36:58] <WikiLeaks> Swedish FOIA is the one part of Sweden that mostly lives up to the hype although it's in rapid decay. [2015-07-25 12:37:26] <WikiLeaks> e.g Bildt moving all his emails off to gmail. [2015-07-25 12:42:27] <noll> [2015-07-25 12:42:41] <noll> [2015-07-26 11:01:46] <WikiLeaks> Sweden has arrested Snoop Dogg [2015-07-26 11:02:03] <WikiLeaks> It's an important moment to bring attention to the reality of Sweden. [2015-07-26 12:13:08] <Emmy B> Did quite a lot of tweeting about it. Let us see if the matter will move from entertainment news to politics. [2015-07-27 04:58:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's interesting, if slightly bizarre. I'll read up on it. I've sketched out two FOI requests, just need to finish & decide where to send. [2015-07-27 05:00:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> This is one to follow up on. [2015-07-27 09:11:32] <Emmy B> Well done Jenny! In a couple of days I will settle a bit in my holiday surroundings and then can take a look at what I might be able to do. [2015-07-27 09:11:44] <Emmy B> keep us informed please xxx [2015-07-27 10:01:30] <noll> if Swe FOI avoidance methods are different & faster to UK's, it's ends are still the same. [2015-07-27 10:52:59] <noll> [2015-07-27 11:21:22] <Emmy B> May I leave my imagination completely free and suggest that labour knows that GCHQ & Cameron knows every skeleton in the cupboard & [2015-07-27 11:22:52] <Emmy B> are simply scared ? see the recent scoops of rightwing press regarding Lord so and so. We might laugh at his predicament and be disgusted at [2015-07-27 11:23:56] <Emmy B> his hypocrisy but we now know GCHQ would know their secrets going back decades and gov will have access, neither will they be afraid to use [2015-07-27 11:25:26] <Emmy B> the info to their advantage. Labour is now cut off from access as they are no longer government. Why is it SNP that has risen to be the [2015-07-27 11:26:48] <Emmy B> opposition? They are new in Westminster and therefore, it might be a while before their GCHQ files all get up to date and through [2015-07-27 11:26:52] <Emmy B> the bureaucracy [2015-07-27 11:28:05] <Emmy B> If there was ever a FOI for such matters I would try to map out the leak channels between gov/GCHQ/Media, it might be informal but there [2015-07-27 11:28:49] <Emmy B> might be electronic in nature and considering that they are currently exempt form FOI, they might be sloppy. [2015-07-27 11:29:31] <Emmy B> There... :-) imagination back in the box :-) [2015-07-27 11:31:03] <Emmy B> One more thing... before Snowden, political elit would have some idea about being spied on by GCHQ and the previous equivalent, but now the [2015-07-27 11:32:41] <Emmy B> extent of the surveillance revealed by Snowden is simply horrifying. Also, now who ever uses the system, knows that evryone knows, sees that [2015-07-27 11:33:36] <Emmy B> no one acts to stop the spying and is emboldened to use the information in political blackmail more often. Previously, they would always [2015-07-27 11:35:19] <Emmy B> strive to be moderate so as not to reveal the extent of the spying. Prepare for more scandals I say. [2015-07-27 11:35:41] <Emmy B> *end of rant* :-) [2015-07-27 13:13:48] <Emmy B> But the power of Blackmail is not in exposure but in the threat of exposure, so they throw the expendable out in the most humiliating way [2015-07-27 13:15:22] <Emmy B> possibly by parallel construction (why on earth would the sex workers entrap him like this? this is very rare) to show the real target of [2015-07-27 13:16:29] <Emmy B> what they will do to them. But with regards to the article you shared about is remarkable the number of MPs who toed the [2015-07-27 13:16:33] <Emmy B> line and abstained. [2015-07-27 14:11:42] <WikiLeaks> Sewel punked as a way for Murdoch, cops and someone else to demonstrate their power over legislative positions. [2015-07-27 14:13:50] <WikiLeaks> It's unclear whether he offended someone or whether he was just a useful bit of meat to very publicly make a burger from. [2015-07-27 14:16:31] <WikiLeaks> Either way, the legislative class is smelling the roast and wondering who's next and taking lessons on who not to offend. [2015-07-27 14:36:40] <noll> agree. / on a lighter/ less lighter note: [2015-07-28 17:29:30] <M> Pretty good article doing a quick overview of US war on hacktivists/whistleblowers, threat of extradition to US etc. [2015-07-28 23:20:10] <Emmy B> off topic, snipets from Greece: my relations left their cherry and black cherry crop rot on the trees, local Merchants unable to trade due [2015-07-28 23:20:48] <Emmy B> to capital controls imposed a week before referendum. [2015-07-28 23:23:00] <Emmy B> they were not the only one's to do so, farming production very much relies on local merchants providing contracts upon which hands are hired [2015-07-28 23:24:32] <Emmy B> to collect crops, store it till merchants takes it over. Without contracts harvesting simply stalled & as goods r perishable, was abandoned. [2015-07-28 23:26:32] <Emmy B> Shocking waste! that's how food prices shoot up, when markets fail. Capital controls have had tremendous damaging effect in real economy. [2015-07-28 23:27:32] <Emmy B> there are simply no alternative systems for immediate replacement of the established systems of transactions and trade fails spectacularly. [2015-07-28 23:29:05] <Emmy B> Luckily, Greek farming is not commodity based but if such failures like the one I described happen across crops, what was a predominantly [2015-07-28 23:30:49] <Emmy B> urban financial crisis will now be spreading deeply into the country-side. Feeding back into the cities with high prices. Unbelievable!. [2015-07-29 03:47:45] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-07-29 05:35:44] <noll> [2015-07-29 07:18:51] <M> Borgström responds to Staffan Heimerson article from last week [2015-07-29 07:24:19] <M> Guardian throws JA in article about Donald Trump/marital rape, readers notice. [2015-07-29 07:24:22] <M> [2015-07-29 09:48:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some points they make are good ones. Trump is a complete embarrassment for my country. But it's typical hysteria & hate to throw JA in. [2015-07-29 09:49:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry I've been absent. Teaching a 2-week summer grad school course. Should be more free after Aug 7th. [2015-07-29 09:50:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> But I did just get an article published [2015-07-29 09:51:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now back to creating lectures on how to critically appraise a clinical therapeutic or diagnostic trial. *sigh* [2015-07-29 12:12:51] <M> [Tweet] Great! [2015-07-30 07:13:31] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-30 08:53:16] <Emmy B> Terrible! [2015-07-31 08:48:22] <M> [Tweet] [2015-07-31 09:31:58] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-01 06:48:33] <noll> as expected from outset, this: [2015-08-01 08:28:41] <noll> also, see: [2015-08-01 12:28:21] <Emmy B> Visa Mastercard win over WL? [2015-08-01 12:30:48] <Emmy B> First WL Files book review I came across (1 error, Wikipedia instead of WL PLusD) : [2015-08-01 16:00:56] <M> Japan to protest if U.S. spying confirmed: media [2015-08-01 16:01:23] <M> Japanese gov source, "If this is true, it is extremely regrettable. We need to lodge a protest. But the Japanese gov first must verify it." [2015-08-01 16:01:38] <M> U.S. State Department deputy spokesperson Mark Toner: "We do not think Japan will take this as a problem." [2015-08-01 23:54:47] <Emmy B> The arrogance! [2015-08-02 09:51:06] <Emmy B> Thank you h for all your contributions, looking forward to your flagging things off, we'll keep you posted of any developments :-) [2015-08-02 14:32:04] <M> WaPo: America classifies way too much information [2015-08-02 14:34:08] <Emmy B> blinkers and earplugs next? [2015-08-02 15:11:57] <Emmy B> Interesting article re Assange case in German here translated [2015-08-03 05:39:34] <Emmy B> Really good article in Washington Post about academics using WL cables [2015-08-03 10:03:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> We'll miss you, Hazel, but will keep eyes open for the things you flag. [2015-08-04 10:07:37] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-05 07:01:21] <M> English translation of TO speaking about JA case on SVT: [2015-08-05 08:09:34] <Emmy B> Wonderful! Thank you for sharing M :-) [2015-08-05 11:50:31] <noll> [2015-08-05 12:01:02] <noll> thanks Em. FOIs sent to Swe Justice Ministry were all blocked w/ bizarre 'none of our business, pls redirect question to prosecutor' excuse. [2015-08-05 12:02:41] <noll> / obviously we're going to redirect them. [2015-08-05 12:06:20] <WikiLeaks> Geat FOI, HP. [2015-08-05 13:36:03] <Emmy B> Hey just realised HP=Houses of Parliament and my favourite sauce :-) [2015-08-05 14:20:12] <Emmy B> He should have uploaded to WL instead of 4chan: [2015-08-06 02:04:08] <Emmy B> Aidan's show goes to Edinburg, dispatched 2500 flyers '5 Ways to Help WikiLeaks & Julian Assange' for distribution at his shows as per his [2015-08-06 02:04:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] request [2015-08-06 02:05:13] <Emmy B> He si very keen to support and says will issue DVD in Sep with the show, linking to WikiLeaks/donate page. [2015-08-06 02:06:32] <Emmy B> Thanking Somerset Bean for the flyer design - as always :-) [2015-08-06 03:46:44] <Bean> A pleasure - thx. Have a couple of social media images ready for the 16th—will set them up as print ready files over next few days & send :) [2015-08-06 03:49:05] <Emmy B> Thank you vm, the sooner the better pls as I will ask printer to print and dispatch to vigil ppl as I am in Greece, I cannot do it myself x [2015-08-06 03:52:44] <Bean> right-o :) [2015-08-06 10:16:05] <WISE Up Action> Hi all, short post re vigil on the 16th. [2015-08-06 10:32:42] <Emmy B> Excellent! Thank you very much Dave x I have enlarged the images and replace one (of the charges) with another. Please tweet and we take it [2015-08-06 10:33:56] <Emmy B> from there :-) Many ppl are on holidays (like myself) and we don't give the remainder much notice but there will be a presence to mark event [2015-08-06 10:34:11] <Emmy B> Thank you again for stepping up xxx :-) [2015-08-06 10:59:32] <M> Interesting transcript of Ny press conference after court ruling. Ny cites "complexity of process" as reason for not questioning in UK. [2015-08-06 10:59:37] <M> [2015-08-06 11:01:32] <M> Ny also says she has no knowledge of a US investigation taking place. Most of it is just avoidance/non-answers. [2015-08-06 14:43:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Avoidance seems to be her strategy from day one. It's clear that this was a political play not a legal one. Her job has been to stall. [2015-08-06 19:04:03] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-06 19:04:12] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-06 22:23:36] <M> Swedish Justice Department saying it would be illegal to accept Ecuador's conditions for questioning. [2015-08-06 22:24:00] <M> Sweden refuses to recognize Assange's asylum status. [2015-08-06 23:28:40] <Emmy B> They are determined not to question him under any circumstances which is their consistent strategy from the very beginning. [2015-08-07 08:45:53] <M> Reuters article on JA. Seems Sweden won't recognize JA asylum has turned into Sweden won't give JA asylum. [2015-08-07 10:43:44] <noll> [2015-08-07 11:21:32] <noll> [2015-08-07 11:51:30] <noll> [2015-08-07 11:52:56] <noll> / all Swe needs in order to transfer asylum status, is to ask Ecu for travel documents for JA. [2015-08-08 09:27:08] <M> Ecuador Ambassador's response to latest Swedish claims: [2015-08-08 09:33:53] <M> "'It is true that the prosecutor had not yet received a permit for questioning when she went to London,' says Cecilia Riddselius." [2015-08-08 15:16:34] <Bean> hey em - just checking you received email with poster files (had a few odd email happenings recently!) [2015-08-08 23:45:13] <Emmy B> Yes thank you Bean <3 I can't open all files for some reason but maybe it is my end. I will get in touch with printer Monday, all sent in [2015-08-08 23:46:25] <Emmy B> good time and excellent work as usual. Loving your work! [2015-08-09 01:42:23] <Bean> sing out if any ongoing problem with the files of course :) cheers [2015-08-09 01:49:12] <Emmy B> Tried again this morning, all well now, thank you! x [2015-08-10 06:46:29] <noll> Reuters (Swe state) - [2015-08-10 06:53:20] <Emmy B> Congratulations HP, finally FOI work with good facts quoted by Associated Press :-) [2015-08-10 07:08:09] <WISE Up Action> [2015-08-10 07:11:19] <WISE Up Action> Congrats and thanks HP. Great work. Truth uncorked. [2015-08-10 07:32:55] <Emmy B> Question: Is The Guardian keeping silent on the Press Association release? The Independent only paper that has re-produced it so far I think [2015-08-10 07:34:24] <M> Maybe ask @davidgcrouch if he's planning on writing about it. [2015-08-10 07:35:28] <Emmy B> Good idea! [2015-08-10 08:03:13] <WikiLeaks> What's the independnt link? [2015-08-10 08:04:39] <noll> [2015-08-10 08:14:39] <noll> thanks Em, it's the only FOI received a no-nonsense reply to. [2015-08-10 08:15:19] <M> It's in quite a few news sites. Australian, [2015-08-10 08:16:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad to see this picked up and shared. Congrats on the recognition of your FOI, Hazel. [2015-08-10 08:16:39] <M> See: [2015-08-10 08:18:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome! I'm going to tweet at some US press, not that they'll pay attention. [2015-08-10 08:37:03] <Emmy B> (only at half capacity due to holiday) thanks for all the links M !!! So Press Association releases work a treat as a means of disseminating [2015-08-10 08:37:45] <Emmy B> information without relying on the Guardian etc. Wonderful news! [2015-08-10 08:39:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Even Reuters somewhat picked it up, with some twist, of course. [2015-08-10 08:44:19] <M> Reuters article and/or Swedish Justice Dept tries to use "grant" vs "recognize" asylum as synonyms, which is v confusing. [2015-08-10 08:45:15] <M> The article has Ecuador saying "we didn't request that Sweden grant JA asylum." [2015-08-10 08:45:43] <M> And Sweden responding: "That's how we interpreted it - that we have to recognize his asylum." ??? [2015-08-10 08:50:29] <Emmy B> *sigh* a very cheap 'lost in translation' purposefully talking across purposes in an attempt to navigate public op. through muddled water [2015-08-10 08:50:47] <Emmy B> somehow on 'their' side? [2015-08-10 08:51:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, there's a big different between 'requesting you do something' and 'requesting you recognize what we already did'. [2015-08-10 08:52:29] <noll> think that's nonsensical - look at this. also, isn't "specific case" offer breaching Personal Data Act (1998:204). [2015-08-10 08:59:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> You're emailing FOI requests to Sweden? Oh, I didn't know you could do that! Much better than snail mail! Which I think disappears. [2015-08-10 08:59:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sometimes. [2015-08-10 11:09:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, the Milgrim experiment certainly teaches us, along with some similar studies, that most humans can be drawn into horrendous behavior. [2015-08-10 11:10:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not that we didn't already know that. When we studied this in 'responsible conduct of research" classes, there were other examples too. [2015-08-10 11:11:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> There was a high school prison one... trying to remember details. I remember photos, though. Some 'guards' acted like Nazis. Literally. [2015-08-10 11:13:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Beyond Tuskeegee, there's also one case in a 'mental hospital' for children, damn, I'm losing my memory in my old age. [2015-08-10 11:16:00] <noll> that's Stanford exp: [2015-08-10 11:19:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh yes, that's it. We had a guest lecture on this last week. My brain's dead & I still have 3 student assignments overdue. Grades dropping. [2015-08-10 11:20:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Also, I need to refresh my HIPAA and Responsible Conduct of Research certificates soon myself, not just instruct students to do it. [2015-08-10 11:21:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually the Belmont Report ought to be read and used for more than just clinical research. Those principles are overall good practice. [2015-08-10 11:28:51] <noll> [2015-08-10 11:30:35] <noll> w/ Milgrim often viewed w/ re to ppl either in, or assuming positions of power, then causing others to commit immoral acts, but also applies [2015-08-10 11:36:00] <noll> - to the “victim”, & there's been s/thing of a taboo in addressing/ examining this aspect of passivity. [2015-08-10 11:36:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, and if they've done ANY research involving human subjects, they should've been required to read and sign off on the Belmont Report. [2015-08-10 11:36:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> Those psychologists were in violating of every principle of their discipline not to mention simple human rights and decency. [2015-08-10 11:36:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> *violation [2015-08-10 11:38:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> That kind of passivity in response to immoral authority is common, it's straight-out fear at first, then I think the Stockholm Syndrome - [2015-08-10 11:39:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> - plays a part as well as the darkness we all struggle with in ourselves. As we know, it takes a special kind of courage to put oneself on - [2015-08-10 11:39:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> the line and accept the consequences. Or we'd have tons more Mannings & Snowdens. [2015-08-10 11:40:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> And people don't want to believe their sons or daughters can get caught up in that kind of behavior, thus the denial of "Collateral Murder". [2015-08-10 11:41:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> And what war does to formerly decent people. It violates not just those killed but those doing the killing. [2015-08-10 12:52:25] <M> AFP report has new quotes from Swedish Justice Dept [2015-08-10 14:40:46] <WikiLeaks> Vile. [2015-08-10 14:47:21] <noll> "Sweden cannot recognise asylum status granted by another country, in line w/ international law" beyond parody. [2015-08-11 06:26:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's insane. How can they say something like that, so obviously erroneous, and expect to look like anything but idiots? [2015-08-11 06:49:53] <M> David Allen Green writing about JA case again, contacting Swedish Prosecutors. [2015-08-11 06:50:46] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-11 06:50:56] <M> IIRC, Green stated he would never write articles about Assange case again. But apparently his seething animosity is just too overpowered. [2015-08-11 06:56:33] <M> [Tweet] Ah, apparently he backtracked on it pretty quickly. [2015-08-11 07:02:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Maybe the WL supporters have started to make some impression. [2015-08-11 07:43:01] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Tweeted this earlier [2015-08-11 07:43:34] <WISE Up Action> Green is a nasty little shit [2015-08-11 07:45:15] <WikiLeaks> He's an insecure suck, who failed his bar exams. [2015-08-11 07:46:03] <WikiLeaks> He also camaigned against Gary McKinnon. [2015-08-11 08:04:51] <M> Wow. That's sad. [2015-08-11 08:51:33] <noll> [2015-08-11 09:20:56] <noll> "Riddselius said on Tuesday that Sweden had not altered its understanding of Ecuador’s requests." twilight zone.. [2015-08-11 10:41:54] <noll> [2015-08-11 10:49:56] <noll> so.. MoJ and Prosecutor's office all on holiday? [2015-08-11 11:08:05] <noll> ignore last, this doesn't show where Ny is. [2015-08-11 11:27:55] <noll> [2015-08-11 11:38:24] <M> Interesting. Look forward to seeing it at some point. I wonder what it makes of Borgström's role. [2015-08-11 11:42:58] <Emmy B> Wonderful project for TTIP WL :-) as I am on half capacity...oh those tiresome hours on the beach ;-p I am focusing exclusively on JA's [2015-08-11 11:43:58] <Emmy B> asylum, vigil, etc xxx all the best everyone, loving all the tweets! [2015-08-11 17:23:34] <M> Someone arguing for TTIP transparency but against TTIP pledge (though not offering much in means of alternatives). [2015-08-11 18:41:15] <noll> according to Claes Borgström, AA is "relieved" her accusations w/ not see the light of court: [2015-08-11 22:00:49] <M> She wants him to be convicted without having to go to court. Ha! [2015-08-12 03:09:41] <noll> seems so, guess a court isn't the Gibney show.. / wonder if there'll be anything Wls related on Clinton's servers: [2015-08-12 04:43:27] <noll> [2015-08-12 10:50:48] <M> Decent article from The Local, especially after how bad their articles have been lately. [2015-08-12 11:08:18] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing! [2015-08-12 11:23:12] <noll> most important point - which will not be televised - is that JA has already been q'ed on AA allegations, therefore charges can be brought. [2015-08-12 11:47:34] <WikiLeaks> big media war on now [2015-08-12 11:55:25] <Emmy B> ok [2015-08-12 12:06:04] <Emmy B> Snowden investigation in the UK as well (SH cannot return for this reason) UK has all the tools in their disposal to detain him on their own [2015-08-12 12:17:37] <WikiLeaks> bail case, snowden investigation are still active. plenty of excuses [2015-08-12 12:19:58] <Emmy B> You keep strong! <3 [2015-08-12 12:29:33] <M> Manning's currently facing "indefinite solitary confinement" over very frivolous reasons. [2015-08-12 12:37:37] <Emmy B> no mention on the support network website [2015-08-12 12:38:48] <M> US Justice Department declines to comment on whether charges against Assange are possible. [2015-08-12 12:51:01] <M> Financial Times staff published anti-JA editorial. [2015-08-12 12:54:04] <Emmy B> DAG works for FT, no? [2015-08-12 12:55:13] <M> Yes. So def possible he was involved. [2015-08-12 13:11:34] <WikiLeaks> See latest tweet. It's gold. [2015-08-12 13:23:27] <Emmy B> The more they talk the more farcical it appears, no consideration for the time resources and injustices of the last five years. [2015-08-12 13:23:52] <Emmy B> Goodnight, almost midnight in Greece x [2015-08-12 14:07:14] <noll> [2015-08-12 14:28:18] <WISE Up Action> Bullshit harassment of Manning, again. [2015-08-12 18:42:12] <noll> [2015-08-12 18:42:31] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-12 18:42:41] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-12 18:44:06] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-12 18:53:08] <noll> [2015-08-12 23:26:46] <WISE Up Action> FYI Eckersley now calling the AA case irrelevant. [2015-08-13 03:23:17] <noll> Gavin MacFadyen's statement seems to have gone from something amazing to the usual blocks of text.. [2015-08-13 06:01:16] <noll> and.. Jack-troll turns to threat narrative: [2015-08-13 06:46:29] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-13 20:51:37] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-14 06:07:27] <noll> [2015-08-14 15:53:18] <WISE Up Action> Ecuador aint takin no lessons from dummkopfs who don't know jack about asylum! Great statement in response to FCO [2015-08-14 22:17:46] <Emmy B> volcano erupts in Ecuador [2015-08-15 06:43:00] <WISE Up Action> FWLF hitting new lows with attacks on Bella [2015-08-16 10:05:27] <Bean> [2015-08-16 10:05:54] <Bean> [2015-08-16 10:06:32] <Bean> will try again with those!... [2015-08-16 10:06:35] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-08-16 10:07:04] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-08-16 12:18:19] <M> Chelsea Manning denied access to legal library prior to prison hearing [2015-08-16 12:20:16] <Emmy B> Thank you Somerset Bean! Very grateful for your work as always we'll be able to use the graphics again and again! [2015-08-16 12:23:35] <Emmy B> Shameless news about way Chelsea is treated, but her writing has popularised her cause and getting a lot of positive attention before hearing! a timely reminder though on how US treats their dissidents... Political Asylum now more useful than ever. [2015-08-16 23:25:20] <M> Times has published a hit piece against JA; not sure where the original article is (paywalls, possibly this piece: [2015-08-17 08:23:39] <M> [Tweet] Responses to Michael Cohen saying Manning didn't expose US corruption makes for amusing reading: [2015-08-17 12:27:20] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing ! [2015-08-17 15:00:57] <WISE Up Action> Chelsea has filed for a formal court martial to deal w her *infractions* instead of the disciplinary board due tomorrow (at which she wld not be represented) [2015-08-18 04:31:15] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-08-18 04:33:09] <Emmy B> and Guardian collumnist Gaby Hinsliff sings rom the same hymn song [2015-08-18 05:12:10] <WikiLeaks> FYI the Guardian is preparing an attack via its US "feminist" columnist Jessica Valenti [2015-08-18 05:13:48] <Emmy B> thanks for letting us know! [2015-08-18 05:14:28] <WikiLeaks> Now only SW is left, Fritz and NY have moved to exploit the situation, with a cyber-harrassment themed counter-attack. [2015-08-18 05:15:27] <WikiLeaks> SW has given an interview to Valenti as part of the package. [2015-08-18 05:16:59] <WikiLeaks> SW is on record many times early in the case denying having been raped and accusing the police, so they have an up hill battle [2015-08-18 05:18:13] <WikiLeaks> painting her as a victim. So they're going to instead show that she's a 'victim' of trolls and conspiracy theorists, e.g [2015-08-18 05:19:24] <WikiLeaks> And posit that this is what happens to all women who are brave enough to report sex crimes. [2015-08-18 05:20:52] <WikiLeaks> This will resonate with the many women who now work in (social) media, and who due to their public profiles, have been the target of trolls and also legitimate criticism which some reframe as harressment. [2015-08-18 05:22:38] <Emmy B> Great shame though she has agreed to be used in this PR attack. Let's see. [2015-08-18 05:23:22] <WISE Up Action> The Samira Shackle not that bad - at least quotes Carey for a full para. And the other is breakfast trivia, like the Times PoS yesterday - they certainly need to come up with something with a bit more of a hook than if they want to make real waves. However sounds like what you're talking about could run and run... dire [2015-08-18 05:26:09] <WikiLeaks> Models Valenti is likely looking to exploit are Nicklas Kristof's "news dressed as opinion" attack on Woody Allen, Gamer Gate, and the recent campus rape debate in US, where she made the following telling claim: [2015-08-18 05:27:35] <WikiLeaks> "Whether she is able to remain anonymous or not, and even though her story of being raped has not been disproven, the fact that Jackie is not and was not a symbol or a cause, but a person, has been lost in the rush to indict her and anyone who believes her. I choose to believe Jackie. I lose nothing by doing so, even if I’m later proven wrong—but at least I will still be able to sleep at night for having stood by a young woman who may have been through an awful trauma. " [2015-08-18 05:30:55] <WikiLeaks> Jackie was subsequently shown to be a fraud, but Valenti was correct to say "I lose nothing by doing so, even if I'm later proven wrong". This total lack of accountability where there is no risk in siding with the state against the accused but there is risk in siding with the accused against the state, sums up the root cause of the problem. [2015-08-18 05:33:06] <Emmy B> Thank you for the perspective. Food for thought certainly. [2015-08-18 05:34:26] <Emmy B> On a practical level, if [2015-08-18 05:34:52] <WikiLeaks> In relation to how the state has been framing accused persons, we note the following interesting spectrum of descriptions. [2015-08-18 05:37:12] <WISE Up Action> Yeh. Can see that. And there's no shortage of willing recipients for that emotionally fraught territory. Steered correctly it obviously has a serious chance of longevity, being picked up and passed on by others - all with slightly diff angles. Hope the writing is shit. [2015-08-18 05:38:34] <WikiLeaks> victim, alleged victim, complainant, accuser, plaintif, applicant to imprison, imprisoner, kidnapper [2015-08-18 05:40:22] <WikiLeaks> media rhetoric strips the applicant to imprison of agency and requisite seriousness on what is proposed [2015-08-18 05:44:00] <WikiLeaks> The Valenti article may help in the medium term. Although it's clearly geared to avoid discussing the merits, for obvious reasons, it may lead to a discussion on the merits, and the greater threats against JA's family which would be very positive. [2015-08-18 05:46:14] <Emmy B> There is something that stands out ie, if the focus is alleged online harassment of SW one could juxtapose with real life harassment against JA [2015-08-18 05:46:26] <Emmy B> and his family. [2015-08-18 05:46:58] <WISE Up Action> Re media framing and imbalance: Like the intense demand for anonymity for complainant (even when they've outed themselves!), but not for defendant. [2015-08-18 05:47:58] <Emmy B> Before I forget, record of Christine Ann Sands UK conviction can be found here: [2015-08-18 05:48:03] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, that's an important point re JA & his family. Also, the damage to real victims when someone falsely accuses [2015-08-18 05:48:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good too that we can point out the site is false. [2015-08-18 05:52:22] <WikiLeaks> Check out the sort of creature Fritz is: [2015-08-18 05:53:39] <Emmy B> a better archived link [2015-08-18 05:54:05] <WikiLeaks> A few years ago in Sweden they intruced a measure which superficially sounds reasonable, to provide alleged victims with their own state funded lawyers. [2015-08-18 05:54:58] <WISE Up Action> Gawdelpus! (Fritz) Says everything [2015-08-18 05:55:53] <WikiLeaks> However, look at how it works in practice. The accused is up against a state funded team from the prosecution, another from the police, and, say in JA's case, another two state funded lawyers for the accusers. [2015-08-18 05:56:44] <Emmy B> I thought she was a Christian Syriac from (what is now) Turkey, Active within the Syriac Community of Sweden. [2015-08-18 05:57:36] <Emmy B> A media Lawyer, political connections. [2015-08-18 05:58:17] <WISE Up Action> It doesn't take 5 seconds to see that is an obvious abuse of justice. Imagine it being a black geezer in the States and a white complainant. [2015-08-18 05:58:55] <WikiLeaks> In terms of the process and law, there's only three things the state funded accusers lawyers can do: 1) massage the text of the complaint to ensure it has all the necessay elements to secure a conviction. In Sweden that's strong, since the "complaint" can always be resubmitted. [2015-08-18 06:00:22] <WikiLeaks> 2) advice the accuser on how not to be convicted for false reporting, for example, asking for advice about an HIV test rather than making a complaint [2015-08-18 06:01:25] <WikiLeaks> 3) public relations. For example, nearly all of Borgstrom's bill was for speaking to journalists. Just for SW he billed for 80 hours of interviews. Normally lawyers do interviews for free, since it is free advertising for them. [2015-08-18 06:02:24] <WikiLeaks> So the accusation industry is highly profitable. Almost nothing to do other than bill the state for advertising your own law firm. [2015-08-18 06:03:03] <WISE Up Action> Smarmy git [2015-08-18 06:03:22] <WikiLeaks> Fritz practice just does accusation work. Hence she's made a lot of money and expanded rapidly. As long as she can keep cases going and keep them in the spotlight, she makes more money. [2015-08-18 06:04:21] <Emmy B> A blatant disregard for the essence of justice [2015-08-18 06:04:25] <WikiLeaks> She works closely with NY, who now handles all 'rape' cases in Sweden. Together thay tag-team the accused. [2015-08-18 06:04:50] <WISE Up Action> She's like a fifth rate US TV show [2015-08-18 06:05:53] <Emmy B> Like Borgstrom and the Quick case in reverse, not really caring for their client in relation to real justice, just focusing on getting a judicial result irrespective of truth [2015-08-18 06:06:52] <Emmy B> SW's interests as a person have certainly not been served by such protracted case and her own lawyer campaigning against JA being interviewed in London. [2015-08-18 06:07:44] <Emmy B> I recall the fritz campaign in early 2014 on the subject to not question JA in London [2015-08-18 06:08:17] <Emmy B> She played politics not serving justice. [2015-08-18 06:09:37] <Emmy B> If there is evidence of collaboration between Ny and Fritz, we already know Ny contacted Expressen for a PR stand in London, then where are the 4 pillars of democracy in Sweden? [2015-08-18 06:09:38] <WISE Up Action> What a hideous PR firm that is - Ny + Fritz. Bet they've never spoken to a working class poor woman in their lives [2015-08-18 06:10:28] <Emmy B> Are they collaborating in managing a legal outcome? they are supposed to be independent. [2015-08-18 06:11:18] <Emmy B> Why is it that The Guardian US is leading this and not The Guardian UK? [2015-08-18 06:11:43] <Emmy B> Do they wish to by-pass UK libel laws maybe? [2015-08-18 06:13:54] <Emmy B> Let's do some research.... [2015-08-18 06:16:16] <Emmy B> I cannot find [2015-08-18 06:20:25] <Emmy B> it redirects to [2015-08-18 06:24:18] <Emmy B> I am sorry Valenti has written as far back as Dec 2010 on the Assange case. [2015-08-18 06:24:24] <Emmy B> [2015-08-18 06:28:38] <WikiLeaks> Look at Borgstrom's bill. He even billed the state for reading NY-JA lawyers correspondence. In other words NY was forwarding the defence correspondence. However the defence never received a single letter of NY-Borgstrom. They were also in lock-step about the decision to interview/not interview. [2015-08-18 06:30:25] <WikiLeaks> So the toxic Sands has just removed [2015-08-18 06:33:51] <Emmy B> Re Sands, the article I appended here of her conviction proves she is activein other 'causes' in an agressive manner and has convictions. On another topic, Valenti might have scraped her twitter record regarding her Assange tweets [2015-08-18 06:35:45] <Emmy B> I just came across only two tweets, one as a re-tweet of her previous article on Assange, the other I just archived here: [2015-08-18 06:36:02] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-08-18 06:40:14] <Emmy B> The link quoted above is dead now but comes up in Google here: [2015-08-18 06:40:50] <Emmy B> Mr Valenti sponsors this campaign at the time, [2015-08-18 06:50:18] <WikiLeaks> There were more than a dozen. [2015-08-18 06:50:27] <noll> of use: [2015-08-18 06:52:58] <Emmy B> [Tweet] yes i found some more: here she jumps to conclusions about JA's position on abortion [2015-08-18 06:53:12] <WikiLeaks> We have more detail. The article is about 2k words. It is straight prosecution/fritz line. It goes through a chronology at the beginning and looks to set the scene to counter-act SW's statements, for example, saying how she went to hospital to get a "rape kit" before going to police. [2015-08-18 06:55:31] <Emmy B> Does it mention the fact her case was dismissed outright from the stockholm prosecutor? [2015-08-18 06:55:51] <Emmy B> as a 'non case' [2015-08-18 06:56:00] <noll> on the motives behind JV's campus piece: [2015-08-18 06:56:19] <WikiLeaks> No. Nothing like that is mentioned. No positive elements at all. [2015-08-18 06:56:49] <WikiLeaks> "rape kit" seems to have just been an STDtest re-named. [2015-08-18 06:58:49] <WikiLeaks> Yes, we believe Guardian will likely publish via US to avoid libel laws. Public figures are unable to sue for libel unless malice can be proved. [2015-08-18 06:59:10] <M> Helen Lewis had a piece a few days ago that had a similar taste - it went off on how the women have been called sluts, liars, etc, which is damaging, but made no comment as to how damaging the label rapist is on someone who has not been convicted. Luckily, it didn't seem to gain much traction and is now stuck behind a paywall. [2015-08-18 06:59:45] <WikiLeaks> do you have a copy of the Lewis article? [2015-08-18 07:01:26] <M> I'll have to search for one. Didn't expect it to go under paywall. [2015-08-18 07:03:39] <WikiLeaks> One positive is that we hear that there is debate within the Guardian, and there is a significant faction that are very suspicious about the whole case and how they're being instrumentalized. [2015-08-18 07:05:58] <WISE Up Action> Oh that is EXCELLENT news [2015-08-18 07:07:30] <Emmy B> I found the link on Valenti tweets about 'let's talk about it' she has taken it down from her blog I think as current URL cannot be found, but in the wayback machine it is all there: she is sponsoring the #letstalkaboutit anti-Assange campaign and encourages others to participate: [2015-08-18 07:07:37] <Emmy B> [2015-08-18 07:07:51] <WISE Up Action> People should be enraged at being taken for such tools [2015-08-18 07:08:14] <Emmy B> the not found link here: [2015-08-18 07:28:41] <Emmy B> three more Valenti articles from her blog on Assange have been deleted but here they are, maybe there is something in the comments she did not want kept? [2015-08-18 07:28:46] <Emmy B> [2015-08-18 07:31:23] <Emmy B> interestingly, one of her posts has been translated into Swedish (?) here: [2015-08-18 07:32:50] <Emmy B> I will keep an eye! [2015-08-18 07:44:49] <WikiLeaks> Any idea as to when they were deleted? [2015-08-18 07:45:09] <noll> here's two main pieces: [2015-08-18 07:45:10] <WikiLeaks> She's likely preparing shop for her campaign. [2015-08-18 07:55:29] <noll> [2015-08-18 07:55:44] <noll> those are the three missing articles. [2015-08-18 07:58:26] <noll> according to wayback saves - they were deleted from blog before 15 Oct 2013. [2015-08-18 12:45:48] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-08-18 13:13:04] <Emmy B> 1. AOL News at the center of “sex by surprise” lie in Assange’s rape case - Last Live URL Captured 29.12.2012 [2015-08-18 13:18:08] <Emmy B> 2. What the Assange case reveals about rape in America - Last Live Capture 25 January 2012 [2015-08-18 13:29:22] <Emmy B> 3. Naomi Wolf really needs to read the internet, Last Live URL Capture 26 August 2013 [2015-08-18 13:41:13] <Emmy B> thank you, just looking at jezebel one :-) [2015-08-18 13:42:48] <Emmy B> H what do you think? a- here she misrepresents JA's views, it is a blatant lie easily disproved still a toxic lie that made the rounds at the time: [2015-08-18 13:42:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-08-18 13:44:55] <Emmy B> b. here: [2015-08-18 13:48:16] <Emmy B> "And despite reports to the contrary, Assange’s accusers have always said that this was not consensual sex." (hyperlinking in 'always said') this Guardian article [2015-08-18 13:49:18] <Emmy B> I view her as someone who will use quotes/articles and misquote or misrepresent them so as to create backing for her point of view. [2015-08-18 13:50:15] <Emmy B> If SW has given an interview Valenti may misrepresent and misquote to prove her point. What do you think? [2015-08-18 14:01:17] <Emmy B> Sorry I forgot the original article where she participates on #talkaboutit [2015-08-18 14:04:13] <Emmy B> 4. Swedish feminists defend Assange accuser with #talkaboutit campaign Last Active Captured URL 21 June 2012 [2015-08-18 14:05:51] <noll> the quote is "non-violence in terms of abortion" and JA is stating their position - & not his own, which is.. (watch another minute Valenti..) "I think the world is often more complex". the "pre-Roe" thing refers to: [2015-08-18 14:14:29] <Emmy B> thanx! [2015-08-18 14:15:17] <Emmy B> a good rebuttal of her washington post article: [2015-08-18 14:54:11] <WISE Up Action> Thanks, Em - that's useful. Valenti seems to be one of those 'conflaters' amongst other things, which is a particularly sloppy and/or devious way of arguing a point that becomes very difficult to rebut (having to pull the strands apart is long-winded and people lose interest/think it's fussing with detail - which of course 'the devil is in..!' [2015-08-18 15:00:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> She may not be worth rebutting. Might be better to ignore and just keep getting the truth out as widely as possible. Let her fall over her own culpability and malevolence. [2015-08-18 15:02:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> On the other hand, it might be worth well-publicizing Fritz's 'accuser' attorney money-making scheme. It's a very bizarre thing. [2015-08-18 15:03:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Borgstrom has an earned himself an awful reputation; wouldn't be surprised to see Fritz similarly disliked/distrusted. [2015-08-18 15:04:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Push the corruption side of her earning her money through publicity not legal work. [2015-08-18 15:17:14] <WikiLeaks> Here is what we are considering releasing. Comments? [2015-08-18 15:17:56] <WISE Up Action> That site of hers (Fritz) is really something. They so look like they're about to start singing and dancing in some 80s (Collins) musical extravaganza. It just exudes the epitome of everything that ISN'T really feminist ffs [2015-08-18 15:25:07] <WikiLeaks> Money, influence, glamour for women helping women imprison men. It may not be your type of feminism, but they don't cae. [2015-08-18 15:31:19] <WISE Up Action> I started reading the statement thinking 'Oh no, don't preempt...', but after reading it, I do think it's really very good - well selected content. It also manages to sound authoritative, brooking no nonsense, and very calm. Will carry on reading through it thinking about detail. [2015-08-18 15:33:43] <WikiLeaks> In a press war you should almost always pre-empt. [2015-08-18 15:35:00] <WISE Up Action> OK, but I meant preempt an answer to what you don't know you're answering!! [2015-08-18 15:36:24] <WISE Up Action> (eg as in a sort of rebuttal) however this is not that ofc [2015-08-18 15:51:04] <WISE Up Action> Yes, I think it is excellent from the point of view of being very straightforward too, and it sticks to salient points which carry a great deal of conviction. It's also easy to read yet, as well, manages to contain a great deal of info which, with the mass of misinformation that's abroad, will be news to many. Thus (as WLs said earlier) hopefully igniting a more profitable discussion. [2015-08-18 15:59:17] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-08-18 15:59:43] <noll> agree. / would be amusing to put "JV self-described "feminist evangelist" & author of 'Why Have Kids?'.." at the start.. (please don't!) review: "The book itself is split into two parts: “Lies” (including “Children Make You Happy,” “Women Are the Natural Parent,” “Breast is Best,” “Children Need Their Parents,” “‘The Hardest Job in the World’,” and “MOther Knows Best”) and “Truth” (including “Giving Up on Parenthood,” “‘Bad’ Mothers Go to Jail,” “Smart Women Don’t Have Kids,” “Death of the Nuclear Family,” “Women Should Work,” and “Why Have Kids?”). Those titles themselves speak for themselves on how the author seems to view parenting." [2015-08-18 16:08:48] <noll> [2015-08-18 16:16:03] <WISE Up Action> Ta. One of the reviews on the Amazon page: "She also had an uncomfortable amount of forum and blog post entries as credible sources, quoting people like “Jessica Wabbit” which is the kind of thing I wouldn't have even tried to get away with in my high school research papers." [2015-08-18 17:01:26] <WISE Up Action> I think she should have had the courage and nouse to write a personal testimony instead of trying to frame it as a book of universals. As a personal perspective it would have credibility; there's a place for writing in an extreme way about situations like that - it has its own emotional truth. But you should never ever write it into a polemic imo. Plainly it's a crap book and she's a shit, lazy writer and researcher. On motherhood as the ultimate feminine trait I agree and don't in equal measure and it would be an essay...not for here - tho I'd love to engage w/it! [2015-08-18 22:27:54] <Emmy B> interestingly, the [2015-08-18 22:29:19] <Emmy B> the site domain no longer re-directs to [2015-08-18 22:36:55] <Emmy B> full of links from WLCentral and Rixstep [2015-08-18 22:43:43] <WISE Up Action> Unbebloodylievable! [2015-08-18 22:44:16] <Emmy B> Heh! :-D I had left my tab open from yesterday's Domain Tools Search here is the screenshot that shows 18.08.2015 search result for [2015-08-18 22:45:48] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-08-18 22:54:04] <Emmy B> On first look it seems Sands acquired the domain name 23 May 2015 [2015-08-18 22:55:32] <Emmy B> Archived domain search here: [2015-08-18 22:58:37] <WISE Up Action> Yeh - there's a fair bit that's actually dated 2015 - even this month [2015-08-18 23:01:21] <WISE Up Action> Night x (well, morning actually!) [2015-08-18 23:09:14] <Emmy B> Thx, good morning from me, off to the bakery for fresh Galaktobureko yumm! on a lighter note, read comments here: [2015-08-19 01:19:43] <Emmy B> A 3 minute video on Christine Ann Sands behaviour outside Hamstead Christchurch that caused her conviction in April 2015 [2015-08-19 01:20:44] <Emmy B> If Valenti mentions the sofiawilen website imagine how prolific Chrisitne will be, finally making the international press [2015-08-19 01:21:11] <Emmy B> Should I make a blog post about her and send it to David Crouch? [2015-08-19 01:25:16] <Emmy B> In the past we had discussed not to include her in troll lists or delve on her activities as she was so prolific, it would only feed her obsession and encourage her. But if this person is to receive international attention in a Valenti article then surely we should not let her be presented as the representative sample of WLsup - Thank you very much. [2015-08-19 04:45:02] <WikiLeaks> Sands has made negative comments about JA/WL [2015-08-19 05:00:09] <Emmy B> And many negative comments about his supporters, I might have to unblock her accounts so I can actually see & collect her tweets. [2015-08-19 05:58:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Morning all. I'm not familiar with Sands. As she's obviously unstable, clearly establishing that she's a fringe nut job is probably a good idea. [2015-08-19 05:59:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> I couldn't get the [2015-08-19 06:07:15] <WikiLeaks> In what way did it fail? [2015-08-19 06:11:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> I got a blank page, with both firefox and chrome. Could be my phone though, let me try on the desktop. [2015-08-19 06:13:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Nope, same on desktop in both browsers. Disabling privacy badger, ghostery and https everywhere didn't help. [2015-08-19 06:15:29] <WikiLeaks> And what url? [2015-08-19 06:17:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Tried both [2015-08-19 06:18:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> The base sites work for both .com and .org, so it's not just a US-blocking or something bizarre like that. [2015-08-19 06:21:17] <WikiLeaks> the url is [2015-08-19 06:30:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Got it and yes, it takes just the right tone. Sets out the facts clearly while avoiding the kind of polemic that Valenti is likely to toss out. Is it ready to share now? [2015-08-19 06:32:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> Looks like it is, awesome! [2015-08-19 07:02:47] <noll> via Bella - Valenti & #PrataOmDet: [2015-08-19 07:07:24] <M> [Tweet] JA-haters are rallying the troops [2015-08-19 07:16:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> Considering how many strong, intelligent, professional women support JA, the whole 'anti-feminist' thing is a complete joke. But rabid feminists of this sort refuse to listen to anything that counters their ideology, even if it comes from other women. [2015-08-19 07:17:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> I just got my ticket to the 9/8 Verso Books event! It's a nuisance drive into Brooklyn, ~50 miles that will take closer to 2 hours, but worth it! [2015-08-19 07:46:42] <Emmy B> I don't even see this as a feminist dialectic issue, once a matter completely veers off the most basic of facts then it is only an opportunity to bully and spit on others as a tool of social exclusion. [2015-08-19 07:51:53] <Emmy B> When as a child once was asked to offer my chair to my brother as he entered the room so as to sit next to the fire. There was no logic or fact required, reason had nothing to do with it. I had to make space for him and I did. Such articles that I have read JV producing is telling the world there is no space close to the fire for JA, others have to sit there. It is a social exclusion that aims to the physical and intellectual disappearance of the other from a space they wish to dominate. [2015-08-19 07:54:22] <Emmy B> It is not about the truth or the facts or the protection of others or philosophising about ethics and morals, it is all about complete exclusion from the social/political space that they themselves wish to not just occupy but dominate. [2015-08-19 07:58:49] <Emmy B> Unfortunately the Guardian has proved again and again that as an organisation wishes to dominate that space by the fire, see the contempt they treat Jeremy Corbyn. But JV may not be a suitable banner bearer, I expect her article to be heavily edited as it would not stand to scrutiny. Her only gravitas will be carrying SW voice, a great shame. [2015-08-19 08:01:38] <Emmy B> Mrs Fritz cannot have her client's best interest at heart to be arranging such collaboration, literally throwing her name on the ring of public scrutiny when she knows there is nothing to be gained. [2015-08-19 08:06:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> That makes a lot of sense, Emmy. It's not about the issue itself but their own power and recognition and the ability to push others down. I've seen that in many other areas too, it's just that I've had personal run-ins with too many feminists like that. But it can happen anywhere insecure people need attention & domination of others to build up their own self-image. [2015-08-19 08:06:57] <Emmy B> And there confirms once again the politicisation of the case. I wonder will it be a bit like what MGT attempted to do with the Steinitz journo at the Stern....and having his lawyer giving quotes etc. Let's see because now, with the AA case dropped and SW case remaining maybe it will be easier to sue for defaming and finally through this lawsuit get access to the MSM messages in the case file, so guarded by Ny? [2015-08-19 08:07:18] <WISE Up Action> It is the use of tools of social exclusion (oppression) that are perceived to have been (and be being) used against them. What (as Bella puts it) 'old-skool feminism' does is reject those tools altogether. Experience shld be heard and has it's own legitimate space, and this is of its essence an emotional space - people's personal narrative is a vital part of the truth. That can be as expressed in as extreme a way as people's emotions are. It's the stuff of poetry, memoir, art etc What this stuff does is to place that emotional violence in a journalistic space and ask it to be recognised as objective. [2015-08-19 08:07:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> Mrs Fritz has only been out for herself from the start. She's been somewhat in the background compared to Borgstrom, because of his public profile and history, but now she can get the attention regardless of the impact on her 'client'. [2015-08-19 08:15:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think it's also a fallacy to say that journalism is 'objective' except in cases where the evidence is clearly and openly provided, as Wikileaks has sought to do by making all documents available. Yet, even the straight out "x happened" can be shaded by personal bias. That's a big issue in research and it reminds me of the difference between 'analytic' or 'quantitative' studies vs qualitative studies, where the latter deliberately explore personal experience and narrative. The issue is that even the best 'analytic' research always has some level of potential bias and when evaluating it, the risk of bias must be considered. I'd rather see journalists who are capable of recognizing and accounting for their personal biases, willing to minimize those by providing documentary evidence, but without the false pretense of objectivity, as it seems that those who cry the loudest about being objective are usually the most biased. [2015-08-19 08:19:52] <WISE Up Action> OK - objective probably not the right word - I just mean analytical [2015-08-19 08:21:05] <Emmy B> We can't escape wishing to control the narrative when we write an opinion paper, this is hardly a dialogue it is an opinion wishing to influence. If we see this as a march, who would be persuaded to follow the ambitious lawyer with the glitchy suit, screaming money and success? The emotionally charged journalist who holds the hand of what she presents to the world to be a child but in fact is a fully grown woman. The story is five years old and the march has taken a different direction long time ago. Of course there are interests to be served that push to influence events politically as this case has been politicised. But the more narrow the spectrum they focus on the more evident these become. [2015-08-19 08:22:43] <Emmy B> M has shared an interesting tweet so we already know who in twitter will jump into the 'debate' but there is as per usual no real 'debate'. The only objective is knock JA/WL down off that cosy space by the fire. [2015-08-19 08:24:00] <WISE Up Action> Do we know when the 'opinion piece' is coming out? I can't remember if it's been discussed already. [2015-08-19 08:25:31] <Emmy B> We don't know. Wait and see. [2015-08-19 08:27:00] <WISE Up Action> Obviously, the most interesting thing to anyone who isn't committed to bias already and hasn't made up their mind what they think, will be SW's contribution...and that is pretty much a complete unknown I guess [2015-08-19 08:27:48] <Emmy B> It will not be from the horses mouth though. [2015-08-19 08:28:15] <WISE Up Action> How d'you mean? [2015-08-19 08:28:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, it will be interesting to see whether what she says now matches up to those early tweets & texts and how they will attempt to play a change. [2015-08-19 08:29:29] <WISE Up Action> You mean her words will be presented to suit the agenda, Em? By Valenti? [2015-08-19 08:30:19] <Emmy B> well, having seen how Valenti misrepresents a JA's views (referring to a video as proof when the video disproves her point) as I mentioned above yesterday, when she refered to JA's interview about Ron /Rand Paul [2015-08-19 08:31:48] <Emmy B> , Having seen again how in one of her posts she hyperlinks to the guardian article as proof of her claim but when you go to the article you do not find that proof but the opposite [2015-08-19 08:32:54] <Emmy B> I wonder how much of the SW real views we will get to read for ourselves as a substantial quote or are we just going to be 'served up' a fillet cut and tailored to suit JV's agenda [2015-08-19 08:33:26] <WISE Up Action> That kind of disingenuous/sloppy linking/conflating is referred to specifically by several reviewers of her books [2015-08-19 08:34:57] <Emmy B> or maybe it will be a Q&A where easily a journo can lead the interviewee to say the bits they are looking to hear... hmmm if that is her case with her books then quite possibly we may not get to hear SW's voice. [2015-08-19 08:34:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> If she continues that kind of sloppy misinformation, it certainly gives open room for factual corrections. [2015-08-19 08:36:04] <WISE Up Action> Trouble is the detail you have to go into is often in itself a distraction - people lose interest/think you're being picky [2015-08-19 08:37:11] <Emmy B> Anyway it could be that it will be the lawyer Fritz transferring SW's voice as in the case of Borgstom telling the journos what AA said, so she could at any time deny it or become hearsay rather than a testament. [2015-08-19 08:37:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> So you select out a couple of obvious examples and then 'wonder' about the accuracy of the rest of it. That could very well be, Emmy. [2015-08-19 08:40:14] <Emmy B> How often we have seen amongst trolls that they take a complete sentence, even a true sentence that someone has wrote, and put it into a context that it appears to be a believable lie. At the Fake forum this has been done constantly. A rule of misinformation if you like. It could be SW's quotes are also used in this way, we don't know. [2015-08-19 08:40:52] <WISE Up Action> Yeh - sometimes works but pretty hard not to lose pple's interest being too complex in a tweet. Good point abt hearsay, Em [2015-08-19 08:41:09] <WISE Up Action> ie legally [2015-08-19 08:42:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, taking things out of context is a common ploy. How much of that have we seen already? All we can do is try to point to the true context. [2015-08-19 08:43:15] <WISE Up Action> And that's my point about complexity - that sort of deviousness quite effective for reasons I just said. Why I often think sticking to the salient and key factual points best strategy [2015-08-19 08:45:24] <WISE Up Action> If V's piece like Steinitz - who was trying to say JA responsible for/encouraged maligning of women by 'supporters' that's an easy point to refute - why shld he be responsible for that? [2015-08-19 08:45:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> True, it is hard to make more complex things clear in tweets or the more simple social media. [2015-08-19 08:46:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Well, we'll have to see what her piece actually contains and then carefully pick targets, if needed. [2015-08-19 08:47:24] <Emmy B> I agree! with first point WiseUp and this is all we can do, stick to the facts. Perhaps they will talk about 'a cult' again. Also agree with Jenny. But let's also see how the article will be used in the US, in the UK in Sweden. It will be a starting point for other publications to refer to it and in the process further filter the message to fit the objective. In the UK due to the clear position of the UK government. [2015-08-19 08:48:11] <Emmy B> (they have accused Ecuador of preventing due process to take place influencing judicial outcome) [2015-08-19 08:49:00] <WISE Up Action> Agreed - gotta go cook for 11 of us - ugh [2015-08-19 08:49:30] <Emmy B> happy cooking xxx [2015-08-19 09:30:40] <Emmy B> I am unblocking Christine Ann Sands accounts to see what she is up to. Million Mask March @MMMWeekly Sands Sands @SheriffSands [2015-08-19 09:44:31] <M> I notice a lot of tweets being directed at Valenti. I'm a bit worried because I don't want her to be able to claim harassment by JA supporters, especially even before she's actually published anything. [2015-08-19 09:47:22] <WikiLeaks> Yes, it is foolish. She will include them in her article and spin their context. [2015-08-19 12:28:32] <M> [Tweet] Excerpt from Helen Lewis' Times article. Unfortunately am unable to find full text. [2015-08-19 12:31:32] <M> Nvm just found one! Here is full text of Helen Lewis' article: [2015-08-19 12:32:24] <M> What [2015-08-19 12:48:32] <WISE Up Action> 'In deference to these concerns, the Swedish prosecutor asked in March to interview him in the embassy. She has so far been rebuffed by Ecuadorean officials' [2015-08-19 12:49:13] <Emmy B> Otherwise Recycling old stuff ... And quoting Mr Bennet (P&P Austen) in her twitter bio and not attribute... very elitist, 'only the ones who know' kind of girl? [2015-08-19 12:49:29] <Emmy B> what did you cook? :-) [2015-08-19 12:56:37] <WISE Up Action> Ha - roast x Thanks for finding, M! It's helpful she aligns JA w Russell and the stupid BS abt Corbyn. [2015-08-19 14:28:48] <WikiLeaks> Bitter Oxford social climber, they're all the same. [2015-08-19 14:30:38] <WikiLeaks> Slander perceived opponents of the establishment in a sad attempt to be lifted into it. But the Eton boys will never accept Lewis no matter how hard she sucks their toes. [2015-08-19 14:51:39] <WISE Up Action> She's about as radical as um... Yvette Cooper [2015-08-19 15:54:35] <M> Good debate: Wendy McElroy versus Jessica Valenti (Nov 2014). A real feminist versus new wave "feminism". [2015-08-19 18:19:03] <noll> on the surface JV makes many compelling points, but how accurate are they? when the bias is clear w/ her primary example: "The protests are part of a larger nationwide movement to reform campus sexual assault policies – one whose necessity is exemplified by Sabrina Rubin Erdely's recent Rolling Stone feature on a harrowing sexual assault at a University of Virginia fraternity" [2015-08-19 18:20:33] <noll> - the last of those links which is highly relevant to JA case. [2015-08-19 18:20:43] <WikiLeaks> She's picked the wrong horse on all the big recent cases. [2015-08-19 18:27:33] <noll> agree. but in short-term, it often depends on who & why various parties are willing to carry, or follow this type of horse - & it always ends w/: a means to enable self-interested ends. [2015-08-19 18:28:33] <noll> no one is buying it, but how many will anyway. [2015-08-19 18:56:25] <WikiLeaks> The fake-rape 'matress' legal filing his harrowing [2015-08-19 18:56:45] <WikiLeaks> his=is [2015-08-19 19:08:19] <noll> [2015-08-19 19:41:54] <noll> telling.. w/ re to WM/ JV debate, WM singled out diminished standards of proof, JV singled out ES case - which was dismissed by Columbia despite exculpatory evidence being withheld + those lowered standards being in place, see filing para. 35. [2015-08-20 06:49:35] <Emmy B> It is harrowing [2015-08-20 06:55:42] <noll> great, looks like Sands is self-distancing. [2015-08-20 07:58:20] <Emmy B> Since I unblocked her this morning my interactions time line is spammed with her messages, not responding. I am writing to Alison Earle from London Live who interviewed me in March outside the embassy during our solidarity vigil marking 1000 days of JA at the embassy. She witnessed Sands behaviour and how upset, concerned we felt. At the time Alison Earle had herself observed that such behaviour stood out as fake. I am asking for advise, maybe rather than just writing a blog post on the matter, myself and others who knew her here in London issue together a press statement for publication. If Sands name is mentioned in the JV article. We can distance ourselves and condemn her behaviour, not through twitter tittle tattle but properly in a considered and convincing way, eponymously. [2015-08-20 08:05:14] <Emmy B> Half a dozen people would be happy to do so I am sure. [2015-08-20 11:31:19] <WikiLeaks> We suspect JV article will be Saturday now. [2015-08-20 12:01:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's smart Emmy. [2015-08-20 12:42:58] <WISE Up Action> Gobsmacked by all the rape stuff. No idea all that was going down. Cannot believe all those people losing their heads that should be (whose specific job is to be) keeping them level. Now I get yr reference to Crucible, H - didn't know wtf you were on about. Like recovered memory syndrome too. Should ALWAYS be sus when due process & research standards being undermined. Who can it possibly help?? Aside from even the damage to the falsely accused, if any 'Emma' is not bringing the truth, this just locks them in to their damage - how can they possibly recant and find any healing when users are pinning a 'movement' on their shoulders? Really distressing. [2015-08-20 12:49:20] <WikiLeaks> Fast multi-party communications leads to mob dynamics. [2015-08-20 12:53:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, that's a good point. We do see mob dynamics at work in social media - like the reverse side of rapid spread of news and activism. [2015-08-20 12:57:29] <WISE Up Action> The very particular thing I value about the spirit of Occupy was what it was always criticised for. As in not coming up with a manifesto. [2015-08-20 15:29:37] <WikiLeaks> It was criticized for not having a manifesto, because the establishment press wanted something to attack it with its manifesto. It surely would have died even sooner if it had one. [2015-08-20 15:53:19] <noll> Action, we were also really surprised by all of this, didn't fully cotton on until the 'feminist'/ 'liberal' content wars jumped the latest media barrier. guess a few things are comparable - but witch trials began w/ a "listen & believe" approach (which was politically useful to the establishment), & ended via an enlightenment insistence on actual evidence/ proof. see last 10 mins of: [2015-08-20 16:55:03] <WISE Up Action> [2015-08-20 18:43:47] <noll>[]=cc&qproject[]=fp&q=&qforigin=Iran%23%23Tehran&qtfrom=1979-11-04&qtto=1981-12-31#result [2015-08-20 18:52:24] <WISE Up Action> Yep. Access to primary sources invaluable. Cuts all the crap. And cuts right across the whole appallingly cynical media/public discourse. As that Buckminster Fuller quote says, a 'new model' is the thing that makes the 'old model obsolete' - plus the historical record preserved is life-blood critical. Wahey for WikiLeaks! Parody wasn't written recently or in response to this convo, but WLs saying the press constantly snarked at Occupy so they could pin it down to take it down reminded me of some of the lines. And also the shallowness/soundbite speech of this 'rape-culture' movement makes it, in essence, cynical. And doubtless what we'll get in the w/e Graun fr V. On 'Listen & Believe', you can 'listen & believe in' a person's humanity, pain etc w/o accepting or rejecting their stated interpretation of how they're feeling. And diving in on that extremity of emotion & seizing it for your own reasons/agenda/pain without giving it space is the essence of poor counselling. [2015-08-21 03:34:53] <WikiLeaks> WL wouldn't last 5 minutes if we addopted 'listen and believe'. [2015-08-21 03:40:29] <Emmy B> Thank goodness, please continue doing what you do and under no circumstances do otherwise, counting on you to be different <3 [2015-08-21 03:41:04] <Emmy B> and keep surprising the world :-) [2015-08-21 05:51:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Absolutely. That's the fundamental in my field, the whole basis for evidence-based healthcare - moving from 'x' authority did it that way to the research evidence demonstrates to do it this way. [2015-08-21 05:51:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> I spend a lot of my time teaching people how to critically examine research evidence. [2015-08-21 05:52:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Too bad they don't teach it as well to journalists these days as they do to medical students. [2015-08-21 05:53:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's why Wikileaks' (JA's) concept of scientific journalism is so important and so impactfull. [2015-08-21 05:54:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Is impactfull a word? Tired on Friday morning in the middle of fall faculty orientation sessions. Boring! [2015-08-21 07:59:18] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-08-21 09:03:14] <WISE Up Action> 'WikiLeaks Files' just arrived [2015-08-21 09:16:50] <noll> interesting.. [2015-08-21 09:25:42] <noll> if anyone's documenting Sands, would definitely capture some of the latest. [2015-08-21 09:29:40] <Emmy B> I am not documenting any of her tweets [2015-08-21 09:30:30] <Emmy B> Her behaviour screams 'give me attention' WL supporters, I want your interactions. [2015-08-21 09:32:04] <WISE Up Action> Even one or two like that wld be sufficient evidence for anyone!! She makes no contact with us at all. Never replied fr the start. [2015-08-21 09:32:06] <Emmy B> To see Sands and MGT in direct communication is not surprising. [2015-08-21 15:51:23] <M> New SvD hit piece against JA: [2015-08-21 16:19:34] <WISE Up Action> It's pretty childish goss, isn't it? JA is persona non grata becos he stays up all night and eats takeaways. And refers to Times Diary piece which was just a short v silly para. Jerks. This (only attempt at *facts* of note) sounds vastly exaggerated tho but maybe translation errors?: 'the creditors who lost millions when he fled to the Embassy of Ecuador, the publishing company that paid out even more millions in advance for an autobiography he never wrote clear, or the British police that lurpassande outside Embassy goes on 130,000 dollars a day.' [2015-08-21 23:27:59] <M> Pretty hilarious f-up by Louise Mensch: [2015-08-22 04:36:47] <noll> 'Nazi-inspired' anti-immigration group becomes Sweden's most popular party. [2015-08-22 06:20:18] <Emmy B> This is what oppositional politics cause: it very own opposition political movement. Eurogroup's victory over Tsipras with his capitulation to its demands has split Syriza and Greece now has a new mainstream political party of the Left clearly open to Grexit. With 20th of Sep the election day we won't have to wait long to see whether the 32 MP rebels will get re-elected and how much support will Tsipras still hold. [2015-08-22 08:49:03] <WISE Up Action> 'Jackson visits Assange' balcony pic top lhs c.3"x5" near middle of Sat Graun (main section) - no text, just neutral caption [2015-08-23 00:38:01] <M> Spanish interview, if anyone can translate: Catherine Garay of the Association of German Lawyers in Spain on the Assange case [2015-08-23 01:24:04] <Emmy B> I think JA's latest speech in France is embedded in this article. [2015-08-24 01:45:45] <Emmy B> Valenti has not tweeted since justice4assange issued press release on Forthcoming Opinion Piece in the Guardian 18.08.2015 [2015-08-24 02:38:41] <Emmy B> For info Valenti's twitter public list of feministing writers, she could use them to create positive trend about her article. [2015-08-24 02:38:56] <Emmy B> (includes sister) [2015-08-24 02:41:38] <Emmy B> [2015-08-24 02:46:33] <Emmy B> Is Jessica involved in sister's business? [2015-08-24 02:47:09] <Emmy B> They have turned feminism into dosh!!!! unbelievable what capitalism turns into product. [2015-08-24 02:47:58] <Emmy B> both sisters co-founded [2015-08-24 03:22:43] <Emmy B> JV husband's tweets about Assange few but with an anti bias: [2015-08-24 03:24:35] <Emmy B> Gibson (now moved on from The Guardian) seems to have brought JV to Guardian US [2015-08-24 03:44:14] <Emmy B> juicy, JV is still the owner of [2015-08-24 03:52:47] <Emmy B> she remains as an emeritus as per website [2015-08-24 03:53:21] <Emmy B> but does not say she is actually the owner of the domain name ie the owner of the publication? [2015-08-24 03:54:02] <Emmy B> from the website: 'Feministing is fiscally sponsored by the Center for Sex & Culture' [2015-08-24 03:54:42] <Emmy B> (I don't know who funds that centre but Parry Jones is on an advisory board there) [2015-08-24 03:56:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] whois record for May 2015 still displayed JV as owner of site [2015-08-24 03:58:20] <Emmy B> [Media-image] hey ho! Privacy service obtained hiding ownership 8th of July 2015 - what happened? why hide now? [2015-08-24 04:00:58] <Emmy B> I cannot capture these in as Domain tools is a paying service for whois look up. If someone knows how to, please do. If http://feministing.com [2015-08-24 04:02:40] <Emmy B> Note that [2015-08-24 04:07:14] <Emmy B> Should I tweet to all twelve a screen shot together with justice4assange press release asking if there has been a push to promote JV's article through [2015-08-24 04:10:34] <Emmy B> ok, I am almost spamming now :-) over and out! [2015-08-24 04:42:57] <Emmy B> just checked the screenshot history of [2015-08-24 04:43:59] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-08-24 04:44:15] <Emmy B> what on earth does this mean? [2015-08-24 04:47:46] <Emmy B> Apologies this is from a different domain [2015-08-24 08:30:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> Let's see what happens, Emmy, and then we can coordinate a response. Best to keep it factual and directed. [2015-08-24 10:57:32] <Emmy B> yep! [DMConversationEntry] M added voidiss [2015-08-25 02:32:05] <Emmy B> Welcome Greta! [2015-08-25 02:32:53] <voidiss> Thank you! [2015-08-25 02:36:21] <Emmy B> We discuss here articles and whatever else we wish to bring to eachother's attention. Although it is a direct message there is a great number of participants and you can check who is included in this group chat by clicking on the right hand side three dots and click 'view people' from the drop down menu. [2015-08-25 02:38:19] <Emmy B> Enjoy :-) [2015-08-25 02:44:27] <voidiss> Thanks, Emmy, already checked who's in! Okay, so when I will find an interesting article, I will share with you all! :) [2015-08-25 06:40:01] <M> [Tweet] Amusing fight between Guardian columnist Marina Hyde and Medialens/Greenwald. [2015-08-25 06:40:21] <M> (see Twitter link for full thread) [2015-08-25 06:41:51] <M> [Tweet] Amusing fight between Guardian columnist Marina Hyde and Greenwald/Media Lens. [2015-08-25 06:45:35] <M> Also, bizarre attack on the entirety of the left (incl., of course, JA supporters) by Sarah Ditum, who is no stranger to attacks on JA. [2015-08-25 06:46:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Welcome Greta! [2015-08-25 06:46:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> That is a really bizarre article by Ditum. [2015-08-25 07:40:37] <voidiss> Yes, I agree, Ditum's article is really strange as an attack. It can be also interesting from another point of view, but the low blows against Assange and supporters are always the same and they're put in even when they have nothing to do with the article itself. Also, I think Hyde's "joke" is very telling: it isn't a proper criticism so MediaLens can't answer back, but still it pushes a dangerous (and too much rooted) smear. When they don't know how to attack they use the "conspiracy/paranoia" card. [2015-08-25 07:40:49] <voidiss> (Thank you Jenny!) [2015-08-25 08:00:39] <WikiLeaks> We hear Guardian are very nervous about the JV article. So either its likely to have been massively expanded with a news reporter or its been killed. [2015-08-25 08:32:41] <WikiLeaks> Andrew Golis @agolis, is not just JV's husband and not just anti-JA. He was involved in the PBS documentary attack on WL. After airing it, PBS was hacked by anons in response and forced to issue a humiliating press release stating that Tupac was alive and found in New Zealand. [2015-08-25 09:56:45] <M> Guardian/Gitmo article avoids citing WL; says "long-neglected US military capture information", which links to Miami Herald, instead of to WL directly. [2015-08-25 09:59:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> All of which is typical of the Guardian. [2015-08-25 10:03:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> I could see that JV's 'style' of rather unsubtle assaultive writing could make them nervous. [2015-08-25 10:23:19] <WISE Up Action> Hello, Greta. Welcome! [2015-08-25 10:35:46] <voidiss> Their nervousness for JV's article shows that they know the piece is going to be full of lies/smears and so they feel the pressure of having [2015-08-25 10:35:53] <voidiss> to handle it properly, saving their face. If they kill it after [2015-08-25 14:11:16] <Emmy B> Very interesting info about @ agolis [2015-08-25 14:14:08] <Emmy B> An SW interview is highly monetisable if not literally in selling it onwards, at least in bringing traffic onto their site and getting quoted by others as well as hyperlinked. [2015-08-25 14:14:56] <Emmy B> Ie if they have it, they will somehow monetise it/ use it, one way or another. [2015-08-25 14:16:30] <Emmy B> On another issue, not the first time that I notice MGT interacting with James Ball. [2015-08-25 14:16:53] <WikiLeaks> When? [2015-08-25 14:19:13] <Emmy B> 24th - [2015-08-25 14:26:54] <WikiLeaks> Well spotted; likely trying to do a deal over the alleged ecuadorian intel docs published in Focus Ecuador [2015-08-25 14:39:37] <Emmy B> MGT has been having them translated and posted in his site. [2015-08-25 14:41:56] <Emmy B> He is a proven prolific liar, manufacturer of lies, anything he propagates I see with the greatest suspicion. [2015-08-25 14:52:40] <voidiss> As has been noted, the article on Focus Ecuador was written by Villavicencio, who was convicted of defaming Correa and fled to US. I'm not commenting on his case, I'm just pointing out that US are surely very willing to use him as symbol of 'bad Ecuador's skewed free press right' and that probably, since they're hosting him, he's playing by their side and has interest in writing an article like that. Surely MGT is super happy of it, so he can use it to smear over and over. [2015-08-25 14:56:41] <WikiLeaks> MGT is small fry; no-one follows him and almost no-one reads his nonsense on the fake WLF. However, his "outreach" activities do need to be watched. [2015-08-25 15:04:05] <Emmy B> Sadly I do read his nonsense and will be keeping an eye as per usual. [2015-08-25 15:05:12] <voidiss> Yes, his site is really absurd and exaggerated, it'd be impossible for people to believe it. But MGT likes to exploit the pointless "Assange doesn't criticize Ecuador" card. [2015-08-25 22:30:15] <M> [Tweet] Hah. [2015-08-25 23:07:44] <voidiss> Wow! I want to see one of those crayfish (before the US will start a crusade to slay them all. lol) [2015-08-26 05:57:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> I doubt my govt would get away with attacking crayfish, environmentalists would go nuts. It's only humans that are 'fair game' sadly. [2015-08-26 05:59:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> You've got a stronger stomach than I do, Emmy, reading MGT's stuff. [2015-08-26 09:02:47] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-08-26 11:37:11] <voidiss> This article - and the related talk at the CCCamp15 - are really interesting (and quite terrifying): [2015-08-26 13:25:49] <WikiLeaks> We're somewhat horrified that Gizmodo has that first. The publisher must be on drugs. But we hear Newsweek is in two days. [2015-08-26 13:38:45] <WikiLeaks> The talk is on Youtube and is worth watching. [2015-08-26 13:42:56] <M> Link for the lazy: [2015-08-26 13:45:59] <voidiss> Oh, I imagined it wasn't your decision publishing on Gizmodo. Shame on the publisher. [2015-08-26 15:22:43] <WISE Up Action> The CCR statement responding to FCO's criticism of Ecuador [2015-08-26 23:21:04] <Emmy B> "The structured attempt at managing an extended cultural and economic system using communications is the hall- mark of empire." and this explains why WikiLeaks is perceived to be such a threat, because the perceived high risk to its power. [2015-08-26 23:21:18] <Emmy B> Essay is beautifully written. [2015-08-26 23:37:51] <Emmy B> Would then the exclusion of WL publications from Academic study denote a kind of Medievalism in US Academia? a sign of decline, the centre of innovation may then be shifting elsewhere. [2015-08-27 00:05:30] <Emmy B> 'Every year, more than $1 billion is budgeted for “public diplomacy,” a circumlocutory term for outward-facing propaganda.' [2015-08-27 00:05:40] <Emmy B> Nato too: [2015-08-27 00:06:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-08-27 02:07:12] <voidiss> Marian Radetzki has written an article about the Assange case: [2015-08-27 05:31:40] <voidiss> Also, I've found this PDF to this [2015-08-27 05:33:16] <WikiLeaks> Why is that interesting? [2015-08-27 05:36:05] <voidiss> I thought that maybe knowing Sweden's position on that issue may be useful. [2015-08-27 05:38:15] <WikiLeaks> for FOIAs? [2015-08-27 05:48:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good article by Radetzki, despite poor Google translation. Nice condemnation of prosecutors like Ny. [2015-08-27 05:59:39] <voidiss> Oh, well... I was meaning in general; since data storage, how data can be used for law enforcement and the connection with privacy are important issues, knowing how Sweden hadles them may be useful in general, to have a more comprehensive view of Sweden itself. I wasn't thinking about FOIAs, this PDF doesn't seem to be about that, more about how Swedish regulations on data storage can be balanced with EU/ECHR laws. [2015-08-27 07:46:40] <Emmy B> Thnx Greta, here is a translation of the article you shared by the Swedish Doctors for Human Rights :-) [2015-08-27 07:59:53] <voidiss> Thank you, Emmy! [2015-08-27 12:28:03] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-27 12:28:06] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-27 12:28:10] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-27 12:29:11] <M> Trust Swedish justice, right? [2015-08-27 12:39:17] <voidiss> Are they kidding? This is incredibly low also for Sweden. This is a mean mockery - giving a man the illusion of freedom for a day and then other jail he didn't know anything about? Outrageous. There is no hope for Swedish justice system - not that I need further confirmations. [2015-08-27 13:51:17] <WikiLeaks> It's the North Korea of the North. [2015-08-27 16:37:15] <M> New season of Homeland focuses on leaks, surveillance [2015-08-27 23:07:57] <Emmy B> Why is the WL Avatar missing its sides in this conversation? [2015-08-27 23:09:09] <M> All the icons in DMs are cropped into circles. [2015-08-27 23:11:46] <Emmy B> Thank you. [2015-08-27 23:17:25] <Emmy B> Regarding MGT's outreach he claims co-operation with a media partner here: [2015-08-27 23:18:33] <Emmy B> Hoping for positive legal developments by the end of the year :-) [2015-08-27 23:31:53] <voidiss> Which newspaper would be willing to run the risk of publishing unverified material such as those alleged "Embassy spy reports"? These documents are likely to be false, which journalist would ever take the responsibility to publish them knowing the low reputation of WLF? [2015-08-27 23:31:56] <voidiss> (By the way, I hate when people do jokes like "I don't think Assange will go anywhere in a hurry". That's inhuman.) [2015-08-27 23:35:42] <Emmy B> Indeed! [2015-08-28 00:36:06] <voidiss> Newsweek has arrived! [2015-08-28 02:27:22] <Emmy B> Without any knowledge of French is difficult to assess if this is a positive article overall but certainly makes some positive remarks regarding JA and Asylum policy in France:,202021 [2015-08-28 02:28:29] <Emmy B> [Tweet] oh just saw this [2015-08-28 02:54:05] <voidiss> I think that being very nationalistic, Le Pen is also one of the strongest opposer of US control over France, so as a result she agrees with offering Assange asylum. But I think it's positive too. [2015-08-28 04:04:58] <noll> [2015-08-28 04:35:25] <noll> some v. informative cables on this. [2015-08-28 08:40:10] <M> Siggi pleaded guilty to sexual assault charges against nine boys. Verdict in four weeks. [2015-08-28 08:43:05] <M> [Tweet] [2015-08-28 08:58:37] <M> Better article on Siggi [2015-08-28 09:21:50] <M> @davidgcrouch reported on the docs showing that FBI requested Snowden's extradition from Scandinavian countries. Includes quote from TO: "This shows the Americans are very determined to get their hands on people that they think have damaged their security or a threat to security policy, and that includes of course Julian Assange." [2015-08-28 10:35:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> That report is yet more support for why JA applied for and was given asylum by Ecuador. Sweden's response even on Snowden made absolutely no sense. [2015-08-28 12:01:24] <WikiLeaks> if people can tweet the newsweek excerpt (linked perhaps to interior sectiosn via or with image excerpts in the tweet) to the various diplomatic twitter accounts / diplomats / foreign affairs journalists / academics that'd be very helpful! [2015-08-28 12:01:40] <WikiLeaks> Hopefully we can overcome the Gizmodo idiocy. [2015-08-28 12:12:43] <noll> "in all likelihood a sociopath.." [2015-08-28 12:13:58] <voidiss> Oh, sure, I'll do! With diplomats, from which countries do you mean? US/UK or others? [2015-08-28 12:14:32] <WikiLeaks> A variety. We noticed a turkish diplomat tweeted it yesterday [2015-08-28 12:14:47] <WikiLeaks> And there's a lot of these "twitter diplomacy" accounts [2015-08-28 12:18:07] <voidiss> Okay, thank you! If someone needs it, I've found a list here: [2015-08-28 12:23:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> oh, nice find, Greta, I was going to ask if anyone had one. [2015-08-28 12:24:00] <voidiss> You're welcome! [2015-08-28 13:02:20] <M> I'd suggest finding a way to divide the list, or finding multiple lists. That way you avoid double-tweeting and also cover more ground. [2015-08-28 13:04:42] <voidiss> Yes, probably divide them would be better. I've found also this list: [2015-08-28 13:18:02] <voidiss> I start with "Diplomatic Academies" list, now. [2015-08-28 13:20:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> I've been sending out WL's foreign relations journals tweets to accounts I can find interested in the topic. But I'll pick up one of the diplomat lists tonight. Still at work for a couple of hours. [2015-08-28 14:13:09] <WikiLeaks> Does anyone have a times subscription? [2015-08-28 14:20:14] <M> I know someone with one. Let me try contacting them. [2015-08-28 17:34:43] <M> Hey Jenny, just a note - on your tweets to the diplomats the picture preview isn't showing. Picture links starting with "pbs" won't show previews; they need to start with "pic". e.g. [2015-08-28 17:35:52] <M> [Tweet] One way to retrieve that link from another tweet is through the use of the mobile site. So if you want the picture off this tweet: [2015-08-28 17:36:23] <M> And you can fetch the "pic" version of the image link that way. Hopefully that makes sense. :) [2015-08-28 18:02:30] <WikiLeaks> FYI we have confirmed that James Ball is working on an article re-stating the Focus Ecuador article. [2015-08-28 19:31:32] <M> Yes re article (previously mentioned that MGT seemed to be feeding it to people, including Ball). [2015-08-28 19:49:22] <WISE Up Action> God, they are repulsive. Trough, trough, trough. [2015-08-28 19:53:07] <noll> well, if you want competence re security - do it yourself, but that's not a choice here. expect Ball et al. will have a field day. [2015-08-28 19:54:06] <M> Ball is also at Buzzfeed now, which has even lower editorial standards than the Guardian, if any at all. [2015-08-28 20:00:04] <WISE Up Action> Yep - and just enough veneer of issue to take it out of pure gossip (which I think they've done to death as far as the public are concerned tbh - there's only so many times you can repeat 'broom cupboard' and all the other pathetic cliches). They should really get a life before they totally disappear up their own arses. [2015-08-28 20:02:54] <WISE Up Action> I'll try to pick up a physical copy of the Times tomorrow (today..), as well as you seeing if you can access online, M [2015-08-28 20:05:39] <noll> worth saying that as w/ Germany, various ppl could use less blinkers re Ecu. embassy situ is unique/ v. high risk & Ecu nat. interests vs. those of Wls can only stretch so far - it's complex & Ball isn't exactly going to be penning a nuanced analysis. [2015-08-28 23:21:51] <M> [Tweet] Hopefully will have Times article in a few hours. Meanwhile, Appleyard approves of it, which isn't a good sign (neither is the quote). [2015-08-29 03:49:48] <WISE Up Action> It's not nasty. Starts w him stressing the difference between what he's been told to expect (a raving lunatic) and how he finds JA (perfectly rational). Which he obviously admires under the circumstances. Nonetheless "interviewing Assange is strange. Damn strange" I'll bet!! Consider the life-choice disconnect. The piece is kind of 'languid', flits about. Probably because he is unfamiliar with/uninterested in the real issues (as in geopolitics/justice/truth etc!). But he doesn't go on about the Swedish case at all; there's much more about the US case, which he seems to take at face-value (despite that quote fr Appleyard). So it's good in that it doesn't belittle the threat to Assange even saying "he may be right about that" w ref to JA's conviction that Ny's delaying tactics are to serve the US timescale, enable them to build their case. The worst thing is, that, apart from a ref to the "horrifying footage" of Collateral Murder, he has no regard for/understanding of the ground-breaking work of WikiLeaks, or JA's role (so, what's new?). It ends with the terrible "he's a hero to many in the land of protest for protest's sake" after citing who he's a villain to and why. And it really is like the bloke has landed on an alien planet and is trying to communicate the experience to the normals back home.. [2015-08-29 05:36:55] <voidiss> Thank you for the summary! If the article is like that, it's really sad even if it's not a smearing one. It shows one more time that there are too many people who don't understand anything about WikiLeaks work, who think about Assange and other involved in this struggle as guys who fight just because they're a sort of "we're against everything just to be against" - which is so damn wrong -, or who don't care about the important revelations at all. And all of this is so disappointing, even if it's expectable, since many many people even refuse to inform themselves of get interested in these issues. And that's why WL is so essential anyway. [2015-08-29 05:37:00] <voidiss> And regarding Ball's collaboration with MGT... I'm really curious to see if he will actually prove those documents are true. [2015-08-29 06:05:00] <noll> highly likely they are genuine. re article, if spin placed over docs discounted, left w/ a completely unremarkable security service assessment detailing concerns any fool could list. the actual issue here is incompetence (every agency's greatest enemy) - we're not going to point out the obvious, or add to information already know. [2015-08-29 07:17:28] <noll> re the assassination thing: [2015-08-29 07:28:08] <voidiss> Wait, so are you making another FOI request to UK regarding assassination threats against Assange? [2015-08-29 07:30:31] <noll> yes, FOI already published re this matter was sent to Foreign Office, the HO request was sent 4 June. [2015-08-29 07:30:51] <noll> HO = Home Office [2015-08-29 07:35:28] <voidiss> Oh, okay, two FOIAs to two different govt bodies. Got it, thanks. [2015-08-29 07:35:35] <voidiss> Well, UK likes Glomar responses so much... [2015-08-29 07:43:25] <M> Have not heard back from my contact with the Times subscription. Meanwhile, someone scanned and uploaded the article: [2015-08-29 07:45:48] <voidiss> Great, thank you. Here are some other articles about the interview and the assassination thing: TeleSUR: [2015-08-29 07:58:48] <M> IMO, first half of the interview is quite good. Second half is rather bad, gossipy. [2015-08-29 08:56:55] <voidiss> I don't like the tone of the article at all. The author manages to insert small ambiguous and unpleasant comments in many parts, and yes, it's quite gossipy. But at least there are a few interesting points inside. [2015-08-29 09:30:13] <voidiss> Another poll in which Sweden Democrats got over 18% of the vote. "We should be establishment, we should dominate public debate" [2015-08-29 10:24:42] <voidiss> @m_cetera, may you ask to your contact with the Times' subscription about this article too? [2015-08-29 10:43:02] <noll> [Tweet] JV's latest: [2015-08-29 10:49:49] <noll> [Tweet] JV last "off sm for few days" was Aug 18 - 24. left & returned w/ these. [2015-08-29 11:49:09] <M> Pastebin of the Times JA interview: [2015-08-29 13:13:51] <voidiss> Thank you very much! [2015-08-29 14:27:58] <M> Here is the "Count Assange" article: [2015-08-29 14:28:50] <M> Unfortunately can't do for the Times articles because the login name shows up at the top. [2015-08-29 15:44:50] <M> With The Times publishing stuff more along that line, the sometimes-positivity of today's magazine interview is quite impressive. The "Count Assange" article is pure speculation, but the author threw in bits taken from other articles in order to make it sound accurate. I love how the only source is "a diplomat familiar with the domestic set-up of Mr Assange". Seeing as they don't even specify WHERE the diplomat is from, my bet is that it was a UK diplomat. [2015-08-29 15:53:03] <voidiss> Yes, maybe it was better not to read "Count Assange", that's an all-smearing article. The best thing is seeing how they belittle with no decency the high security concerns over surveillance and monitoring, both on Assange himself and on Ana Alban with the bugging device. [2015-08-29 16:53:43] <noll> 'Count Assange' is reads like a UK FO fantasy that busily taps into Maduro's 22% rating as though Correa's 60%+ is not equally deserved, & the "diplomat familiar w/" has reseeded "stories" that are patent bullshit. it terms of an effective hit piece, it's so amazingly poor, so completely obvious - have to ask, is that deliberate policy? [2015-08-30 01:52:37] <M> Vivienne Westwood on JA and WL in latest interview: [2015-08-30 01:52:56] <M> Oops. Nvm, old interview. Never saw it though. [2015-08-30 02:21:27] <voidiss> In an interview, William Blum says that "there's a drone with Assange name on it" and that he is the enemy N°1 in US [2015-08-30 02:24:29] <voidiss> All this is so terrible and frightening. They should't even dare to try to do something to him, fuck. [2015-08-30 02:37:42] <voidiss> Ops, that's an old interview too, from 2013. But it's in line with the assassination thing. [2015-08-31 00:30:13] <Emmy B> The Times Interview did not mention 'The WikiLeaks Files' [2015-08-31 00:37:12] <voidiss> No, it does, but only in few lines and without analyzing or even citing why it is so important and valuable. Again, Whittell concentrates more on the "gossip" part like trying to guess who has written the anonymous chapters. Of course. [2015-08-31 04:37:59] <noll> [Tweet] great response to a standard attack line. [2015-08-31 06:17:08] <noll> guess indication that that report is genuine seen in censoring of focusequador's entire site. an anti-Wls response. [2015-08-31 06:20:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks M - I'll try that next time re the photo, or put it up on my Tumblr or another website and link to it there. [2015-08-31 06:21:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> Everything re the articles sounds about par for the course these days. [2015-08-31 06:30:59] <voidiss> Wait, who has censored Focus Ecuador's site? [2015-08-31 06:41:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-08-31 06:51:23] <Emmy B> As the political struggle for power intensifies in Ecuador the big money will always find a way to push their message across to get back to power. Let's not beat about the bush, using Assange for internal Ecuadorian politics can please one and only one master, the US and its local puppets. [2015-08-31 06:52:45] <voidiss> Thank you, clear now. In [2015-08-31 06:54:30] <voidiss> Thank you, clear now. It's likely you're right... That's absolutely not a good thing when even Ecuador starts using JA in its political games. [2015-08-31 06:54:54] <Emmy B> The agents of chaos are feasting in any country that lets powerful interests usurp and subvert social movements as a ladder for them to climb the steps of power. [2015-08-31 06:58:21] <noll> Greta, it's not Ecu 'using JA' - read the EFF article, it's Ecu censoring of surveillance reporting, which is hardly w/o precedent. [2015-08-31 06:58:55] <Emmy B> yep 'Ecuador starts using JA' is a simplification. Some power interests within Ecuador may wish to use JA for political games. [2015-08-31 07:01:15] <voidiss> I've read it, I'm not referring to the DMCA notice against Focus Ecuador, I'm refferring to your initial point, that probably if Ares Rights have censored the site it's because the documents are genuine. And that means they're spying on him etc, so there may be an interest in using him for "political games" or something. [2015-08-31 07:03:56] <Emmy B> ...the world over... Greece, Italy, UK etc. of course on this particular occasion we are concerned foremost with JA's safety. Correa's gov has granted asylum. [2015-08-31 07:05:07] <M> Comments from Swedish Prosecution Authority officer re today's meeting between Ecuador and Sweden [2015-08-31 07:07:40] <voidiss> Exactly. I'm just wondering how sincere the protection Ecuador's offering to Julian is, now that we know they're spying on him. I've always thought Ecuador was a solid, secure "ally" for Julian, I wouldn't want to find out this isn't true. [2015-08-31 07:09:56] <noll> re 'spying' on JA. no security agency on *Earth is not going to do that - never mind JA, they'll do it to entirety of own staff + all visitors - it's an embassy! & the most spied upon, except perhaps for US in Moscow, Russia in DC. [2015-08-31 07:14:36] <noll> of some concern is 'management' of JA. & all we can say is Larry David is better experienced on a screen at home. [2015-08-31 07:14:57] <Emmy B> Thanks M, excellent! [2015-08-31 07:20:39] <voidiss> What do you mean with "management"? [2015-08-31 07:25:39] <Emmy B> My dear Greta, The Ecuadorian Embassy is responsible for JA's safety, they have to manage, organise the security arrangements for his safety. They also have to organise the management of the Ambassadorial business at the Ecuadorian Embassy. And the safety of the Embassy's staff. It is is for this reason that this space is granted by the Vienna Convention the privileges it has, this space continues and must continue to operate as an Embassy. [2015-08-31 07:27:19] <voidiss> Okay, got it. I agree too. Sorry for this mess, I just needed to understand what you meant. [2015-08-31 07:35:10] <Emmy B> I understand and it is good we discuss these matters. We all dream and share your wish for his freedom and try each and everyone of us to do something to help his cause, the WL cause. The Ecuadorian Government has to manage the situation the best way they can continuously for the last three years, under very difficult circumstances. The political leadership of Ecuador remains committed to protect his life, his Human Rights. Despite unprecedented pressures from US Ecuador has found it in their bones to stand up for him. Other Latin American countries support Ecuador's decision. Other stronger nations like Italy, France, Germany UK, failed to act, even now after all we have learned from WL and Snowden, they still do not act. The world is revealed to us having a very ugly face. Still, it is Ecuador we have to thank for for every day that it passes. [2015-08-31 07:36:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, it's sometimes confusing, esp. when trying to weed out truth from propaganda. I'm not tremendously surprised that Correa has some bad apples around or that his govt, like any other, is engaged in some surveillance activities. It's pervasive. I do suspect, however, that some of the attacks on Correa's govt are due to US attempts to undermine him. But so far, he remains an incredibly popular and successful leader, for good reasons. And his govt seems committed to doing the right the thing by JA. [2015-08-31 07:38:57] <Emmy B> yep :-) [2015-08-31 08:00:22] <noll> if you think 'let's monitor JA (what could possibly go wrong), &.. we've been hacked by the guys across the street!' is woeful, it as *nothing compared to: [2015-08-31 08:09:56] <M> Pretty decent backlash against ABC's Tom Switzer for saying that WikiLeaks hacks its info on Qanda [2015-08-31 10:39:59] <WikiLeaks> Ecuador is a state with good factions and bad. However some of the good things it has done are very good indeed, whereas its abuses are quite average. [2015-08-31 10:51:41] <WikiLeaks> We suspect JV/Guardian have killed that article but remains a possibility that they're biding their time. [2015-08-31 10:59:53] <voidiss> It's sad that some people use to blame JA for those average Ecuador's abuses. Really pointless but of course very crafty for who has smearing aims. [2015-08-31 10:59:56] <voidiss> I hope they have actually killed it. [2015-08-31 11:02:08] <M> Snowden gets similar attacks re Russia. Greenwald made some good comments on it early on -- as if there's a perfect country on Earth to seek asylum in! [2015-08-31 11:09:36] <WikiLeaks> On the quite average: there's no allegation that ecuador has killed a journalist, that any are in prison for journalism, or even, with all the recent protests, that a single person was shot. [2015-08-31 11:10:24] <WikiLeaks> Even in relation to Hackingteam, the allegation is that Ecuador had a license to spy on about 16 people concurrently. [2015-08-31 11:11:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, exactly. Sadly, throwing dirt at other people is a very common method of trying to turn attention away from your own abuses. [2015-08-31 11:12:21] <WikiLeaks> It hasn't invaded anyone, bombed anyone, exported weapons to anyone. It's people are the 3rd happiest in the world, according to Gallap. [2015-08-31 11:16:16] <WikiLeaks> Its undoubtedly a democracy and its economy has been growing at double the european average for almost a decade. [2015-08-31 11:16:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, a whole 16 people! How horrible. *sigh* Meanwhile the govts of the people throwing most of accusations are spying on pretty much the whole world, esp my own. [2015-08-31 11:19:07] <WikiLeaks> Oil makes up around 15% of the economy, but around 50% of tax revenues so the recent oil collapse has been difficult for the government, which has had to introduce new taxes as a result. [2015-08-31 11:20:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Of course, no one likes new taxes. So you get some protests, esp. when the wealthiest sector is hit in their pockets. [2015-08-31 11:20:56] <voidiss> Thanks for all this information. Correa's a representative of a lefties government, so of course it's very convenient for many people - especially US puppets - make Ecuador seem as a soft of oppressive regime, even when it is not, as the information you tell are showing. It has, of course, many difects and "average abuses" to fix, but not as bas as some try to say - and especially, not as bad as many other countries that instead are considered "perfect libertarian democracies", i.e. US. And obviously Assange is not responsible for politicians' decision when it comes to "average abuses". [2015-08-31 11:22:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't think anyone in their right mind would think of the US as a 'perfect libertarian democracy', esp. not those of us who actually are libertarians. :( [2015-08-31 11:23:55] <voidiss> Oh, well, I'm not referring to informed people! I'm referring also to the image US are trying to show. [2015-08-31 11:26:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> I suspect that image is pretty much a total fail at this point. I don't know a single person who is actually happy with our government, even if we totally disagree on what the government should be doing. But the level of disgust with Washington is extraordinary and I get the sense much of the UK feels similarly. [2015-08-31 11:26:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> The problem is turning that disgust into action. [2015-08-31 11:26:52] <WikiLeaks> Ecuador has been very good at firing cops. It has fired thousands. [2015-08-31 11:27:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now that's something a lot of nations could learn from Ecuador. [2015-08-31 11:29:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually, I think the utter failure of the justice system in the US may - finally - be the thing that sets off real, mass, public response. [2015-08-31 11:31:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bottom-line, we all know Ecuador isn't perfect, but it has provided some real examples of good, solid leadership and integrity. Goodness knows those are few and far between in today's world, so well worth celebrating, even despite some imperfections. [2015-08-31 11:32:11] <Emmy B> I am impressed with the courage and consistency of a small nation finally exercising their sovereignty to improve the welfare of their people, a country that is very poor with a colonial and difficult political past. [2015-08-31 11:34:51] <Emmy B> My own country, so much better off, but equally small, is instead pre-occupied in de-frauding the state and when caught read handed pass the buck to infinity and beyond, pretending to be the peacock admiring its own feathers. [2015-08-31 11:35:45] <voidiss> @wikileaks, may I suggest you share publicly this information about Ecuador? This would help, so who say "WL never talks about Ecuador" should have to shut up, and moreover awareness would increase. But it's just my opinion... [2015-08-31 11:35:50] <voidiss> Anyway, about the US, here in Italy - especially among uninformed and indifferent young people - the feeling of "trust" for US seems still pretty high. I mean, many knows about the black stains of that govt, but despite this they still claim and believe US are a true democracy, one of the best compared to many bad evil ugly African/Asian countries. And it's shocking how few actually knows the extent of US surveillance despite the Snowden revelations (almost not covered here apart from some journalists). [2015-08-31 11:36:14] <Emmy B> even the first glimpse of hope in last January's election has not survived past 7 months. [2015-08-31 11:36:59] <voidiss> And yes, I agree with Emmy, at least Ecuador had courage to stand up and also to improve itself. Instead - despite Troika plans were absurd - also Greece had its faults. [2015-08-31 11:37:10] <Emmy B> WL is not required to defend Ecuadorian politics Greta. [2015-08-31 11:38:48] <voidiss> No, of course not! But I think it would be helpful for WL itself, to stop the old criticism "not talking about Ecuador"... But maybe you're right, it's not the case. [2015-08-31 11:39:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> It might not be bad for 'us' to have some facts on Ecuador saved somewhere, though, when someone throws that kind of stuff at us. [2015-08-31 11:39:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> I've had it happen. [2015-08-31 11:43:26] <Emmy B> Well it is crystal clear from what MGT tweets that this is exactly the objective of the ones who spit out misinformation, to entangle WL into Ecuadorian internal politics to damage Correa and jeopardise JA's asylum. [2015-08-31 11:43:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> Greta, there are a lot of great things about the US. Our Consitution and Bill of Rights, no matter how abused in present practice, stands for things I believe deeply in and would/will fight for. Also, in general, the vast majority of people there, as everywhere, are good people who simply want to live in peace. As the saying goes, power corrupts and that's a problem everywhere, but esp. when a govt grows as big as the USG. [2015-08-31 11:44:57] <Emmy B> See how the misinformation about Snowden's escape twists WL's involvement to stir discord among LatAme countries with JA at epicentre. [2015-08-31 11:46:29] <Emmy B> We stick to facts, the truth, supporting WL as each one of us sees fit and able to do so, there is no book with instructions :-) [2015-08-31 11:46:45] <WikiLeaks> Yes. There's mischief there to try and take the heat off US/Europe and make problems for JA in Latam. [2015-08-31 11:47:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> So far, the LatAm countries have done a surprisingly good job of avoiding that kind of discord given the amount of pressure on them. [2015-08-31 11:48:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> But there's no question the pressure is increasing as they continue to try to shore up their independence. [2015-08-31 11:49:18] <Emmy B> Good point Jenny, They were not born yesterday, these politicians know how the system works, political naivety is rare among them but the flow of money can create a wave of misinformation. [2015-08-31 11:49:27] <Emmy B> must dash, x [2015-08-31 12:29:59] <M> [Tweet] FYI: 20committee is has tweeted the WLF translation of the Focus Ecuador article, and he has a fairly sized audience [2015-08-31 12:31:58] <WikiLeaks> And that's when its flacid. [2015-08-31 12:33:05] <WikiLeaks> [2015-08-31 12:42:47] <noll> a textbook arrogant fascist bastard: [2015-08-31 12:43:50] <M> Of all the things I didn't need to see today... [2015-08-31 12:44:15] <WikiLeaks> Sad man with inferiority complex, once "in" the system, desperately trying to get back. [2015-08-31 13:31:23] <voidiss> What a shitty person. [2015-08-31 13:56:04] <WikiLeaks> [2015-08-31 14:11:55] <voidiss> There's also this older one: [2015-08-31 14:13:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good grief, that's inappropriate to say the least. [2015-08-31 15:00:28] <noll> that old hat stand where everything that happens (that we don't like) = KGB, CIA, take your pick - it includes memory hole for inconvenient complexities or facts. you can see how it goes via 20's 'Belarus Connection', which is pure bullshit. see: [2015-08-31 17:15:20] <noll> [2015-08-31 17:19:41] <noll> [2015-08-31 19:56:23] <M> El Deber still standing by its Assange story. "It said the English recording of the conversation with Assange matches the Spanish version exactly." [2015-08-31 20:15:08] <noll> Subject: WikiLeaks Update Crowley, Philip J <[email protected]> Friday, December 24, 2010 4:21 PM [2015-08-31 20:16:39] <noll> Christmas eve 4.21 pm, "Madame Secretary, first of all, Merry Christmas. I trust you, the President and Chelsea will have a special holiday." the rest is redacted. what was the present? [2015-08-31 21:05:22] <WikiLeaks> Quite. [2015-08-31 21:09:52] <noll> [2015-08-31 21:37:29] <voidiss> Look the "H: WIKILEAKS. SID" one. That's almost ridiculous. They were trying to push the "docs show US govt is telling the truth" line. That's beyond despair, they're pathetic. [2015-09-01 02:11:10] <noll> from other side it's 20's crowd that are Wls puppet-masters: "In commentary, Granma's Manuel E. Yepe, a Cuban lawyer, economist, journalist and former Cuban ambassador to Romania, suggests that Wikileaks "yielded to pressure from the USG and the media in managing how and when information was released, and insinuates that right wing elements in the U.S. are behind the disclosure of the documents." [2015-09-01 02:26:34] <noll> [Tweet] apparently Guardian is a better source re Wls actions than Wls. [2015-09-01 02:48:30] <voidiss> LOL, and where does that story of WL "yielding to pressure" come from? It's funny, since what USG said is "cease publication, return material, destroy already published docs" and WL did the exact opposite. And about that letter, I particularly like the fear-mongering that bring them to cite even... pandemic diseases. [2015-09-01 02:55:34] <WikiLeaks> Ball [2015-09-01 02:59:56] <voidiss> And in Sweden support for NATO membership grows: [2015-09-01 03:08:26] <noll> amazing that w/ all of the interesting issues the report highlights all Ball can come up w/ is a whatever gossip piece that even resorts to old news padding. it's fucking pathetic. [2015-09-01 03:10:53] <WikiLeaks> Yes. And the wankers now congratuating him on the 'scoop', which is two weeks old, third hand and extremely dubious. [2015-09-01 03:18:18] <voidiss> Because obviously a quarrel between Assange and a security guard is a very important information, isn't it? No -- unless you want to depict Assange as an "out of control" guy, which perfectly fits Ball's aim. Crappy. And he even dares to claim he's not establishment... [2015-09-01 03:38:16] <noll> another issue of interest: focusequador = ecuadorreview = Fundamedios = Cesar Recaurte = USAID: [2015-09-01 03:59:57] <M> It's amusing how more people are picking up the "fancy dress escape plan" from the article than anything else. Also, the forced "troubled 3 years" headline, for two alleged events over 2.5 years ago. [2015-09-01 04:06:35] <WikiLeaks> There may be opportunities in the article, re the surveillance [2015-09-01 04:07:46] <noll> opportunities for? [2015-09-01 04:08:28] <WikiLeaks> Educate people about the severity of the siege. [2015-09-01 04:09:36] <WikiLeaks> It's quite amazing how invariably JA's successful application for political asylum is turned into "seeking asylum" and the admitted US case is turned into "JA claims of possible US prosecution". [2015-09-01 04:10:29] <voidiss> And note the use of the word "flight". [2015-09-01 04:15:13] <voidiss> And I find quite damaging that the strategies to get JA out are being reported (even if they had no continuation), since now the MET can prepare a "defence". [2015-09-01 04:15:18] <voidiss> By the way, about the opportunities, do you mean using this article to highlight the severity, or using Focus Ecuador's one? [2015-09-01 04:18:04] <WikiLeaks> "The room visible in the photos from the secret Ecuadorian report clearly matches the one in an August 2013 video released by Assange as part of his bid to run for the Australian senate (Assange’s embassy room is visible in the video between 3:42 and 4:16)." [2015-09-01 04:18:25] <WikiLeaks> Actually, it is clearly a completely different room. [2015-09-01 04:19:29] <WikiLeaks> They're not strategies. These are just things already mentioned in the press. The idea of Ecuador flying in a rescue helicopter is completely absurd. [2015-09-01 04:20:43] <WikiLeaks> We just mean if there is pickup. We need to see what is picked up. [2015-09-01 04:21:00] <WikiLeaks> There's about 6 angles in the article. [2015-09-01 04:23:43] <voidiss> Wha to do you mean with 6 angles? [2015-09-01 04:24:21] <WikiLeaks> Different things the media may pick up on. [2015-09-01 04:27:36] <M> First media pick up. Dutch article focuses on surveillance, adverse affects to JA. [2015-09-01 04:38:45] <noll> now that report is available (& focusecuador didn't post it, so how did WLF get hold of it? [2015-09-01 04:42:40] <WikiLeaks> That looks like an earlier report that was posted as a pdf. Cryptome has a copy. [2015-09-01 04:52:55] <noll> [Tweet] hilarious. [2015-09-01 06:12:17] <voidiss> Another pick up, not so good: [2015-09-01 07:02:26] <M> [Tweet] Look who's picked up on 20committee's bs [2015-09-01 07:09:53] <voidiss> Oh, WLF has been suspended. But I don't know why. [2015-09-01 07:10:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> To me, Ball may have done the opposite of what he wanted - that article clearly shows the intense pressure and difficulty JA has suffered. Of course, the people around him are concerned about his physical and mental health - that's totally normal. He's been imprisoned in a small place for years without access to sunshine and knowing his life is in danger, plus the incredible surveillance and number of police outside. Name one person who wouldn't get a bit stir crazy or have nightmares. To me, this makes JA more sympathetic, not less. It may backfire on them. [2015-09-01 07:12:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Can't complain about WLF being suspended for whatever reason. :) [2015-09-01 07:40:45] <M> Interesting that both Telegraph and Yahoo used 'fancy dress' as the headline for covering Ball's piece. [2015-09-01 08:05:44] <voidiss> And here is The Independent: [2015-09-01 08:23:19] <M> [Tweet] Andy Greenberg calls out Ball piece as "paparazzi". Only suiting for Buzzfeed. [2015-09-01 08:25:05] <M> [Tweet] BBC/Sky News trying to contact author of original Focus Ecuador article. [2015-09-01 08:27:09] <M> [Tweet] Also Ball. [2015-09-01 08:30:32] <M> Gaining a lot of coverage, but again still focusing on "escape plan". Is it possible Ecuador might issue a reply? [2015-09-01 08:35:41] <voidiss> Guardian has arrived, with that same line too: [2015-09-01 09:40:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hardly surprising, it's all tabloid - style reporting these days, sensationalism rules. [2015-09-01 09:49:26] <M> RT covered the story on a decent fashion. [2015-09-01 09:51:24] <voidiss> Apart from the 'has escaped extradition order". Here is Sputnik version, which I still find too focused on the escape plans: [2015-09-01 10:26:13] <noll> [2015-09-01 11:17:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL Hazel [2015-09-01 11:19:33] <WikiLeaks> Can someone find the 2012 reference in the media to heat scanners? [2015-09-01 11:39:56] <voidiss> Here at the end of the article there's a reference to that: [2015-09-01 11:41:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> This is from 2013: [2015-09-01 11:41:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's a god bit from 2012 on TSA full body scanners. [2015-09-01 11:41:42] <LibertarianLibrarian> *good [2015-09-01 11:46:24] <voidiss> Not strictly related to the Embassy surveillance but on the same topic of heat scanners, there also this recent article: [2015-09-01 11:47:20] <noll> Greta, that's it. can't find anything during 2012 re microwaves, except for the fact that motion detectors often use infrared + microw. [2015-09-01 12:04:11] <noll> [2015-09-01 14:13:53] <noll> [Tweet] poor Ball. [2015-09-01 15:32:51] <Emmy B> Walking over a puddle to get to my UK door? Summer is over and I am back, goodness how busy the chat has been :-) [2015-09-01 16:22:02] <M> Looks like WLF has created a new/temp account while they're suspended. [2015-09-01 22:29:14] <M> [2015-09-01 22:56:20] <voidiss> The new WLF account has contacted Mensch. [2015-09-02 02:47:17] <Emmy B> Whoever wishes to report FWLF to twitter for violations of Twitter Rules can quote the reference at the bottom of the screenshot to link the cases [2015-09-02 04:02:25] <Bean> [Media-image] hi WL - have this timeline graphic that i put together from request - but not getting any further response on it so as to be able to finalise it (as of 3 weeks ago) - would be a pity for it to go to waste - needs a couple more points to be added to bring it up to date - pls send me some feedback and i'll get it completed :) [2015-09-02 04:02:46] <Bean> ps welcome greta :) [2015-09-02 04:10:56] <WikiLeaks> Hi Bean. Timeline looks great. Suggest just one addition, Sweden/US in talks about JA's onwards extradition, Dec 2010 [2015-09-02 04:11:12] <WikiLeaks> i.e that appeared in the independent [2015-09-02 04:14:45] <Bean> right-o - yep good one to add, ta - what about anything for august 2015? [2015-09-02 04:19:44] <WikiLeaks> Keep it brief. Something like Swedish prosecution drops three our of four claims due to time limit. O [2015-09-02 04:22:09] <Bean> ok will do - thx [2015-09-02 04:22:22] <WikiLeaks> Would also add google warrants and federal court confirms pending prosecution [2015-09-02 04:30:34] <Bean> will find dates for those or add them to the red bar running throughout the timeline... re the sw/us talks re onward extradition point: it's actually already included in the dec 7, 2010 point: "US in preemptive talks with Sweden to transfer Assange to US." [2015-09-02 05:02:28] <Emmy B> wonderful ! :-) [2015-09-02 05:10:25] <voidiss> Wow, it looks absolutely great! :D (Thanks, Bean!) [2015-09-02 05:49:03] <Bean> [Media-image] no worries :) here's the latest draft... will get a final png together and upload a pdf when all finalised [2015-09-02 07:05:04] <noll> [Media-image] Hurricanes Kilo, Ignacio & Jimena in northeast Pacific Ocean. (NASA) [2015-09-02 07:05:11] <noll> [2015-09-02 07:21:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Looks great Bean! [2015-09-02 09:25:24] <WikiLeaks> Only global dictatorship can stop climate change. [2015-09-02 09:25:58] <WikiLeaks> So things are looking up! [2015-09-02 09:27:36] <M> [Tweet] OK, this graphic that RT made is pretty great. [2015-09-02 09:32:02] <WikiLeaks> Luise Mensch is a fruit loop. Might be worth pushing her so it becomes obvious to all. [2015-09-02 09:32:16] <WikiLeaks> (if it isn't already) [2015-09-02 09:33:10] <M> Did you catch this re Mensch a couple weeks ago? Hilarious. [2015-09-02 09:43:38] <voidiss> Very very interesting article, thank you Hazelpress! Anyway, I completely agree on the "astonishing, terrifying". It's alarming that those war game was done on hypothesis for 2015 - hypothesis that actually are happening now. And I find quite scaring (though really telling) that the only way the Five Eyes are finding to deal with climate change is extending the scope of their control over citizens, exercizing more surveillance, both with the May 2013 "emergency authority" and all the different laws to "outlaw/limit protests". Instead, on the political side, they are doing pretty well, no important political agreement/solutions have been reached (quite the opposite, the latest Artic drilling issue shows). They think the solution to everything is more control -- or maybe it's convenient for them to think so. [2015-09-02 09:44:13] <voidiss> At the CCCamp there was a talk, "Resisting surveillance"; the main subject of the talk is different from climate change, but a clip made by one of the speaker is linked to this: it's about a police officer, Mark Kennedy, who infiltrated a environmental activists group and led to the arrest of them all before a planned peaceful action against a coal power plant: [2015-09-02 09:49:42] <WikiLeaks> The Kennedy talk is excellent [2015-09-02 09:51:42] <voidiss> Yes, I agree! Not just for the "criminalize enviromental activists" issue, but for the whole subject of physical surveillance in general. It shows the vast scope of non-digital espionage. [2015-09-02 09:56:35] <Bean> [Media-image] hey all - do you reckon the timeline is good to go? [2015-09-02 11:37:16] <WikiLeaks> "intervenes" is probably better than "interfers" [2015-09-02 11:42:10] <voidiss> Maybe you can add 10 August 2010, when the US called on allies to open criminal investigations into Assange... But anyway I love it! <3 [2015-09-02 11:43:20] <WikiLeaks> "google email" could be stronger and start with "US WikiLeaks warrants servered on Google reveal..." [2015-09-02 11:45:53] <WikiLeaks> You could add "Swedish intelligence seize 3 Assange laptops as he leaves country" for sep 27, 2010 [2015-09-02 11:46:35] <WikiLeaks> There's the FBI raid in UK on manning's mother's house in july, 2010 [2015-09-02 11:47:12] <WikiLeaks> And the private jet with 6 FBI and 2 prosecutors ilicitly landing in Iceland then being kicked out for operating illegally [2015-09-02 11:47:36] <WikiLeaks> Ditto FBI in denmark [2015-09-02 11:48:28] <WikiLeaks> there''s the 120 man pengaon "wikileaks war room" staffed with DIA+FBI [2015-09-02 11:48:44] <WikiLeaks> the bug found in the embassy [2015-09-02 11:49:17] <WikiLeaks> a whole raft of other stuff that could be used for the US section [2015-09-02 11:49:28] <WikiLeaks> us filing criminal cases in denmar,sweden,germany [2015-09-02 11:49:39] <WikiLeaks> Siggi convicted and imrisoned in iceland [2015-09-02 11:50:07] <WikiLeaks> Lave it up to you whether you think any of these help or whether they'd just serve to make it too busy [2015-09-02 11:50:57] <voidiss> There's also the media-coordinated smearing campaign #prataomdet from 2010. [2015-09-02 11:51:00] <WikiLeaks> snowden rescue could be there [2015-09-02 11:51:34] <WikiLeaks> or the UK's cancellation of its UK-Ecuador legal committee as a result [2015-09-02 11:53:37] <noll> "Taylor Swift should probably seek asylum in the nearest Ecuadorian embassy before she is extradited!" [2015-09-02 12:02:11] <noll> thanks Greta, & for the link, will watch video this evening. [2015-09-02 12:07:36] <WikiLeaks> Swift is borning. [2015-09-02 12:08:14] <WikiLeaks> She uses her celibrity to push inane class ridden sterotypes. [2015-09-02 12:09:00] <WikiLeaks> 50 shades of grey loving it up in a country mansion, etc. [2015-09-02 12:09:53] <WikiLeaks> Even gansters with ho's and fast cars is more original. [2015-09-02 12:54:17] <WISE Up Action> Getting 'account suspended' when trying links posted by M and G for WLF 'temp a/c'. [2015-09-02 13:21:36] <voidiss> That her audience are "children" makes more problematic that she's pushing stereotypes. [2015-09-02 13:33:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bean - the only thing I noticed about the timeline is that I found it slightly difficult to look up and then down to find things in order by time. I know it's hard to keep it from being very crowded. Maybe make the lines to the content bubbles stronger/larger? [2015-09-02 13:37:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> Swift isn't too bad. Pop music these days is basically all image and most of that comes from the corps and managers. [2015-09-02 13:39:14] <Emmy B> @ WiseUp Chris reported that account too and it got suspended. These are not permanent suspensions. [2015-09-02 13:52:15] <M> [Tweet] @JuiceRapNews on being used for Ball's "room confirmation" [2015-09-02 14:14:43] <noll> [2015-09-02 14:35:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> I love @JuiceRapNews! [2015-09-02 14:36:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> The NYT is going down the same slide as the Guardian, sadly. [2015-09-02 14:52:00] <Bean> thanks all for the timeline suggestions... original idea was to show ongoing activity of US investigation vs lack of activity from the swedish prosecution... so will incorporate some more of those US actions... and good point jenny - yes has been a bit tricky to fit it all in legibly as want it to be an image that can be easily shared (something that can fit on a web page/blog/article) - bolder lines will probably help... will have a further look at it all tomorrow... thx [2015-09-02 15:35:28] <noll> re report & media's either sympathetic or sensationalist take on life w/i embassy, worth mentioning 'Biosphere 2' project & Jane Poynter's honest documenting of the challenges: [2015-09-02 17:25:29] <M> I've been out to Biosphere 2 - it is quite extraordinary. [2015-09-02 19:15:29] <noll> M, would do just about anything to see that place, followed by: [2015-09-02 19:16:12] <noll> not great quality: [2015-09-02 20:46:14] <noll> gd. interview w/ Emma Thompson re CC/ refu crisis 20.45: [2015-09-03 00:13:04] <voidiss> Wow! Never heard of 'Biosphere 2', it's an amazing project, really fascinating from a scientific point of view to see how they manage to keep alive six different biomes in a restricted place like that. Science is so interesting. [2015-09-03 00:13:17] <voidiss> And the experiment is quite representative... "sealed into a closed environment". It's so sad if compared with the Embassy, that crew was there voluntarily, not detained inside. It's so bad. I'll read the book, anyway. [2015-09-03 05:29:21] <noll> FOI sophistry by Cecilia Riddselius: [2015-09-03 06:38:34] <Emmy B> Despite jubilations for the temporary suspension of FWLF twitter account the truth is MGT managed to create with James Ball's assistance a story that went viral in UK press. I am concerned that he could therefore persuade James Ball to write about the libellous claims regarding Chris and her daughter. If advance knowledge ever exist over such article please notify me or Chris directly as she will seek an injunction. Thank you :-) [2015-09-03 07:03:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, we'll have to keep an eye on Ball. Hate to follow the jerk but worth it if we can help Chris and her daughter. They've been through far too much already. [2015-09-03 07:07:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> The Biosphere is really neat. I toured it once, several years ago, with my father. It was fascinating. Tucson's well worth a visit, not just for the Biosphere. The Desert Museum is amazing and you can go up into the Canyons and hike - unbelievably gorgeous. [2015-09-03 07:22:18] <M> Definitely keep on eye on MGT/Ball, but I think this was just a fluke. It wasn't like MGT was able to spread one of his ridiculous claims alone; he just passed on something that hadn't caught the attention of western press yet. [2015-09-03 07:31:06] <M> Sana Saleem (of @couragefound etc) tweeted out a few things against the Ball article. [2015-09-03 07:45:05] <voidiss> Regarding the Riddselius answer to FOI... It's incredible that after all the mess in the media and Ecuador's statement in response, she's still talking about 'granting asylum' when instead it is simply 'recognizing asylum': "MoJ, according to the Constitution, cannot make any promises or enter an Agreement granting any persons asylum status on beforehand". Willing nonsense. [2015-09-03 08:25:49] <Bean> [Media-image] here's the latest on the timeline - have added a couple more suggested points to add some depth to the US investigation, but i think any more (such as delving into the icelandic story, and diverting somewhat from the theme with snowden stuff) will just make it all a bit overwhelming. people more likely to read if there aren't too many points - and then they'll at least get the salient facts - and the central point re ongoing US investigation whilst swedish prosecutor twiddles her thumbs... feel free to make any further suggestions though of course! [2015-09-03 08:27:31] <Bean> maybe a subtitle would be good too? something like 'sweden stalls while US investigates'? [2015-09-03 09:09:48] <noll> M, Saleem isn't accurate w/ re to practises during that period. also, it is inconceivable that such incidents (the soup opera stuff) wouldn't occur, given fact JA is human & not a robot (speaking of which we need to fix a door - furious mother + 10 yr old twins that seem to think they're living in South LA etc). we don't know if report is genuine, but if it isn't, we'd expect actual report would contain v. similar content. [2015-09-03 09:13:04] <noll> Greta, imagine Riddselius' reply taking place during a conversation - would seem like absurdist theatre. [2015-09-03 09:53:12] <noll> in terms of response - a better line to take would be "leaked report reveals extent of Swe/ UK human rights abuses - will it be submitted to ECtHR?" etc. [2015-09-03 10:32:59] <voidiss> Absurdist's an euphemism! How can she believe to be credible pushing this already-discredited lie? There was an Ecuador statement in response and she admitted she 'misunderstood EC's request'! And yet here she is, again with 'granting asylum'. She takes advantage b/cos it's just a FOI and so she dares to answer what she wants, even if when she speaks to press she says 'Sweden agreed to everything Ecuador requested'. [2015-09-03 10:33:49] <voidiss> Wait, which leaked report are you talking about? [2015-09-03 10:36:58] <voidiss> Bean, I think it look really good! I agree with you, better not to fill it too much. Maybe for the Snowden stuff etc there will be another timeline... I think the subtitle it's a good idea, it could help to get the point immediately. [2015-09-03 10:43:13] <M> Remember though, after Ecuador's statement that they did not demand Sweden give JA asylum, Riddselius said, "That's how we understand it." [2015-09-03 10:43:54] <M> When was the misunderstood statement? I just remember the one where she refused to admit they were wrong. [2015-09-03 11:10:14] <noll> Greta, the various reports given to Focusequador. they clearly state that JA has been put at "psychological risk" & has shown symptoms of "emotional imbalance" - there is also the issue of "vision problems", all of which is caused by Ny/ Swe's (w/ UK's consent) policy of indefinite detention w/o charge. [2015-09-03 11:16:24] <voidiss> Sorry, M, I remembered the quote wrong, the right one is what you cited. I have interpreted that "that's how we understood it" as an admission of misunderstanding, not as a refusal to say they were wrong. Maybe it's just too ambiguous. [2015-09-03 11:16:33] <voidiss> Oh, yes, I agree with you. It should be a good way to deal with it, especially with the UN Working Group on Abritrary Detention that is going to give it's verdict. [2015-09-03 11:16:52] <voidiss> *would [2015-09-03 11:23:42] <noll> yes, it's: "Something that government can not do under Swedish law" "- That's how we understand it, says Cecilia Riddselius at the Justice Department" Riddselius reply basically states: international law applies, international doesn't apply, come to Swe JA! where international law applies! [2015-09-03 11:24:21] <noll> * international law doesn't apply [2015-09-03 12:41:54] <M> Leaked report has come full circle and is now being reported in Ecuadorian Press. [2015-09-03 13:09:23] <voidiss> But it seems that articles are still concentrating more on the escape plans than on the heaviness of surveillance. [2015-09-03 13:12:22] <noll> worth noting JB article & MGT Google Drive does not contain the 'Operativo Hotel' docu cited in the Focusequador article: [2015-09-03 13:38:35] <noll> before 18 August article Villavicencio only mentioned JA 11 times. so, he's not that interested. where did docs come from? whether genuine or semi-genuine, where was material obtained & by whom? huge story if agencies surveilling embassy have breached Ecu security service & passed material onto likes of Villavicencio. [2015-09-03 15:32:32] <voidiss> Twitter encrypted DMs! [2015-09-03 16:43:44] <noll> [Media-image] 84.3% v. 15.6 :o) [2015-09-03 16:44:40] <noll> panel, except for Owen, in complete denial. [2015-09-03 16:48:10] <noll> those stats based to 500,000 votes. [2015-09-03 16:50:26] <noll> if Swe elects far-right, or even if not, & JC wins - could be v. significant re JA case/ human rights abuses. [2015-09-03 16:54:15] <M> What sort of role/influence do party leaders generally have? [2015-09-03 16:54:57] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-03 17:00:55] <noll> M, it depends how they run the cabinet, & whether allow party conferences to guide or make policy. unlike all recent PMs, JC intends to be democratic. expect critical opposition cabinet positions, such as HO, will be filled by ppl JC can rely on, although events often change that. [2015-09-03 18:12:08] <M> That's all PM stuff though, right? And that election isn't until 2020. Would he have any considerable powers just as party leader? [2015-09-03 18:37:54] <noll> he can make it a live issue in terms of parliamentary committees (esp. ( [2015-09-03 18:48:28] <noll> committee questions could open up the whole thing, b/c ministers can't glomar them. [2015-09-03 18:52:15] <M> I see. Thank you. [2015-09-03 23:38:10] <Emmy B> Enrica Isabettini now offers her services to James Ball [2015-09-04 04:36:46] <voidiss> @supportJAdotcom seems another new version of the WLF. [2015-09-04 07:04:01] <voidiss> Interesting article on the power of information and how common accepted beliefs can be used to manipulate the past [2015-09-04 07:04:53] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-09-04 07:06:54] <WikiLeaks> bean: graphic looks good to us [2015-09-04 07:08:40] <Bean> cool, ta :) [2015-09-04 07:10:43] <Bean> larger png here too: [2015-09-04 07:17:45] <voidiss> Amazing! [2015-09-04 07:31:06] <M> Cryptome published a .zip of files re Focus Ecuador report [2015-09-04 08:18:51] <Emmy B> [2015-09-04 08:19:40] <M> There's an extra 's' in that link :) [2015-09-04 08:24:13] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Oops! True. [2015-09-04 08:30:55] <WikiLeaks> should be [2015-09-04 08:40:22] <Emmy B> yes, thank you :-) [2015-09-05 05:06:01] <voidiss> Apparently Sweden was involved in aiding the US with "kill decisions" in Afghanistan [2015-09-05 06:55:06] <noll> we really hope 'The #WikiLeaks Files' analysis incl. context. ie. re above: [2015-09-05 07:00:19] <noll> - that's assuming this goes back to 2010. [2015-09-05 07:23:36] <voidiss> With "US 10 August 2010 request", you mean the one about opening investigation into Assange, don't you? [2015-09-05 07:23:40] <voidiss> Because yes, I agree. Also because in 2010, MUST stated they needed to "find out if subsequent releases could be detrimental to our troops" [2015-09-05 08:30:00] <noll> sorry posted wrong link, meant "US Urges Allies to Crack Down on WikiLeaks": [2015-09-05 08:44:01] <noll> yes, would be interesting to know when idea of Chapter 19 changes first documented in govt records. [2015-09-05 09:01:41] <voidiss> FOIA, maybe? [2015-09-05 11:52:26] <noll> yes, will do, worth it in case close to Aug 2010. yesterday made complaint to ICO re HO not responding, & sent FOI: 'how much has JA case cost?' to Swe, to compare to UK costs. [2015-09-05 12:13:44] <noll> [2015-09-05 12:18:35] <noll> [2015-09-05 12:25:49] <noll> guess only question is - which documents, or what parts of documents have been doctored by Ball/ Guardian's oil-related USAID pal. [2015-09-05 12:27:41] <M> Important Cool might be interested in doing an investigative piece on Villavicencio, since they've covered false reporting about Ecuador quite a bit in the past. [2015-09-05 14:57:33] <Emmy B> TPP - The Press Project form Greece have launched this petition : [2015-09-05 14:58:34] <Emmy B> Today in Greek they publish [2015-09-05 14:59:58] <Emmy B> 'When EU was sinking the migrants' boats' linking to WikiLeaks [2015-09-05 15:02:08] <Emmy B> in support of their efforts to change EU policy regarding migrants/refugees from the militaristic approach to a humane solution. [2015-09-05 15:04:03] <Emmy B> they also link to an earlier Guardian article [2015-09-05 15:09:12] <Emmy B> Interestingly, although TPP subtitles the article "The Press Project in collaboration with WikiLeaks..." and atributes extensively to WL by referral to the docs released, they do not directly link to the [2015-09-05 15:11:26] <Emmy B> I don't recall if WL had a greek partner for this release. Being one of the two countries of entry for EU (Italy being the other) there is obviously a lot of interest on the topic. [2015-09-05 15:17:13] <Emmy B> The concluding paragraph says "The European Council approved the military assistance against Assad in Syria in recent years and helped to equip the rebels (later named ISIS who stained with the region with blood) once again respond with military interventions to one of the most complex immigration problems. The ThePressProject already took the initiative of collecting signatures for the reversal of the European Commission policy. Instead of spending millions of euros on the bombing of civilian infrastructure and the dealing with the "public relations management" of the problem we propose the creation of humanitarian structures for documents (visas) at the nodes/centres of movement of refugees in order not to see more drowned children washed up on the Mediterranean seas." [2015-09-05 15:19:25] <Emmy B> I mention this article here because it is the first time I see a WL document being published and promoted by a Greek reputable site in support of a (in effect) political campaigning. It remains to be seen if any political party picks up the proposal. :-) [2015-09-05 16:47:40] <M> JV piece may have been abandoned, but Guardian just published a big hit piece on Assange/Ecuador by Nick Cohen. It's seriously pathetic. [2015-09-05 16:52:28] <Emmy B> (his hyperlinking to New stateman's DAG article not working *grin*) [2015-09-05 16:54:46] <Emmy B> If Corbyn is ever elected, the Guardian might include Britain on their list of authoritarian countries. How bizarre! [2015-09-05 17:08:26] <Emmy B> *like* [2015-09-06 05:55:15] <voidiss> Thank you, Emmy, for the info about TPP! I get the impression that WL is rather popular in Greece, first with Varoufakis and the TTIP prize, than with this petition linking to documents. It's great! [2015-09-06 05:56:31] <voidiss> And regarding the Guardian article... I will never stop being disgusted by all these smearing attemps, even if they're so expectable now. It's horrible. Obviously there's the link to Ball article. And obviously Cohen cites the Buzzfeed documents but he "looks beyond" the difficult situation of Assange as if it's of no importance. [2015-09-07 05:06:54] <noll> interesting, Nick Cohen in 2001, 'Bread not Bombs: By doing little to avert a famine in Afghanistan, the West is sowing the seeds for more Islamic hatred' [2015-09-07 05:11:25] <WikiLeaks> Cohen follows a well warn trajectory. Get left, get some power, get right, get more power. [2015-09-07 05:12:56] <WikiLeaks> He's a lesser Hitchens, of whom, he is of course, a fan. [2015-09-07 06:48:44] <Emmy B> MGT promises more 'revelations' started using [2015-09-07 06:48:58] <Emmy B> [2015-09-07 07:26:44] <noll> [Tweet] TL suggests could be improvement over past BBC 'interviews'. [2015-09-07 07:28:20] <voidiss> Sorry, what is TL? [2015-09-07 07:28:39] <noll> amusing if Ecu asked for MGT's extradition on espionage charges & he sought asylum in US embassy. [2015-09-07 07:28:50] <noll> TL = Twitter line [2015-09-07 07:31:51] <noll> why stop there when could repurpose US propagandists typical line into 'MGT is USAID spy'. [2015-09-07 07:34:56] <voidiss> Thanks! [2015-09-07 07:35:31] <voidiss> Anyway, the anti-JA establishment would exploit the 'contrast' to smear him over and over, calling him "ambiguous and hypocrite" and inventing crap on crap. [2015-09-07 07:39:04] <voidiss> Well, MGT has made a career -- no more hidden FBI informant, but now public SENAIN whistleblower! Wow. [2015-09-08 02:52:03] <Emmy B> Do politics matter? or how the ME war effort could unravel what we take for granted [2015-09-08 02:58:11] <Emmy B> Expecting Greece's 'closest' allies to help her make her mind up, what will it be this time? skirmishes at the Albanian or FYROM border? Yet another hot incident around Agathonisi/Farmakonisi on the pretext of refugee rescue operations a naval standoff involving the death of innocent refugees? All eyes on the Greek interim government, can it hop and dance and walk on the unforgiving diplomatic rope? [2015-09-08 03:13:09] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Οπα! Opa! traditional dancing steps includes jumping on air hahaha which I think is currently required :-) [2015-09-08 03:36:26] <noll> "Germany could take 500,000 people per annum for years" - no offence to Germany or human nature, but this is insanely dangerous. still waiting for one person in MSM-land to have read sociology of *EU-wide* holocaust. [2015-09-08 03:54:46] <noll> Em, Assad having bad week, M5 highway threatened, Kafarya & al-Fu'ah besiege - by al-Nusra, by ISIS, Putin calls elections (in Syria, v. zero bullshit) & begins taking steps to bolster regime militarily. so, just what does US/ NATO think will happen if Assad falls - for a start w/ those numbers of refugees? [2015-09-08 04:03:04] <Emmy B> Yes, no one really cares for the people of Syria full stop and what is going down there and soon on our streets is the madhouse that the US and allies ME policy have dreamed up and execute no matter what. Assad has been made irrelevant once the darling of UK he became the excuse. [2015-09-08 04:11:10] <Emmy B> For me it also expresses a counter wave of authoritarianism against the Arab Spring. No more smoother than in Egypt where at least they are not been slaughtered and bombed, the army has finished with Mubarak regime and has found another client in the current regime. In Syria a wave for more democracy usurped by foreign actors and local factions seeking power at all costs. But really it has ended up in a mess of colonial dimensions. [2015-09-08 04:15:18] <Emmy B> (cannot help but think that Ottoman massacres in the Peloponese, when riots happened they simply cleared whole regions through slaughter (survivors would become refugees) and then they would re-populate the area from another part of the empire. [2015-09-08 04:15:57] <Emmy B> that is why I say of colonial dimensions) [2015-09-08 04:18:09] <Emmy B> In Bahrain, the Saudis invaded, Libya disintegrated to barbarism, what remains of the Arab Spring? [2015-09-08 05:34:22] <noll> Em, what remains, nothing. perhaps time for democracy in Syria was long before, not after. re FIO, Google translate: "There does not exist any compilation of the Prosecution's total costs for the case." [2015-09-08 05:43:04] <noll> @nickhopkinsnews expression as JA read out "children of Thatcher" cable.. picture worth a thousand wordss etc. [2015-09-08 05:44:21] <noll> *words [2015-09-08 09:02:18] <Emmy B> maybe what remains of the Arab Spring is a stronger, more complete and more Arab ...dream :-) a horizon to try and reach again in the future, better planned this time. [2015-09-08 09:10:37] <noll> [2015-09-08 09:11:08] <noll> which is also down to Turkey? [2015-09-08 09:26:31] <WikiLeaks> Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, Israel all want a piece of Syria. [2015-09-08 09:28:09] <WikiLeaks> Once the government collapses the Turks will occupy it from the north, israel will cement its control over Goland and likely expand a buffer zone. [2015-09-08 10:19:33] <Emmy B> This is simply the worst news for the region and my country and Cyprus it is a disaster. With Israel now a 'strategic defence partner' for both countries, (since the supposedly alienation of Turkey and Israel) and Israel an active player in gas exploration in Cyprus fields, their common military interests will drive them back in each others arms. If Turkey legitimises its hold in Cyprus which will allow her to expand its military bases there, (40,000 troops already there) it will be a springboard for military expansion beyond what can be imagined. The West is weaving chaos but others will benefit. [2015-09-08 10:37:20] <noll> agree Wls. the C4 JA interview was really great. is there going to be a 'complete' version posted? at moment Arab Spring bit is 'obscured' (thought BBC had exclusive on that technique). [2015-09-08 13:13:38] <noll> C$ interview w/o audio problems posted: [2015-09-08 13:13:49] <noll> *C4 [2015-09-08 13:17:14] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing! :-) [2015-09-08 17:46:48] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-08 17:47:47] <noll> is there a link to unofficial BBC livestream? [2015-09-09 03:46:06] <voidiss> LOL, funny article on Luke Harding's desperate attempts to depict himself as an "enemy of the state": [2015-09-09 03:47:22] <voidiss> And here is the full video of Going Underground interview: [2015-09-09 04:49:06] <noll> Greta, you can get glimpse of FSB psychological profile of Harding via type of gaslighting used - ie. he's an Oxford simpleton. likely only a few theatrical skits, home triggers used, the rest was left to Harding's absurd willingness to play the game. deniability of these techniques (usually targets that speak out are called insane rather than stupid) means they're used *all the time, from families, groups, communities, businesses, govts, (v. often used against whistleblowers) but while it's a nature form of attack, it's also a powerful technology of social control that has been revolutionised since 1950s. but no one writes about its modern forms - which is interesting b/c when married to surveillance technologies it's the stuff of nightmares. [2015-09-09 04:49:58] <noll> *natural form of [2015-09-09 04:51:04] <noll> [2015-09-09 04:54:01] <noll> asked Greenwald via Twitter whether instances Zersetzung in Snowden files, he said he didn't answer questions about contents - & then answered 3 other questions on contents over 30 mins. [2015-09-09 07:08:39] <noll> // worth noting MGT used these techniques w/i WLF, either in a natural sense - he's a sociopath/ derives gratification from harming others, or as part of an op - in which case he's a sociopath/ derives gratification from harming others. [2015-09-09 07:11:39] <noll> add gratification from controlling/ manipulating others. [2015-09-09 07:12:52] <M> Cynthia McKinney (former US Rep, activist) discusses using, then being forced to remove, WikiLeaks documents in her PhD dissertation. [2015-09-09 08:03:00] <Emmy B> @ H I agree regarding MGT, read your resource and was the first thought that entered my mind. [2015-09-09 08:07:06] <noll> Thx Em. this is great: Britain look like an oh-so-civilised mafia state - George Monbiot [2015-09-09 08:12:50] <Emmy B> @ M just watched the video, what a lovely lady, her message loud and clear! :-) [2015-09-09 08:18:07] <Emmy B> @ H *like very much* [2015-09-09 09:09:12] <Emmy B> The corn is fabulous this year :-) [2015-09-09 09:09:26] <Emmy B> [2015-09-09 10:48:36] <M> Jason Leopold requested docs from Hillary's aides re WikiLeaks, CIA, Occupy etc - State Dept in response requested delay on release until 2016. [2015-09-09 10:54:44] <M> WaPo's Colby Itkowitz has made correction in her article, now references asylum + US threat. [2015-09-09 19:11:26] <M> [Tweet] [2015-09-09 19:40:11] <noll> Sebastian Faulks interview, last section: [2015-09-09 20:02:10] <noll> Faulks is wrong, Beethoven was needed to survive climate change: [2015-09-09 20:12:15] <noll> ie, to survive extremes = extremes, clearly incl. creativity. [2015-09-10 15:09:29] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-10 15:42:44] <noll> "For example, the Quito-based free expression group Fundamedios received about $280,000 from USAID in 2011" [2015-09-10 17:23:49] <noll> [2015-09-10 17:44:31] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-11 03:19:32] <voidiss> Hazelpress, your Western parallel should be explained to many journalists covering this issue right now; they would understand how absurd the situation is and why Ecuador govt is not so willing to deal with Fundamedios. I mean, you can't consider it a unbiased media NGO campaigning for free speech -- it is just backing US govt interests. Not that it's not right highlighting abuses in Ecuador, but Fundamedios isn't really the organization which should do this. [2015-09-11 03:19:49] <voidiss> [Media-image] Moreover, Hazelpress, I've read only now your articles about psychological mnipulation and it's tremendously scaring. Those tactics partially reminds me of GCHQ psychological operations: [2015-09-11 03:20:38] <voidiss> Oh, the Tory plan to scrap the Human Rights Act will be presented soon: [2015-09-11 06:06:27] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-09-11 07:26:33] <noll> [Tweet] of interest re left: [2015-09-11 08:06:41] <Emmy B> [2015-09-11 08:07:00] <Emmy B> Julian Assange Streaming Live at The Wheeler Centre [2015-09-11 12:55:13] <voidiss> Very interesting related to the Fundamedios issue: [2015-09-11 13:40:45] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing :-) [2015-09-11 13:56:27] <Emmy B> [2015-09-11 13:56:46] <Emmy B> Lawmakers Welcome Whistleblowers As DoD Probes Cooked Intel [2015-09-11 13:57:00] <Emmy B> Important! [2015-09-11 14:00:41] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-09-11 14:02:24] <Emmy B> heh the politicisation of Intelligence, an anathema for true national sec... [2015-09-11 14:02:49] <Emmy B> "running amok"? Yes they are. [2015-09-11 14:26:11] <M> Speaking of pseudo feminism, this story is idiotic. [2015-09-11 14:31:55] <WikiLeaks> Jesus. [2015-09-11 14:45:09] <WikiLeaks> That's an extremely mild and very polite flirtation. [2015-09-11 14:47:46] <voidiss> Oh. My. God. We're really reaching absurd levels. As the article says, there's a mad urge to find 'offences' everywhere. [2015-09-11 14:47:56] <voidiss> Yes, sexism is widespread, in some environments more that others, but this is absolutely not the case, and especially, didn't justified the public smear. [2015-09-11 14:49:51] <M> Anything a man says is inherently sexist, doncha know. [2015-09-11 15:12:25] <voidiss> Another article related to USAID-paid NGOs in Latin America: [2015-09-11 15:28:42] <WISE Up Action> The casual ageism certainly doesn't assist her case! Wtf has 'half your age' got to do wit it?? [2015-09-11 15:33:21] <voidiss> A consequence of social conventions for which flirtation shouldn't occur if there's a significant age difference. Wrong, in my opinion. [2015-09-12 00:39:30] <Emmy B> hahaaha I would rather had 'stunning' than 'creepy' comment about my poor Avatar eye any time from all ages men or women hahahaha the lawyer is very silly but enjoys the power of her game. [2015-09-12 00:40:55] <Emmy B> Just an example of the politicisation of human relations and the need to box in types of relationships (i.e. professional) which is kind of alienating.... [2015-09-12 00:44:50] <Emmy B> yes, I don't want to have unwanted attention in my work place or being denied the chance to manage the company's truck fleet because 'we didn't want you to have to deal with the drivers' as I have been once told 15 years ago but on the other hand we bring our whole self into the work place don't we? [2015-09-12 02:47:23] <voidiss> About Special Ops JCETs abroad and how they collide with human rights: [2015-09-12 04:58:20] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-12 05:00:02] <Emmy B> A ray of hope [2015-09-12 05:01:09] <Emmy B> Maybe it is not a bad thing that Corbyn has adversaries and I hope they are as vocal as possible so they eventually get ze boot :-) [2015-09-12 05:10:41] <Emmy B> Talented street photographer @memster1 has left twitter moving onto different projects, we shall miss his work at the vigil and his presence. He is off work and looking to change his life. [2015-09-12 05:58:47] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-12 06:08:16] <voidiss> Oh, here is Nick Cohen a few days ago, engaged as usual in a smearing article against Corbyn. Hardly surprising. [2015-09-12 06:08:26] <voidiss> Just the start of the article is discourages the read. "Corbyn does not believe in the human rights of “us all”. He is concerned only with the rights of those whose oppression is politically useful. If the oppressed’s suffering can be blamed on the West, he will defend them. If not, he is on their enemies’ side." [2015-09-12 06:08:43] <voidiss> *without is [2015-09-12 06:09:03] <voidiss> Curious how he uses a similar tactic as with JA smearing: claiming Corbyn is anti-West and willing to aid oppression if it comes from non-Westerners. [2015-09-12 06:10:04] <voidiss> (Sad to hear about Mem. I hope he will be okay, anyway!) [2015-09-12 06:21:14] <noll> JC a "serious risk to our nation’s security" says enthusiastic Iraq war criminal: [2015-09-12 06:25:11] <voidiss> They're freaking out. [2015-09-12 06:51:16] <voidiss> I think the term "Corbynmania" can be seen as a preparation for the "political contagion" label. Worth noting Hague using it a few weeks ago: [2015-09-12 06:51:34] <voidiss> What do you mean with "diminishing returns"? [2015-09-12 08:24:18] <Emmy B> remember syriza division through forced compromise, compromising one's value [2015-09-12 08:24:28] <Emmy B> values [2015-09-12 09:05:40] <noll> [Media-image] bit of talk on Twitter re Tory "off the chain right" hysteria (all v. reminiscent of attack upon JA). [2015-09-12 09:10:12] <noll> [Media-image] anyway, ironically this prop art proved correct, but only w/ the help of 98.6% of available Tories. [2015-09-12 09:11:04] <Emmy B> Yes I agree totally, there is though one very big difference regarding Corbyn. He is now an elected representative head of the opposition party and if the Tories attack it may hopefully encourage those within the Labour who are decent to defend the party and at last do their job ie OPPOSE the government :-) [2015-09-12 09:15:26] <noll> forgot to add link: [2015-09-12 09:25:24] <Emmy B> You know it will be delightful just to hear such political views and humanistic views in public. [2015-09-12 09:27:26] <Emmy B> wherever I go I mostly feel that the most natural and humane ideas about peace and solidarity, about helping others and a more humane attitude in society away from competing on 'the rat race' and living in collaborate ways are just absent from the political vocabulary [2015-09-12 09:31:19] <voidiss> Yes, completely absent, and this article - even if different on subject and presenting an already-well-known attitudes of politicians - shows it perfectly: [2015-09-12 09:31:22] <voidiss> Corbyn's victory is a hope and I really wish he will keep the line he has shown by now. It could change many things. And seeing him at the demonstration right after the victory is telling. [2015-09-12 09:32:06] <voidiss> [Tweet] Obviously the presentation Guardian offers isn't really the best 'good luck' wishes they could give. [2015-09-12 09:33:58] <Emmy B> I note JC mentions the Vienna Convention, the rights of Asylum. [2015-09-12 09:34:20] <Emmy B> At Parliament square today [2015-09-12 09:50:37] <Emmy B> Yes! It is a better day today :-) [2015-09-12 10:00:40] <WISE Up Action> [2015-09-12 10:27:49] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-09-12 12:45:03] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-09-12 14:17:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-12 16:09:17] <noll> [2015-09-13 04:29:41] <voidiss> About the recent drone strikes in Syria: [2015-09-13 05:44:26] <Emmy B> Thank you very much for recent postings, certainly highlight hypocrisy on both occasions: how can it ever be acceptable that donations are made by the coffers of one government for work by MP's of another country? how can this MP not be described as 'a foreign agent'? [2015-09-13 05:50:12] <Emmy B> Equally, with UK's UN submission, an act of clear aggression against another country, in that country's sovereign soil, is 'baptised' into self defence and mentioning the octogenarian Queen to create understandable offence domestically crossing that red line in the English mind 'these ppl our gov droned to death are traitors'. To quote my friend 'if they planned to kill the queen they did right to kill them'. [2015-09-13 07:39:51] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] FYI [2015-09-13 07:40:31] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing Wise Up <3 [2015-09-13 08:41:02] <Emmy B> Returning to earlier comments regarding application of pressure on Greece to agree to block Russian aircraft from its FIR, I alluded to National security incidents surrounding Farmakonisi/Agathonisi (Turkey for decades tries to dispute Greek sovereignty over these islands - see Wikileaks cables for US role as mediator) to create 'Grey/disputed zones' in the Aegean. I mentioned earlier staged tragedies involving refugees...Sadly today many drowned in the very area. The capsizing under 'mysterious circumstances' according to a Greek publication. Article in English: [2015-09-13 08:49:09] <Emmy B> previously: [2015-09-13 09:14:55] <voidiss> Oh, fuck. It's damn frightening, this is precisely what you were talking about. The incident described in the second link could have been caused by Turkey, which then rescued the refugees to make it seem that it was Greece's fault. [2015-09-13 09:15:00] <voidiss> And about the drone strikes... the difference between the version given by Cameron and by the letter to UN is telling and should make people wonder. It's like they don't know which excuse to invent and they refine it day after day, just to fool everyone better. [2015-09-13 09:17:40] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-13 09:29:20] <voidiss> [Tweet] This article about refugees is great. [2015-09-13 10:34:20] <noll> it's good, but as slanted as you'd expect from article uncritically citing WSJ/ Fox etc. ie. the carefully selected BBC report is from 15 March - it was 16 March alleged torture of students that set the protest movement aflame, & the breathless "Wikileaks cables reveal CIA involvement" links to RT article which hides the fact that it is reporting on a US-backed cable station that no one watches & Assad opposition is too terrified to make a go of ( [2015-09-13 10:54:18] <noll> correction - it's 18 March (after Friday prayers) that protests begin to expand: [2015-09-13 11:13:55] <Emmy B> In Greece we all celebrate proudly the day of oxi = no (1940 - WWII). It was not actually said as such but this is how it remains in history... as a 'no you cannot pass your armies into Greece through the Albanian border Mussolini, we shall fight'. Together with the slight distortion of history (the word 'no' never was said, although Greece did not acquiesce to the Italian army advance and fought) most Greeks forget that Metaxas, the politician in charge of Greece at the time was a brutal dictator. He was a confirmed fascist who propagated everything that Mussolini and Hitler propagated albeit in a ancient Greek toga intellectual 'garment'. Assad equally is a political dictator albeit considering the plurality of religions and nations within Syria, he is also the 'tribal chief' of the Allawites. Forgive me I am hardly an expert in matters Syrian but there is no doubt in my mind the Greeks would rather have Metaxa the dictator than Mussolini the dictator. I think most people can understand why. Mussolini too had a plan to split Greece into parts and in fact during the 4 years of occupation Greece was split into three parts The Italian, The German, The Bulgarian. Out of all three the Bulgarian was considered the most barbaric as ethnic cleansing was part of the agenda to truly expand Bulgaria giving it access into the Aegean. The current problems between Greece and FYROM or Macedonia over the name stem from that period of Bulgarian occupation when the occupiers (Bulgarians) to consolidate their rule and cement it for the future created the 'greater Macedonia' claiming it as a separate state, nation, in fact, and starting to manufacture the historic revisionism so helpful in propaganda. If the occupation had lasted longer than 4 years the map of Greece would today be very different. FYROM to this day includes in its national constitution a commitment to 'liberate' those historic lands that are currently under foreign control... all this referring to 'the Greater Macedonian Myth' created by Bulgarians in the 40's. Forgive me the rather long dive into Greek history but I think it says a parallel story. [2015-09-13 11:20:24] <Emmy B> Whilst in Greece it was the German colonialism that offered the Umbrella for all the land grab, in Syria it is American colonialism. [2015-09-13 11:21:09] <Emmy B> It is shocking maybe to consider that both democratic and fascist ideologies can produce colonialism [2015-09-13 11:21:42] <Emmy B> but then you can blame it on the Athenians (the first Democracy) [2015-09-13 11:23:44] <Emmy B> Democracy in Syria has a future, but as it is at the moment the state may not survive... who knows but let's take a look at this headline and agree that it could easily be about Syria: [2015-09-13 13:12:14] <Emmy B> 'bairns not bombs' & Corbyn's doctrines might finally become the soft language under which a political reality coming home to roost (refugee waves into EU) becomes a foreign policy changer for Syria? [2015-09-13 13:24:00] <Emmy B> Today is reported that Merkel said the Greeks should do a better job in guarding the EU's external borders. A little too late, comes the realisation that indeed Greece is a border fortress. But interestingly NATO's Greek military plan, executed at the cost of the Greek tax payer has been mainly deployed for an eminent USSR attack and not by an attack military or otherwise from any other direction. If the poor dingies can cross from Turkey to the Greek islands so easily, imagine how quickly modern military vessels can cross over and of course they trespass daily, who in EU has ever cared? I do hope that Isis does not spread into Turkey (God forbid they feed the monster, can they control it?) or else 'island hopping' the dream of every EU travelling teenager will acquire a very different meaning. [2015-09-13 15:45:24] <voidiss> Thank you so much for all these interesting information and thoughts about Syria! Emmy, also very interesting your parallel with Greece at the time of WWII -- Vico would say "occurrences and recurrences of history". [2015-09-13 17:42:51] <M> This is bizarre. [2015-09-13 19:47:37] <noll> that is bizarre.. not to mention graphics are decades old. [2015-09-13 19:51:57] <M> It's made using only Javascript and WebGL, so actually rather impressive. [2015-09-14 01:25:31] <voidiss> Flashback writes down some thoughts and points regarding the Assange case, precisely about Ny's "laziness": [2015-09-14 02:22:44] <voidiss> Two journalists guildes denounces Fundamedios' bias and back govt decision to close it: [2015-09-14 02:25:22] <voidiss> Yes, it's wrong that in Ecuador there's a law which prevents journalists from intervening in political matters. [2015-09-14 02:25:38] <voidiss> But in this case we're not talking about genuine information about government opposition, but about intentional destabilization. [2015-09-14 02:25:45] <voidiss> "Fundamedios only promoted the freedom of expression for certain institutions", as the two guildes say. [2015-09-14 03:15:53] <Emmy B> good stuff :-) [2015-09-14 05:25:30] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-09-14 05:27:56] <Emmy B> The link can no longer be found in the tweet but the article survives in the wayback machine [2015-09-14 05:28:18] <Emmy B> [2015-09-14 05:30:39] <Emmy B> for some reason I cannot archive the waybackmachine record on [2015-09-14 05:32:24] <Emmy B> There is also a video of this speech here: [2015-09-14 05:33:27] <Emmy B> Published on: May 03, 2011 Speech Given to Sydney University Law School, 31 March 2011 [2015-09-14 05:34:09] <Emmy B> Reflections on WikiLeaks, Spycatcher and Freedom of the Press [2015-09-14 05:35:32] <Emmy B> sorry not video but an audio recording [2015-09-14 05:45:27] <Emmy B> there are slight differences between the article and the podcast, the latter being (I think in a language and tone) more supportive of JA [2015-09-14 05:46:20] <Emmy B> I quote " Sarah Palin, possibly the next US President, called for him to be pursued “with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders.” No doubt her supporters were able to read what they liked into that remark. While Assange is no doubt quite safe from assassination, when an Australian citizen is threatened in this way, an Australian Prime Minister should respond." [2015-09-14 05:47:29] <Emmy B> let's hope MT is a man of his word :-) shame the article and podcast is no longer in his website, unless they have been moved in a different URL inside it. [2015-09-14 05:59:31] <Emmy B> of course any efforts to potentially assist JA from Oz for MT to keep face could be potentially sabotaged by the High Commissioner Alexander Downer, notorious in my book, let's hope JA's Oz legal representation try their hand directly with the new PM in Oz. [2015-09-14 06:22:41] <Bean> sorry to disappoint but MT is certainly not a man of his word - he's a multimillionaire career politician - just one example: [2015-09-14 06:24:06] <Bean> he's smarter than abbott which just makes him more dangerous - and possibly electable [2015-09-14 06:29:08] <Emmy B> Thanks for the resources Bean :-) good to know, I have no particular knowledge of who is who in Australian politics. His expressed views regarding JA/WL as expressed in the podcast lecture to Sydney Uni is widely differentiated than other Australian politicians. In particular I am not aware that anyone has ever given a Uni lecture on the matter so in that respect he may find it hard to publicly retract all 41 minutes of it. [2015-09-14 06:30:37] <voidiss> [Tweet] MT's statement is surely rather positive; even if he didn't approve WL's action completely, he seemed to care about protection for JA about assassinations. But... this is what @garymlord thinks about those MT's words: [2015-09-14 06:31:32] <voidiss> Also, given what Bean has just said and comparing it with how Australiam MSM are depicting him, there's a discordance: [2015-09-14 06:32:54] <Emmy B> Having successfully defended the publication of Spycatcher (am I right?) matters of press freedom/freedom of expression and the law have been linked to his professional career (i.e. things he is proud of and added to his professional/political standing) He is not reached the highest office without getting his hands dirty so he will certainly put political expediency above other matters, still threes a wind of change and he may want to play his own tune. [2015-09-14 06:39:55] <Emmy B> He is hardly condoning of WL anyway only that to me at least it is clear he considers their actions to be journalistic and they should not be prosecuted/persecuted. He also criticises US for doing so. [2015-09-14 06:45:13] <Bean> would he still do this in power? - i'm sceptical - haven't time to expand or find decent material on him at the moment (sorry!) - but my impression of him over the years is as a very slippery character - a cunning manipulator [2015-09-14 06:47:34] <voidiss> I've found another earlier piece in which we talks about WikiLeaks disclosure, immediately after the release of the Cablegate: [2015-09-14 08:06:42] <Emmy B> Let's watch what he does then. I don't follow Australian politics other what comes into my timeline, why was Abbot ousted...? [2015-09-14 08:24:45] <Bean> so unpopular now he would lose the next election - seen as mismanaging economy (amongst other things) as the australian economy slides due to too many eggs in the chinese resources market basket (try repeating that fast!)...the usual internal factional battles within the liberal party (not that they have 'official' factions like labor) knifed turnbull in the back to get leadership when in opposition (by one vote in 2009) so payback time... turnbull has had his eye on being pm for years and the time was right to roll abbott - now gives them chance to win next election with a new (old) face - turnbull has credibility in eyes of many liberal Liberal voters... that's my quick and crude analysis! [2015-09-14 08:26:32] <Emmy B> Thank you!!! :-) [2015-09-14 08:26:54] <noll> it's good news re climate change action :o) "Turnbull hit the airwaves, declaring he would not back down or resign, and that the Liberal party would be annihilated if it took a "do nothing" position on climate change. Echoing Prime Minister Rudd, he warned that taking no action on climate change risked "the future of our planet and the future of our children and their children" [2015-09-14 08:29:11] <Emmy B> Let's hope so! [2015-09-14 08:30:32] <Emmy B> Does anyone know 'WikiLeaks Bot @wikileakBot' it RTs the trolls as well as others. [2015-09-14 08:31:56] <M> Well it's a bot, so it seems it is set to RT any tweet mentioning "wikileaks" that gets over x amount of retweets. [2015-09-14 08:37:47] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-09-14 08:38:13] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-09-14 08:39:43] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-09-14 08:41:04] <Emmy B> I will tweet my troll list to them to see if they respond but not so hopeful as I have tweeted at them before with no result. [2015-09-14 08:42:42] <M> Right. It's a bot, so it runs without user interaction. [2015-09-14 08:48:15] <Emmy B> There is no point then tweeting at them. ok, I will just block them :-) [2015-09-14 08:58:15] <noll> [Tweet] well, that optimism lasted long.. [2015-09-14 08:58:24] <voidiss> For now Turnbull has said "no changes" on the current climate change policy, and even said that Abbott government’s "climate policy is one that has been very well designed, a very, very good piece of work". But this article (and the cable you cited, Haz) offer an optimistic view: [2015-09-14 08:59:15] <voidiss> Oh. There. [2015-09-14 09:19:38] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-14 09:30:52] <noll> [2015-09-14 09:38:00] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-14 09:41:16] <voidiss> Oh, god. No decency at all. [2015-09-14 09:44:15] <noll> [Tweet] apparently could be building next door, either way, just perfect tone setting for the evening news hit pieces. [2015-09-14 09:59:32] <voidiss> Another lapdog country dealing with the extradition to US of another internet fighter: [2015-09-14 10:20:34] <noll> media clockwork: [2015-09-14 10:30:44] <voidiss> Ah, Hazelpress, regarding when you said that would be useful to know when the idea of reviewing Chapter 19 in the Swedish Penal Code was first brought up in Swedish govt, in case the date is near to August 10... This is the PDF of the proposal: [2015-09-14 20:24:42] <noll> new BBC adaptation - if anything these repulsive caricatures are hopelessly understated, the truth would be too unbelievable: [2015-09-14 20:33:47] <noll> Greta, understood, it's to do w/ joining NATO in all but name: [2015-09-14 23:13:24] <voidiss> Agree. And all the recent statements by Swedish govt in this period about strenghten coop w/ NATO are a further confirmation. [2015-09-15 01:53:49] <Bean> FYI - Malcolm Turnbull: no changes to climate change policy [2015-09-15 02:03:02] <Emmy B> All good information, thank you! How is he going to differentiate himself from previous PM ? [2015-09-15 02:08:47] <Bean> He's 'Not-Tony' - doubt if there will be much more substantial difference. And he's a more proficient con artist. [2015-09-15 02:15:22] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-09-15 02:16:05] <Emmy B> Watching: [2015-09-15 03:08:05] <Bean> last word on turnbull 'coup' from first dog sums it up: "We have gone from having an angry babbling man-sized toddler as a Prime Minister to a smug and glossy merchant banker" [2015-09-15 03:10:32] <WikiLeaks> That's right. [2015-09-15 03:11:14] <WikiLeaks> With a daughter in law whose father brought Ikea to China. [2015-09-15 03:12:22] <Emmy B> a very busy family then :-) [2015-09-15 03:14:08] <Emmy B> and a special soft spot for things Swedish perhaps [2015-09-15 03:15:37] <Emmy B> which is in our particular context a great shame [2015-09-15 03:23:12] <voidiss> And, as the good "merchant banker" he is... [2015-09-15 06:22:05] <noll> "holy fucking shit" [2015-09-15 07:47:00] <WikiLeaks> disorder brings opportunities for those who have a comparative advantage in ordering a ability (e.g us military, state dept). [2015-09-15 08:56:35] <WikiLeaks> It would be helpful and fun to draw the attention of Swedish diplomats and influencers to the UN statue. [2015-09-15 09:02:40] <voidiss> Oh, you're right. "Hey, look! The man you're illegally detaining is being honored outside the UN!" This evening I can tweet the link to some Swedish diplomats. [2015-09-15 09:08:39] <WikiLeaks> Great. [2015-09-15 09:12:52] <voidiss> Meanwhile, I want to share with you all this article, which I find interesting: [2015-09-15 11:35:51] <noll> amazing & heartbreaking historical document: [2015-09-15 11:43:42] <M> [Tweet] Charlie Hebdo under attack again because people refuse to understand satire. [2015-09-15 11:45:23] <WikiLeaks> Yes. That's a good find and astute. [2015-09-15 11:45:38] <WikiLeaks> (atlantic) [2015-09-15 12:21:32] <Emmy B> I don't understand satire unless it is Greek. Maybe that is why I do not appreciate these cartoons, but neither do I like to see the image of a dead child used. I understand and are moved by pictures reporting the carnage or tragedy as documenting what happened but why have so many people reproduced this image 10,000 in all kinds of ways I don't understand why it should be acceptable. It has become a commodity for public consumption. [2015-09-15 12:55:17] <voidiss> @fabiochiusi, an Italian journalist, has written two short comments on the issue of Aylan's photo's circulation in the social media. Doind so he raises some other very important and interesting points, in my opinion: [2015-09-15 12:58:13] <voidiss> Also, I've listened to this Zuckerberg's video: [2015-09-15 14:42:27] <voidiss> Article about TPP news, secret meetings to finalize it as soon as possible and the common desire between negotiating parties to conclude it in late September: [2015-09-16 07:48:52] <voidiss> NeoPresse's article on an interview with JA: [2015-09-16 08:13:04] <M> That's a write-up of a write-up of the Going Underground interview. [2015-09-16 08:14:01] <voidiss> Ups, I didn't realize. [2015-09-16 08:57:51] <Emmy B> Just so people know there is now evidence with the German Court that FWLF is owned by Silke Tarant wife of MGT and registered at the address that MGT lives. The French hosting co of wikileaks .com has provided documentary evidence after a French court order. Chris has been very busy over the summer and her appeal has been submitted a few weeks ago. MGT is aware of this development. Now awaiting for further legal steps but have no timeline. Please show discretion. There is no need for this information to be the subject of twitter exchanges at this stage. FWLF twitter account was suspended for a period of 10 days due to Chris's complaint for targeted abuse. FWLF has deleted some but not all offending tweets. I personally do not expect any further news on the subject till christmas. [2015-09-16 10:54:24] <M> [Tweet] Knowing Ai Weiwei was having an exhibit in London, I was waiting for this to happen. :) [2015-09-16 11:04:21] <voidiss> Yay, super great! :D So nice when someone visits the Embassy, it gives the constant proof that Julian isn't alone! [2015-09-16 11:07:54] <Emmy B> ;-D [2015-09-16 13:37:05] <M> Bizarre murder case involving Sweden and Greece that has gone on for nearly 15 years. [2015-09-16 13:52:05] <Emmy B> yes [2015-09-17 07:45:22] <WikiLeaks> Neither UN statue nor Ai Weiwei have appeared in the Swedish press, of course. [2015-09-17 08:04:28] <voidiss> Swedish press is so unpredictable... [2015-09-17 08:04:35] <voidiss> Anyway, article on how Swedish justice system handles rape cases when the defendant isn't called Julian Assange: [2015-09-17 08:29:09] <Emmy B> Many though will subscribe to Time Magazine in Sweden :-) [2015-09-17 08:29:14] <Emmy B> [2015-09-17 08:29:31] <Emmy B> lovely to see JA happy :-) [2015-09-17 10:02:15] <M> WaPo: JA "has claimed a sort of de facto asylum". [2015-09-17 11:13:21] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-09-17 13:20:47] <voidiss> Further criticism against Fundamedios by media experts: [2015-09-17 13:53:22] <M> WaPo corrected. Now reads "where he claimed asylum". [2015-09-17 19:17:28] <Emmy B> good! [2015-09-17 23:34:46] <M> [Tweet] [2015-09-17 23:54:22] <WISE Up Action> 'Fans'?! [2015-09-18 01:25:21] <voidiss> WL is a close dictatorial cult which refuses to accept criticism and Julian wants to set an image for himself and control it. Wow, nice. [2015-09-18 04:35:35] <WikiLeaks> Morning, culties. [2015-09-18 04:42:45] <Emmy B> ;-p [2015-09-18 04:42:55] <Emmy B> :D [2015-09-18 04:44:50] <Emmy B> but the commentary did prompt me to look up an old post in my blog, such accusations of cult often used for plain and simple abuse [2015-09-18 04:46:32] <Emmy B> [2015-09-18 04:47:09] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-09-18 04:47:27] <Emmy B> apologies for the unpleasantness [2015-09-18 04:51:44] <Emmy B> for a moment there I thought I read 'cuties' instead of 'culties' then WL could be accused once more of sexism hahahaha [2015-09-18 04:53:17] <Emmy B> Goodmorning! [2015-09-18 05:19:40] <voidiss> Oh LOL, WL! Good morning to you too, ahah! [2015-09-18 05:19:50] <voidiss> That abusive petition is disgusting, Emmy, my god. [2015-09-18 05:49:02] <voidiss> There is an ongoing "game under the covers" for Sweden to join NATO's task force against Russia -- as always [2015-09-18 06:37:57] <Emmy B> :-) What is more disgusting Greta is the fact that more than 2500 people signed the petition in support of WL through the Avaaz system but whoever set it up was false and these signatures of support were never registered with the EU parliament. I think twice before I sign any Avaaz petition since. If it used as an instrument of fraud with no accountability on behalf of Avaaz then what sort of political democratic platform is it? [2015-09-18 06:48:26] <WikiLeaks> We hear from a parliamentarian in Norway that there is last minute tension in the Nobel Peace Prize committee between a Snowden-Assange-Manning triumvirate vs 2nd prize to Obama. [2015-09-18 06:49:10] <Emmy B> The very best of Luck! <3 [2015-09-18 06:59:42] <voidiss> Wow! This'd be amazing, good luck! And also it'd be a funny shot agst Obama - think of his shock knowing he has lost the prize b/cos of you! [2015-09-18 07:01:09] <voidiss> Emmy, yes, I understand your point and you're right. It surprises me, I thought Avaaz was a pretty good and reliable org. [2015-09-18 07:01:12] <voidiss> Sad to know the contrary. [2015-09-18 07:30:35] <WikiLeaks> Avaaz and all such petition systems are scams. [2015-09-18 07:30:45] <WikiLeaks> Highly profitable scams. [2015-09-18 07:31:34] <WikiLeaks> They place their credit card donation buttons next to the petition. People have the false impression that they are donating to the cause of the petition, but they're just donating to Avaaz et al. [2015-09-18 07:32:14] <WikiLeaks> They stalk mediagenic issues to pull in people to that killing zone. [2015-09-18 07:33:37] <WikiLeaks> We hear that they give/sell their lists to the US democrats. If you look closely at the Avaaz privacy policy, at least as it was a few years ago, you can see that type of thing is not excluded. [2015-09-18 07:36:15] <WikiLeaks> They had a 750k strong petition to free JA. We spoke to them at the highest level about the possibility of emailing those people with a WL announcement on some issue (e.g manning trial), which they did not. So they collected a very large list of people that would have been critical to our fight, but only used it for their own purposes. [2015-09-18 07:37:25] <Emmy B> yes I also send them an e-mail about it but they ignored me. [2015-09-18 07:38:14] <Emmy B> [2015-09-18 07:39:21] <Emmy B> Thanks for this insight! I have always wondered about that petition. [2015-09-18 07:39:40] <Emmy B> But there is something of a worry because.... [2015-09-18 07:40:47] <Emmy B> they are now seen as a platform for progressives in the UK for example to launch political action... give me a minute to find the link so that I explain better.... [2015-09-18 07:42:35] <Emmy B> see here: [2015-09-18 07:43:17] <voidiss> Oh. Thank you very much for the info. Great, I add Avaaz to the already-long list of crappy orgs. [2015-09-18 07:43:50] <voidiss> If I think it's been one of the first platforms I used to inform myself abt impo issues before knowing WL a few years ago, I want to vomit. [2015-09-18 07:44:00] <voidiss> Anyway, I agree with Emmy. Not just in the UK -- also in Italy many people see it as a good platform. [2015-09-18 07:44:04] <voidiss> And in fact I was advised to read some of their campaigns by a number of teachers here. [2015-09-18 07:44:18] <Emmy B> [2015-09-18 07:45:00] <Emmy B> [2015-09-18 07:46:51] <Emmy B> Basically Caroline Lucas campaign was joined by Russel Brand's initiative via Avaaz who EMBEDDED the UK parliament petition into their Avaaz Petition and sent it to their 1.1 UK e-mails. [2015-09-18 07:47:49] <Emmy B> quote" Alice Jay, Avaaz campaign director, said: " This petition shows people want politicians to step up and change Britain's disastrous drug laws." unquote [2015-09-18 07:50:33] <Emmy B> So, Avaaz 1. Collects donations, 2. Collects our data, 3.'stalk mediagenic issues to pull in people to that killing zone' 4. Sells our data 5. Enters the political arena influencing UK legislative Policy 6. sells itself to politicians as a political player...isn't this the realm of political lobbying or am I wrong? [2015-09-18 07:53:40] <Emmy B> The WL example of that petition is very telling as Avaaz on this occasion used WL's reach (the petition was promoted via WL FB page (at the time of 'the Siggi/MGT partnership' to mention a sore point) to get to add into their database. [2015-09-18 07:56:24] <Emmy B> another lesson learnt [2015-09-18 08:03:16] <Emmy B> And have they ever made a petition about Manning? I am going to check this... [2015-09-18 08:03:51] <Emmy B> But I recall they did one for Snowden the one run by David Miranda...hang on... [2015-09-18 08:05:05] <Emmy B> yes, here it is: [2015-09-18 08:06:02] <Emmy B> I remember because I was asked by an activist friend to translate it to Greek and they forwarded it to their network of contacts in Greece, e-mail lists etc. [2015-09-18 08:06:30] <Emmy B> How easily are we duped as public? [2015-09-18 08:11:25] <voidiss> Yes, they did one about Manning in 2010/11, this link is in Italian: [2015-09-18 08:12:04] <voidiss> 'Another lesson learnt": absolutely yes. [2015-09-18 08:17:13] <Emmy B> So what does the petition say Greta and did they submit it to a public organisation in support of Manning? [2015-09-18 08:23:26] <Emmy B> how do you know the date Greta, I don't see it mentioned... curious... [2015-09-18 08:29:54] <Emmy B> it says : 'Sign the petition: our message will be delivered through a poster impact and strong actions in Washington DC as soon as we reach 250,000 signatures.' were there posters put up in Washington? and what strong actions were taken I wonder.... [2015-09-18 09:04:19] <Emmy B> Nobel peace prize 2015 [2015-09-18 09:33:19] <voidiss> Sorry, I was out. [2015-09-18 09:33:38] <voidiss> Anyway, I've found the same petition link in English here: [2015-09-18 09:34:05] <voidiss> I know it is from 2010/2011 b/cos I saw it in that period, I received the email (I followed Avaaz newsletter, as I said). [2015-09-18 09:34:47] <voidiss> After that email I didn't personally see new developments, but it may have been due to my inability to inform myself properly at the time. [2015-09-18 09:34:59] <voidiss> At the top of that article they claimed Manning was moved to a less strict prison thanks to their petition and the 500.000 signatures. [2015-09-18 09:35:16] <voidiss> But I've searched a bit online and I have found no links about protests in Washington DC for Manning organized by Avaaz. [2015-09-18 09:35:47] <voidiss> Also on Manning support website they recognized the big amount of support the initiative had raised, but said [2015-09-18 09:35:47] <Emmy B> thank you Greta! [2015-09-18 09:36:02] <voidiss> "according to the site the petition will be delivered to Washington etc etc", [2015-09-18 09:36:06] <voidiss> not that it has actually been delivered: [2015-09-18 09:38:13] <Emmy B> hmmm [2015-09-18 09:49:33] <Emmy B> Avaaz risk taking in Syria is unprecedent [2015-09-18 09:52:11] <M> On Avaaz, from Jillian C York: "They are not a 501(c)(3) (non-profit) organization, rather, they are a 501(c)(4), the classification of organization that can lobby, engage in political campaigns, and don’t have to name their major donors. To put this in perspective, the 501(c)(4) designation applies to PACs[.]" [2015-09-18 09:54:41] <WikiLeaks> Jesus. And they say WikiLeaks has blood on its hands. [2015-09-18 10:06:39] <M> But apparently Avaaz lied about their scope of involvement in that! [2015-09-18 10:08:49] <Emmy B> corruption then through and through? [2015-09-18 10:55:14] <Emmy B> I thought at the time I had that experience with the JA petition turned tool of abuse, that I could make Avaaz reveal who done it, the e-mail and IP addresses would have been enough but the only thing they did do is to de-publish the petition, then no action, no answers. [2015-09-18 11:05:24] <Emmy B> I read in their terms and conditions that I would need a court order or a police order to get them to reveal who manipulated the petition, in the US probably...I thought it would be too complicated and expensive. So after several e-mails and phone calls to their UK media guys I gave up. [2015-09-18 11:31:33] <Emmy B> Re Avaaz, here it is said it was created by moveOn that fundraised for Obama: [2015-09-18 11:32:25] <Emmy B> it says it attended The Syrian Opposition Antalya conference [2015-09-18 11:33:11] <Emmy B> that called for the overthrow of Assad: [2015-09-18 11:35:39] <Emmy B> What is MoveOn [2015-09-18 11:39:42] <Emmy B> 'In 2007, Moveon was a co-founder of Avaaz, a similar organization with an international focus.' [2015-09-18 11:45:25] <Emmy B> So clearly they have a US political campaigning background and they split their service into three areas, 1. Petition Campaigning of their own volition, 2. Petition services open to all members (I think one has to pay to have their petition circulate within the Avaaz e-mail list) 3. Action on the ground including Extra ordinary activities eg camera's and medical aid to Syrian opposition. [2015-09-18 11:46:11] <Emmy B> I wonder who was the european partner mentioned in the article. [2015-09-18 11:48:18] <Emmy B> Also, now that we know about what GCHQ are up to regarding manipulation of public opinion via the Snowden revelations, one has to wonder how easy it would be to have a pool of a few hundred thousand e-mail addresses handy for influencing on line campaigning. [2015-09-18 11:51:20] <Emmy B> I mean...if a mere MGT can create fake members for his forum 24/7 round the clock (maybe using fake e-mail addresses, maybe using special software to manipulate simple machines software set up (who knows?) imagine the opportunities for faking online petitions. [2015-09-18 12:12:16] <voidiss> Oh-oh. I know which is the European partner: Res Publica [2015-09-18 12:12:20] <voidiss> So apparently Avaaz has its roots both in MoveOn fundraising for Obama, and in ResPublica whose director has ties with Tories. Telling? [2015-09-18 12:12:44] <voidiss> Anyway, completely agree with Emmy about the danger of such a platform. [2015-09-18 12:13:15] <voidiss> And they're dangerous because they're not just corrupted and lying, they're even completely incompetent in matter of security/technology and yet they were pretending to be able to offer a good and reliable supply of satellite phones to Syrians etc. Without caring about someone else's life. But well, if they sell lists to US democrats, they're not going to be held accountable for those possible lives losses, of course. [2015-09-18 12:28:20] <Emmy B> {heh frontpagemag US perspective of what is left (eg Obama 2012) hilarious...} [2015-09-18 12:28:56] <Emmy B> Excellent links Greta...reading <3 [2015-09-18 12:44:37] <Emmy B> Very good the frontpagemag article Greta, thank you so much for sharing. [2015-09-18 12:46:36] <Emmy B> and phillip blond article reminds me this clip from 'my fair lady' from rags to riches...I hope you will find entertaining [2015-09-18 13:03:07] <Emmy B> What are 'think tanks' Res Publica and Demos doing at Party Conferences? are they also lobbyists? who is funding these groups? [2015-09-18 13:08:43] <Emmy B> Greta your articles take me further and further into 'the business of politics' it seems like a parallel political area exists of formulating ideas and delivering them, outside the more traditional democratic institutions who deliver political thinking, platforms and action, ie political parties, occupational unions, associations and professional institutes. [2015-09-18 13:13:49] <Emmy B> It is a kind of elitist world of political formulation & engagement platforms financed by who is not exactly clear 'I have raised gbp 1.5 mill in two weeks' he says... but seeking to influence traditional institutions of policy making...hmm who would have thought Avaaz was the pseudo grass roots arm of such crypto lobbyist groups. [2015-09-18 13:14:45] <voidiss> About "who funds Res Publica and Demos", I've found this project: [2015-09-18 13:15:26] <voidiss> I agree with you, Emmy. Also, despite the bias in the article, Frontpagemag highlighted that Avaaz founders were connected to Soros' OSF. I'm not so well informed on OSF/Soros, but what I know is that they have a huge influence and they control many things in the world and, as some people like Glenn Beck think, also in politics... so it's not reassuring. [2015-09-18 13:15:52] <voidiss> Listen now to the clip! [2015-09-18 13:22:37] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing, excellent work Greta, had no idea these sites existed, well look at that: 'TaxPayers’ Alliance' also an 'E" like Res Publica and they are the horrid guys who are quoted recently by Daily Mail [2015-09-18 13:23:30] <Emmy B> i believe, regarding taxpayers money spent on MetPol for the embassy siege...let me see.. [2015-09-18 13:28:02] <Emmy B> here: [2015-09-18 13:28:21] <Emmy B> birds of a feather flock together [2015-09-18 13:38:51] <voidiss> Oh, yes! I remember them. Well, it may explains many things. It would be useful if that site kept asking for these "transparency reports", since it seems they have done only that 20 think tanks survey and stop. [2015-09-18 13:42:48] <Emmy B> :- [2015-09-18 13:42:53] <Emmy B> ) [2015-09-18 13:43:48] <Emmy B> thanks for the lovely chat! wonderful resources, learned lots x [2015-09-18 13:44:47] <Emmy B> I will keep an eye on Avaaz in the future. [2015-09-18 13:55:09] <voidiss> Thank you too for telling me about Avaaz's misbehavior in first place! :) [2015-09-18 14:13:29] <Emmy B> it is mostly through experience that we learn and it is more enjoyable and easy to learn when we share :-) x Goodnight! [2015-09-18 14:15:03] <voidiss> 'Night! :D [2015-09-18 14:50:19] <Emmy B> for another day maybe we can look at [2015-09-18 15:19:55] <voidiss> Yes, good idea! [2015-09-19 13:16:37] <Emmy B> Just noticed that wikileaks party twitter is managed by Omar Todd, great news! [2015-09-20 05:15:04] <voidiss> Isn't there a way to read this without the subscription? [2015-09-20 06:01:47] <Emmy B> I haven't been able to identify an alternative Greta. [2015-09-20 06:02:27] <Emmy B> re Greek elections one poll predicts 40% abstension [2015-09-20 06:02:52] <Emmy B> and this is a worry [2015-09-20 06:07:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Catching up... that's great to know, though worrying, about Avaaz and MoveOn. I'd signed some of their petitions and now get spam email from them. Very annoying as I don't support a lot it. Now I'm going to block them both. [2015-09-20 10:15:48] <M> [Tweet] Very interesting. [2015-09-20 11:09:50] <voidiss> Just the NYT who has ranted so much against the Sony release! [2015-09-20 12:08:12] <noll> expect everyone has seen this: [2015-09-20 13:36:42] <noll> whatever's left of Syriza wins: [2015-09-20 13:47:02] <Emmy B> 45% abstain - unprecedent [2015-09-20 13:48:28] <Emmy B> GD some gains at 7% even after their leader publicly took political responsibility for the death of Fyssas this is terrible. [2015-09-20 13:51:08] <Emmy B> Still relief, on my part, that ECB's 'coup' that led to capitulation of syriza and its subsequent split did not lead to a situation where no clear winner [2015-09-20 13:52:10] <Emmy B> would have deeply destabilised the country. [2015-09-20 13:56:23] <noll> 45% abstain.. result is still 'better' than we feared. thank god GD aren't just awful, but also politically inept, Syria crisis is giving them (& entire EU far-right) a golden opportunity w/ no end in sight.. agree, think ECB/ EU etc will step in if situ' becomes catastrophic, after all they own the place. speaking of which - when will they step in to barricade that boarder, not that it's possible. [2015-09-20 13:58:57] <noll> far earlier than expected - here comes fortress EU. maybe Syriza were correct to stay w/i at any cost, considering future realities. [2015-09-20 13:59:01] <Emmy B> the northern border was barricaded years ago I will share some links because this is going to be in the news soon. Winter is coming soon and ppl will reduce sea crossings [2015-09-20 14:03:32] <Emmy B> Evros is natural river and the border with turkey, it has changed shape over the years so border has to be periodically re-agreed which is impossible considering the bad neighbour that Turkey is, in relation to challenging Greek sovereignty, sea air and land, and its invasion/occupation of Cyprus. [2015-09-20 14:14:57] <Emmy B> Thraki or Thrace is the name of the Greek prefecture bordering Turkey. It is also home to the only Greek Muslim minority (about 120,000 ethnic Greek, Roma,Turkish, Pomak who are Muslims - the Greek gov does not recognise them as ethnic minorities only as a religious minority). This group of Muslims were excluded from the mutually organised ethnic cleansing of the (odious) 1923 Treaty of Lausanne (exchange population). Just as a note the 120,000 equivalent Greek Orthodox Istanbul minority also excluded by the same treaty is now down to 2,000 souls (eg see 1955 Istanbul progrom). These tit-bits are important. [2015-09-20 14:17:36] <Emmy B> So the only land border with Turkey (due to the river) is about 10 kilometres and it was fenced off in 2012. [2015-09-20 14:18:00] <Emmy B> [2015-09-20 14:22:04] <Emmy B> note the reference to anti-personal mines [2015-09-20 14:28:50] <Emmy B> The articles of course do not mention the drug trade that follows the same routes as the flow of migration. some who served their national service guarding the border pre-fence claim, Greek army (unofficially) had the policy of non interference with people smugglers as it was extremely dangerous. Guards were advised to not engage 'duck and dive'. [2015-09-20 14:30:22] <Emmy B> Some ppl still attempt to cross Evros by boat or swim, and many also die in the process. [2015-09-20 14:32:32] <Emmy B> in Feb this year some voices were heard about allowing refugees to cross [2015-09-20 14:33:19] <Emmy B> I would imagine that maybe Syriza's re-election may follow a humane approach [2015-09-20 14:34:05] <Emmy B> Frontex is in operation there, part of its role documenting people. [2015-09-20 14:37:03] <Emmy B> If Oslo II (ppl who enter into EU must remain within country of entry) is over this is excellent news for Greece, it will gladly facilitate passage through Greece. If EU let's Greece sink further and further under the burden that is when GD will double its %. [2015-09-20 14:40:39] <Emmy B> Currently there are about 2000 refugees awaiting to cross into Greece in Adrianupoli (Turkish name Edirne) [2015-09-20 15:02:13] <Emmy B> and a short video : [2015-09-20 15:17:58] <noll> thanks Em, really informative. as mentioned, we're concerned about this: [2015-09-20 15:23:42] <noll> [2015-09-20 15:34:09] <Emmy B> yes, interesting articles, we must be aware though of ideology been used to mask pure greed. Is climate change going to be merely used for further resource grabbing via a 'we must manage resources better' plot of international control? Certainly resources are finite but resourcefulness is not. We have seen medicine/technological advances lead to population explosion but also a widening of the standards of living further. Are we also going to see further restrictions on individual freedom in the name of climate change? it seems in our world every good thing (eg national security is supposedly a good thing) is turned on its head and becomes a nightmare. Upholding Human Rights internationally is a good thing but has been turned on its head to justify illegal invasion, even ethnic cleansing. Let's hope Climate Change agenda stays on track and is not hijacked but the power hungry. [2015-09-20 16:33:22] <noll> agree, think (w/o scrolling back for eternity) Wls mentioned climate-opportunism, guess Arctic policy's visibility makes it a gd. example. anyway, to widen things out: that there is a climate crisis at all - w/ < 2°C *still achievable - is, as w/ the Arctic etc, a political choice. in this insane reality, just imagine the rest going forwards? agendas of greed & expediency followed by s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶e̶c̶h̶n̶o̶l̶o̶g̶i̶c̶a̶l desperate necessity? & we all know how bad the former often gets. [2015-09-20 16:35:59] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-21 00:28:59] <Emmy B> hahaha [2015-09-21 00:34:11] <Emmy B> With what ease people talk of bombing, it is extraordinary [2015-09-21 01:25:08] <voidiss> Thank you for all these resources! [2015-09-21 01:31:45] <voidiss> This [2015-09-21 01:33:10] <voidiss> Not to think about the implication for Snowden of a possible conflict with Russia; he'd be target of more and more attacks and smears [2015-09-21 01:33:16] <voidiss> in the Sunday Times style, just more 'credible', I suppose. [2015-09-21 02:16:48] <voidiss> Abt Syriza election... I find everything really sad. Tsipras's been re-elected w/ complete different purpose compared to his initial wish of [2015-09-21 02:17:17] <voidiss> fighting back austerity, which now he has to implement. It's tragic & telling of how expert the EU has been in forcing Greece to its knees. [2015-09-21 02:17:22] <voidiss> [2015-09-21 02:18:35] <voidiss> Like this quote, which underlines EU has lost its fear for Tsipras' strong/not submissive line b/c it has actually been able to break it. [2015-09-21 02:19:50] <voidiss> "There was talk of an austerity party breaking the mould of post “great recession” politics. EU political establishment looked on in horror. [2015-09-21 02:20:05] <voidiss> The financial markets trembled. All the euphoria and most of the apprehension had disappeared by the time Greeks voted today." [2015-09-21 02:20:09] <voidiss> [2015-09-21 02:36:46] <Emmy B> Yes that's right, thanks Greta :-) [2015-09-21 06:23:32] <noll> no shit sherlock, w/ drip feeding this slow, why bother at all. [2015-09-21 06:28:55] <Emmy B> How does this country keep this charade up? [2015-09-21 06:37:07] <noll> not sure how to ans w/o sounding like misanthrope / great video (& Scahill finally noticed context exists!! - dig at his last film) [2015-09-21 06:57:44] <Emmy B> I watched his documentary dirty wars here in London, it was good and an excellent panel with Tom Watson MP, Reprieve (if I am not mistaken) with K Hrafnsson moderated by J. Robinson lead to a discussion and Q&A [2015-09-21 06:59:15] <Emmy B> 'they are the war masters' one said about the US in the film [2015-09-21 07:10:03] <Emmy B> When did this come about?out of no where we have istanbul conference? [2015-09-21 07:36:01] <noll> dirty wars is great, but would have been significantly better if briefly covered US interests in Gulf of Aden, tapestry of other national interests, how relates to historical/ cultural background. the simplistic "[b/c] they are the war masters" narrative doesn't really cut it, esp. when material above is so informative/ important. obviously, a black hole of complexity looms, nevertheless, the all important 'why', the plot, if carefully managed could have taken 15 mins interspersed. [2015-09-21 07:41:15] <noll> ie. [2015-09-21 09:11:04] <voidiss> Hazelpress, finally someone has taken into consideration and made an analysis about the points you underlined in your article, i.e. the global economy costs of climate change. And the results of their research are quite scaring: [2015-09-21 10:00:38] <noll> thanks Greta, they're "conservatively" calculating cost of $1.98 trillion per year up until 2200. in 2013 global GDP was around 75.59. so that's less than 2.6% global GDP per year. this is sea levels from 2°C projected to 2200: [2015-09-21 10:23:07] <noll> [2015-09-21 12:44:40] <noll> re WaPo, Stern, 2006 (he's since said these figures are garbage, "it's far, far worse") gets close to making the calculation, but doesn't bring it together (p. 10): [2015-09-21 12:51:36] <WikiLeaks> Has anyone checked cables for the wilson plot? [2015-09-21 13:02:20] <voidiss> No, I've never done it but I'm checking now -- actually I don't even know precisely the events about the Wilson plot, I'll read about it. Do you mean it in connection to recent threats of a 'coup' against Corbyn? [2015-09-21 14:47:29] <M> Not 100% sure what you're looking for re Wilson, but maybe some of these may be of interest: [2015-09-21 14:55:16] <voidiss> In this cable there are not reference to any kind of plot but there are many considerations about Wilson's weak points and tensions between the party about this policy and his figure in general: [2015-09-21 14:57:03] <M> Not 100% sure on what you're looking for re Wilson, but some of these may be of interest: [2015-09-21 14:59:04] <noll> hard to get exact dates. most sources say Jan & June 1974, some add July Sept. [2015-09-21 15:07:23] <noll> Kissinger's first stop in July: [2015-09-21 15:32:35] <noll> 15 May on Wilson govt: "STRONG FRIENDS OF THE US": [2015-09-21 15:41:45] <Emmy B> In 1973 (before becoming PM) re-assures US regarding Nuclear Bases in the UK and position on Israel. [2015-09-21 15:44:29] <noll> Rhodesia mention over & over again in US anaylsis of Wilson, 2 weeks before resignation: [2015-09-21 15:44:54] <Emmy B> In 1976 after he resigned Wilson views on Labour extremists [2015-09-21 15:46:29] <noll> more on that: [2015-09-21 15:48:09] <noll> b/ground: [2015-09-21 15:54:54] <Emmy B> six months before resignation Wilson gov discuss commitment to Defence budget, Northern Ireland and military procurement (easily a billion USD) from US [2015-09-21 16:10:27] <Emmy B> This 1978 cable makes extensive reference to the conspiracy WL mentions, albeit via the review of 'Pencourt Files' book at the Mirror newspaper and advance publication of some chapters. [2015-09-21 16:17:15] <Emmy B> But this cable also mentions wilson's defence os Thorpe re MI5 paying Blackmail money to alleged lover scot? (mentioned later on the Pencourt Files above) [2015-09-21 16:44:04] <Emmy B> On this cable from 1976 his official resignation reasons are accepted and confirmed, reveals his decision was taken Dec 1975, communicated to Queen then ? [2015-09-21 17:14:22] <noll> 'Pencourt File' [2015-09-21 17:31:09] <noll> [2015-09-21 17:58:45] <noll> [2015-09-21 18:46:50] <noll> although similar to Watergate, more like UK's Bay of Pigs/ Kennedy hit, & fittingly pathetic in comparison. [2015-09-21 20:32:00] <noll> this seems about right: [2015-09-22 02:56:04] <Emmy B> Wonderful resources! thank you :-) research note there is more than one tags in wl dot org re Wilson , Harold Wilson and James Harold Wilson, there might be more. [2015-09-22 02:59:17] <Emmy B> gave Daily Mail some money today for all the piggate laughs :-) but it is something to consider that just as the Mirror chose to print the pencourt files, making them into 'news', so has the Daily mail, he has made Ashcroft's story (which would never have had such reach or credibility within a wider audience) the 'news' of the day. There was a choice there. [2015-09-22 03:06:32] <Emmy B> Maybe we can entertain ourselves with the idea that those with real power disliked Cameron's Tory lead regarding the Corbyn election. His 'honesty' in branding him first a bofoon (pre-election)- a clear expression of arrogance of the powerful towards the commoners and then 'a national security risk' (after his election) giving legitimacy to all conspiracy claims that the elit subverts democracy, whilst such operation and efforts to divert democracy must always remain covert so that public claims of it can be dismissed as 'conspiracy theories of the loonie party' ie...blunders all around [2015-09-22 03:09:56] <Emmy B> he's been taken down a peg or two I am sure by his own who may now prepare the ground for a different Tory leader as a better oppositional match to Corbyn who may be seen as having a good chance with the electorate, despite whatever internal treason is planned from within the Labour party. [2015-09-22 03:14:32] <Emmy B> It is this wind of change in a democracy that once going it is hard to curtail. See Tsipras winning again despite the gravest humiliation he endured, an internal split, accusations of betraying a referendum, a bankrupt country, and an uncontrollable wave of refugees adding to the already mature humanitarian disaster. hmmm just maybe? [2015-09-22 03:24:18] <Emmy B> extremely difficult to consider who would be best to replace Cameron, the big challenge comes next year with a EU referendum, obviously the Country (the interests it represents) needs to stay in EU but with conditions. Corbyn may wish to stay but he left the question open 'let's see what the PM will bring at the table' he could easily say 'no' based on these details (ie HR/ECHR issues etc) rather than general idea of leaving the EU and get away with it, not to mention that by doing so he will wipe off UKIP from many ex labour voters who will return to Labour where they most naturally belong. The Tories need a very skilled skipper to navigate through these perils and deliver the goods :-) watching with interest! [2015-09-22 04:04:47] <voidiss> All very interesting material and reasonings, thank you. [2015-09-22 04:04:49] <voidiss> I found a 1973 cable: Wilson pledged to start nazionalization/public ownership pushing party "whole further to left" [2015-09-22 09:30:09] <voidiss> Very interesting article about what PigGate hides behind a dead pig, a dick and endless mockery against Cameron: [2015-09-22 09:50:35] <noll> [2015-09-22 09:59:11] <noll> 1.05.00 Chomsky on importance of Wls cables. [2015-09-22 10:02:54] <noll> cites: [2015-09-22 10:43:12] <Emmy B> @ Greta also remember if it is the state that collects the info and state representatives that blackmail and store the info then info collected on a person can be used for several generations, for people who wish to have a public life the transgressions of relatives whether criminal or otherwise all become live ammunition at a particular time in the future. In families whose history goes back centuries as this country boasts through the preservation of Aristocracy still active in public life through Monarchy and House of Lords as well as economic life, such power groups are entrenched deeply through marriage as well as interest as well as what your article describes. [2015-09-22 10:48:56] <Emmy B> Betrayal of class is a notion that describes a moral duty to one's group. Amongst his own Cameron will always have a place, he will not be socially excluded even if he loses PMship, it will become a footnote, history has forgiven worse. 'They are all at it' [2015-09-22 10:57:29] <Emmy B> @ H brilliant Chomsky! Thank you! [2015-09-22 13:52:46] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-09-22 14:06:49] <voidiss> This mere fact tells us how "good" Avaaz is considered among the majority of people. As WL said, it's great at getting involved with "mediagenic issues". [2015-09-22 14:06:52] <voidiss> About PigGate, thank you Emmy, I agree. It has somehow hilarious nuance, that precisely the storage of personal information is what in the end can pose a threat to govt members themselves. A sort of backlash. The sad thing is that they willingly accept the game in order to gain the position they want and the career they dream. So in the end it's a useless backlash, it just gives some more hypocrisy. [2015-09-22 18:15:39] <noll> the oops "if only", "but too late" repeat, narrative in "The Plot Against Harold Wilson" is bullshit, as is the fucking idiotic assertion that HW & Marcia Williams didn't realise they were being recorded. [2015-09-23 02:17:24] <Emmy B> About Lord Ashcroft from 2014 [2015-09-23 02:20:37] <Emmy B> strong interests in Belize, political interference there, WL search has many references. [2015-09-23 13:31:29] <Emmy B> [Tweet] LOL [2015-09-24 05:31:18] <M> [Tweet] Def something fishy about WLF/Ball's budding relationship. [2015-09-24 05:31:45] <M> (fav of this tweet [2015-09-24 06:50:40] <Emmy B> archived: [2015-09-24 10:09:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Ball seems rather sleepy to me. They're going after Correa now, he's too popular and independent. I suspect, howevet, that the Ecuadorians know better. [2015-09-24 10:09:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> I mean sleazy not sleepy. [2015-09-24 11:22:02] <M> [Tweet] Interesting. [2015-09-24 11:44:17] <voidiss> More on US covert strategies to destabilize and thwart Latin America's governments which don't comply with their interests: [2015-09-25 08:14:36] <Emmy B> Siggi convicted to three years prison [2015-09-25 08:15:21] <Emmy B> fake forum FB post : [2015-09-25 08:57:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad to hear about Siggi's conviction. Definitely a sick individual. I suspect his pal MGT is similar. [2015-09-25 09:48:58] <WikiLeaks> Yes. [2015-09-25 09:56:59] <Emmy B> what can we do? [2015-09-25 12:57:38] <voidiss> I think MGT is slyer than Siggi, he manages to avoid direct criminal acts which can lead to charges, so he can keep going with his "job". [2015-09-25 22:04:06] <M> Relevant article: Dealing with online bullies is easy: Cyber-bullying versus Bullying [2015-09-26 02:18:32] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! :-) [2015-09-26 06:43:43] <WikiLeaks> Oh dear. We keep reading 'Cyber VAWG' as 'Cyber-Vag'. [2015-09-26 07:00:41] <voidiss> LOOL! A so-called 'Feminazi' would start ranting against you now because omg, you're objectifying women! [2015-09-26 08:28:27] <M> They must have done that on purpose. [2015-09-26 18:08:25] <voidiss> Very interesting article about climate change; the author finds a possible solution in a "global non-violent constitutional climate insurgency" -- and actually I think that governments have come to the same conclusion and have understood that this would be the approach, that's why they're trying to "criminalize" environmentalism everywhere, to foil their major narrative of "legality of civil disobedience" from the start (Australia with #FreeKaren is just the latest example of a long list) [2015-09-26 18:10:15] <voidiss> In theory this idea has a great potential, imo, but I can't understand if it might actually work. Yes, on this issue there's a tendency of populations to act more and on a vaster scale than on other issues, but it seems really difficult to coordinate all the singular movements on a global scale, and either that they would succeed in build the common belief that "governments are acting in an illegal way". There are still too many people that doesn't perceive climate change as an immediate threat, and moreover, the idea of the State being "inherently good" is still entrenched in the average people -- in the end, it's a concept that comes to us from antiquity. I think the process of perception reversal would take too long... [2015-09-26 22:31:08] <Emmy B> interesting thinking Greta, thank you! [2015-09-27 12:30:59] <voidiss> Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli on the JA case, specifically on Ny's EAW [2015-09-27 21:01:49] <M> Article claims Iranian man was moved under State Dept response to Cablegate, but now he is unable to get asylum in US due to officials being barred from reading WikiLeaks docs. [2015-09-28 02:51:18] <Emmy B> Hi Greta, Falciani in this article [2015-09-28 04:10:58] <voidiss> I'm still searching, but for now I haven't found that excerpt - another one, but not that one. [2015-09-28 06:27:35] <noll> [2015-09-28 07:28:01] <WikiLeaks> Falciani palled up with the US [2015-09-28 07:29:32] <WikiLeaks> It is not clear to us that giving European banking data to US agencies is an act that should be encouraged. [2015-09-28 07:30:02] <WikiLeaks> After five years of doing that he started giving it to the press. [2015-09-28 07:42:46] <noll> [2015-09-28 07:45:11] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-09-28 09:54:18] <voidiss> In the end I wasn't able to find the excerpt in Italian, I'm sorry... [2015-09-28 09:54:29] <voidiss> Today is the Right To Know Day, I've found this chart about ratings of different countries around the world on FOIAs legal framework: [2015-09-28 10:03:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good grief, came across this [2015-09-28 10:04:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Cool, Greta, Happy Right To Know Day! [2015-09-28 10:06:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm taking a class on 'Health in the Headlines" - I shouldn't be shocked on how bad health journalism is, I knew that, but still... It remains stupefying. I co-teach a class on clinical research here in the Program in Public Health, the journalism students should be required to take it or something like it. [2015-09-28 11:29:06] <voidiss> Oh, what you're saying makes me remember that article about the experiment of fooling media with the "chocolate is good for your diet" claim. I was pretty shocked reading that the media actually believed it, things seem really bad in the health journalism sector. [2015-09-28 11:29:30] <voidiss> By the way, Corbyn is definitely great. [2015-09-28 11:35:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, health/medical journalism is in terrible shape, most journalists don't have any understanding and assume that a PhD or University spokesperson knows everything and don't question it, without looking into conflicts of interest or checking the actual data or studies for quality. Typical of modern journalism. Don't question 'authorities', just go for the nice headline. [2015-09-28 11:36:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Corbyn does seem pretty cool. Wish we had someone like that running instead of the morons I've got to decide amongst. [2015-09-28 11:40:48] <WikiLeaks> Corbyn is solid, his party is full of evil though. [2015-09-28 11:43:02] <WISE Up Action> Hi Jenny, just on Trump, are the tactics he used on his Scottish property development known about in US? [2015-09-28 11:44:57] <voidiss> About the similarities and differences between Corbyn and Sanders in the US, there is this interesting interview with Chomsky -- which actually is broader, about movements of change and current capitalist system: [2015-09-28 11:48:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't know about Trump's Scottish property development, but I can believe just about anything about his business practices. He's already falling; his early poll results were just surprise, celebrity name value, and irritation with typical politicians. No one wants another Clinton or Bush race. At least not anyone I know. But Trump's a moron trading on celebrity status and even against the rest of the idiots running, he won't actually get far. It's still over a year to go. [2015-09-28 11:50:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> There are things I like about Sanders and things that bother me. My parents will vote for him, though they don't think he has a chance. I think they're wrong, I think he could beat Clinton. I just wish he stood up better on a number of my key issues and I worry about how much some of his promises, if he got them through, would cost the taxpayer. I'm not yet convinced on him yet. [2015-09-28 11:54:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually, I feel about Sanders like I do about Rand Paul -- sometimes they nail it, sometimes they really F* it up. Unless my party, Libertarians, come up with an actually strong candidate, no sign of that yet, I'll probably vote for one of those two (probably a lesser of two evils vote again). [2015-09-28 14:54:45] <Emmy B> Very interesting, frustratingly I cannot vote where I live in National elections only local and London Mayor but Corbyn's ideas are so refreshing to hear. [2015-09-28 14:55:39] <Emmy B> Cabledrummer is awl since 31st August!!! site down. [2015-09-28 16:16:22] <Emmy B> James Ball article on Intelexit [2015-09-28 17:00:15] <voidiss> Thanks, Emmy! [2015-09-28 17:00:33] <voidiss> I've found another article about Corbyn/Sanders and US Democrats in general. It doesn't give a nice image of Sanders: [2015-09-29 01:05:15] <voidiss> Again the silly idea that activists like protesting for protest's sake and simply to "feel good" opposing politics. [2015-09-29 01:05:24] <voidiss> [Tweet] And of course Ball's approval. [2015-09-29 05:38:01] <Emmy B> Greek/Swedish corruption it takes 2 to dance [2015-09-29 05:42:46] <Emmy B> So happy the story taro and I wrote about back in 2013 hoping it be picked by the Snowden revelations team has finally been reported on with all new evidence [2015-09-29 05:43:25] <Emmy B> I note the Intercept also uses WL cables too in putting the jigsaw together. [2015-09-29 11:37:07] <WISE Up Action> [2015-09-29 14:33:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> If that really is Snowden starting a Twitter account and it appears real, that's going to be very interesting to follow! [2015-09-29 14:34:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, BTW, who is this David Barrow person who tweeted at me to use my own name, which is ridiculous because I am using my real name. [2015-09-29 16:54:02] <Emmy B> Stay away from him Jenny, he is a very unwell person. x [2015-09-29 16:58:58] <Emmy B> Great interview WL at the Book Launch, great positive atmosphere as well at Foyles :-) [2015-09-30 00:19:45] <Emmy B> Jenny Jones did ask the Mayor a Q on my behalf back in June, just got feedback, I will update my blog later today :-) [2015-09-30 04:41:44] <WikiLeaks> Great. [2015-09-30 09:03:17] <noll> just in case anyone yet to come across - Philip Zimbardo's psychology of heroism (& check out related articles links at the bottom, esp. 'The Banality of Heroism'): [2015-09-30 09:21:25] <noll> also, PZ on Jim Jones, who shares so much in common w/ so many in positions of power: [2015-09-30 09:33:30] <noll> finally, PZ's Lucifer Effect - "Killing Your Children on Command": [2015-09-30 11:03:36] <voidiss> From bad to worse! We started with WikiLeaks being "malicious foreign actor", now every journalist could be "unprivileged belligerent" [2015-09-30 14:17:37] <Emmy B> Very short May and June responses to MetPol costing re Embassy siege [2015-09-30 15:25:19] <M> New Hillary emails released. 50 or so on WikiLeaks (also good to search things like 'wiki', 'WL', 'wikipedia'). [2015-09-30 15:25:29] <M> [2015-09-30 15:25:48] <M> A lot of forwarded news articles and some repeats from the last release. [2015-09-30 15:32:25] <noll> re previous, Robert Cialdini's 6 principles of compliance: [2015-09-30 15:32:46] <M> - pondering how to respond to EC dispelling US ambassador [2015-09-30 15:42:54] <voidiss> An email analyzing worldwide reactions both by media and government bodies to 2010 cables: [2015-09-30 15:46:23] <M> - cont. conversation about the unshown Swedish WL cartoon. HC: "It certainly hits the mark! Can you hand me a wrench?" PJ: "I can think of several folks for you to toss that wrench at!" [2015-09-30 15:53:54] <voidiss> Dealing with Turkey FM on WikiLeaks issue: [2015-09-30 15:57:56] <voidiss> Essential parts in this email are redacted, but I suppose it's about State Department calling various governments' members about WL issue: [2015-09-30 16:00:12] <voidiss> Apparently, Hillary's "leadership around WikiLeaks has inspired people in the country, it encourages them to overcome the unexpected challenges they face in their own lives" [2015-09-30 16:20:59] <voidiss> Remember the "cables show that US govt is telling the truth" argument they were trying to push: [2015-09-30 16:25:20] <voidiss> More reports on media coverage in Sri Lanka and Maldives: [2015-09-30 16:33:02] <WikiLeaks> good work going through these. [2015-09-30 16:37:40] <M> Thanks! [2015-09-30 16:45:49] <voidiss> :) [2015-09-30 16:50:12] <M> Oh FYI, I think that was the wrong 60 Mins interview. That one is Australia 2013, this one is US 2011: [2015-09-30 16:50:53] <WikiLeaks> Oops/ [2015-09-30 16:54:12] <WikiLeaks> That Mills email is [barf]. [2015-09-30 16:57:42] <M> The "leadership" one isn't from Mills. She was cc'd on it. The author is redacted. [2015-09-30 16:57:44] <voidiss> Indeed! Ass-licking over and over. [2015-09-30 17:03:08] <WikiLeaks> You're right. [2015-09-30 17:03:42] <WikiLeaks> So we must speculate who is the H arse licker. [2015-09-30 17:04:03] <WikiLeaks> If any of our staff tried that we'd fire them immediately. [2015-09-30 17:08:25] <M> Only thing they're good for is ego-boosting. [2015-09-30 17:10:05] <WikiLeaks> It's manipulative and not sound advice. [2015-09-30 17:12:11] <voidiss> It adds to the State Department's "religious tendency". [2015-09-30 17:12:46] <voidiss> Look here! They're almost complaining of technology and the diffusion of information it brings: [2015-09-30 17:12:55] <M> I think FUBAR was more what Hillary needed to hear. [2015-09-30 17:18:07] <WikiLeaks> It's amusing that she'd never heard the phrase before even through the Monica 90s. [2015-09-30 17:18:31] <WikiLeaks> WikiLeaks took Hillary's FUBAR virginity. [2015-09-30 17:29:56] <voidiss> LOL. A well-deserved taking, she will never forget it again. [2015-10-01 05:13:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL. Thanks Emmy for the advice. Interesting H emails. It's not like she needs her ego enlarged, but certain types of people like to kowtow to authority to get privileges in return. [2015-10-01 05:15:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not surprising H tried to manipulate the media. Probably works more often than not. Sadly. [2015-10-01 05:39:33] <Emmy B> Agree Jenny! personally I would love a lady in the top job but HC is a great disappointment. I can hardly assess Democratic domestic policies (other than what NSA has been up to) as I do not follow politics in the US much but US foreign policy has been one and the same like the Republicans so truly abhorrent. [2015-10-01 05:54:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, we need a high quality female candidate. Voting someone in just b/c of gender would be just as problematic as voting Obama in b/c of his skin color. Obama has been a disaster and I warned my family & friends he would be but everyone felt good about voting for a black President without considering whether he'd be a GOOD President. [2015-10-01 05:59:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> These days, there really isn't as much of a difference b/w the Democrats and the Republicans as they and the media would like you to believe. They squabble over things, usually to no useful end, but actually, they pretty much end up doing the same thing. Given the diversity of this country and the corruption in the two parties, any candidate who hopes to win either has to run on nebulous 'change' as Obama did or they wash themselves out to mean nothing and everything. Some day we'll see someone take strong stances and get elected, I hope - I'm suspecting Bernie Sanders could be a contender, much as Ron Paul was. The issue is winning in the end, but the power, media, and money against such candidates is tough to beat. [2015-10-01 06:03:04] <LibertarianLibrarian> Much of the problem is the corruption of the mass media. And the reliance of campaigns on how much money they can spend. I, personally, think that there should be limits on how much anyone or any group, whether 'non-profit' or 'profit' can contribute, and limits on how much candidates can spend. Particularly the latter. We should set a definite limit to campaign spending and apply it to all candidates equally. I'm beginning to think we should also ban media organizations from endorsing candidates. [2015-10-01 06:05:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> The last may not be constitutional but we need some way to curtail corrupt mass media from influencing people's votes. Not sure if there's a way around that one. [2015-10-01 08:34:06] <noll> just want to quickly drop in, haven't heard mentioned & relates to/ expands a point made suring JA/ Fowler talk: Wls docs make a great history of the 'phraseology' of power. it's not just that the language is there, you can see it being developed before entering lexicon. ie. [2015-10-01 08:34:41] <noll> // searching for: "constructive ambiguity" [2015-10-01 08:34:57] <noll> *during [2015-10-01 08:40:41] <noll> also, flagging up this again: Wise Up - CManning supporters/ Courage org etc, really should review Philip Zimbardo's recent work, it's a great, fully contextualised counter to the self-serving 'anti-whistleblower theories' by likes of Gibney. [2015-10-01 12:49:25] <voidiss> Craig Murray on "Russian evil bombings" and Corbyn that "opened a Pandora’s box of ideas" [2015-10-01 13:18:31] <noll> "An error has been detected" that's Google trends on any Wls related search term. [2015-10-01 13:55:09] <noll> wrong link earlier re euphemisms: [2015-10-01 14:04:32] <M> Haha. CBS has responded to accusation of 60 Mins "planting" questions by saying Crowley was just trying to suck up to Hillary: "The idea of a 'plant' is as preposterous as this email writer’s attempt to get credit from his boss. We spoke to many sources for this story." [2015-10-01 14:22:03] <voidiss> LOL. It would be funny if now Crowley came out with another response claiming CBS is a bunch of liars who did planted questions to suck up to State Department. [2015-10-01 14:24:56] <M> Crowley has responded. "We offered our perspective to ’60 Minutes’ on the issue and our perspective wasn’t necessarily unique and, sure, probably some of that was reflected in the questions that Steve Kroft asked... I didn’t need to talk myself up to Hillary. If I said that in an e-mail, then I probably suggested some lines of inquiry and if some of that bore fruit, then fine, great." [2015-10-01 14:38:09] <voidiss> Well, predictable answer, he doesn't expose himself either on one side or the other, he doesn't say either "no they didn't plant anything" or "yes they did plant". By the way, this is a written version of the interview, I think: [2015-10-01 15:32:25] <Emmy B> FT on UK's role in SA UNHR place: [2015-10-01 19:25:49] <noll> 'deconfliction' [2015-10-02 00:24:48] <M> David Crouch on the horrific racism plaguing Sweden [2015-10-02 03:11:01] <voidiss> SWEDHR's analysis about Sweden collaboration on killing decision in Afghanistan and NATO membership: [2015-10-02 03:17:51] <voidiss> They underline three possible consequences of the involvement in Afghanistan. [2015-10-02 03:18:15] <voidiss> 1) Sweden govt acted illegally and this is known also thanks to WL, so this may be the reason of Assange case. [2015-10-02 03:18:31] <voidiss> 2) This collaboration may be used to back NATO membership. [2015-10-02 03:18:45] <voidiss> 3) Sweden is now presented as HR champion with refugees but have responsibilities for Afghan ones. [2015-10-02 06:21:34] <voidiss> Oops, sorry! Wrong link, this is the SWEDHR's analysis: [2015-10-02 07:21:44] <WISE Up Action> @alexnunns quotes JA on threat from security services (to Corbyn) in this Corbyn piece for Le Monde which has made front page. English here: [2015-10-02 08:19:36] <M> Odd. I remember David Crouch's article using "niggerballs" as opposed to "negroballs". And if you look at some of the comments, it seems that way too. [2015-10-02 08:20:23] <M> [Tweet] Ah ha. [2015-10-02 08:20:41] <M> [Tweet] Ah ha. [2015-10-02 08:34:30] <voidiss> An article about Sweden's role in Syria. It funds the Syrian Coalition which has connections with Al-Qaeda and "is complicit in crimes at least as serious as those the Swedish government accuse the Syrian government of". Again, Sweden may not be the "biggest villain" (as Turkey, Qatar, US etc), but it's complicit [2015-10-02 08:40:20] <WikiLeaks> Our pet conspiracy theory is that it is taking Syrian refugees as its contribution to the US war effort. It admitted to doing that in cables in relation to Iraq. [2015-10-02 08:41:46] <WikiLeaks> For Syria, pumping out the Syrian middle class to Sweden and Germany, i.e all the engineers and bureaucrats, will cause the government to eventually collapse. [2015-10-02 09:01:30] <voidiss> Following this theory, do you think that also other EU countries' decision to take in many refugees (like Germany, for example) could have been prompted by US as a war strategy against Syrian government? [2015-10-02 09:04:27] <WikiLeaks> Germany is possible. It is deeply involved with US military structures though we hear there's also a desire by German industrialists to lower wages. Could also be smart strategy to get the "best" refugees first, rather than having to deal with the floor of poor and esperate that will come later. [2015-10-02 09:04:50] <WikiLeaks> floor=flood [2015-10-02 09:20:48] <voidiss> Well, the first hypothesis would explain why Germany stated it will welcome only war-zone i.e. Syrian refugees and instead leave out Balkan ones: [2015-10-02 09:22:46] <voidiss> Thank you for the insight, btw! [2015-10-02 09:53:46] <voidiss> As if by coincidence Al Qaeda's Nusra comes out again in the news, this time it's used to criticize Russian attacks [2015-10-02 09:54:12] <voidiss> Apparently not considered a terrorist org anymore by NYT (?) [2015-10-02 09:55:15] <voidiss> The article speculates that Obama actually doesn't want "regime change" in Syria.. but also Hillary emails show that likely this isn't true. [2015-10-02 10:26:04] <Bean> [Tweet] FUBAR tees [2015-10-02 12:36:38] <voidiss> I was trying to search the cables WL cited about Iraqi refugees. I don't think I've found the exact cables... but in this one Iraq govt is said to try to discourage migration from the country (and France/Germany were involved): [2015-10-02 18:00:55] <M> Presenter of that BBC programme currently trying to defend his attacks on WL: [2015-10-03 03:14:05] <voidiss> [Tweet] Another wonderful example of Swedish justice (very similar to JA case's modus operandi): preliminary investigation closed after 7 years for 'lack of evidence', after statute of limitation on some allegations. With a ridiculous compensation.,00.shtml [2015-10-03 08:53:16] <M> JA referred to as "autistic, megalomaniac sex creep" in Jonathan Franzen's new book Purity. [2015-10-03 09:55:59] <WikiLeaks> JA or JA's character in the book? [2015-10-03 10:06:04] <M> JA. [2015-10-03 10:06:23] <M> Let me get exact quote from video. [2015-10-03 10:10:25] <voidiss> Here is an excerpt from the book, I think:,+megalomaniac+sex+creep%22+Franzen+Purity&source=bl&ots=R2cZioR-ni&sig=4l48H0KsDycdLa_hEphFDG1h2tw&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAmoVChMInuflqeOmyAIVTLoUCh2ZRQc-#v=onepage&q=assange%20%22autistic%2C%20megalomaniac%20sex%20creep%22%20Franzen%20Purity&f=false [2015-10-03 10:11:05] <M> Q: "It may be professional jealousy on his part, but he (referring to Andreas, major char in book) refers to Assange as that autistic, megalomaniac sex creep." Franzen: "Yes." Q: "You don't mince your words... I mean, not suggesting that you said think that." [2015-10-03 10:11:48] <M> And then Franzen says how it's a sort-of rivalry thing (between JA-esque character and JA). [2015-10-03 10:33:42] <M> Complete e-book: [2015-10-03 10:37:05] <M> The book again says "Creepy sex stuff had already tarred Assange’s reputation.", though this is not a character quote/thought, just narration. [2015-10-03 10:37:52] <M> “I do read the newspaper, pussycat. This is the group that the sex criminal started.” “No, you see?” Pip said. “You see? You’re thinking of Wikileaks. You don’t know anything about the Project. You live in the mountains and you don’t know anything.” [2015-10-03 10:53:11] <voidiss> "Andreas imagines people googling 'tad milliken', seeing the words 'Andreas Wolf' and 'statutory rape' on the first pages of results, conflating his blondness and his line of work with the unfortunate ortographic proximity of 'Andreas' to 'Assange'." [2015-10-03 10:57:55] <voidiss> And further, "from the example of Assange, he'd learned the folly of making messianic claims about his mission" referring to Andreas Wolf, immediately after he's said to have refused to upload some docs for fear. And WikiLeaks is described in Andreas words as a "neutral and unfiltered platform". [2015-10-03 10:58:10] <voidiss> Wow. This book is a full-blown smearing. [2015-10-03 11:26:00] <WikiLeaks> The author's father is a Swede. [2015-10-03 11:29:37] <WikiLeaks> Hard to say. It's anothe rself-indulgent novelist opportunistically sucking down the zeitgeist. [2015-10-03 12:09:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I've found myself critiquing or at least questioning anything I read these days that doesn't offer direct access to evidentiary support. Of course, in fiction you can pretty much say anything. I sure hope get the difference between fiction and fact, as popular media has a huge cultural impact, both reflecting it and influencing it. [2015-10-03 12:09:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I sure hope *people* get... [2015-10-03 13:30:16] <Emmy B> It seems any reference to WL/JA is sure to get attention by the media and interviews/reviews always come out in Google searches. Who is the guy anyway? [2015-10-03 13:39:01] <Emmy B> Entertaining review of Purity: "White Male Educated Middle Class" - will love it :-) [2015-10-03 17:33:11] <WISE Up Action> WLs @ 23.27 of latest @AbbyMartin @EmpireFiles on history of SaudiArabia [2015-10-04 08:11:14] <voidiss> Oh, finally UK has decided to come out in the daylight and admit their fuck-human-rights policy [2015-10-04 08:23:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> Obama has apparently asked for an 'investigation' of the attack on the MSF hospital. Some poor scapegoat will be found or it'll be disappeared once the news moves on. Blah blah. Such a hypocrite! [2015-10-04 08:57:56] <WikiLeaks> Freemasons are still influential in the UK police. [2015-10-04 08:59:22] <WikiLeaks> They're still powerful in Sweden, where they have integrated into the establishment to such an extent that the King is the chief Freemason. [2015-10-04 09:00:51] <WikiLeaks> You can use '|' for an OR [2015-10-04 09:02:00] <WikiLeaks> But note that it binds more tightly than space, so: a b|c d searches for: a (b OR c) d, but you can quote: "a b"|"c d" [2015-10-04 12:10:35] <Emmy B> Washington advised Athens closely & directly in debt negotiations [2015-10-04 15:12:01] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-04 17:14:37] <noll> haha.. "Having considered the information requested for release, I have found that it is exempt from release under the Act." [2015-10-04 22:16:38] <noll> this is worthwhile re previous topic: [2015-10-05 06:26:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> I assume it's AND'ing behind the scenes so actually "a and (b or c) and d" ? [2015-10-05 14:04:18] <M> Hah. How interesting. Scientology Freedom Magazine doing a piece on "We Steal Secrets". [2015-10-05 15:35:10] <M> Ai Weiwei found his apartment bugged upon returning to Beijing. [2015-10-05 15:37:46] <voidiss> During the anti-Tories protest in Manchester there were some armed police snipers on the rooftops: [2015-10-06 14:33:49] <voidiss> Ohoh, Barret Brown on Franzen and Purity! [2015-10-06 14:38:44] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing Greta <3 [2015-10-06 18:03:58] <M> Handful of errors in this article, but this one is bad: "Last week [Assange] was drawn into commenting on the rise of Islamic State and defending his organisation’s role in helping the terror group prosper." [2015-10-06 22:50:57] <M> US denies plot against Morales, Bolivia still plans to investigate [2015-10-07 04:24:21] <voidiss> New EU plan for Libyan smugglers has been announced. And see how reluctant and evasive the representatives are: [2015-10-07 04:26:05] <voidiss> "EU officials've been vague abt how their plan will be put into action, spox for the op repeatedly avoiding direct questions on the subject" [2015-10-07 06:05:22] <M> WLF scheming again [2015-10-07 06:10:13] <Emmy B> yes I saw that *sigh* [2015-10-07 06:12:03] <Emmy B> maybe I should go rattle their cage see if they share some more... [2015-10-07 08:39:56] <noll> Wls, correct link: [2015-10-07 09:16:08] <M> [Tweet] Authors of the LatAm chapter in WikiLeaks Files denying that US planned to assassinate/overthrow Morales [2015-10-07 19:21:21] <noll> important case re politicization & US grand jury system: [2015-10-07 23:53:59] <M> Studio 10 discussed JA yesterday. I can't get clip to play; may be region-blocked. [2015-10-09 06:22:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> I can't play the Studio 10 clip either, so you may be right. [2015-10-09 06:23:59] <Emmy B> i can't either! [2015-10-09 06:24:40] <Emmy B> Congratulations WL one more great release!!!! :-) [2015-10-09 06:25:14] <Emmy B> and the kunduz pledge excellent initiative! [2015-10-09 06:25:58] <voidiss> Yes! Absolutely great, perfectly timed! Finally we have that damn text! Thank you and the anonymous whistleblower! :D [2015-10-09 06:28:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wodnerful! [2015-10-09 06:29:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oops...wonderful! [2015-10-09 10:00:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, just came across this journal commentary in PubMed: "WikiLeaks of lead extraction: do we know the truth about Fidelis and Riata?" [2015-10-09 10:39:51] <Emmy B> thanks Jenny :-) [2015-10-09 10:40:14] <Emmy B> re tpp replacing Classification systems with copyright tools (corporate law) another privatisation of national security? [2015-10-09 11:51:22] <M> [Tweet] Heh. [2015-10-09 11:56:29] <M> I wish Bernie Sanders would comment on TPP leaks, especially since he's been staunchly against it for quite some time. But his comments on WL seem to be zilch, and few on Snowden. [2015-10-09 11:57:16] <Emmy B> well lets [2015-10-09 11:58:22] <Emmy B> consider what would national sec establishment would do to BS [2015-10-09 11:58:58] <Emmy B> if he came out with pro WL/Snowden comments... [2015-10-09 12:02:40] <M> Snowden he's spoken against the surveillance he revealed, but has reserved comments re Snowden himself. I am curious as to why he hasn't done the same for TPP releases. [2015-10-09 12:24:20] <WikiLeaks> Sanders is not great on foreign policy issues. [2015-10-09 12:26:31] <Emmy B> who advises him? on F [2015-10-09 12:26:40] <Emmy B> P? [2015-10-09 12:33:18] <Emmy B> [2015-10-09 12:33:56] <Emmy B> what kind of accent does BS have? [2015-10-09 12:34:53] <Emmy B> he says some good things ie black lives matter [2015-10-09 12:39:13] <M> Sanders has a Brooklyn accent. [2015-10-09 12:43:52] <Emmy B> :-) thx - very Holywood [2015-10-09 15:24:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's some New England in his voice as well as the Brooklyn. Living 51 miles from Brooklyn that accent can really hit you. His is much lessened. [2015-10-09 15:26:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> I have seriously mixed thoughts on Sanders. As WL said, his foreign policy isn't great, what there is of it. And I, too, am waiting for him to take a stand on surveillance and whistleblowers. [2015-10-09 15:26:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> Keeping his head down on the topic doesn't sell him to me. [2015-10-10 10:37:29] <voidiss> Still no news from Sweden-Ecuador talks... I'm starting to worry, what are they doing? [2015-10-10 10:45:00] <Emmy B> I saw an article in spanish... [2015-10-10 10:51:09] <M> Yes. They're having another meeting in Ecuador soon. [2015-10-10 10:52:11] <M> Patino: "In Sweden we have agreed that the relationship between the two countries should establish an international criminal assistance agreement, it can not just be that they go to interview Assange." [2015-10-10 11:10:45] <Emmy B> Yes, that's the one! Thank you very much! [2015-10-10 11:31:41] <Emmy B> I have placed a comment here regarding CUSReferendum: [2015-10-10 11:32:01] <Emmy B> Let's see what trolls are out and about this time round... [2015-10-10 15:24:53] <voidiss> Thank you very much for the link! [2015-10-11 06:14:06] <noll> interesting that CUS' Speakers Officer is vacant, compare: [2015-10-11 06:19:20] <noll> ps. "Michaelmas takes place on September 29, 2015" & unlike every other position: [2015-10-11 06:26:05] <noll> if Sachin isn't there - what is this comment? [2015-10-11 06:28:33] <noll> & here: [2015-10-11 07:05:28] <noll> [2015-10-11 07:18:41] <Emmy B> the issue term card does not include JA also several other speakers including Naomi Wolf and Vivien Westwood are listed but without confirmed dates... the shambles? [2015-10-11 07:20:05] <Emmy B> p 39 - [2015-10-11 09:27:04] <M> CUSU Women’s Officer statement on resigning because of Assange referendum: [2015-10-11 09:45:33] <WikiLeaks> [2015-10-11 09:45:37] <Emmy B> How wrong the world is when truth is distorted by entrenched interests and how ignorant this young lady sounds. [2015-10-11 09:46:17] <WikiLeaks> Would be helpful if people could correct the errors in that "refused to stand trial" etc. [2015-10-11 09:47:05] <Emmy B> Already we populated the hashtags with facts, we'll continue. [2015-10-11 09:48:40] <Emmy B> For those who do not know please note: [2015-10-11 09:49:16] <Emmy B> quote: "then the attempt to host this man in the same term as a Consent Forum designed to look at the hostility surrounding those brave enough to step forward and speak out, is worth bearing in mind" unquote [2015-10-11 09:49:40] <Emmy B> The Consent Forum is outlined here: [2015-10-11 09:50:04] <Emmy B> [2015-10-11 09:50:54] <Emmy B> within those to attend is Queer Strike, a years long supporter of Julian Assange WikiLeaks and Chelsea Mannning [2015-10-11 09:51:49] <Emmy B> See Queer Strike FB page confirming attendance of the event here: [2015-10-11 09:53:13] <Emmy B> Queer Strike have from the beginning supported Julian Assange together with PayDay Network and Women Against Rape. All three organisations continue to support in word and deed and with their feet in the various vigils JA WL and Chelsea Manning [2015-10-11 09:53:37] <Emmy B> Other attendants of the Consent Forum [2015-10-11 09:55:44] <M> Justice 4 Assange posted a fact-checker specifically for the issue, which can be used when responding to the errors: [2015-10-11 09:56:34] <Emmy B> like the 'All African Women's Group' have marched in defence of WikiLeaks Chelsea Manning and in support of Edna's Law at London Pride, please see here their banners at the Facebook banner page of Queer strike from this year's London Pride in June [2015-10-11 09:56:39] <Emmy B> [2015-10-11 09:57:08] <WikiLeaks> 4 union officers have resigned, including the women's officer. Though it seems the other resignations may be unconnected, the media won't say that. [2015-10-11 09:57:39] <Emmy B> One of the organisers Didi specifically asked me to include Julian Assange in the chants during the march they are definitely 'on our side' [2015-10-11 09:57:47] <WikiLeaks> Frankly, it's likely the resignation ofHellen Dallas was opportunistic as well. [2015-10-11 09:58:30] <WikiLeaks> But the referendum may be an opportunity to educate. [2015-10-11 10:00:18] <Emmy B> I have twitted at Silky Carlo a Cambridge Alumni about it, not sure if she picks up Twitter notifications, I see if I still have her e-mail address to let her know about what is going on... she is a super lady. [2015-10-11 10:00:18] <voidiss> I think it was opportunistic too. The other members tried to find a 'balance' with proposing her to ask the firs question etc etc, and if her aim was simply to highlight her point of view of the matter she would have accepted. Instead she went on with the most radical action, resigning, to make the point that "look at what Assange is doing to our community". [2015-10-11 10:01:14] <Emmy B> Certainly an opportunity to educate but who is going to do it as this is only open to members and alumni [2015-10-11 10:01:28] <Emmy B> so much bias in UK press [2015-10-11 10:04:39] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-11 10:06:18] <Emmy B> A photo is worth a thousand words, here we are at London Pride and you can see two of the organisations attending the Consent Forum are in support of WL, JA and all whistleblowers. [2015-10-11 10:07:12] <Emmy B> You can see one of the Pink placards on Chelsea's banner mentioning Assange and he was included in all our chants [2015-10-11 10:07:47] <voidiss> Oh, yes, Did was at the 'Holy Trinity Of Whistleblowers' play! [2015-10-11 10:07:53] <voidiss> *Didi [2015-10-11 10:09:07] <voidiss> Anyway, I know a guy who studied at Cambridge and has just finished last year. I have contacted him, maybe he knows someone who could bring some actual facts in there, instead of all these smearings and libels. [2015-10-11 10:09:19] <Emmy B> Exactly Greta you met her yourself, Queer Strike as a collective as well as PayDay Network with whom they work closely support WL/JA. Charlie Chorley certainly does not represent the Consent Forum attendees and does not speak in their name. [2015-10-11 10:13:19] <Emmy B> I shall contact Silky and Didi, in the meanwhile we put facts out there and let them boil in their own juices. I will be very much surprised if Queer strike and PayDay don't issue statements as well as Women Against Rape, their representative came outside the Embassy on 4th of April in support of JA and later during an Edna's Law meeting in Westminster repeated their support I doubt they will walk away now. xxx We keep going :-) [2015-10-11 10:16:10] <voidiss> Yes, Didi even sent me an email in which she explicitly said "we work with Payday to support Assange, Chelsea Manning and other whistleblowers". Clearer than this is impossible! Let's wait for their statement. [2015-10-11 10:22:23] <Emmy B> We have to let them do their stuff and not interfere in public I will alert them since Ms Chorley is mentioning the Consent Forum in her statement. [2015-10-11 10:23:12] <Emmy B> But Once more, the women Against rape statement would be good to add to the hashtag Greta, you know which one I mean? [2015-10-11 10:25:56] <WikiLeaks> Ha:,00.shtml [2015-10-11 10:26:09] <voidiss> Yes, this one: [2015-10-11 10:28:45] <voidiss> That "Josh2" comment is great. But the best phrase is: "Somebody could already today accuse Oliver and/or Gareth of sticking their private parts in the mouth of a dead pig, and turn it into a charge." LOL [2015-10-11 10:34:09] <Emmy B> yes that's it Greta! well found. Also see whether there are any more recent affirmations quoted, I know they stand by that original article but let's see if we can find something more recent. [2015-10-11 10:35:27] <voidiss> I'll search! [2015-10-11 10:38:18] <Emmy B> Rix is as usual quick and spot on, always a pleasure to read:-) but a personal attack on Mosley via his fascist ancestor attaching it to the hashtag is not fair and weakens his position in this effort. Corbyn was attacked similarly with the cruelty of his workhouse master ancestor... not fair [2015-10-11 10:40:36] <voidiss> Yes, on that point I disagree, I haven't retweeted his tweets about that. But this article isn't focused on that, and it makes some important points, so maybe it's worth using it anyway... [2015-10-11 10:41:53] <Emmy B> I have shared the article and will do again, I think he got a bit over excited hehehe [2015-10-11 10:43:43] <voidiss> Oh, well, likely. And I can understand him -- all this shit is definitely absurd. [2015-10-11 10:43:57] <Emmy B> poor Mosley junior really having such an ancestor and if you check his timeline he professes to support Labour although cannot help himself and border the politically incorrect himself...wait for it: [2015-10-11 10:44:38] <WikiLeaks> Mosley is much more problematic elsewhere. He worked for the deputy minister of justice 2010-2012, is a tory, pals with mensch, and went to eton. [2015-10-11 10:45:31] <WikiLeaks> But he's likely anti-feminist. [2015-10-11 10:45:59] <Emmy B> *cough cough* perhaps: [2015-10-11 10:48:07] <WikiLeaks> #ThanksSNP is surely satire. [2015-10-11 10:51:02] <M> I think it's a riff on the "Thanks, Obama" meme. [2015-10-11 10:54:13] <Emmy B> Well being Greek a lot of the Anglosaxon humour is lost to me. But here the object of his satire is a young woman as old as he is with a first class degree and the youngest MP. Yes she is tweeting about pasta. Mosley defines who Black is by her sex 'the woman' is just above 'her indoors' in my book, and her simple tweet. Whilst her predecessor is defined by the status of the office he held 'Secretary of the Treasury'. It is very telling of what he aspires, but what about the reference to racisim? I don't get the joke there at all. [2015-10-11 10:55:49] <Emmy B> Is it because of her name being Black? no idea [2015-10-11 10:57:33] <voidiss> Oh, well. About his sexism, this can make the point, I think: [2015-10-11 16:24:29] <Emmy B> [2015-10-11 16:47:37] <Emmy B> has anyone checked whether Guardian US may find the perfect chance to publish that SW interview ? [2015-10-12 03:27:28] <Emmy B> some thoughts for context [2015-10-12 03:47:34] <Emmy B> Here we go Telegraph picks up the story: [2015-10-12 03:48:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-12 03:51:11] <Emmy B> I have tweeted the author and added the justice4assange fact checker as a comment on the online article. [2015-10-12 03:52:42] <Emmy B> Oh, he responded already, the press releases work WL! [2015-10-12 03:53:53] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-12 04:10:38] <Emmy B> the telegraph has already made one update: [2015-10-12 04:11:35] <Emmy B> [Media-image] From this [2015-10-12 04:17:41] <Emmy B> to this: [2015-10-12 04:20:53] <Emmy B> Telegraph has added an online poll 'should Assange speak?' currently 4 votes casted 25% Yes 75% no [2015-10-12 04:26:32] <Emmy B> spoke too soon, the telegraph added just two sentences from the justice4assange press statement: [2015-10-12 04:27:13] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-12 04:46:25] <Emmy B> He is now wanting me to e-mail him the errors he has made in the quotation marks !!!! he has no intention in representing fairly the facts. [2015-10-12 05:17:48] <Emmy B> He has not corrected the errors and half of the URLs I added in the comments section are not working despite the fact I have edited and checked my comment. What am I doing wrong? [2015-10-12 05:26:42] <Emmy B> On a very happy note: [2015-10-12 06:17:49] <voidiss> Oh my god. The MET police has decided to leave the physical siege at the Embassy. Oh. My. God. [2015-10-12 06:18:39] <voidiss> They continue the operation tonarrest JA if he goes out the Embassy, but not with physical presence of police officers. [2015-10-12 06:19:09] <voidiss> Anyway, of course: "The MPS will not discuss what form its continuing operation will take or the resourcing implications surrounding it." [2015-10-12 06:19:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] And more good news: hahaha [2015-10-12 06:20:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> They took long enough to do that, it's been unproportionate for years, but still fantastic news! Of course, they'll have surveillance everywhere. Still, glad to see Met finally found some better use for all those officers. Bet it was a budget issue. [2015-10-12 06:27:10] <voidiss> I would really like to know what other they have in plan to keep the operation going. We know they would have never let the siege go without having a solid alternative, so now they must feel "strong" enough to do so. And I'm wondering what tools they have. Also, I'm wondering if it isn't a strategy to weaken the pressure JA case could put on various governments/courts with the proportionality issue. But anyway, these are good news, finally it has happened! [2015-10-12 06:30:22] <Emmy B> Personally I am very happy about this, we can return in putting posters Up on the railings without the police taking them down immediately and have a more pleasant vigil. Still, the embassy security must remain strong. I wonder whether we will soon hear from the UNWG on Arbitrary Detention and maybe this had to do something with it. Jenny Jones though have been consistent in raising this issue again and again with the Mayor of London and at London Assembly. her last enquiry: [2015-10-12 06:39:42] <Emmy B> [2015-10-12 06:39:58] <Emmy B> went unanswered. [2015-10-12 07:01:10] <WikiLeaks> There were a number of measures about to be taken against them including at the security council over breaches of the Vienna convention. [2015-10-12 07:09:32] <voidiss> Do you mean that you will bring the MET in court over the breach? [2015-10-12 07:47:42] <noll> Guardian covers w/ an: "according to documents seen by the Ecuadorian news website Focus Ecuador and BuzzFeed UK." [2015-10-12 07:50:28] <noll> ongoing Tom Watson debacle will negatively effect advocacy. he's due to speak 4.30. [2015-10-12 09:34:10] <Emmy B> More on the Cambridge internal stuff [2015-10-12 09:41:18] <M> WL calls out UK journos as retards, journos continue to prove WL right. [2015-10-12 09:54:13] <Emmy B> true! [2015-10-12 09:55:32] <Emmy B> I know the day has been difficult, but I love Asterix so here I go again.... :-D [2015-10-12 09:56:19] <Emmy B> Even without knowing French it puts a smile on my face :-) [2015-10-12 09:57:07] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-12 09:58:17] <Emmy B> and we are welcoming Cabledrummer back from the desert! *double smile* [2015-10-12 14:34:43] <M> Not sure if this has been posted yet. TCS interview with Union President re Assange referendum debacle [2015-10-12 15:01:41] <M> Swedish prosec statement re police removal [2015-10-12 15:28:01] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-13 02:29:11] <Emmy B> Thank you M, I have dropped some lines on the Comments section of the article here: [2015-10-13 03:39:53] <voidiss> Great Rixstep article answering back to Chortley and the Union. Interesting thoughts on presumption of innocence.,00.shtml [2015-10-13 03:42:24] <Emmy B> Yep! [2015-10-13 07:21:39] <M> Ball is back to publishing alleged Ecuador docs. [2015-10-13 08:03:55] <Emmy B> Well very interesting to see what UN says about the UK opinions on Embassies. [2015-10-13 08:04:06] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! [2015-10-13 08:11:32] <noll> 'If You’re Not Paranoid, You’re Crazy' [2015-10-13 08:59:03] <noll> shame that article is crap - b/c makes several good points & framing - road trip ending w/ encounter w/ NSA black helicopter - could have been great. [2015-10-13 09:02:57] <noll> fyi - our FOI re JA assassination is still stalled, HO simply ignoring ICO, but process is moving forwards one step at a time - god alone know why HO continues not to just Glomar it. [2015-10-13 09:09:34] <Emmy B> Thank you H :-) [2015-10-13 09:13:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-13 09:13:58] <Emmy B> [2015-10-13 09:16:16] <Emmy B> Above is statement from the Greek foreign ministry they reject Greek navy and armed forces to to be assigned in general in dealing with refugees of war (see WL's release about EU policy re refugees). [2015-10-13 09:18:50] <Emmy B> Response also to German pressure for Turkey to co-patrol Aegean [2015-10-13 09:24:21] <Emmy B> (Add the daily airspace and sea trespassing from Turkish planes/navy, efforts to created grey zones of disputed sovereignty- Many WL cables on this issue) this particular issue of managing the external frontier of EU could be the ultimate undermining of Greece's presence not only in the Euro but also EU. Are these guys in Berlin working for Golden Dawn by any chance? *cough cough* [2015-10-13 10:18:37] <Emmy B> I think is this is very Significant: [2015-10-13 10:20:10] <Emmy B> Chelsea Manning suing for FOI access to her records [2015-10-13 10:20:39] <Emmy B> @ WiseUp, what happened in 2014 exactly with the FOI? [2015-10-13 13:04:15] <Emmy B> Hey "Confoundtheirpolitix" Obelix here ;-) Goodnight all! [2015-10-13 13:12:17] <voidiss> CounterPunch on the 'Cambridge Union Assange affair' and the gossipy tendencies of colleges: [2015-10-13 13:12:54] <voidiss> [Media-image] This part is great. [2015-10-13 13:19:19] <voidiss> Oh, also, CounterPunch's detailed analysis of the TPP IP Chapter's internet-related provisions: [2015-10-13 13:25:55] <WikiLeaks> Greta, what is that quote from? [2015-10-13 13:33:54] <Emmy B> She has linked it above! [2015-10-13 13:35:10] <Emmy B> Binoy's article in counterpunch [2015-10-13 14:34:35] <Emmy B> Oliver Mosley on Radio (about the CUSReferendum) for UK TV licence payers [2015-10-13 14:35:18] <Emmy B> includes per samuelson phone in [2015-10-13 15:19:37] <WikiLeaks> Where's the original BBC spot for the samuelson hone in? [2015-10-13 15:48:40] <noll> is that this? [2015-10-13 16:01:19] <voidiss> Oh, sorry if I didn't answer, I wasn't online. [2015-10-13 20:20:58] <M> Here's Asterix panels with the new Assange character: [2015-10-13 23:49:17] <Emmy B> @ h no that is not the link. Per Samuelson spoke on the phone to the specific radio programme, he can be heard making a short statement during the 6 minute spot. [2015-10-14 00:01:37] <M> Re Per Samuelson audio, the same audio clip is used in this SBS article. [2015-10-14 01:54:45] <Emmy B> yep! [2015-10-14 01:59:16] <voidiss> "Swedish Doctors for Human Rights propose to EU a redefinition of the concept refugee and of asylum eligibility criteria" [2015-10-14 02:02:53] <Emmy B> Very good contribution to the matter in general as always by Marcello, I think. [2015-10-14 02:06:51] <voidiss> Democratic presidential candidates' debate on Tuesday: a question regarding what would they do about Snowden and whistleblowing was asked [2015-10-14 03:05:11] <voidiss> IPT rules that 'Wilson doctrine' on MPs communications is invalid and they can be subjected to GCHQ surveillance [2015-10-14 03:06:47] <voidiss> I haven't understood if the initial complaint (merely related to MPs' comms) was indirectly implying that everyone else's comms [2015-10-14 03:07:00] <voidiss> actually should be surveilled but only MPs' shouldn't. Because if it's like that, those two MPs who complained first are utter hypocrites. [2015-10-14 03:07:10] <voidiss> But apart from that... I have a feeling that the major GCHQ effort will be directed at Corbyn. [2015-10-14 03:41:14] <WikiLeaks> Marcello is great, but his article is terrible. [2015-10-14 03:42:25] <WikiLeaks> It is clear he knows very little about asylum law. If his proposals were followed they would have the opposite effect to what he intends. [2015-10-14 06:37:10] <Emmy B> @ WL :-) Marcello is great, he is consistently well meaning and genuine. I like his article because he attempts to address a matter so toxic with a wide range of ideological/political/emotional layers (I wouldn't even attempt to map them out here in this conversation) that most other shy away from. I remember in history we mapped out migration moves into the Greek peninsula as the landmarks of one historic period moving into another, moving from Stone Age and pre-history to the times of Writing ...Then came the Achaeans with weapons of tin, then came The Ionians with weapons of Copper...Then came the Dorians with weapons of Iron... We forget how natural migration as well as mass migration is in our development. :-) [2015-10-14 06:39:46] <Emmy B> @ H, couldn't quite believe what I was reading in that article but then Self-flagellation is very much accepted in certain cultures albeit in a religious context, maybe it is an indication that this lady's ideology had become something of a religion for her? [2015-10-14 06:43:43] <Emmy B> hmmm very medieval in its religiosity but protestant in flavour? [2015-10-14 06:44:00] <Emmy B> what a maze [2015-10-14 06:52:17] <Emmy B> I just don't get how equal rights for women need to be so separate from 'equal rights for all' (as often the Proffessor professors). Indeed it is a very recent branch of HR struggles in the context of millennia of Human culture. [2015-10-14 06:56:46] <Emmy B> I applaud this struggle as enriching of our society in general liberating the individual in a social and personal context. But I don't understand such isolanist and naval looking ideas as that article describes. It speaks a kind of psychotic language? Why waste one's energy in this way instead of let's say address the many real problems women face around the world still: slavery, mutilation, forced marriages and violence within the context always of HR for all. [2015-10-14 06:57:50] <Emmy B> but I must dash x [2015-10-14 07:07:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree with you Emmy, in the end it must always be framed as equal rights for all. I've had a long-standing problem with feminism because it tends towards terrible polemics, hatred, and exclusion of those with differing viewpoints and approaches. Real problems must be addressed, but without playing the blame game. [2015-10-14 07:07:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> It all seems very self-important of her to turn her personal problem with drunk behavior into a news story. [2015-10-14 07:12:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> I helped the Professor with his asylum rights letter, fixing the English and trying to clean up some of the less clear statements. I am not sure if I agree with him on it all and I questioned him on a couple of things, but he does make some important points about modernizing and better defining asylum rights and processes. [2015-10-14 07:12:17] <M> Met chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe says removing police from Embassy is partly due to unsupportive public. [2015-10-14 08:55:30] <Emmy B> Jenny wonderful you helped him with his english! I thought it was well written <3 Greek society was very much in flux as I was growing up there, huge differences in attitudes btw city and country for example and from social group to social group. In general women had it tough in a patriarchal society (not to ignore that patriarchy limits mens freedom too not just women's) but my generation had many more opportunities that ever before which went hand in hand with political developments for the better across society. One here in the UK would laugh to read that some occupational insurance funds in Greece would pay out pensions to unmarried women if their father passed away for example but this was a recognition that 'in those days' women could not be financially independent through outside paid work. Other provisions like first born boys of a widow or divorced woman would get reduced time in National Service as they were considered head of the family, i.e. financially providing for their mothers and other dependent members... I mean where do you put such arrangements in the grand literature of feminism? Do we have to permeate every aspect of our social being with ideology? Can't we just 'be'? [2015-10-14 09:34:12] <voidiss> It's saddening, deeply saddening. Once innovative and strong movements such as feminism are turning into a doctrine. Feminism started long ago and it was a wave of change... I remember the suffragettes in '900, for example; Alice Paul and women's right to vote in America. They protested and fight and even were jailed for this, they represented a strong dissent. And now... now feminism is the emobiement of stagnation. It can be used to promote a certain propaganda, to censor and to defend only a close group's human rights leaving out all the rest to be destroyed: But more than this, it is 'conquering the term'; I mean, real feminism isn't that "trigger warning"/"rape culture" crap, but this flawed part of feminism has grown and grown and of course -- as every other conservative/reactionary ideology -- has got the better of true feminism and crippled it by becoming the widespread conception of the term. Now everyone who wants to make people know that cares about women's rights and has desire to fight for them, has to define himself/herself feminist, because if you don't do, you have less credibility in the realm of feminism, but by doing so you're indirectly endorsing a doctrine which is wrong and obliges you to adapt to it if you don't want to be left out. [2015-10-14 09:34:20] <voidiss> And this hyper-sensitivity in colleges, this "microaggression" thing, is slowly building up an environment which should stay in a dystopian book, not in our reality. An environment in which everyone must be always kind to everyone, in which everyone must only express accepted views in a group think system and leave out dissenting/radical opinion. And again, all this just helps to value more well-being instead of free speech - expressed with other words, but it's the same old contrast of security vs freedom so loved by NSA and every govt. Another symptom of this widespread culture which molds people into living and dissolving into their restricted area of comfort, without daring to go out of it, challenge the order. Family, job, money. If they have this, they are happy and all the rest can die in front of their eyes and they won't see. And hypocritically they keep saying "ah, this world is shit, I'd like to see it change" but then they do nothing to actually change it. "I would but I can't". [2015-10-14 10:39:12] <M> [Tweet] Patino press conference on JA in three hours (9:30pm BST) [2015-10-14 10:59:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I can remember in college arguing with 'feminists' that I had an equal right to choose between a career or staying home and raising kidd and being told I didn't, that if I chose the latter, I was participating in the patriarchal system, etc. If you don't accept and parrot their exact ideology, you're labeled as 'antifeminist' which is an insult without real meaning but gets easily thrown at anyone they don't like. As you say, dissent or alternative ideas are not allowed. The ideology becomes rigid. It also tends towards defining another group as evil by nature not by action, i.e., if you're male you are automatically bad. This happens often and is why I've always hated to identify myself as anything other than an individualist and a humanist. I've been supporting Black Lives Matter because the situation is so bad right now, but really, for me, it's about equal treatment before the law for all. Not special treatment in either direction, but the same. If we should have learned anything from history it is that once rights are stolen from one part of society, the rights of all are at risk and will fall like dominoes. [2015-10-14 11:04:39] <Emmy B> very true Jenny! [2015-10-14 11:09:28] <voidiss> Yes, absolutely agree! [2015-10-14 11:14:06] <WISE Up Action> Re 'feminazis' (if you will): It seems to have become fanaticism where the in group out bid each other to prove their credentials / commitment, losing sight of what it is that's trying to be achieved. It also isolates and distances those who are actually on the same page in terms of goals (iMVHO) - d [2015-10-14 11:58:42] <Emmy B> Agree! [2015-10-14 12:00:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I agree WiseUp [2015-10-14 15:18:09] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-14 15:19:09] <M> Prepare for a hit piece. [2015-10-14 15:20:35] <voidiss> Oh, wonderful. Go ahead, invent some new crap to smear over and over. [2015-10-14 15:25:55] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-14 15:25:59] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-14 15:26:03] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-14 15:26:21] <M> Wtf. [2015-10-14 15:33:30] <voidiss> ...Oh, the good old confusing rethorics! [2015-10-14 15:51:52] <noll> Wiseup, agree. // this is silly.. nevertheless, if one of these: [2015-10-14 18:02:49] <noll> Greg Barns.. where does the line b/w that imbecilic, arrogant, politically illiterate moron & the 'black spider' begin & end - & why does Wls give them the time of day. [2015-10-14 20:30:41] <M> Here's the barftastic "anti-feminist" article [2015-10-15 01:05:17] <Bean> WLs for J: Message from a friend & supporter who has been chatting to a nurse who is also a supporter: [2015-10-15 01:05:27] <Bean> Concerned that acupuncture may not have been tried - particularly to relieve the immediate pain, but also for longer term benefits. [2015-10-15 01:05:45] <Bean> Other things that doctor possibly has not considered: orthotic braces, splints, physical therapy, NSAIDS like Advil, nerve stimulator. As well as increased protein and calcium and vitamin D + glucosamine. [2015-10-15 01:05:55] <Bean> Hope this helps - particularly acupuncture for the pain now. [2015-10-15 01:18:11] <Emmy B> I have received similar messages of concern and advise, ppl care! [2015-10-15 01:20:07] <Bean> Indeed :) I can't speak for other things, but acupuncture for the pain definitely worth a go. [2015-10-15 01:53:13] <voidiss> Yes, my mum's a doctor and suggests the same! Especially physiotherapy for more long-term effect, hopefully. I hope he'll feel better soon. [2015-10-15 08:29:44] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-15 08:31:23] <voidiss> What the hell. Another Ball's article, again apparently based on internal Ecuadorian documents: [2015-10-15 08:41:05] <Emmy B> I see Ball testifying in a court of law one day over his personal role in persecuting JA. Still, all this could actually work in WL's favour. [2015-10-15 08:42:33] <Emmy B> For example, @ Hazelpress might find opportunity for a FOI in Sweden based on the leaked document as well as to quiz for the Expressen journo? [2015-10-15 08:46:19] <Emmy B> Not to mention this gives the perfect opportunity to Correa to 'clear out' internal opposition to protecting JA. The anonymous correspondent for example will be known to the gov. The Ball protects his identity could indicate he is aligned to interests represented by Ball within the Ec. gov? [2015-10-15 08:47:59] <Emmy B> Anyway, every pitfall offers an opportunity and James Ball article reveals more about those interests, and the fact he represents rather than JA. [2015-10-15 09:02:11] <voidiss> How can we know that Correa would 'clear out' those who said that? How can we know that this isn't Correa's thought too? Ball's article has been done for smearing purpose, yes, it's very clear, but if those statements are true, how can we know that this isn't the secret line of the whole Ecuadorian govt? I know that this is precisely Ball's aim, but if (and only if, since I wouldn't bet, given that we're talking about Ball) those documents are true, how can the Ecuadorian govt be trusted anymore? I mean, that Alexis Mera is the legal secretary. I don't know, I'm quite scared and I don't know what to think. I mean, we have always known that Ecuador doesn't agree with WikiLeaks but simply grants JA asylum because of the threats to his human rights, but I would have never imagined they could say something like: "If he fights with us, we will fire him off to jail in Sweden." But maybe it's simply Ball who has built up everything just to spread mistrust. [2015-10-15 09:02:15] <voidiss> Anyway, the FOI idea would be interesting! [2015-10-15 09:03:06] <Emmy B> My Dear Greta, this is politics, do not fret. [2015-10-15 09:03:38] <Emmy B> Ball's article will be more helpful than he thinks :-) [2015-10-15 09:04:21] <Emmy B> If I am very mistaken, it will prompt Marianne Ny to make another statement. The more she talks the better :-) [2015-10-15 09:05:18] <Emmy B> It is also embarassing to the Swedish Justice ministry. None of these details are new. [2015-10-15 09:05:53] <Emmy B> But Sweden now knows that its correspondence is also beein leaked. This is a good thing. [2015-10-15 09:07:43] <Emmy B> The question to ask Ball if you want is, whether he has cross checked with the Swedish Prosecution or Swedish Ministry that the Swedish docs are genuine. Or whether he has contacted them for a comment. [2015-10-15 09:10:36] <Emmy B> As I read he has not. Why not. Also, has he contacted the UK correspondent of the Swedes again for verification. [2015-10-15 09:12:21] <Emmy B> The document's dates corroborates what I read at the time that Sweden acted in a sloppy and political manner uninterested in real progress. [2015-10-15 09:18:43] <voidiss> Yes, worth asking him these things, you're right -- and if he hasn't contacted anyone from Sweden, how he has verified that the documents are true, if he has. Also, it's worth noting that he always puts only the beginning of the "leaked docs" in the article, for example just a little bit of the Ny email. Why doesn't he put it in complete form? Is there something in the rest of email that doesn't play his game? [2015-10-15 09:24:30] <Emmy B> I bet you this article has Marianne Ny sweating, what other of her correspondence will become public? [2015-10-15 09:28:00] <Emmy B> I love how he included in the screenshot the Swedish Ministry's correspondence reference number, so helpful for any FOI :-) and the date, the date!!!! five weeks before the statue of limitation been reached. Not very efficient, are they? [2015-10-15 09:29:46] <Emmy B> Plus, a FOI can ask for the serial documents before and after to see any relating correspondence with other departments before or after this particular one. [2015-10-15 09:32:41] <Emmy B> extremely interesting how the Ny e-mail has the middle name in CC blanked out but let the other two Ingrid and Karin visible. Hmmm something comes to mind... let me check... [2015-10-15 09:37:56] <Emmy B> see here:,00.shtml [2015-10-15 09:38:27] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-15 09:39:24] <WikiLeaks> JA MRI story is not appearing in Swedish media, of course. Never underestimate the ability of that culture to 'play the Swede'. [2015-10-15 09:40:34] <Emmy B> If cecilia was the name that was redacted why was it redacted? [2015-10-15 09:41:54] <Emmy B> @ WL yes but it will be eventually, neutralised when it is no longer 'the news'. [2015-10-15 09:44:04] <Emmy B> Hope JA finds comfort for his shoulder. If it is muscle pain, maybe heat patches might help. [2015-10-15 09:46:55] <Emmy B> Was June the 8th the very first time Ny contacted the Embassy? and only after Nicola Yang suggested it? how embarrassing! [2015-10-15 09:47:40] <voidiss> Wait! Regarding the Ny's e-mail we still know nothing, but now that I've checked, about the Swedish Ministry doc there's no need for a FOIA, we already have the correspondence of that period and even Ecuador's response (which is in Swedish, however) to that precise statement: [2015-10-15 10:01:09] <voidiss> Re MRI, yes... Swedish media are showing their nature once more, censorship over censorship. There's only The Local Sweden: [2015-10-15 10:08:13] <Emmy B> Thanks Greta, a lot to go through though, will take time to read. [2015-10-15 10:09:04] <Emmy B> So, why does Ball recycle all this stuff? [2015-10-15 10:12:57] <voidiss> These come from a FOIA, anyone can obtain them, so I don't know, probably he simply used them to corroborate and put more 'substance' in its article. He uses only a selected part of them, only the Swedish Ministry statement, without including Ecuador's response or further correspondence, so probably he just needed that bit to play his game, his "Ecuador stalled the proceedings" line. [2015-10-15 10:20:24] <Bean> WL did you get that message earlier re acupuncture etc? [2015-10-15 10:37:03] <M> @WL - TT picked up MRI story and it got published in SvD. Yesterday, I think. [2015-10-15 13:49:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> I hope JA feels better soon! They should be able to bring in portable x-ray and ultrasound machines. Not as good as MRI for soft tissues but definitely a start to rule things out. [2015-10-15 13:51:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> For anything musklculoskeletal, rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) with anti-inflammatory meds is the starting place. It would be awful if he does need surgery. Maybe that will finally push the issue on Sweden and the UK. [2015-10-15 13:53:19] <LibertarianLibrarian> Ball is an ass. I know it is.good to keep track of him, like some others, but those people's tweets make me feel dirty just reading them. [2015-10-15 22:52:03] <Emmy B> Christine Ann Sands (or whatever her name is) continues to target Wilen with new Twitter account using WL Avatar [2015-10-15 22:53:15] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-15 22:55:14] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-15 23:01:28] <M> She was using Rixstep's logo before she switched to WL's. [2015-10-15 23:05:11] <Emmy B> ah ! makes sense! [2015-10-15 23:07:49] <Emmy B> Archived timeline here [2015-10-15 23:23:42] <Emmy B> Please take a look at this: [2015-10-15 23:38:01] <M> Jackie Ashley, journalist and president of the all-female Cambridge constituent college Lucy Cavendish, has welcomed JA speaking at Cambridge. "I think it's very hard to stop Assange coming to the union, you can't stop free speech. Free speech is free speech, if people want to protest you just have to let them protest, and I'm sure they will." [2015-10-16 01:40:03] <Emmy B> hm am I going to back my bags for Cambridge? [2015-10-16 01:43:07] <Emmy B> *pack* :-) [2015-10-16 01:48:42] <Emmy B> if they vote JA to speak (and he is still alive to give it xx) *my attempt to humour* they might protest outside the Union which gives us a perfect opportunity in sisterly solidarity to educate protesters with literature with the facts of the case and in the name of free speech :-) [2015-10-16 02:19:18] <voidiss> Educating at the hypothetical protest is a good idea. If only I didn't live in Italy... [2015-10-16 02:22:31] <voidiss> (And oh, god, hope that that one isn't even a remote possibility...) [2015-10-16 04:08:21] <Bean> @WL There is an excellent (& very kind) acupuncturist from Bristol who would be happy to come and see JA next week. Her availability should be known later today. I will be offline shortly until Sunday evening - but I understand that further contact about this should be coming from Lauri Love. [2015-10-16 06:10:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Being there in Cambridge supporting JA if he does speak is an excellent idea. Like Greta, I'm sorry I live so far away or I'd be there. If I could come up with $1K in airfare... [2015-10-16 08:05:37] <M> El Telegrapho editorial board calls for freedom/justice for JA [2015-10-16 08:05:43] <M> *Telegrafo [2015-10-16 20:25:34] <Emmy B> Sands is spamming the hashtags again [2015-10-16 20:58:48] <Emmy B> What does Gallop have to do with the CUSreferendum ? and they comment here? [2015-10-16 21:52:54] <M> That whole article is poorly written. Oddly tries to conflate the JA referendum with the recent pornography CUSU debate. [2015-10-17 00:18:57] <M> Oxford Student Union bans distribution of 'No Offence' student magazine for being offensive. [2015-10-17 02:53:44] <Emmy B> For the French speakers Francois Asselineauçois_Asselineau [2015-10-17 02:55:19] <Emmy B> @ M I agree about the article, I think this discussion was made during another debate about Pornography. But maybe it gives an insight on who attends such meetings - maybe alumni [2015-10-17 10:40:54] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-17 10:43:05] <M> From the convo, I can't tell if he's quoting here or not. [2015-10-17 10:47:47] <WISE Up Action> I'd say yes, definitely quoting. Illustrating use of language. Not bothering with quote marks though. And plainly happy to be quoting THAT particular statement. [2015-10-17 11:31:05] <Emmy B> disgusting men making money on distorting ethics [2015-10-17 12:01:33] <Emmy B> fake Wikileaks forum finally makes it : [2015-10-17 12:33:21] <M> Didn't realize Harry Shearer followed WL so closely! Neat-o. [2015-10-17 19:32:56] <M> [Tweet] No comment. [2015-10-18 08:47:15] <Emmy B> Is there some kind of problems with The GiFiles ? I keep getting error messages. [2015-10-18 08:48:46] <Emmy B> [2015-10-18 08:49:53] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-18 09:26:59] <M> Which search engine are you using? With Syria Files, I have similar issues with the main search engine, but the Syria Files specific search engine seems to work. [2015-10-18 09:34:33] <WikiLeaks> Please tell us of any errors. [2015-10-18 09:36:22] <M> Full text of Times' JA hit piece [2015-10-18 09:42:15] <WikiLeaks> Too stupid to land a blow. [2015-10-18 09:44:51] <voidiss> Definitely. It's one of the most stupid smears. After all this time, journalists keep basing their points on O'Hagan's discredited piece. [2015-10-18 09:45:18] <M> Generally the case with Times. Plus the paywall keeps it contained. [2015-10-18 09:48:03] <WikiLeaks> Imagine the world view of the dedicated Times reader. [2015-10-18 09:54:13] <M> I'd rather not think about it. [2015-10-18 10:06:47] <voidiss> Totally unfit for life. Worse than "governments are inherently good" line. [2015-10-18 14:20:41] <Emmy B> what you're not perfect? :-) x [2015-10-18 14:21:51] <Emmy B> @ M / WL the browser was Google Chrome. [2015-10-18 14:22:26] <Emmy B> but I just retried and it worked fine, thank you :-) [2015-10-18 15:48:32] <M> [Tweet] Twitter seems to be experimenting in new forms of censorship [2015-10-18 15:57:16] <voidiss> I've seen, it's quite scaring. “You can say what you like but no one will hear you. And also, you'll think no one cared, so you'll give up trying.” [2015-10-18 15:57:19] <voidiss> [Tweet] It seems to be just a part of a sort of crackdown on free expression carried out by Twitter. In fact, there's also the issue of blocking accounts which connect through Tor browser (it happened to me several times too, twice asking for my phone number to unlock, other times asking for password change). Also, there's also this "survey" they're making on a "selected group of users" [2015-10-18 16:35:25] <M> François Asselineau, French politician & Inspector General for Finance, said that France should have granted asylum to JA. [2015-10-18 16:48:42] <voidiss> [Tweet] More on Twitter censorship. [2015-10-18 21:31:10] <noll> in other news: He added: 'I'm not into conspiracies, but if the Turks say a security camera at Istanbul-Ataturk was "malfunctioning," then Jacky Sutton was murdered.' [2015-10-19 02:52:13] <WikiLeaks> please push the angles we are giving re, the recent foia. we're worried about opponents getting the first uk newswire out [2015-10-19 02:54:52] <voidiss> Sure, I do immediately! [2015-10-19 02:54:59] <voidiss> This is fucking big, huge, great! We have the proof of everything! [2015-10-19 03:00:20] <WikiLeaks> i.e tweet @ all friendlyish journos [2015-10-19 03:51:12] <M> Has anyone tweeted them to David Crouch yet? [2015-10-19 03:51:35] <voidiss> Yes, I did. [2015-10-19 03:51:49] <M> K great. [2015-10-19 04:07:22] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-19 04:22:09] <M> Sputnik used to do decent reportage, but somehow they've gotten in the habit of using "charges"? [2015-10-19 04:22:10] <voidiss> [Tweet] The Guardian has picked them up but it's not Crouch. [2015-10-19 04:59:06] <WikiLeaks> That's PA a newswire. [2015-10-19 05:07:39] <M> Haha @jamesrbuk's timeline is gold right now. Someone's upset his shitty story is losing to the truth. [2015-10-19 05:09:10] <WikiLeaks> Yes. But what do you expect from a former Home Office employee. [2015-10-19 05:10:11] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-19 05:13:46] <voidiss> [Tweet] He's so desperate that he even try to push the idea that J accepted to be interviewed only in 2015. [2015-10-19 07:23:50] <noll> page 17.. we also sent FOIs out for this info to both UK & Swe - UK avoided via Glomar, & Swe obfuscated in manner so unprofessional, one wonders if they were channelling David Brent. [2015-10-19 07:25:33] <WikiLeaks> Yes, either we have a friend there or they, beying Swedish, didn't really think that Italy could ever have an impact. [2015-10-19 08:21:02] <noll> November 27, 2012 - [2015-10-19 09:44:20] <M> [Tweet] Esther Addley tweeted this, but didn't expand on it? [2015-10-19 10:25:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] hmm Mark Stephens: [2015-10-19 10:27:04] <Emmy B> [Tweet] and [2015-10-19 10:33:04] <M> Haha, Spanish press reporting prosec's name as "Marianne Ly". [2015-10-19 10:35:08] <Emmy B> please explain where is the joke :-) [2015-10-19 10:35:54] <M> Ly = Lie. [2015-10-19 10:37:03] <Emmy B> of course! :-) thx [2015-10-19 10:39:30] <voidiss> LOL, suitable. [2015-10-19 11:30:37] <Emmy B> Sarah's speech is wonderful :-) [2015-10-19 11:31:00] <Emmy B> and very well received as the applause shows! [2015-10-19 11:35:52] <WikiLeaks> This @dborch journalist is an enemy for some reason. [2015-10-19 11:36:47] <M> He has been for a long time. [2015-10-19 11:46:47] <WikiLeaks> Seems to be more hardened recently. We have a story that's very good for JA and he feels motivated to pathetically triy to defend against it. [2015-10-19 11:52:50] <M> Am asking a German contact to see if there's any reason/background. But going back in his tweet history, he seems to have been attacking JA since 2011; and he tweets on JA v often (pretty much any time there's a news story). [2015-10-19 11:55:25] <WikiLeaks> DDB pal, proably. [2015-10-19 11:58:46] <noll> + author of 'Microsoft-Windows-95-user training, Redmond-Verlag 1996 3 volumes' could have a few innate issues w/ Wls/ JA etc. [2015-10-19 12:00:20] <WikiLeaks> Could have a few innate issues with life itself. [2015-10-19 12:30:16] <M> Ny is on vacation! Again!! [2015-10-19 12:31:26] <Emmy B> @dborch follows Mark Klamberg referred to by [2015-10-19 12:43:29] <WikiLeaks> Now he's having a go at Sarah's speech. However this benefits us as he promotes the speech to is meagre followers, and the speech is excellent. [2015-10-19 13:45:16] <M> Juan Branco on French radio program [2015-10-19 16:20:06] <voidiss> Forbes interview with Correa. He very briefly talks about JA too: [2015-10-19 20:07:50] <noll> some great info on Harper in cables, but not much on Trudeau: [2015-10-19 20:52:30] <noll> [Media-image] .. "medical condition". why the need to redact a paragraph concerning JA's health? hard to think of a good reason, which makes redaction seem sinister. & where is page two of this email ("1 of 2")? [2015-10-19 23:12:52] <noll> Em, CPS email cites: [2015-10-19 23:24:34] <noll> another significant redaction, in terms of why redact, is on page 2, where Close is busy helping Ny w/ justifications & PR strategies. from the flow of the email, it looks like that paragraph might detail some defence evidence. [2015-10-19 23:58:16] <Emmy B> Thank you H! I was tickled by reference to Franfalle (could never spell it) positively a bee in their bonnet xxx [2015-10-20 00:03:17] <Emmy B> Do you know? I have this creeping suspicion that Paul Close might have been issuing talking points to media via let's say legal bloggers and ex gov lawyers to 'make sense of it all'. [2015-10-20 00:04:32] <Emmy B> reading his e-mails DAG's blog posts come out screaming... [2015-10-20 00:04:44] <Emmy B> how is one to know? [2015-10-20 00:05:50] <Emmy B> Would he have discussed media strategy with Ny? She has certainly answered DAG's questions this summer which was curious. [2015-10-20 00:06:41] <Emmy B> Would he have hired a PR co to push out talking points onto the press? [2015-10-20 00:39:21] <noll> agree re DAG & PC, “zombie facts” published 3 Sep 2012, but they & other interested parties are likely within 3 degrees (or something similar) of each other. speaking of networks - JA isn't first person to be "in shock" w/ PC's legal antics: [2015-10-20 01:50:58] <Emmy B> At which stage did Ny decide to issue a EAW? this would be the only way to get the case conveniently into the hands of the Crown Prosecution Service. If Ny had sought MLA to which government department would she have applied here in the UK or even talked to? a FOI could be sent there as well as Sweden in case any correspondence shows whose decision was to have an EAW issued. When did Paul Close offer his advise to not interview? after the EAW was issued or before? Was CPS the body that advised Sweden on issuing an international arrest warrant and getting the content right to suit extradition process requirements to ensure a successful outcome? [2015-10-20 02:21:10] <Emmy B> On another matter Assange High Court Decision on consent is part of case law: [2015-10-20 02:53:09] <Emmy B> MGT prepares to present new leak: [2015-10-20 03:34:11] <WikiLeaks> CPS has a dedicated PR team, which like all such teams must maintain personal and working relationships with legal commentators [2015-10-20 03:36:58] <Emmy B> I see, thank you. [2015-10-20 03:44:41] <Emmy B> I would like to ask, is the identity of the people behind wikiwatch known? in particular the so called 'objectivisor' 'objectiviser' persona? I looked up the electoral registry for 'Alan Taylor' as the address came up on whois of the site as early as 2012, it does show a family of four, the Taylors, living in a 2 bed flat over the course of several years but I am half decided to turn up on the door step and check it out for myself as there is mischief there. No doubt in my mind that currently MGT is handling the twitter account 'Alan Taylor'. I am asking all this because for some time I have been suspecting DAG or ppl associated with him involved there. [2015-10-20 03:46:04] <WikiLeaks> They are both basement dwelling troll types. [2015-10-20 03:46:45] <WikiLeaks> Taylor has been producing fake anti-wikileaks "leaks" and other propaganda since at least 2009. [2015-10-20 03:48:04] <WikiLeaks> He appears ad claims to have recently retired from the UK MoD. [2015-10-20 03:48:12] <WikiLeaks> as=and [2015-10-20 03:48:36] <WikiLeaks> as=ad [2015-10-20 03:49:44] <WikiLeaks> His motivation is likely a result of his background and because he ran/runs something called "PGP board" and extremely useless WikiLeaks wannabe. [2015-10-20 03:51:23] <Emmy B> yes, this is what he has told the world about himself but I think this may not quite be a real person. Maybe it is a 'prop' a persona. We shall see in the course of the years to come. [2015-10-20 03:51:56] <WikiLeaks> WL was a threat to both the status mechanisms in his life, and then, there were plenty of our supporters around to "feed the troll" permitting this basement dweller to feel alive in the world. [2015-10-20 03:52:26] <WikiLeaks> Yes, it's always possible it is just a prop. [2015-10-20 03:52:35] <Emmy B> Have you never wondered though that he has never shown his face in the real world? [2015-10-20 03:52:52] <WikiLeaks> And that 'PGP board' was a lame idea of the UK intelligence services. [2015-10-20 03:54:41] <WikiLeaks> Troll types are sociopaths so they have a paranoic criminal mentality and expect their victims to take revenge one day so are not keen on being identified. [2015-10-20 03:58:11] <Emmy B> I have archived all wikiwatch and amIObjective URLs on as well as saved every article as a webpage, Also archived the wikiwatch twitter timeline and some of the objectiviser tweets. Also that persona's Reddit Q&A and some of the commentary in public on line blogs and newspapers. For a period of six months it was someone's full time job. [2015-10-20 03:59:37] <WikiLeaks> Yes. It could have been. Or it could have been someone on a mental or medical pension for six months. [2015-10-20 04:00:34] <WikiLeaks> Are they still active? [2015-10-20 04:00:51] <WikiLeaks> We had an idea of making a group for all of them. [2015-10-20 04:01:16] <WikiLeaks> They're so toxic they'd turn on each other soon enough. [2015-10-20 04:05:56] <Emmy B> No, 'they' populated MGT's 'forum' from Sep 2012 with posts but in October 2012 MGT took the 'forum' off line and when it went back up again it was scrubbed clean of all posts, the main site also went quiet since November 2012. [2015-10-20 04:07:49] <Emmy B> I am keeping a close eye because they did a lot of damage at the time and helped solidify prejudices and myths, pushing DAG's articles in every possible social media platform. [2015-10-20 04:08:35] <Emmy B> Thanks for your feedback! [2015-10-20 04:16:40] <WikiLeaks> Yes. They were harmful. [2015-10-20 04:17:58] <WikiLeaks> We get attacked by three groups. 1) establishment professional PR 2) those trying to suck up to the establishment 3) anti-establishment types who consider us an establishment within the anti-establishment sector [2015-10-20 04:19:14] <WikiLeaks> It is all rather grotesque and does not leave one with a pleasent view of a lot of human nature. [2015-10-20 04:23:54] <Emmy B> yes [2015-10-20 04:29:38] <voidiss> Agree with all this. For example, when those people - and WLF guys are expert in this - make jokes on JA situation and suffering one has a really low view of human nature. [2015-10-20 05:49:43] <Emmy B> Finally! WikiLeaks the musical, love is in the air hahahaha :-) [2015-10-20 05:59:15] <M> Tab poll currently highly in favor of JA speaking at Cambridge (although doesn't say how many have voted) [2015-10-20 06:02:06] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-20 13:00:08] <WikiLeaks> Hey everyone. Want some fun? The Stockholm Internet "Freedom" Forum is on again. [2015-10-20 13:00:37] <WikiLeaks> What this really is - a Swedish government marketing/co-opertion exercise. [2015-10-20 13:01:16] <WikiLeaks> Swedish embassies around the world "nominate" people they think should go. There's a bias for markets/allies Sweden is trying to break into/make. [2015-10-20 13:01:42] <WikiLeaks> The thing is funded and run by @SIDA and the ministry of foreign affairs. [2015-10-20 13:02:58] <Emmy B> ok :-) [2015-10-20 13:03:19] <WikiLeaks> @SIDA Is Sweden's soft-power-bribery agency. It works the same as USAID, buying off different groups with funding. [2015-10-20 13:03:55] <WikiLeaks> It's had a lot of influence in the UN and with civil society that way. [2015-10-20 13:04:43] <WikiLeaks> A few years ago, SIDA's constitution was changed so it could be used to help prop up Sweden's wars. [2015-10-20 13:05:01] <WikiLeaks> i.e by funding war lords around Sweden's base in Afghanistan. [2015-10-20 13:05:50] <WikiLeaks> There's a scene in Mediastan where we interview a Sida person at an Afghan base. Some of oyu may remember it. The woman is lost for words as she's forced to confront what she's really doing. [2015-10-20 13:06:14] <WikiLeaks> Anyway, SIF market's itself as a "freedom" forum. [2015-10-20 13:06:46] <WikiLeaks> But it has always refused JA, WL and Snowden. [2015-10-20 13:06:53] <Emmy B> Mediastan, yes! remember [2015-10-20 13:06:59] <WikiLeaks> @ioerror used to attend until they worked out that he was sort of WL. [2015-10-20 13:07:12] <WikiLeaks> When he confronted Carl Bildt about JA. [2015-10-20 13:07:16] <WikiLeaks> Then never permitted back. [2015-10-20 13:07:45] <WikiLeaks> We got hold of a blacklist leak in 2014 that had snowden etc on it in an internal email. [2015-10-20 13:07:54] <Emmy B> They won't have sweet dimples? @ Jenny!!!! [2015-10-20 13:08:36] <WikiLeaks> There was a protest there in 2014 among the attendees about the refusal to take WL or Snowden, given that spying etc was the topic and the topic all the time is "internet freedom". [2015-10-20 13:08:51] <WikiLeaks> This year, with Bildt gone people thought it might improve. [2015-10-20 13:10:18] <WikiLeaks> The Topic this year, following, we assume Sweden's "feminist foreign policy" (although the new FM isn't too bad, actually in other respects, except russia), the topic is "gender online" in particular "cyber violence". [2015-10-20 13:11:57] <WikiLeaks> But if you can make life difficult for them, by educating the attendees who hang out on #SIF15 it will help to continue to drive home the message that Sweden's anti-WL, anti-Snowden hypocracy has reputation costs and PR manoevers like #SIF15 won't escape these costs. [2015-10-20 13:13:28] <M> [Tweet] From last year for background [2015-10-20 13:13:32] <WikiLeaks> Infact if someone can find the time mark to mediastan to the Afghan-Sida section, then turn that into a #t= link, that could be used to tweet at some of the attendees if SIDA comes up. [2015-10-20 13:14:07] <WikiLeaks> It will show that WL has exposed SIDA (we did in other respects in the cables too) and that the conflict is institutional also and not just about JA. [2015-10-20 13:26:26] <voidiss> Oh, how *strange* they're pushing Cyber Violence as theme this year! If SIDA has had influence and connection with the UN, that VAWG can be easily explained. The two initiatives are connected, maybe. [2015-10-20 13:26:35] <voidiss> Anyway, good idea, let's tweet something! [2015-10-20 13:32:03] <WikiLeaks> UNWomen is almost certainly part funded by SIDA. [2015-10-20 13:37:03] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-20 13:39:34] <Emmy B> The word SIDA is not mentioned in the video but the business credit card clearly shows the interviewee works for them. The section of the video is 31:20 onwards for Northern Afghanistan and starts immediately at the Swedish base in Afghanistan. [2015-10-20 13:40:08] <Emmy B> I will prepare a few things later on tonight and let's see what we can use. [2015-10-20 13:41:17] <WikiLeaks> Additional notes: CRDefenders (civil rights defenders) is maily/wholly funded by SIDA. [2015-10-20 13:42:39] <WikiLeaks> You can link directly to it if you put &t=31m20s at the end of the Youtube URL. [2015-10-20 13:43:06] <Emmy B> [2015-10-20 13:45:10] <Emmy B> Thank you! used [2015-10-20 13:47:28] <Emmy B> It might be worth doing a blog post in my wordpress so others can easily join, as I have done in the past. the forum will last several days I gather? [2015-10-20 13:48:16] <Emmy B> will bb 30' [2015-10-20 13:53:02] <voidiss> This cable shows discussion over Swedish military presence in Afghanistan and there is a reference to SIDA's funding: [2015-10-20 13:55:10] <WikiLeaks> It was also written up, we think, for Aftonbladet by Johas [2015-10-20 14:37:33] <M> RT on the ban last year: [2015-10-20 14:38:52] <M> Helpful searching on Twitter <from:WikiLeaks sif14> to understand the ban in context of last year. [2015-10-20 14:40:58] <Emmy B> thanks will do, something to use: [2015-10-20 14:56:23] <Emmy B> Sarah Harrison too could have easily participated too having just won this amazing award. [2015-10-20 16:36:43] <WikiLeaks> Not by the Parliament. Just in the Parliament. [2015-10-21 00:27:49] <voidiss> Tiernan Douieb on new revelations on JA case: [2015-10-21 00:28:15] <voidiss> He comes out with many very unpleasant and stupid comments like "I’ve read Scandinavian prisons are quite comfy as well" [2015-10-21 00:29:03] <voidiss> (which seems too similar to troll's jokes like "they offer great medical care in Wandsworth"), but well, maybe it's satire & I don't get it. [2015-10-21 00:29:18] <voidiss> Apart from this, he thinks UK doesn't want to get rid of JA because he may have info they could use to blackmail Sweden. [2015-10-21 00:29:40] <voidiss> Which is stupid because WL has never worked in this way. [2015-10-21 00:34:47] <M> It's a lame interview. He doesn't even answer the questions at times. If you check his timeline, you'll see that he's been making anti-WL/JA comments for years. I'm not sure why RT chose to interview him, but it can probably be ignored; he has little influence. [2015-10-21 00:38:56] <voidiss> Thank god, I would be surprised by the contrary. He doesn't get the situation at all - willfully, as it seems. [2015-10-21 00:41:40] <voidiss> ...Apparently there is a trend among pro-govt/anti-WL people to joke on sending juicy info on WL prosecution on Christmas. [2015-10-21 00:41:59] <voidiss> [Media-image] [2015-10-21 00:42:15] <voidiss> [Media-image] [2015-10-21 02:11:04] <Emmy B> Thanks Greta indeed!. @ WL yep Swedish parliament was only the venue, still it is significant, as many parliamentarians attended. [2015-10-21 02:15:24] <voidiss> Anyway, people I tweeted to about SIF14 ignored it, or at least none of them answered. [2015-10-21 07:20:42] <M> WLF, Eckersley are harassing @SMaurizi over latest FOIA docs [2015-10-21 07:26:59] <M> HuffPo has published another anti-JA piece from CUSU woman's officer. Her argument this time is: 'JA has already spoken at CUSU therefore he can't possibly have anything new to say'. [2015-10-21 07:45:26] <noll> [2015-10-21 07:56:17] <noll> ICO ruled yesterday HO has breached FOIA, HO email a glomar response to the 'JA assassination FOI' today. will put ruling up later today. [2015-10-21 08:08:46] <Emmy B> @ H What is ICO what is HO please? [2015-10-21 08:11:50] <noll> sorry, they are: Information Commissioners Office, & Home Office. [2015-10-21 08:28:35] <noll> of some interest: [2015-10-21 09:09:29] <WikiLeaks> Ardin is a previous programme manner for Sida -- it's Cuban section. [2015-10-21 09:09:43] <WikiLeaks> manner=manager [2015-10-21 09:42:35] <M> [Tweet] Maybe they will once they're out! [2015-10-21 10:09:14] <voidiss> [Tweet] LOL, freaked out? [2015-10-21 10:58:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> A lot happening fast! I've been buried with work but it [2015-10-21 10:59:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> it's good to see the expose on the UK govt's culpability in the whole Swedish debacle. I hope JA's attorneys make them pay! [2015-10-21 11:00:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm also amused to see that the days of teenage hackers getting into the DOD/CIA/etc. are not over. [2015-10-21 11:01:11] <Emmy B> *speechless* [2015-10-21 11:11:22] <M> FYI CUS debate re JA is in one hour. [2015-10-21 11:12:59] <M> Vivienne Westwood was the CUS speaker yesterday, though it doesn't seem she commented on the issue. [2015-10-21 11:16:23] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing! [2015-10-21 11:16:57] <Emmy B> I thought it was going to be streamlined? am I wrong? [2015-10-21 11:17:10] <noll> need login details, can't find any posted online. [2015-10-21 11:18:47] <Emmy B> ok, thank you! [2015-10-21 11:20:09] <M> Doubt stream will be accessible since it's CUS only. But tweets can be followed at least. [2015-10-21 11:59:03] <WikiLeaks> Is it on? We're a bit busy with new release. [2015-10-21 12:05:05] <voidiss> Unfortunately the stream is only for CUS members, yes. The debate will start at 8.15pm. [2015-10-21 12:07:04] <Bean> Be good to get a bit of promo on this one day sale @WikiLeaksShop today... [2015-10-21 12:07:07] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-10-21 12:07:16] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-10-21 12:07:26] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-10-21 12:07:35] <Bean> Thanks all! [2015-10-21 13:27:02] <noll> [2015-10-21 13:33:49] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-21 13:34:16] <M> Unfortunately there wasn't much Twitter coverage of the debate. [2015-10-21 13:38:27] <Emmy B> The trolls have not picked it up it seems. But maybe members will not turn up to vote in big number. This has never been done before in 200 years. If a result is published I hope we get to know the actual numbers that voted. [2015-10-21 13:39:40] <Emmy B> @ h Re your FOI, I am shocked. I will forward this with your permission to my next letter to London Assembly. Well due. Thank you for your efforts! [2015-10-21 13:40:53] <M> Brief summary of CUS debate: [2015-10-21 13:50:50] <voidiss> This is the evening of abnormal things. First, the Torture email and its wonderful quote "give our intelligence agencies the tools and flexibility they need to conduct interrogations on suspects" that really makes you think those people are likely all sociopaths... And then this FOI response. They have no decency, my god. "Confirming or denying this information is held would damage the trust and relations between UK and other foreign states". We're talking about plans to murder, murder!, a man! Agree with Emmy: I am shocked. [2015-10-21 13:54:14] <Emmy B> the truth will come out, we keep supporting x [2015-10-21 13:55:44] <Emmy B> each with the own little way, just managed childcare for the next 5 weeks, starting tomorrow, I am going back to the vigil :-) [2015-10-21 14:14:17] <M> Brief statement from CIA today: “The hacking of the Brennan family account is a crime and the Brennan family is the victim,” a CIA spokesman said, adding that the family’s private messages had been “plundered with malicious intent”. He added: “This attack is something that could happen to anyone and should be condemned, not promoted. There is no indication that any the documents released thus far are classified.” " [2015-10-21 15:08:55] <Emmy B> And we here see what to expect repeatedly: The Latest WikiLeaks Dump Isn’t Journalism, It’s Terrorism [2015-10-21 15:31:51] <Emmy B> false claim [2015-10-21 15:42:42] <Emmy B> ok, time for some fun [2015-10-21 15:43:01] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-21 15:44:30] <Emmy B> I thought a fan site had already sprang up for the new Asterix character but.... heh [2015-10-21 15:44:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-21 15:45:51] <Emmy B> that will teach me... [2015-10-21 16:21:56] <noll> Washington 101. so, future CIA dir.'s corp gets vetted by CIA (2008) re $150m DoJ Watchlist contract, it fails spectacularly, but still wins contract in 2009, a fully capitalised Brennan returns to 'the company' in 2013. - wonder how the UAE drone kickbacks were worked. [2015-10-21 19:12:40] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-21 23:28:47] <voidiss> And here another attack like the above one: [2015-10-21 23:57:40] <voidiss> Some information about Sweden aiding US drone assassination program: [2015-10-22 01:29:09] <Emmy B> Well done Greta, great find! [2015-10-22 02:03:00] <noll> Guardian hipster manages to cover CIA release w/o a single word on contents: [2015-10-22 02:12:04] <Emmy B> Guardian article published only 11 minutes after actual WL release. [2015-10-22 02:12:07] <noll> Wls/ CIA release may well come up (via Clinton's Benghazi emails etc): [2015-10-22 02:14:06] <noll> Em, well, it wasn't visible at 5am, & now in effect 'front page'. [2015-10-22 02:17:18] <noll> is this via Wls Saudi release? [2015-10-22 02:22:37] <Emmy B> I thought it was a fake story (see earlier message above) I will check Al Jazeera [2015-10-22 02:25:14] <Emmy B> No I don't see it there. We have to be careful with the Saudi release and go for reputable newspapers because look at this indicative of Saudi propaganda tactic : [2015-10-22 02:25:59] <Emmy B> Maybe Saudi PR people plant fake stories to discredit release. They've got billions... [2015-10-22 02:26:56] <Emmy B> shame no one speaks Arabic amongst us. [2015-10-22 02:32:55] <Emmy B> Aparently Al Jazeera is to report it today in their programme 'Black Box' let's wait and see [2015-10-22 02:33:32] <Emmy B> off line now till the evening. xx [2015-10-22 02:38:44] <noll> ah. it's old news from before Wls release: [2015-10-22 03:18:15] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-22 05:43:09] <voidiss> For the First Time Ever, a Prosecutor Will Go to Jail for Wrongfully Convicting an Innocent Man: [2015-10-22 05:46:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad to see it, Greta, even if punishment mild. We have to hold law enforcement and those in the justice system to MUCH higher standards. [2015-10-22 07:15:31] <M> Hah. Apparently CUS JA debate was "disappointingly peaceful". Also, no women chose to speak, incl the women's officer. [2015-10-22 07:16:32] <M> Amazing how all those strong online opinions disappear when you're forced to speak in public... [2015-10-22 07:19:55] <M> Nvm the women comment. Not sure why the other article stated that, because there were women arguing both sides. [2015-10-22 07:43:20] <noll> "Nearly all the people responsible for this miscarriage of justice were good social democrats, often distinguished by their liberalism. Claes Borgström, Quick’s defence lawyer, later became a respected equality ombudsman – an unsettling thought, for us admirers of the shining city." [2015-10-22 10:52:48] <noll> [2015-10-22 12:43:27] <M> UK refuses to extradite alleged sex offender to US over human rights concerns [2015-10-22 13:02:12] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-22 13:07:55] <M> [Media-image] via [2015-10-22 14:24:16] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-10-22 14:26:26] <voidiss> [Tweet] Let's wait. [2015-10-22 14:44:04] <M> Phew. [2015-10-22 14:44:50] <M> 76.9% in favor of JA speaking. Cambridge students have some brains after all! [2015-10-22 14:45:15] <voidiss> Ha! [2015-10-22 14:45:39] <voidiss> Prepare for some mass-resignations. [2015-10-22 14:48:30] <Emmy B> pompous gits *αει στο διαολο* who do they think they are? a storm in their china teacup take a look at the world! [2015-10-22 14:48:57] <Emmy B> goodnight everyone :-) [2015-10-22 14:50:03] <M> More stats. "With a turnout of 1,463 students, 1,125 voted for Assange to speak via videolink, a 76.9 per cent share of the vote. Only 338 Union members voted against the motion." [2015-10-23 02:01:22] <M> In other university censorship news: [2015-10-23 02:13:31] <Emmy B> So let's ponder for a minute, in many countries around the world child brides and female mutilation reign supreme. How do you engage in changing attitudes and ethics? free speech imperative to bring about positive change. No platforming is a double edge sword, ultimately, it has a fascist aspect to it, in accepting social exclusion, very worrying what we are capable of doing. [2015-10-23 02:14:49] <Emmy B> At a different level, one may suggest that Marianne Ny and her collaborators have 'not platformed' Julian Assange out of the legal process platform. [2015-10-23 02:16:03] <Emmy B> They have wanted to question him and declaring it to the world by inviting him to be questioned but at the same time they blockade every platform through which he could express his side of the story, prohibiting his free speech. [2015-10-23 02:20:30] <Emmy B> He was 'non platformed' as a written statement, oral statement via phone and video link were were rejected as platforms were his voice could be heard on this matter. Similarly, a person to person interview at the Swedish Embassy here in London, at the Australian Embassy in London, even at the Ecuadorian Embassy in Stockholm, all became unacceptable platforms upon which the free flow of information on these cases could be exchanged. [2015-10-23 02:23:32] <Emmy B> We have to go back to what Eva Joly said about the tools available in the box that give the opportunity to those who seek justice to create judicial platforms upon which to collect evidence. [2015-10-23 02:29:07] <Emmy B> Maybe we could make a "Permission to speak" banner and hang it outside the Swedish embassy here in London [2015-10-23 03:34:09] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-23 03:37:05] <Emmy B> Planned broadcast of Kostas Efimeros (The Press Project) interview with Julian Assange today Friday 23rd at 8pm local Greek time, 6pm London time [2015-10-23 03:41:39] <Emmy B> via radio station 'sto kokkino' FM 105.5 on line website: [2015-10-23 03:42:02] <Emmy B> Article in Greek advertising the broadcast [2015-10-23 03:43:41] <Emmy B> I will listen and see how they broadcast (voiceover translation?) and share some links here [2015-10-23 05:19:54] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-23 05:21:07] <Emmy B> JA for 18 months visited police station daily, wouldn't UK police station be the right 'platform' for his side of the story to be heard? [2015-10-23 05:24:32] <Emmy B> But Swedish Authorities in adherence to UK's Crown Prosecution Service advise 'non platform' JA from all available avenues that could have made his evidence been heard de facto censoring him. The only avenue they left open was the one that would take him straight into a US extradition/rendition. [2015-10-23 06:13:41] <Emmy B> wo-ho! Interesting correction re criminal act: [2015-10-23 06:14:22] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-23 06:27:35] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Extremely important commentary on the latest Brenan e-mail torture release [2015-10-23 10:41:59] <voidiss> Some more racism in Sweden, this time with awful consequences - and meanwhile, government announced measures to cut down the flow of migrants: [2015-10-23 10:42:27] <voidiss> [Media-image] Sweden's hypocrisy is evident in every context, and Swedish mainstream media keep playing their role as manipulators of public opinion on behalf of the govt. [2015-10-23 11:06:02] <voidiss> Oh god, the hypocrisy. [2015-10-23 13:43:30] <noll> [2015-10-23 14:11:33] <Emmy B> Excellent JA interview with the Greek journo, Kostas Efimeros. He and his colleague Gerasimos Livitsanos presented the interview in their show with original audio and parallel translation which was very good but missed some bits. Their commentary was good but kept it short as they wanted to broadcast as much of the interview as they could in their one hour radio programme. Very much behind WikiLeaks in their work and very proud to have JA in their show. Did try to get it right regarding JA Swedish case but I very much doubt they knew much of the detail so some of what they said was inaccurate or incomplete, but always trying their best. [2015-10-23 14:12:33] <Emmy B> They promised to update their site with the audio and transcript in Greek translation as soon as they can and share it on line together with other commentary. [2015-10-23 14:12:56] <Emmy B> I will keep an eye and share the links. [2015-10-23 14:47:12] <M> The Times is telling itself that the latest Asterix is anti-JA. [2015-10-23 14:51:08] <Emmy B> turning black to white... I have ordered a copy and will soon share some bits :-) [2015-10-24 01:20:30] <WISE Up Action> [2015-10-24 01:23:21] <WISE Up Action> Greer now coming under fire [2015-10-24 02:31:13] <M> “Silence is too often the only safe option left” – New UN report on sources and whistleblowers [2015-10-24 07:52:23] <noll> [2015-10-24 10:57:30] <noll> "The cast and crew drove across the country, having Hitler interact with ordinary people. Most of these people react to the sight of one of the 20th century’s vilest leaders with excitement and amusement. They pose for selfies with the feared Nazi leader and perform the famous Hitler salute for him." [2015-10-24 12:01:56] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-24 12:19:53] <Emmy B> All good stuff! [2015-10-24 12:47:18] <Emmy B> Very true. Let's hope so! [2015-10-24 21:28:00] <M> Full text of Benghazi Committee. Clinton references WikiLeaks twice in reference to Gaddafi. [2015-10-24 23:49:37] <Emmy B> HRW reports on complaints of refugees maltreatment by Greek or 'Greek' masked men. [2015-10-24 23:52:39] <Emmy B> Why can't they allow ppl to fly from Turkey directly to Germany? why not agree to pick up with ferries in an organised manner, this human tragedy seems to have no end, yet ppl take the journey, risk everything. [2015-10-25 10:43:10] <Emmy B> here it is: The Press Project [2015-10-25 10:44:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-25 10:50:28] <Emmy B> Efimeros says they started TPP, their project with publishing all Cables from Athens about 1200, inspired by the release, the rest is history. I recall this at the time, they had asked for volunteers for translation etc but one had to physically visit their offices in Athens to participate so I could not do this and that was the end of it. They translated a great number of cables but not all, if I recall, and their website took a different avenue... [2015-10-25 10:57:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-10-25 11:00:59] <Emmy B> This is the bar with the original Q&A in English - 23:34 intact and below it by sections individual bars Q&A in English with Greek translation voice over and Greek translation of transcript that follows. [2015-10-25 12:03:44] <Emmy B> Lovely :-) x [2015-10-25 18:05:50] <voidiss> Chomsky of the 2016 elections candidates and drone strikes: [2015-10-26 00:24:08] <Emmy B> I watched that Greta, thank you very much for sharing here, learning all the time about US politics that are so different from Continental or UK politics. [2015-10-26 05:16:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, that's why the Black Lives Matter movement is so important and why the authorities keep trying to paint it badly. Luckily they're failing. This one isn't going away. [2015-10-26 05:30:47] <noll> [2015-10-26 05:37:07] <noll> should add the premise, the FBI investigation etc, isn't necessarily off the mark, it's just the rest. [2015-10-26 06:05:18] <noll> could WikiLicense sue SheriffSands? [2015-10-26 06:55:56] <Emmy B> We could try to report any accounts which use the hourglass as copyright infringement directly with Twitter. [2015-10-26 09:49:27] <Emmy B> Interesting, right wing magazine Crash has picked up the JA interview and given it the title "Scary revelation by Assange of WikiLeaks: Tsipras does not completely control police and army" but then copy pastes the entire interview from the press project. This magazine has devoted pages and pages on WL revelations despite clearly right wing, their editor is a journalist with a right wing agenda (not a fascist though) with the Karamanlis fraction of the party, clearly pissed off at US for their conspiracy against the last Karamanlis government which fell 2009 (see Pythia II) since it was revealed. [2015-10-26 09:50:18] <Emmy B> [2015-10-26 09:51:16] <Emmy B> some problem with the URL [2015-10-26 10:34:02] <Emmy B> also national security blog on alert reproduces the interview, the bits relating to Greece only here: [2015-10-26 10:34:40] <Emmy B> Interestingly they do not mention the bit about Syria... [2015-10-26 11:14:33] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Times of India picks up the story of Brenan e-mails: [2015-10-26 11:42:44] <M> Uploaded Digital Dissidents onto youtube. [2015-10-26 12:30:58] <voidiss> It's being reached a level of absurdity that's beyond imagination: [2015-10-26 12:42:17] <noll> some of Glenn's last paragraphs are about as good as it gets re balanced/ honest reporting. article should come w/ a trigger warning for useful idiots of all hues. [2015-10-26 13:34:12] <M> [Tweet] Press Project JA interview now with English text. [2015-10-26 13:56:34] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-26 14:04:36] <noll> [2015-10-26 14:10:23] <Emmy B> @ M thank you! it is a great shame they did not include the english transcript and I feel like going over with a red pen correcting the errors and the inaccuracies, still, an honest effort and let's see how this develops :-) [2015-10-26 14:11:56] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-26 14:35:28] <Emmy B> Wow! I hope we see more of the original docs, there will be lots of things there that can be found! [2015-10-26 15:35:42] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-26 15:53:53] <M> [Tweet] [2015-10-26 16:40:12] <M> WSJ has published a nameless pro-CISA opinion piece which call WL an "anti-American operation" [2015-10-26 16:40:26] <M> WSJ has published a nameless pro-CISA opinion piece which calls WL an "anti-American operation" [2015-10-27 00:52:51] <noll> "She might become the first woman president to drop a fucking nuclear bomb on somebody" [2015-10-27 03:12:58] <Emmy B> regarding whether Tsipras controls army, his gov surely should ask NATO to intervene with asking Turkey to adhere to its international obligations otherwise desperate voices may go towards Golden Dawn (again) their % in the islands close to Turkey is increasing daily. [2015-10-27 03:13:16] <Emmy B> Even if they don't get it, they should ask. [2015-10-27 09:31:50] <noll> [2015-10-27 14:32:26] <voidiss> [Tweet] Hooray. [2015-10-27 15:20:29] <voidiss> This is an evening full of good news: Indonesia joins the TPP [2015-10-27 16:45:04] <noll> [2015-10-28 02:20:10] <Emmy B> Very important Shri Lanka article about WikiLeaks cables used in defence of previous government over accusation of war crimes against Tamils. I am not familiar with the historic back ground but article claims US cables show US endorsing/praising Shri-Lankan gov actions and could be used to exonerate gov? Norway is mentioned [2015-10-28 02:29:53] <Emmy B> "Anti-privacy activist Julian Assange's WikiLeaks" [2015-10-28 02:48:13] <noll> Em, read all of those cables &: "The Island, on several occasions, highlighted the relevance of Wikileaks to Sri Lanka’s defence." means cherry picked propaganda. [2015-10-28 02:50:06] <noll> hmm.. [2015-10-28 02:59:11] <Emmy B> @ h hes I agree, even from a quick look, it seems to be the case. [2015-10-28 03:35:07] <noll> [2015-10-28 04:36:19] <voidiss> Varoufakis' attitude towards transparency is a really good thing: [2015-10-28 04:40:58] <Emmy B> [Tweet] yep! wonderfull Greta, here is sth from Muzzray [2015-10-28 05:55:04] <voidiss> Thanks for sharing! [2015-10-28 14:04:03] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-28 15:28:19] <noll> "nice" [2015-10-28 15:32:13] <Emmy B> WL fully justified in all they've been saying about Britain and the risks to Sarah Harrison - legal advise correct. [2015-10-28 15:34:15] <Emmy B> Does the UK have US Grand Jury type secret investigation tool? [2015-10-28 15:39:09] <voidiss> I think yes... In this case it's carried out my the Metropolitan Police: [2015-10-29 02:12:26] <voidiss> ICC refuses to investigate crimes following Honduras coup claiming they can't be classified as crimes agst humanity: [2015-10-29 02:26:36] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Again from Muzzray [2015-10-29 03:16:30] <voidiss> Regarding BBC issue with the Terrorism Act, this Katz's statement is outrageous. [2015-10-29 03:16:57] <voidiss> “While we would not seek to obstruct any police investigation, we are concerned that the use of the Terrorism Act to obtain communication [2015-10-29 03:17:17] <voidiss> between journalists and sources will make it very difficult for reporters to cover this issue of critical public interest.” [2015-10-29 03:17:57] <voidiss> It's an incredible act of ass-licking to the govt. It's too mild, the situation is severe, wrong & dangerous and he don't dare challenge it. [2015-10-29 03:23:24] <voidiss> Not difficult to understand why he took part in the smearing campaign against Julian. [2015-10-29 03:23:48] <voidiss> However, that statement is dangerous b/c it passes the idea that journos may feel a bit of discomfort, but not be angry & willing to oppose. [2015-10-29 03:30:25] <Emmy B> During the junta years 1969-1974 in Greece most newspapers continued their operation, self censoring. It was a most brutal dictatorship, thousands tortured as a control, punitive and reformative process, still Greek society continued to function and newspapers continued to operate. Yes there were individual cases of resistance and some efforts for organised revolt in a small scale but nothing in a grand scale. Institutions adjusted their behaviour to the new situation and found ways to turn a blind eye or partly justify their position by quietly acquiescing. In the end the junta imploded from within. It was the army generals who decided to bring a return to democracy. They were dismayed at the junta's treasonous effort to overthrow unsuccessfully the democratic government of Cyprus, handing Turkey the premeditated 'way in' to invade and partition the island. Having committed in effect National Treason of the greatest degree in opening the door to the brutal enemy's worst plans, some generals and right wing politicians came to an accord, to bring back Karamanlis, restore democracy in return for impunity for the treason, and impunity for most of the junta's crimes. I bring this as an example to illustrate the sad fact that Democracy and what it means to our society is only as precious as we give it and the value of its currency is only determined by the action we are prepared to take to keep it safe. [2015-10-29 03:32:51] <Emmy B> Why should we be surprised? a modest life is what most of us aspire to and is reflected in the institutions we make no matter what airs, graces and pretences we put on. Still there are capsizes in history as we live now that individual action has effect. But it won't come from the top. xxx :-) [2015-10-29 03:34:07] <Emmy B> capsizes = cusps [2015-10-29 04:06:12] <Emmy B> Interesting speculation about Brennan's contact with Ferrum college [2015-10-29 06:40:28] <noll> interesting to note SNP bought China steel dumping recently. [2015-10-29 06:46:21] <noll> (déjà vu) UK govt follows Sweden talking points: [2015-10-29 07:07:41] <Emmy B> Is it too early to say congratulations Courage? [2015-10-29 07:08:23] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-10-29 08:17:06] <Emmy B> I just submitted a Twitter complaint for 81 @wikileaks_forum harassment tweets (to strengthen Chris's efforts mostly who submitted on Sunday her own massive complaint) [2015-10-29 08:21:39] <noll> [2015-10-29 08:23:18] <noll> - that is why court order & Terrorism Act used? rather than something more informal. [2015-10-29 08:38:33] <noll> see: [2015-10-29 11:26:37] <noll> [2015-10-29 11:47:18] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-29 11:48:07] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-10-29 11:56:19] <noll> this was July, so why take laptop data now? - kill list fishing - other sources/ contacts, shoring up legal justification for past strikes? anyway, the journalism-kill list connection (be it either inadvertent or deliberate subterfuge) isn't being covered by journalists. [2015-10-29 12:26:41] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for pullin that out, H. Wait with bated breath to see which way this goes vis a vis state of British media - will it galvanise some/any into a more serious resolve to do their proper job recognising the urgent need for it....or just increase compliance...? [2015-10-29 13:22:07] <noll> thanks Action, everything about UK drones & Syria is muddled, policy, legality etc. hopefully CL can generate some clarity. but yep, journalists (incl. 'journalists'), seem to have a habit of making contact, getting a story, & then finding their sources killed. so, what is coincidental, or inadvertent, & what is deliberate. & in some cases are journalists driving strikes by creating situations (inactions, media exposure) that can harvested for evidence. which came first, the Sun or GCHQ, or both. [2015-10-29 13:22:42] <noll> *interactions [2015-10-29 14:28:54] <voidiss> Once again, the US want to bend and manipulate foreign States' policies and decisions to preserve their benefits - this time even against the UK: [2015-10-29 14:29:44] <voidiss> Their arrogance is incredible, but more than this - as the article highlights - it clearly shows the imperialist nature of their interests, which are linked to globalization and large bodies containing various nations that can be more easily controlled by the emperor-US. [2015-10-30 01:25:49] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-10-30 01:26:14] <voidiss> This is a great declaration of what transparency and privacy should be, and how people should be allowed to act on their own history. [2015-10-30 01:27:20] <voidiss> There's an extremely important reasoning, imo: the thin line between transparency & privacy and how it can be manipulated by govts/comps. [2015-10-30 01:27:45] <voidiss> Paradoxically, transparency can be used to destroy privacy, because the true meaning of it can be altered and transformed in something like [2015-10-30 01:28:17] <voidiss> "if we have total transparency, we have no crimes or abuses, we have a better world, so why don't we apply this to everyone's lives? [2015-10-30 01:28:43] <voidiss> If people's existences are constantly recorded, they will be brought to behave only in a good way and not to do bad actions." [2015-10-30 01:29:33] <voidiss> And this kind of absurd, wrong idea could be applied to everything and be easily made acceptable to crowds. [2015-10-30 01:29:51] <voidiss> This could be the line of action of any Google of the world. [2015-10-30 01:30:48] <voidiss> And the dangerous thing is that the 'flawed' interpretation of transparency is easier to be instilled in people's mind than real, good one. [2015-10-30 01:32:40] <voidiss> So yes, it's important to make distinction b/w "transparency for organizations, privacy for individuals". [2015-10-30 01:33:01] <voidiss> Build a sort of definite 'cultural/philosophical thought' on this. [2015-10-30 06:32:44] <WikiLeaks> Shaker will be mega big this afternoon. [2015-10-30 06:33:53] <WikiLeaks> Good moment to push 1) our stuff on him 2) that Shaker + JA have the same lawyer 3) JA's detention without charge 4) US pending prosecution [2015-10-30 06:59:30] <noll> this short bit of footage perfectly illustrates dynamics of occupation - david & goliath: [2015-10-30 06:59:59] <noll> this is a must read - especially first paragraph: [2015-10-30 07:15:42] <voidiss> Re: spreading information on the fact that Peirce is lawyer for both Julian and Shaker and similarities, this 2011 article might help: [2015-10-30 07:17:16] <noll> Henry Jackson Society is citing Gitmo file: [2015-10-30 07:42:33] <noll> [2015-10-30 08:11:18] <M> Australian "JA is my hero" leaker pleaded guilty to uploading secret doc online. [2015-10-30 10:34:42] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-10-30 12:14:54] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-10-30 13:08:10] <noll> first FOI actually answered by Swe involves Cherie Blair's Matrix Chambers, Paul Close/ CPS & Ny. will post tmrw. [2015-10-30 13:53:08] <WikiLeaks> new WL elated Hillay emaisl out [2015-10-30 13:53:22] <WikiLeaks> New WL related Hilalry emails out. [2015-10-30 14:01:56] <voidiss> Do you have the link? [2015-10-30 14:34:09] <M> How lovely. We get to read more entirely redacted emails headed "WikiLeaks"! [2015-10-30 14:34:27] <M> Same link as prior releases. [2015-10-30 14:43:18] <M> Alec Ross gloating that he predicted "powerful virtual organizations" like WL would emerge [2015-10-30 14:44:58] <voidiss> This one seems important: [2015-10-30 14:46:38] <M> Hilary response to previous 60 mins PJ Crowley email: "Too bad they're showcasing him. See you tomorrow when we try making lemonade out of some pretty sour lemons!" [2015-10-30 14:50:20] <M> Not a lot this time. Was only about 20 emails or so. [2015-10-30 14:50:49] <voidiss> Here there's a complaint on a journalist trying to do her job and report on lack of trust in Ambassador Pascual caused by WikiLeaks cables: [2015-10-30 14:56:33] <M> They were tracking coverage of resignation of Mexican Ambassador to see if it shifted away from WL-focus. [2015-10-30 15:01:28] <noll> M, like state dept. professionalism '(no one here speaks Spanish) "google translate is failing me" let's turn to Twitter'. [2015-10-30 15:02:10] <voidiss> OH GOD. More ass-licking! Please, spare us. [2015-10-30 15:03:31] <noll> - not much there. "sour lemons!" bit is amusing. [2015-10-30 15:07:44] <WikiLeaks> US ambassador to Mexico was banging the opposition leader's daughter. [2015-10-30 15:07:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> Amazing how clear that email is about 60 Minutes accepting interference by the State Dept. Sad commentary on modern press. [2015-10-30 15:08:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh nice... No wonder they wanted to throw blame elsewhere. [2015-10-30 15:24:45] <noll> Jenny, well spotted. Crowley resigned a month after that email.. [2015-10-30 15:37:07] <voidiss> Oh, here we are. White House blocked the release of emails between Hillary and Obama claiming they should be protected while his mandate is still active. But of course this isn't regarded as 'executive privilege', it's simply considered a normal action carried out by Presidents to safeguard confidential advice. Bullshit. [2015-10-30 15:37:25] <voidiss> "They noted the emails between Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will eventually become public many years after the Obama presidency ends, under the terms of federal records laws." [2015-10-30 15:40:50] <noll> "US reporting on it had been straight forward so far" meaning US press not reporting on who Pascual was dating? get impression recall more for that, than WOD willpower comments. [2015-10-30 16:34:22] <noll> Greta, 1950s deference of that NYT article is really something. [2015-11-01 01:13:51] <Emmy B> Extremely good points raised by Greek FM Kotzias regarding migration flows into Europe. Along article maybe jump straight to Q&A apparently 300,000 Syrian refugees from UN camps in Jordan [2015-11-01 01:15:31] <Emmy B> and Lebanon had their pay cut due to UN incompetencies and are also leaving en mass. He says many things not mentioned in mainstream press: [2015-11-01 01:16:39] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-01 01:18:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-01 01:30:53] <Emmy B> the flows of refugees/migrants currently in Greece are 2 million or 20% of population ! There are some real gems here illustrating the insanity of status quo EU policy in general. [2015-11-01 11:29:39] <noll> [2015-11-02 10:46:08] <noll> [2015-11-02 10:47:26] <Emmy B> Wow reading now! please date it though xxx [2015-11-02 10:56:48] <noll> few mistakes corrected. it's just a short thing, we're not going to repeat older stuff or point out the obvious. [2015-11-02 10:59:03] <Emmy B> Thank you! but important that the point is put forward. One minute making process as dull as possible to put off journalists, next minute alerting Ny on potential trouble ahead from an enquiring journo hm hm. [2015-11-02 10:59:37] <Emmy B> what happened to her official docs to the Home office then? can those be released via FOI? [2015-11-02 11:03:43] <noll> HO glomar everything, incl: [2015-11-02 13:34:54] <WikiLeaks> Definitely worth contacting the larger accounts using the #vitaminay hash tag [2015-11-02 13:35:07] <WikiLeaks> #vitamindday [2015-11-02 13:42:38] <voidiss> With larger accounts you mean journalists or what else? [2015-11-02 13:52:52] <WikiLeaks> e.g [2015-11-02 13:54:46] <WikiLeaks> For large publications, it is usually better to find the author of the aticle they are tweeting out. [2015-11-02 14:24:35] <M> Has anyone else noticed an increase in WL/JA trolls, as well as an increase in people engaging with them? [2015-11-02 14:27:38] <Emmy B> I keep an eye mostly on fwlf. [2015-11-02 14:29:30] <Emmy B> But do not engage. Let me know and I can add to the list. [2015-11-02 14:29:46] <WikiLeaks> Have noticed fpeople foolishly feeding them. [2015-11-02 14:30:43] <Emmy B> *sigh* [2015-11-02 14:31:25] <WikiLeaks> These are the worst kind of gutter dwellers. It increases their payment for the paid ones and acts as heroin up the arms of the psychopaths who get off on negative attention. [2015-11-02 14:31:47] <voidiss> Today there was this frustrating Swede who kept saying l'Espresso docs "say nothing new", "aren't newsworthy" and bullshit like that, claiming that Swedish MSM was doing the right thing by not covering them. [2015-11-02 14:32:28] <WikiLeaks> That wasn't a troll, just a swede. But there's always a risk of creating a troll. [2015-11-02 14:33:00] <WikiLeaks> Swedes will never accept criticism of bran sweden. [2015-11-02 14:33:05] <WikiLeaks> bran=bran [2015-11-02 14:33:14] <WikiLeaks> branD [2015-11-02 14:34:21] <WikiLeaks> Do you know Swedes are a different race and like sharks have extra rows of teeth? [2015-11-02 14:34:38] <voidiss> Yes, he was just a Swede, but it was sad to see once again Swedish groupthink at work. [2015-11-02 14:34:56] <M> "Risk of creating troll" is a v important point. Over zealous correction can turn ignorance into a grudge. [2015-11-02 14:36:31] <M> Stuff re The Jester is bothering me. I don't think anyone should engage with him. [2015-11-02 14:37:07] <Emmy B> Horrid individual [2015-11-02 14:37:45] <M> WL, do you have the docs to back up that swede shark statement? I want diagrams. [2015-11-02 14:38:44] <Emmy B> I have lost a couple could use with some extra :-) [2015-11-02 14:48:22] <WikiLeaks> [2015-11-02 14:50:54] <WikiLeaks> A condition that's unusually frequent in Sweden. [2015-11-02 14:55:53] <Emmy B> hmmm [2015-11-02 14:57:18] <Emmy B> :-p [2015-11-02 14:58:06] <voidiss> How cool! I want to be a Swede too now. lol [2015-11-02 14:59:58] <Emmy B> Don't believe them Greta, they are trolling us [2015-11-02 15:00:13] <Emmy B> ;-p [2015-11-02 15:00:48] <voidiss> Haha, I know! I was joking too! ;) [2015-11-02 15:01:45] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-11-02 15:03:05] <M> Uf. Teeth stuff is so creepy. [2015-11-02 15:04:01] <Emmy B> I prefer kittens and puppies [2015-11-02 15:06:08] <voidiss> I have a fetish for kittens. [2015-11-02 15:07:36] <Emmy B> oh dear, time for a quick exit xxx goodnight everyone :-) [2015-11-02 18:55:09] <noll> [2015-11-02 23:16:48] <Emmy B> excellent, thank you! [2015-11-02 23:45:13] <Emmy B> An interesting perspective on minority issues: Turkey, Kurds, Turkish Cypriots, [2015-11-03 04:57:54] <Emmy B> Potential new troll @tomatorepublic [2015-11-03 08:04:27] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-03 08:08:27] <voidiss> Oh, you can't imagine how much I'd like to be there with you at that vigil! 28 November is the day on which I heard about WL for the first time, five years ago. I'll be there with my heart and mind. [2015-11-03 08:42:51] <voidiss> IPU adopted resolution proposed by @birgittaj about digital rights, privacy and personal freedom: [2015-11-03 08:55:16] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-03 11:30:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, Greta, me as well. <3 [2015-11-03 13:35:55] <noll> Monbiot on TPP TTIP, "Only through WikiLeaks do we have any idea of what is being planned." [2015-11-03 13:48:24] <voidiss> Just to have a clarification: this awful legislation [2015-11-03 13:50:57] <noll> goes to senate next: [2015-11-03 13:51:54] <voidiss> Thank you! [2015-11-03 13:58:55] <noll> [2015-11-04 03:38:37] <voidiss> Stefania Maurizi's article about secret services (CIA/MI5/FSB) propaganda through films and cinema: [2015-11-04 04:27:59] <Emmy B> Another 'The Island" article (Shri Lanka) about using WL cables in assisting with missing persons [2015-11-04 04:43:46] <Emmy B> Alert! [2015-11-04 04:45:49] <Emmy B> This is how Christine Ann Sands prolific trolling the WikiLeaks/Anonymous cause is used for propaganda against genuine supportive action: [2015-11-04 04:46:12] <Emmy B> How many other papers will copy paste this pile of rubbish? [2015-11-04 04:46:42] <Emmy B> And of course the Ecuadorian Embassy is put into the focus. [2015-11-04 04:50:19] <Emmy B> [Tweet] I have approached the author [2015-11-04 06:23:50] <voidiss> If the polls are true (and hasn't changed since February), this is very alarming: [2015-11-04 06:38:42] <Emmy B> I sent Jon Austin an e-mail informing him the Christine Ann Sands site is fake and other information about her operation and conviction. I am hoping he will take the info down or he might just put the comments I made into his article and make things even worse. Who knows, there is a risk. keeping my fingers cross. [2015-11-04 06:54:33] <Emmy B> The same misinformation is spread elsewhere: [2015-11-04 06:56:50] <Emmy B> They re-produce Christine Ann Sands fake account : [2015-11-04 06:57:07] <Emmy B> and call to go to the Ecuadorian Embassy: [2015-11-04 06:58:00] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-04 07:06:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 07:06:42] <Emmy B> I have to dash, please keep an eye on this one, will bbl. [2015-11-04 07:29:39] <M> [Tweet] It's not just Sands mentioning Ec Embassy re MMM, though. Major anon accounts are as well. [2015-11-04 07:45:43] <noll> we're going to do quick storify this evening re Ann Linde's impartiality/ political ties to JA case. [2015-11-04 08:09:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> I know I'm behind as usual but... Greta, any US legislation must pass both Senate & House & then be signed by the President. It can get held up at any stage. We can only hope it gets stuck in the Senate. [2015-11-04 08:12:09] <WikiLeaks> Sands is a problem, but don't disconnect anon and WL. [2015-11-04 08:12:24] <Emmy B> @ M interesting how MSM only mention Sands though, next minute they will be pointing to her sofiawilen website... nice! - not and then hey presto SW's interview on how she is abused by WLsup, Christine Ann Sands already published by UK MSM as a typical WL supporter will do JA no favours. and of course she now has a conviction on a very juicy cause [2015-11-04 08:12:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> There's also a likelihood of significant bias in that poll. Without seeing the methodology, we don't know. But if true, it's a sad thing that the UK people are buying into the propoganda. [2015-11-04 08:13:22] <Emmy B> Anon have already warned about her in a video [2015-11-04 08:13:42] <WikiLeaks> It's beneficial if it is perceived that anon is protesting aout JA and also, internally within anons who may become sources one day. [2015-11-04 08:14:22] <LibertarianLibrarian> Unfortunately, the raving lunatics are often preferred by the MSM. More dramatic than rational debate. [2015-11-04 08:16:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, Anon support for WL is valuable. A good thing however Sands and her ilk might want to twist it. [2015-11-04 08:16:14] <Emmy B> But Sands has nothing to do with Anon from what I have seen and experience. She damages anything she touches. [2015-11-04 08:16:21] <voidiss> So we simply need to push the fact that anons themselves took distance from Sands and inform that she isn't representative either of Anonymous movement or WL. [2015-11-04 08:16:48] <voidiss> (Btw, thanks for the clarification, Jenny!) [2015-11-04 08:18:53] <WikiLeaks> At this moment all that will do is push anons away from WL. [2015-11-04 08:19:02] <WISE Up Action> Ffs. What a crock of shit. A veritable cocktail (ha ha) of the Met being utterly disingenuous; srsly taking the piss, the pernicious Public Order Act, the media charlatans, and Sands stirring it wherever she can. [2015-11-04 08:19:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, Greta. As Emmy's done, we remind people that Sands isn't representative of WL or WLsup while letting Anon do its own thing. Anon is by nature amorphous but the general support in that 'community' for JA and WL is positive. [2015-11-04 08:19:25] <WikiLeaks> Since it is suggesting that the support for JA is fake. [2015-11-04 08:21:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's a fine line to tread but we simply have to correct inaccuracies with people who may listen and otherwise treat her as any other troll. [2015-11-04 08:24:27] <Emmy B> I am out. Jon Austin has just replied that he has amended the article, in fact he has added to the misinformation and even added 'However, a source close to WikiLeaks said it was a fake website and not connected to Anonymous or WikiLeaks and Mr Assange.' I have replied that this misrepresents me and he should removed it. [2015-11-04 08:25:02] <Emmy B> [2015-11-04 08:25:18] <M> Media may have picked up Sands' stuff because of laziness. Since she does have the MMM website, media could've assumed it was the official/main site for the protest. It's easier to do that than try and understand the complexities of anon. [2015-11-04 08:27:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> What a nuisance, Emmy. Sorry. Have a good afternoon. [2015-11-04 08:29:57] <Emmy B> Thanks Jenny you too! x [2015-11-04 08:30:56] <M> Btw, if you haven't seen it, @aiww has been tweeting out Lego portrait plans of dissidents. Very neat. [2015-11-04 08:30:58] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 08:31:03] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 08:31:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, those are great! [2015-11-04 11:16:34] <Emmy B> Jon Austin has now partially amended the above reference to say : "However, a source said it was a fake website and not connected to Anonymous or WikiLeaks and Mr Assange." He has kept the rest of the reference about her site though. [2015-11-04 14:10:13] <Emmy B> Czech artist [2015-11-04 14:14:30] <Emmy B> video: [2015-11-04 14:17:14] <noll> [2015-11-04 14:25:57] <Emmy B> Greek Saying :"if you hold me by my nose I will simply burst" [2015-11-04 14:27:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-04 14:28:49] <Emmy B> grrrrr [2015-11-04 14:37:47] <Emmy B> @ h Have you thought of asking same question re JA assassination plans to Justice Minister in Sweden as well as the ministry that oversees SAPO. Remember they did not want to see video of Assassination threats as evidence of good reason to be given asylum at the Appeals Court in Sweden if I am not mistaken or was it the Supreme Court? [2015-11-04 14:47:07] <noll> Em, we can ask, but they're not going to reply to that. but yes, in terms of refusal to adhere to the principle of mutual recognition of asylum, it's still worth asking. will do. if anyone has FOI ideas pls post here. even the non-answers can be illuminating in various ways. [2015-11-04 14:47:45] <Emmy B> thank you! [2015-11-04 14:49:40] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 14:51:41] <WISE Up Action> Not thinking of *misusing* #FOIA are you., [2015-11-04 14:51:57] <WISE Up Action> Hazel? Ha Ha x [2015-11-04 14:52:37] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-11-04 15:42:35] <noll> [Tweet] haha!! -> [2015-11-04 15:44:04] <noll> [Tweet] -> [2015-11-04 16:44:27] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 16:46:11] <noll> [2015-11-04 16:49:10] <WISE Up Action> Aaha - is that a new find? [2015-11-04 16:51:52] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-04 19:15:24] <WikiLeaks> Interesting parallels between FWLF and ISIS [2015-11-04 19:16:58] <WikiLeaks> Desperate people, haters and exterior support combing to prouce relentless, though thankfully so far mostly useless, attacks. [2015-11-04 19:19:03] <WikiLeaks> Positions itself as a rebel movement. Attacks small power (WL) that's already been attacked by a much larger power. In both cases the larger power is the US and UK. [2015-11-04 23:31:08] <voidiss> Very interesting thoughts! [2015-11-04 23:32:38] <voidiss> Also, imho... in both cases these two larger powers publicly pretend to be against the 'rebel movements' (ISIS/WLF) but actually they take [2015-11-04 23:33:16] <voidiss> Also, imho... in both cases these two larger powers publicly pretend to be against the 'rebel movements' (ISIS/WLF) but actually they take [2015-11-04 23:33:37] <voidiss> great advantage from their actions. I mean, I think any govt would apparently take a critical position against trolls who harrass [2015-11-04 23:33:53] <voidiss> teenage girls or rape victims, but actually WLF's very useful and even paid by govt; and the same with ISIS, which is regarded as [2015-11-04 23:34:12] <voidiss> the main current enemy of US -and surely it is an enemy, but US sometimes exploit ISIS actions for their interests [2015-11-04 23:34:23] <voidiss> (for example, in the cable about overturning Assad regime) [2015-11-04 23:35:47] <voidiss> Oh, TPP text is finally online! [2015-11-05 01:32:36] <WikiLeaks> mother fuckers [2015-11-05 01:51:18] <WikiLeaks> We say that because we were releasing more #TPP today. [2015-11-05 02:54:54] <voidiss> Oh. They knew this and wanted to avoid to be shown up again? Or is it a coincidence? [2015-11-05 02:57:12] <WikiLeaks> Hard to say. [2015-11-05 02:57:29] <WikiLeaks> They initially said they were releasing it probably next week. [2015-11-05 02:58:16] <WikiLeaks> But there were enough partners talking about today over email that they must have known we were releasing today. [2015-11-05 03:07:26] <voidiss> So now they only have to handle attacks abt content of agreement & not attacks about secrecy, since they released it of their own free will. [2015-11-05 03:07:31] <voidiss> What a strategy, fuck off. [2015-11-05 03:33:00] <Emmy B> It is a victory for WL and transparency but too late for democratic processes to fully function in controlling content and process. [2015-11-05 03:51:55] <Emmy B> The appeal is January/Feb 2016 till MGT convicted FWLF have free hand unhindered, but even after conviction, unless in jail, MGT will not stop. Neither his helpers. We have to see how things unfold over time. The good thing is he can no longer recruit. The good thing is he has exposed himself beyond redemption on the credibility front. Still, ppl like DAG, James Ball, Luisa whatshername who have built careers on smearing JA/WL will always be happy to mutually benefit through shared narative (unless MGT is convicted only then especially DAG may distance finally as he will be tainted by association). [2015-11-05 03:59:40] <WISE Up Action> Anyone seen / heard of Steinitz recently? [2015-11-05 06:14:52] <Emmy B> Listening Despair and Defiance (can't believe I heard externalities mentioned in the context of a thong factory!) [2015-11-05 06:32:23] <Emmy B> Christine sand's flyer has suddenly become 'a fringe group' [2015-11-05 06:32:29] <Emmy B> [2015-11-05 06:34:24] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-05 07:20:05] <WISE Up Action> Sands's stuff is spreading on Facebook unfortunately [2015-11-05 07:23:53] <M> Regarding MMM? It's already halfway through the 5th, so I'm not sure she can have much influence in that matter (i.e. people have already made their plans for the day). [2015-11-05 07:24:49] <M> [Tweet] It seems she had the opportunity to go on BBC, but it doesn't sound like she took it. [2015-11-05 07:44:37] <Emmy B> @£$%^%^&&* :-x [2015-11-05 08:28:14] <WikiLeaks> Emmy there's no more developments other han the appeal date is now set? [2015-11-05 09:53:38] <Emmy B> Cabledrummer will give us an update from his side later on tonight. [2015-11-05 09:56:23] <Emmy B> Chris has sent a massive twitter complaint about fwlf. Waiting to hear of any result. I have also sent a complaint for 81 fwlf tweets about me but twitter has concluded will not take any action for 60 out of 81. Awaiting to hear for the remainder 21 although I think they will just ignore them so I will have to re-submit. [2015-11-05 09:58:06] <Emmy B> Bella Magnani has made a police complaint about fwlf twitter account here in the UK because of what they say about her is harassment. [2015-11-05 10:01:54] <Emmy B> I am wondering if I should do the same (file a police complaint for harassment). My subject access request came back blank, Metpol holds no information about me so MGT's alleged complaint about me in 2013 has not registered with them or it was all a lie (one more lie?). I will do the same for Essex Police before Christmas as where I live is on the cusp of both services. [2015-11-05 10:12:58] <Emmy B> Oh great @YourAnonNews tweets Christine Ann Sands map and site and WL re-tweets, ok next time I see her I will roll the red carpet! :-p [2015-11-05 10:15:17] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Reminder of what she may be tweeting next: - her handmade banner lovely! [2015-11-05 11:15:23] <M> [Media-image] It is a nice drawing of a banana bunker. [2015-11-05 11:40:43] <Emmy B> lol [2015-11-05 11:43:25] <Emmy B> [Media-image] but maybe someone should let Matt de Hart's mum not to rt her stuff, I mean... she might be an agent... and Matt is in a US prison [2015-11-05 11:44:37] <Emmy B> [Media-image] sorry this is the tweet [2015-11-05 11:50:50] <Emmy B> I think I will send her a DM, she has RTed three times Christine's stuff if she thinks I am mad so be it... [2015-11-05 11:58:56] <M> Varoufakis on freedom of information, WL [2015-11-05 12:03:26] <WikiLeaks> We retweeted Sands? [2015-11-05 12:04:09] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The press project on Varoufakis [2015-11-05 12:05:37] <Emmy B> @ WL the @YourAnonNews you re-tweeted, if you click their link, it is Christine's Map from her website and her website appears on the left. [2015-11-05 12:07:44] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-05 12:08:44] <Emmy B> Click on the left.... it is Christine's site: [2015-11-05 12:10:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-05 12:36:40] <M> That map is pretty BS. If you look at the events, a lot of them aren't actually real. It's just cities with links to anon groups in the countries. Many link to events with 0 people attending. [2015-11-05 12:40:26] <M> I think this is a more accurate map of actual events. However, it doesn't have the propaganda impact of the fake map, so probably won't be used.,-34.277344&t=roadmap&lang=en [2015-11-05 12:43:44] <M> [Tweet] Sorry, bad link. Here. [2015-11-05 12:45:40] <WISE Up Action> MMM is Trending (world) [2015-11-05 14:34:44] <Cabledrum> In the court case of MGT against me regarding his photo, the pronouncement of judgement is postponed until tomorrow. [2015-11-05 14:35:45] <Cabledrum> Meanwhile, the provider of the forum server, OVH SAS, has been forced by a french court to reveal its customer's identity. [2015-11-05 14:35:50] <Cabledrum> According to OVH, the server of FWLF is owned by MGT's wife, Silke Tarant. [2015-11-05 14:35:58] <Cabledrum> As a result, the criminal investigations against MGT have been reopened. [2015-11-05 14:36:20] <WikiLeaks> :) [2015-11-05 14:38:28] <WISE Up Action> Excellent news! [2015-11-05 14:43:37] <Cabledrum> It takes a long time but we will get him :) [2015-11-05 15:07:41] <voidiss> Great news, keep going! :) [2015-11-05 15:30:52] <M> Looks like Jenny Jones was on #bbcqt talking about JA. Brits mad she used "trapped" in embassy. [2015-11-05 16:49:53] <voidiss> Is there a link about this? [2015-11-05 17:00:36] <M> Not yet, was just being talked about on Twitter. Clip will probably be up eventually. [2015-11-05 17:02:07] <noll> try: [2015-11-05 17:38:33] <WISE Up Action> [2015-11-05 17:40:18] <WISE Up Action> Hope all goes well tomorrow, Cable x [2015-11-06 07:08:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's great, CableD! Congrats! Hope tomorrow goes well! [2015-11-06 07:09:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good for Jenny Jones if she said that! [2015-11-06 07:10:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> BBC iplayer is UK only, usually. I can sometimes get through via my VPN at home but not here at work. [2015-11-06 07:11:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Someone will grab the clip. [2015-11-06 07:49:48] <Emmy B> @ h without being entirely sure I would venture to say "Militia General Sheriff Sands" is in the US since April, May 2015 here is again the article that mentions her conviction with all the terms. [2015-11-06 07:50:48] <Emmy B> [2015-11-06 07:51:40] <Emmy B> Remember it was May she bought Sofia Wilen's domain site. [2015-11-06 08:27:43] <Emmy B> @ m I have recorded the clip (not the best of quality since a screen/audio recording from my i-mac but ok) will publish once I sort out the details tonight. [2015-11-06 08:28:03] <M> Ok thanks! [2015-11-06 08:28:08] <M> Latest in student-union bans: UCLU bans Kurdish man who fought ISIS because they "want to avoid taking sides in conflicts" [2015-11-06 09:52:52] <Emmy B> Here we go, I put it in youtube, let me know if you have any ideas for improvement. [2015-11-06 09:52:58] <Emmy B> [2015-11-06 09:53:24] <Emmy B> Title: Jenny Jones: MetPol spent GBP 12 million to keep Julian Assange trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy [2015-11-06 10:40:40] <Cabledrum> MGT vs. me: I still do not know the court decision because the court clerk's office was closed today for unknown reasons. Hence we have to wait until Monday. [2015-11-06 10:47:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks M! [2015-11-06 10:48:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> Bizarre Cable. Best wishes for Mon. [2015-11-06 10:56:08] <Emmy B> This happened before Cabledrummer last time you were awaiting for a result in Spring. [2015-11-06 11:01:11] <Cabledrum> Yes, German civil servants avoid working on Fridays [2015-11-06 11:05:26] <Emmy B> hm maybe they are Greek ? :-) [2015-11-06 11:05:33] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-11-06 11:14:20] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-06 11:18:32] <Emmy B> Do you understand that Kiriakou has stated he was the one 17th of November was supposed to kill instead of [2015-11-06 11:20:21] <Emmy B> The killing of Saunders was what clinched their end as the Greek government decided to bring in the British to help with the investigation. The rest is history [2015-11-06 11:25:24] <noll> it's cover somewhere or other in this interview: [2015-11-06 11:27:17] <Emmy B> But if indeed Kiriakou is right then he was possibly one of the highest ranking CIA officers in Athens. [2015-11-06 11:28:09] <Emmy B> yes [2015-11-06 11:29:17] <Emmy B> Obviously I will not discuss the matter further here :-) [2015-11-06 13:19:53] <noll> it's public domain. Kiriakou wasn't low-level. he said Saunders was deliberately targeted - that he (K) passed over b/c armed in armoured car. others say Saunders wasn't low-level either & was sole target. on another note, this post-junta disownership is great (a secret US plan to murder US service men, US friendly politicians & anyone Turkish!): [2015-11-06 13:24:45] <noll> lol [2015-11-06 13:28:17] <Emmy B> When I lived in Greece, (I left in '90) people even then talked about 17th Nov having protectors within the political circles or that it was acting with impunity because it served a purposes. Although not generally accepted as 'the truth' about them, the single most damning factor was the fact they were operating for decades without been caught and punished. [2015-11-06 13:29:25] <Emmy B> Anyone who knows anything about Greece knows about the general incompetence including anyone who wishes to organise crime. [2015-11-06 13:32:32] <Emmy B> If 17th of November participated in a greater political game outside what it self professed it would be hard to know but the fact they kept at it for so long unpunished leaves many question marks. [2015-11-06 13:36:04] <Emmy B> My own feeling is that the deep state would have fingers in all kinds of pies. As we now learn for example of the MI5's role in using surveillance and knowledge of dirty secrets of the worst kind to control IRA leadership for example... how far would that control have to go before we start saying the MI5 used IRA as another Gladio? [2015-11-06 13:36:29] <Emmy B> It is simply a minefield for the mind [2015-11-06 14:17:51] <M> The Secret Pentagon Push for Lethal Cyber Weapons [2015-11-06 21:25:23] <voidiss> A new document details FBI analyses of encrypted messaging apps and their concerns over the increase of propel using them. They propose to switch to alternatives, like paid informants or people close to the subject of investigation like family/teachers/etc. [2015-11-07 02:03:15] <Emmy B> Not good for Manning [2015-11-07 03:37:28] <Emmy B> US Ambassador in Cyprus invited head of Turkish Occupying forces to a reception at the embassy [2015-11-07 03:37:45] <Emmy B> Kissinger with be in heaven [2015-11-07 05:10:08] <noll> [2015-11-07 05:18:56] <Emmy B> Well done! [2015-11-07 05:26:42] <voidiss> Fuck fairness, in short. [2015-11-07 05:29:03] <Emmy B> I have just finished my letter to the London Assembly focusing on the L'espresso article and Home office FOI published by Hazelpress [2015-11-07 05:29:26] <Emmy B> I will enclose both article and Foi with the letter [2015-11-07 05:35:11] <Emmy B> I am borrowing bits left right and centre to pull the narrative together hoping they read the original articles themselves. I would like to put it in the blog and if you quickly read and make any points in next 30 an hour? [2015-11-07 05:43:51] <Emmy B> ok will share link here, and we keep it brief, then I de-publish [2015-11-07 05:48:01] <Emmy B> [2015-11-07 05:55:35] <Emmy B> hahahaa I just spotted a spelling error, molding not moulding :-D [2015-11-07 05:56:40] <noll> Em, you're repeating a bit. we'd put it something like: New evidence now come to light by Italian Newspaper L’Espresso via Freedom of Information Request directly with the Swedish Ministry of Justice regarding the questioning of Julian Assange. In their issue of October 19th journalist Stefania Maurizi discovered that: “in January 2011, not even two months after Julian Assange had been arrested in London, a lawyer at the Crown Prosecution Service, Mr. Paul Close, strongly advised the Swedish magistrates against questioning the WikiLeaks’ founder in London. According to Close, the appropriate strategy was to interview him "only on his surrender to Sweden and in accordance with Swedish law"." [2015-11-07 06:01:33] <Emmy B> how about the bit in bold? [2015-11-07 06:01:53] <Emmy B> Vaughan smiths comments? [2015-11-07 06:08:05] <Emmy B> I got the bold bit from Rixstep (just published new article, it quotes directly from the original docs [2015-11-07 06:09:08] <Emmy B> I must keep it in 2 pages but I am at three so yes I should cut... [2015-11-07 06:09:20] <noll> so, after Vaughan, we'd go with, "Julian Assange has been granted political asylum.. etc" section. [2015-11-07 06:14:47] <noll> so, we'd just cut the HP FOI bit & the two polemical paragraphs following, and keep everything from "Julian Assange has been granted political asylum.. etc" it'd then flow/ read much better, esp. to that audience. [2015-11-07 06:17:21] <Emmy B> HO response indicates they will trade JA's life and safety for their own objectives, that's why I want to mention it here as MetPol is supposed to prevent risks to safety for people rather than be complicit in any way even in info gathering [2015-11-07 06:18:21] <noll> & obviously we'd drop the "in Chief" from "Editor in Chief of WikiLeaks", this isn't a telenovela.. [2015-11-07 06:18:37] <Emmy B> hahahah [2015-11-07 06:18:54] <Emmy B> Korean soap maybe? [2015-11-07 06:19:11] <Emmy B> *apologies WL x* [2015-11-07 06:19:52] <Emmy B> true I will simplify and cut [2015-11-07 06:20:16] <noll> it's a point with lots of factors that most will dismiss out of hand & in doing so everything else. [2015-11-07 06:21:21] <Emmy B> thanks for comments H, I will just take a break and re-visit in a bit, want to get it in the post Monday first thing :-) [2015-11-07 11:57:05] <Emmy B> MGT has got one of the Sands accounts suspended [2015-11-07 13:36:38] <WikiLeaks> Pop will eat itself. [2015-11-07 13:42:09] <Emmy B> "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There aren't any definitions for pop will eat itself yet. Can you define it?" [2015-11-07 13:42:57] <Emmy B> unless you mean trolls will eat eachother [2015-11-07 13:43:12] <Emmy B> MGT-Sands [2015-11-07 13:44:17] <noll> [2015-11-07 13:46:33] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-07 13:48:12] <WikiLeaks> Troll will eat each other, yes. [2015-11-07 13:48:20] <WikiLeaks> Trolls [2015-11-07 13:49:57] <Emmy B> happy thought," the troll wars" [2015-11-07 13:50:49] <voidiss> Sands seems really crazy. She has no logic at all. She creates disarray even within her fellows. [2015-11-07 13:52:58] <voidiss> Curiously this comes immediately after the coverage of FOIA'd emails. Not to belittle Stefania's previous work, she has always done high-risk journalism, but still. [2015-11-07 13:53:31] <Emmy B> poor thing she seems worried, shame <3, feel for her [2015-11-07 13:56:12] <Emmy B> Sands can be very amiable and funny, which is very scary when she turns... or you realise what she is really like...spoke to the police for hours upon hours, they loved her, very flirty with them. [2015-11-07 13:58:56] <Emmy B> the collection of humanity outside the embassy has been amazing over the years, she has certainly printed a chapter. [2015-11-07 14:00:25] <M> Sounds like Ted Bundy. [2015-11-07 14:03:31] <Emmy B> I was a little afraid, in particular when press was around she behaved her worst. [2015-11-07 14:12:33] <Emmy B> not a good bedtime read [2015-11-07 14:12:52] <WISE Up Action> Em, Sands is back in US now, right? [2015-11-07 14:14:58] <Emmy B> yes as far as [2015-11-07 14:15:05] <Emmy B> i know [2015-11-07 14:15:57] <Emmy B> after her conviction... [2015-11-07 14:17:30] <Emmy B> Jim rang up a journo friend of his asked him to look up the magistates court record and write up the story so we have something to show ppl about her time here. [2015-11-07 14:19:55] <Emmy B> As soon as I googled her name up after the first time we met (we welcomed her warmly) I learned about her and warned as many as I could but couldn't keep up with her [2015-11-07 14:23:20] <Emmy B> she was infiltrating different groups far and wide and I am very limited with the time I spend in London. She was very determined and some felt intimidated by her, some where charmed, but could not do much with us and became hostile. Particularly towards me and Jim. [2015-11-07 14:29:08] <Emmy B> what a character, wasting our time really... [2015-11-07 14:30:04] <WISE Up Action> She appeared out of nowhere on here and tried to connect with us, but asked too many questions from the start. Obviously suspect. Ignored her and she moved on. Hopefully she and MGT can keep each other occupied.... [2015-11-07 14:35:22] <Emmy B> you'd be having a semi normal conversation and suddenly would ask me if I were with the illuminati !!! or something like this [2015-11-07 14:35:59] <Emmy B> bizarre [2015-11-07 14:39:10] <Emmy B> and trying to sow discontent and bad feeling, got a phone call from someone "why is this woman badmouthing you and the vigil?" had to spend an hour on the phone re-assuring this person and advised to block her from her facebook page but she was too scared to do so as not to enrage Christine [2015-11-07 14:39:47] <Emmy B> a very bad apple but of sweet appearance when she wanted [2015-11-07 14:41:29] <Emmy B> anyway I am out! goodnight everyone :-) [2015-11-07 14:47:01] <WISE Up Action> Night, Emmy x [2015-11-07 14:48:24] <Emmy B> x [2015-11-08 03:31:59] <Emmy B> [Media-image] hehe they made him into a carpet :-) [2015-11-08 07:53:05] <WikiLeaks> We must learn him. Everytime he mentions us anywhere, we push the transcript on the outlet and demand right of reply. [2015-11-08 08:09:16] <WikiLeaks> Most people think Apple is powerful and innovative, so the unqualified association isn't all that bad. [2015-11-08 08:24:44] <M> David Walsh, journalist who exposed Lance Armstrong, makes interesting some comments re Gibney in this video i.e. him failing to do his journalistic duty (@3:12) [2015-11-08 08:42:07] <voidiss> I've just been to an event in Italy about refugees, and I spoke to a group of activists who organized the No Borders garrison in Ventimiglia [2015-11-08 08:42:39] <voidiss> (a group of refugees established there on 11 June to protest against the closure of borders, and then some supporters/activists organized [2015-11-08 08:43:05] <voidiss> a sort of camp - without any permission - which lasted until 30 Sept, then the police forced the dismantling). [2015-11-08 08:43:22] <voidiss> That camp was a form of civil disobedience, of course, and the activists even documented many abuses of migrants' hr by [2015-11-08 08:44:22] <voidiss> police there (when refugees were caught while trying to pass the border they were locked up for more than 6h in a sort of cage, no water). [2015-11-08 08:44:33] <voidiss> And among the tactics used by media to sully their reputation there was... rape! [2015-11-08 08:44:40] <voidiss> Some of them were accused of rape, but then the case was closed. It's interesting to see how the strategies are always the same. [2015-11-08 09:01:11] <WikiLeaks> Only way to deal with this is to make JA's case a famous example of false rape [2015-11-08 09:02:07] <WikiLeaks> i.e rather than JA is innocent, JA is the most famous case of false accusation. It's a good candidate because the accusation is by the state not the woman [2015-11-08 09:11:35] <WISE Up Action> Anyone taking the time to look at the record would see that the JA case is unambiguous. The difficulty, as ever, is framing it concisely. [2015-11-08 09:12:55] <WikiLeaks> 1. already cleared 2. no charges 3. woman says police made it up [2015-11-08 09:13:41] <WISE Up Action> OK - yes good x [2015-11-08 09:18:57] <WISE Up Action> Dealing with the monumental and wilful stupidity about US reach is what dominates tho - and the bs about Sweden. Not innocence or guilt. [2015-11-08 09:20:46] <WikiLeaks> Yes, the US case is what should always come first. But if forced to respond to an attack on Sweden, then those 3 points, inorder to get back to talking about the real case. [2015-11-08 09:24:45] <WISE Up Action> Understand that. I meant that the British media line which is fed to the populace is that all is simply solved by submitting to 'Swedish justice' ho ho. [2015-11-08 09:30:06] <WISE Up Action> Agree about Gibney, H. Quasi everything. Sentimental, maudlin crap. Potted psychology. Ugh. I thought the clip M shared very telling. [2015-11-08 09:31:07] <WikiLeaks> Which clip was that? [2015-11-08 09:31:25] <voidiss> Agree w/ you. The problem isn't that there aren't proofs of utter bias, political interference and malicious prosecution in JA case. [2015-11-08 09:31:37] <WISE Up Action> [2015-11-08 09:31:39] <voidiss> The problem is that those proof are kept from common people, who don't know and don't care to go searching for them. [2015-11-08 09:32:07] <voidiss> The available info is the skewed and false one. So we need to spread the true ones, both for JA's case itself & other possible fake cases. [2015-11-08 09:32:19] <WISE Up Action> at 3.11 [2015-11-08 09:39:43] <WISE Up Action> Absolutely, Greta. And every detail is worth documenting. And committing to memory in a clear history. [2015-11-08 09:42:53] <WISE Up Action> As well as that, I think it's important for us to identify key points (w references) that provide a very concise, digestible summary. [2015-11-08 09:53:13] <voidiss> Also, another thing that was said in the workshop. Two years ago, an Italian journalist-Lorenzo Bagnoli-did a journey across Europe together [2015-11-08 09:53:26] <voidiss> with some migrants who wanted to go to Sweden, to document how it really was and why Sweden was so desired as final destination. [2015-11-08 09:53:44] <voidiss> He said it was because in Sweden the waiting period to have your asylum request analyzed and to receive a place to stay was only 1 month. [2015-11-08 09:53:55] <voidiss> And ok, well, from a humanitarian point of view this is good, but this can back the hypothesis of the depopulation: [2015-11-08 09:54:01] <voidiss> Sweden did everything to appear like a sort of heaven to refugees. [2015-11-08 09:55:53] <voidiss> Anyway, yes, WiseUp! The one that was done for the CUSReferendum is good, it contains those three points WL made. [2015-11-08 09:58:01] <WikiLeaks> Sweden wants cannon fodder to right the Russians also. Australia had the same policy post WWII, "populate or perish". [2015-11-08 09:58:25] <WikiLeaks> right=fight [2015-11-08 10:09:48] <voidiss> This reminiscences from the Cold War are so stupid. [2015-11-08 10:26:03] <M> There's some interesting critiques in this review of Gibney's Jobs film, too, particularly about interviews he didn't/couldn't get. [2015-11-08 10:26:26] <M> In that film and in WL, he does this whole, "Well, I couldn't get these interviews, so I guess I'll make a different film!" [2015-11-08 10:27:13] <M> Gibney is good at deceiving people that his docs are balanced. But once you're the subject of one or knowledgeable about the subject, you realize what a bullshitter he is. [2015-11-08 10:29:02] <M> Going Clear is an interesting one because there's bullshitters on both sides. [2015-11-08 10:30:43] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-08 10:45:50] <WikiLeaks> Heh, Gibney is so easy. [2015-11-08 11:06:42] <noll> [2015-11-08 11:11:23] <WikiLeaks> It's the sort of clap-trap a baby boomer would eat. [2015-11-08 11:12:11] <WikiLeaks> But a good outcome. He's conceeded a lack of objectivity. [2015-11-08 11:13:20] <M> He has before. [2015-11-08 11:13:22] <M> "He has no time for "lame arguments" about objectivity, quoting a well-rehearsed line from filmmaker, Werner Herzog: "Objective truth is the phone book, but it doesn't make for very interesting reading." He recognises that all editing is necessarily selective, and suggests documentarians should be judged by standards of "fairness" rather than any mythical objectivity." [2015-11-08 11:15:49] <M> It's basically a catch-all against claims of inaccuracy. [2015-11-08 11:15:50] <WikiLeaks> objectivity is short-hand for not having a significant pre-conceived agenda, eliding facts the audience would be interested in, or engaging in obvious falsehoods. [2015-11-08 11:19:07] <noll> [2015-11-08 11:19:11] <M> I can't find the quote, but I remember Errol Morris saying something about objectivity isn't about being unbiased, but about recognizing what your bias is and working to counter it. [2015-11-08 11:27:14] <noll> [2015-11-08 11:30:41] <WISE Up Action> The short Herzog YouTube is excellent, H. The difference between fact and truth. [2015-11-08 11:33:47] <noll> yep, watch from around 21.45 [2015-11-08 11:35:05] <WISE Up Action> Thx x [2015-11-08 11:35:21] <noll> - you can see how proud Herzog is that interviewees can sense that he's completely straight. zero bullshit. [2015-11-08 11:35:41] <M> Storfiy: [2015-11-08 11:53:26] <noll> [2015-11-08 12:22:47] <WISE Up Action> Objectivity, Subjectivity, Facts, Truth, Forensic Detail are themselves all subject to the quality/honesty/experience/courage of the particular 'mind' channeling them. Gibney is (so far - we must hope for change) shallow, easily-satisfied (lazy, dishonest, prob thinks courage is fending off criticism on twitter), and obv a superficial observer with little experience of people. [2015-11-08 12:25:51] <WikiLeaks> He's a coke-snorting former sexploitation producer who found democrats and young interns easier to exploit than prostitutes. [2015-11-08 12:29:05] <WikiLeaks> Gibney's pretty obvious. He's toed a particular line which outfits like Universal like, developed a brand and constructed a pseudo-documentary mill, which churns out four films a year on the backs of his subdirectors and interns which he then markets. [2015-11-08 12:32:47] <Emmy B> sorry do you mean gibney directed porn? [2015-11-08 12:35:39] <noll> re that Herzog interview: in "Into the Abyss" H does not lay out full case b/c subjects were up for appeal, instead H shows audience just enough to inform, but not enough to prejudice future proceeding. Gibney used prosecution's case to try & convict Manning whilst proceedings (before conviction & sentencing hearings) were still underway. WSS release: July 12, 2013 Manning convicted: July 30, sentenced August 21 [2015-11-08 12:37:09] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for the background, WLs. Explains the state of play. imo dishonest = corrupt. And, yes, I remember that, H - it was outrageous. [2015-11-08 12:42:25] <M> From that time, too [2015-11-08 12:44:03] <WISE Up Action> But you only had to know the TITLE of *that* film to know where it was coming from. [2015-11-08 12:47:43] <M> It's always fun to go back at watch Gibney at Frontline Club. He got massacred. [2015-11-08 12:51:44] <WikiLeaks> Gibney produced a number of sexploitation films including The World of Sex. [2015-11-08 12:53:43] <WikiLeaks> He's worked hard to erase most traces. [2015-11-08 12:54:03] <WISE Up Action> Title said it all before you'd even seen one frame (ha ha). Most 'sympathetic' people in it Lamo and Hayden. And Manning eviscerated and set up. Yes, indeed, M; poor old Gibney, eh? And he always talks about the flack he gets as though its persecution. [2015-11-08 13:36:02] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-08 14:19:12] <voidiss> The tricky thing of We Steal Secret is that when it starts, you may even get misled and think that it's a rather good documentary. Not perfect, but rather good. Then, as it continues, it becomes more and more skewed, biased and full of falsities, and any person who is even a little bit genuinely informed understands where Gibney actually wants to go. He did manage to make Lamo look like a fucking tragic hero! Divided between his timeless, immense, superhuman sense of justice, duty to reveal a threat to mankind, and his pity and love for a friend who he wouldn't have wanted to betray but had to. He cries while Gibney is filming, that's the greatest propaganda effort, who couldn't find Lamo a sympathetic figure after that? [2015-11-08 14:22:38] <Emmy B> no one, his actions define him [2015-11-08 17:56:09] <noll> the Gibney/ Lamo sequence is just about as sleazy/ dishonest as it gets. re inversion of Star Trek 2's simple narrative concept - that there is no 'no win scenario' unless you believe, accept that there is one - is that just the level of cynicism, or are G/ L that stupid? [2015-11-08 20:54:21] <noll> new Kissinger book replaces realpolitik w/ reality distortion field:'s%20Shadow%22%20wikileaks&pg=PT184#v=onepage&q=WikiLeaks&f=false [2015-11-08 21:54:46] <noll> [2015-11-08 22:18:38] <noll> [2015-11-09 07:00:52] <Cabledrum> Bad news: MGT has won the court case concerning the publication of his photo. [2015-11-09 07:00:57] <Cabledrum> The court found that I'm not allowed to publish his photo, even if he published it himself and even if he still is responsible for the forum. [2015-11-09 07:01:03] <Cabledrum> The judge was the same who has judged in favour of MGT in the case of PC vs. MGT. [2015-11-09 07:01:08] <Cabledrum> I intend to appeal, but I have to check if I can finance it. [2015-11-09 07:02:02] <WISE Up Action> First link goes to 403 Forbidden, H [2015-11-09 07:02:48] <WISE Up Action> So sorry, Cable. x [2015-11-09 07:07:04] <WISE Up Action> What a pain! What was the reasoning, Cable? Seems incomprehensible if they accepted it was in the public domain through him publishing it himself?? [2015-11-09 07:11:47] <noll> Action, it does now. Wls? [2015-11-09 07:19:23] <Cabledrum> The court found that MGT is not a "person of public interest" and thus the publication of his photo violates his privacy rights [2015-11-09 07:39:43] <M> Karin Rosander is questioning the UK FCO statistic of 44 people being questioned in UK while JA detained, still claiming it's unusual for Swe to question people abroad. [2015-11-09 07:44:28] <noll> we heard from Nesser August 14. he wrote "This is very interesting, but the prosecutor in Sweden claims that most of these are interviews with witnesses, not suspects. Do you have information about how many of these 44 that are actually suspects?" [2015-11-09 07:45:27] <noll> Dear Johannes Nesser, The FOI in question can be found here: [2015-11-09 07:45:42] <voidiss> Oh, fuck. I'm very sorry, Cabledrum. He's the owner of the forum that has even openly given documents to Ball, and although this is a dumb thing, it's also something that surely qualify him as person of public interest. A dumb person or public interest, but still a person of public interest. [2015-11-09 07:47:38] <noll> & he didn't completely ignore it. that's new.. "But the documentation that the journalist has now gained access to show that it is not at all unusual that Swedish prosecutors conducting interviews with suspects in Britain." [2015-11-09 07:48:41] <WISE Up Action> What about random members of the public who have their photos taken and published by the press etc? I didn't know there was any such thing as a law protecting people's right not to have their photos in the public domain - except perhaps some guidelines re children. [2015-11-09 07:49:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry to hear that Cable! This guy is so slippery. Hopefully, sooner or later, it will all catch up with him. [2015-11-09 07:50:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, the ruling doesn't make sense. Once it's out on the internet, it's out there. Unless it's a copyright argument and I don't hear that in this. In fact, that would be just as iffy. [2015-11-09 07:51:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Also, he's tried very hard to make himself a person of public interest, yet now he's arguing that he's not... totally senseless. [2015-11-09 07:56:04] <voidiss> "I wonder if the information in the article can possibly come from Britain. It sounds unlikely that which registers all requests for legal assistance relating to interrogation." Wow, Rosander's directly trying to question the authenticity of the FOIA request, not just of the number of interviews! Is she suggesting your have made it up? Because this could be a serious accusation against your reputation. False, obviously. [2015-11-09 08:03:16] <noll> Nesser got HO to answer FOI breaking down the 44 MLA requests - but HO told us they wouldn't do that.. will ask him for copy. [2015-11-09 08:05:58] <noll> Greta, yes, does sound like that's exactly what Rosander was suggesting. [2015-11-09 08:07:13] <voidiss> HO conceded him a more detailed and specific answer than yours? This tells a lot about bias in answering to FOI requests. Nesser is a Swedish journalists (and everyone knows how Swedish journalists are, the 'duckpond' as Rix says), so they gave him a better response because they thought he wouldn't have done anything 'damaging'. Instead, they gave you a more superficial one because they knew you are WL supporters and more willing to do a strong and critical report about it. [2015-11-09 08:08:03] <noll> haha my tweet has been disappeared!! [2015-11-09 08:10:01] <voidiss> Now SPA wants to bring false accusations on JA supporters (journalists, furthermore) too? Lovely! [2015-11-09 08:11:06] <noll> we're wrong, our question to HO re witnesses or suspects wasn't specific enough. [2015-11-09 08:14:59] <noll> & neither was the follow up question (c), which lead us to believe wouldn't be answered. [2015-11-09 10:54:40] <voidiss> US federal court ruled NSA collection of phone records a violation of rights in individual case Klayman vs Obama: [2015-11-09 12:15:42] <WikiLeaks> HP: What was the link of yours that was deleted? [2015-11-09 12:23:44] <noll> this: [2015-11-09 12:25:20] <noll> it was before archived, so: [2015-11-09 13:22:23] <voidiss> Very interesting research by Alexa O'Brien and William Arkin about the militarization of US universities and which are the characteristics of America's higher education in relations to the IC community: [2015-11-09 15:16:14] <noll> [2015-11-09 15:37:04] <noll> [2015-11-09 15:39:25] <Emmy B> @ h excellent! I have sealed all 25 letters to London Assembly but I will do another in December for this one. [2015-11-09 15:47:28] <Emmy B> there seems to be meat in those foi, keep going! [2015-11-09 15:49:26] <Emmy B> in the meanwhile...institutionalised disinfo 'baptised' anti disinfo... [2015-11-09 15:49:59] <Emmy B> [2015-11-09 15:50:53] <Emmy B> @Joel_Harding [2015-11-09 15:52:06] <Emmy B> Sweden eyeing Nato help in propaganda wars [2015-11-09 16:01:00] <Emmy B> more sweden [2015-11-09 16:02:32] <Emmy B> all these via Marc Scheidt one of the fwlf trolls [2015-11-09 16:02:47] <Emmy B> (indirectly) [2015-11-09 16:08:37] <Emmy B> i rarely look at his timeline but noticed he followed joe harding and I took a look at him and who he follows and I came to this stuff. We are already in dystopia. [2015-11-09 16:11:27] <Emmy B> This is good British academics but also BBCM? lol just read it (hm maybe tor?) Training Humans For The Human Domain [2015-11-09 16:15:07] <Emmy B> creepy guys, where is my garlic? [2015-11-09 16:20:20] <Emmy B> BBC license fee now pays for it! [2015-11-09 18:58:25] <noll> ..'BBC Monitoring' monitors the 'other sides' bullshit, which as those articles state, isn't exactly toothless. they're all creeps tapping away as the world ends: [2015-11-10 02:01:08] <M> Big Atlantic article on the Yale debacle: "The New Intolerance of Student Activism" [2015-11-10 02:14:52] <noll> [2015-11-10 03:03:40] <voidiss> Oh god. Google has open-sourced its artificial intelligence engine: [2015-11-10 03:07:05] <noll> “This is really interesting,” says Chris Nicholson, who runs a deep learning startup called Sky[net]mind. [2015-11-10 03:22:24] <voidiss> Imo. The early O'Reilly's advice was practically to sell the AI technology, so that Google would have made money and other projects would [2015-11-10 03:22:49] <voidiss> have had the improvements of Google's advanced systems. Obviously this would have been scary because Google's tech would have spread [2015-11-10 03:23:08] <voidiss> all over the tech world, widening its control dragnet etc. Now they come out with this move, but they don't open-source the program [2015-11-10 03:23:23] <voidiss> as a whole, just a part of it, "algorithms that run atop the engine", keeping the others to be sold with specific apps and partners etc. [2015-11-10 03:23:50] <voidiss> So, in this way, they will have bits of its engine freely improved by tech experts all around the world [2015-11-10 03:24:04] <voidiss> and used by many different projects, and the remaining secret bits diffused through sale. [2015-11-10 03:24:07] <voidiss> So, the result would still be a global Google supremacy, but meanwhile they counter the accusations of opacity. [2015-11-10 03:38:30] <noll> where to begin.. "Google Cardboard's New York Times Experiment Just Hooked a Generation on VR" [2015-11-10 03:51:19] <WikiLeaks> The purpose of google's open source strategy is to have engineers gravitate towards its systems and standards. This constructs an ecosystem which displaces potential rivals (you can't compete with free), companies that depend on google, and perhaps, most importantly, produces engineers familiar with Google's systems which it can then hire with minimal retraining. [2015-11-10 03:53:13] <WikiLeaks> It's a form of intellectual property dumping, just like China dumping pig iron, or Saudi dumping oil to wipe out smaller scale producers. [2015-11-10 03:54:59] <WikiLeaks> It is perhaps one of the realisations of the successes they had with destroying the phone OS market by open sourcing most of aAndroid. [2015-11-10 03:56:33] <WikiLeaks> Far from allowing everyone to do it, it drives the price point down so much no one else can compete, so as long as they have a small comparitive advantage (they have the programmers who know the code best, withold some of the code, have the code by default integrate with their systems), they're able to wipe out everyone else. [2015-11-10 04:04:05] <voidiss> Thank you very much for the insight, WL. [2015-11-10 04:04:18] <voidiss> What a tricky and silent way to gain more control and supremacy. [2015-11-10 04:04:33] <voidiss> The move seems to be a willing step towards openness and sharing to improve global tech community, [2015-11-10 04:04:45] <voidiss> while instead it's just another way to destroy competition and become more and more a monopoly. [2015-11-10 04:04:50] <voidiss> The ability to use part of Google's code will bring to a world in which almost every app will be based on its systems! [2015-11-10 05:01:10] <M> CUSU idiocy is far from over. "Accepting the difficult nature of the event, they also told The Tab they will make “a room available for anyone who wishes to leave the Chamber during the event, and the audience will be reminded of this on the day.”" [2015-11-10 07:31:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> The whole world is going insane. There are times I 1)want to go to bed & pull the covers over my head; 2)start creating an armory in my closet; 3)go to Washington and start screaming like one of those crazy nuts on the street corners. [2015-11-10 12:52:49] <noll> "Ever notice how these types hate satire?" [2015-11-10 17:02:59] <M> [Media-image] Hahah. [2015-11-10 23:30:01] <Emmy B> my Foi to Royal Kensington and Chelsea borough about JA via whatdotheyknow (public) [2015-11-10 23:31:57] <Emmy B> other recent oct 2015 fois [2015-11-11 00:03:14] <Emmy B> Sweden Democrats distributing leaflets in the Greek Island of Lesbos in English to persuade refugees not to go there. The Press Project has a picture of it and you can read what it says [2015-11-11 00:05:20] <Emmy B> A Swedish volunteer helping refugees in Lesbos has reported this as well as the fact that Sweden Democrats have been videoing the ppl who help refugees as evidence. [2015-11-11 00:15:27] <Emmy B> The website shown on the bottom of the page http://www.welcometosweden.net [2015-11-11 00:18:30] <Emmy B> Picture of Swedish people in Lesbos distributing flyers [2015-11-11 00:19:12] <Emmy B> hmmm if the source is FB then this whole thing might also be disinfo, who knows??? [2015-11-11 02:07:44] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-11 02:53:51] <Emmy B> Not sure of this is of any interest: [2015-11-11 02:54:24] <Emmy B> "The ELA 2015 annual conference - Extradition and Human Rights Question Time - 11 November 2015 - 6pm for 6.30pm. - The Great Hall, Grays Inn" [2015-11-11 02:55:14] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-11 03:15:24] <Emmy B> Brings tears to my eyes chairman Nanterme, he does, but this Accenture advert [2015-11-11 05:21:26] <Emmy B> Cambridge Union security arrangements for tonight's speech. What a lot of fuss over nothing. They really are turning this into something bizarre. Why? I think this is for self publicity and creating headlines. [2015-11-11 05:22:21] <Emmy B> Very counter productive of free speech if people feel there will be security presence, it might put people off or certainly increase tensions for no reason. [2015-11-11 05:45:57] <WISE Up Action> Ok, just putting this out there: I am a new postgrad student at UCL and am still finding my feet there. I live outside London and study PT so I feel a bit out of the loop in many ways. Last week I had my undergrad graduation ceremony at Birkbeck during which the president, Joan Bakewell, lambasted Cardiff's attempts to stop Germaine Greer speaking - JBs view was that freedom of speech and the ability to debate should always prevail at an educational establishment - a view most would share? At the same time UCLU have got into a mess re Macer Gifford. It's delicate because Gifford's supporters are insinuating at some sort of 'Islamist' bias against them in the union and mentioning orgs like Cage negatively and Cage's is a counter narrative that I have supported. The Cambridge thing is a total joke! But one thing I have noticed re UCL and which may apply elsewhere is simply that some of these individuals in the union have disproportionate influence and yet are quite naive / inexperienced / uninformed to say the least. It leads to problems like we are seeing. [2015-11-11 11:35:10] <Bean> [Tweet] WikiLeaks gets a mention in this 'Pirate Bay Song' (1:11) [2015-11-11 13:00:37] <voidiss> The Collateral Murder thing was amazing! Brilliant move, now they're under pressure! Maybe they'll put a trigger warning in the video, lol. [2015-11-11 14:20:32] <WISE Up Action> just an update on the Macer Gifford thing - not an issues for SOAS, they've rearranged his talk there for the 26th. [2015-11-11 14:20:50] <WISE Up Action> issue [2015-11-11 14:51:09] <noll> this is news: [2015-11-11 18:55:26] <M> "Despite vigorous opposition to Assange’s invitation, the large amount of private security personnel hired by the Union were left idle, as no protests or commotion appeared." [2015-11-11 18:56:08] <M> "[Assange] later interrupted the Union president, Oliver Mosely, to say the idea that the Union did not respond to external pressure was “all strictly nonsense, absolute nonsense”, gaining the loudest applause of the night." [2015-11-12 23:04:51] <M> Hillary email releases to go up to 2200/month, up from 700/month. Expect more WL stuff. [2015-11-12 23:22:37] <Emmy B> thanks everyone for sharing! [2015-11-12 23:23:36] <Emmy B> @ M amazing! I wonder if they also mention Manning specifically [2015-11-12 23:24:41] <Emmy B> @ h I loved the FOI exactly what needed to try to prise open that can of worms. [2015-11-12 23:27:00] <Emmy B> my foi for JA info with borough of Ken & Chelsea will get a reply! got a ref and everything, let's see if anything comes up. [2015-11-12 23:56:06] <Emmy B> I know it reports in a bias way but the last sentence is worth every penny *heh* [2015-11-13 00:06:23] <M> B-but, safe spaces aren't about censorship! [2015-11-13 00:16:41] <WISE Up Action> Ironic considering the title of the event.... [2015-11-13 01:13:25] <Emmy B> hahaha "B-but" is this an attempt at humour re my surname? hahaha I like it! [2015-11-13 01:20:17] <Emmy B> Indeed, how ironic, *but*, isn't it interesting that Varsity's article angle is full of attempts at portraying JA cornered morally by the healthy, wealthy British establishment young things and did you notice where it says: "accusing the women who levelled the accusations of being “railroaded” into making “trump-up allegations” by Swedish authorities" I mean how can one characterise as an accusation by JA the fact that he mentioned that they were being railroaded, is beyond me and any sensible thinking person... [2015-11-13 01:21:35] <Emmy B> It is this article the longest I have seen on the matter and the most 'loaded' with overt negativity towards what it is reporting. [2015-11-13 01:35:44] <Emmy B> It also has additional reporting on its printed version here: [2015-11-13 01:37:29] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-13 01:41:26] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Front page photo: [2015-11-13 02:16:56] <voidiss> Nice article, really nice. They needed a way to re-gain their bold pride. [2015-11-13 02:17:34] <voidiss> After all the shame they got with the referendum issue, after appearing pathetic and ridiculously biased with the security measures [2015-11-13 02:17:48] <voidiss> that resulted unuseful because no protest arose, they felt 'humiliated' and wanted to reaffirm their 'supremacy'. [2015-11-13 02:17:59] <voidiss> The lecture went well, JA brilliantly answered every question and even challenged them with the video thing. [2015-11-13 02:18:25] <voidiss> They were annoyed by this, so they're trying to depict him as he was in difficulty. [2015-11-13 02:18:27] <voidiss> I hope the video of the event will be disclosed soon so everyone could see. [2015-11-13 02:21:48] <Emmy B> :-) I am sure it was all good but let's remember that when a simple event like a lecture with a Q&A by JA in one of seats of establishment sends such ripples it is telling that it challenges it profoundly :-) [2015-11-13 02:22:04] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-11-13 02:22:51] <Emmy B> like most things that challenge us are eventually for the best [2015-11-13 02:32:45] <voidiss> Oh yes, absolutely agreed! [2015-11-13 02:33:02] <voidiss> And, beyond all this, it's great that the lecture went so well, so those Cambridge students who still have a critical mind [2015-11-13 02:33:05] <voidiss> were able to listen to meaningful things. [2015-11-13 05:34:14] <WISE Up Action> It's a sneering. arrogant article with so many matters of fact placed in what are essentially scare quotes. What planet are these tools on? Looking forward to the vid. [2015-11-13 08:34:37] <voidiss> Pathetic to say the least, yes. [2015-11-13 08:34:57] <WISE Up Action> They're on Planet Wealthy Connected Elite, D! Probably bristling at JAs accurate characterisation of their esteemed career trajectory. The void/vaccuity where critical thinking should be is an increasing problem, especially in Britain it seems to me - in fact, just call it thinking per se! Such clarity of mind from our 'news correspondents' here: "Choosing to ignore the sexual allegations during his opening remarks, Assange talked at length about the challenges to freedom of speech..." Well, now, that's so bizarre (NOT!) given the bloody talk was entitled 'The Challenges to Freedom of Speech in the West' Doh! [2015-11-13 08:41:35] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-11-13 08:52:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah "Doh!" sums that up pretty well. Though I'm really horrified by this "safe space" = censorship nonsense. It is absolutely ridiculous! And a serious danger to free speech if we make it "PC" to disallow anyone's right to speak their mind. I'm all in favor of arguing back and ridiculing someone if they say stupid, ignorant or racist things but this walks us down the path of defining anything that upsets anyone even for the most ridiculous reasons as 'hate speech' or racist or sexist or whatever 'ist' you want to use. Scary stuff IMO. [2015-11-13 08:53:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> So sad to see if growing in academia, which *should* be the truly 'safe space' for free speech and open discourse. [2015-11-13 08:54:38] <voidiss> Yes. And in all this, while they're complaining about JA's heinous behaviour, thinking about how they could smear him in a good way and other crap of the like as a bunch of senselessly outraged bigots, it doesn't even cross their minds that, no matter if they agree or disagree with him, he's suffering and his human rights are being violated and therefore, if they really care about justice, equality, freedom etc, they should do something. They are really selfless, open and jointly liable people, oh yes. [2015-11-13 09:53:04] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 10:37:21] <Emmy B> Interesting commentary here: (comments section) regarding JA's Swedish case [2015-11-13 10:59:52] <WISE Up Action> UCLU have had a rethink [2015-11-13 11:18:53] <noll> Sky News Live just report that *journalists sent spyware to UK jihadists via a link to infection URL, which was then used to track/ execute them. see report beginning at -51.00: [2015-11-13 11:19:40] <noll> amazing story, difficult questions etc - all totally ignored by UK media. [2015-11-13 11:24:44] <noll> ugh ignore that, misheard report. although this article makes it clear "an undercover agent" was "The Sun’s investigations team": [2015-11-13 11:59:03] <noll> link such as it is, or will ever been known, to today's strike: [2015-11-13 13:28:53] <noll> another question - why did UK media give Murdock press permission to give away key details of operation, esp. after ranting about Snowden & ISIS for months. [2015-11-13 13:29:28] <noll> *UK govt give Murdoch [2015-11-13 13:36:15] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 14:58:22] <noll> [2015-11-13 15:07:00] <voidiss> Oh, shit. [2015-11-13 15:07:51] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 15:41:58] <noll> [2015-11-13 15:55:15] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 15:55:56] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 15:56:15] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 15:57:36] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 15:58:01] <noll> CNN has a 'producer' hiding outside in a bush.. Sky News Live 'expert' reported that likely motive "b/c it's Friday 13th".. [2015-11-13 16:00:36] <noll> Greta, someone should correlate those attacks w/ destruction of civil liberties, & then consider how many French/ UK/ US men died to protect those liberties in WW1 & 2. [2015-11-13 16:03:02] <voidiss> Terrorist attacks and civil liberties are always closely linked, as we know. Destruction of civil liberties usually is both the cause and the effect of terrorist attacks. [2015-11-13 16:03:08] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 16:07:58] <noll> [Tweet] via "Reagan conservative and Torah Jew. Writer, speaker and political advisor. Jewish She-Beast on the right side of young and promising." [2015-11-13 16:11:42] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 16:14:26] <noll> [2015-11-13 16:18:10] <M> [Tweet] Surprise! [2015-11-13 16:21:32] <M> Swift on Security also tweeted "Shut the fuck up, Julian", but decided to delete it, interestingly. [2015-11-13 16:27:31] <voidiss> No, this time I'm really confused. Ok, the policy is "everything WL says can be turned against them and be used as a smearing tool", I got it. But this time... this time really, what is there in that tweet that could cause this huge wave of resonating outrage? Did they say something disrespectful? No. They were reporting the fact and pointing at UK/US/France role in feeding ISIS. Where is the sickening bit? Swift on Security couldn't say it better: all these people should "shut the fuck up". [2015-11-13 16:31:01] <M> Obviously people are more emotional during horrific events such as these. It seems the original "not so funny now" comment is what got to people (carried the implication that it was funny at one point), as the latter comments aren't being received so negatively. [2015-11-13 16:46:24] <WISE Up Action> I think there's also some confusion re this aspect, though. [2015-11-13 16:49:40] <noll> [Tweet] commenting on, but not bothering to follow news. [2015-11-13 16:51:14] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 16:52:46] <voidiss> Is it true or not? [2015-11-13 16:57:30] <voidiss> [Tweet] Three attackers killed. [2015-11-13 16:59:34] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 17:17:23] <noll> [Tweet] will France place attack under NATO's Article 5 (US placed 9/11), & if so, will they go to UN? [2015-11-13 17:27:01] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 17:27:46] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 17:50:08] <noll> François Hollande "To all those who have seen these awful things, I want to say we are going to lead a war which will be pitiless." [2015-11-13 17:56:01] <WISE Up Action> The horrific theme of the century. [2015-11-13 18:53:52] <M> Apparently the only socially acceptable/PC response to a tragedy is "I am sad". [2015-11-13 19:26:17] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-13 21:12:32] <noll> [Media-image] on another note, RIP Noriyoshi Ohrai. [2015-11-13 21:36:26] <noll> [2015-11-13 23:01:52] <Emmy B> ok did mass surveillance prevent the attack? Have the US/UK intercepted anything like they did with the Russian plane explosion in Egypt? If they did why haven't they shared it with France? Where is the intelligence co-operation? [2015-11-13 23:03:02] <Emmy B> Is it a matter of a 'needle in the haystack' failure? [2015-11-13 23:47:00] <Emmy B> Extremely concerned about Matt dehart plea deal [2015-11-13 23:52:48] <Emmy B> Also concerned that after Paris attacks Muslim refugees will be stuck in Greece without EU absorbing some of them the humanitarian catastrophe will only intensify as the flow of migration continues but also destabilise Greece further, strengthening mindless racism and facsism. [2015-11-13 23:54:22] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 00:01:38] <voidiss> Yes. This attacks will create a terrible situation for refugees in France; they won't be allowed in anymore and those who're already there [2015-11-14 00:02:36] <voidiss> will have to endure a hell, even if they often run away precisely from ISIS. And obv there will be more strikes/military attacks feeding it. [2015-11-14 00:02:46] <voidiss> Not to count more mass surveillance and crackdown on civil liberties, obviously. [2015-11-14 00:06:07] <Emmy B> bizarre that terrorists kill the innocent in Paris but G20 meeting takes place in Turkey who covertly supports islamists and is an actor in Sunni extremism in ME. All eyes on Turkey next few days for statemen's statements and anti-terror security announcements that will limit our freedoms further, Brigade 77 will be logging overtime and since Russia is another of its mandate, I wonder how the West will tie in Russia in all this mess...oh yes... I forgot Turkey has already complained about russian aircraft into its airspace... hmmm [2015-11-14 00:07:28] <Emmy B> chaos chaos all around who benefits? [2015-11-14 00:07:47] <Emmy B> yes Greta I agree! [2015-11-14 00:24:06] <voidiss> Who benefits is always the same. It's fucking sickening. Always the same false rhetoric when there are terrorist attacks. [2015-11-14 00:24:33] <voidiss> Let's remember that after 9/11 Bush said "through my tears I see an opportunity". Of course it is an opportunity for those in power. [2015-11-14 00:25:08] <voidiss> Now that there's a tragedy happening and people are shocked and emotional, this emotion will be exploited as always and ANY measure [2015-11-14 00:25:12] <voidiss> will be accepted and justified. But I don't need to say it, it's well-known. [2015-11-14 00:28:59] <voidiss> In fact, as this article says [2015-11-14 00:32:29] <Emmy B> Have you heard Obama's statement mentioning equality brotherhood freedom in French? How bizarre that he forgets these values were established through, actually, a revolution fraught with violence in overthrowing the previous regime. How Holywoodian of the US President.... Let's strip reality of the uncomfortable bits and pick the sanitised slogan re-package it and use it as a media tool in the destruction of the very ideals it stands for. Exceptionalism might work for a US audience will it work for a French? [2015-11-14 00:39:19] <Emmy B> Interesting how Cameron's final remarks resonate with me how he justifies UK's collaboration with Saudi Arabia on the basis of intelligence and security information 'that keeps us safe'. [2015-11-14 00:55:22] <Emmy B> Is US/UK collaboration with SA to 'keep us safe' at the expense of its other allies? In the case of Greece US/UK always favoured Turkey in its aggression and was used to further UK/US interests. There is some mutual benefit there surpassing all common sense almost... why not same happens elsewhere. [2015-11-14 00:58:16] <Emmy B> WL/Snowden revelations show Greece's 2004 US surveillance scandal was not unique in fact it was (we now know) typical of the 5 eyes spying regime on all including Germany/France/Japan etc. [2015-11-14 01:00:58] <Emmy B> US/UK over the years has shown 0 policy considerations for Greece/Cyprus on important matters of sovereignty and human rights, international law and favoured Turkish interests instead as it served their interests too. [2015-11-14 01:03:59] <Emmy B> We could then perhaps say that Greece/Cyprus is not unique in this respect (although due to size maybe disproportionally exposed to external interference) and that US/UK will favour eg Saudi Arabia grand plans (has any academic written about why SA finances terrorists?, what is its ambitions?) at the expense of its other allies, eg France? [2015-11-14 01:05:39] <Emmy B> It is curious to me that from my perspective 'The West' positions itself against theocratic regimes Iran/Saudi Arabia vilifying one and supporting another. [2015-11-14 01:07:51] <Emmy B> a big parenthesis here (My mum says Shia Islam is actually 'the protestants of Islam' whilst Sunni 'the Catholics', how is it we align with the hard core party?) [2015-11-14 02:58:05] <Emmy B> Interesting to see who is re-tweeting fwlf: [2015-11-14 02:58:25] <Emmy B> [2015-11-14 02:58:56] <Emmy B> [2015-11-14 02:59:30] <Emmy B> Interesting to see who is re-tweeting fwlf take on WL statements on Paris shooting. [2015-11-14 05:35:07] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 06:15:58] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 06:17:33] <voidiss> Here we are! Fearmongering on CBS by CIA's Michael Morell and NYPD's John Miller, who say that US must be ready to face similar attacks and FBI arrested many people organizing them etc, and at the end of the video also say that the good operation security used by the terrorists is likely a result of those "new apps that can't be seen by law enforcement, can't be opened by court order, based on this new design that has become increasingly popular" [2015-11-14 06:47:54] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 06:58:51] <voidiss> Here is RT about that: Will NATO mobilize in wake of the Paris Attack? [2015-11-14 07:08:19] <voidiss> [Tweet] Fear-mongering is starting to give its fruits: [2015-11-14 07:14:37] <voidiss> And this is about the hell refugees and French Muslims could experience if Marine Le Pen won: [2015-11-14 07:26:18] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 07:42:39] <voidiss> I also think there are many reasons to worry about the Jubilee in Italy, Haz. [2015-11-14 08:41:26] <voidiss> [Media-image] It's getting worse and worse. [2015-11-14 08:43:30] <WISE Up Action> Oh here we fucking go. The information that is not information. 'Heavily implies'. [2015-11-14 08:46:31] <voidiss> Obviously. They don't even know if "the holder of the passport is indeed the perpetrator", but does someone think that this tiny bit will be included in the MSM headlines or in some other Le Pen's statement? Not at all, they will be all like "open borders let a terrorist pass among refugees!!". [2015-11-14 08:51:45] <voidiss> [Media-image] More preparations for NATO Article 5. [2015-11-14 08:53:52] <WISE Up Action> US perpetual WoT & everything that has followed, has rendered "the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment of war" a cipher, H, which, apparently, no country is ever going to bother with again, even in appearance. The US response to 9/11 has swept it all aside. No wonder Obama so delighted to welcome France back into the fold big time. [2015-11-14 09:01:32] <voidiss> Sorry, what do you mean with 'WoT'? [2015-11-14 09:03:50] <WISE Up Action> War on Terror - just the US idea of perpetual war without boundaries [2015-11-14 09:04:45] <voidiss> Ah, war on terror. Got it, thanks. [2015-11-14 09:16:38] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-14 09:32:36] <WISE Up Action> CORBYN:Today, all our thoughts and sympathy are with the people of Paris. What took place in the French capital yesterday was horrific and immoral. We stand in solidarity with the people of France - as with all victims of terror and violence. I have cancelled my engagements today to hold discussions on events in France with shadow cabinet colleagues and be briefed by Downing Street security officials. It's vital at a time of such tragedy and outrage not to be drawn into responses which feed a cycle of violence and hatred. We are proud to live in a multicultural and multi-faith society, and we stand for the unity of all communities. [2015-11-14 09:48:31] <WISE Up Action> How to make a an unsubstantiated statement appear fact, whilst avoiding responsibility for its being unsubstantiated by sleight of quote mark [2015-11-14 15:51:08] <noll> re Convention situ - since 1949 they do apply regardless, however a declaration is far better b/c stops parties from making up absurd reasons for ignoring inconvenient articles. [2015-11-14 18:21:44] <voidiss> [2015-11-14 19:35:17] <noll> after 6 days w/o activity: "Is Hannah Dawson Julian Assange's secret GF, and are they both working together for the Illuminati? [...] if you’re fucking the Illuminati, we have a right to know." [2015-11-14 19:49:44] <noll> [2015-11-14 21:23:57] <Emmy B> "That woman" !@£$%^&*() Sands would be so amusing if she was not so scary, Dawson is a first year Cambridge history student and a royal historian fellow (Edinburg lecturer) at the same time, Cambridge is becoming Oxford and the Cambridge Union Debating society with its 10,000 on line videos a secret society...hmm The one thing that is sticking out on this page is one phrase 'calling for a hunt [2015-11-14 21:27:26] <Emmy B> Remember how UK press picked up Sands' flyer, map and blog comments reporting on mmm2015, I tried to get 2 journos to change their story but with little success. She might be a nutcase but the press can easily jump at this info and cobble it all up as a story, because it is all there. [2015-11-14 21:34:11] <Emmy B> truth and fiction so interestingly mingle in her writings the perfect misinformer [2015-11-14 21:34:50] <Emmy B> but there is also this underlining aggression there [2015-11-15 04:27:37] <voidiss> Lord Carlile tried to speed up the IP Bill, but HO rejected this option, luckily: [2015-11-15 05:39:11] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 05:44:12] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] A peek inside Kay Burley's world. [2015-11-15 05:46:29] <voidiss> Refusals to accept refugees start to come out: [2015-11-15 05:49:53] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 06:42:38] <WikiLeaks> She is destined to become a JA hater. [2015-11-15 07:13:13] <voidiss> She'll be a JA hater because, ad far as I understood from what she writes, she's a sort of megalomaniac narcissistic mad one that wanted to [2015-11-15 07:13:36] <voidiss> be 'seen', being regarded as someone 'important and cool' with her utterly stupid and exaggerated (and even unhelpful and counterproductive) [2015-11-15 07:13:41] <voidiss> support attemps but has been put in front of the evidence that they are stupid, absurd and not worthy of recognition. [2015-11-15 08:13:47] <noll> [2015-11-15 08:41:53] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 08:44:53] <voidiss> US and France to intensify strikes in Syria and Iraq: [2015-11-15 08:59:17] <M> Cartoonist responses to #ParisAttacks: [2015-11-15 09:47:43] <noll> three month state of emergency is also indicative. maximum is 12 days. [2015-11-15 09:50:41] <WikiLeaks> We believe they will renew to cover the climate conf [2015-11-15 09:51:49] <WikiLeaks> Oh, we see they did. [2015-11-15 09:53:18] <noll> goes far beyond, conf is 30 Nov to 11 Dec. [2015-11-15 09:57:33] <noll> it's not set in stone:[Twitter [2015-11-15 10:03:23] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 10:08:13] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 10:15:47] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 10:43:10] <voidiss> [Tweet] Another nice sketch by Latuff. [2015-11-15 10:59:17] <noll> [2015-11-15 11:03:31] <noll> [2015-11-15 11:09:55] <noll> [2015-11-15 11:10:48] <noll> #JihadiJez [2015-11-15 11:37:47] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 12:09:24] <M> Think someone got a hold of the @YourAnonCentral account? They've been on an anti-WL/JA tirade for a couple days now. [2015-11-15 12:16:24] <voidiss> They even cc'd Louise Mensch. Uhm. [2015-11-15 12:28:01] <M> It's a v drastic change. It doesn't just seem like a response to WL's tweets, it seems like it came under new ownership, or is at least being heavily influenced. [2015-11-15 12:37:15] <noll> seems similar to: [2015-11-15 13:05:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 14:08:13] <voidiss> Marco Rubio calls for NATO Article 5 to be invoked: [2015-11-15 14:08:31] <voidiss> By the way, I'm completely shocked by French strikes. The best response ever, really an intelligent move. [2015-11-15 14:09:29] <Emmy B> *sigh* [2015-11-15 14:10:27] <Emmy B> how many tons of bombs? [2015-11-15 14:12:51] <Emmy B> there are so many countries bombing Syria: US, Israel, UK(drones assist), Russia, Syrian Airforce, France, Turkey, did I miss someone? [2015-11-15 14:13:38] <Emmy B> A free for all it seems. [2015-11-15 14:14:16] <noll> re 'death cults' point & Pilger latest: "Khmer Rouge grew to a formidable army of 200,000. ISIS has a similar past and present." // the Khmer Rouge were destroyed by Vietnam. ironically, thankfully, & after KR had killed 600,000. [2015-11-15 14:15:19] <Emmy B> A good thing to check what he writes, thx [2015-11-15 14:22:46] <voidiss> 'A free for all', yes. Maybe Syria won't be invaded as Iraq was, but it will be burnt to the ground completely. And, apart from the obvious reasons why bombing should always be considered bad, it is also what ISIS wanted, everyone knows this, so it's really a deep nonsense. [2015-11-15 14:26:16] <WikiLeaks> We think it is likely that the Western calculous has now changed and they'll do whatever it takes, including co-operating covertly with Assad to eliminate ISIS. [2015-11-15 14:27:27] <WikiLeaks> There will be a significant slaughter in the months ahead as ISIS is intermingled with civilians. They will also draft all remaining men. Since both West+"east" will be on the same side, everyone will be careless in their rush to war. [2015-11-15 14:28:40] <WikiLeaks> ISIS has an intelligence tactic of marrying into the elites to co-opt the civlian society. [2015-11-15 14:29:00] <WikiLeaks> It's not so easy for the population to go their own way now. [2015-11-15 14:32:58] <Emmy B> Turkey will never abandon own agenda and it and Israel will remain active long after others gone, see Turkish raids on Northern Iraq still on going after all these years. [2015-11-15 14:33:38] <voidiss> Obama's line at the G20 may prove these points... he's still very committed to refuse a 'boots on the ground' strategy in Syria and before changing his policy wants to think carefully about whether any action could worsen their diplomatic position with Assad, since they want to open a peace of process... So this may be because, as you said, they want to ally with him against ISIS. [2015-11-15 14:33:42] <voidiss> Is this change of calculus is just 'hysteria' or they have new other aims? [2015-11-15 14:35:11] <Emmy B> What about all the foreign fighters? [2015-11-15 14:37:03] <Emmy B> really sleepy, goodnight everyone :-) x [2015-11-15 14:37:51] <WikiLeaks> The calculous has been changing from the US perspective for a few months as the smart guys in the White House seek to get a foothold in Iran and dump the Israel-Saudi nexus. [2015-11-15 14:39:13] <WikiLeaks> Saudi isn't the US source of oil now. It is a compeditor with US shale companies. [2015-11-15 14:40:08] <WikiLeaks> Netanyahu has sides with the republicans against the democrats and has been on the White House bad books for at leas two years. [2015-11-15 14:41:08] <WikiLeaks> Iran and the US are natural allies. [2015-11-15 14:41:29] <WikiLeaks> Iran needs to be worried about Russia, China and Turkey. [2015-11-15 14:41:41] <WikiLeaks> And Saudi. [2015-11-15 14:42:04] <WikiLeaks> The US is out of region; other than history the two would be allies. [2015-11-15 14:43:49] <WikiLeaks> So there appears to be a struggle between the geostratigists + shale companies on the one hand and those who have been fed by existing relationships on the other. [2015-11-15 14:50:29] <voidiss> Uhm, conflict of interests, in short. Interesting. Does all this involve UK too or not? Do you think they have interests in leaving Saudi Arabia down too? Because, if yes, I couldn't explain to me why there have been episodes like this one... [2015-11-15 14:50:56] <voidiss> Why does Iran needs to be worried about those countries? Thank you very much, anyway! [2015-11-15 14:55:44] <noll> re Turkey & Article 5 fears: [2015-11-15 15:00:22] <WikiLeaks> Saudi has a lot of people on the payroll in UK. [2015-11-15 15:00:39] <noll> [Tweet] that account constantly RTs Heather Marsh, & it's all over the place. [2015-11-15 15:23:26] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 15:23:39] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 15:32:03] <WISE Up Action> Yeh. *That account* sounding increasingly hysterical - ott - gives it a well false note. And it's spinning wildly. As for anyone else complaining about the use of 'funny', they apparently have no nuanced understanding of the English language. It's a pathetic thing to jump on. Seems like the hysteria of denunciation is the spirit of the age. [2015-11-15 15:33:22] <WikiLeaks> They're just trying to position themselves by biasing the context of "not funny" to make people, in an emotive moment, not set the "not". [2015-11-15 15:34:05] <noll> their just US-centric? prob b/c based there. propaganda accounts don't generally have such mixed content. & it's always always fashionable to take shots at NGOs. [2015-11-15 15:34:21] <noll> agree. [2015-11-15 15:34:40] <WISE Up Action> 'positioning themselves' exactly right [2015-11-15 15:35:06] <WikiLeaks> set=see [2015-11-15 15:35:11] <WISE Up Action> me me me me me &c [2015-11-15 15:50:03] <WikiLeaks> We opened ourselves up to suck recontextualisation attacks. But we did get 15k extrafollowers. [2015-11-15 15:59:17] <WISE Up Action> Wls - Ha ha!! Srsly though, I found it entirely apt. Evoking the way in which they 'play' with people's lives; trivialise human consequences for their 'game'. And the bloody cables always have that measured tone of the higher purpose of 'our goal'. [2015-11-15 16:00:03] <M> Don't give YAC too much attention, WL. It legitimizes their idiocy. [2015-11-15 16:00:29] <M> Note that their anti-WL/JA tweets do not get many rt's. [2015-11-15 16:02:01] <M> The furor over the 1st WL tweets re #ParisAttacks has pretty much run its course. Just the usual haters milking it now. Everyone else paying attention to important info from WL. [2015-11-15 16:02:47] <WISE Up Action> Haven't looked at the links yet, H, but to comment on what you said - that is the only place of integrity imo & a very endearing and authenticating aspect of WLs [2015-11-15 16:05:59] <WikiLeaks> The last time there was one of these Anon IRC meetings a very harmful statement was issued. [2015-11-15 16:15:13] <WISE Up Action> Yep - got you, H x. [2015-11-15 16:39:45] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 16:40:49] <M> [Tweet] Interesting to note their first tweet mentioning WL [2015-11-15 16:41:08] <WISE Up Action> Ho Ho Ho [2015-11-15 16:41:09] <M> (though they were positive toward JA previously) [2015-11-15 16:42:27] <WISE Up Action> Good duellin WLs. Gotta go, friends. x [2015-11-15 18:27:32] <M> [Tweet] Haha. (5 follower account) [2015-11-15 19:05:09] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 19:05:40] <noll> [2015-11-15 21:13:21] <noll> US ignored Mamlouk is b/c alleged mass murderer: [2015-11-15 21:21:51] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 21:25:47] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-15 21:29:02] <noll> [2015-11-16 01:11:54] <voidiss> Cameron's hopeful abt international deal to attack ISIS in Syria & doesn't exclude the possibility of rushing IPBill [2015-11-16 01:22:11] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-16 02:48:28] <Emmy B> Official Greek position regarding Paris aftermath: 1. Greece will not participate in any military operation in Syria as part of NATO, its role in the crisis is to remain a stable partner. 2. Solution for avoiding such terror attacks is the exchange of info among Nato countries intelligence services. With regards to backlash on Refugee crisis. 1. Greek army's role is defensive, it will support refugee crisis but will not be managing it, i.e. Greece is treating the migration move as a humanitarian crisis not as a enemies that the army has to defend against. Coast Guard, Frontex and other civil institutions are managing the situation under civilian management. 2. There will be no joint Greek Turkish patrols in Greek territorial waters. (Reminding people there are no international waters between Greek and Turkish sea border, Turkey does not recognise Greek sovereignty in half the Aegean, basically does what it likes when it suits). Joint Greek/Turkish coast guard exists albeit Turkish coast guard is better equipped than Greek and since they let the dingies leave their coast without intercepting them anyway, I just can't see how they can suddenly intercept them if they are to go into Greek waters. In Turkish waters are invisible and suddenly in Greek waters are visible? [2015-11-16 02:56:57] <Emmy B> Greek Navy is not involved in the operations currently but Turks will bring them in (remember they do what they like their navy already trespasses frequently and forces the Greek navy and airforce to be shadowing them around). If Turkish navy get's an in then Greek Navy is forced to participate, then the scene is set for skirmishes and red alert tensions on a daily bases btw Turkish/Greek vessels. If anyone thinks all this has anything to do with saving refugees they can think again, consider what we are dealing with: 1. desperate people 2. ruthless traffickers 3. flimsy dingies. Why, if military vessel as much as approach one of these dinghies the waves they makes might just topple the dingy, not to mention that Traffickers advise refugees that the moment they see the coast guard to sink the dingy so then coast guard is forced to launch a saving operation rather than toe them back to the sea border and co-ordinate with Turkish coast guard to pick them up (this used to happen a lot where some small vessels were forced to return to Turkey) With the weather deteriorating from week to week the death toll increases, the journey is even more perilous. [2015-11-16 03:08:18] <Emmy B> Ah surprise surprise! ‘US launches attack on hundreds of Daesh oil trucks in Syria’ [2015-11-16 03:11:12] <Emmy B> [Tweet] from 2 days ago: [2015-11-16 03:16:32] <Emmy B> (article has nice photo of Carl Bildt masterminder of disastrous EU policy of helping the rebels finances by getting rid of oil trading restrictions. Is any, any academic, any western journalist calling the particular EU politicians imbeciles?, is any politician saying 'lesson learnt' or resigning?) [2015-11-16 04:33:45] <Emmy B> Extremely important article on Greek Satirical Magazine 'To Pondiki' issue published 12/11/2015 regarding National Security and Sovereignty implications of TiSA with regards to the Aegean. It refers heavily on earlier WikiLeaks release on TiSA via local Partner Kathimerini to highlight that current EU policy via Merkel and Junker (pressurising Greece to accept Turkish involvement in 'guarding' Greek sea borders regarding the influx of immigrants/refugees) reflects commitments that EU has already made to Turkey via TiSA reminding that Turkey was responsible for formulating the TiSA naval/sea chapter and as a result it formulated it in a manner to protect and enhance its own interests to the detriment of the Greek interests and sovereignty. [2015-11-16 04:36:53] <Emmy B> Unless I am an expert in such matters, which I am not, I cannot really have my own opinion on the matter as I have not studied the TiSA chapter let alone understanding what it really means for Greece. Greek Academics might have approached the matter but nothing has come up that I have read on the matter (Kathimerini did not exactly make a fuss at the time of publication) and anyway the media is pre-occupied so much about the economic crisis and the refugee crisis little energy or attention is paid to other matters. [2015-11-16 04:37:42] <Emmy B> Here is the article in Greek [2015-11-16 04:38:54] <Emmy B> and via google translate (very bad translation): the title says Turkey [enters] the Aegean via Europe [2015-11-16 05:23:00] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Greek/Frontex has identified the location of exit points from Turkey towards the 2 Greek islands that receive most of the refugees: [2015-11-16 07:15:47] <noll> [Tweet] [2015-11-16 10:07:58] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-16 10:30:13] <voidiss> [Media-image] This doesn't look promising at all. [2015-11-16 10:39:02] <Emmy B> Who needs fasism and dictatorship when democracies can crush individuals by the rule of law legislated in parliaments. [2015-11-16 11:22:00] <WikiLeaks> Christian Slater, from Mr. Robot, now follows us. [2015-11-16 11:22:16] <WikiLeaks> Let's hope that it doesn't go all '24'. [2015-11-16 11:41:54] <M> I heard good things about it, but never got around to watching it. Season 2 starts summer 2016. [2015-11-16 11:41:54] <voidiss> Mr. Robots had many positive reviews... The only critical note is that it doesn't talk about the political situation of hacktivists, i.e. the threats of years and years of prison etc etc. And also it may have the collateral effect of incrementing the "hacker scare" with the idea of a group of hacker being able to bring to its knees the global economy. Maybe those Slater doesn't have bad intentions. [2015-11-16 11:42:31] <voidiss> *without 'those' [2015-11-16 11:44:37] <voidiss> And regarding Corbyn... I agree with you, Haz. I'm afraid that, among the many awful consequences and ways of exploitation of the Paris attacks, there will be also Corbyn's decline. People are in that emotional situation in which they prefer security over freedom and even security over justice. [2015-11-16 12:15:11] <M> [Tweet] Is JA part of this? He's not listed on the main site. [2015-11-16 13:06:34] <voidiss> [Tweet] He loses points. [2015-11-16 13:06:57] <voidiss> Paris Attack Will Foster an Orwellian Police State: [2015-11-16 13:14:49] <M> [Tweet] Gawd. [2015-11-16 13:23:05] <voidiss> [Tweet] Getting hysterical. [2015-11-16 13:55:06] <Emmy B> actually it seems SouthBank sounds like great fun! :-) read the Assange hashtag! [2015-11-16 14:06:10] <voidiss> Indeed! I can't wait for the video! It seems truly wonderful! [2015-11-16 14:14:34] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-16 14:21:36] <Emmy B> :-) *hehehehe* finally reads intercept and reports the story, they might get their Nato grant cut in the end, god forbid :-) [2015-11-16 16:09:59] <voidiss> [Tweet] So next step is Article 5... [2015-11-17 04:59:48] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-17 05:31:57] <Emmy B> @ h could we crowdsource? would they accept payment? [2015-11-17 05:36:03] <Emmy B> In today's Brussel's EU meeting of Ministers of defence Greek position re France: EU and Nato need to co-operate through the exchange of information held by secret services. on question regarding Greek Army guarding the borders Greek Mod re-iterated previous position The border with Turkey is the Aegean sea. If Greek Army(Navy) is deployed this mean we will killing children and this is impossible. They are refugees. [2015-11-17 05:39:30] <Emmy B> This reflects the general position in Greece that Army is for killing enemies when they invade rather than the current wave of expectation that Armies should be used in dealing with the refugee crisis. But of course the army does have civil duties in national emergencies, mainly the putting out of fires in the summer and I recall them doing rubbish collection in Athens when the public sector workers in that sector had gone on a long strike in the 80's :-) [2015-11-17 05:40:12] <Emmy B> *hehehe* [2015-11-17 05:43:39] <Emmy B> Let's see what this european army is going to be about if it ever comes about and how interesting that the French should suggest it. Shouldn't they first sort out the structural problems with the euro before they suggest such profound federalisation step? I don't like this thing but what does this say about the role of Nato? is it finally de-functed ? [2015-11-17 05:45:49] <Emmy B> good thinking! yes, there seems to be 'meat' in it. Good luck! [2015-11-17 05:49:35] <Emmy B> Kerry is talking about political solution in Syria, stopping the war and calling on Saudi Arabia to round up the Syrian opposition for UN talks. Is this the democratic opposition of the FSA teams and affiliates, rounded up by their champion SAUDIA ARABIA? he lets the cat of the bag so overtly? is any politician/ journalist calling them out for it? [2015-11-17 08:23:00] <Bean> [Tweet] an update... [2015-11-17 09:02:54] <Emmy B> Thank you ! <3 [2015-11-17 10:43:47] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-17 10:44:01] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-17 11:22:56] <Emmy B> FT latest on Correa: [2015-11-17 12:03:01] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-17 12:09:42] <WISE Up Action> Conflicting info coming out of Hannover...... [2015-11-17 14:42:39] <WISE Up Action> Tell tell! x [2015-11-18 04:54:56] <WikiLeaks> DAG? [2015-11-18 04:55:12] <WikiLeaks> Green? [2015-11-18 04:55:22] <WISE Up Action> Yes [2015-11-18 06:17:25] <WikiLeaks> Can people push our disability related release to US disability news / ngos? It's hard to get pickup in the MSM with paris so big now. [2015-11-18 06:21:59] <WikiLeaks> She was helpful in this case. She was more obnoxious than rickstep. [2015-11-18 06:22:24] <WikiLeaks> That has pushed the journalist to oppose her. [2015-11-18 07:51:07] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-11-18 08:01:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> I tweeted the Source America Tapes release to some ADA-related NGOs. If I find more, will tweet. [2015-11-18 08:02:23] <voidiss> I'm tweeting too. [2015-11-18 09:28:03] <voidiss> Among the new stricter measures proposed by France there is "the rapid adoption of measures retaining passenger information on everyone travelling by air within the EU" [2015-11-18 12:45:25] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-18 17:48:14] <M> Write-up of the Zizek/Varoufakis/Assange event: [2015-11-18 19:17:25] <M> From the Drone whistleblowers' letter: "We request that you consider our perspective, though perhaps that request is in vain given the unprecedented prosecution of truth-tellers who came before us like Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden." [2015-11-18 19:17:32] <M> [2015-11-18 19:17:33] <M> [2015-11-19 07:51:13] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-19 08:13:22] <voidiss> How terrorist attacks can change opinions and elections — including the 2016 election: [2015-11-19 09:48:46] <WISE Up Action> [2015-11-19 09:56:03] <Emmy B> @ WiseUP :-) [2015-11-19 10:01:06] <WISE Up Action> From this: [2015-11-19 10:03:07] <WISE Up Action> Apparently created by @musalbas [2015-11-19 12:06:40] <voidiss> The bill to add screening measures to refugees in US has passed the House: [2015-11-19 13:26:25] <Emmy B> Please allow me a little rant regarding the fear of terror and how governments are using this to limit freedoms. This is entirely avoidable and I bring once more the example of my little modest very insignificant country.... [2015-11-19 13:37:15] <Emmy B> Several times whilst I lived there I and the rest of society experienced intense fear about an imminent invasion (M/V Piri Reis "was sent in 1987 to Aegean Sea after Greece announced that it will start oil and gas exploration in the region. As Greece declared to intervene, Turkey responded that this would be cause of war. The tension calmed down later with mediation efforts of NATO and the USA."), Imagine going down to the supermarket on an errant to find the shelves empty from panic buying... the threat was as is now real. At the same time I remember both the activities of the 17th of November dominating the headlines, the activities of Mossad against the Palestinians and the police brutality in marches etc still, all these threats never became a reason to hold societal progress in the 80's and 90's which was unstoppable. [2015-11-19 13:40:31] <Emmy B> Such terror has little currency in Greece as a means of population control in a country with deep knowledge of conflict of war, real hardship and political persecution, concentration camps, juntas etc so recent in its history. [2015-11-19 13:43:55] <Emmy B> I think this hysteria is very much driven by political powers for their own benefit, it is not society driven. [2015-11-19 13:46:18] <Emmy B> Unfortunately Clinton has the power to fool, just like Obama, her sheep's skin completely disguises her nature. And having an ex-president for a husband...well in name recognition alone is very much there. [2015-11-19 13:46:39] <WikiLeaks> We believe it would be much better for GOP to win. [2015-11-19 13:47:28] <WikiLeaks> Dems+Media+liberals woudl then form a block to reign in their worst qualities. [2015-11-19 13:48:22] <WikiLeaks> With Hillary in charge, GOP will be pushing for her worst qualities., dems+media+neoliberals will be mute. [2015-11-19 13:50:18] <WikiLeaks> She's a bright, well connected, sadistic sociopath. [2015-11-19 13:51:24] <Emmy B> But Labour did not by any means stop the Lib/Tory government curtail their programme. [2015-11-19 13:52:35] <Emmy B> And the Republicans are very close to being fascists so *sigh* ... [2015-11-19 13:56:11] <Emmy B> It is very difficult to realistically believe in a political renaissance in the US. [2015-11-19 13:57:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> No one will win with a large margin, unless people get angry enough to rally around a more outside candidate like Bernie S. But I doubt that. Personally, I'm more afraid of Hillary than anyone else. Some of the Rep candidates are repulsive but the system will keep them under its control. Hillary is too much in control of the controllers and, as WL said, she's a sadistic sociopath. She'll happily do what the PTB want. Some of the Republicans are nuts but that'll get shut down. They'll be a puppet like Obama. I am so scared of what's happening to my beloved America. Just terrified. [2015-11-19 14:01:31] <Emmy B> Jenny, it is a large country and there will be pockets of liberality or places where local politics define life to a greater extend rather than Federal politics? [2015-11-19 14:03:51] <WikiLeaks> Exactly. Obama is just a centralizer. He's bad because representionally he does not look or act like that which he represents. Hillary has similar representation confusion, but she will actively lead the machine to a dark place. [2015-11-19 14:06:11] <Emmy B> @ h agree. From outside looking in US has done it all, after world war II it has done it all, the torture, the foreign dictators, the Vietnams, Iraqs, Afghanistans... @ WL yes, it like having Psaki with a string of pearls deliver gov answers and policy of the most ruthless kind, but smiling and being altogether sweet. Horribly deceptive. [2015-11-19 14:06:36] <WikiLeaks> GOP will generate a lot oposition, including through dumb moves. Hillary will do the same thing, but co-opt the liberal opposition and the GOP opposition. [2015-11-19 14:07:15] <WikiLeaks> Hence hillary has greater freedom to start wars than the GOP and has the will to do so. [2015-11-19 14:12:04] <Emmy B> What would be the thing that will bring her down? (we know that for the US electorate foreign policy may not be as influential) From the internal political agenda, what policy would bring her down? [2015-11-19 14:14:37] <Emmy B> What type of corruption would be the one that make her unelectable? financial fraud perhaps? or has she been involved in undermining the campaign of a fellow Democrat through dirty tricks? [2015-11-19 14:18:49] <Emmy B> But if she has spent years developing clients within every fraction of her party it is unlikely that they will disown her now. [2015-11-19 14:21:06] <WikiLeaks> He role in the war in Libya is what should bring her down, however, the GOP is too close to others who have benefited to exploit this, it seems. That Hillary helped to sew the foundation for ISIS against pentagon generals advice seems huge. [2015-11-19 14:21:43] <WikiLeaks> But the GOP resolutely ignores it. [2015-11-19 14:22:40] <WikiLeaks> Hillary has so muc hslime on her shirt it is now hard to make dirt stick. [2015-11-19 14:28:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think far more Americans are against Hillary than anyone realizes because the mass media is in her pocket. She's going to fail in most of the large geographical areas, but they're less populated, so you get the east/west coast population centers behind her and the rest of the country not. [2015-11-19 14:29:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> And Sanders could surprise her. He's a dark horse in this election and could shock a lot of people. [2015-11-19 14:31:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, Emmy, this country is larger than Europe and has distinct cultural regions. I'm already planning my retirement to New Hampshire or Vermont or somewhere like that where local freedoms are held more dearly. [2015-11-19 14:32:53] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm just afraid this country is cracking at the seams. It can't maintain this sick, wicked policy of trying to control the entire world and still keep its own people from revolt. Ferguson was just a pre-shock, this isn't going to get better. [2015-11-19 14:36:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Americans, regardless of media portrayals or politicians (that system is rigged now) have a wide, deep streak of individualism. It's culturally-embedded. No matter how drugged they may think people are... there are limits. Which is why they're using Muslims and ISIS as boogeymen. Without that fear, their power center won't hold. [2015-11-19 14:36:54] <WISE Up Action> Not sure if this has been mentioned, but, jeeez [2015-11-19 15:06:59] <Emmy B> Thanks everyone! goodnight x [2015-11-20 02:55:11] <Emmy B> Greek EU commissioner Avramopoulos (Conservative party New Democracy) proposes the creation of EU intelligence service. [2015-11-20 03:15:40] <voidiss> We are at a new 9/11, I fear... A new moment, "opportunity", which will lead to new drastic crackdowns. [2015-11-20 03:15:51] <voidiss> Btw, several Paris attackers were on US terrorism lists: [2015-11-20 03:16:05] <voidiss> France calls for unified declaration of war against ISIS at UN: [2015-11-20 03:16:13] <voidiss> And Trump proposes a nazism-like measure to oblige all Muslims to sign in a special database to track them: [2015-11-20 03:17:55] <voidiss> Completely agree with what you said, I'm really scared by Hillary too. [2015-11-20 03:18:58] <voidiss> In comparison, Obama seems to be sort of 'transition', a one that won b/c ppl needed a 'moderate' person to counter aggressive Bush politics [2015-11-20 03:19:20] <voidiss> It's like he is a sort of president who isn't willing/ready/able to use the full extent of the power he has at his disposals. [2015-11-20 03:19:47] <voidiss> Instead, as you all said, Hillary would exploit it without limits. [2015-11-20 03:20:01] <voidiss> She almost won the last time, but he lacked the 'experience', the contacts and the power to do so, now she has all this. [2015-11-20 03:20:20] <voidiss> And apart from her being a bright sadistic sociopath, her strong hatred for WL/JA is also damn frightening. [2015-11-20 03:20:26] <voidiss> She would intensify the witch hunt even more, and she would be even harsher. [2015-11-20 07:34:46] <voidiss> La Quadrature du Net about the state of emergency bill in France and how it thwarts civil liberties: [2015-11-20 08:45:52] <Emmy B> Lovely interview with dimples [2015-11-20 19:50:59] <M> Haha. Guess we're co-conspirators now. [2015-11-20 22:45:27] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-21 00:46:08] <Emmy B> [2015-11-21 00:46:27] <Emmy B> 69 re-tweets if you please [2015-11-21 01:50:51] <Emmy B> But let's not forget that we can now purchase not only followers but also re-tweets and comments [2015-11-21 07:11:46] <WISE Up Action> Fiscal irresponsibility/inefficiency &c. Mostly of interest to Ecu opposition - who're presumably involved in promotion of the info? There's obv 'foreign intel' involved in Ec opposition so, who knows? Any info re Assange/Ec useful confluence for US. And is there more to come? If not, it's a bit piffling. [2015-11-21 07:15:14] <Emmy B> Question for me is what to do, do I go around with my usual "fwlf is a factory of lies" naming Mark Goeder Tarant and linking to my blog posts? [2015-11-21 07:15:31] <Emmy B> Or ignore? [2015-11-21 07:18:02] <Emmy B> Cabledrummer's posts are of course more concise and effective, maybe link up to his posts including the entrapment attempt using Shaf. I am very tempted and more than willing but I am wondering whether I am actually feeding MGT's narrative. [2015-11-21 07:20:25] <Emmy B> Maybe I just send Eva the links so at least she understands who these people are, then it is up to her to handle this as she wishes, I see she has already ben commenting on the matter. [2015-11-21 07:24:48] <Emmy B> ok I will do and hope for the best, at least she is will not be fooled by the name and worry that these are genuine supporters, but she is more than capable in handling the matter...tough cookie methinks :-) [2015-11-21 07:29:31] <Emmy B> Agree [2015-11-21 07:34:41] <WISE Up Action> Meanwhile. Anyone else watching this? - w yanis v, mcdonnell [2015-11-21 07:45:15] <Emmy B> Not all Miami residents are extreme right. [2015-11-21 07:56:02] <Emmy B> Yes, you find great disagreement when the difference is material interest and the very thing US has been extremely successful in is to build material alliances, with groups within a country at all possible levels so much so that to even dream to extricate oneself from them would be anathema. And I am talking not only about issues where interests have been hammered down through corruption. [2015-11-21 07:57:15] <Emmy B> I see the same clientelism in Greece even now both towards the US/NATO as well as towards the EU. It is impossible to even dream an existence without these two poles of power. [2015-11-21 07:59:05] <Emmy B> And without dreams sadly the fear of change always overwhelms people and particularly as we have seen as recent as this summer in Greece groups who seek or hold or are supposed to hold in their hands the fate of a country. [2015-11-21 08:02:10] <Emmy B> e.g. when I saw Tsipras Brookings photo opportunity recently standing next to ex US Ambassador in Athens Speckhard, the man who upon resigning his post immediately joined the Board of Directors of Proton Bank (lavrendiadis scandal) and six months later when the scandal broke out, the bank collapsed and was semi-nationalised to save it, Spekhard did a quick exit and never answered to prosecutors like the rest of the directors had to... what does one think? [2015-11-21 08:10:16] <Emmy B> UNFORTUNATELY, fwlf is been retweeted to thousands by Ecuadorians. [2015-11-21 08:12:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-21 08:50:27] <Emmy B> Thanks :-), sent her this link, it has it all, fake passports, Mossad, political assassination and references to a vast database called 'Faces' [2015-11-21 08:51:56] <Emmy B> I don't know a lot about Venezuela other than I should know more. [2015-11-21 08:53:33] <Emmy B> If I was not so obsessed with Greece maybe I would have travelled to Latin America by now and learn a thing or two :-) [2015-11-21 08:53:50] <Emmy B> All good references, thank you! [2015-11-21 08:56:46] <Emmy B> But just to finish off the point I was making earlier about faking identities to do political assassinations as well as false flags or muddle the water, I tweeted last week regarding Biometrics database built by British Army and they very proudly put it into their PR Public Brochure they are world leaders in this field. Does anyone have any doubt that such information will also be used by the dark state worldwide? [2015-11-21 12:00:56] <Emmy B> It is indeed disheartening that opposing such an opponent like the US CIA and destabilisation schemes harm the democracy they wish to protect. Problem though is what to do? counteract destabilisation schemes, bring about social change, push for stronger sovereignty at the same time as protecting the movement that brings about this social change. It seems US side has a double sided recipe to win. Whether US will claim Maduro is the new Assad or not the geopolitical game is without a mask by now. Syria says it all and we are all Syrians in the eyes of an absolute, unchallenged superpower. 11 million displaced not enough? Obviously not. [2015-11-21 12:01:35] <Emmy B> :-( [2015-11-21 14:47:46] <Emmy B> very good article thank you :-) [2015-11-21 14:47:59] <Emmy B> Goodnight everyone! [2015-11-22 00:12:30] <Emmy B> Thanks for this, Economics drive much of the policy and regarding de-stabilisation when CIA cannot do its destabilising work well there is more than one ways to skin a cat [2015-11-22 00:27:04] <Emmy B> Here it says that V's state owned oil co has majority shareholding ventures with all major oil giants, so what's the fuss? obviously they want the lot and increasing their owneship shareholding is bad news long term. [2015-11-22 00:28:39] <Emmy B> Lower oil prices should be good news for the manufacturing sector have we seen any benefits globally? [2015-11-22 00:43:24] <Emmy B> Interesting read: World manufacturing global reports: [2015-11-22 07:29:58] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-22 07:30:59] <Emmy B> Spectre a homage to WikiLeaks? maybe I should go see it then [2015-11-22 07:49:58] <voidiss> Here a nice comment on The Intercept about Spectre: [2015-11-22 07:53:33] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing Greta, Just noticed: Sam Singer, PR professional, has picked up and retweets the fake forum's story of Ecuador Leaks was well as the anon group tweet about Julian. Chevron is one of his clients. I have archived his twitter timeline here: [2015-11-22 07:54:31] <Emmy B> This is his firm's website for more info : [2015-11-22 07:55:01] <Emmy B> I bet he uses the material in his anti-Ecuador campaign. [2015-11-22 12:10:12] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Did you notice this? How evil is that? Land of the fuckin Free. [2015-11-22 12:56:52] <M> Icelandic president Olafur Ragnar commented on WL Saudi cables which claim he wanted closer relations with Saudi.Says it is "more or less fictional exaggeration". [2015-11-22 13:05:23] <WikiLeaks> His wife is an Israeli diamond miner. [2015-11-22 13:05:36] <WikiLeaks> Connected to the arms industry. [2015-11-22 13:06:34] <Emmy B> lovely! [2015-11-22 13:09:19] <voidiss> Deeply sad to see that this kind of sickening, sneaky corruption is present in Iceland too. [2015-11-22 13:12:15] <Emmy B> Well Greta corruption and political expediency is not a privilege of the South, what a great equaliser corruption is then. [2015-11-22 13:19:03] <voidiss> Yes, agree. But Iceland has proved to be 'better' than many other countries on some respects, look for example at the popularity of the Pirate Party or when they jailed the banckers responsible for the crisis so, even if I didn't expected it to be 'perfect', it's sad to know about that anyway. [2015-11-22 17:53:15] <M> New troll account has appeared. Only follows YAC. [2015-11-22 22:03:09] <M> [Tweet] College student facepalm of the day. [2015-11-23 01:39:48] <voidiss> GCHQ guys turns into artists! Now they use graffitis to advertise abt the possibility to be hired by the agency. lol [2015-11-23 02:02:37] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Press on the graphic Greta, the Guardian is a PR platform for GCHQ and Rockefeller is paying for it :-( [2015-11-23 02:02:54] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing [2015-11-23 02:04:55] <voidiss> Amazing. [2015-11-23 07:17:00] <WISE Up Action> Argentina's election result not great news for continued Latin American resistance to global hegemony [2015-11-23 07:29:21] <WISE Up Action> As a simple (ie one that even non techy people can grasp) rebuttal to all the rubbish being spouted by ppl like Foges, the i/v at NewDemocracy w Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe on the back of WorldForumforDemocracy - [2015-11-23 07:31:44] <WISE Up Action> You can also find link below to @ioerror piece on democracy on same site. [2015-11-23 07:59:51] <WISE Up Action> Trident costs revised upwards by 20% [2015-11-23 10:34:35] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-11-23 10:51:21] <Emmy B> Great conversation! wonderful atmosphere :-) what a treat! <3 [2015-11-23 11:03:45] <M> Might be time for WL to send out a reminder that WLF is fraud etc, especially after the @evagolinger stuff. [2015-11-23 11:23:42] <Emmy B> and @samsinger (PR Chevron) is RTing FWLF and twiting non stop the 'story' [2015-11-23 11:29:53] <Emmy B> 21st of Jan is the appeal date for Chris's case against MGT. [2015-11-23 11:58:36] <voidiss> Regarding Foges' piece blaming encryption and all the rest, this post by @kaepora is also great: [2015-11-23 14:31:35] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-23 15:15:33] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-24 01:22:24] <Emmy B> US UAV from sicily performs 'emergency landing' in Suda Bay in Greece, Crete. Greek government has not authorised as far as I know the us of UAVs in any part of her territory. This landing is viewed as US trying to de facto sway the Greek government in the things to come, regarding Syria and the role they want her to play. [2015-11-24 01:34:20] <Emmy B> They have been asking for UAV use in Crete and elsewhere for years. The reality is they will do what they want and Greece has little power of resistance. But the implications for the local population of the military activity in the area cannot be ignored. [2015-11-24 01:36:31] <Emmy B> 1941 sinking of M/V York by the Italians just an example of what the use of the Bay may attract: [2015-11-24 01:39:25] <Emmy B> The 1979 M/V Panormitis explosion another example of the risk of devastation that the use of the Bay carries for the locals, not to mention the fact that no-one really knows what weapons are kept by the US/Nato there. [2015-11-24 01:40:47] <Emmy B> [2015-11-24 01:52:27] <Emmy B> But these guys and girls look decent enough, how can we even image the devastation that such military can cause :-( check out the beautiful sea views [2015-11-24 01:58:42] <Emmy B> The social Media Smart Cards displayed are good! too late for me though :-( Twitter/Google+/Linked/Facebook its all there... [2015-11-24 02:07:06] <Emmy B> Oh great! Turkey shot down Russian Plane in Syria, one of the pilots in the hands of Turkmen forces in Northern Syria? Who are these Turkmen? they are not turks, not kurds, are they local Syrian tribe or foreign unit from Turkmenistan in association with Turkey? very confusing... [2015-11-24 02:10:23] <Emmy B> honest to god, if Greece is asked to participate in a war against Russia due to Turkey's actions, any GR government or Greek army general will have to permanently adorn a life jacket so as not to drown in the spit that will accompany them. [2015-11-24 02:23:13] <Emmy B> Some more information, watch out for the MSM spin to exhonerate Turkey [2015-11-24 07:28:00] <Emmy B> Neither are the Turkics in Britain I tell you, nor in Germany for that matter, maybe Erdogan the Magnificent will finally save them all and get knighted by Lisbet Hanum :-) [2015-11-24 07:39:33] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-11-24 08:28:57] <Emmy B> An empire does not care who lives on a piece of land. Turkey occupies 37% of Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus has not abandoned the Turkish Cypriots, they still have their passports intact and rights intact. [2015-11-24 08:32:18] <Emmy B> Since Cyprus joined EU, they too are full EU citizens free to travel wherever they want and they do, they are entitled and get education vouchers from the Cypriot governments to educate their children privately, they receive their pensions from the work they did when island was united. In the meanwhile more than 116,000 settlers have been brought in, Turkish Cypriots did not want this immigration to happen and complained, no one listened. Turkey does not care for the people who live in their lands, see what they did/do to Kurds [2015-11-24 08:32:32] <Emmy B> They are an empire. [2015-11-24 08:32:46] <Emmy B> They do not care for people. [2015-11-24 09:15:14] <WikiLeaks> How do you make that? The UN statement references to the total distance of violation being 1.15 miles in 17 seconds. [2015-11-24 09:15:58] <WikiLeaks> Matching that to the claimed radar track, that's the cut accross the Turkish "nose". [2015-11-24 09:41:30] <voidiss> Btw, the #WWWIII hashtag that was trending in the past hours is really that type of hysterical reaction we don't need at all. It's damaging, creates even more irrational and exploitable fear. [2015-11-24 09:52:39] <WikiLeaks> "To the depth of" just means the max distance between the tip of the nose and the jet. [2015-11-24 09:53:53] <WikiLeaks> It's not relevant to the path of the jet or the distance flown. If the nose was 10kms long and 1kms wide and the jet crossed 80% in to the nose they would have said the depth of the violation was 8kms. [2015-11-24 09:54:05] <WikiLeaks> Look at the radar map. [2015-11-24 09:59:17] <Emmy B> The Daily violations of Greek Airspace by Turkish planes and the dogfights ensued create grey zones of sovereignty in the Turkish Book of deployment, they have the added bonus that a 'hot incident' pushes their claims one step further creating red lines for the negotiations and for the 'give and take' they wish to perform behind the scenes with strong partners they engage with. [2015-11-24 10:02:14] <WikiLeaks> Greeks should fire a missile tomorrow. [2015-11-24 10:16:20] <Emmy B> hahaha <3 nah! they won't. :-) [2015-11-24 10:19:58] <Emmy B> Apparently here [2015-11-24 10:20:47] <Emmy B> Here is the Turkish Foreign ministry version of eventsç-in-response-to-a-question-regarding-the-bombing-of-the-turkmen-villages-in-syria.en.mfa [2015-11-24 10:22:34] <Emmy B> And this is the meeting that Lavrov has cancelled as per again Turkish Foreign Ministry [2015-11-24 10:26:03] <Emmy B> In the Google translated article above is also claimed that Turkey will now make protestations to the UN regarding the Turkmen's violation of Human Rights in Syria and try to tie this in with what they have wanted to establish straight from the beginning 'a no fly zone' 5 kilometres into Syrian Territory to consolidate their control of the border but on the pretext of well all kinds of things, first it was to protect against PKK/Kurdish attacks. then to was for Humanitarian reasons (for Refugees) now the Turkmen issue will get pushed forward. [2015-11-24 10:33:26] <Emmy B> Of course the Cyprus template of HR been used to invade, massacre, occupy, ethnically cleanse and re-populate has worked well in the past with UK/US holding by the hand and materially assisting as well as legitimising it de facto, so here we go again it seems... [2015-11-24 10:35:44] <WikiLeaks> It is clear now that Turkey acted in an exceptional manner (by its own standards) and that this is almost certainly due to the Russian attacks on Turkish backed Turkmen forces. Turkey is creating its on "no fly zone" in relation to these forces. [2015-11-24 10:45:20] <Emmy B> Yes I see. A clear foothold onto ex Ottoman Lands. And of course once they do this, they will have free hand to use them to fight the Kurds. It reminds me of the early 20th century conflicts in the Ottoman Empire, one of the chapters was how Ataturk persuaded the Kurds autonomy in their lands if they helped his deal with the Armenian Problem (a bordering people with bordering land). Kurdish 'irregular' forces took part in the Armenian genocide and carried out the plan, keeping their side of the bargain. They were not rewarded though. [2015-11-24 10:52:29] <Emmy B> Some more: [2015-11-24 13:17:11] <voidiss> Activists in Raqqa claim that white phosphorus was used in the airstrikes against the city on Sunday. If this is true, it shows a dangerous escalation. Just like Iraq. [2015-11-24 13:22:21] <WikiLeaks> There will be a genocide in Raqqa. [2015-11-24 13:23:51] <voidiss> Yes... And people will do nothing, won't react, will accept it without even questioning, because govts are good at exploiting fear. [2015-11-24 18:33:46] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Sorry, here: [2015-11-24 18:34:40] <Emmy B> "A few days ago she denied on Twitter having any agreements with the Ecuadorian Government. Wikileaks Forum, a group close to Wikeleaks, founded by the same Assange whom she promoted, refuted her." according to the fake forum's translators. [2015-11-24 18:35:01] <Emmy B> You see how MGT presents himself. [2015-11-24 18:35:07] <Emmy B> horrid man [2015-11-24 20:29:14] <M> Now offensive at universities: yoga [2015-11-24 20:29:27] <M> "How Did Liberalism on Campus Turn Into Intolerance and Censorship?" [2015-11-24 21:19:06] <WikiLeaks> Yes, but Starkey also comes out of that looking bad, and Red is younger and hotter. [2015-11-24 21:20:06] <WikiLeaks> It reveals who she is, but for people who don't already know, it doesn't work. [2015-11-24 21:23:10] <WikiLeaks> We just find it completely amazing that all the cliterati of London have entirely avoided what is the clearest, most grotesque, most significant and highly newsworthy violation of women in the UK in the last decade. [2015-11-24 21:24:36] <WikiLeaks> All those fauximists who wrote about JA on very thin foundations haven't managed a single article in three years! [2015-11-24 21:25:32] <WikiLeaks> Just on newsvalue aone they should be writing about it. [2015-11-24 21:26:55] <WikiLeaks> It is hard to imagine a greater violation of a person by the state short of murder. [2015-11-24 21:29:51] <WikiLeaks> It has proven newsvalue as many real journalists have written about it. [2015-11-24 21:30:16] <WikiLeaks> So it's not a market issue. It's a self-censorship issue. [2015-11-24 21:33:42] <WikiLeaks> It's clear proof that they're fakes, even within their narrow declared idiology. [2015-11-24 22:07:39] <WikiLeaks> LCD? [2015-11-24 22:36:07] <M> Essay from "Studies in Intelligence" journal analyzing insider threats. Cites WL, Snowden alongside spies and murderers. [2015-11-24 22:39:26] <M> Contains comparison chart of Benedict Arnold vs Chelsea Manning vs Aaron Alexis. [2015-11-24 23:16:56] <voidiss> Agree, I think it's self-censorship too. This kind of case doesn't involve the typical target of the campaigns of those false 'feminists'; [2015-11-24 23:17:28] <voidiss> it's the State who's guilty in this case, not men who can be ostracized and used as scapegoats to highlight and glorify those 'feminists' [2015-11-24 23:18:20] <voidiss> as heroes who fight agst 'rape culture'. The State's guilty & so, since in average mentality of those ppl who, as WL said, come from Oxford, [2015-11-24 23:19:11] <voidiss> State should be considered always inherently good, so they can't write abt these cases. Moreover, I think there's also another bigot aspect: [2015-11-24 23:19:38] <voidiss> those women who were deceived by undercover cops were part of unconventional and 'subversive' groups like anarchy groups or ALF etc. [2015-11-24 23:19:59] <voidiss> And this kind of activists are regarded as too 'extremists' by the moralists and not as cool as Occupy-like movements, [2015-11-24 23:20:09] <voidiss> who are praised by 'feminists' instead. [2015-11-24 23:30:57] <WikiLeaks> They're perceived as lumpen proles. [2015-11-24 23:47:30] <voidiss> Yes. ALF even 'ecoterrorists'. [2015-11-25 01:29:40] <voidiss> And think that today is even the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. [2015-11-25 02:36:57] <voidiss> [2015-11-25 02:37:09] <voidiss> This article says that claims that Russia violated Turkish border may be due to a 'buffer zone' Turkey set into Syrian airspace. [2015-11-25 02:37:19] <voidiss> Practically because Turkey 'moved' its border. [2015-11-25 03:49:40] <Emmy B> Bless you Greta! amazing! Turkey 'moved' its border! hahaha All the tricks and stratagems employed here. I remember Craig Murray's article on Westminster moving the English Scottish Marine border to influence the equation that produces what is due to Scotland for its oil reserves. Once again the old fox knows what to do 'wink wink hush hush" (I shoudh maybe attempt at humour, in the Turkish case 'hash hash' more appropriate :-) [2015-11-25 03:56:53] <Emmy B> To turn the horrid story of police infiltrators to its head... from a different perspective the State prostitutes its employees (we know about the male ones but there will be female ones too) for info as it pays them to sleep with women. Is it that the proverbial Honey Pot has been institutionalised providing steady salary and pension? [2015-11-25 04:09:47] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-25 04:10:40] <Emmy B> Erdogan: "resorting to the threat of the use of force should not be the rule of international relations" Hypocrisy much? [2015-11-25 04:11:29] <voidiss> It's amazing to discover bits after bits all the dirty strategies various countries are using. They work so well because in a confusing and confused situation such as the one in Syria, or when we're talking about 'weak' countries like Greece, a secondary and silent move, such as a 'buffer zone' in the airspaces or 'grey zones' in the Aegean you mentioned, can pass unnoticed. Instead, if this happened to a more powerful country, the news would spread worldwide with global outrage. As always, it's about how easily you can conceal your tactics. [2015-11-25 04:12:01] <voidiss> Interesting perspective, the institutionalized prostitution! The problem is that the MET didn't admit that the cops were allowed to sleep with the women, so before we need undeniable proofs that show what we already know. [2015-11-25 07:38:32] <voidiss> Here we go. Man wrongfully convicted of rape has been exonerated after 16 years of prison. He was condamned relying only on the victims' eyewitnesses. [2015-11-25 07:43:13] <WikiLeaks> Not a great case, in that he was previously convicted of another rape. [2015-11-25 07:59:40] <voidiss> Yes, you're right, not so emblematic. But still, it's telling how they based the conviction only on the women's testimony and performed the DNA tests only after lawyers' request. [2015-11-25 08:27:50] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-25 10:14:09] <M> Cryptome published "Ecuador Leaks" related to Ball's Buzzfeed stories. Not sure if anything new: [2015-11-25 10:36:45] <voidiss> This is a full-blown violation of freedom of religion... [2015-11-25 11:07:54] <voidiss> Do you think this is true? Usually, when there's a 'no' as an answer to FOIs, does it mean it's genuine or they're trying to hide something? [2015-11-25 11:28:59] <voidiss> Yes, agree, that's what I was thinking too; I only wanted the confirmation that I'm not just being paranoid. [2015-11-25 11:29:04] <voidiss> Actually, this policy of not revealing anything about those plans can be equated to psychological terrorism. They answer in that way even if they know we're not going to believe them, but they still do this to create a 'silent threat' no one is able to confirm but neither dismiss that eventually generates the fear of 'shit, what are they going to do to him if he gets out?'. It's a form of terrorism, fuck off. [2015-11-25 13:48:04] <Emmy B> is a good source for national security maters in Greece and very to read. It has a section for NATO that hosts articles from a Nato perspective and receives sponsorship for it. In it, it clearly states "This website is sponsored by NATO's Public Diplomacy Division." so when ever I see an article that kind of sticks out like a sore thumb as "can't possibly be written by a Greek" I check in case it belongs to that section. Hey ho it is good to know what the Nato Public Diplomacy division pushes out as talking points and here it is regarding Turkey downing Russian plane and the role of Nato. [2015-11-25 13:48:40] <Emmy B> [2015-11-25 13:49:13] <Emmy B> (in English from its original source 'defence matters. org' [2015-11-25 14:53:37] <M> [2015-11-25 14:54:46] <voidiss> ...Why did they publish them then? [2015-11-25 15:15:34] <M> They've removed them. [2015-11-26 06:59:28] <WikiLeaks> New release; please promite it to arabic and shiite groups; e.g electronic intifada, angry arab [2015-11-26 07:00:49] <Emmy B> Thank you , will do! [2015-11-26 11:11:53] <voidiss> Will spread it tonight! :) [2015-11-26 11:49:00] <Emmy B> A different perspective: Just listening an interesting analysis of AKP's surge in recent election results in Turkish West Coast (traditionally Republican) linked to Erdogan's policy towards Syrian Refugees including giving People smugglers impunity to operate highly profitable operations. Just imagine how much these 550,000 people have paid the locals and the impact on local economy. [2015-11-26 12:10:31] <WikiLeaks> Our pet conspiracy theory is that Erdogan took them in to train them up and use them as proxies and cannon fodder for his prospective invasion of Syria. [2015-11-26 16:14:02] <Emmy B> Yes, bad news all for all around a worry to see Grey Wolves boots on the ground among the Turkmen. A clear intent to usurp any local Turkmen issue for this groups pan Turkic and racist agenda. [2015-11-26 16:19:19] <WikiLeaks> We think it is inevitable. Syria is weak and depopulated. Turkey continues to grow and is the traditional regional hegemon. [2015-11-26 16:20:18] <WikiLeaks> Only medium term question is whether it bites off half of Syria or just the Turkic areas. [2015-11-26 16:22:57] <Emmy B> Omg [2015-11-26 16:30:47] <Emmy B> Ok raya and giaur two lovely words every non Turk should learn because that's how they called us for 400 years. [2015-11-26 16:33:00] <Emmy B> [2015-11-26 16:34:33] <Emmy B> [2015-11-26 16:35:07] <Emmy B> Some still call us this way [2015-11-26 16:39:07] <WikiLeaks> Rayah class system is interesting. [2015-11-26 16:39:29] <Emmy B> I better check in The morning the list of MP's in Westminste both houses on Friends of Turkey lobby [2015-11-26 16:39:43] <WikiLeaks> It seems like the west is heading that way with the security/political/business class vs everyone else. [2015-11-26 16:40:41] <WikiLeaks> In the short term its good for Greece that Turkey gets bogged down in Syria. In the medium-longer term bad, as you'll have to deal with a more militarised society. [2015-11-26 16:41:51] <Emmy B> It was a very effective islamisation or better put cultural assimilation tool via social climbing. [2015-11-26 16:42:54] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Malaysia now has a similar problem. [2015-11-26 16:51:16] <Emmy B> 1. Turkey currently seeks and will succeed the legalisation of their occupation of 37% of Cyprus. They are not 'bogged down' i think they multi co-ordinate across points negotiating all the time creating opportunities for themselves. Eg refugee flows used to get access to Aegean via common petrols, Merkel has already agreed. 2. They carry on the same known imperial tactics as they did in the Balkans after the collapse of the cold war. [2015-11-26 16:59:25] <Emmy B> Goodnight everyone! Interesting stuff but its very late. [2015-11-26 19:57:02] <WikiLeaks> That's what they're doing. Novoturkey. [2015-11-26 19:57:33] <WikiLeaks> The problem for them is that the Kurds mingle the area. [2015-11-26 19:58:52] <WikiLeaks> This is interesting, though needs better sourcing. It does confirm to Erdogan's high degree of personalisation. [2015-11-26 20:45:24] <WikiLeaks> All the NATO powers are going to use ISIS as target practice. When that's done, it'll be hard to stop them moving onto the main game. [2015-11-26 20:46:33] <WikiLeaks> If Russia deploys more S-400s that may change the equation. [2015-11-26 20:47:13] <WikiLeaks> That's very capable kit. [2015-11-26 21:09:32] <WikiLeaks> Russia won't hit US jets with those, but it can then sell/lease them to Assad. [2015-11-26 21:41:57] <WikiLeaks> Wouldn't fire due to the diplomatic cost. [2015-11-26 21:42:25] <WikiLeaks> But it's Syrian territory so it's acceptable for Syria to shoot them. [2015-11-27 01:53:33] <voidiss> Very interesting things, thank you! [2015-11-27 01:53:48] <voidiss> Turkey's not-so-well-hidden 'alliance' with ISIS could be itself a way to prepare an hypothetical invasion. [2015-11-27 01:54:07] <voidiss> I mean, if they support ISIS, they have ISIS's support, and therefore they'd have 'local' forces on their side in Syria [2015-11-27 01:54:26] <voidiss> to fight against Kurds or other factions. By the way, maybe you've already seen it, but still, this article is really good about [2015-11-27 01:54:58] <voidiss> Turkish/NATO role in helping ISIS: [2015-11-27 01:55:03] <voidiss> Turkish plans for invasion, since the Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline would exclude Turkey. [2015-11-27 02:04:39] <Emmy B> You can't but knowledge Turkish imperial tactics extremely potent i.e.: [2015-11-27 02:06:38] <Emmy B> Official Game: 'We fight Isis, support Turkmen's Human Rights, fight Assad the dictator (ex 'Assad my brother') give US everything, fight the terrorists PKK' [2015-11-27 02:34:30] <Emmy B> Unofficial Game: Having deposed the Kemalist fraction from controlling the deep state including large part of the army/police/MIT via the ergenegon trials and arrests Erdogan now can control it. The new deep state reign retains all its business/legal and other societal channels and adding to that the part of society previously excluded or being kept under check the Islamist hopefuls. The presence of Grey Wolves in Syria's Turkmen community (publicly giving interviews about the shooting down of the Russian pilot) reveals their role and even gives it a public role. In retrospect the Ankara bombings who targeted Kurdish democratic rallies with their high death toll, fits the profile of a Grey Wolves operation. It is alright for Erdogan to conveniently claim 'it was ISIS' and fit with West's political hypocritical rhetoric about giving a damn for a problem they have created and sustain as a tool of furthering their influence and control in the region. The Ankara Bombing of Kurdish political wing by Turkey's deep state (via Grey Wolves) is no different to them bombing the Kurds in Nothern Iraq overtly. Let's not forget Grey Wolves attempted to kill Turgut Ozal Turkish Prime Minister in the 80's so not only their ambitions, properly sheltered by the deep state, have no end,,5375442&hl=en [2015-11-27 02:35:04] <Emmy B> See here what kind of politician Ozal was:Özal [2015-11-27 02:49:18] <Emmy B> In January 1988 Papandreou and Ozal met in Davos and signed an agreement paving the way of de-escalating from the war path tensions prevalent at the time. Six months later an attempt was made in his life. Whilst Ozal was getting the bullet, Papandreou met severe criticism at home, a parliamentary challenge/censure to his government, leading to an eventual 'Mea Culpa". [2015-11-27 03:03:45] <Emmy B> In an anti-Davos March and afterwards open sky discussion in Athens Peace Park that I attended at the time, in the panel was a representative of the Kostadinupolites exiled community. He above everyone else in the Panel, fluent in both Turkish and Greek, understood and explained the Turkish imperial policy over the centuries having been part of the last Hellenic community of Turkey, in Istanbul, uprooted violently during the 1955 Progrom against Greeks. He was now in a state of perpetual exile in Athens, how ironic that he would feel this way living in the capital of Greece... still... he was right that this is the only way one should look at Turkish foreign policy: 1. Imperial (which includes a brutal disrespect for HR squashing dissent at home) 2. Long Term Expansionism and looking at the Big Picture. [2015-11-27 03:10:24] <Emmy B> sorry I am meandering in other matters but let's say planned annexation of Turkmen Syrian lands came a bit of a surprise to me, Turkish state has been working on their annexation plans of Greek prefecture of Thraki more overtly, again the same template, "we shall have to intervene to protect HR etc": see here: "The World's largest enclave" [2015-11-27 03:11:08] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Under the watchful eye of the butcher of Ismir [2015-11-27 05:27:28] <WikiLeaks> Emmy, that's our view of Erdogan control of the deep state also. [2015-11-27 09:55:22] <M> Swedish court rules ISPs can't be forced to block Pirate Bay [2015-11-27 14:42:52] <WikiLeaks> Please troll this BBC idiot: [2015-11-27 14:44:15] <WikiLeaks> Our interest is in having inflamitory tweets from him about JA/WL that we can use in legal cases to show that a toxic climate exists the UK [2015-11-27 14:44:21] <WikiLeaks> (in the UK) [2015-11-27 14:45:37] <WikiLeaks> The guy clearly has a thin skin and thinks a lot of his clique, which means he can't see how his tweets are dangerous for him. [2015-11-27 15:32:28] <M> [Tweet] [2015-11-28 02:10:34] <M> [Tweet] German mini-podcast marking 5 years since Cablegate. [2015-11-28 06:34:08] <Emmy B> thx x [2015-11-28 06:34:37] <Emmy B> tweeted at him yesterday but no response [2015-11-29 03:07:54] <Emmy B> [Media-image] First [2015-11-29 03:08:19] <Emmy B> Then: [2015-11-29 03:09:23] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-11-29 03:11:08] <Emmy B> ok, I take cake orders for delivery : chocolate, Victoria Sponge, lemon drizzle, coconut :-) <3 <3 <3 [2015-11-29 03:12:28] <Emmy B> WL Letting the cat out of the bag again!!! xxxx [2015-11-29 09:37:13] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Our wonderful media again [2015-11-29 13:43:36] <Emmy B> David Leigh writing in the El Pais about Cablegate. [2015-11-29 13:44:18] <Emmy B> repeats JA faces charges and he is hiding, Chelsea is a troubled person etc etc. [2015-11-29 13:46:24] <Emmy B> Curious it is not the guardian that publishes it but then it may do soon [2015-11-29 13:53:18] <voidiss> Yes, the same old misleading bits sneakily put into the article. At least El Pais has had the good conscience of hosting both Leigh's article and JA's interview re Cablegate anniversary. [2015-11-29 13:58:05] <Emmy B> any of the other from the five wrote articles? [2015-11-29 14:00:09] <voidiss> Javier Moreno wrote this one: [2015-11-29 18:06:31] <WISE Up Action> He's such a cynical git. But it's not as bad as I thought it would be. He seems to have moved on a bit. [2015-11-29 19:33:37] <WikiLeaks> Who? [2015-11-29 23:08:50] <Emmy B> Leigh [2015-11-29 23:16:59] <Emmy B> @ h Turkmen from China? whole families either directly from China or via Turkey? [2015-11-29 23:22:22] <Emmy B> the more I learn the darker the role of Turkey appears. What on Earth does the EU want flirting with Erdogan the Magnificent, war with China next? how much of the 3 billion that EU now gives to Turkey for the Syrian refugees will go to them is anyone's guess. [2015-11-29 23:44:34] <voidiss> Some more criminalization as terrorists of 'anti-govt extremists', defined vaguely as 'ppl who don't accept AU's legal framework or govt'. [2015-11-29 23:44:37] <voidiss> [2015-11-30 02:11:27] <WikiLeaks> UK, Turkey, Iran, US, France, Russia are used to being empires and still have the cultural genes for it, including extensive duplicity. They should never be trusted. [2015-11-30 02:16:57] <WikiLeaks> Others, where there are still remnants of an older impirical culture, such as Spain, Sweden, Holland and 20th century expansionist societies such as Saudi and Indonesia should also be viewed with great skepticism. [2015-11-30 02:50:58] <voidiss> And there's Italy, which has always been victim of events apart from antiquity. [2015-11-30 02:51:14] <voidiss> I use to define Italy as a lazy country with a lazy population and a lazy govt in any aspect. [2015-11-30 02:51:35] <voidiss> It's a country where bureaucracy is sovereign and where politicians look for mere money. [2015-11-30 02:52:17] <voidiss> While in other countries like US/UK/Turkey and the others you mentioned powerful people look for power in the shape of control over citizens [2015-11-30 02:52:27] <voidiss> and imperialism to improve the geopolitical position, Italian politicians are simply interested in gaining more wealth. [2015-11-30 02:52:31] <voidiss> It's a different kind of ambition, therefore a different kind of policy. [2015-11-30 06:04:23] <Emmy B> Ahm Italy had imperial ambitions in Africa see [2015-11-30 06:08:46] <Emmy B> (family anecdote recounts the Italians sent their infantry into Ethiopia wearing sandals - hehehe) [2015-11-30 09:55:14] <WISE Up Action> Hazel - not downplaying how disgusting Leigh's remarks are in that article - would be the first to agree - exactly why I used the word 'cynical' - not meant casually or colloquially, but meant in it's fullest, darkest sense. But I was surprised that, despite the stuff about Cablegate changing nothing politically, he said this: "But Cablegate also set the dawn of a whole new journalism model, able to disclose unpublished information to millions of people around the world" and also that the article subheading (though granted, he probably didn't set that himself) is: "Beyond the revelations, WikiLeaks association with five traditional media to disseminate 250,000 US diplomatic cables five years ago revolutionized our understanding of the actual foreign policy and inspired a new kind of 'whistleblowers'..." [2015-11-30 10:05:33] <WISE Up Action> My recollection (which may be wrong) is that he was loath to acknowledging that it was any kind of watershed a while back (a scoop, but not a watershed)? Hence, tho not at all surprised by the cynicism, I was actually surprised by what appeared to be the apparently more positive comments, and thought it interesting that he seemed to have been forced to a somewhat different view. [2015-11-30 11:20:20] <WISE Up Action> Oh. My God. What a bloody filthy mess they've made in #Prevent (and that's just so far - heaven knows what other horrors are yet to be revealed) [2015-11-30 11:25:06] <Emmy B> [Media-image] @ WiseUp the leaflet I got from my daughter's school includes: [2015-11-30 12:56:42] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Marcy Wheeler suggesting this court judgment today has implications for WLs [2015-11-30 13:08:37] <M> Some background info from the judgement: "The Sheriff of Cook County, Tom Dart, has embarked on a campaign intended to crush Backpage’s adult section—crush Backpage, period, it seems—by demanding that firms such as Visa and MasterCard prohibit the use of their credit cards to purchase any ads on Backpage, since the ads might be for illegal sex-related products or services, such as prostitution. Visa and MasterCard bowed to pressure from Sheriff Dart and others by refusing to process transactions in which their credit cards are used to purchase any ads on Backpage, even those that advertise indisputably legal activities." [2015-11-30 13:09:34] <M> "The sheriff ripostes that he’s not using his office to organize a boycott of Backpage by threatening legal sanctions, but merely expressing his disgust with Backpage’s sex-related ads and the illegal activities that they facilitate. That’s not true, and while he has a First Amendment right to express his views about Backpage, a public official who tries to shut down an avenue of expression of ideas and opinions through “actual or threatened imposition of government power or sanction” is violating the First Amendment. " [2015-11-30 13:12:59] <M> Great point here re financial blockades: "The analogy is to killing a person by cutting off his oxygen supply rather than by shooting him." [2015-11-30 13:26:30] <Emmy B> yes [2015-11-30 13:54:24] <M> It's quite interesting. In light of the banking blockade against WL, the whole decision is worth a read. [2015-11-30 13:57:02] <M> Sputnik is good about covering the news, but has had a lot of obvious factual errors lately, e.g. "rape charges". [2015-11-30 18:30:36] <M> New Hillary emails released: Situation report from WWG01 (WikiLeaks Working Group): [2015-11-30 19:27:47] <M> Email between PJ Crowley and NYT's Scott Shane regarding redactions of WL cables: [2015-11-30 19:29:02] <M> Apparently that email was flagged and had to be re-reviewed before being released: [2015-11-30 22:16:51] <Emmy B> nice photo [2015-11-30 23:44:22] <Emmy B> Still no sign of Turkish F-16 violating Greek airspace in the Aegean :-) I read this has not happened since 1996. [2015-12-01 08:49:47] <Emmy B> Spoke too soon, they started again this afternoon over islands Furni and Agathonisi [2015-12-01 09:04:31] <voidiss> This new possible legal theory against surveillance based on the Third Amendment is interesting, even if it seems there are still many doubts on it: [2015-12-01 10:07:52] <Emmy B> Reached new highs of paranoia when you renew your mum's New scientist subscription at 12:37 and 2 hours later FWLF re-tweets a New Scientist Cartoon, their very first one. [2015-12-01 12:58:22] <Emmy B> ever [2015-12-01 22:25:07] <Emmy B> Lavrov in Cyprus today. If today's Westminster vote is a yes to bomb Syria, the bombing will take place by RAF via Britain's Cyprus Sovereign base areas. [2015-12-01 22:45:51] <Emmy B> M. Ignatiou reports that EU is building up pressure against Greece to let EU 'help' with border control under threat of expulsion from Schenken. Letting EU 'help' is seen with distrust in Greece as eg Merkel's crazy plan of joint patrols in Greek borders with Turkey illustrates. The fact is FRONTEX is already fully intergrated with Greek border control but it is underfunded and in the same position as Greek border control. What EU wants is a more aggressive closure of the border. Remember the WL leaked release on the subject. EU pushes for a military approach. [2015-12-02 11:19:27] <M> Ha. [2015-12-02 12:49:16] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-12-02 12:51:48] <Emmy B> I always have my passport checked leaving and entering Greece and UK so I don't know what difference it may make not being part of Schengen. All it ever meant was the different queue we join to have our passports checked. How could this may ever assist in the curtailing the refugee flows I have no idea. [2015-12-02 13:38:57] <voidiss> @svtnyheter has an article about a letter from US to Sweden in 2013 asking for cooperation in extraditing Snowden as soon as he reaches Swedish soil: [2015-12-02 14:31:59] <M> Letter was released a few months back. [2015-12-02 14:32:44] <M> Strange Sweden is reporting on it now (though not sure if they did before). I guess it is in light of new documentary. [2015-12-02 15:05:17] <M> [Tweet] Oh the irony of Omidyar tweeting this... [2015-12-03 00:55:08] <voidiss> Today at 20.00 @svt will broadcast a documentary about the attempt to grant Snowden asylum in Sweden, obv failed: [2015-12-03 06:31:53] <Emmy B> Anniversary of Bhopal explosion, article marking the event mentions WikiLeaks revelations. [2015-12-03 06:41:50] <WISE Up Action> Em - yr tweet says 31 ears! x [2015-12-03 06:45:30] <Emmy B> hahaha [2015-12-03 06:45:45] <Emmy B> I better re-tract :-) thanks! [2015-12-03 06:46:49] <Emmy B> done! xxx [2015-12-03 06:47:47] <Emmy B> Rusbridge: "You can see the Buzzfeeds of this world are sort of rowing back and trying to be more like the Guardian now." [2015-12-03 07:15:58] <M> Google translate is difficult to decipher. Is this on upcoming TISA release or previously released docs? [2015-12-03 07:16:30] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-03 07:18:04] <M> Ah. Well that answers that. :) [2015-12-04 03:24:48] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-12-04 03:44:41] <Emmy B> Wow! thanks for sharing :-) [2015-12-04 03:49:15] <voidiss> :) [2015-12-04 03:50:05] <voidiss> Here, instead, a shitty and absurd anti-WL article claiming that WL's corrupted b/c it showed critical mind after Paris Attacks [2015-12-04 03:50:14] <voidiss> and it published Brennan emails: [2015-12-04 04:00:19] <Emmy B> Northern border between Greece and FYROM is the stage for human drama. [2015-12-04 04:01:47] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Problem with loading WikiLeaks site!!!! [2015-12-04 04:05:26] <Emmy B> Google Chrome ok though [2015-12-04 04:06:52] <voidiss> On Android's Firefox is ok too. [2015-12-04 04:09:00] <Emmy B> and Firefox Desktop also ok, thank you Greta, must be some glitz with Safari. [2015-12-04 04:10:34] <voidiss> Italian COPASIR had meetings with CIA, NSA and Belgian secret services who stated that a unified collaboration between services is [2015-12-04 04:10:37] <voidiss> thwarted by individual countries' policies and jealousy or distrust [2015-12-04 04:18:47] <Emmy B> Kerry in Athens to discuss Cyprus, Greek/Turkish relations, FYROM name, Refugee crisis, Debt...lovely! [2015-12-04 04:20:43] <Emmy B> Kerry live [2015-12-04 08:15:07] <M> Penn State had a mock trial of Manning/Assange, but unfortunately the tweets are crappy. [2015-12-04 08:18:59] <M> Another uni class was discussing WL on this hashtag, too: [2015-12-04 09:30:09] <M> Every 16-year-old in Sweden to receive copy of "We Should All Be Feminists" [2015-12-04 10:14:22] <Emmy B> Davutoglou asks Turkish Cypriot Leader to grand Cypriot citizenship to 26500 Turkish settlers (116,000 in total since 1974) Akingi initially denies as it will affect UN negotiations with the Republic of Cyprus. He has no right to do so anyway. All Turkish Cypriots (not the settlers) hold Republic of Cyprus passports and therefore, already EU members. I suspect Turkey has obtained plenty of brownie points in its recent role in the Syrian conflict and therefore feels it can push for more in Cyprus. Both Lavrov and Hollande have visited Cyprus this week, Kerry Athens. [2015-12-04 10:17:52] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-04 10:17:58] <Emmy B> [2015-12-04 10:22:38] <Emmy B> If there is a scrap of truth that US planes conducted themselves in this manner from Greek territory that means US is determined to bring the war against Russia to Europe. Since Nato is in a hurry to bring Montenegro in the fold it is evident to me at least that the old Neo Ottoman crescent is to once again established as a barrier to Russia pretty much the situ with how things were pre-WWI [2015-12-04 10:31:31] <Emmy B> Up till now there has been no 'domino effect' so much discussed when Arab Spring first was spreading in ME & North Africa, at the time the 'Indignados' movement in Southern Europe resembled externally what happened elsewhere but Podemos was formed and Syriza won, some of the movement found its political expression in the South, there was no revolution. In North Africa and ME Arab Spring was followed by brutal repression and civil war aided by external military assistance either directly intervening (Libya/Syria/Yemeni/Bahrain) or tacit intervention (Egypt) via support for coups. Tangling Cyprus and Greece, two European countries in this conflict militarily, Balkan countries with open national security issues, and surreptitiously strengthening the hand of local aggressor Turkey is very dangerous for Europe. It won't end well for any parties involved. [2015-12-04 10:31:43] <Emmy B> other for the weapons manufacturers. [2015-12-04 11:27:25] <Emmy B> So the whole Israel - Greece short love affair supposedly due to Turkey's falling out with them was nothing but a ploy to successfully undermine Crete's defence capabilities, against who else Turkey, Thank you Nato!!!! All in the name of Anti-Russian game. [2015-12-04 11:30:00] <Emmy B> That they spill the beans now, six months later to Reuters to undermine Russian diplomatic efforts with Greece and Cyprus not to mention confidence in their military capability in Syria us a further destabilising factor for the Syriza government. [2015-12-04 11:30:30] <Emmy B> People have died defending the 'secrets' of the S300 in Crete. [2015-12-04 11:30:53] <Emmy B> [2015-12-04 11:32:28] <Emmy B> Let's see what Illiakis family will say about this betrayal 'our boy died for nothing' Is there any sovereignty left? [2015-12-04 11:37:22] <Emmy B> 65,000 google results on the Greek title version [2015-12-04 11:54:01] <Emmy B> Good article on the 1997 crisis over S300 and current location [2015-12-04 13:27:36] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] More UK university shenanigans [2015-12-04 14:12:32] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-05 10:03:53] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-05 15:26:51] <Emmy B> :-D WikiLeaks Bolshevisks Leon Trotski & Julian Assange interesting parallels drawn by (Norwegian?) journalist discussing Turkey's current geopolitical role [2015-12-06 00:02:49] <M> [Tweet] Islamist Turkish paper published a "WL is controlled by Russia" article. It's an absurd piece, but paper is known for hate-speech, pro-Al Qaeda etc, so not so surprising. [2015-12-06 00:05:03] <M> Paper also has close ties with Erdoğan. Article likely in response to WL's tweets re Turkish downing of Russian jet. [2015-12-06 14:13:07] <M> Zeit published an attack piece by Jochen Bittner which is basically "WikiLeaks=bad, Anonymous=good". It's pretty vom-worthy. [2015-12-06 22:26:45] <WikiLeaks> Bittner by name, bitter by nature. [2015-12-06 22:31:18] <M> Hah. [2015-12-07 00:24:33] <voidiss> The headline is amazing, just to keep pushing the idea that not complying with politicians' orders and implementing encryption is a pro-ISIS thing: [2015-12-07 05:36:02] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-12-07 06:40:23] <Emmy B> Whoever is interested in the Syria conflict: 1. Russia is negotiating use of Cyprus airbase for striking ISIS in Syria [2015-12-07 06:44:50] <Emmy B> @ WL you see now why Greece will never strike down a Turkish plane intentionally as a means of deterring Turkey to respect sovereignty? On the two occasions Greek pilots did so, it was due to being forced to down them in the air as they were dog fighting (i.e. an incident gone too far between pilots and military commands) Political leadership in Greece will never start a fight or war as they know since 1974 the US (and NATO) is supporting Turkey 150% and working with them in everything. [2015-12-07 06:49:42] <Emmy B> 99% of military structure personnel, training and equipment is NATO controlled and integrated. Pasok's attempt to 'buy German or French' as a feeble effort to at least obtain some plurality in arm supplies has not in the least achieved any independence from US dominated control. It also backfired with a string of bribery scandals with German arms manufacturers e.g. Ferrostahl that eventually ended in the unprecedented for Greek political (non) standards for an ex Minister of Defence being in jail over Tax evasion and other fraud offences. [2015-12-07 06:50:59] <Emmy B> (I am bracing myself for the worst) [2015-12-07 06:55:27] <Emmy B> Germany and France want more active role for FRONTEX in Greece (and we know Merkel favours Turkey's role in patrolling the Aegean within Greek waters!!!) [2015-12-07 08:29:33] <M> Cute. A very young JA in @aiww's Melbourne exhibit. [2015-12-07 09:03:16] <M> Bean: new graphic is great, but asylum date is incorrect (should be 2012, not 2010). [2015-12-07 09:05:41] <Bean> oooops - fixing now - thx [2015-12-07 09:08:26] <Bean> [Tweet] [2015-12-07 09:09:04] <M> Tks :) [2015-12-07 09:10:40] <Bean> pdf also corrected: [2015-12-07 09:14:07] <Emmy B> I've done screenshots of it parts and will be tweeting under hashtags #5Yrs2Long & #FreeAssange Thank you xxx [2015-12-07 09:15:09] <Bean> cool - thx emmy :) x [2015-12-07 09:18:14] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-12-07 09:48:50] <WikiLeaks> bean: for general images, please keep the swedish case to less than 1/5th [2015-12-07 09:49:41] <WikiLeaks> btw, we have discovered records showing that ja was cleared of ALL accusations by Finne [2015-12-07 09:50:00] <WikiLeaks> and that a case for false reporting was started by Finne [2015-12-07 09:50:36] <WikiLeaks> three days later, Ny took over. [2015-12-07 09:51:27] <WikiLeaks> it places this early history in a new context. [2015-12-07 09:53:36] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-12-07 09:53:50] <Emmy B> this is wonderful news! [2015-12-07 09:54:19] <Emmy B> the best of news, thanks for sharing! Good luck! x [2015-12-07 09:54:40] <voidiss> Oh, wow, new bits come under the spotlight! And the case of false reporting? Did Ny stop it without saying anything? [2015-12-07 09:58:16] <WikiLeaks> Never said anything to 'ourside' or the public, at least. [2015-12-07 09:59:07] <WikiLeaks> Borgstrom's role must be looked at in a new light. [2015-12-07 10:00:39] <WikiLeaks> And also for why AA+SW have not denounced the investigation. [2015-12-07 10:01:21] <Emmy B> Justice will be done! Just keep going <3 [2015-12-07 10:01:58] <voidiss> Probably he stepped in precisely to stop the case of false reporting, it would have exposed the whole set-up. [2015-12-07 10:03:48] <Bean> wl re 1/5 - righto - understood [2015-12-07 10:04:49] <WikiLeaks> bean your stuff is wonderful, but it's important not to get bogged down in the enemies talking points [2015-12-07 10:05:30] <Emmy B> It is the UK's role in all this that has to also be looked at. Co-ordination btw Swe/UK would have been necessary to make the 'charade' work out successfully in UK courts. CPS Paul Close just the tips of the iceberg methinks. [2015-12-07 10:05:48] <Emmy B> bean <3 [2015-12-07 10:08:16] <WikiLeaks> for swe, the situation has clarified: woman says police made it up, JA not charged and already cleared. [2015-12-07 10:08:48] <WikiLeaks> we should never go beyond that, unless the topic is the swe case. [2015-12-07 10:10:43] <Emmy B> ok [2015-12-07 10:12:02] <Bean> thanks for that - helps me focus :) [2015-12-07 10:12:59] <WikiLeaks> in discussions, the most effective technique for misinformed neutrals it to say they're out of date. [2015-12-07 10:13:07] <WikiLeaks> it=is [2015-12-07 10:13:25] <WikiLeaks> It's always possible and acceptable for a non-specialist to be out of date. [2015-12-07 10:13:58] <WikiLeaks> This permits people to save face if they change position. Otherwise it is hard for them. [2015-12-07 10:15:08] <Emmy B> yes, I have noticed this, once they have expressed an opinion publicly they are ashamed to re-tract so they stay entrenched. [2015-12-07 10:15:35] <voidiss> Oh, thank you for this advice, I had never thought about ways to counter people's 'pride' in discussions. Very helpful. [2015-12-07 10:15:35] <Emmy B> good advise [2015-12-07 10:16:06] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] Can someone update this person? [2015-12-07 10:16:27] <Emmy B> it allows people to cross over to a different point of view [2015-12-07 13:02:35] <M> English vers of that good DW article. [2015-12-07 13:43:11] <Emmy B> Great! [2015-12-07 13:43:14] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-12-07 14:00:50] <voidiss> [Tweet] Trump is too absurd, really. [2015-12-07 17:43:14] <M> YAN us Eckersley [2015-12-07 17:43:51] <M> [Tweet] YAN vs Eckersley [2015-12-07 23:59:09] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-08 00:53:01] <WISE Up Action> Trump needs to be stopped, quickly. Eckersley fails because she gets personal too quickly - exposes lack of argument. [2015-12-08 04:32:02] <voidiss> [Tweet] This tweet is gold. [2015-12-08 07:20:32] <voidiss> Regarding that tweet, this article makes the point: [2015-12-08 20:44:53] <Emmy B> [email protected] ? what are we to make of this? :-D amusing - hehehe [2015-12-08 20:59:32] <WISE Up Action> hi-de-hi - never a dull moment! [2015-12-08 21:00:00] <Emmy B> :-) x [2015-12-08 22:37:04] <M> This "tall poppy syndrome" is interesting and bizarre. It reminds me of Harrison Bergeron. [2015-12-09 09:09:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's big news if Finne had started a case for false reporting and Nye stopped it. Shows a deep level of corruption. Wow. That's even more insane. [2015-12-09 09:12:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I get back from California and big family thing and things have gone to hell in a handbasket. WTF re Trump? How is anyone listening to one word that megalomaniac said? Damn mass media is giving him all the air time. If they ignored him, he'd disappear into ignominy like he deserves. [2015-12-09 09:12:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> What a psycho! [2015-12-09 09:14:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> The sad thing is that he's capitalizing on Americans' utter frustration and disgust with out government. We want an 'outsider' so badly that people are falling for Trump's bullshit. [2015-12-09 09:14:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Out = our [2015-12-09 11:45:17] <Emmy B> Jenny, totally! [2015-12-09 11:45:29] <Emmy B> [Tweet] but see here: [2015-12-09 11:45:55] <Emmy B> Love it! :-) [2015-12-09 11:46:12] <Emmy B> [2015-12-09 11:46:29] <Emmy B> Father Dave agrees! [2015-12-10 07:09:57] <WikiLeaks> Today is human rights day. [2015-12-10 07:11:29] <WikiLeaks> Might be a good time to push JA+CM at the more influential people using the hash tag. [2015-12-10 07:37:19] <voidiss> I'll do that when I come back home! [2015-12-10 08:14:16] <Emmy B> Same here! [2015-12-10 10:06:06] <WISE Up Action> Great pics, Em! D'you just go and take them? Yer a star xx [2015-12-10 10:07:49] <Emmy B> with 2 others [2015-12-10 10:08:10] <Emmy B> (usual suspects) [2015-12-10 10:08:48] <Emmy B> we went a couple of weeks ago & took photos, been waiting for opportunity [2015-12-10 10:09:06] <Emmy B> loved it! xxxxxxxx :-) [2015-12-10 10:12:52] <Emmy B> and of course we take 'the bean' with us and plaster his spot on posters *yeah*! [2015-12-10 11:32:35] <WikiLeaks> Those pics are ace, em. [2015-12-10 11:33:00] <WikiLeaks> If that was done three times a week at random times, it would drive them insane. [2015-12-10 11:33:51] <WikiLeaks> Especially if its there during peak visiting hours. [2015-12-10 11:35:14] <Emmy B> ok, we'll see what we can do <3 [2015-12-10 12:14:29] <WISE Up Action> Ha. Mission! Think it's pretty important to make sure it's really random - no pattern. It's an excellent campaign idea. [2015-12-10 15:38:01] <voidiss> [2015-12-10 15:49:06] <WikiLeaks> Yes, it's odd. We suspect the Swedish ruling class is moving to pre-empt bad WGAD/ECHR publicity by dropping the case. [2015-12-10 15:50:25] <WikiLeaks> May be interesting to push her 'I am have not been raped' tweet at her, DW etc. [2015-12-10 15:51:15] <WikiLeaks> It's clearly a threat. [2015-12-10 15:52:26] <WikiLeaks> You'll note that her Icon is a photo of her dressed just like the Kill Bill assassin/mob-boss O-Ren Ishiis. [2015-12-10 15:58:23] <voidiss> This would be great, even if they did simply to avoid criticism! Anyway, yes, it sounds just like that. Also... if the Swedish ruling class has this idea in mind, how could she know? It doesn't seem any media is reporting this kind of thing, and no one seems even to mention JA case. [2015-12-10 16:06:02] <voidiss> But isn't there the risk that if we tweet to her like that someone could equate this to people like Sands and her 'attacks' against her and SW? [2015-12-10 16:26:50] <voidiss> [Tweet] In the end I did, the tweet is gentle enough not to seem an attack, I think. Let's see if she answers... [2015-12-10 16:28:23] <WISE Up Action> She also looks disturbingly like Mensch in that photo. Sorry to be thick, but what's DW? [2015-12-10 16:31:55] <WISE Up Action> That looks good, Greta. [2015-12-10 16:33:37] <voidiss> Thx. Anyway, I think DW is Deutsche Welle. [2015-12-10 17:05:01] <WikiLeaks> She's part of the Swedish ruling class. [2015-12-10 17:05:31] <WikiLeaks> Greta, the tweet is good. [2015-12-10 18:20:18] <M> Amusing article: TIME's Person Of The Year Is Always A Troll Move [2015-12-10 22:59:05] <Emmy B> @ Lindi DW - Deutsche Welle (TV/Media) [2015-12-10 22:59:52] <Emmy B> [Media-image] My goodness, what a character to identify with! [2015-12-10 23:01:48] <Emmy B> [2015-12-10 23:59:40] <voidiss> By the way... I have written a thing about JA case. If you want to read it: [2015-12-11 00:36:04] <WISE Up Action> It's lovely, Greta! So passionate and animated. And you've brought out the backstory behind those emails beautifully. I even like it that in places the English isn't quite right - it fits with the tone. And it manages to hold the interest admirably even though it's long. It's good that there's a lot of 'you' in it - it makes it feel authentic [2015-12-11 00:38:01] <WISE Up Action> And it's about time someone got a bit het up about it! It's appropriate coming from you. Bless you xx [2015-12-11 01:16:57] <voidiss> Thank you so much for thw kind words, Action! I'm glad you like it, I tried to do my best. [2015-12-11 01:17:08] <voidiss> *the [2015-12-11 04:09:53] <voidiss> [Media-image] Aaand Anna Ardin blocked me. [2015-12-11 04:11:04] <WISE Up Action> Hmmm [2015-12-11 05:32:05] <Emmy B> I have archived the tweet and your interaction here: [2015-12-11 06:36:45] <M> I'm pretty sure Ardin tends to block anyone who tweets at her re JA. [2015-12-11 10:10:49] <M> Nice to see a smart feminist article in mainstream Brit press. [2015-12-11 10:11:14] <M> [Tweet] Author has cracked quite a few jokes at JA's expense, but interestingly has also questioned the allegations. [2015-12-11 11:02:33] <M> Wtf. "Nick Davies told in detail how Julian Assange passed him information about the US government and later betrayed him by leaking the information to other vehicles." [2015-12-11 11:02:39] <M> Video: [2015-12-11 11:57:03] <M> Big news: EC and Swe have signed an agreement for Agreement on Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, says Patino. [2015-12-11 11:59:02] <Emmy B> wow! fantastic! :-) that's good news, very soon all of that trouble will be in the past :-)❤ [2015-12-11 12:02:10] <Emmy B> oh, and Nick Davies does not realise how he comes across to his audience, not very good for him I don't think. The impression he gives is indeed mercurial manipulator and remorseless. [2015-12-11 12:03:10] <Emmy B> not one word for the pain he is personally responsible for dishing out, no sense of responsibility and I am putting it very mildly [2015-12-11 12:10:32] <Emmy B> quite sad to hear in part 4 how abusive his mother was and sent to boarding school at 8 were he was also beaten, maybe there lies his hardness and lack of compassion and a 'let's save our skin at all costs' and bring a good man down in the process attitude ? [2015-12-11 12:10:42] <WISE Up Action> That man has a chip on his shoulder like a bloody tree [2015-12-11 12:11:17] <WISE Up Action> - oh is that what happened - OK [2015-12-11 12:12:34] <Emmy B> note how he talks about his reputation and how much he values it, yet so ready to sally someone else's...he admits everything practically he has been accused of over the years... [2015-12-11 12:13:54] <Emmy B> how he hunted JA down to get the info, how he did not care as long as he/paper got their hands on info, how he retaliated [2015-12-11 12:14:04] <Emmy B> a sad individual [2015-12-11 12:43:12] <Emmy B> @ H has not tweeted or commented here since 30th Nov, all ok? [2015-12-11 12:48:34] <WISE Up Action> omg - I don't believe it! What is he like, the twat??! 'in his initial statement'...shock, horror, probe.... 'NEVER ONCE did Julian say to the Swedish Cops that he knew it was the US fitting him up' Wow - you don't say, Nicko! Cos, like, that would've been a really cool move, wouldn't it? PART 3 from 14.20. I honestly never cease to be amazed by the total lack of nouse of the English chattering classes - they are soo narrow minded and thick it's beyond belief - they're like living in some artificial, pretentious fraction of human existence, and they're so stuck up their own arses they can't even conceive of the big wide world outside the rest of us live in. [2015-12-11 12:56:37] <WISE Up Action> So his WHOLE premise for promoting the view that the suggestion the US were likely involved was entirely disingenuous, is that Julian didn't *mention* this in his statement to Swedish Police. So, obv, not true, then! Wtf. How can you live so long and be that fucking stupid!!? [2015-12-11 12:59:53] <Emmy B> it does not stuck up because he is trying to justify the unjustifiable. Whilst he was in a position of power he id the dirty now it seems he is not he has to find something to justify it... with every interview his story will change trying to find something that stands up. [2015-12-11 13:00:22] <Emmy B> I agree with you Lindi <3 [2015-12-11 13:35:30] <WISE Up Action> But, you know, I actually think they're so stupid they believe their own BS, at least in part. I'm not saying that's any defence tho. Indeed, they have no business being so complacent as to, never, ever, peer out of the bunker....but it seems almost more depressing. [2015-12-11 13:41:50] <Emmy B> What I find also remarkable is that he is very clear on what risks JA WL were facing to his life too, still, his perceived risk to the guardian weighted more heavily than throwing one man down the well [2015-12-11 13:45:03] <WISE Up Action> Yeh - that self-interest is solid rock isn't it? Never leaves them. [2015-12-11 13:46:16] <Emmy B> Yes- Now he is trying to somewhat beautify the story of his actions nah nah - and the need to justify to themselves and his peers how reasonable his actions were. [2015-12-11 13:47:47] <Emmy B> Thanks M for sharing the good news! With the agreement signed we can hope for quick resolution xx [2015-12-11 15:04:31] <M> Ecuador's official statement on the agreement with Sweden [2015-12-11 15:22:49] <WISE Up Action> "We are close to the aim and we hope that the agreement will be ready…before Christmas and we do not exclude that it can be signed after the decision on the issue is made at the government meeting on December 17," Riddselius told RIA Novosti. Read more: [2015-12-11 15:24:31] <WISE Up Action> It seems as though it's been agreed, but not yet 'signed'? That was from 8th Dec, but the Ecuador statement seems to be saying there are a few formalities which will be completed 'in the next few days'? [2015-12-11 16:18:20] <M> English report says it's been signed. [2015-12-11 16:18:54] <M> The "in the next few days" refers to when it will take effect (i.e. it is not effective *immediately*). [2015-12-11 18:55:29] <WikiLeaks> Hi guys n girls. Please test our web layout [2015-12-11 18:56:05] <WikiLeaks> We've been going through a major development effort to make the site work well with mobile phones [2015-12-11 18:56:57] <WikiLeaks> The style is a bit off still, but it is a big improvement for mobiles--about 50% of our users. [2015-12-11 18:58:31] <WikiLeaks> Please look at every link/page and point out bugs/style probs/suggested improvemens in clarity [2015-12-11 19:06:58] <WISE Up Action> Typo Helena Kennedy 'adivsed' [2015-12-11 19:15:03] <WikiLeaks> About and Enquiries/Contacts pages will have text rewritten [2015-12-11 19:36:04] <WISE Up Action> Should it be possible to get into other pages on 'news'? Because can't - tried p2 p3 - just reverts to top of p1. Can't check anything on a mobile tho, only laptop. [2015-12-11 19:57:08] <WikiLeaks> Appears to be a bug. [2015-12-11 19:59:34] <WISE Up Action> Very sorry, but totally incapable of using pad - ways outside my skills. Tried it w genny once and demented me (not to mention her) Just a brief response overall here: It looks lovely and clean. Can't find TTP press release, tho I managed to find most of the others. Will complete chronological list of leaks be available still? Because I would miss that a lot. [2015-12-11 20:02:18] <WISE Up Action> *TPP I mean [2015-12-11 20:55:56] <M> New website is very sleek! Will play around on different browers/mobile and see if I notice anything. [2015-12-11 23:35:29] <voidiss> I'm out at the moment, using the Pad by phone isn't comfortable, I write here. [2015-12-11 23:35:55] <voidiss> It's very beautiful! I've tried by phone (Firefox on Android) and it works pretty well. [2015-12-11 23:36:12] <voidiss> The News pages, About and Contacts/Enquiries now work without problem and are clear and easily readable by phone. [2015-12-11 23:36:44] <voidiss> There's a problem with the leaks pages though - they have still the old graphics so they get 'warped' [2015-12-11 23:36:57] <voidiss> when accessed by phone, the text and the images overlap. [2015-12-11 23:37:21] <voidiss> This isn't valid for older leaks (i.e. Baer) which have another different style. [2015-12-11 23:37:34] <voidiss> The exception is the Spy Files, which have the new layout but the video is still not supported and is deforming the page. [2015-12-11 23:37:37] <voidiss> Also the Advanced Search has the old layout. [2015-12-12 01:48:07] <voidiss> Here Peter Sunde is saying very similar things to Julian's "game for privacy is gone": [2015-12-12 04:00:08] <Emmy B> I just saw the Response from my FOI by Kensington and Chelsea Borough re JA: [2015-12-12 04:12:41] <voidiss> I don't know if this can work, but maybe you can split it in different parts. I mean, you start by asking only correspondence with government departments, then you will ask later for correspondence with police, then with traffic wardens and businesses, and then with press and public. I know it will take a long time but each of them would be less broad and more likely to receive response. [2015-12-12 04:20:15] <Emmy B> Thanks Greta all good stuff, I will re-submit before xmas, in the meanwhile I got one response from London Assembly, jenny Jones bless her [2015-12-12 04:20:26] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-12 04:20:38] <Emmy B> I will update the blog [2015-12-12 04:21:43] <voidiss> You're welcome. Great, wonderful news! [2015-12-12 04:31:55] <Emmy B> where is H? [2015-12-12 04:39:48] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-12-12 06:59:25] <Emmy B> Good to see you here again H :-) Thanks for sharing the tweet! [2015-12-12 06:59:45] <Emmy B> (you had me worried there for a bit) xx [2015-12-12 08:39:43] <M> Ah. Sweden hasn't signed the agreement yet after all. "Anna-Carin Svensson, from the Justice Department, confirmed the reports. "There is no signed agreement yet, but we are almost ready," she says to TT." [2015-12-12 09:16:24] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing M :-), it is only a matter of time I guess! [2015-12-12 09:19:15] <Emmy B> Re Jenny Jones suggestion to write the Jon Cruddas (he is not my MP btw) he is described in US cable as a long time friend of the US embassy [2015-12-12 09:37:41] <WISE Up Action> Could I just again request that newlook site retains some link to old chronological order complete list of releases as-they-happened? [2015-12-12 10:47:21] <Emmy B> "They burn Turkish flags and mark photos of Erdogan in Iraq!" [2015-12-12 10:48:18] <Emmy B> Could Turkey become the external enemy to finally unite all Iraqi fractions into a common national effort were ISIS has no role? [2015-12-12 11:09:40] <M> Wise Up - The releases are still in chronological order (left-to-right). Or is it the icon format that you are taking issue with? [2015-12-12 11:15:31] <WISE Up Action> No, not really icon format. It's just it's not the list as each release (or part of a release) was published chronologically - they're conflated/simplified in new format, and I can see why that makes sense, but I think the complete chronology is worth preserving somewhere. [2015-12-12 11:20:56] <Emmy B> A chronological index page somewhere perhaps? - hyperlinked [2015-12-12 11:23:52] <WISE Up Action> Yes - it doesn't have to be surface display - just a link would be fine as long as it's clear what it's going to. [2015-12-12 11:26:57] <WISE Up Action> It's also a way of preserving (part of) the historical record of WikiLeaks/the times itself. [2015-12-12 11:29:20] <Emmy B> :-) WL as a story :-) [2015-12-12 11:30:26] <Emmy B> Once upon a time...and then they released....and the world became a better place x [2015-12-12 11:32:19] <WISE Up Action> Yes. The life & times of WL. Jolly good job there's some positives because imo the world is an ever worsening place [2015-12-12 11:43:24] <voidiss> Ohh, I'd love WL as a story! Something like--in a perfect world in which we have 'won'--a wonderful tale to tell children, or a powerful piece of history to study at school! Sadly I agree with Action, but WL is so great because without it the world would be even more ever-worsening. [2015-12-12 11:47:49] <Emmy B> :-) talking about history, all this Syria/ Iraq Russia Turkey and the West all competing for a place in a new status quo, brings to mind the battle of Navarino: [2015-12-12 11:50:59] <Emmy B> "A few weeks after the battle, in a symbolic gesture, he proclaimed jihad (holy war) against the European powers in his claimed role as khalifa (caliph, or spiritual leader) of all Muslims. More concretely, he closed the Bosporus to international shipping, a move certain to provoke Russia, whose entire Black Sea trade had to pass through the Straits. He also revoked the Convention of Akkerman, signed with Russia the previous year." [2015-12-12 11:53:10] <WISE Up Action> eee, blooody ell, Em - yer a walkin istry boook! [2015-12-12 11:53:46] <WISE Up Action> (crap northern accent) [2015-12-12 11:54:22] <Emmy B> A very different world then, a better world now, @ Lindi of 'my neck of the woods' only :-) xxxx (did I spell that correctly?) [2015-12-12 11:58:12] <Emmy B> very interestingly I was just reading that a cannon of that battle has been found in archaeological excavations in Greece, and guess what the locals have immediately contacted Sevastopol in Russia to let them know of the find. If this had happened when I lived in Greece 25 years ago they would have contacted the British, how things change. [2015-12-14 06:13:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hope Sweden doesn't keep stalling on signing the agreement. They've got a bad history of that, but maybe the embarrassment will make them finally concede to interviewing JA at the Embassy. Then, hopefully, they'll use it as an excuse to drop the entire ridiculous thing & leave us with the real reason for the entire mess - the USG's 'case'. [2015-12-14 06:13:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm lurking more lately but still here. [2015-12-14 06:39:21] <Emmy B> <3 [2015-12-14 06:40:01] <Emmy B> BBC includes UK Foreign Office comment on the upcoming JA questioning [2015-12-14 07:47:26] <Emmy B> Can't believe it, the photo journalist we chatted to this morning at the vigil outside the embassy asked for a picture as we were taking our banner down, got his photo on Sputnik [2015-12-14 07:49:00] <Emmy B> Article includes comment by JA's Swedish attorney Olsen. [2015-12-14 08:04:54] <Emmy B> Also Juan Carlos from NTN24 was outside the embassy and he asked me to say a few words to the camera which I did. [2015-12-14 08:06:07] <Emmy B> It seems we'll be able to hold vigils Mondays 11:30-13:00 from now on. [2015-12-14 10:57:04] <Emmy B> And here is the video of Juan Carlos in NTN24 [2015-12-14 10:58:24] <Emmy B> I said I am hoping that the political asylum granted by Ecuador is recognised by Sweden and UK and that JA would be free as a result. Praised Ecuador for consistently protecting JA's Human Rights. [2015-12-14 12:35:20] <Emmy B> Not a good article (in Wired): [2015-12-14 12:54:57] <WikiLeaks> Vile Kim Zetter. [2015-12-14 13:03:41] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-14 13:06:03] <Emmy B> very well connected she seems : [2015-12-14 13:16:35] <voidiss> [Tweet] Oh, her best irony at work. *facepalm* [2015-12-14 13:17:06] <voidiss> Anyway, her Wired article with the "he pinned her to the bed" bit is the perfect example of what Hearne's "Julian in a Nutshell" represents. [2015-12-14 13:17:24] <M> The "Ecuador is finally allowing questioning" line is pissing me off. [2015-12-14 13:18:38] <voidiss> Yes, just like Guardian's "Ny was unable to question him". [2015-12-15 00:09:41] <Emmy B> "10. What do Wikileaks staff have with their Christmas turkey? An anonymous sauce" Read more: [2015-12-15 02:32:41] <Emmy B> @ Jenny you say "Then, hopefully, they'll use it as an excuse to drop the entire ridiculous thing & leave us with the real reason for the entire mess - the USG's 'case'." Indeed, indeed and we can finally concentrate our support efforts in that direction. [2015-12-15 03:30:33] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2015-12-15 05:58:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Definitely Emmy! Great to see the press attention to the vigil. Awesome! [2015-12-15 10:55:32] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2015-12-15 13:44:28] <Emmy B> I am fed up blocking accounts that follow me with pictures of half naked women and spammy timeline - anyone else getting them? [2015-12-15 14:34:33] <WISE Up Action> from time to time, not that frequently. [2015-12-15 16:24:05] <M> [Tweet] Good i/v/ with Melinda Tayor [2015-12-15 20:17:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think we all get those, Emmy. I either block or ignore. Spam. [2015-12-15 20:19:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> I am so frustrated after this 'debate' tonight. At least Rand Paul said a few good things. I'd like to spit at the rest of them. Freaking scary!! [2015-12-16 10:03:39] <Emmy B> Kurds stormed the Parliament of Sweden? [2015-12-16 10:03:56] <Emmy B> Apparently Aftonblatten reports, searching now [2015-12-16 10:05:16] <Emmy B> This is the link [2015-12-16 10:07:42] <Emmy B> This is a DN article via google translate [2015-12-16 10:52:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> If there is one group in the Middle East that I think might be worth our support, it's the Kurds. They've been assaulted and marginalized by everyone. I still don't want Us personnel, weapons, or funds in the entire region except for humanitarian aid. [2015-12-16 10:53:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Us = USA [2015-12-16 12:31:36] <Emmy B> Please note: [2015-12-16 12:32:36] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-16 12:33:37] <Emmy B> "Bellingcat" was an outfit attempting to infiltrate the WikiLeaks community some years ago. [2015-12-16 12:36:26] <Emmy B> Nope got it wrong it was Bellinger not Bellingcat [2015-12-16 12:38:46] <Emmy B> http://www.wikiseeks.org [2015-12-16 12:46:05] <Emmy B> And talking about cats... there is a twitter account @butlincat and a blog [2015-12-17 01:12:49] <Emmy B> http://www.cablegatesearch.net [2015-12-17 01:15:12] <Emmy B> PLusD is giving me a headache I am looking for all Cables generated from Athens, Greece in the month of May 2004 and I can't get the results I want. *nearly throwing toy out of pram* [2015-12-17 06:42:07] <WikiLeaks> There is a month missing from Cablegate. Peerhaps you hit it. [2015-12-17 07:04:43] <Emmy B> Perhaps perhaps perhaps :-) [2015-12-17 07:11:48] <Emmy B> A bomb went off in provincial town of Larisa 29/05/2004 the first of terrorist organisation Laiki Thelisi (popular will) I was looking for reports. The organisation went on to at least two more actions, on one occasion killing a guard. I read an article in greek yesterday that D Foukas of Parliamentary Committee on "Pythia" the assassination plans against greek PM Karamanlis by a foreign intelligence agency- the article reports all three terrorist incidents were likely organised by foreign intelligence agencies. [2015-12-17 07:13:29] <Emmy B> This case links to the wiretapping scandal the intercept published about recently. [2015-12-17 07:14:07] <Emmy B> I'll keep looking for any references. [2015-12-17 07:26:02] <M> [Tweet] FYI [2015-12-17 09:45:51] <voidiss> Sweden signed the agreement and will soon submit a request to interview JA: [2015-12-17 09:45:57] <voidiss> Uhm, deja-vù. Let's hope they're serious about it this time... [2015-12-17 12:05:29] <voidiss> I'm doing a thing I'd like to share with you all... This year my school offered the partecipation in a project called NHSMUN (National High School Model United Nation), that is a big project initially created by IMUNA and organized by different associated orgs in each country (like Italian Diplomatic Academy in Italy). And this project practically gives students the possibility to take part in a course of geopolitics, international relations, diplomacy etc and at the end of it, they can to go to NYC, at the UN palace, to do a 'simulation' of work as delegates of various countries different from their own. In practice, students are assigned to a country, choose a Committee with two topics, follow the course and do research on the country and the topics, write a position paper and then go to NYC and debate with other students and do negotiations and in the end they prepare a 'resolution'. This aims to help young people who want to become diplomats or something. Obviously I don't want to be a diplomat AT ALL, but I decided to participate anyway because I think it would be interesting to directly experience 'how things work' in UN etc. A bit like 'know the enemy', lol. (joking!) The course started about a month ago and we already did various lessons on UN system and contemporary history (Cold War mostly). The history teacher was quite good, the other was strongly pro-USG instead (he supports TPP/TISA, loves Hillary and tried to deny the existence of WL docs on Saudi and UK plotting to be elected to UNHRC). But anyway, the course can still be interesting if you follow it with some critical mind. Anyway... today I was assigned to the country I have to represent, that is Ivory Coast. The Committee in which I'll work is the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, and the two topics I will have to analyze as Ivory Coast 'delegate' are: 1) Palestinian Refugees in the Middle East, 2) Occupied Territories in Azerbaijan. So, that is, I just wanted to let you all know about this thing because I think it's going to be interesting. I will share more about it! :) [2015-12-17 12:14:20] <WikiLeaks> Neat. Not sure about the course, but model UN is mostly for hookups though. [2015-12-17 12:56:11] <Emmy B> Well done Greta, a great achievement to get on the course in the first place x you will learn a ton of things and good debates coming up! keep us up with whats up and see if there is a Cable or two that you may be able to quote in your analysis ;-) [2015-12-17 13:08:22] <voidiss> Yes, they presented it as a good opportunity for hookups too, a way to bring young people closer to the diplomatic environment: in New York there will even be some orientation lectures about this specific post-high school path. But well, I can simply ignore this part and take the good parts of the project. [2015-12-17 13:09:02] <voidiss> Thanks, Emmy! And yes, WL search engine is the first thing I thought about when they told me about doing research on those topics! :D [2015-12-18 00:16:13] <voidiss> Need an advice... If one has to buy a new phone, what's better between Android and iOS? [2015-12-18 00:17:03] <voidiss> B/c Android has more privacy-related apps but Google has its well-known spying policy; Apple has fewer apps but perhaps it is less NSA-like. [2015-12-18 02:00:18] <Emmy B> Not a tech person, I consider everything compromised, and even after all the crypto parties I've gone to there is a certain resignation on my part regarding the matter, Still, if you have the money a Black phone seems to be a good starting point, they use [2015-12-18 02:01:06] <Emmy B> "Only Blackphone runs on Silent OS, an enhanced Android operating system that delivers privacy without compromise." [2015-12-18 02:03:16] <Emmy B> But you will have to be quite determined to improve the safety of your communications. The Blackphone is extremely expensive and you would have to expend time learning it. [2015-12-18 02:04:25] <Emmy B> At least you have a whole life time to learn about such matters Greta dear, so keep at it <3 [2015-12-18 03:25:02] <voidiss> Eh. I already knew about Blackphones but they're very expensive & since that soon I'll have to change my pc too, I'd prefer to spend less :/ [2015-12-18 03:26:06] <Emmy B> Absolutely! [2015-12-18 03:26:10] <voidiss> One day I will surely buy a Blackphone, but I want to wait until I really need it. [2015-12-18 03:26:16] <voidiss> Thank you anyway, Emmy. :) [2015-12-18 03:26:33] <Emmy B> :-) [2015-12-18 08:34:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] provoking or what? [2015-12-18 08:39:22] <M> Popular "Serial" podcast on Bowe Bergdahl is referencing WikiLeaks docs on multiple occasions. [2015-12-18 13:52:54] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-18 13:54:21] <Emmy B> Amazing! [2015-12-19 01:05:35] <M> [Tweet] Interesting turnaround from a former major anti-WL/JA troll. [2015-12-19 01:32:03] <WISE Up Action> [2015-12-19 01:33:14] <WISE Up Action> FitzGibbon Media closed [2015-12-19 09:56:45] <Emmy B> Turkey manned their UAVs with locally manufactured rockets 8km range, that's how wars are made Greece has so far refused to host UAVs despite US requests for a UAV bases in Crete and the Peloponese. I predict those days are soon over :-( [2015-12-19 09:57:47] <Emmy B> We need 100 WLs [2015-12-19 12:17:25] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-19 12:18:11] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-19 12:24:10] <Emmy B> I am curious as to why 10ATHENS141-a cable dated 25th of Feb would be followed by 10ATHENS142_a dated 1st of Feb, I thought the serial number denoted the order upon which the Cables would be dispatched, Maybe then US Embassy staff opened a Cable reference and started typing, being allocated a serial number at that point rather at the point of sending it? It is the only explanation I can think of. [2015-12-19 12:36:15] <Emmy B> There is also something very curious about cable 10ATHENS141-a it describes the content of a 45 minute visit 8th of Feb with Director General of Greek Intelligence services Bikas, in Jan 22 US Ambassador had met with Bikas boss Minister of Public Protection Chrysochoidis. These meetings two out of four extensive meetings in 4 months had as content terrorism as well as co-operation btw US/Greek SS. The curious thing is, if Cable is dated 25th of Feb how is it that it does not mention the terrorist activity against Minister Chrysochoidis on the 17th of Feb (a bomb exploded in his electoral centre by terrorist organisation Laiki Thelisi). Heh the Cable does mention though that on the 9th of Feb Bikas was appearing at a parliament to answer questions about the 2004/5 wiretapping scandal. (In retrospect, knowing from the Snowden revelations it was the NSA/CIA with the direct involvement of the US Embassy behind this scandal, I wonder how Spekhard felt been told by Bikas this titbit, maybe he thought it bad manners?) [2015-12-19 12:37:00] <Emmy B> I really have to find a place to put such stuff rather than spam our chat... [2015-12-19 12:42:09] <WikiLeaks> Possibly sent through CIA channels or TS channels. Note that TS cables also increase the cable count. [2015-12-19 12:43:56] <Emmy B> Thank you, sorry what is TS? [2015-12-19 12:49:00] <Emmy B> ah, TS = Top Secret, ok [2015-12-19 13:12:08] <WISE Up Action> I find it interesting & informative, Em [2015-12-19 13:21:37] <Emmy B> Thank you <3 [2015-12-19 18:29:33] <WISE Up Action> Fucsake! 'It didn't seem to bother Eve Ensler that Trevor FitzGibbon was also representing Julian Assange, a progressive rapist'. [2015-12-20 03:59:33] <Emmy B> 'wikileaks4india' making more 'revelations' confusing everyone, check hashtag '#wikileaks' [2015-12-20 07:46:51] <M> Thankfully, a lot of people are spreading WL's original tweets distinguishing itself from "WL India" and demanding corrections. [2015-12-20 08:49:23] <Emmy B> Yes that's true! [2015-12-20 10:28:56] <Emmy B> really pleased to see wlpress listed in there in the new format as a publishing partner as well as wlcentral [2015-12-20 10:29:06] <Emmy B> really good! [2015-12-20 10:32:09] <Emmy B> but, I think the justicefor assange logo is not right. [2015-12-20 10:32:32] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2015-12-20 10:34:52] <voidiss> Yes. It seems to be the logo of @Justice4Assange, another group (I suppose) supporting JA. The Twitter account hasn't been active since 2012, though. [2015-12-20 10:35:15] <Emmy B> it is associated with a previous endeavour I believe [2015-12-20 10:35:29] <Emmy B> [2015-12-20 10:36:23] <Emmy B> fb page te same, and domain name for justiceforassange is for sale lets hope the odious MGT does not pick it up [2015-12-20 10:46:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] original owner - whois [2015-12-20 10:54:07] <Emmy B> Somerset Bean already has a plethora of designs available eg [2015-12-20 10:57:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] @ Bean have you done one with justice4assange specifically and their symbol perhaps? [2015-12-20 10:57:48] <Emmy B> thanks [2015-12-20 19:39:41] <M> [Tweet] Text of paywalled Crikey article [2015-12-20 19:55:58] <M> Any info re this? [2015-12-21 05:01:18] <Bean> [Media-image] em & wl: re justice for assange logo for partners page: didn't have anything specifically but have thrown a couple of options together [2015-12-21 05:01:34] <Bean> [Media-image] [2015-12-21 08:49:26] <Emmy B> Looks Great Bean ! :-) [2015-12-21 08:49:50] <Emmy B> Thank you very much WL now has an option, once they get to it! xxxx [2015-12-21 08:50:13] <Emmy B> [Tweet] my goodness has everyone seen this: [2015-12-22 03:49:48] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2015-12-22 03:50:06] <Emmy B> Amazing new article by Seymour Hersh [2015-12-22 10:34:13] <M> Hersh was on DN this morning talking about his new piece: [2015-12-22 14:10:25] <M> [Tweet] [2015-12-22 14:26:31] <Emmy B> [2015-12-22 14:27:04] <Emmy B> "Here Is The Legal Deal That Will Let Sweden Finally Interview Julian Assange" by James Ball [2015-12-22 14:51:08] <voidiss> Amazing to see how Ball tries to imply that the "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" subject line has a sort of strange conspiratorial tone behind it. Even though the article hasn't many smears in it -- apart from "prosecutors have been unable to question". [2015-12-23 09:14:45] <M> Article on OurMine: [2015-12-24 11:48:20] <M> [Tweet] New article using GI FIles. [2015-12-24 14:03:28] <Emmy B> Merry Christmas to all xxxx [2015-12-24 14:58:27] <voidiss> Merry Christmas! <3 [2015-12-28 10:36:17] <voidiss> [Tweet] about this, it's recorded so it will be the video soon I suppose. [2015-12-28 13:05:26] <WikiLeaks> Hope you're having fun there. [2015-12-28 13:08:27] <WikiLeaks> Please don't spread the Xmas dinner article. It has two serious errors that will be corrected. [2015-12-28 13:12:26] <Emmy B> ok, although I have already shared. [2015-12-28 13:33:32] <voidiss> Oh yes, a lot of fun! CCC is always great, a wonderful opportunity to meet many people, and plus this year there are many interesting lectures. This morning I followed one about the philosophical concept of privacy based on Hannah Arendt thoughts, and it was great. Also the one about the terrible line adopted by France in terms of surveillance was good, even if very depressing. Yesterday I followed one in which the speaker showed some photos from the Stasi archives which were hilarious (spies taking photos of enemy spies that was taking photos of them, or spies taking photos of themselves in mirrors). And the speaker also noted that while Stasi archives are more or less public and accessible, when he asked to the BND they gave him meaningless photos, so everyone can see how bad Stasi was but no one can see the crimes that surely also BND committed in that period. [2015-12-28 17:41:43] <M> Video of aforementioned #32c3 talk on Ecuador [2015-12-29 00:20:12] <Emmy B> The mind of a Tory: [2015-12-29 00:31:06] <Emmy B> I listened for about 10 minutes of Bethany what's her name, she should perhaps enter electoral politics, would be the honest thing to do. [2015-12-29 06:52:08] <Emmy B> WL Media Alert: BBC Radio Four today 18:15 - "Julian and the Assanging Technicolour Download" 15 Minute Musical, Series 8 Episode 2 of 6 [2015-12-29 06:53:19] <Emmy B> Cast: Richie Webb, Dave Lamb and Jess Robinson Written by: Dave Cohen, David Quantick and Richie Webb Music Composed, Performed and Arranged by: Richie Webb Music Production: Matt Katz Producer: Katie Tyrrell. [2015-12-29 07:10:32] <Emmy B> oops - about a year too late it was broadcasted in Dec 2014 - Ignore! [2015-12-29 07:15:03] <Emmy B> dec 2013 [2015-12-29 10:24:08] <M> [Tweet] Ugh. Seems they're re-running that horrendous thing. The masses do not seem pleased. [2015-12-30 07:27:27] <Emmy B> @ WL [2015-12-30 09:39:13] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Louise Mensch being made a fool of. Never a bad thing. [2015-12-30 22:58:20] <WISE Up Action> [2015-12-31 03:15:21] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing :-) here is what I came across just now [2015-12-31 06:51:41] <Emmy B> Chortle's Assange article at No 7 for 2015 most read (about BBC4's production 'Asylum'),_thieves_and_everyday_heroes [2015-12-31 08:03:26] <Emmy B> Noting for future reference how fake forum and Christine Sands combined are a great couple in attracting media attention, this is from Sputnik in November: [2015-12-31 09:26:28] <M> [Tweet] Nice! [2015-12-31 12:48:57] <Emmy B> Bethany Horne reporting in The Guardian on CCC Cage presentation [2015-12-31 15:32:03] <M> New Hillary emails out yesterday. Didn't come across anything super interesting, but here's a quick look: [2015-12-31 15:32:17] <M> Criticism of P.J. Crowley after he left [2015-12-31 17:54:51] <M> English translation of Xmas with JA -- does this version contain errors? [2015-12-31 19:42:29] <WikiLeaks> Good Hils list, thanks. [2015-12-31 23:40:20] <Emmy B> Happy New Year to all! Love Good Health Happiness and Freedom! Xxx [2016-01-01 00:50:12] <Emmy B> I think US gov response to WL publications as documented in e-mails court filings, eventually Grand Jury investigation paper trail etc inc the entire legal docs over Manning's trial etc should one day be published by WL in searchable format -Amen [2016-01-01 07:47:22] <WISE Up Action> Anyone know what's going on with OpManning, Kaidinn and Samurai Lucy? Seeing accusations of doxing, 'informants' and the like. Hard to un-pick. [2016-01-01 09:14:32] <Emmy B> No idea at all [2016-01-01 09:17:36] <Emmy B> I have never DM with them that I remember. I'll take a look tonight. [2016-01-01 16:53:52] <WikiLeaks> HNY everyone. Please stimulate @LouiseMensch into making her JA libels clear so we can sue her. Re: [2016-01-01 17:22:28] <voidiss> Mh. Wondering what she means here: [2016-01-01 17:27:00] <WikiLeaks> A love letter, surely. [2016-01-01 22:44:57] <voidiss> Haha, LOL! [2016-01-03 03:42:05] <Emmy B> Mensch has not responded to my tweets to her. Her tweet is about future 'Ecuador Leaks' via MGT's fake forum. I think she has mental health issues or perhaps (she has a history of drug use) is not quite right. Still, she has contacts and how can I put it, she 'sells'. [2016-01-03 04:37:31] <M> English subtitled version of doc on Russia with JA [2016-01-03 04:53:53] <WISE Up Action> Em, I honestly think Mensch tweets under the influence of something or other fairly often. She tends not to follow things up it seems. (D) [2016-01-03 04:57:20] <WISE Up Action> That stuff about someone hacking her CCTV was pure gold. [2016-01-03 04:59:51] <Emmy B> yes :-) also tragic in a way. [2016-01-03 09:10:34] <Emmy B> Green Party leader calls for a public investigation on to UK gov decision to promote SA into the HR UN council. [2016-01-03 18:10:03] <Emmy B> Tim Farron leader of LibDems joins the calls for investigation [2016-01-03 19:30:35] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-01-03 19:30:47] <WikiLeaks> Another WL victory. [2016-01-03 23:34:48] <Emmy B> Yes! Congratulations :-) [2016-01-03 23:39:08] <voidiss> Amazing!! [2016-01-04 07:14:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm totally disgusted by my govt's continued support of Saudi Arabia. They're criminals as far as I'm concerned. Sickening. Glad someone in the UK is questioning them. Wish more here did so. [2016-01-04 07:49:01] <Emmy B> Let's hope so Jenny, the US is so strong a small change in policy will go a long way but with arms sales to them in the billions, it is very unlikely [2016-01-05 08:40:09] <WISE Up Action> [2016-01-05 08:43:50] <WISE Up Action> Hillary's #fauxfeminism [2016-01-05 16:26:23] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Oh how the Westminster bubble chortles [2016-01-06 09:08:56] <Emmy B> hear hear! [2016-01-06 09:09:29] <Emmy B> On a more sobering matter, Ecuador in the news and Guardian's stance [2016-01-06 10:21:47] <voidiss> Hm. Should I see what he wants? [2016-01-06 10:57:37] <WISE Up Action> Greta, do you about his history with Bella M? Might be worth checking out. [2016-01-06 11:15:23] <voidiss> Yeah, I know about it, that's why I was asking. [2016-01-06 12:49:13] <Emmy B> I should avoid him like a plague, he is disturbed [2016-01-06 12:49:22] <Emmy B> not genuine [2016-01-06 12:51:12] <M> It sounds like he wants to dox you. [2016-01-06 12:51:14] <Emmy B> he published all correspondence he had with hazelpress in the past twisting everything if I remember correctly, plus he stalk you after as he did with Bella [2016-01-06 12:53:51] <Emmy B> also we know all we need to know about him, unlikely any correspondance you have be insightful. [2016-01-06 12:57:58] <Emmy B> if you want to communicate with him I would advise do it in public, give him nothing he can twist or use, any private correspondance he can use by referring to it without others knowing what it is and present it as he likes. [2016-01-06 12:59:48] <WISE Up Action> Ignore him. No obligation to respond in any way. [2016-01-06 18:36:06] <WikiLeaks> He's a troll. Ignore/ban. [2016-01-06 19:48:36] <Emmy B> interesting Chelsea article [2016-01-07 00:55:42] <Emmy B> Ciaron O'Reilly [2016-01-07 08:28:14] <Emmy B> Certainly libellous remarks by Breibart's Xenakis: [2016-01-07 08:29:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-01-07 14:33:19] <WISE Up Action> Am I being thick, Em, or is your IBTimes link the wrong one? [2016-01-07 15:06:50] <voidiss> Ha. Interesting post by Craig Murray about false 'feminism' and odd differencies on how JA's, Danczuk's and other cases were treated by 'feminists': [2016-01-07 15:20:48] <Emmy B> @ Wise up haha you are right! it should be the review of a novel [2016-01-07 15:31:47] <Emmy B> hmm no it wasn't, it was this one: [2016-01-07 15:32:34] <Emmy B> Don’t Rely on Amnesty to Judge Amnesty Law in Venezuela " [2016-01-07 15:33:01] <Emmy B> I think it is excellent [2016-01-07 23:54:45] <Emmy B> Before we dismiss Luise Mensch as a loony and her 'collaboration' with MGT in publishing stuff on JA as irrelevant, let's re-visit her Telegraph article from 2012: [2016-01-08 11:39:39] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Have you heard this bloke? Actually a lawyer (now unemployable ofc) Never come across him before. Doesn't have a good word to say about journos! I found him interesting, pretty well researched,sounds like he has integrity & is doggedly going on despite all the usual problems incurred through whistleblowing. Think he probably deserves support. [2016-01-09 00:13:20] <M> Dug up some cables referenced in this article: [2016-01-09 01:17:59] <Emmy B> Thank you Will RT now x [2016-01-09 02:34:16] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] Wilson's been joining the dots. Must say though, it's not just the BBC not covering his story. [2016-01-09 03:18:24] <Emmy B> Let's hope he has/gets docs out. [2016-01-09 04:14:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] This might be good, seriously funny Aidan Killian participates, listening now! [2016-01-09 04:46:24] <M> There was another Hillary email release on Jan 6 -- less than 10 WL related emails. "Next tranche of leaks by Wikileaks likely to hit the wires tonight; State's likely only vulnerability will be on reports of Congressional visits." [2016-01-09 05:19:38] <M> [2016-01-09 05:41:53] <Emmy B> if I recall correctly, Gibney tried to get John Young to appear in it. [2016-01-09 07:04:57] <Emmy B> @ WL just a little info, the article in French you re-tweeted [2016-01-09 07:11:54] <WISE Up Action> What's the SP on Rob Evans (Guardian)? He just retweeted our tweet abt Jenny Jones. [2016-01-09 07:23:14] <Emmy B> His work is very relevant to the WL themes [2016-01-09 07:33:02] <WISE Up Action> Yer - I get that but does he have any negatives fr a WL perspective - ie has he been hostile in the past? Sorry - I shld just research myself I know! I just thought that I'd ask... [2016-01-09 07:33:38] <Emmy B> Will research now [2016-01-09 07:53:35] <Emmy B> Worked very closely with David Leigh on BAE corruption scandal and they both received in 2007 Paul Foot award from Private Eye and the Guardian for those stories. [2016-01-09 07:54:38] <Emmy B> He has written about WL in the past. With a previous twitter account, he retweeted David Leigh's spiteful tweets about JA [2016-01-09 08:04:29] <Emmy B> "Rob Evans, Guardian journalist and co-author with Paul Lewis of Undercover: the True Story of Britain’s Secret Police;" [2016-01-09 08:06:10] <Emmy B> You will find a podcast by him about this book here [2016-01-09 08:06:51] <Emmy B> it's only about 6 and a half minutes [2016-01-09 08:14:32] <Emmy B> Some of his views on the role of journalists are expressed here: [2016-01-09 08:14:58] <Emmy B> I have not come across specific opinion by him on WikiLeaks [2016-01-09 08:50:07] <WISE Up Action> Thanks, it was the spiteful stuff on JA I think I had a vague memory of and thought s/one else might recall properly. [2016-01-09 10:11:52] <Emmy B> I don't remember him at all other than the research above but will keep an eye xx [2016-01-09 10:14:34] <Emmy B> Monday at Going Underground RT Afshin Rattansi speaks to an Ecuadorian Minister about Saasnge's political asylum (Monday 5 years from his first extradition hearing?) mentioned at the very end here [2016-01-09 22:17:20] <M> Couple year old story about Google blurring certain things in Google Maps, but I'd never come across it before. "Why, I wonder, would they do this? Especially when truTV reports they really had something to protect: "WikiLeaks did publish a diplomatic cable that confirmed the presence of nuclear warheads at this base."" [2016-01-10 03:44:17] <Emmy B> I had 43 RTs on my Jenny Jones tweet, mostly from ppl who do not follow me, ppl are looking her name up on twitter, it is a hot subject regarding surveillance. good to link this story with the surveillance of JA/WL and police undercover infiltration too. [2016-01-10 03:44:25] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-01-10 03:45:43] <Emmy B> good also to send her links with JA's & Snowden's speeches and interviews on the subject. [2016-01-10 23:42:17] <M> [Tweet] More BS from Australian Gov re JA [2016-01-11 00:02:00] <Emmy B> and more on MetPol scandal regarding FOI Jenny Jones here: [2016-01-11 00:03:01] <Emmy B> As if Alexander Downer would do anything other than against WL! He has personal experience of another kind of forced transparency [2016-01-11 00:14:32] <Emmy B> (6500 docs from his time as a UN special envoy for Cyprus were leaked to Greek Cypriot media revealing he conspired in favour of Turkish demands) [2016-01-11 00:15:16] <Emmy B> since then his star continues to rise whilst those docs have been disappearing from the net. [2016-01-11 00:15:52] <Emmy B> Now I read he may become next Commonwealth secretary? [2016-01-11 00:19:55] <WikiLeaks> Downer is a sad case. [2016-01-11 00:20:10] <WikiLeaks> Downer is a, well, downer. [2016-01-11 00:45:09] <Emmy B> :-) hehehe x [2016-01-11 01:59:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Potential bug: Searching WL for 'Catrambone' I get some buggy result see above '3 results' but not displaying them [2016-01-11 02:00:41] <Emmy B> [Media-image] but when I do same search in Advanced Search it comes up with 0 results' [2016-01-11 05:47:08] <Emmy B> Very important research about international trade disputes arbitration by the bureau [2016-01-11 13:05:47] <Emmy B> Journo libelling JA here: [2016-01-11 13:06:28] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-01-12 10:25:07] <Emmy B> Wikipedia Page launched for Siggy full of beautifications [2016-01-12 10:26:49] <Emmy B> Admin 'Maya' from the forum (person unidentified) had started a page a couple years ago but never published it, I don't know who wrote this page. [2016-01-12 10:31:42] <M> Ugh. That Wikipedia page is hideous. Obviously no one is monitoring it. [2016-01-12 10:32:34] <voidiss> It was started by someone called 'tactik', maybe the nickname sounds familiar to someone. [2016-01-12 10:47:24] <Emmy B> Most of article submitted anonymously by IP : see editing history. [2016-01-12 10:49:54] <Emmy B> From 'Revision History Statistics' [2016-01-12 10:50:25] <Emmy B> Is the FBI preparing his release from prison and 're-habilitation'? [2016-01-12 11:06:05] <M> You can see the contributors here. [2016-01-12 11:13:24] <Emmy B> I bump into it in my usual google search....Something is cooking, when is he released from prison? does anyone know? [2016-01-12 11:20:51] <voidiss> I don't know when he's released. [2016-01-12 11:21:31] <voidiss> But seems that in this period trolls're noting that their actions are causing damages to their reputation (for ex [2016-01-12 11:21:36] <voidiss> Maybe they want to depict Siggy in a good light because they know they're linked to him and they want to avoid bad publicity. [2016-01-12 11:45:08] <M> Wondering if it'd be better to try and fix the Wiki page or to request for deletion since it's so bad. [2016-01-12 12:36:23] <Emmy B> Summary of web page creation for fwlf [2016-01-12 13:10:42] <M> Haha. "This submission's references do not adequately evidence the subject's notability". [2016-01-12 13:16:35] <Emmy B> yes, exactly! [2016-01-12 16:36:13] <WikiLeaks> is in Iceland. [2016-01-12 16:48:45] <M> Article's been flagged by a high level editor ("it's pretty much impossible to comprehend"). Wouldn't be surprised if it's deleted soon. [2016-01-13 13:36:28] <Emmy B> more info or misinfo is added to the page today [2016-01-13 13:41:03] <Emmy B> Patinio on Assange situation (audio) [2016-01-13 13:43:06] <Emmy B> Original in Spanish [2016-01-13 13:43:15] <M> Judging by the history page, it seems like it's been improved. But it's still a mess. [2016-01-13 13:46:34] <Emmy B> yes [2016-01-13 14:03:56] <Emmy B> Goodnight x [2016-01-13 20:34:49] <Emmy B> MGT plans more disinfo via 'jester' or Louise Mensch (both very much in his timeline and have talked about it) [2016-01-13 23:46:32] <voidiss> I used a WL cable for the NHSMUN's position paper on Palestinian refugees and put it into the resources list. PLUSD really helped me a lot! [2016-01-13 23:47:42] <voidiss> It allowed me to find precise info abt formal position of a small country like Côte d'Ivoire, which was rather difficult to find in the web. [2016-01-13 23:49:45] <voidiss> Yesterday I had to send it to the Italian representative for the project and she told me to remove it b/c Americans could've opposed it. [2016-01-13 23:50:14] <voidiss> (Even if the cable itself isn't so 'hot', it's unclassified even, yet she was afraid of consequences.) [2016-01-13 23:50:56] <WikiLeaks> pathetic. [2016-01-13 23:51:24] <voidiss> But I insisted & in the end she let me keep it. Now it's been sent to US representatives; let's see if they accept it or oblige me to change [2016-01-13 23:51:48] <WikiLeaks> great. that's a much better lesson anyway. [2016-01-13 23:53:32] <voidiss> Indeed! Yes, it was pathetic, she quite panicked when she saw it. "Why have you put WikiLeaks in?! Do you know we're going to the US?". [2016-01-13 23:53:42] <voidiss> Then when I started to argue she gave up. [2016-01-13 23:54:50] <voidiss> By the way, being a 'delegate' is truly awful: you have to support the position of your country even if it's against your own. [2016-01-13 23:54:50] <WikiLeaks> People are so scared of everything. [2016-01-13 23:55:56] <voidiss> (even if, well, normally delegates are chosen by the govt so it's likely that govt and personal belief coincide, but still) [2016-01-13 23:56:15] <WikiLeaks> It's a fancy equivallent of working in a clothing store. Your job is to sell it, not like it. [2016-01-13 23:57:48] <voidiss> Exactly like that! It was quite difficult to complete the position paper indeed. [2016-01-13 23:58:09] <voidiss> Côte d'Ivoire is a bit pro-Israel, it has always been one of the most Israel/US-supportive African countries (apart from a brief period). [2016-01-13 23:58:21] <voidiss> Therefore I was barred from proposing strong position on the Palestinian refugees problem, I had to keep a neutral/slightly pro-Israel line! [2016-01-13 23:58:25] <WikiLeaks> The difference is, one doesn't usually sell cardigans that promote wars. [2016-01-13 23:59:04] <WikiLeaks> Sucks. [2016-01-14 00:00:31] <WikiLeaks> Most countries are pro-palestine, but not the west, with a few exceptions. [2016-01-14 00:04:54] <voidiss> Yeah, sucks a lot. [2016-01-14 00:05:16] <voidiss> I already imagine in the SPECPOL committee, when we will have to debate, and all the other pro-Palestine Arab countries [2016-01-14 00:05:27] <voidiss> will highlight the abuses and accuse Israel and inside me I will be screaming "YES, FUCK, YES" but my country not. [2016-01-14 00:05:39] <voidiss> Shit, who would choose such a role? [2016-01-14 00:08:01] <voidiss> Oh, btw. Today I have the lesson of the course about geopolitics. I will tell you how biased or unbiased it is. [2016-01-14 00:29:03] <Emmy B> Good luck Greta! Best foot forward. Thank you for the Interesting insight. [2016-01-14 00:40:17] <WISE Up Action> Yes, good luck Greta. It sounds a fantastic learning experience. Keep causing trouble! [2016-01-14 00:43:16] <voidiss> Haha, sure, I don't plan to stop! Thank you all! [2016-01-14 13:38:02] <Emmy B> More updates on Siggy's page: [2016-01-14 13:38:18] <Emmy B> sources include MGT's Forum [2016-01-15 10:27:30] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Worth keeping an eye on this... [2016-01-15 10:38:33] <Emmy B> Excellent work by Hazelpress in FOI [2016-01-15 10:40:33] <Emmy B> Sending to London Assembly members asap. Let us see what the Mayor of London will have to say about hiding costs at the time of budget cuts. [2016-01-15 10:46:21] <Emmy B> What will they do next? declare martial law in the surrounding area? [2016-01-15 10:49:24] <Emmy B> I remember the time when due to security concerns over IRA action, parts of London where completely blocked off to traffic with armed police preventing vehicles from passing, it lasted for years. [2016-01-15 10:51:40] <Emmy B> Considering there has been a historic bombing at Hans Crescent and with the current climate, goodness knows what they are cooking and how they will dress it. [2016-01-15 13:33:34] <M> Interesting story: Ghana Government seeking clarification from US over Gitmo detainees it received... after reading in WikiLeaks reports that they are of "high security risk". [2016-01-15 13:33:46] <M> Moral of the story: Always check WikiLeaks first! [2016-01-15 16:43:44] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-01-16 13:01:40] <M> [2016-01-17 10:59:03] <Emmy B> Siggy's Wikipedia page keeps going [2016-01-18 08:26:31] <Emmy B> Scott Ludlam mentioned US attempts to kill off WikiLeaks with Aus gov standing by [2016-01-18 08:40:54] <Emmy B> Siggi's Wikipedia page has now been published, polished and fully referenced, somebody is working overtime, [2016-01-18 12:03:04] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] an article on ethics and morality (or lack of) sponsored by Julius Baer ffs beyond irony [2016-01-18 12:03:57] <WISE Up Action> [2016-01-18 12:07:12] <Emmy B> sustainable business another word for paid advertising [2016-01-18 12:54:58] <M> Interesting article in NYT about how relevant people are never invited to the World Economic Forum, including JA and Snowden. [2016-01-18 13:10:42] <voidiss> This article is great. About FBI surveillance on MLK and similarities with today's debate on NSA mass spying. [2016-01-19 13:03:08] <Emmy B> Time magazine mentions Assange in conjunction to the recent Swedish scandal [2016-01-19 14:22:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> What I want to know is why is it news that Palin endorsed Trump? Like seriously? Who thinks this is worth reporting? [2016-01-20 08:39:12] <Emmy B> Nick Davies once more rants against [2016-01-20 08:39:21] <Emmy B> 'Julian" [2016-01-20 08:40:00] <Emmy B> and 'he should have gone to Sweden' will he ever stop? [2016-01-20 08:41:12] <Emmy B> @ 1:32 [2016-01-21 01:52:37] <Emmy B> Sputnik gets it wrong, it is all about 'charges' and Julian 'charged' [2016-01-21 02:34:56] <Emmy B> The Court of Appeal in the defamation case against MGT commences this morning in Frankfurt. It will be several days/weeks before we hear of developments unless court reaches a judgement on the written evidence submitted alone. I will let ppl know here if I am asked to appear as a witness. [2016-01-21 02:56:54] <WikiLeaks> Good luck! [2016-01-21 02:58:35] <WikiLeaks> From our perspective, we're interested in all the documentation that comes from that process as to MGT and his methods. We can then feed that to our lawyers with a follow up case. [2016-01-21 03:00:44] <WISE Up Action> The FWLF in action yesterday I really hope he gets what's due. Good luck! [2016-01-21 03:01:15] <WISE Up Action> [2016-01-21 03:49:52] <voidiss> Fuck those Swedish assholes. They seem to enjoy playing these games with JA's freedom. [2016-01-21 03:50:13] <voidiss> Yesterday the news were filled with 'in the next days', the questioning apparently was going to happen [2016-01-21 03:50:17] <voidiss> and today they come up again with delaying tactics. And maybe they sent the wrong format on purpose. All of this is appalling. [2016-01-21 03:52:51] <Emmy B> Prevarication, procrastination the name of the game today. MGT lawyer did not turn up to court, no explanation. [2016-01-21 04:58:55] <WikiLeaks> They have a history of sending the wron gformat. They did it with the UK and interpol also. [2016-01-21 05:00:30] <WikiLeaks> Swedish prosecutors just do whatever. They're completely unaccoutable. They're so provicial they think the rest of the world works the same way. [2016-01-21 05:01:45] <Emmy B> Keep your strength up, the farce is getting more and more obvious [2016-01-21 05:04:28] <Emmy B> MGT lawyer turned up in the end, court commenced, judges will give their verdict in about six weeks. [2016-01-21 05:06:19] <Emmy B> Who can defend Ny's conduct in the matter? no one in their right mind! [2016-01-21 06:54:12] <voidiss> Yes, it's dismaying. And anyway, corrupted as they are, I really think they are not going to close the case even if they question him. [2016-01-21 06:54:32] <voidiss> They will come up with some other crap. [2016-01-21 09:07:49] <M> [Tweet] This is so unbelievably juvenile. [2016-01-21 09:19:05] <Emmy B> How could it be that the Swedish Ministry of Justice and the Foreign Affairs Ministry still let Ny embarrass them in such a way as if there has not been an MLA just signed? [2016-01-21 09:20:19] <Emmy B> and how is it Ny contents again in using a doc drafted in May 2015 before the agreement taking place and is not been ticked off about it by the Swedes themselves? [2016-01-21 09:22:56] <Emmy B> Since the signing of the agreement Swden has de facto recognised JA's political Asylum, they should follow through and appoint a political representative from the Ministry of Justice or Affairs in following through with the implementation of the agreement, if they have failed to do so, Ny remains a loose cannon and will embarrass them further. [2016-01-21 09:34:08] <WikiLeaks> Ny is a loose cannon. However, they put her in charge of all rape cases in Sweden a few years ago. To knock her off puts into question every Swedish rape case in the last few years. [2016-01-21 10:15:03] <voidiss> And given that the criticisms to the Swedish judicial system are already too many, they don't want to lose even more reputation. The thing is that they're losing reputation anyway, exactly thanks to this way of thinking. It's like they are stuck into this vicious circle, oh poor them! [2016-01-21 10:22:58] <voidiss> Anyway, today in the UN course, the woman that explained to us the rules of procedure that we will have to follow during simulation literally said that what is really important to show is that you have studied and understood how the UN system works; it's way more fundamental "to be respectful and use the right formal rules and formulations than to speak about the actual content of the resolutions", the issues concerning the topics, etc (in other words, those who can manipulate words and use rhetoric win, not those who highlight important aspects). She also said that we're not here to change the world, just to prove that we're able to have proper relations with other delegates. Verrrrry nice, isn't it? [2016-01-21 11:42:54] <Emmy B> There is tremendous value in understanding how the system works, learning a process, so the course is not entirely without merit but of course the person leading the course could perhaps do a slightly better job in inspiring the class, an area that from what you described is lacking. [2016-01-21 11:46:10] <Emmy B> Frankly, if I cast my fading memory, well, 30 years back I had some inspiring teachers and some who where complete bores, it is a collective experience of secondary education perhaps? [2016-01-21 11:51:24] <Emmy B> At least you will be able to form an informed opinion, well done for sticking with it! :-) let's see what happens in the end. [2016-01-21 12:43:10] <WikiLeaks> Litvenenko convertered to Islam. [2016-01-21 12:43:59] <WikiLeaks> Interesting to speculate if that made Russia feel more relaxed about killinh gim. [2016-01-21 13:14:52] <M> A few more details re questioning. Sweden resent the June 2015 application, made 6 months prior to the legal agreement with Ecuador, "and as some issues were not useful, they crossed out and sent the text with deletions". [2016-01-21 14:43:39] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for Litvenenko info. [2016-01-22 01:44:49] <WISE Up Action> . [2016-01-22 01:46:17] <WISE Up Action> Cable mentioned here: 'colonial feminism' '.....regularly repeated during the occupation as a way to justify military intervention. A CIA memo revealed by WikiLeaks advised European governments on how the suffering of Afghan women might bolster flagging public support for the occupation of Afghanistan, “initiatives that create media opportunities for Afghan women to share their stories with French, German and other European women could help to overcome pervasive scepticism in western Europe”. [2016-01-22 02:20:31] <Emmy B> Wow very good article [2016-01-22 02:21:28] <Emmy B> The same pressure to conform can be found in mono religious or ethnic culture [2016-01-22 02:22:31] <Emmy B> Very good points made and indeed colonialism hidden under an feigned egalitarian agenda [2016-01-22 02:23:18] <Emmy B> Good WL reference as well mask down [2016-01-22 06:14:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Enjoy the UN simulation, Greta. I did Model United Nations back in high school (yeesh, that was in the 1980s!) We acted out full sessions and debates. I remember representing Cuba in a couple of arguments, but not the substance. Still, it's a great learning experience. [2016-01-22 06:17:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm sure even the Swedes know by now that Ny is an international embarrassment to them, but they're stuck with her now. And she has political allies - after all, she got her position that way. [2016-01-22 06:18:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> And yes, it [2016-01-22 06:18:35] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree re the article. Very interesting. [2016-01-22 06:31:04] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-01-22 09:03:37] <M> [Tweet] Looks like journos trying to reach out to Fritz now. [2016-01-22 09:09:51] <Emmy B> And she will have the Valenti interview ready? [2016-01-22 10:14:52] <M> Good to see RT es reporting "made up the charges" statement. So few people know about it, largely due to media bias & exclusion. [2016-01-22 10:47:13] <Emmy B> Thank you for sharing, yep, good to see!. [2016-01-23 00:32:12] <Emmy B> Very difficult to understand with Google Translate but Biden is visiting Turkey and Sabah reports Assange Dunbar and Biden so worthwhile keeping an eye on any english versions [2016-01-23 00:37:18] <Emmy B> and again here I think Sabah juxtaposes Biden's statement about JA being a terrorist with Biden saying Dunbar is a hero calling him out for hypocrisy [2016-01-23 07:22:53] <Emmy B> Here is the article in English Biden who calls Assange 'hi-tech terrorist' praises Dündar, facing similar charges, as 'hero' [2016-01-23 07:23:53] <Emmy B> Greek saying: "The Ass called the Rooster Bighead" hahahaha [2016-01-23 07:25:11] <Emmy B> English explanation: Both the US and Turkey are national security states but US is obviously the largest of the two by far. [2016-01-23 22:22:17] <Emmy B> Aidan Killian takes the show to Australia [2016-01-24 16:00:02] <M> [Tweet] If Hillary gets in the Whitehouse, we'll need WikiLeaks more than ever. [2016-01-24 16:02:25] <voidiss> SO MUCH. And WikiLeaks will need support more than ever too. [2016-01-24 20:50:50] <M> [Tweet] Neat. [2016-01-24 23:12:04] <M> Just watched the full new X-Files episode. That was the only reference to WL so far. [2016-01-24 23:13:11] <M> It has a pretty strong anti-government control theme, which is neat, but it's also on the premise of "because aliens!!" so not sure how helpful it is in the endgame. Damn good entertainment, though. [2016-01-25 22:14:12] <WISE Up Action> Lovely to see JA featured briefly introing the online of Ai Weiwei Royal Academy exhibition. [2016-01-25 22:16:44] <Emmy B> Yes, Lovely surprise! :-) [2016-01-26 03:36:16] <voidiss> Extremely interesting article on US economic/political interests in a suspension of Schengen (and an increase of data sharing), Libya, [2016-01-26 03:36:17] <voidiss> targeted killing and propaganda through online 'trolls brigades': [2016-01-26 04:19:18] <WikiLeaks> Pits it is so poorly written--overly polemic, emotional. [2016-01-26 04:21:22] <WikiLeaks> Pity [2016-01-26 04:40:40] <voidiss> Oh, really? I thought it was pretty good... What parts do you find too polemical/emotional? [2016-01-26 04:52:23] <WikiLeaks> The start, but there's too many adjectives, generally. [2016-01-26 04:52:58] <WikiLeaks> So even though there's good content, we can't retweet it, because it feels too biased/ranty. [2016-01-26 04:53:13] <WikiLeaks> i.e doesn't feel credible, even though it is. [2016-01-26 05:12:40] <voidiss> Uhm, got the point, it has to be more 'neutral'. Thanks for the explanation. [2016-01-26 05:17:53] <WikiLeaks> The problem is it feels like the author is trying to convince the reader of something--without declaring itself to be a polemic. Readers become defensive as a result and their minds close over to the factual presentation.. [2016-01-26 05:33:49] <voidiss> Got what you mean. [2016-01-26 05:34:15] <voidiss> But so, for ex, there're some Greenwald's or Rixstep's articles with a very harsh, polemical, maybe sarcastic tone, but are considered good. [2016-01-26 05:34:35] <voidiss> Is it because they declare themselves polemics? [2016-01-26 05:34:51] <voidiss> I'm not blaming anyone, of course, I appreciate a lot their articles. I'm simply trying to understand better. [2016-01-26 05:41:10] <WikiLeaks> Exactly, their writing is punchier and funnier and doesn't pretend to be primarily analytical. It also somehow gives the impression that its on the "side" of the reader in mocking power. [2016-01-26 05:48:57] <voidiss> Okay, now it's clear, it depends on the style you want to adopt. Thanks! [2016-01-26 11:12:58] <Emmy B> When is Julian's 1500 day 'in'? Is it some time in March? [2016-01-26 11:15:45] <Emmy B> 28/07/2016 I think [2016-01-26 11:59:42] <M> Yes, depending on how you count it's would be 27th or 28th. [2016-01-26 12:03:45] <M> Sooner date to note would be 2000 days detained, on 28/29 May. [2016-01-26 12:03:48] <Emmy B> Thank you! [2016-01-26 13:07:17] <M> [2016-01-26 16:31:19] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] This image is excellent: [2016-01-26 16:32:10] <WikiLeaks> Tomorrow AM, please tweet it @ swedish MFA types / SWE ambassadors. It's humiliating for them. [2016-01-26 23:31:15] <Emmy B> looking for a list of ambassadors in twitter [2016-01-26 23:34:39] <M> Not sure about a list, but searching users for Sweden ambassador gets pretty good results. [2016-01-26 23:35:17] <M> Both ambassadors to and from Sweden come up. [2016-01-26 23:41:21] <voidiss> This is a list of Swedish government accounts; not ambassador though: [2016-01-27 00:08:04] <Emmy B> 'free emmy?' bizarre coincidence [2016-01-27 00:10:18] <Emmy B> I sent several tweets this morning to various swe embassies no more time till later today. Good luck! [2016-01-27 00:10:50] <Emmy B> @ m yep you are right! [2016-01-27 00:29:19] <voidiss> I will send them tomorrow :) [2016-01-27 08:27:07] <M> [Tweet] [2016-01-27 09:12:35] <Emmy B> excellent [2016-01-27 10:32:55] <Emmy B> Public List of some of the Swedish Embassies Twitter accounts (53) here: [2016-01-27 10:34:23] <Emmy B> Most the European ones are not in that list as they did not come up in my initial search @Swedenin [2016-01-27 12:29:40] <WikiLeaks> Just do a websearch for: twitter swedish ambassador [2016-01-27 13:29:46] <Emmy B> Will do thanks! [2016-01-28 01:37:43] <Emmy B> Forever learning in this journey have you heard of 'zoolander'? hahaha :D [2016-01-28 12:45:18] <M> The refugee crisis is definitely changing the perception of Sweden. Seeing more and more articles like that WSJ one and this one in the Guardian: [2016-01-28 12:50:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-01-28 12:51:27] <Emmy B> not only Sweden all across Europe [2016-01-28 13:13:43] <Emmy B> A small intervention if I may, Greece is not a stranger in such phenomenal population movements. If someone takes an interest in issues relating to mass migration albeit in the 20's can take a look at this : [2016-01-28 21:23:26] <WISE Up Action> Does anyone know why @swedenvsassange is suspended? [2016-01-28 21:53:30] <Emmy B> Νο idea We have never talked and I haven't got a means of contact. [2016-01-29 00:30:37] <Emmy B> Could it be Tor related? just speculating [2016-01-29 04:47:32] <WISE Up Action> Oh dear. [2016-01-29 04:54:39] <WISE Up Action> [2016-01-29 04:57:14] <Emmy B> Yep, that's right, one more proof MGT has been caught out and he tweeted that back in July 2014. Let's see if he deletes it. But there are others like that. [2016-01-29 05:00:30] <Emmy B> My latest (today) on how easy it is to manipulate appearances [2016-01-29 05:02:06] <Emmy B> MGT and Christine Sands in a single post [2016-01-29 05:13:49] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Love Bean's new GIF!!!: [2016-01-29 05:14:13] <Emmy B> What a clever thing :-) [2016-01-29 05:22:28] <WISE Up Action> That's great! [2016-01-29 05:28:05] <Bean> thx - just a quick one to start off - definitely more potential for getting infographics out there [2016-01-29 05:30:55] <Emmy B> They are so effective I find and with (hopefully) the questioning of JA coming up we should be up and running to use them. [2016-01-29 05:33:37] <Emmy B> This is an excellent article and if the film is good might help all whistleblowers, and WL has published cables about UN being spied upon [2016-01-29 09:09:24] <M> [Tweet] WL cable cited in this latest Intercept article. [2016-01-29 10:00:53] <Emmy B> Yes amazing revelations [2016-01-29 10:01:27] <Emmy B> Once again Cyprus in the heart of geopolitical power [2016-01-29 10:02:13] <Emmy B> No wonder UK/US never wanted their independence [2016-01-29 10:03:25] <Emmy B> And here lies the Turkish imperialistic motivations Cyprus is the key for controlling East Med and monitoring ME [2016-01-29 10:03:55] <Emmy B> More war is coming our way [2016-01-29 13:37:47] <M> [Tweet] Crazy. [2016-01-29 14:53:20] <voidiss> Why do you think they did this? [2016-01-29 14:56:29] <voidiss> [Tweet] Oh, by the way: [2016-01-29 15:55:47] <Emmy B> Die Kunst der Revolte die Aktivisten Edward Snowden, Julian Assange und Chelsea Manning [2016-01-30 04:32:57] <Emmy B> the [2016-01-30 04:36:12] <Emmy B> when you click on the link someone has left a message of '50x' which is kind of nice - in whois is still registered with JA [2016-01-30 04:36:39] <Emmy B> hmmm [2016-01-30 06:40:35] <Bean> i'm updating the 'assange case' timeline. here are the new points - just after feedback/suggestions before popping them on... [2016-01-30 06:40:40] <Bean> DECEMBER 13, 2015 Ecuador & Sweden sign bilateral judicial agreement after months of negotiations. [2016-01-30 06:40:48] <Bean> JANUARY 20, 2016 Sweden submits old paperwork to Ecuador re questioning Assange —a copy of the original June letter with some sections crossed out by hand. [2016-01-30 06:40:56] <Bean> JANUARY 21, 2016 Ecuador requests Sweden submit a new application. Swedish prosecution issues press release hinting that now it is re-considering whether it will question Assange after all. [2016-01-30 09:48:38] <M> New Hillary email release. Only found 8 which mention WL (with a couple from the same discussions). Interestingly, the emails from last release which originally lacked subjects now have them. But these new ones do not. [2016-01-30 09:49:41] <M> Washington Post contacting State Dept over article about US drone use in Somalia. "I'm working on another national-security story involving some State Department cables, and was hoping you could help, or point me in the right direction." No reply, but email gets forwarded with note: "Am alerting DoD and NSS." [2016-01-30 09:50:00] <M> "Troubling WikiLeaks coverage" re cable which showed Hillary spying on diplomats [2016-01-30 10:16:10] <Emmy B> Breaking news: Russia/Turkey escalation [2016-01-31 02:31:31] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-01-31 02:31:49] <Emmy B> refers to WL release [2016-01-31 23:21:37] <M> WikiLeaks cable on Mirsad Bektasevic, one of the Swedish Jihadists arrested in Greece. [2016-02-01 00:03:38] <Emmy B> Thank you M also WL's Cryptome library section has a file pages 45-47 [2016-02-01 00:23:05] <Emmy B> US is really going off the rails with imposing censorship worldwide. The National Theatre od Greece under pressure from US embassy is discontinuing the theatrical production "the balance of Nash" which used in part writings of Xiros a convicted member of 17th of November [2016-02-01 00:23:48] <Emmy B> the play is by no means promoting terrorism but exploring the most recent greek history. [2016-02-01 00:23:54] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-01 00:24:24] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-01 00:24:46] <Emmy B> (David D Pearce is the Greek Ambassador in Athens) [2016-02-01 00:29:04] <Emmy B> Some reference in Google translate [2016-02-01 08:57:59] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-01 15:03:45] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-01 15:05:04] <Emmy B> Cnn Greece quotes WikiLeaks (the Cryptome library shelve) for background to the jihadists captured in Greece. [2016-02-02 01:34:38] <Emmy B> Hehehe guys and girls you never believe it, JA kiss or slap [2016-02-02 02:16:52] <voidiss> Frightening but interesting article on the Pentagon's project to use social media for 'crime prediction/influence of cognitive behaviour'. [2016-02-02 02:16:55] <voidiss> [2016-02-02 05:49:52] <Emmy B> Keeping both fingers and toes crossed for this Friday <3 [2016-02-02 07:10:14] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-02 07:16:43] <Emmy B> cutie! [2016-02-02 07:16:54] <Emmy B> hahaha [2016-02-02 08:03:54] <Emmy B> How can I 'steal' your GIF Beanie? [2016-02-02 08:04:28] <Emmy B> I am going for the Swedish Ambassadors/embassies in Twitter :-) [2016-02-02 08:16:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great GIF! [2016-02-02 08:16:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm hoping for the best, though the track record on court decisions so far has been horrific. [2016-02-02 08:27:03] <Bean> have uploaded that gif here: [2016-02-02 09:08:42] <Bean> also uploaded it here as seem to have a server problem: [2016-02-02 09:11:49] <Emmy B> Good one, I right hand clicked and I am copy pasting from your original tweet from [2016-02-02 09:13:36] <Emmy B> As it does not come out as a tweet GIF but as a linked file I have screenshot a picture from the Gif and attached it to the tweet. [2016-02-02 09:13:55] <Emmy B> Thank you again it is really very effective :-) [2016-02-02 09:18:27] <Bean> o cool - no probs (server connection is back too - yay) - more soon :) [2016-02-02 10:25:13] <M> [Tweet] This is awesome. [2016-02-02 15:50:39] <M> Neat, short blurb on WL's resilience: "A great cautionary tale of how governments try to censor content, and how such censorship efforts have become more difficult due to the Internet. Wikileaks is still going strong in 2016 even though our democratic government tried hard to kill it." [2016-02-02 16:16:06] <WISE Up Action> Morning Star - 'Unfortunately for them, we know enough, thanks to the valuable service rendered to democracy when WikiLeaks exposed some of the documents' [2016-02-02 16:35:11] <M> Swedish prosecution website says "English version will be available soon". [2016-02-02 16:39:08] <WikiLeaks> They've also deleted quite a lot of Swedish material [2016-02-02 16:41:13] <M> Yes. Statements only from Dec 15 -> Jan 16. Covering up five years of bullshit. [2016-02-02 16:42:41] <WikiLeaks> Afraid of the compensation case. [2016-02-02 16:45:47] <M> Good. They should be. [2016-02-02 22:24:13] <voidiss> Ha! They're running amok. Wow, they couldn't choose a more blatant strategy than deleting the stuff to show that they are afraid. [2016-02-02 22:33:44] <Emmy B> HackedRead have a good video about the UNWGAD [2016-02-02 22:49:57] <Emmy B> Friday the start of #MardiGras week [2016-02-02 22:50:35] <Emmy B> :-) hoping hoping we can have a party! :-) [2016-02-03 00:39:06] <M> [Tweet] Pretty good discussion on upcoming UNWGAD ruling [2016-02-03 00:43:37] <voidiss> And The Guardian hasn't picked up the story yet. [2016-02-03 01:54:53] <Emmy B> Well they have actively campaigned for his extradition and spread about the lie that he has been charged for years. [2016-02-03 01:56:46] <Emmy B> How can they back peddle from that position I do not know, it would take a lot to swallow their pride not to mention frankly their material interests might be contrarian to supporting WL who knows? [2016-02-03 01:57:56] <Emmy B> The world is such a curious place... Keep going WL <3 a glimmer of sanity in this crazy place [2016-02-03 06:44:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Amazing that the Swedes are blatantly deleting website content on the case. Someone's captured it all? [2016-02-03 06:45:03] <voidiss> I think Rixstep archived many of them, yes. [2016-02-03 06:45:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> I never expect consistency or accuracy from the Guardian. [2016-02-03 06:46:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Cool, Greta. [2016-02-03 07:31:08] <WISE Up Action> The Watching Hawks (RT) video [2016-02-03 09:00:15] <M> [Tweet] Haha, Hillary obviously isn't over WL. [2016-02-03 09:12:57] <WISE Up Action> Gordon Bennett! She's got helluva nerve!! [2016-02-03 09:22:28] <WISE Up Action> Emmy - Al Jazeera (London) asking about whether there will be a 'special' vigil on Friday re UNWGAD - d'you want me to put them onto you as 'contact'? I haven't responded yet - they've only just got in touch. [2016-02-03 10:48:49] <WISE Up Action> Hmm. Sands? [2016-02-03 10:50:08] <voidiss> Yes, and there's also this version of the tweet: [2016-02-03 11:29:11] <Emmy B> archived new account here: [2016-02-03 12:46:56] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] This link pending post on WiseUp which we'll get up asap. Replied to Al Jazeera TV as follows fyi: Dear Pascale, Yes, there will be a vigil outside the Ecuadorian Embassy in solidarity with Julian Assange and WikiLeaks from 1pm (probably till about 3.30) this Friday with reference to the UNWGAD decision due to be announced on Friday. I have cc'd this to Emmy, who will be co-ordinating the vigil, and will be there on the day. Meanwhile, this is the submission the UN will be responding to: [2016-02-03 12:53:07] <Emmy B> Excellent Thank you! xxx [2016-02-03 13:41:05] <M> PRIO speculates Snowden will receive 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. [2016-02-03 19:32:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] So much love xx We are all so grateful. Bless you trillions. [2016-02-03 23:32:10] <Emmy B> We'll be there for better for worse. [2016-02-03 23:54:11] <Emmy B> Please reconsider, there always always always hope <3 [2016-02-04 00:01:03] <Emmy B> They will never own your spirit, please don't give them your body [2016-02-04 00:19:13] <Emmy B> never [2016-02-04 01:19:41] <voidiss> BBC is quite misleading. The subheadline says the UN has already ruled, the text that it will rule tomorrow. [2016-02-04 01:27:53] <WISE Up Action> Hawley tweeting that ruling has gone in JA's favour. Has bloody Home Office told them? Also where did the 'JA will leave at 12 noon' bit come from??! On radio 4 this am and in Graun [2016-02-04 01:33:54] <WISE Up Action> Interesting narrative from Hawley - wonder who's been in her ear? [2016-02-04 01:37:35] <voidiss> [Tweet] The Home Office is really a bunch of bastards. Turning the verdict in their favour. Fuck off. [2016-02-04 01:42:02] <WISE Up Action> Ha! No chance! They're well pissed - have to get their own back somehow! [2016-02-04 01:47:54] <voidiss> "The warrant is still in place. If he leaves the embassy we will make every effort to arrest him," [2016-02-04 01:47:59] <voidiss> This is the police this morning, even in case the UN ruling is positive. They are shameless. [2016-02-04 02:02:01] <voidiss> Is there streaming of ABC News 24 interview? [2016-02-04 03:19:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 03:27:14] <M> UN saying they will not confirm BBC report until Friday, 11am Geneva time [2016-02-04 03:30:18] <M> [Tweet] What a fucker. [2016-02-04 03:32:37] <voidiss> Oh, for god's sake. Absurd. [2016-02-04 03:35:45] <M> [Tweet] More from FCO [2016-02-04 03:37:20] <WikiLeaks> please look for positive quotes from influential people, especially UK mps, personalities. We will put them into a press release. [2016-02-04 03:37:39] <M> OK. [2016-02-04 03:40:02] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 03:51:58] <M> FYI Swedish Prosecution's new JA page [2016-02-04 03:52:24] <voidiss> [Tweet] Don't know if these can be OK for the press release, but still: [2016-02-04 03:56:06] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 05:34:53] <voidiss> Well, we couldn't expect nothing better by this idiot: [2016-02-04 05:36:30] <voidiss> LOL, he arrives at the point of describing the BBC as part of the "Assange spin machine". [2016-02-04 05:36:43] <voidiss> The BBC! [2016-02-04 05:38:30] <WISE Up Action> What a tool! [2016-02-04 05:39:50] <WISE Up Action> Clearly zero interest or knowledge beforehand. Churned something out whilst doing his toast. Wanker. [2016-02-04 05:40:00] <WISE Up Action> They don't even try - parasites. He also talks about the UN 'report' [2016-02-04 05:42:14] <WISE Up Action> as though he's read (can he read?) a 'report'. [2016-02-04 06:21:04] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 06:21:21] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 06:24:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> Julian is trending in twitter in the US. [2016-02-04 07:00:35] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 07:56:41] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 07:56:52] <voidiss> Speechless. [2016-02-04 08:06:35] <M> Vivienne Westwood statement outside embassy [2016-02-04 08:07:51] <M> Disgusting hit piece against JA by Chair of the Mayor of London's Violence Against Women and Girls Panel, London [2016-02-04 08:09:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 08:11:30] <M> Handy tip for busy news days like this: you can add filter:verified to any search to only get results from verified accounts [2016-02-04 08:11:52] <WikiLeaks> That is handy. [2016-02-04 08:21:22] <Emmy B> State Department Cable on UNWGAD, plenty opportunity to quote Clinton (2009) [2016-02-04 08:21:48] <Emmy B> One rule for all another for JA [2016-02-04 08:27:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 08:34:35] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 08:34:55] <M> (UKIP Deputy Chairman) [2016-02-04 08:46:37] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 08:56:51] <M> Swedish prosecution statement [2016-02-04 09:06:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 09:13:49] <WISE Up Action> Em - can you reply to Al Jazeera's latest email - want to i/vw you outside Embassy tom [2016-02-04 09:22:09] <M> [Tweet] This is a really good point by @CareyShenkman. [2016-02-04 09:22:47] <Emmy B> Thanks L, ok, will do [2016-02-04 13:28:39] <M> [Tweet] Wtf. [2016-02-04 13:30:52] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 13:31:04] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 13:48:39] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Just noticed the time changed - previously 11am - in case anyone else hadn't noticed [2016-02-04 13:59:02] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 14:17:08] <Matt Watt> If police let JA walk free in the morning, what happens next? Obviously needs passport before travel, and then what? [2016-02-04 14:21:50] <LibertarianLibrarian> He has political asylum in Ecuador. That's where he should be allowed to go, ASAP. But he'll need his passport returned to him. [2016-02-04 14:22:54] <WISE Up Action> No sign whatsoever that will happen.They (MetPolice) have said they would still arrest him if he steps outside the Embassy. [2016-02-04 14:23:48] <WISE Up Action> UK PM spokes has said the ruling 'isn't binding.' [2016-02-04 14:27:02] <WISE Up Action> See end of this post for where it seems to take us (probably!?) [2016-02-04 14:50:05] <Matt Watt> Ok, thanks for the info. I will discuss with the Sydney group if any actions planned, all sounds a bit unknown still. [2016-02-04 15:00:25] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 15:04:05] <M> "Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will seek advice on the case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after a UN panel reportedly ruled he's been "arbitrarily detained" in an embassy in London." [2016-02-04 15:07:33] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 15:10:04] <Emmy B> Excellent resources! [2016-02-04 15:23:28] <WISE Up Action> Meanwhile the turgid up-their-own-arseholes-cant-see-the-wood-for-the-trees British (sooo British) legal 'commentators' are scratching their dull heads for the sawdust of which sub-section of which section of which Jarndyce v Jarndyce precedent the panel can possibly have 'relied on' to arrive at their conclusion, swapping theories, interspersed w caustic 'wit' (NOT). (Assange more 'wit' in his little finger!) omg! I couldn't resist a peek, but it's #souldeath, truly... [2016-02-04 15:45:05] <voidiss> Speak of the devil, and here comes Guardian's lovely and soooo intelligent and well-argumented view that Julian's 'arbitrary detention' is a publicity stunt. #Souldeath for real. [2016-02-04 15:47:05] <voidiss> Oh, and never forget that when he sent his submission in 2014, "Assange knew the outcome in advance"! [2016-02-04 15:51:14] <WISE Up Action> Oh yes! And there we have the magic mantra words 'due process' at the very beginning. Moreover, it's an 'opinion' nobody in particular is prepared to own...o dear lord they are just so tedious [2016-02-04 15:57:31] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 15:57:48] <voidiss> Oh, they are, indeed. And then there is this line: "No doubt the conditions of his self-imprisonment are unpleasant; they are certainly severely limiting" and I actually have homicidal instincs right now. It sounds like the patronizing and dismissive pat on the back that parents give the kid when they know he's playing up for nothing. And this is disgusting. I want them to try, try to spend three years in such a condition and suffer as he's suffering and then I want them to write this piece again under my eyes. Bastards. [2016-02-04 16:01:28] <Bean> i see they closed the comments section on that one pretty fast [2016-02-04 16:01:56] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 16:02:01] <WISE Up Action> They close them over night in case it gets a teensy weensy bit rough [2016-02-04 16:02:32] <WISE Up Action> They are two sep comments!! [2016-02-04 16:03:47] <WikiLeaks> If we ever had any doubt that the Guardian continues, under Kath Viner, to be a vile Blairite hack-rag too close to MI6 today's editorial removed it. [2016-02-04 16:05:23] <WISE Up Action> They ooze lives that have never left a totally predictable track [2016-02-04 16:05:30] <voidiss> Definitely. [2016-02-04 16:05:48] <WISE Up Action> from birth to death [2016-02-04 16:06:07] <WISE Up Action> no deviation no hesitation [2016-02-04 16:06:27] <WISE Up Action> eyes down [2016-02-04 16:08:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Sounding good :-) [2016-02-04 16:09:40] <M> [Tweet] It is really something how they don't even attempt to mask their vileness. They make no hesitation in publishing something that is a blatant and hypocritical hit piece. [2016-02-04 16:11:22] <voidiss> They are really the apotheosis of the sneaky pro-establishment MSM because they play the part of the liberal ones! Yes, they seem blatantly pathetic to us because we know very well, but they seem ok and even cool to average people. They are like the Hillary of the media. [2016-02-04 16:12:01] <WISE Up Action> no room for doubts questions or anyone who gets in the way - the image of the other one - Rusbridger - playing that bloody piano for weeks... [2016-02-04 16:12:03] <WISE Up Action> Some of those comments just odd. Robotic. Like a dodgy b&b owner writing his own review on Tripadvisor. [2016-02-04 16:16:15] <WISE Up Action> The true pharisees [2016-02-04 16:35:15] <WikiLeaks> It's not just publishing a hit piece. It is THE editorial. i.e the Guardian's management position. [2016-02-04 16:40:56] <voidiss> In a perfect world, journalists upon journalists would resign from the Guardian after such a shameful editorial. [2016-02-04 16:50:38] <Emmy B> JA's Logan speech from Dec2014 comes to mind [2016-02-04 21:27:19] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-04 23:16:45] <voidiss> As always, sadly I won't be able to be present at the vigil today (even if this may be fixed soon!), but I will be there with my heart [2016-02-04 23:16:51] <voidiss> and I will be here waiting for news and developments and sending all my support. <3 [2016-02-04 23:39:29] <Emmy B> We're in this together don't worry Greta <3 [2016-02-04 23:55:48] <voidiss> Oh yes! <3 [2016-02-05 00:02:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 00:04:53] <voidiss> 9.30 London time? [2016-02-05 00:06:14] <M> Yes. [2016-02-05 00:10:45] <Bean> wl - new release - slight grammar fix needed in first sentence of intro - 'grab' --> 'as they grab' or similar [2016-02-05 00:18:31] <M> Seems as though the official announcement has gone out to press, but not public yet. [2016-02-05 00:23:06] <Bean> supporters have started using the hashtag #UN4JA [2016-02-05 00:23:26] <M> Full ruling: [2016-02-05 00:23:56] <M> Er, statement. [2016-02-05 00:27:01] <M> [2016-02-05 00:28:02] <M> [2016-02-05 00:32:56] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 00:52:47] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 01:22:02] <M> [Tweet] UK so mad. [2016-02-05 01:22:25] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 01:33:43] <M> Full UNGWAD opinion: [2016-02-05 01:36:20] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 01:38:58] <M> A lot of people ignoring the fact that arbitrary detention refers to Dec 2010 onward, not just in embassy. Sweden, media have both commented on just embassy detention. [2016-02-05 01:41:24] <Emmy B> good point! [2016-02-05 01:42:24] <Emmy B> The EAW for 'questioning' is also challenged and UK parliament has acknowledged injustice and changed the law! [2016-02-05 01:47:00] <voidiss> Indeed! [2016-02-05 01:47:18] <voidiss> "The Working Group considered that Mr. Assange has been subjected to different forms of deprivation of liberty: [2016-02-05 01:47:22] <voidiss> initial detention in Wandsworth prison which was followed by house arrest and his confinement at the Ecuadorian Embassy." [2016-02-05 01:48:19] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] To be fair....; -) [2016-02-05 01:50:58] <M> Is anyone seeing the correct press conference from either of the links WL rt'd? [2016-02-05 01:58:45] <WISE Up Action> Up now [2016-02-05 02:16:18] <M> Press conference is infuriating but being handled very well. Tons of stupid questions and journos who are trying to discredit the opinion. [2016-02-05 02:17:03] <voidiss> Obviously, how could we expect? I hope there will be a video too, later. [2016-02-05 02:18:52] <Emmy B> [2016-02-05 02:22:30] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 02:23:54] <M> [Tweet] Excellent. [2016-02-05 02:25:05] <WISE Up Action> Oh that's brilliant [2016-02-05 02:35:25] <M> [Tweet] Full RSF statement in support of JA [2016-02-05 02:41:15] <voidiss> [Tweet] From bad to worse. [2016-02-05 02:41:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 02:43:50] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 02:43:57] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 02:44:05] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 02:55:36] <Emmy B> off I go now xxx [2016-02-05 02:57:52] <Bean> solidarity & a hug to ya - there in spirit :) [2016-02-05 02:59:43] <voidiss> *fist pump* <3 [2016-02-05 03:10:21] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Craig [2016-02-05 03:25:26] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 03:31:06] <WISE Up Action> Some LIVESTREAM from Embassy [2016-02-05 04:14:04] <M> [Tweet] Fantastic. [2016-02-05 04:15:51] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 05:14:55] <voidiss> Is there live feed from the vigil? [2016-02-05 05:22:57] <WISE Up Action> Needs refreshing sometimes [2016-02-05 05:59:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Absolutely awesome that the UN WGAD did the right thing! A light at the end of the tunnel, even a small one, is great to see. Congrats Julian & Wikileaks! So proud of you. [2016-02-05 06:45:19] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 06:46:23] <WISE Up Action> Also keep trying to refresh this for live feed - they should be back [2016-02-05 07:07:31] <WISE Up Action> Hi WLS, JA to speak from embassy? [2016-02-05 07:36:45] <WISE Up Action> LIVESTREAMS This up again [2016-02-05 08:29:57] <M> [Tweet] BBC tweeted this, but no mention of it in linked article. [2016-02-05 08:31:39] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 08:39:30] <voidiss> Uhm. I'm not seeing that statement by the accuser anywhere else. [2016-02-05 08:42:58] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 08:43:57] <voidiss> *sigh* [2016-02-05 08:44:01] <M> Here is the statement from Fritz: [2016-02-05 08:49:59] <Emmy B> A supporter or 'supporter' has thrown a bag on the balcony with a present for JA [2016-02-05 08:50:13] <Emmy B> Pls have security check it [2016-02-05 08:50:39] <Emmy B> A black gent smartly dressed [2016-02-05 08:51:00] <Emmy B> A police ifficer had a word with him [2016-02-05 08:52:45] <voidiss> Oh my god. [2016-02-05 08:52:57] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-05 08:53:44] <Emmy B> The police is ringing on the embassy now [2016-02-05 08:55:15] <WISE Up Action> 'On another point, meanwhile, is there a bit of a tell in the fact that Assange has not petitioned the European court of human rights on the arbitrary detention angle up to this point?' says Marina in her gollum. What a twat. [2016-02-05 08:55:55] <Emmy B> I have removed it [2016-02-05 08:57:58] <voidiss> Oh, well done. God, that's disturbing. [2016-02-05 08:58:04] <voidiss> Were the police ringing because of that? [2016-02-05 09:36:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> The embassy security should handle it. Just to be sure of Julian's safety. I suppose if it was something bad, the police could arrest the thrower, but I doubt it's worth that. [2016-02-05 09:37:00] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Another illuminating post from Craig [2016-02-05 09:44:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 09:54:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Craig Murray is always solid and on-point. [2016-02-05 11:04:23] <voidiss> Wow, Craig Murray is going strong today: [2016-02-05 11:17:14] <WISE Up Action> That bag-thrower guy *seemed* to be well intentioned but just very impulsive and always pushing things. Stupid thing to do. Hope nothing more behind it. [2016-02-05 13:11:51] <Emmy B> I videoed the person who tried to disrupt JA's speech, a fake charity worker collecting money in a bucket, wearing a funny Union Jack hat. [2016-02-05 13:17:04] <Emmy B> I confronted him and he momentarily went away, after the speech was over he came up to me to say 'sorry I did not have anything against the guy but someone put 50 GBP in the bucket and asked me to do it, I did it for the children, I don't care where you are going to put the video" He shook my hand, no hard feelings etc. I don't think he was truthful, in what he said anyway, later he had a large plastic bin bag and went around collecting all the rubbish left on the scene by the reporters, coffee cups etc. He was the second individual who tried to disrupt, for the first one, I complained to a police officer and twitted his photo, he did not bother us after that. [2016-02-05 13:17:58] <Emmy B> Plenty of interesting lessons in this journey. [2016-02-05 13:21:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> I wouldn't be surprised if someone paid the guy to be disruptive. But, yes, I agree he's not likely a real charity worker. Good job handling both individuals. [2016-02-05 13:22:41] <LibertarianLibrarian> I was so happy to see you all there on the video and photos! I've been with you in heart and mind, even though I'm stuck working through a blizzard here. Wish me luck driving home in the mess. [2016-02-05 13:24:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> So happy to see Julian looking so well, though that cough he was fighting made me a little bit concerned. It's just so obscene he can't get proper medical care in this situation. [2016-02-05 13:37:48] <Emmy B> Thank you Jenny, it was a bit intimidating when I first arrived with all the crowds of reporters but as more and more supporters arrived, things got better and better, in the end, we had a great time and what a treat to have Julian among us, and see he is looking well and share this moment of triumph! Onwards and Upwards :-) [2016-02-05 13:39:19] <Emmy B> Good Luck driving back, do you put chains on your wheels to drive through snow over there? [2016-02-05 14:24:21] <WISE Up Action> Your Anon Central at it again ugh! And what's this??! On their 'profile' - 'We support the weak against the powerful. Honest wholesome opinions, motivational uplifting tweets AND (ha ha ha, what a giveaway) -> 'sound financial advice'. [2016-02-05 16:04:02] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-05 16:07:33] <M> [Tweet] Good article. [2016-02-05 16:08:54] <voidiss> [Tweet] This one too. [2016-02-05 16:28:32] <WISE Up Action> Excellent. That Dinah person has made some fantastic statements - the last two 19th June's for instance [2016-02-05 17:22:44] <WISE Up Action> Am I being picky if I think '“I’m absolutely convinced that [the panel] has been put under very strong political pressure,” he said ' does not quite equate to 'We were put under 'strong political pressure' by US & UK to subvert judgement' ? though I see it undoubtedly has the sense of it.. [2016-02-05 17:25:12] <WISE Up Action> Just concerned about the bloke himself saying he was misquoted or something? Mares nests etc [2016-02-05 17:42:53] <M> [Tweet] Pulling out all the smears from the ol' smear bag. [2016-02-05 18:24:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sounds wonderful, Emmy! [2016-02-05 18:26:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's amazing how many so -called journalists are rushing to smear Julian. It's a sick combination of egotism, fear, bowing to power, and jealousy. [2016-02-05 18:28:19] <M> It is amazing how, while already having an extremely low opinion of the UK press, I can still be blown away by how truly terrible it is. [2016-02-05 18:30:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> The same here. I'm at the point that if I'm stuck in a waiting room somewhere with 'news' on, I cringe and try to avoid hearing it. [2016-02-05 18:47:07] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 02:02:41] <voidiss> [Tweet] Can't be serious... *HUGE facepalm* [2016-02-06 02:15:33] <voidiss> Btw, I deeply agree with you both regarding the media. I've already reached the point at which I completely lost faith in MSM [2016-02-06 02:15:38] <voidiss> I'm totally disillusioned about them and yet, yet I still find myself aghast at certain things, even if I expect them. [2016-02-06 02:20:56] <WISE Up Action> Such as difference with press at embassy yesterday: many foreign press engaged and interested in case and in supporters, UK drones in full smartarse mode. [2016-02-06 02:44:15] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 04:16:38] <Emmy B> Here is the video from the Union Jack heckler I confronted yesterday, I have added a summary of what happened in the video's comments [2016-02-06 04:27:11] <WISE Up Action> Em he and Bob (vigiler) were squaring up at one point and I managed to get this guy away. He was saying the same stuff about costs, but when set him straight he seemed quite reasonable - shook my hand etc. don't know what he was actually doing, collecting money / picking up rubbish etc, he just kept coming back and blundering in. There was another guy with him up near Harrods. Some people just like cameras I think! [2016-02-06 04:33:17] <Emmy B> Who paid him though to act in this way? and why be a willing actor to disrupt our efforts? Jim Curran who saw the affair from afar has confirmed to me the heckler is known in the area. And the efforts of 'reconciliation' also an attempt to influence my perception of him so I dismiss his behaviour as a blip and not expose him in a video. I don't expect MI5/MetPol Uni graduates to stoop so low as to dress up in a ridiculous hat and parade in this manner it is the willing stooges they use. [2016-02-06 04:37:04] <Emmy B> What this man was saying was identical to what the other 'gentleman' who looked like Alexander Downer (hehe) tried to do earlier I again confronted him and reported him to a police officer and twitted his photo as Mr Agitator. Having stood outside the embassy for so long I am aware that it is extremely rare to have members of the public behave in this manner towards JA's case. And to have two at the precise day and time pop up saying the same things? it is not normal. [2016-02-06 04:51:49] <WISE Up Action> True. Don't know why he kept coming back for another go. There did seem to be few strange characters around. [2016-02-06 05:55:56] <Emmy B> And here is the other guy who attempted to disrupt the vigil [2016-02-06 09:36:31] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 09:37:52] <M> [Tweet] A bit vague, but doesn't look like we can bank on Corbyn's support. [2016-02-06 11:27:08] <WISE Up Action> The legal commentary on WGAD seems so predictable and funneled down the usual parochial yet superior mindsets (so very set set set.) Again, just unable to see the wood for the trees. 'Filtering out gnats and swallowing camels' springs to mind. This is the same old stuff - national legalese vs Intl Human Rights Law. It's an ongoing fight that has much wider repercussions ofc. The ignorance is mindbending. [2016-02-06 11:29:36] <WISE Up Action> Legal Commentary by UK 'legals' - Gardner, DAG etc. I mean [2016-02-06 11:32:19] <WikiLeaks> Yes. We may have set up an historic shift. The Uniting of UK+Sweden+US together with Iran, China and Russia against the UN human rights system. [2016-02-06 11:32:32] <WikiLeaks> Leading to its eventual demise. [2016-02-06 11:32:56] <WikiLeaks> +Saudi, Turkey. [2016-02-06 11:33:41] <WISE Up Action> A 'fight to the death'. This is SO important! So glad you're doing it [2016-02-06 11:34:17] <WISE Up Action> The whole conflict needs blowing right open [2016-02-06 11:34:28] <WikiLeaks> Please push that HRW article / Ken Roth tweet to human rights orgs + UN people + swedish diplomats [2016-02-06 11:35:03] <WikiLeaks> We're in phase 2 now, establishing the medium term truth. [2016-02-06 11:38:58] <WISE Up Action> Yes. I know it's a bit of a cliche, but suffering under something whilst kicking arse is a very effective revolutionary mechanism. Thank you x [2016-02-06 12:03:34] <Emmy B> Deutche Welle wed 10th focus on Europe programme [2016-02-06 12:05:38] <Emmy B> Journo Birgit Maass with camera woman came to cover our solidarity action this evening leafleting outside the Swedish Church in London, hoping for a positive coverage [2016-02-06 12:13:28] <voidiss> You couldn't have said it better! It's like this UN ruling has started a new phase bringing under the spotlight UK/Sweden/(US) behaviour [2016-02-06 12:13:43] <voidiss> has erased the 'still veil of ambiguity' under which the authoritarianism of these 'civilized/democratic nations'was hiding. [2016-02-06 12:13:47] <voidiss> I mean, it's like now the 'open war' starts. Btw, I'll tweet late at night! :) [2016-02-06 12:16:07] <WISE Up Action> In case you were unaware, hazel has full findings up at [2016-02-06 12:17:06] <WISE Up Action> Such a good idea, Em. When's the broadcast, d'you know? [2016-02-06 12:28:30] <Emmy B> Wed 10th but don't know the time The lady journo said she will e-mail me the link. They are the World service of the German Public Broadcasting. [2016-02-06 12:30:11] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 13:40:59] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 13:42:52] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 14:14:19] <WISE Up Action> they are beyond 'ridiculous'!! [2016-02-06 14:23:52] <WikiLeaks> DW are quite onside [2016-02-06 14:26:50] <Emmy B> let's hope Wed we will see [2016-02-06 14:27:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Sorry - deleted that tweet.This now.Oh NS how are the mighty fallen [2016-02-06 14:32:45] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Also these wankers [2016-02-06 14:35:41] <WISE Up Action> Anything that threatens the orthodoxy is rounded on - wagons circled and criticism mocked. So smug. I fucking detest these privileged tossers. [2016-02-06 14:38:13] <Emmy B> oh well, Blackadder and his WWI series comes to mind :-) the British upper classes mindlessly sending thousands on their deaths. [2016-02-06 14:40:25] <Emmy B> can't resist! [2016-02-06 14:40:33] <M> UNWGAD opinion backed by HRW, RSF, UNASUR. Attacked by a bunch of pissy UK journos. [2016-02-06 14:40:59] <WISE Up Action> Their cosy faux-left consensus. Condescending bastards. [2016-02-06 14:41:31] <Emmy B> time for a laugh! [2016-02-06 14:43:40] <Emmy B> the speckled pigeon: [2016-02-06 14:43:40] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Snap [2016-02-06 14:57:00] <WikiLeaks> ACLU also put out a statement [2016-02-06 14:57:26] <WikiLeaks> phillip sands atack is problematic. does anyone know why? [2016-02-06 14:57:36] <WikiLeaks> Looks like he might be pals wit DAG [2016-02-06 14:57:55] <WikiLeaks> Otherwise the other attackers are not heavy hitters [2016-02-06 15:38:17] <WISE Up Action> Ha ha, @m - tweet that!! [2016-02-06 15:48:21] <WISE Up Action> I heard Sands on the radio fairly recently being dubious about something else but can't remember what [2016-02-06 16:10:07] <WikiLeaks> [2016-02-06 16:11:44] <WISE Up Action> Good one [2016-02-06 16:19:28] <Emmy B> we constantly make new law, hopefully always improving it and not going the wrong direction. To see law legalistically (Gardener) is to strip it from its goal which is Justice. He serves up an unpalatable dish. [2016-02-06 16:19:52] <Emmy B> goodnight everyone :-) [2016-02-06 16:33:59] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 17:47:11] <M> [Tweet] Name calling! Bravo, UK. [2016-02-06 17:48:26] <M> One of Snowden's legal reps comments on UNGWAD. [2016-02-06 17:54:30] <M> Has anyone been following Swedish press response? [2016-02-06 18:00:33] <WikiLeaks> undercoverinfo1 has a long article on the WL Grand Jury. [2016-02-06 18:07:00] <M> This one? [2016-02-06 18:15:47] <M> Women Against Rape was on BBC Radio4 defending the UNWGAD opinion, but simultaneously with an anti-UNWGAD guest, who obviously is favored by the BBC ( [2016-02-06 22:24:57] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-06 22:28:50] <M> [Tweet] Interesting article about the history of British arrogance. [2016-02-06 22:38:15] <M> [Tweet] This is quite good. [2016-02-06 23:31:26] <M> And more from Taylor. [2016-02-06 23:35:00] <WISE Up Action> It's great stuff [2016-02-06 23:47:43] <Emmy B> well done M! [2016-02-07 01:19:45] <Emmy B> Karin Olsson at Expressen [2016-02-07 01:58:39] <M> [Tweet] Please, someone find a copy of this to share. [2016-02-07 03:19:50] <voidiss> SW's criticism of the ruling spreads: [2016-02-07 03:20:51] <M> Yes. Articles have been misleading because all quotes come from Fritz' statement. [2016-02-07 03:21:53] <WISE Up Action> Yes rehashing Fritz. [2016-02-07 03:22:53] <voidiss> Indeed. Apart from the "I want vindication" one, but I smell set-up statement. [2016-02-07 03:23:20] <WISE Up Action> Yes that's a very odd phrase. [2016-02-07 03:24:45] <voidiss> We know how it works:,01.shtml [2016-02-07 03:25:39] <M> I mean, it is all third-party. The entirety is a statement from Fritz -- none of it is a first-hand quote from SW. [2016-02-07 05:32:39] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-07 06:11:35] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-07 06:11:40] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-07 06:11:51] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-07 06:12:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-07 06:16:14] <M> Thanks, Emmy. So there it is, UK papers refusing to cover stories they don't like. Really makes you trust them, doesn't it? [2016-02-07 06:23:53] <voidiss> This is one of the most stupid excuses ever. You don't want to base your report on Assange/lawyers "opinions", as she says? [2016-02-07 06:24:19] <voidiss> Well, set it up in a different way, expressing your view on the news or something. [2016-02-07 06:24:35] <voidiss> But saying 'we don't report because there's blanket coverage based on JA opinions' is utterly stupid, let alone untrue [2016-02-07 06:24:40] <voidiss> b/cos defining that smearing coverage by MSM the reflection of 'Assange personalities and opinion' is ridiculously absurd. [2016-02-07 06:24:56] <voidiss> *personality [2016-02-07 06:43:21] <WikiLeaks> Fritz has a statement in the metro in Sweden. We can see no reference to SW saying anything there and are suspicious. There are three possibilities 1. UK journalists spun fritz to make it look like it was SW. 2. fritz egged them on to do that by making misleading statements or falsifications or SW told fritz "do whatever". 3. fritz talked SW into the quote [2016-02-07 06:48:30] <WikiLeaks> But it's important to tackle the SW falsehoods by going back to her original statements about being railroaded etc. The transition to the current claims can only be explained by duress (the 'railroaded' / police made it up / refusal to sign events) or by inducements. We haven't wanted to push it for strategic reasons but there are SMSs that refer to borgstrom making cash inducements to SW that first week, where he says he's brokering deals and SW bragging to a friend about how she can get cash. [2016-02-07 06:53:08] <WikiLeaks> We have wanted to permit an escape route for SW; pointing out that she was bragging about cash offers coming from borgstrom makes her look evil, which offers no easy escape and makes the narrative more complex. [2016-02-07 06:53:55] <WikiLeaks> But it looks like we might be forced into it. [2016-02-07 06:59:58] <voidiss> God, the case would really fall immediately if Ny handed the SMSs over. That's a blatant corruption attempt. [2016-02-07 07:00:37] <voidiss> Anyway, imho, you've made the right choice by not exposing her and it'd be better if you keep this line, because MSM is only waiting for you [2016-02-07 07:00:47] <voidiss> to do something they can twist as 'harrassment against the women' (even if OBVIOUSLY this wouldn't be the case). [2016-02-07 07:00:58] <voidiss> Anyway, it's weird that no journo (apart from Valenti) has ever tried to get an interview with the two women or SW alone. [2016-02-07 07:01:25] <Emmy B> Alex Gibney [2016-02-07 07:01:59] <Emmy B> I wonder did the person received compensation for their contribution [2016-02-07 07:02:59] <Emmy B> Keep your cool and take legal advise. [2016-02-07 07:03:04] <voidiss> Oh, right. Forgot about that. [2016-02-07 07:03:15] <WikiLeaks> Surely many have tried. They realise that it's not in their interest. Better to hide behind the state. [2016-02-07 07:03:30] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] [2016-02-07 07:46:23] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-07 07:47:55] <Emmy B> Very good coverage from Al Jazeera, I asked Peter Tatchell to participate as Al Jazeera had reached out to us via Wise Up. He very kindly agreed. [2016-02-07 08:13:21] <WISE Up Action> Poor man rebranded as a 'WiseUp' campaigner! [2016-02-07 08:43:44] <Emmy B> He did not mind one bit, we got on really well and shared an energy bar, he was famished poor guy. I explained I haven't much experience speaking in front of 40+ journos so he took the loudspeaker asked me the name of our group and started of 'we from wise up etc etc' I remember seeing him at the century club in support of Chelsea Manning a few years back. He asked whether Jemima Khan and Vivien Westwood had visited, I said VW had been reported to visit the day before and that Jemima is no longer a friend. [2016-02-07 08:55:31] <WISE Up Action> Yes, he's done quite of lot of Chelsea stuff with us, and always stepped up. It always amazes me that there are people who haven't heard of him, though - he's been around forever and in the news since the 70s. What he said was good. He works so hard too. [2016-02-07 10:03:06] <WikiLeaks> Good work on that Emmy. PT was wanting to help. [2016-02-07 10:04:02] <WikiLeaks> He's very sharp. [2016-02-07 10:23:09] <M> WikiLeaks Forum's youtube channel posted video of rally outside Ecuadorian Embassy, with specific reference to Emmy [2016-02-07 10:58:21] <Emmy B> I will watch later, busy responding to Birgit Maass of DW about the 44 ppl interviewed in UK by Sweden etc. Considering I am on the witness list for the court case against him anything he says and does may be later reported as witness harassment, and I will treat it as such. 10th of March we should know the court's deliberation on the case and we will act accordingly. [2016-02-07 10:59:48] <Emmy B> @Cabledrum, if you could make a recording of it I would be grateful, still have not managed to learn how to download videos. [2016-02-07 11:23:42] <Emmy B> @M don't worry, it is one of my own videos which I have uploaded they have reloaded it with a different title and summary, Not to worry, I thought you meant they had made their own video, ie they were there. I am not concerned about this one but thanks very much for keeping an eye :-) [2016-02-07 11:24:31] <M> Ah, I see. I hadn't realized -- I was under the same impression as you. Thanks for checking it out, though! [2016-02-07 11:24:31] <Emmy B> They do it to upset us, we won't since it is such a feeble attempt! [2016-02-07 12:00:52] <M> [Tweet] Julie Bishop asked about JA on Sunrise. Doesn't sound like she has much intention to help. Says if UK still plan to arrest JA, passport doesn't matter. And the same old "consular assistance" offer. [2016-02-07 12:18:12] <M> [2016-02-07 12:18:32] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-07 12:30:00] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for that, M. Hadn't seen that either. [2016-02-07 13:18:31] <WISE Up Action> That DM is great. Have added it to this summary & resource post [2016-02-07 13:37:37] <WISE Up Action> This is beautiful [2016-02-07 13:38:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, very cool! [2016-02-07 13:42:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good to see people around the world recognizing UK & Sweden's hypocrisy in this. They're going to get laughed at next time they try to use UN to condemn someone else. Though they probably already are. My govt's no better. [2016-02-07 13:58:19] <WISE Up Action> From my emails!: 'You must be thrilled about Lasange' [2016-02-07 15:01:27] <WISE Up Action> The more I read this, the more I think, excepting the - groan - inevitable beginning (but even that's almost needed as an intro to set the scene and is slightly toungue in cheek) Anyhoo it's really quite profound I think. Peter Preston: 'Julian Assange set a benchmark for freedom' [2016-02-07 15:02:18] <WikiLeaks> contact with witnesses / victims is often treated very seriously [2016-02-07 15:04:27] <WISE Up Action> Sorry - apropos of ? Early conv? [2016-02-07 15:05:15] <WikiLeaks> Yes. [2016-02-07 15:06:56] <WISE Up Action> you mean you consulted? or just thought of it? [2016-02-07 15:07:19] <M> UN panel ruling on Assange's detention came under 'political pressure', says former UN lawyer [2016-02-07 15:09:41] <WISE Up Action> Oh hang - right fallen in now. Of course it is. [2016-02-07 15:19:46] <WISE Up Action> would surely fatally affect the integrity to extent it would be thrown out [2016-02-07 16:18:12] <M> [Tweet] Now come the US attacks. [2016-02-07 16:18:37] <M> Same BS smears from five years ago. [2016-02-07 16:20:50] <WISE Up Action> so puerile [2016-02-07 18:03:35] <M> NYT has done an editorial as well. They hit on some good points, e.g. JA continuously offering to be questioned, but also miss a lot and have some factual errors. Obviously not nearly as bad as The Guardian. [2016-02-07 18:44:04] <M> [Tweet] Great piece from Bernard Keane. He's been very good lately. [2016-02-07 22:26:20] <M> Re-reading the NYT editorial, it's actually quite positive. [2016-02-07 23:56:36] <voidiss> Yes, agree. It puts in that same old skeptical tone, but it's rather ok. [2016-02-07 23:57:11] <voidiss> On the other hand, the other one in NYTOpinion is really bullshit; the author seems really a pro-govt reactionary conservative that [2016-02-07 23:57:28] <voidiss> thinks democracy must come with compromises for our freedom (which philosophically would also be interesting [2016-02-07 23:57:42] <voidiss> to discuss, yes - what democracy really means etc -, but not in the way he puts it, not claiming that WL wants to back Russia!). [2016-02-07 23:58:12] <voidiss> He keeps repeating that WL did a great job (and likely he says so b/cos he wanna cover his ass) but then he states that govt has rights [2016-02-07 23:58:18] <voidiss> to keep info from citizens etc. And GOD, claming there's no public interest in CIA emails is so outrageous, they talk about torture! [2016-02-08 04:28:18] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-08 05:02:38] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-08 05:24:00] <Bean> [Tweet] Binoy Kampmark in Counterpunch: [2016-02-08 08:14:34] <M> [Tweet] Libel from an MP. [2016-02-08 08:19:34] <WISE Up Action> The Canary. Good that they are on side. Some good folks there.. [2016-02-08 08:47:17] <WISE Up Action> Goog grief - that Benyon MP tweet is REALLY bad. Will you be responding WLs or can we reply? We don't want to create mayhem/duststorm to confuse issue if you can get a formal complaint sorted. [2016-02-08 08:57:54] <WISE Up Action> Anyone have any views on that? [2016-02-08 12:01:42] <Emmy B> Is this FOI any good? [2016-02-08 12:02:05] <Emmy B> I just stumbled across it [2016-02-08 12:02:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-08 12:03:29] <Emmy B> Does this mean there was contact between MetPol and North American government body relating JA in 2012? [2016-02-08 12:54:54] <M> It doesn't sound that way to me. How did you come to that conclusion? [2016-02-08 12:55:46] <M> [Tweet] This is a bit odd and amusing. A UK energy company tweeted in support of the UNWGAD and received some serious backlash (see thread to tweet) [2016-02-08 13:01:34] <WISE Up Action> M: wow! And they stood their ground in that response to a complaint. [2016-02-08 13:04:16] <WISE Up Action> Very strange backdrop. [2016-02-08 13:08:44] <WISE Up Action> It is #ridiculous that people are incapable of reading what's actually there! And they just can't see they respond to what they've imagined in their twaddly heads! The email reply is great. [2016-02-08 14:05:05] <M> Former Sri Lanka Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa slams UK response to UNWGAD [2016-02-08 15:10:47] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-08 20:21:59] <SAWC Sydney> BBC spin [2016-02-08 20:26:21] <SAWC Sydney> loads of great comments on the video. will start editing a video together to challenge this spin [2016-02-08 20:28:58] <SAWC Sydney> -@dampney [2016-02-08 23:24:41] <M> [Tweet] Good, in-depth analysis of UNWGAD by UK law professor. [2016-02-09 02:55:16] <Emmy B> Great! Very easy to follow [2016-02-09 04:29:11] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-09 04:31:29] <WISE Up Action> On the Liora Lazarus piece there's also a comment from Mads Andenas, who must be actively 'raising awareness' by the looks of it... [2016-02-09 04:49:19] <Emmy B> excellent! [2016-02-09 05:49:08] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Here's another interview he's done - bless him! He'll have to watch his back...Just done impromptu translation based on google translate turned into English [2016-02-09 05:52:28] <WISE Up Action> Stefania said she'll check trans. later - but do you want to have a look, Greta, or are you busy. I think he goes even further with this one. He's very angry I think? [2016-02-09 06:09:17] <voidiss> I've read the article and wow, this interview is gold - he clearly defines the actions of UK and Sweden and service for the US [2016-02-09 06:09:40] <voidiss> and insists a lot on the almost certain preasures they endured. Re the translation, it seems coherent with the original to me. [2016-02-09 06:09:56] <voidiss> Just, when you say "no one will thank you", it should be "thank them". [2016-02-09 06:10:13] <voidiss> And here: "England has reacted in the same way in which they react to nations to which do not want to be compared" [2016-02-09 06:10:15] <voidiss> it should be more "England has reacted in the same way in which nations to which they do not want to be compared react". [2016-02-09 06:18:13] <WISE Up Action> Thanks, Greta! I have slightly adjusted some other things now - could you have a look? Re 'no one will thank you' - that is a common English expression that fits even in referring to a third party so I'm not sure what he actually said you still think I should change that? [2016-02-09 06:33:20] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-09 07:23:28] <Cabledrum> New Statement from Marianne Ny: "Marianne Ny does not give interviews.",c9910645 [2016-02-09 07:23:49] <Cabledrum> She is "CURRENTLY working on a renewed request to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London" [2016-02-09 08:02:17] <voidiss> Sorry, I was out, I'm taking a look now. Regarding that 'thank you', ops, I didn't know it's a specific English expression. The literal meaning in Italian is exactly referring to a third party, so it's ok. [2016-02-09 08:03:29] <voidiss> [Media-image] I don't know if you did it on purpuse, but I note that you left out this part, which in English would be: "He's member of some of the most prestigious academic institutions of law, like the Oxford University's “Institute of European and Comparative Law”, and he's visiting professor at the university "La Sapienza". He tells l'Espresso how hard it is for the Working Group to issue critical judgements against countries like the US, the UK or Sweden, generally considered to respect human rights." [2016-02-09 08:20:19] <WISE Up Action> Oh, no - I did it really quickly - don't know how that got left out. Thanks - I'll add it now x [2016-02-09 08:40:03] <voidiss> :D [2016-02-09 08:43:51] <WISE Up Action> Ongoing updating of resources/links as they come in here [2016-02-09 08:45:38] <WISE Up Action> Links to statements / articles in last section. All Mads Andernas interviews collated in Section 3 - Comments from Panel Members [2016-02-09 08:51:01] <Emmy B> I am going over my Swedish Embassy list, tweeting Bean's new amazing graphic and the actual decision of UNWGAD [2016-02-09 08:52:03] <Emmy B> I have sent a Question to Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister's Question time about JA and in particular about complying to UNWGAD ruling. [2016-02-09 08:52:45] <Emmy B> If anyone else wish to do the same here is the form [2016-02-09 08:53:14] <WISE Up Action> WLs - JA statement on HIllary great. Don't know if you care, butNB typo Caesar has been spelt Ceasar - know it doesn't but you know peple are twats. And sad if it detracts [2016-02-09 08:53:48] <WISE Up Action> doesn't *matter [2016-02-09 08:55:47] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-09 08:56:11] <M> FYI: Here's a list of all tweets made by UK MPs mentioning JA/WL after UNWGAD announcement. Obviously, it is largely negative. [2016-02-09 09:02:20] <Emmy B> not good but perspective: only 20 MP signed Caroline Lucas EDM1021 in support of David Miranda/Sarah Harrison and against Schedule 7 of the terrorism act. [2016-02-09 09:09:57] <WISE Up Action> They are so appalling - all perceptions; no fact checking at all. A real disgrace. [2016-02-09 09:17:55] <Bean> note to WL: if you save and use the full size image of the infographics, then they'll expand when clicked on - easier to read :) [2016-02-09 09:18:09] <Emmy B> Whilst establishment is admiring its own peacock feathers they are actually arrogantly showing their worst self. It will back fire. I predict the legal establishment (am not talking about the DAG bottom of the barrel types) will be the first to capitulate to a new approach to JAs case because this political/MSM co-ordinated bullying and Hammond's disregard for UN ruling is a slap on the face of any legal framework. The more obvious is the political interference on a legal matters and their interference is unfolding most eloquently in front of our eyes the last few days, the more voices within the legal system will have to pull them back somehow, these are establishment subgroups in a tug of war between themselves for power. Yes politicians can bestow favour among the judges and Lords but disregarding/disrespecting UNWGAD the politicians slap the face of this country's legal establishment. The UK establishment has said far too much on the subject, in a show of power and the more they say the better. [2016-02-09 09:24:37] <WISE Up Action> I think that's sound, Em. The more disrespectful they are, the more hubris. And, though vile and very unfair to JA, sometimes any publicity is good. Good people look into it when the establishment 'protests too much'. And then they publicise the truth. [2016-02-09 09:26:44] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for that advice abt infographics, Bean - wondered why they didn't perform when 'snatched'! [2016-02-09 09:27:32] <Bean> :) [2016-02-09 09:44:58] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-02-09 09:46:53] <WISE Up Action> Wooa! That;s excellent, Bean. Have you link? Would like to add that to resources and I haven't seen it [2016-02-09 09:54:51] <Bean> good one, eh? was just tweeted by wl: [2016-02-09 10:05:44] <WISE Up Action> Thanks! [2016-02-09 13:48:01] <Emmy B> Good Speech by JA at @DiEM25 hopefully in video too [2016-02-09 17:36:15] <M> [Tweet] DiEM video [2016-02-09 18:16:45] <WISE Up Action> Oh thanks M - that was quick! x [2016-02-09 21:53:56] <M> Here's a better quality one: [2016-02-09 22:26:10] <WISE Up Action> That's great. V. interesting to see Caroline Luv [2016-02-09 22:27:06] <WISE Up Action> Lucas sitting in the middle of a rapturous greeting of JA, Hope it makes her think. [2016-02-09 23:03:59] <Emmy B> yes [2016-02-09 23:05:30] <Emmy B> I did not see her clapping but maybe I missed it. [2016-02-09 23:26:24] <WISE Up Action> She looked conflicted. She was doing the same as everyone else but less - smiling and clapping but a little less (but that at's all speculation, really I suppose). I think it's good she was in an environment so very different from the oh so narrow British liberal scene and was forced to see how different people's attitude is. [2016-02-09 23:28:28] <WISE Up Action> If you never looked away from this country, you might forget that JA is a hero to the rest of the it's good she got reminded! [2016-02-09 23:48:00] <Emmy B> Thanks for the video M! you are right W she did clap and yes Westminster is so out of touch with what matters... or sometimes reality even...watching a good part of the debate to bomb Syria in 2015 the word 'Cyprus' never featured, one could have thought the planes where taking off from air bases in the UK and not from a small, country, half an hour's flight from ME, occupied by 40,000 Turkish Troops (the same Turkey that assists Daesh) but Westminster conveniently ignores this reality leading the entire country in this parallel reality immune from responsibility through ignorance of the truth. [2016-02-09 23:51:03] <Emmy B> JA very much hit the nail on the head I thought with the references to War, destabilisation in EU, Shenken and losing sight of European interests. I now read Merkel's visit to Turkey brings home Erdogan's request for NATO's involvement in Refugee management in the Aegean. The ultimate anathema. [2016-02-09 23:58:10] <Emmy B> Nato became an instrument of acquiescence used by US to pressure Greece to accept the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus in 1974 on the pretext of holding stable the South Eastern flank of Nato. Prime Minister Karamanlis freshly returned from self exile in Paris, heading the newly restored post junta government removed Greece from Nato (albeit partly) in protest. So Nato must never be the guarantor of EU's soil or sea especially when it already sanctions and supports a Nato member illegally occupying Cyprus an EU member. [2016-02-09 23:59:17] <Emmy B> I see Nato in this respect the auctioneer of EU interests to outside interests to serve short term misguided US interests in the region. [2016-02-10 14:55:06] <WikiLeaks> EU's weakness can be see clearly when looking at its recent negoiation with Turkey over refugees [2016-02-10 15:24:00] <Emmy B> yes [2016-02-10 15:24:47] <Emmy B> still many die almost daily [2016-02-10 15:35:08] <Emmy B> it worries me what JA said about the long night [2016-02-10 19:38:17] <WISE Up Action> Yes. And as he intimates, the lack of vision is the heart of it. It's so bankrupt. Without vision, there's nothing - let alone anything sufficient to counter the evil. [2016-02-11 00:09:07] <WISE Up Action> Hogan-hough in the Graun asking for anonymity for sexual offence suspects [2016-02-11 00:17:10] <WISE Up Action> Hogan-Howe [2016-02-11 00:17:30] <WISE Up Action> ! [2016-02-11 08:27:27] <M> Australian article compares JA to OJ Simpson. [2016-02-11 08:45:49] <M> Weird attack piece in LRB. [2016-02-11 08:49:37] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-11 10:28:32] <voidiss> [Tweet] Great! [2016-02-11 11:20:59] <WISE Up Action> The LRB piece not too bad as a whole, but his main point is predicated on the oft touted (and of course totally erroneous) idea that the releases ceased after Cablegate. Research research! They just don't do any, do they?! Just a simple visit to WLs home page - and they can't stretch to it - so slack. [2016-02-11 11:26:25] <M> Right. It read like a sneaky attack piece to me. That point especially, "And, after all, when he ran out of secrets, his image was all he had left", and referring to JA as a "black hole". [2016-02-11 11:40:07] <WISE Up Action> Yes, I know. Just that there is some positive info in it and LRB readers will now be in receipt of that. But it's true it appears quite personal about both of them - more so about Ai Wei Wei I think. That he thinks the beach shot isn't recognisable amazes me. To me that image was shockingly, instantly recognisable, and an important reminder of the issues, though he's got a lot of flack for it not being 'sensitive' and this bloke seems to be capitalising on that. [2016-02-11 11:41:43] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-11 11:58:44] <WikiLeaks> Soar follows us. He know. [2016-02-11 11:58:48] <WikiLeaks> He knows. [2016-02-11 11:59:46] <WikiLeaks> Just another london media moron, endlessly following the prejudicies of his audience, because he has no leadership ability. [2016-02-11 12:01:29] <WISE Up Action> Looking at his timeline [2016-02-11 12:04:53] <WISE Up Action> gives a sense of his prejudices. I've never heard of him. But I don't like LRB. [2016-02-11 12:06:01] <WikiLeaks> It's a very strange outfit. [2016-02-11 15:14:31] <WISE Up Action> Question: [2016-02-11 15:16:51] <WISE Up Action> What happens if we are a person who don't have a techy clue and twitter disappears? [2016-02-11 15:21:40] <Bean> disappears? [2016-02-11 16:07:30] <WISE Up Action> I dunno how it all works but speculation seems ongoing about its inability to increase accounts. And falling value of shares. [2016-02-11 16:09:06] <WISE Up Action> And people complaining @jack [2016-02-11 20:28:44] <M> [Tweet] Patino calls Cameron's response "disrespectful". [2016-02-11 21:31:33] <M> Pretty neat seeing Sanders criticizing Hillary's fondness of Henry Kissinger. Also led to some people tweeting WL cables. [2016-02-11 22:50:45] <Emmy B> lovely! [2016-02-12 00:10:00] <Emmy B> Media alert: A Swedish voice backs up Assange [2016-02-12 00:11:09] <Emmy B> [2016-02-12 00:12:26] <Emmy B> useful tp check who he is and find the column he refers to by Karin Olssons [2016-02-12 00:13:00] <Emmy B> I am sending it the way of Rixstep [2016-02-12 00:13:25] <Emmy B> and Proffessors blog see what they can do with it [2016-02-12 00:18:01] <Emmy B> not sure which news site or blog published the article first [2016-02-12 00:27:08] <Emmy B> ah! site links with Swedish Democrats Wikipedia calls it all names under the sun so his opinion will be easily dissmissed by JA opponents and could also be embarassing for friends [2016-02-12 00:33:05] <Emmy B> Already 47 comments on the article [2016-02-12 00:36:17] <WISE Up Action> Actually Em, have noticed a few, not many, but a few, Swedes starting to get interested in case and asking questions - obviously since WGAD but since getting Ny's profile raised more generally. Historically Swedes on our TL tended to troll, but nothing recently and only 'pro' activity. Small but may be something. (D) [2016-02-12 00:41:00] <Emmy B> thanks D, I kind fell off my chair reading this [2016-02-12 00:43:20] <Emmy B> interesting opening remark 'would have kept my mouth shut but...' it seems this what Swedes do in the case and of course the fear of a law suit referenced in the end is also interesting [2016-02-12 00:56:10] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-12 05:04:33] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-12 12:30:42] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-12 15:01:14] <Bean> [Tweet] Gearing up the campaign for Lauri Love - extradition hearing looks to be late June/early July [2016-02-12 15:04:13] <Emmy B> beautiful work! [2016-02-12 15:25:49] <Emmy B> If anyone wishes to collect fwlf tweets for future legal action best they do it presently. MGT claims he may de-activate account, it might be a tease but also as a result of action against him. [2016-02-12 15:27:33] <Emmy B> [2016-02-12 15:28:08] <Emmy B> [2016-02-12 15:37:16] <Emmy B> In the meanwhile, mindful of [2016-02-12 15:42:37] <Emmy B> It might be just a news aggregator site. [2016-02-12 23:18:55] <M> @wikileaks_forum is gone now [2016-02-12 23:43:28] <WISE Up Action> Good news. Wonder what there game is tho? [2016-02-12 23:56:01] <Emmy B> We have Chris to thank [2016-02-12 23:58:48] <Emmy B> Last timeline saved for the curious: [2016-02-13 00:06:41] <Emmy B> A couple of weeks ago I wrote this [2016-02-13 00:09:39] <Emmy B> This account deletion may be temporary [2016-02-13 00:11:19] <Emmy B> Without being an expert, account holders can recover accounts within 30 days of deletion. [2016-02-13 00:53:45] <SAWC Sydney> after the 30days should we create a account and take the Twitter handle? so they can't use? [2016-02-13 01:10:37] <Emmy B> He's just cleaning his timeline or removing temporarily pending court case result he has not given up @supportJAdotcom for example [2016-02-13 01:15:17] <WISE Up Action> I doubt he will stay away too long, Em. Good to have those 'Twiitter bad / FB good' tweets of his - can throw back at him in time. But yes, nicking the account name after 30 days would be a nice touch! [2016-02-13 06:05:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Would be nice to steal away the account name, though Emmy's probably right about this being temporary ass-covering. But we can always hope some of the court cases are putting some fear of being caught into what little brain he has. [2016-02-13 06:47:26] <WikiLeaks> It very much looks like a setup. [2016-02-13 06:47:56] <WikiLeaks> Either in relation to the court case or an active Twitter policy dispute. [2016-02-13 06:49:22] <WikiLeaks> We should not go after the facebook group [2016-02-13 06:49:27] <WikiLeaks> not=now [2016-02-13 06:49:44] <WikiLeaks> Is anyone monitoring that? [2016-02-13 06:58:44] <WikiLeaks> @AssangeNews appears to be a huffpost asset. [2016-02-13 07:01:06] <M> She was referring to this account: @JulianAssngeNws [2016-02-13 07:02:49] <M> Doesn't look malicious, though. [2016-02-13 07:03:44] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-13 07:04:17] <M> FYI, new Hillary emails are supposed to be out today, but nothing as of yet. [2016-02-13 07:09:30] <WISE Up Action> So the German WLF is back up. [2016-02-13 07:12:57] <voidiss> Well, if now his policy is trying to hide evidence of his behaviour, deleting of the Twitter account and keeping the FB page is in line. The page seems more 'mild-mannered', there are no bad insults or stalking of supporters, even if they still link to the same forum posts and negative articles. [2016-02-13 09:23:48] <WikiLeaks> Can someone look to see what other wikileaksforum type accounts there are? [2016-02-13 09:24:03] <WikiLeaks> Now he's being pushed to the margins we need to occupy the support centre. [2016-02-13 10:18:37] <M> Latest Hillary emails out: Highly redacted email during the time of the Afghan War Logs publication and the State Dept attempting to figure out what's happening. Email went out to huge list of contacts. Can feel the urgency. [2016-02-13 10:29:27] <Emmy B> How common is it that a Swedish person writing in English will write the word shocking as 'chocking'? [2016-02-13 10:29:48] <voidiss> He's already back. [2016-02-13 10:30:38] <Emmy B> I have seen it in SW MSM texts I think in JA's Affidavid and I just saw it somewhere else. [2016-02-13 10:59:54] <M> And WLF is gone again. If he couldn't last 24 hours without making a comment, I don't think he'll last long being away. [2016-02-13 11:11:45] <Emmy B> Agree. Just games, and enjoying it. There are many things going on legally etc, we have to be very patient. [2016-02-13 11:59:28] <Emmy B> [Media-image] I have started analysing MGT FB pages. Came across this interaction between MGT and... [2016-02-13 12:02:42] <Emmy B> Now I am not going to throw my toy out of the pram but however hard I have tried MGT's ability to deceive has been beyond me. [2016-02-13 12:05:44] <Emmy B> This interaction which we just see could have led to FB messages btw the 2 and eventually MGT's tactic of making ppl say the wrong thing (a tactic I saw numerous times) and then use it to create discourse, distrust, embarrassment and alienation could have damaged a person's goodwill towards WL/JA. [2016-02-13 12:11:31] <Emmy B> Once I do an updated post on all the FB pages I will Tweet to Kevin about it. The interaction is from 2013 and seeing the his willingness to share info with 'Sunshine press' let's hope he has not shared anything else, considering his position. grumph! [2016-02-13 12:14:13] <WISE Up Action> Em, yes is it worth tweeting a warning message about FWLF people moving to FB and being wary of approaches there? [2016-02-13 12:15:33] <Emmy B> I am currently reviewing. I already had published a post about all MGT wikileaks related pseudo pages. [2016-02-13 12:16:35] <WISE Up Action> OK. [2016-02-13 12:16:38] <Emmy B> I have not tweeted that old post as yet so as not to alert him to the fact I am researching them, and he changes stuff. [2016-02-13 12:18:47] <Emmy B> As I am not using tor he will be tracing my IP anyway every time I visit his site to pick up threads for archiving, he probably knows it is me, he has so few real visitors but...hehehe I am in Lisbon at the mo so he'll be wondering :-) [2016-02-13 21:20:43] <Cabledrum> The closure of @wikileaks_forum is a very strange development. I have no idea what the reason for it could be. I can't imagine that MGT would ever give up this Twitter account voluntarily. [2016-02-13 21:20:50] <Cabledrum> FWLF have reduced their activities on FB substantially in the past years. They only did approx. 300 FB posts last year, in contrast to more than 30,000 tweets. [2016-02-13 21:21:16] <Cabledrum> MGT still has a number of FB pages but most of them seem to be abandoned. Beside [2016-02-14 00:35:42] <Emmy B> I agree, and although one can't know for sure what he is up to, I think it links to his legal troubles, with the defamation court ruling scheduled for 10th of March. [2016-02-14 00:38:16] <Emmy B> In other news Frazens 'Purit y' which was unfavourable for JA to be basis for 20 part series. [2016-02-14 01:07:00] <M> Not sure what's going on here: @wikileakz_forum [2016-02-14 01:29:19] <Emmy B> I just took a look and the account retweeted my tweet Paranoid much? [2016-02-14 01:30:13] <Emmy B> He is trolling us & loves the attention? [2016-02-14 01:36:09] <Emmy B> Let's see if he bites [2016-02-14 01:40:53] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-14 01:42:02] <Emmy B> Challenge & Block - let's see him payback [2016-02-14 01:46:32] <Emmy B> OR someone else trolls him which would be the MEGA LOL :-) [2016-02-14 01:49:23] <voidiss> I'm hoping so hard that this is the case. lol [2016-02-14 01:51:01] <Emmy B> x [2016-02-14 01:51:35] <Emmy B> Hey! Happy Valentines, love is all around :-) [2016-02-14 01:52:57] <Emmy B> permeates the ethers if nowhere else hehehe [2016-02-14 02:19:15] <WISE Up Action> MGTs #internetFriendsDay went well by the look of it. Haha [2016-02-14 10:27:25] <M> So any ideas why WLF would start with a fresh account? @wikileakz_forum At least with the 'z' they won't trick people into thinking they're legit. [2016-02-14 10:34:07] <WISE Up Action> Do you think it reads like a different author? [2016-02-14 10:35:53] <M> I don't know. There's a few things that are off to me. One, it's retweeted some supportive things. And two, the followers/following don't have any of the usuals. [2016-02-14 10:36:23] <WISE Up Action> Yes agree. It's all a bit random. [2016-02-14 10:37:13] <WISE Up Action> And not the usual attack of MGT [2016-02-14 10:37:48] <Cabledrum> FWLF announced to concentrate on FB but they didn't post anything on FB today. Also, there are only 2 forum posts today (average is approx. 40). Something serious is going on there [2016-02-14 10:38:03] <voidiss> The fact that he retweeted also some supportive things is similar to what he does in the FB pages. There are some positive, or at least neutral things there too. Maybe he wants to re-start with a less aggressive line due to the legal case? [2016-02-14 10:45:31] <Emmy B> To my mind is certainly his present or anticipated legal troubles. Interestingly he did not blame his momentary departure to 'death threats' as in Oct 2012 (it only lasted a few days and then he was back) or to claims of organised attacks by WL or WLsup as he told the Steinitz woman in her two Stern articles. He spins it as a voluntary closure but he will be back. Anyway he has several socks he is around and will continue spam the WL threads. [2016-02-14 10:46:34] <Emmy B> I hope WL FB page block all his pages so he doesn't spam their threads, easily done. [2016-02-14 10:48:49] <Emmy B> If they do block his pages I wonder if he can still 'Like' the WL FB page which is displayed in his 'Likes' page section. It would be good if he can't. [2016-02-14 12:09:03] <Cabledrum> I've just rechecked the real IP address of the FWLF server (hidden behind Cloudflare). The real IP still is, hosted by OVH in France, owned by MGT's wife Silke Tarant. [2016-02-14 12:16:29] <Emmy B> Thank you Cabbledrummer! :-) [2016-02-14 12:17:18] <Emmy B> Pls read about Peter Tatchell being non platformed: [2016-02-14 12:17:58] <Emmy B> free speech? [2016-02-14 12:21:11] <M> Yes I saw that. It's completely bonkers. [2016-02-14 12:28:14] <Emmy B> Yes [2016-02-14 14:10:34] <WISE Up Action> To be accurate, he hasn't been no-platformed by the union, just the other speaker (who also happens to be the NUS LGBT officer) won't share a platform with him. -> 'The NUS told the Observer that Tatchell had not been “no-platformed” by the union as a whole, and that it was up to Cowling to make her own choices with regard to the event.' [2016-02-14 23:37:15] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-14 23:38:12] <voidiss> All this debate around Kissinger-Clinton makes me remember that a teacher of the NHSMUN course told us that he was 'a model for us'. [2016-02-14 23:38:18] <voidiss> Great, isn't it? [2016-02-15 00:46:59] <M> [Tweet] This statement is hilariously bad. [2016-02-15 01:17:37] <WISE Up Action> He sounds drunk. [2016-02-15 02:16:32] <WISE Up Action> UN reaffirm that UK / Swe abide by WGAD ruling [2016-02-15 02:46:33] <Emmy B> Wow! and thank you! what good news xxx [2016-02-15 05:42:52] <M> [Tweet] Excellent that this piece is still going around. Think it needs to stop at the UN again. [2016-02-15 06:43:28] <Emmy B> Can we have it in the UK [2016-02-15 06:44:01] <Emmy B> I am dreaming Cardiff Dublin Glasgow london [2016-02-15 08:15:34] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-15 09:24:42] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-15 09:57:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wonder if it will be more political spin AKA the UK or if Sweden is feeling the pressure & is preparing to start getting out of its mess. Any bets? [2016-02-15 10:30:34] <WISE Up Action> Is that an Indian business channel? Strange fit. [2016-02-15 10:33:18] <Emmy B> Personally I expect more or less same as Cameron [2016-02-15 10:34:56] <voidiss> Yes, agree. I'm too much of a pessimist for bets. I won't believe until I see. [2016-02-15 11:27:54] <WISE Up Action> Significant if Sweden publicly diss UN though. [2016-02-15 11:28:57] <M> It further politicizes the case either way, which is not beneficial for Sweden. [2016-02-15 11:52:34] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-15 12:35:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not surprising. And even though they've violated the Swedish legal system rules multiple times in the case already. [2016-02-15 12:43:06] <Emmy B> Correct! [2016-02-15 13:22:37] <M> [Tweet] Is he referring to the Swedish allegation as "genuine charges" here? [2016-02-15 13:23:44] <WISE Up Action> See @AnonCopWatch [2016-02-15 13:27:49] <M> That didn't clarify too much. It is difficult without context, but to me it reads as if its referring to Sweden e.g. "US didn't make up Swedish allegations to get JA, they are legit". [2016-02-15 13:28:21] <M> I can't say I'm really buying this "our very best source ever" claim from AnonCopWatch re "terrorism". [2016-02-15 13:33:12] <WISE Up Action> The two (if there really were two?) tweets have a different emphasis [2016-02-15 13:38:32] <M> But it seems they both can be read as either referring to Sweden or US (seeing as many Brits incorrectly use "charges"). I don't know why there would be any purpose to changing the tweet except for accuracy/clarity -- Cambridge Union posts videos of all the speeches eventually. [2016-02-15 13:39:56] <M> To me, it seems far more likely that Grant is incorrectly referring to Swedish allegation as charges, as opposed to dropping a big bomb re the US case. But I'm interested in other analyses. It's likely we won't know for certain until the video is available, though. [2016-02-15 13:42:03] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Did you see this, M? [2016-02-15 13:43:47] <M> Yes. That's why I'm trying to pick apart the tweet. But again, it lacks context, as WL also pointed out. [2016-02-15 13:53:14] <WISE Up Action> Whatever it means now (and as you say we won't really know w/o a vid), at some point, they may need to start subtly re-introducing the concept that any charges in the US should be seen as valid [2016-02-15 13:55:42] <WISE Up Action> evil conniving bastards [2016-02-15 14:17:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> We all knew that was were it was going anyway, the Swedish stuff was always a smokescreen/smear campaign. [2016-02-15 15:41:57] <WikiLeaks> The 'corrected' CambridgeUnion tweet is more ambiguous. [2016-02-15 15:42:18] <WikiLeaks> It is hard to imagine the UK will pivot until the Swedish cas edrops. [2016-02-15 15:42:51] <WikiLeaks> But it's possible for people to get ahead of the timetable by mistake which is what seemed to be happening here. [2016-02-15 15:58:16] <M> Hm. Will be interesting to hear it in context. Hopefully CU gets the video up soon. [2016-02-15 22:47:59] <WISE Up Action> The Eva Joly piece in better English than the online translate until someone does it properly. Not guaranteed accurate. [2016-02-16 01:47:24] <WISE Up Action> Oh great [2016-02-16 05:06:45] <voidiss> Here's the Australian Dept of Foreign Affairs and Trade saying the UN verdict is not binding. Again. [2016-02-16 05:06:45] <voidiss> Don't know if this has already been shared here, maybe I'm the only one who missed it. [2016-02-16 07:51:06] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Ooo - that dropped in! Hope it's good... [2016-02-16 08:15:33] <M> [Tweet] "Trial". Unfortunate to see something rejected through ignorance. [2016-02-16 08:36:06] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-16 08:36:08] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-16 08:36:10] <M> Hm. [2016-02-16 08:45:32] <voidiss> It's weird. But this is a claim any news/anon account could make to gain attention, there's no basis for trust. And if the Guardian's leak of the password was implied, also Guardian journalists could be accused of terrorism. [2016-02-16 08:52:39] <M> [Tweet] Yes. This part threw me off too. I'm not sure why they would avoid naming direct deaths in Manning trial; it would actually further their case against JA to do so, imo. [2016-02-16 09:21:38] <voidiss> IF this is the case, maybe they wanted to keep that particular charge and put it all on JA to worsen the case. [2016-02-16 09:21:50] <voidiss> With Manning it was 'easier' because she's American. But you're right, it's still weird. [2016-02-16 09:21:57] <voidiss> Anyway, if they really wanted to use direct terrorism charges for that, it'd be the worst outrage in history. [2016-02-16 12:18:13] <WikiLeaks> CFAA(1)(a) is a terrorism offence. [2016-02-16 12:45:32] <voidiss> I've read that they allege there's another one... [2016-02-16 12:55:00] <M> I think the point WL was making is that they already are going after them with a direct terrorism charge. [2016-02-16 13:03:06] <WISE Up Action> Podemos International press release [2016-02-16 14:08:49] <Emmy B> Wonderful news! [2016-02-16 14:08:52] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing :-) [2016-02-16 21:15:28] <WISE Up Action> Congratulations to JA on the Ciespal Chair commemoration - richly deserved! [2016-02-17 01:31:13] <Emmy B> It's great! [2016-02-17 01:31:30] <Emmy B> [Tweet] via @LonFowL [2016-02-17 02:15:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-17 02:20:07] <Emmy B> He is not a friend [2016-02-17 03:17:35] <WikiLeaks> Wrote an article for Guaridan opposing asylum in 2012, also. [2016-02-17 03:22:14] <voidiss> And he admits he isn't expert in Swedish criminal procedure. Yet he will give a talk on JA case. Quite intelligent. [2016-02-17 03:29:51] <WikiLeaks> To be fair, it isn't necessary to know the ins and outs of the domesticv law. [2016-02-17 03:31:08] <WikiLeaks> It's not acceptable for someone to be deprived of their freedom of movement for five years without a trial or any release date or mechanism. [2016-02-17 03:31:38] <WikiLeaks> You don't have to know anything about the domestic law to see that is a violation of the ICCPR and UDHR. [2016-02-17 03:34:25] <M> But you do have to be an asshole to pretend it isn't. [2016-02-17 03:34:52] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-02-17 03:38:36] <Emmy B> Overview of MGT FB operation (mostly dead) pours his bile mainly on the wlf one. [2016-02-17 03:42:30] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-17 03:42:40] <voidiss> You're right. [2016-02-17 03:42:43] <voidiss> I was meaning if he wants to explain the case in details. But yes, you just need basic humanity and respect for HR to understand that. [2016-02-17 03:46:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-17 03:46:51] <Emmy B> omg omg omg !!! <3 [2016-02-17 03:47:52] <WISE Up Action> All true, but he himself was using the 'I'm not an expert on Swe law' approach to deflect Qs from Bella yesterday. I love the way they pick and choose but carry on anyway. [2016-02-17 08:10:47] <M> Good op-ed in SVT. "The case against Assange must be closed" [2016-02-17 10:43:42] <M> "Alphabet renames Google Ideas to 'Jigsaw'." Makes me think of the serial killer from the Saw films... [2016-02-17 10:48:17] <WikiLeaks> HEh. [2016-02-17 10:48:39] <WikiLeaks> Please tweet that SVT op ed at swedes. [2016-02-17 10:49:48] <Emmy B> I will do my list of ambassadors [2016-02-17 10:52:56] <Emmy B> #svpol and #Melodifestivalen are also good places to catch Swedes :-) [2016-02-17 11:12:39] <WISE Up Action> Sorry to be a slouch, but can s/one update me as to who they are, where they fit in? As in SVT. Who their target audience is &c? [2016-02-17 11:13:33] <WikiLeaks> It's Sweden's BBC [2016-02-17 11:14:03] <WikiLeaks> Voidis: Better to just tweet the swedish at them. SVT: bla [2016-02-17 11:14:13] <Emmy B> Öppnar annan webbplats,Hjälp människor på flykt SVT och Radiohjälpen för flyktingarna – Stöd insamlingen! Öppnar annan webbplats,Barnkanalen – allt för barn Hitta allt för barnen här och ladda ner appen. Öppnar annan webbplats,Så ser du SVT Play på TV Det finns flera sätt att använda SVT Play på en TV. Sveriges Television AB [2016-02-17 11:17:18] <Emmy B> and Greta maybe put a little word or a dot before their handle as extra security or you might be categorised by twitter as spam bot, I know it is a nuisance for all your followers to get the message again and again but ppl recognise you're on a mission and tolerate it. [2016-02-17 11:17:23] <Emmy B> x [2016-02-17 11:17:55] <Emmy B> I usually do about 20 and pause. [2016-02-17 11:19:34] <WISE Up Action> Oh wow! Thanks - that's brilliant! (that they're public broadcast) x [2016-02-17 11:19:43] <voidiss> Oops, didn't even remember they were the translated links! My bad. Will continue with the Swedish. And Emmy, that's a good idea, thank you for the advice! [2016-02-17 14:08:41] <WISE Up Action> The Canary have just pub'd a piece on Syria drawing on Syria Files - they tell people to donate to WikiLeaks at the end of it, and promote The WikiLeaks Files (except they haven't changed the pic fr KM's austerity book and also the link to buy the book goes to the Amazon page for that Austerity book). The article ends with: 'The importance of whistleblowers and organisations such as Wikileaks in exposing such truths cannot be understated. Get involved! – Support or donate to Wikileaks' [2016-02-17 14:09:04] <WISE Up Action> [2016-02-17 14:43:42] <Emmy B> wonderful! [2016-02-17 14:46:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-17 14:47:20] <Emmy B> Mega LOL MGT has been trolled! [2016-02-17 14:48:33] <Emmy B> He is also making a complete fool of himself attacking ppl who complain about his posts/comments. [2016-02-17 14:54:10] <Emmy B> Something very curious at the fake forum, new member 'Frodo' spams all over the place, posts not moved to the graveyard, deleted. I wonder what game MGT plays. [2016-02-17 16:48:51] <WikiLeaks> WL enemies end badly. [2016-02-17 16:50:55] <WikiLeaks> Sometimes it is because we cause it to happen, othertimes it seems like fate. [2016-02-17 16:52:32] <M> Poetic justice. [2016-02-17 16:52:36] <WikiLeaks> Our view on the latter is that most of our opponents are opportunists. That's why they became opponents. But opportunists are they way because they cannot sustain long term plans. [2016-02-17 16:54:17] <WikiLeaks> Often they cannot even sustain long term positive relationsips. That's why they turn to negative relationships as a 'business' model. [2016-02-17 16:56:30] <WikiLeaks> Some, like Bill Keller, only have power as a servent; when they fall from grace, they are back to nothing. [2016-02-17 19:10:14] <M> Cambridge Union put up a "highlights" video, and although it has a segment on Assange, but it does not cover the quote in question. (at 4:00) [2016-02-17 19:12:21] <M> Interesting though, Sir Mark Lyall Grant notes one of the main 4 threats to British security is the erosion of international law (at 2:50), specifically the UN and how certain countries want to flout their order (oh, the irony). [2016-02-17 19:14:56] <M> Cringing at him calling UK the "innocent party" in the Assange case. [2016-02-17 19:15:53] <WISE Up Action> Aha. What a rip-off. Along with the *altered* tweet makes it seem a bit sus. [2016-02-17 19:17:48] <M> Still not getting that vibe, but I guess we'll just have to keep waiting! [2016-02-17 19:29:15] <WISE Up Action> Having just listened to it, I'm not surprised they only put 'highlights' up! Tedious old fart. [2016-02-18 01:45:18] <M> [Tweet] Radio bit with @AlfredseZayas. [2016-02-18 04:01:05] <WISE Up Action> This is good re WGAD process. Lots of quotable stuff. [2016-02-18 08:59:10] <M> UKIP statement on latest WL release [2016-02-18 09:30:16] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Just want to say you're wonderful, Beany and how blessed we are to have you x [2016-02-18 09:38:26] <Bean> aaw too kind - thx - just ripping off other folks' words and images really - ha! [2016-02-18 09:41:53] <Emmy B> Agree! :-D [2016-02-18 09:43:29] <Emmy B> We are so lucky! <3 [2016-02-18 09:52:40] <Bean> well i immensely appreciate all your commentary and analysis - really helps inform my efforts :) [2016-02-18 15:26:31] <Emmy B> They are back! :-) [2016-02-18 17:15:52] <M> It's a person now, though? [2016-02-18 20:10:40] <WISE Up Action> Justice Campaign emailed newsletter (?) on UNHR ruling against Australia re David Hicks refers to JA UN decision para 9 [2016-02-18 22:41:26] <Emmy B> @ M bizarre! it wasn't like that earlier. I hope they are legit. [2016-02-18 22:42:03] <Emmy B> @ WiseUp great find! [2016-02-18 22:52:36] <Emmy B> @ M Picture copied from Ana Alexandrova Facebook profile [2016-02-18 22:54:36] <Emmy B> of course you never know ;-p [2016-02-18 22:57:52] <M> I mean, tweets seem legit and it's a continuation of the old account. It's just a bit... weird. [2016-02-18 23:01:36] <Emmy B> maybe person is in a humorous mood [2016-02-18 23:02:58] <Emmy B> but I agree [2016-02-18 23:03:22] <Emmy B> will 'say a prayer' [2016-02-18 23:20:57] <Emmy B> [Media-image] hehehe I'd sooner change my profile to: [2016-02-18 23:21:47] <Emmy B> breakfast time :-) [2016-02-19 00:21:29] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-19 00:31:49] <Emmy B> Excellent! [2016-02-19 03:20:02] <Emmy B> About WL opponents being opportunists is a very interesting perspective which puts the context of a great number of rewards, all kinds, being bestowed upon them. [2016-02-19 03:20:39] <Emmy B> It is an excellent perspective to review opponents. [2016-02-19 03:25:15] <Emmy B> Re MGT my perspective is screwed by my experience and damaged as I have become by it, a rational review is hampered by general confusion. I try in my blogposts to offer some perspective or at least some facts and explore some answers, primarily to inform others to the fraud of his operation that I see myself (and WL) as a victim of. [2016-02-19 03:39:46] <Emmy B> Still, in btw his psychopathy, bullying, ability to deceive, influence and control a rational motive like reward of money, immunity from other crimes etc would be far more palatable, rather than pure malice as motivator for what he has spewed over the years on WLsup/WL. Opportunists must not been given the opportunity in the first place. That is my greatest lesson. [2016-02-19 08:46:22] <M> [Tweet] Op-ed from JA legal team. [2016-02-19 11:01:17] <Emmy B> The Economist [2016-02-19 11:49:43] <Emmy B> The verge: Julian Assange: 'consequences' must be paid for my detention [2016-02-19 12:25:41] <Emmy B> Outlook India: [2016-02-19 12:36:09] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-19 12:54:23] <Emmy B> (hoping for more on his collaboration with Greek Junta and with Turkey on invading Cyprus) [2016-02-19 13:08:36] <WISE Up Action> "Meanwhile, the European Parliament intends to intervene in the case. Thirty-eight social democratic MEPs, United Left, Greens and Liberals have sent a joint letter to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to express "great concern" about the violation of Julian Assange rights by both countries Union members. MEPs regret the silence of the European institutions in this matter, and urge the Commission to take "immediate and effective measures" for the countries concerned fold the decisions of the UN working group." [2016-02-19 13:09:40] <WISE Up Action> Has this already been noted? In Le Monde on 15th - [2016-02-19 23:54:15] <M> Another Hillary email release today. No WL references this time around, though. [2016-02-20 03:37:26] <Emmy B> Check out Bella Magnani's timeline everyone regarding EAW [2016-02-20 09:25:41] <Emmy B> Free Preview Generation X - JA short term pain long term gain [2016-02-20 10:58:06] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Our March issue of New Internationalist came today. The magazine majors on a particular topic each month and tries to deal more in depth than most w different articles on same subject. The 'Big Story' this month is Saudi Arabia - called 'Blood Brothers', it has Cameron & Abdullah engaged in a blood soaked handshake on cover. The i/vw w JA is on the insight into Saudi regime we can get from SaudiCables, under 7 headings. 1.A Paranoid Ruling Elite 2.Moves to Destabilise Syria Prior to Uprising 3.Using Religion 4.Terrified of Iran and Shi'a Influence 5. How to Bribe Foreign Media 6.The Saudi-Israel Nexus and the West 7.Dodgy Deals for US Votes. Good old New Int also says: 'JA has been detained in Britain for 5 yrs, unable to leave his place of refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy without risk of being arrested and extradited to the US which wants to try him for espionage...' [2016-02-20 22:55:11] <Cabledrum> There are ZERO new admin posts on FWLF since 5 days. (Average is approx. 40 posts per day.) As a solution, they have now removed the usage statistics. Really strange... [2016-02-20 23:01:51] <Emmy B> yes and member 'Frodo' posts are spam, but have not been removed. [2016-02-20 23:02:31] <Emmy B> MGT wants to give the appearance that the site has been abandoned. [2016-02-20 23:04:36] <Emmy B> it is all contrived, has written to court apparently about the deletion of the twitter account, trying to evade justice. [2016-02-20 23:05:18] <M> What's the point of abandoning Twitter/Forum if the Facebook page (titled after the forum website) is still active? [2016-02-20 23:05:18] <Emmy B> what usage statistics? [2016-02-20 23:05:50] <Emmy B> FB page has not been used in court case [2016-02-20 23:06:08] <M> I see. [2016-02-20 23:06:41] <Emmy B> Twitter is where most of the defamation took place linking to the forum posts [2016-02-20 23:08:25] <Emmy B> the forum posts he has hidden in a 'holding' board not appearing public at the moment but in twitter there were still defamatory tweets (I think he made so many he could not find them all to delete them) [2016-02-20 23:09:34] <Emmy B> he claims to have nothing to do with forum but he asked the admin to remove them which the admin did. [2016-02-20 23:10:46] <Emmy B> he now claims to only host the forum and been paid by Jerry Barney to do so but has no access to it. It is all lies. [2016-02-20 23:12:55] <Emmy B> his ability to lie is amazing but the question is whether the judges will find the evidence against him conclusive and we will know hopefully on the 10th of March. [2016-02-20 23:16:55] <Cabledrum> I doubt that it has anything to do with the court case. The court hearing (PC vs. MGT) took place 4 weeks ago. Whatever happens now, can not influence the ruling anymore. [2016-02-20 23:17:37] <Emmy B> Please be discreet with this information, if successful Chris intends to make the evidence public but she has some way to go with this issue. She has pursued this to great personal cost and it is primarily a private matter although of course as we can see before our eyes it restricts MGT's activities. [2016-02-20 23:18:02] <Emmy B> He continues to submit evidence to court. [2016-02-20 23:18:41] <Emmy B> whether this has an effect or not it is anyone's quess [2016-02-20 23:20:11] <Emmy B> I have not been asked to attend as witness, which possibly means that there will be ruling on the 10th rather than a call for further witness based evidence. But one can never know. [2016-02-20 23:21:06] <Emmy B> keeping fingers crossed [2016-02-20 23:23:15] <Emmy B> My personal opinion is that even when court finds against him, unless behind bars, he will not stop his pursue of WL WLsup. [2016-02-20 23:27:44] <Emmy B> Neither do I think he stays idle currently, he is active in places outside the ones we have identified. [2016-02-21 08:08:11] <Emmy B> Cryptome interview damning on the way Snowden revelations have been released [2016-02-21 11:55:40] <Emmy B> why is MGT promoting @topical_hq [2016-02-22 01:09:33] <M> This is an interesting study which attempts to determine how long a conspiracy can last before it is revealed by a whistleblower, based on the amount of people involved etc. [2016-02-22 01:52:32] <Emmy B> In the meanwhile, Greenpeace gets active against TTIP [2016-02-22 04:03:36] <WISE Up Action> This could be interesting... [2016-02-22 04:22:52] <WISE Up Action> What's this? [2016-02-22 05:54:48] <Emmy B> My goodness! Can't the UK press report on Assange without prejudice and malice? [2016-02-22 05:57:32] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-02-22 06:10:16] <M> [Tweet] Exciting! :) [2016-02-22 06:24:49] <Emmy B> <3 yeah! [2016-02-22 06:28:35] <Emmy B> DAG should indeed sweat if indeed Fois filed for him and CPS, why I would not be surprised if he was dictated his 7 myths article by Paul Close of the CPS but let's not get carried away, next thing I might challenge him on potential links to wikiwatcher/objectiviser ;-p [2016-02-22 15:19:58] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-22 16:13:14] <WikiLeaks> How does DAG know about the FOI? [2016-02-22 16:14:30] <WISE Up Action> Exactly!!! [2016-02-22 16:16:29] <M> He doesn't seem to have tweeted anything else about it. Is there any sort of notification clause in UK FOI law? [2016-02-22 16:17:52] <WikiLeaks> No. [2016-02-22 16:24:13] <M> So I'm guessing government contact, then. [2016-02-22 16:27:07] <WISE Up Action> what Em's meaning above...very interesting [2016-02-22 16:28:29] <WikiLeaks> We have FOI's of a UK journalist giving GCHQ info on Assange. [2016-02-22 16:28:55] <M> I guess another possibility is that one of the other journalists has the government contact, and then informed DAG. [2016-02-22 16:29:04] <M> That's disgusting. [2016-02-22 21:58:35] <Emmy B> [Media-image] re DAG from his current Twitter Timeline (potential source of info for FoI comment?) [2016-02-22 22:01:59] <Emmy B> one press officer from UK foreign office and commonwealth office, one Guardian Australia journo one BBC ME Editor [2016-02-22 22:13:52] <Emmy B> From Dec 2012 an important critique against DAG and others [2016-02-22 22:37:07] <Emmy B> His tweet archived with all 6 RTs [2016-02-23 00:12:58] <Emmy B> Just to mention DAG may not refer to the FOI done by WL who knows? [2016-02-23 00:31:17] <M> Torrent of the NatGeo Gen X special that JA was in. [2016-02-23 00:41:46] <Emmy B> Thank you!! X [2016-02-23 06:44:54] <Emmy B> Just had a message from Birgit Maas from Deutsche Welle, the episode 'Focus on Europe' in which myself and other supporters participated has not been scheduled for broadcasting despite the 'urgency to film' at the time. She suggests it might be scheduled in the future. Who knows? in the meanwhile, we plan to leaflet again outside the Melodi Festivalen party in London this Saturday, raising awareness among the Swedes in London about the plight of JA. Let's hope this time (without the somewhat intimidating presence of a camera and journalist from DW) we get to have some interesting conversations with the young Swedes :-) [2016-02-23 07:20:44] <M> [Tweet] [DMConversationEntry] Emmy B added [2016-02-23 08:53:09] <Emmy B> Hi everyone, I just added Hazel @Hazelpress2 the backup account re-joining us, as first account has problems. Their new site address is: [2016-02-23 08:53:42] <Emmy B> Nice to have you back Hazel! :-) [2016-02-23 11:19:18] <M> I think we need to curate a list of all the influential figures/bodies that have come out in support of the UNWGAD/called for UK/Swe to accept. [2016-02-23 13:20:40] <Emmy B> I would be interested in printing a new flyer with the UN decision and such quotes [2016-02-23 13:36:52] <Emmy B> I attempted to download torrent, ended up with 'trovi dot com' on my Safari and Chrome browser homepage, it keeps defaulting, can't get rid of it. In Chrome it kept taking me to all kinds of ad and porn pages. Make sure you know what you are doing if you attempt to download and don't do what I did: "this is a button with DOWNLOAD written on it, so I press it" Aghrrr! [2016-02-23 13:50:42] <Emmy B> interesting: Tor browser the only one not affected [2016-02-23 13:53:30] <M> Sorry to hear that. Run a malware scanner, like malwarebytes. [2016-02-23 13:54:33] <Emmy B> thank you! will do [2016-02-23 14:12:25] <Bean> ref flyer - good thinking - here when you need me of course :) [2016-02-23 14:15:50] <Emmy B> Thank you M it worked! :-) thank you Magic Bean we shall get to it tomorrow! xx [2016-02-23 17:21:21] <WISE Up Action> @M, Em, Bean - re curating list etc - many of the responses to UNGWAD are in the post on our site - last section - RESOURCES, though I'm behind and have a list of more recent links to add still. Intention was always to keep it updated as a resource. Here [2016-02-23 21:52:02] <WISE Up Action> I've updated the list in RESOURCES section at the very end of this post here again now [2016-02-23 22:21:24] <Emmy B> You are Amazing! <3 Thank you so much for this, I will take a look for quotes for the flyer later on today xxxx [2016-02-24 11:12:07] <Emmy B> Guys and Girls I have blocked Shaf Patel. The police here has found evidence linking him to the harassment of Chris. His habit of recording telephone conversations and live conversations if I may add is, already, rather odd to say the least but this new evidence makes me adopt a 'best be safe than sorry approach'. If more info becomes available I will let you know. [2016-02-24 12:03:33] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for heads up, Em. [2016-02-24 13:06:44] <M> [Tweet] It's been registered at the UN! *Clearly* it's legally binding! [2016-02-24 13:15:24] <Emmy B> The world is topsy turvey but above all is wearing a clowns's hat. [2016-02-24 21:24:13] <Emmy B> For whoever is interested in Nato's role in the Aegean and EU's strategic irrelevance [2016-02-25 04:35:34] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-25 04:38:21] <Emmy B> Well found Greta :-) [2016-02-25 10:57:16] <M> Google's coming out with its own Cloudfare. [2016-02-25 11:00:55] <WikiLeaks> That's good. It means they're not buying cloudflare. Or does it? [2016-02-25 11:25:17] <M> Good question! They did partner in 2015. [2016-02-25 16:02:22] <voidiss> I'm sorry, I don't know why, Google Translate doesn't work properly with this article, but still, in the final part it says that an "influential source at the White House" told La Stampa that the type of data gathering cercerning the espionage on Berlusconi is now already limited by the USA Freedom Act and, well, I find this particularly amazing not just because that law is a blatant facade, but because it explicitly involves American citizens only and I don't think Berlusconi is American, hm. Well, their justifications are so pathetic. [2016-02-25 18:46:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry to hear that something is off with Shaf. Pls do keep us informed, Emmy. [2016-02-25 18:48:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Greta - like over 90% of Americans, I know my government is invariably up to no good. My Dad & I were bemoaning the Presidential race situation today, which is simply disgusting. [2016-02-25 18:50:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sorry I've been absent a lot. I think 'tenure track' is simply an academic excuse for severely overworking young/new faculty. But I did just sign away copyright (ridiculous) on a book chapter that should be published this spring. Publish or perish. *sigh* [2016-02-25 18:52:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> On the good side - it looks like I may indeed be taking a trip to Madagascar in August to teach health information skills to doctors there. Pending WHO & MLA funding. That would be a trip of a lifetime! [2016-02-25 21:52:08] <Emmy B> Wow Jenny <3 well done! [2016-02-26 05:59:36] <WikiLeaks> Madagascar is neat. [2016-02-26 06:00:09] <WikiLeaks> There's an upcoming war for the heart of th eUNHRC [2016-02-26 06:00:48] <WikiLeaks> It starts Monday and goes for three weeks but with most of the big action in the first week (e.g Lavrov talks on Tuesday). [2016-02-26 06:01:37] <WikiLeaks> Worth following references to UNHRC and pushing the HRW & recent Mads articles at them (and j4a). [2016-02-26 06:01:56] <WikiLeaks> We hear UK is making a concerted push over UNWGAD. [2016-02-26 06:03:47] <Emmy B> The matter is placed in the international political and diplomatic arena where it belongs. [2016-02-26 06:04:38] <Emmy B> JA's speech at the UN 'Can UN protect Whistleblowers in the West' is good to put out there. I will find it [2016-02-26 06:04:46] <Emmy B> and dissidents [2016-02-26 06:06:20] <Emmy B> Here it is: [2016-02-26 06:08:48] <Emmy B> We know from WL revelations UK pushed SA HRC chair 'onto the throne' so does the rest of the world thanks to WL the room for diplomatic manoeuvring from their side more restricted than usual. [2016-02-26 06:12:21] <Emmy B> UNHRC Facebook Page: [2016-02-26 06:13:00] <Emmy B> Starting Twitter public list focusing on UNHRC [2016-02-26 06:16:13] <M> [Tweet] Bit interesting. Betting odds now favoring JA leaving Embassy by year's end. Let's hope (in the best way). [2016-02-26 06:20:59] <Emmy B> 😃 [2016-02-26 06:40:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> I hope you're right M. !!!! [2016-02-26 16:53:39] <M> [Tweet] [2016-02-26 16:53:48] <M> "An email forwarded to Clinton by her aide Cheryl Mills on April 5, 2011 pertains to State Department diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks in 2011 and efforts by two Washington Post reporters to get State Department officials to comment about the cables and alert them to any concerns or redactions officials believe should be made to the documents." [2016-02-26 17:00:22] <M> Email here: [2016-02-26 17:00:47] <M> This email contains response to Ecuador's expulsion of Ambassador Hodges after WL release. [2016-02-27 00:20:14] <Emmy B> 'before wikileaks' [2016-02-27 06:21:09] <Emmy B> Important! President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s aide and spokesperson İbrahim Kalın comments Now in English at Hurriet Daily News [2016-02-27 06:23:26] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-27 06:41:54] <Emmy B> Remarkable article by retired colonel on Greek on alert national defence blog calling for dismantling Nato bases, identifying 'such military structures as the reason for the rivers of refugees, their own drama as well as the undermining of Greek sovereignty. [2016-02-27 06:41:59] <Emmy B> [2016-02-27 06:46:16] <Emmy B> The communist party and other leftwing parties have often blasted militarism but to see a retired colonel expressing such pragmatic observations without the leftwing rhetoric and being hosted in a blog that has a section for paid Nato promotion articles is a sign that such ideas become mainstream not via ideological rhetoric or indoctrination but by the application of common sense. [2016-02-27 06:47:39] <Emmy B> In the meanwhile, Nato has started its 'refugee operation' in the Aegean yesterday. [2016-02-27 07:33:12] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-02-27 13:09:02] <Emmy B> 'How Assange Exposed A Double Standard In The UK’s Stance On The Maldives' [2016-02-27 13:10:29] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-02-27 13:10:48] <Emmy B> political boomerang [2016-02-28 08:17:23] <Emmy B> How does one search for cached tweets? [2016-02-28 08:17:29] <Emmy B> Anyone? [2016-02-28 09:32:17] <WikiLeaks> you could try site: [2016-02-28 10:04:43] <Emmy B> Thank you vm :-) [2016-02-28 21:46:26] <M> [Tweet] DN has published a piece highly critical of Sweden's role in Assange case [2016-02-29 08:16:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-02-29 17:10:42] <M> Final Hillary email release. USG Executive Summary on WL release of Afghan War Logs [2016-02-29 17:15:02] <WikiLeaks> saw that last one before? [2016-02-29 17:16:00] <M> Ah. It was probably a reply then. [2016-02-29 17:18:55] <M> [Tweet] Did you catch this one from last week? [2016-02-29 17:27:54] <WikiLeaks> Yes. [2016-03-01 00:37:07] <WISE Up Action> On UKs UN legality cherry picking [2016-03-01 02:56:15] <Emmy B> The publisher of ancient right wing paper 'Acropolis' in Greece is facing blackmailing charges. Extortion and political influence the name of the day as per WL Cablegate releases in 2011/2 among Greek Media. At the same time, 'scandal' of Tsipras discussions with publisher of 'Mega' Media group leaked. In parliament new media laws force TV stations to start paying licence fees to the state (for the first time). WL's US cable release keep popping up in local articles. [2016-03-01 07:40:59] <Emmy B> Not a good article on it claims all sorts including referring to rulings by UK High Court and Supreme Court [2016-03-01 08:00:07] <voidiss> First day in NYC and I've already come across a small pro-Hillary rally. This is really bad luck. lol [2016-03-01 08:02:55] <Emmy B> Oh Greta, make the most of your visit, have a great time! <3 [2016-03-01 08:03:09] <Emmy B> How exciting! [2016-03-01 08:03:41] <Emmy B> Another Swedish voice backing their government [2016-03-01 08:04:35] <Emmy B> (good photo though :-D hehehe) [2016-03-01 08:08:24] <Emmy B> [Tweet] The letter of support in Dutch [2016-03-01 08:32:16] <M> Gawd. The giant x's. [2016-03-01 09:06:01] <WikiLeaks> Jesus. Rudling is in DN [2016-03-01 09:06:21] <WikiLeaks> Talk about scraping the barrell. [2016-03-01 09:08:54] <Emmy B> Not democracy now H look at the link I shared above. [2016-03-01 09:09:02] <WikiLeaks> Dagens Nyter. [2016-03-01 09:09:22] <WikiLeaks> The most prominent paper in Sweden. [2016-03-01 09:09:41] <Emmy B> [2016-03-01 09:10:48] <WikiLeaks> He's a taxi-driver with a brain tumor who is an anti-Assange troll. He hangs out on Flashback as "who is joe..." [2016-03-01 09:10:53] <M> Gawd. That's desperate. [2016-03-01 09:11:59] <M> If he's the only one they could find for the anti-JA piece, that's a good sign. [2016-03-01 09:12:36] <WikiLeaks> Yes. [2016-03-01 09:13:08] <WikiLeaks> He has no weight and lies a lot in the article. [2016-03-01 09:13:49] <WikiLeaks> e.g claming that Sweden was not sent our arguments. Not only did they receive them, we published them. [2016-03-01 09:15:11] <WikiLeaks> Could be worth tweeting some of his insanity at dn / dn editors, e.g his bent penis episode with braingarbage [2016-03-01 09:27:06] <Emmy B> The DN writer seems to pass the buck to UK side (High Court / Supreme Court) which indicates, not much holds up on the Swedish side of things (Prosecution/Police etc). It will all come out in the wash in the end, just hang on in there WL <3 :-) [2016-03-01 09:28:32] <Emmy B> The best thing will be when Sweden/UK will start blaming each other :-) and compete with each other to the finishing line over how to save face. [2016-03-01 09:30:27] <Emmy B> Just to mention @Anon_Emy is NOT me [2016-03-01 09:39:39] <Bean> Just saw this comment on the WL FB page: 'I love you guys whistleblowers I would give my blood f u but I'm confused there are many wikileaks sites they attacking Julian Assange can you clear that up f me by any chance?!' [2016-03-01 09:40:19] <Bean> can someone suggest a good link to give a quick explanation of this? - if so, I'll post it as a reply for them [2016-03-01 09:47:29] <WikiLeaks> He just fabricates a lot of his claims from whole cloth [2016-03-01 09:57:20] <Bean> [Tweet] h - no probs, link updated [2016-03-01 09:57:31] <Bean> and thx for that other link [2016-03-01 10:27:58] <Emmy B> @ Bean [2016-03-01 10:31:13] <Emmy B> Read here some of his tactics in FB at the time: [2016-03-01 10:32:12] <Emmy B> He says at some point: "I am afraid I dont know who deleted it. You would have to ask the discussion forum admin that." Well, we now know he was 'a forum Admin' at the time. [2016-03-01 10:36:23] <Emmy B> The fwlf FB page shows unusual comment activity. It never used to. It could very well be the case some of the commentators are himself, even if they are 'protesting against his defamation'. He used to do the same at the forum, get a sockie on, go trolling, Voda, an admin caught him out doing it by checking his IP, she confronted him, he flipped, eventually banned her. [2016-03-01 13:13:26] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-01 14:35:18] <WISE Up Action> [2016-03-01 14:44:16] <M> Thanks. Good piece. [2016-03-01 19:09:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> Greta, you're in NYC? Cool! I live about 60 miles east of there. Have fun!! If you get free time, go see Laura Poitras' exhibit at the Whitney Museum. I'm planning to go later this month. [2016-03-01 19:11:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Procrastinator of the decade award - that - classic, Bean!!! [2016-03-01 19:12:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now I'm going to go cry myself asleep over Super Tuesday. My country is going to hell in a handbasket (and I don't even believe in hell)!!! [2016-03-02 02:56:29] <WikiLeaks> Perhaps Hillary will have a stroke. [2016-03-02 03:46:57] <Emmy B> Greek military analysts openly now discuss that Nato's role in the Aegean is not to counteract people smuggling by Turkish profiteers or stop the refugees & migrants from seeking EU residence or saving ppl from drowning but to prepare for Nato Intervention in Syria and control of Russia naval passage through Dardanelles. [2016-03-02 05:05:23] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-03-02 06:23:05] <WISE Up Action> That's very interesting about FOIs, H. Would be so good to tie the pompous git into it. [2016-03-02 07:34:36] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL Hazel! 😭 [2016-03-02 07:38:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Maybe Hillary will have a heart-attack. I'm more worried about her than Trump. If he gets elected, they'll lock him in the White House and only let him out when highly drugged and programmed. The bureaucracy will run itself. And Congress will block him. Though it might just collapse the Republican Party or create a revolt within it. We need to dump the two-party electoral college system anyway. [2016-03-02 07:39:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hillary is more dangerous because she can manipulate the system and bureaucracy and she's one of them, so they'll let her. [2016-03-02 07:42:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> But I'm not counting Sanders out yet. And I think some seriously rallying behind Cruz is going to happen, even to the point of something major being done on the convention floor. I believe the delegates have some leeway to shift allegiance though my memory of electoral law isn't good. In my party, the delegates can toss out every candidate and put in anyone they choose. But that's Libertarians for you. [2016-03-02 07:42:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm just so embarrassed people are voting for Trump and Hillary. It's so shaming. [2016-03-02 07:45:51] <WikiLeaks> It's worse than shaming. It's happening. [2016-03-02 08:13:52] <M> If Trump gets elected, the country will be run by all the other high-up figures, e.g. the DoD. [2016-03-02 08:30:51] <WikiLeaks> If HC gets up, Sydney Blumenthal, Anne Mareir Slaughter, Nuland, Jared Cohen, Alec Ross, Google et al will be running the country. [2016-03-02 08:31:27] <WikiLeaks> And also Podesta; who beleives in aliens. [2016-03-02 08:31:48] <M> Choose your new overlords wisely, America! [2016-03-02 08:35:34] <WikiLeaks> The chief of staff character in House of Cards appears to be based on Podesta. [2016-03-02 08:42:03] <M> Couldn't do House of Cards. No likable characters - just like real politics. [2016-03-02 08:44:40] <WikiLeaks> Haha. [2016-03-02 09:32:25] <voidiss> I agree with you. And moreover, I'm also quite scared that people don't get this difference between Hillary and Trump; [2016-03-02 09:32:59] <voidiss> people consider Trump more dangerous than Hillary, they think he's the problem and someone I know even thinks that if he was elected, [2016-03-02 09:33:07] <voidiss> people would 'rebel' against this and remove it from the White House somehow and this is really absurd. [2016-03-02 09:33:16] <voidiss> On the other hand, even if they don't like Hillary a lot, they still think she wouldn't do as many damages as Trump. [2016-03-02 09:33:19] <voidiss> They don't get Hillary's sneakiness. [2016-03-02 10:23:55] <Emmy B> Hmm Things are as they are, the most powerful leader of the world, with impunity, finds imitators who will proudly 'come out'. Cultural/political imperialism goes deeper into a society ie, with Hilary US will be instigating civil wars, war and chaos, with Trump at the head of the merry-go-round, they will be springing up by themselves and he will be simply clapping - mirroring effect? [2016-03-02 10:38:46] <M> "Eric Schmidt, the former chief executive officer of Google, has agreed to head a new Pentagon advisory board aimed at bringing Silicon Valley innovation and best practices to the U.S. military, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday." [2016-03-02 10:42:30] <WISE Up Action> Mmmm lovely [2016-03-02 10:57:10] <WikiLeaks> Alphabet just proved its worth with "former head" fakery. [2016-03-02 11:12:07] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-02 13:48:59] <M> [Tweet] Article from @ProfessorsBlogg in VK [2016-03-02 14:15:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> M's right, an elected Trump is a figurehead and the govt will basically run itself in status quo, or nothing will get done b/c Congress will stalemate things. The VP may become unusually powerful, depending on who grabs it. It's just, as WL said, worse than shaming. Maybe the internal confusion will keep my country out of more war-expansion. Doubt it. :( [2016-03-02 14:19:24] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] From Bella recently: [2016-03-02 14:19:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> But yes, Hillary is far more dangerous. Trump's just an idiot and crazy. We've had incompetent Presidents before and survived. Hillary is outright malignant. She's my biggest fear. She's manipulative, megalomaniac, power- and money- hungry and wouldn't know a conscience if it bit her on the ass. [2016-03-02 14:20:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, these trolls are good at playing identity games. [2016-03-02 14:27:34] <WISE Up Action> H: Some similar language to the old Preston account...? [2016-03-02 16:04:36] <WikiLeaks> W has been involvd in fewer wars than Obama and no one can doubt surely what would have happened had Obama had a 9/11. [2016-03-02 16:08:20] <WikiLeaks> HC in whitehouse with her bloodlutt and amitions of empire with hawkish liberal-interventionist appointees like Slaughter and digital expansionists such as Google integrated into the power structure. Then the republicans and trump in opposition constantly saying she's weak and not invading enough. [2016-03-02 19:36:04] <WikiLeaks> We recommend Kajaki. [2016-03-02 19:37:34] <WikiLeaks> Possibly the best (anti)war film ever made. [2016-03-02 19:39:27] <WikiLeaks> We just tried the tweet and worked fine. What's the difference? [2016-03-02 19:40:51] <M> The one in WL's tweet works for me, too. [2016-03-02 19:42:45] <Emmy B> beautiful hourglass artwork [2016-03-02 21:00:29] <Emmy B> The parallel btw the Cumhurriet Editors and WikiLeaks continues in Turkey with daily articles. This one belongs to 'the other side' [2016-03-03 01:43:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-03 08:18:52] <M> Reuters article didn't mention this, but apparently Schmidt is saying the Pentagon advisory board "isn’t a company initiative, but rather a personal move". Because that's what we all strive for in our personal life, right? [2016-03-03 10:11:13] <M> WL: Foust's tweet is still there. Has he blocked you? [2016-03-03 10:12:07] <WikiLeaks> Something like that. [2016-03-03 10:12:36] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Haha. [2016-03-03 12:22:15] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-03 12:57:13] <WISE Up Action> Does that Foust guy mean to come over like an idiot? [2016-03-03 13:06:56] <M> [Tweet] He comes off as an idiot because he is an idiot. [2016-03-03 13:47:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Well, I thought the US wouldn't survive the first Clinton Presidency at that time. We'll survive, it just won't be pretty with either Hillary or Trump. But I'm still very worried about Hillary getting us into worse situations in the Middle East (it can, sadly, always get worse) and into wars with China and Russia, at the very least 'cold wars' but all her military corporate friends want to make money and that means boots on the ground in places they shouldn't be. Trump's more likely to go the isolationist route which is bad too but less bad and I still think a Trump Presidency would be a deadlock with Congress. 4 years of nothing. But I still think the GOP will get Cruz into the nomination by hook or crook or any means necessary. [2016-03-03 13:50:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> So does that personal move mean Schmidt has left Google? Somehow I suspect he's still promoting their interests which have become part & parcel of Hillary's. Power and control. [2016-03-03 13:51:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL M - that's the best thing about trolls like Foust. Their own idiocy speaks for itself. [2016-03-03 13:54:20] <M> No, he has not left Google (or "Alphabet"). He's just attempting to separate his Pentagon endeavors from his business one, which is bullshit. [2016-03-03 13:54:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Ah, yup, staying with Google. [2016-03-03 13:54:37] <LibertarianLibrarian> Was just reading that. [2016-03-03 13:55:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> <---- Disgusted [2016-03-03 21:51:58] <Emmy B> More on Google/Pentagon: [2016-03-03 21:55:10] <Emmy B> "Current Culture Minister Guillaume Long will take over the foreign ministry, said state news agency Andes." [2016-03-03 21:57:28] <M> That's great. Will be interesting to see Patino as defense minister, too. [2016-03-03 21:58:49] <Emmy B> yep, Guillaume Long interview with Going Underground in case anyone missed it: [2016-03-03 21:59:01] <Emmy B> about JA [2016-03-04 05:07:02] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-03-04 06:15:15] <Emmy B> [2016-03-04 06:19:07] <Emmy B> (very soon the refugees will be Kurds and Turks) :-( and all these arms in Turkey, in whose hands are they? [2016-03-04 06:21:05] <Emmy B> [2016-03-04 06:22:55] <Emmy B> No doubt Media orgs full of corruption themselves but this blatant take over (with judicial co-operation) of a newspaper is such bad news. Poor people. [2016-03-04 06:23:57] <Emmy B> Amnesty was silent on JA or Manning treatment for so long but they jump on this one... [2016-03-04 08:20:39] <M> Le Monde JA piece is online, but it is under paywall. [2016-03-04 08:27:31] <WISE Up Action> [2016-03-04 09:01:06] <Emmy B> That's a good one WiseUp x [2016-03-04 11:50:13] <Emmy B> Good work h :-) [2016-03-04 11:51:27] <Emmy B> Greta if you have a chance could you please give us some context to this, if you get a chance :-) - Thx [2016-03-04 11:51:42] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-04 11:55:55] <Emmy B> [2016-03-04 11:58:50] <Emmy B> [2016-03-04 12:08:00] <Emmy B> It sounds delicious! keep going and thanks so much for taking it forward :-D [2016-03-04 12:08:38] <Emmy B> keep digging x [2016-03-04 12:16:03] <WikiLeaks> "discuss$" is also interesting. [2016-03-04 12:20:40] <WikiLeaks> please appeal that FOIA hazel [2016-03-04 12:21:24] <WikiLeaks> SM cases? [2016-03-04 12:36:44] <M> Stafani Maurizi? [2016-03-05 03:12:11] <Emmy B> Goran Rudling has started posting again about the Assange case in his blog [2016-03-05 06:03:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, Rudling's post is crazy. Where does he get the bizarre idea Sweden didn't know Assange's arguments and respond, when everyone knows they did. They even knew the decision far in advance of him. Just...WTF? [2016-03-05 06:05:08] <Emmy B> Exactly [2016-03-05 06:34:54] <WikiLeaks> Btw Rudling and Sandra haand others ve been engaging in a private email influence campaign. [2016-03-05 06:35:05] <WikiLeaks> There are highly effective. [2016-03-05 06:36:35] <WikiLeaks> If it's a choice between spending time debating with nobodies on twitter e.g the way Bella wastes her time, and writing emails to people in positions of influence we know it is much more effective to write emails/letters. [2016-03-05 06:51:08] <Emmy B> Bella has educated a great number supporters on the details of the case just by following through her discussions. She is breaking down a complicated case in easily understood bits. Each one will choose how to spend their time according to ability and disposition. I think debating with trolls is certainly to be avoided. The letter writing is certainly an area we have not explored fully and it is worth doing more in that direction certainly. [2016-03-05 06:54:21] <Emmy B> hahaha certainties galore [2016-03-05 07:36:21] <M> [Tweet] Uh. [2016-03-05 07:39:07] <Emmy B> @ h no, good point, will get writing, mind you with Jenny Jones retiring, who will write back now? Still we keep going. [2016-03-05 07:40:41] <Emmy B> In her last, she suggested I write to Jeremy Corbyn. [2016-03-05 07:41:29] <Emmy B> I sent a PM Question time via Labour Party call out e-mail. [2016-03-05 07:44:38] <Emmy B> I went to Undercovercops Research public meeting last Friday hoping to see John MacDonnel who was to attend, he did not turn up due to illness, difficult to know what to do really, fearing might do more harm than good... but perhaps a mass letter to Westminster MPs might be ok? [2016-03-05 07:46:52] <Emmy B> (btw it was amazing to attend, how the police agents had relationship for years with activists for years sometimes having children with them, then disappearing, heartbreaking, 2 women involved spoke at the meeting) [2016-03-05 07:51:23] <Emmy B> you are right and I see today WL tweeted about Italian and Spanish MPs issuing statements. ok next week then :-) [2016-03-05 23:17:11] <Emmy B> O'Hagan at it again in New Zealand [2016-03-05 23:46:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Does NSA operate via Souda Bay in Greece? [2016-03-06 08:26:49] <Emmy B> MGT's FWLF FB page Update: very quiet but he is either buying FB likes and comments or he is being trolled: [2016-03-06 08:27:44] <Emmy B> [Media-image] over 900 shares for a post? pull the other one! [2016-03-06 08:29:21] <Emmy B> Everything is possible: [2016-03-06 08:45:31] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] A source link would be useful for this [2016-03-06 08:50:07] <WISE Up Action> Sweden. Ha. [2016-03-06 08:57:13] <M> It's based on a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll. There's a summary here, but I'm not sure where the more detailed information comes from, or if it exists. [2016-03-06 09:03:16] <M> Here it is. You have to look at each country individually. [2016-03-06 09:04:53] <WISE Up Action> Thanks! [2016-03-06 13:27:09] <M> "Google is debuting a new tool for celebrities and businesses to share information directly to Google’s search results." [2016-03-06 13:51:11] <Emmy B> Quote: "What’s unclear yet is how Google will monetize these posts, and whether they will become an advertising product." [2016-03-06 13:52:23] <Emmy B> or establish Google further as an information power broker and propagandist platform with invisible strings attached? [2016-03-06 14:06:51] <Emmy B> Interesting parallel, Fresh from the press, in recent years Siemens bribes to Greek politicians and political parties have been called for what they have been. This week there is a concentrated effort to present them as legal donations!!! In the Information market Google is trading, 'donating' space to celebrities and political personalities could be a disguised bribe. In the monopolistic position Google has carved for itself such 'bribes' serve only as barriers of entry to other players as the Monopoly from an economic power moves to couple with established political power. Whilst states have in the past tried and tested methods of breaking up monopolies/oligopolies, in the Information era, in the ether world, the proposition package offered to the shakers and movers of state (ie free PR access) and society is too attractive for any state institution or group to seek to legislate against it, at least in this current 'wildwest' market stage. Continental Europe has made some efforts against Google, whether these will continue now that G is intertwining so publicly with US state power (eg. Pentagon) is to be seen. [2016-03-06 20:42:34] <WikiLeaks> Almost no point emailing Mps unless they are a constitute, but for people who don't receive a constant deluge of email this can be powerful. e.g like people in key positions of amnesty, liberty, reprive, in the fco, homeoffice, business people, un, unhcr etc. [2016-03-06 20:43:49] <WikiLeaks> and mps/meps in their function of being on related parliamentry committees [2016-03-06 20:44:19] <WikiLeaks> swedish ambassadors, businessmen, consuls [2016-03-06 21:16:14] <Emmy B> Ok thanks for this, such people are more difficult to identify unless one has years of experience in HR work. Which I don't, still, at my level, parliament offers opportunities. [2016-03-06 21:16:27] <WISE Up Action> OK. I'll do Amnesty and Liberty and give it some thought generally re others x [2016-03-06 21:17:54] <Emmy B> This is great W! [2016-03-07 04:43:20] <WikiLeaks> Thanks W, please share your letter to give people ideas. [2016-03-07 05:18:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, if there's a list of good choices to email, Pls share it. I'm usually slightly behind but I'm facing two 7 hour train rides on Friday and next Mon. [2016-03-07 08:00:09] <M> [Tweet] Google a big part of this, as a visual shows up when searching about the primaries. [2016-03-07 12:05:24] <WikiLeaks> Please email this to amnesty + competition (hrw, human rights first etc) leaders in your countries [2016-03-07 18:30:20] <voidiss> Okay, we have finally finished the NHSMUN simulation and adopted a 'resolution' on the topic. And it is horrible. [2016-03-07 18:30:51] <voidiss> A colossal farce, just like too often it happens in reality. Sure, it states that SPECPOL committee wants a two-States solutions for [2016-03-07 18:31:10] <voidiss> the Israeli-Palestinian problem, but I only mention that in it there is a proposal to ""aid"" Palestinian refugees by creating [2016-03-07 18:31:45] <voidiss> a tracking system and a database that will keep data for 20 years and also it includes an amendment that urges to keep [2016-03-07 18:32:13] <voidiss> the Israeli-West Bank barrier to protect Israel's national security (the beloved natsec) and encourages Israeli-controlled checkpoints [2016-03-07 18:33:19] <voidiss> along it, purportedly to ""ease"" access for Palestinians (riiight, we all believe that); it'd use that database to allow passage. [2016-03-07 18:33:33] <voidiss> Yes, it vaguely gives the possibility to make them monitored by some independent orgs, but we all know how it would end if it was true. [2016-03-07 18:33:44] <voidiss> Plus, it calls for Israeli oversight of land historically owned by Palestinians now occupied by the barriers. [2016-03-07 18:33:57] <voidiss> Oh, and I haven't mentioned the best bit yet: a proposal to offer countries 'carbon credits' to offset the costs associated with [2016-03-07 18:34:19] <voidiss> carbon emissions violations in exchange for hosting more refugees. And well, hosting more refugees would be good, [2016-03-07 18:34:23] <voidiss> but not in this way... ever heard of climate change, guys? No, apparently no. [2016-03-07 18:35:03] <voidiss> It was voted with a HUGE majority. And even worse, it was backed by a HUGE majority - the number of sponsors and signatories [2016-03-07 18:35:27] <voidiss> amounted to almost the whole committee. The only other draft resolution (that was way better, more pro-Palestine and was obviously rejected) [2016-03-07 18:35:40] <voidiss> was backed by the delegates representing Iran and a just few others. [2016-03-07 18:35:56] <voidiss> And the worst thing is that I was obliged to back the bad one because of my country's policy. [2016-03-07 18:36:18] <voidiss> And despite this, I tried to change at least the worst parts but no one listened. I repeated many times my privacy/environmental [2016-03-07 18:36:31] <voidiss> concerns but... silence. It was overwhelmingly distressing, really. I actually cried when it passed. [2016-03-07 18:36:48] <voidiss> God, those guys are the leaders and delegates of tomorrow. Our world is fucked up. [2016-03-07 18:37:05] <voidiss> But apart from all this, it was really interesting and NYC is a striking city! [2016-03-07 18:37:06] <voidiss> As soon as I come back home, I email Italian Amnesty. Then I'll leave for the LoganCIJ! :) [2016-03-07 22:22:07] <Emmy B> Wonderful Greta, lots of good things despite frustrations. Enjoy LoganCIJ! :-) [2016-03-08 06:33:44] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, that is a bit shocking, Greta. Great experience, though. Glad you've had some time in NYC. I find it a bit overwhelming when I go in, but I'm glad to have access without living in it. Enjoy the Logan conference! [2016-03-08 11:19:58] <Emmy B> @Researchgruppen was put early on on our anti- wikileaks Troll list (recommended for blocking) early on, can't remember why I added their name at the time, they must have trolled us. [2016-03-08 11:21:02] <Emmy B> I will put an archived link with the revelations against their name. [2016-03-08 13:03:06] <Emmy B> The original Page of Amnesty International Sweden viewing their dissent is blank [2016-03-08 13:05:27] <Emmy B> Here is Fredriksson's e-mail to Amnesty Sweden and they reply dated 27th of Sep 2012 [2016-03-08 13:06:53] <Emmy B> Here is a report of the matter by (original not there any more) captured by wayback machine: [2016-03-08 13:09:09] <Emmy B> @ W if you are writing to Amnesty UK with the news about Fredriksson check out if Nicola Duckworth, Senior Director for Research at Amnesty Intenational's headquarters in London, is still working there, she is quoted in the local's article, would be the right person as she would for sure have ben originally involved and may now wish to comment. [2016-03-08 13:12:26] <Emmy B> If Fredriksson was working for SAPO at the time, many who commented at the end of the article could have been his colleagues. [2016-03-08 13:32:18] <WikiLeaks> What kind of prisoner's rights organization ("amnesty") campaigns to have someone extradited into prison and against guarentees of re-extradition? [2016-03-08 13:35:30] <Emmy B> Indeed! [2016-03-08 13:38:20] <Emmy B> Fredriksson also pops up here: [2016-03-08 13:55:50] <Emmy B> ResearchGruppen collaboration with Expressen on the above story: [2016-03-08 14:01:47] <WikiLeaks> Swedes still refuse to talk about the JA/WL angle. [2016-03-08 14:02:02] <WikiLeaks> What a vile little society. [2016-03-08 14:03:10] <Emmy B> There is more about the guy here: [2016-03-08 14:06:57] <Emmy B> arrogance and hypocrisy (they have monarchs still UK/Sweden how can they not be experts?) [2016-03-08 14:12:22] <Emmy B> some more stuff on the guy appear here: [2016-03-08 14:23:12] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] [2016-03-08 14:46:04] <Emmy B> [Tweet] This 'haters' expose Fredriksson potentially mastermind, why does it bring to mind this? [2016-03-08 14:58:56] <Emmy B> I don't know what to make of this, another researchgruppen staff [2016-03-08 15:09:03] <WikiLeaks> Which tweet? [2016-03-09 08:21:05] <Emmy B> What I hinted above is the following: Fredriksson was involved in a. 'exposing' vulnerabilities at Disqus b. 'exposing' Right-wing haters via Expressen collaboration. We now know Fredriksson was a SAPO agent. Therefore his actions had ulterior motives, other than the ones he professed. What would that motive be? a. generally snoop around and collect personal info as well as dirt on ppl that SAPO could lean on for political and other influence. b. create a name for his organisation for protecting privacy (!!!??? preposterous I know) and protecting the vulnerable. c. Focusing on 'haters', creating a scandal, contribute in massaging public opinion on how dangerous online hate speech is when right-wingers are involved, singing from the same song sheet that calls for censoring 'insulting online speech' after re-defining it as 'violence online' pushing public opinion in a certain direction. [2016-03-09 08:23:55] <WikiLeaks> what we need is women who slept with him to come forward and say they were raped because they did not consent to sleeping with a sapo agent [2016-03-09 08:47:36] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-09 08:49:35] <Emmy B> *I know* i often thought during the public meeting I went to about the women (and the rest of the individuals) involved with the undercover agents how is it that for Example the Edward Snowden revelations of widespread surveillance or JA's 24/7 surveillance or WL revelations about surveillance were never mentioned. To me it feels the same political issue of surveillance. The study the organisers did showed that this practice (agents sleeping with the objects of surveillance) went on continuously for a period of 30 years, ie, it proves we are not dealing with isolated cases of rogue agents but of a practice that was propagated by the state actors. One of the lawyers suggested to criminalise for agents to have sex with people they surveill. Still despite the public attention that has been created, the play, the book, the documentary, the public enquiry, why is it that such highly political issue as state surveillance has been kind of de-politicised via its personalisation. Yes, the women who exposed this practice did so in a personal capacity, yes, there might be as a result some responsibility apportioned, some compensation given but it seems to me this is an isolationist approach, a de-politicization, compartmentalised. At a time when in the UK there is the snoopers charter very much in the news, and there are campaigns via ngo's civil society to push back, at the time when you have Jenny Jones scandalously been surveilled and lied on in FOI request for her files, time when Caroline Lucas legal action proved Wilson doctrine is a puff of air, time when JA surveilled 24/7 at enormous cost etc etc at the time when Trade Unionists expose and push back regarding blacklisting, why is it that all these matters are not unified under the same banner and find a loud political voice in Westminster. So yes, WL statement has various levels, 1. What does it take to create public opinion to react to the Fredriksson scandal? perhaps the personal drama of the women or men he was involved with sexually, even then it might be that society only sees the wrong in his conduct only under the prism of personal betrayal which they will describe as abuse. 2. What does it take for Swedish public opinion to see it is the Swedish state that is behaving in this manner, ie it is a political matter, that Fredriksson deceived, lied and manipulated because it was in his job description, he received a salary for it and he had a performance appraisal at the end of it, all paid for by the Swedish Taxpayer. 3. When does the Swedish public opinion define such behaviour as corruption, ie state surveilance, deception, manipulation is corruption, even in a 'democracy'. [2016-03-09 09:25:01] <M> [Tweet] Hah. I always love the diversity of WL supporters. An MMA fighter! [2016-03-09 10:23:48] <voidiss> [Tweet] [2016-03-10 02:31:08] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-10 08:41:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-10 08:41:49] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-03-10 08:43:10] <Emmy B> Our reach out to the Swedish Community in London continues.😃 [2016-03-10 08:50:15] <WikiLeaks> That's great. They'll hate that. [2016-03-10 08:51:20] <WikiLeaks> All looks good, but the red/blue free Assange banner is looking a little tired. The transparcy banner is better, but might not be suitable for this location? [2016-03-10 08:55:25] <Emmy B> Time for a new banner then :-) [2016-03-10 10:38:50] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-03-11 00:54:11] <M> [Tweet] FYI [2016-03-11 02:02:39] <Emmy B> Thank you! [2016-03-11 08:26:17] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-11 08:26:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-11 10:45:31] <Emmy B> the live streem at Logan is still live we can hear sound engineers btw the symposium and perhaps Ecuadorian embassy? is this wise? [2016-03-11 10:46:08] <Emmy B> here: [2016-03-11 10:46:37] <Emmy B> guy Hoze says he needs coffee [2016-03-11 10:47:16] <Emmy B> I can't believe they are broadcasting this stuff live [2016-03-11 10:48:58] <Emmy B> hahahaha [2016-03-11 10:49:34] <Emmy B> 'just make sure you have Julian up and ready..." great !!!??? [2016-03-11 11:00:19] <Emmy B> finally they tuned a musical theme [2016-03-11 12:30:24] <M> [Tweet] Andrew O'Hagan spoke about JA on Radio NZ. Audio not available yet, but will keep an eye out. [2016-03-11 12:46:59] <Emmy B> I know it's not very lady-like and I shouldn't but can I just spit on the guy? [2016-03-11 12:54:19] <Emmy B> We have a name for the 50 pound Heckler, Peter Penfold or Mr Banana [2016-03-11 13:05:06] <Emmy B> No one asked JA about the quote [2016-03-11 13:05:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-11 14:35:38] <M> Here's the O'Hagan audio (at 19:40).'hagan-war,-afghanistan,-assange [2016-03-11 15:22:31] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm with Emmy. It's very tempting to be childish towards O'Hagan because that's how he acts. So spitting on him sounds about his age. [2016-03-11 15:27:09] <Emmy B> hahaha x if only I could be a child again I'd give him a black eye hahaha Jenny let's be pirates - goodnight everyone :-) [2016-03-11 15:38:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL, I'd lean towards dumping him in some mud, though not sure he'd know the difference from his normal condition. [2016-03-11 15:38:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> Night Em. [2016-03-12 01:38:53] <M> Nice shout-out to WL and JA from Sy Hersh today in his Logan talk. [2016-03-12 07:54:42] <WikiLeaks> We missed it. [2016-03-12 07:57:12] <M> I'm sure the video will be up soon. It was a comment on the importance of the cables, how Hersh often uses them, and how great they will be for historians. [2016-03-12 09:13:46] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-12 10:10:43] <Emmy B> Audio [2016-03-12 11:11:40] <Emmy B> I missed the Harrison/Colvin/Love session and I don't see it here archived, let's hope it will be released later. [2016-03-12 11:55:01] <WikiLeaks> Is there a voice archive? [2016-03-12 12:25:35] <Emmy B> Here we can listen to several of the speeches: [2016-03-12 12:27:03] <Emmy B> 13 speeches / panel events can be found here. [2016-03-12 12:29:02] <Emmy B> From History to the future with Speaker: Gavin MacFayden 12th March 2016 | 18:00 – 18:30 McFay [2016-03-12 12:30:27] <M> It seems they have the main talks, but if I understand correctly, the Courage Foundation talk was in a different area. I tweeted both Voice Republic and LoganCIJ to see if a recording was done of the break-off workshops. [2016-03-12 12:31:38] <Emmy B> Live call with Edward Snowden 12th March 2016 | 17:15 – 18:00 Snowden addresses the audience in Berlin [2016-03-12 12:32:50] <Emmy B> Difficult Targets Speakers: Tim Jenkin, Matt Kennard, Stefania Maurizi, Paul von Ribbeck, and Matthias Spielkamp. Moderator: Caroline Nevejan 12th March 2016 | 15:15 – 16:45 [2016-03-12 12:33:50] <Emmy B> The future of OS Speakers: David Mirza Ahmad, Bruce Leidl, Joanna Rutkowska, and Tails. Moderator: Jacob Appelbaum. 12th March 2016 | 15:00 – 16:00 [2016-03-12 12:34:39] <Emmy B> Today’s investigative platforms Speakers: Markus Beckedahl, Simona Levi, Edwy Plenel and Rob Wijnberg. Moderator: Bernd Fix 12th March 2016 | 11:30 – 13:00 [2016-03-12 12:36:18] <Emmy B> Challenge Power II Speakers: Seymour Hersh. Moderator: Gavin MacFadyen 12th March 2016 | 9:30 – 11:00 [2016-03-12 12:37:49] <Emmy B> Fighting the Global Arena Speakers: Giordano Nanni, Juice Rap News Live Show, Julian Assange and Subgraph. Moderator: Jérémie Zimmermann 11th March 2016 | 20:00 – 22:00 [2016-03-12 12:38:44] <Emmy B> “Can you hear me now?” Speakers: Cage, Thomas Drake, Annegret Falter, Jesselyn Radack, William Binney and Holger Stark. Moderator: Gavin MacFadyen 11th March 2016 | 16:00 – 18:00 [2016-03-12 12:39:31] <Emmy B> Transparency and Protection Speakers: Jesselyn Radack, MC McGrath, Marcel Rosenbach and Richard Tynan. Moderator: Andy Müller-Maguhn 11th March 2016 | 14:30 – 15:30 [2016-03-12 12:40:28] <Emmy B> Reports from the front Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum, Eveline Lubbers, Nafeez Ahmed, Natalia Viana, Martin Welz and Anas Aremeyaw Anas Moderator: John Goetz 11th March 2016 | 11:30 – 13:00 [2016-03-12 12:41:40] <Emmy B> Challenge Power I Speaker: P. Sainath. Moderator: Gavin MacFadyen 11th March 2016 | 9:30 – 11:00 [2016-03-12 12:42:05] <Emmy B> These are all the recordings displayed so far, all audio only. [2016-03-12 12:44:48] <Emmy B> I will tweet the links now apart from the first one as it is all thanks and acknowledgements (WikiLeaks gets a mention to great applause). [2016-03-12 12:46:50] <Emmy B> I really enjoyed the Challenge Power I with P. Sainath. all about India really fascinating and I recommend it. [2016-03-12 14:30:23] <Emmy B> WoW! [2016-03-12 14:33:55] <Emmy B> [Media-image] First Asterix then this [2016-03-12 14:35:51] <Emmy B> what's next? :-) [2016-03-12 14:36:51] <Emmy B> hey would the artists donate an image for the wikileaks store? [2016-03-12 15:35:56] <WikiLeaks> What stuff were they broadcasty live, emmy? [2016-03-12 17:02:17] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-12 17:13:05] <WikiLeaks> Where's "The Voluntaryists" from? [2016-03-12 17:14:15] <M> Here's the video for their comic Kickstarter: [2016-03-12 17:14:49] <M> Official webpage: [2016-03-13 07:11:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm not familiar with it, but a lot of American libertarians call themselves 'voluntaryists' - that's the only context I have. Cool cover art! [2016-03-13 07:17:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> OK, I can't resist. If I get taken for $10 I can live with that, but I want to see the early release digital comic when/if it comes out. LOL [2016-03-13 07:20:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-03-13 07:30:02] <voidiss> That sculpture at logancij - other than a neat piece of art itself - is also a small model for a future real-size sculpture. In Berlin (I don't remember where) there's already a hourglass sculpture and an artist is in the process of asking to the officials in charge of that the permission to paint it with WL logo colours, so there will be a WL 'monument' in Berlin centre! [2016-03-13 07:36:05] <Emmy B> All good contributions, thanks everyone, out and about with family today so not much time, amazing murray post!!! And looking forwards to more videos/audios from Logan as they come out. Greta, great news looking forward to your comments of the events xxx [2016-03-13 07:41:16] <Emmy B> I forwarded S Hersh commentary on Syria to militaire, new greek national defence website, they immediately published it, his views, always valuable will reach an audience, the Greek military which views with alarm Nato activity in the Aegean, Turkeys bazar style bargaining with Nato and EU and a civil administration in Greece captured by the financial strangulation and the creditors demands. [2016-03-13 07:44:00] <Emmy B> If civil admin loses the confidence of the army Greece will go back to darkest days. Will the politicians left and right finally break through and effectively manage the crisis? [2016-03-13 07:44:04] <WikiLeaks> Greek title over the Islands close to Turkey are not sustainable from a military perspective [2016-03-13 07:45:18] <WikiLeaks> Turkey is going to continue to harress them until Greece gives way, which it will. [2016-03-13 07:46:47] <WikiLeaks> Unlikely to be a formal hander over, but Greece will have to make an informal concession at some stage. [2016-03-13 08:06:13] <Emmy B> Such a view is abhorrent. Last time US auctioned off Hellenic land to Turkey with the assistance of UK and Israel it took a military regime in Greece to act as their willing pawn. [2016-03-13 08:08:38] <Emmy B> The military regime was enabled because of internal political instability festered for decades by the greek palace. This factor is absent from Greek politics since 1974. [2016-03-13 08:13:46] <Emmy B> Turkey the aggressor has been indeed emboldened by the impunity they enjoyed 40 yrs on on Cyprus invasion and occupation. What perhaps is not understood in the West is that the ambitions are not just half the Aegean. For why should Turkey establish a naval vase in Albania? [2016-03-13 08:14:23] <Emmy B> I leave the conversation here :-) [2016-03-13 08:21:02] <Emmy B> But here is what happened in the region not that long ago [2016-03-13 11:07:01] <voidiss> This kind of slow, silent expansionism that we see in the Aegan makes me think that 'neutral zones' have no chance of survival in this world, because the most powerful country in question would surely find a way to slowly overcome the 'neutral' barrier. When in NYC we were discussing about possible political solutions for the Israel-Palestine problem, someone in my committee came up and proposed to transform Jerusalem and a small area around it into 'international zone', therefore neutral and supervised by the UN. When he said that - even if the situation are different - this Turkey-Greece case popped up in my mind. I mean, here we see a 'frontier zone' between Turkey and Greece, but this frontier zone is blurred because of the presence of sea and various islands, so even if officially there's an established sovereignty, it's easy to create 'grey zones', make everything less fixed, and therefore giving Turkey possibility to expand without using violence, that would attract uncomfortable world's attention. In the Israel-Palestine zone is pretty much the same: there have been episodes of intense violence, but the core of Israeli invasion is being made by slowly eroding Palestinian territories, by seizing metre after metre. And, well, it's clear that this would happen in the case of a neutral zone too. Plus, if we consider that the external superpowers will help the powerful country in question (as NATO with Turkey, more or less), neutral zones can be nothing but facades. [2016-03-13 11:13:48] <WikiLeaks> Emmy, it is not fair, but unless Greece installs Russian or Chinese bases on those Islands or something equally bold it is going to lose them bar Turkey being seriously weakened elsewhere. [2016-03-13 11:17:49] <WikiLeaks> Strategically it should make a settlement at the moment Turkey is weak and Greece is strong. But that won't happen due to Greece's political structure. So the settelment will come when Greece is at its weakest and Turkey is at its strongest. [2016-03-13 11:22:03] <WikiLeaks> Erodgan and company are intent on going back to pre-1914 borders as much as possible. [2016-03-13 11:30:35] <Emmy B> Russia has never been serious neither will they be now. No idea about China. in 1770 (read Orlof) Greeks handed it on the plate, no Russia took what they wanted from Turkey after encouraging insurgency and revolution in Greece as a distraction, then dropped Greeks like a hot potato. In 1917 lost in their own revolution Russia was the first to sign peace treaty with Ataturk prompting the other 'great powers' of the time to scram in competition with the other to sign peace treaties with Turkey leaving Greek army in the middle of Anatolia fighting alone, a complete defeat that led to the catastrophic Lozanne treaty of 1923. In Yalta, they sold off Greece outright to the West despite having a very loyal communist led national army on their side. That is why I don't think they are serious. If only Russia had been more decisive in the Cyprus issue against Turkey perhaps they could have been taken seriously, who knows, but they didn't. They still could, they don't. [2016-03-13 11:32:56] <Emmy B> you mention 1914, well, it reminds me more of 1918. [2016-03-13 11:49:28] <Emmy B> Then in the treaty of Moudros in Lemnos Ottoman Empire was broken up and 2 years later in 1920 The Treatie of Sevres articles 62 and 64 mentioned the creation of Kurdistan. Soon after the allies peace making and the defeat of the greek army meant there was no one to make the new Turkey comply with such articles. The Kurdish issue has reached certain maturity today. We are watching what will Russia will do, will they be successful in getting the Kurds to sit around the table at the UN peace negotiations for Syria? Will they clench the deal for a Syrian Kurdish state? They have invited Dimitras (Kurds in Turkey) to open offices in Moscow, will they follow through or will they damp them once they get what they want in Syria? [2016-03-13 12:16:01] <M> [Media-image] Re the hourglass sculpture, I'm thinking it must be this one at Berlin, Admiralstrasse 1. [2016-03-13 14:14:27] <Emmy B> regarding the comic injust read [2016-03-13 14:16:12] <Emmy B> In part 1 'Saving Snowden' the superheroes are fighting Putin and smuggle him to Ecuador !!! [2016-03-13 14:16:36] <Emmy B> hmmm [2016-03-13 20:47:30] <M> From a review of Showtime's "Dark Net": "The first story here is that of open-source guns being made through 3D-printing (described as the “Wikileaks” of weapons)." [2016-03-13 20:57:29] <M> [Tweet] Haha, what?! Ball is doing adverts for Norton now? [2016-03-13 21:19:14] <WikiLeaks> Pathetic. [2016-03-13 21:19:40] <WikiLeaks> JA has rejected all advertisements. [2016-03-13 21:27:09] <WikiLeaks> A journalist spouting ethics in a commercial for some dodgy security service while at the same time promoting censorship. [2016-03-13 21:27:43] <M> Just when you thought he couldn't go any lower. [2016-03-13 21:28:23] <M> And of course, still riding WikiLeaks' coattails. [2016-03-13 21:30:23] <WikiLeaks> After over five years having worked for three weeks! [2016-03-13 21:31:33] <M> I guess "Buzzfeed contributor" just doesn't have the same finesse. :P [2016-03-13 21:32:54] <WikiLeaks> It is impressive that we leave such eddies behind us that passing flotsam like Ball can drift along in it for 5 years. [2016-03-13 21:46:14] <M> Yes. It does say something quite extraordinary about WL's influence. It's just unfortunate that opportunists are able to exploit it. [2016-03-13 21:48:23] <WikiLeaks> It seems like it has ended a poor option for mos tof them. [2016-03-13 21:52:17] <WikiLeaks> Even DDB who got the 'most' out of it is a reviled figure now in his own community, ecking out a 5th rate poorly paid talk for a regional germany company every few months and relegated to being a house husband who nevously answers the door. [2016-03-13 21:55:54] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] Epicly amusing confusion: [2016-03-14 00:09:57] <M> [Tweet] Voice Republic didn't get the Courage Foundation talk. Hopefully someone else did -- it sounds like it was quite good. Haven't heard back from LoganCIJ whether they recorded it or not. [2016-03-14 00:47:15] <Emmy B> I got an apology e-mail from the Charity IBA who employ Peter Penfold the GBP 50 heckler. [2016-03-14 00:50:55] <voidiss> LOL, WL! Some time ago, I used to write small stories for personal pleasure and many of them were WL-inspired. [2016-03-14 00:51:07] <voidiss> And there was a minor character, DDB-like, who was depicted exactly as "a house husband who nervously answers the door". [2016-03-14 00:51:19] <voidiss> That was my personal revenge for all smears that were even able to confuse me in the first period of my support. Fuck DDB. [2016-03-14 00:52:01] <voidiss> Re Courage talk, it was great, yes! Lauri extensively explained his case and even drew a parallel with Apple vs FBI, [2016-03-14 00:52:13] <voidiss> in terms of being obliged to decrypt something, and the possible consequences of Apple defeat on individuals, not just corps. [2016-03-14 00:52:24] <voidiss> Anyway, focus of the discussion was the need to remove barriers between whistleblowers and hacktivists, and ensure same protection to both. [2016-03-14 01:12:57] <Emmy B> Thank you Greta <3 very insightful :-) [2016-03-14 09:02:07] <Emmy B> A very brief overview of Turkish Russian relations: [2016-03-14 11:41:56] <Emmy B> Tom Sorell's attack on WikiLeaks and Assange in the Oxford University blog site: [2016-03-14 11:42:55] <Emmy B> Archived here: [2016-03-14 13:44:48] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-14 19:03:50] <M> Another O'Hagan interview. Seems he is interesting in bringing his JA piece back to attention. [2016-03-14 19:05:07] <M> An interesting admission that he thought JA would need to "prepare himself" for the publication of the piece. He realized he was putting out something that could harm JA. [2016-03-14 19:28:49] <M> New interview with Mads Andenæs on UNWGAD [2016-03-14 20:33:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Thank for sharing M I sent O'Hagan interviewer my 'personal perspective blog post' [2016-03-14 20:45:29] <Emmy B> Excellent Andanaes interview :-) [2016-03-14 23:29:39] <Emmy B> Turkish MIT budget for 2016 500 million euro, god help them what Erdogan has in store for Kurds and dissidents. [2016-03-14 23:32:44] <Emmy B> 48% increase from 2015 [2016-03-15 03:37:30] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-03-15 06:26:56] <Emmy B> Amazing graphic! :-) [2016-03-15 06:48:49] <Bean> cheerz :) [2016-03-15 08:08:39] <WikiLeaks> [2016-03-15 10:47:04] <Emmy B> thank you, it explains a lot! [2016-03-15 11:10:03] <M> New piece in Dagens Juridik "Criticism of UN jurists in the Assange case lacks humanism that is the basis for the rule of law" [2016-03-15 22:30:57] <M> Seth Rogan released the trailer for his CG animated comedy "Sausage Party", leading people to discover the script has been on WikiLeaks: [2016-03-15 23:58:19] <M> The trailer isn't great, but the script is truly terrible. People have discovered a four-page over-the-top orgy in the script and they're going bonkers over how awful it is. [2016-03-16 04:31:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> Wow, I'd actually forgotten DDB existed since he disappeared after The 5th Estate bombed. People like him and Ball are so pathetic. It's similar to the celebrity - stalker mentality only more self'-serving. [2016-03-16 04:32:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great to see the continued pressure on the UK and Sweden to obey the UN ruling. [2016-03-16 04:33:31] <Emmy B> His book was the very first out for sale - I read it back in winter 2011. I wonder who gave him the idea to do it in the first place. [2016-03-16 04:34:52] <Emmy B> Special Session: Operation Vula with Tim Jenkin: The final act of the banned ANC in the dying years of apartheid, before Nelson Mandela was released [2016-03-16 04:35:38] <Emmy B> New #Logancij16 audio presentation. [2016-03-16 05:38:19] <Bean> there's a very cool new campaign brewing here [2016-03-16 05:40:07] <Bean> website is on the way... feel free to follow now... save retweeting that one and only tweet until the site launches [2016-03-16 07:50:50] <Emmy B> *yes!* [2016-03-16 10:41:38] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-16 10:48:29] <Emmy B> Loving the new Search engine, without it the info would be not be approachable to me. Thank you WL !!!! [2016-03-16 15:35:17] <M> [Tweet] Poll with an obvious answer ;) [2016-03-16 17:02:42] <WISE Up Action> [2016-03-16 22:07:59] <Emmy B> When I press the button for second page on the Clinton Email Search results I get: "Query failed. Please check your syntax." [2016-03-16 22:14:10] <Emmy B> Greek gov might fall [2016-03-17 05:16:24] <WikiLeaks> Em, still happening? [2016-03-17 08:43:00] <Emmy B> Crisis avoided for now. Junior gov partner 'Independent Greeks' convened a meeting and decided to support the government but they demand Refugee petty minister muzalas resignation over his error to call FYROM 'Macedonia' in public. [2016-03-17 09:01:33] <Emmy B> Everyone is calling FYROM Macedonia, he got carried away and made a simple mistake for which he has apologised. The problem is not so much the name but the irredentism coming from FYROM with territorial claims and rhetoric identical to the 1940's Bulgarian Macedonian 'state' established by Burgaria in WWII. For those who do not know, Bulgaria was part of the Axis in WWII and one of the three occupying forces in Greece together with Italy and Germany. The Bulgarians were the worst of the three in occupying Greece because they materialised their strategic goal to access to the Aegean Archipelago. During the earlier 20th century Balkan Wars. Greece militarily defeated Bulgaria and so the newly liberated from Ottoman rule became part of Greece. Then there was an agreed exchange of population between Greece and Bulgaria as a means to bring 'stability' which happened. In WWII Bulgaria as part of axis took the opportunity to be extra brutal as part of ethnic cleansing efforts to annex the area for good. After the war they paid reparations to Greece. That is why the FYROM rhetoric is so difficult to accept. On the surface everyone is talking 'what's in a name?' thinking Greece is unreasonable. But the issue is complex. [2016-03-17 09:34:43] <Emmy B> No one in Greece is challenging FYROM's right to sovereignty self rule or borders. The collapse of the Iron curtain was looked favourably at home in the 90's as finally Greece would be able to trade with its northern neighbours. No one anticipated the irredentism and nationalistic bravado of the past that had dominated early 20th century geopolitics and state formation would be coming back to life as a result of the breakdown of Yugoslavia. 2.5 million of its southern inhabitants declared self rule. Great but why would they chose to alienate 20% of its population that is Albanian (they are not Slavs) by identifying with the Greek Macedonian identity whilst they are not Greek. They claim ancient Macedon was not Greek as if the two are mutually exclusive, a historical ignorance of mammoth proportions "We call greek all those who share our culture" was the definition of Greeks in ancient time (common language, religion, traditions, trading relations) but that world had dozens of kingdoms, city states, islands without formal state structure. Some shared alliances and others fought bitter wars between them. Phillip of Macedon was the first with the ambition to unite all Greeks under his Kingdom and Alexander the Great realised this ambition then went on to conquer other territories, the rest is history. To conclude, you could be a Greek and not a Macedon (eg you could be a Thracian Greek like Thukididis or an Athenian Greek like Pericles, a Spartian Greek like Leonidas) but you could not be a Macedon without being Greek. [2016-03-17 09:43:33] <Emmy B> apologies for the long rants but you see it all ties in with the geopolitics of our era. I will put some links here in case anyone would like to read the issues. Could this issue bring down the government? Well I don't think the minority party 'Independent Greeks' would make such a fuss if it was not important for their long term electoral survival. On the other hand it shows the pressures this government is under when practically nothing goes its way. If a simple error has led to such crisis, the writing is on the wall. [2016-03-17 09:57:38] <Emmy B> [2016-03-17 09:57:50] <Emmy B> [2016-03-17 09:59:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-17 10:03:19] <Emmy B> [2016-03-17 10:51:18] <Emmy B> [Tweet] oh great! [2016-03-17 15:57:18] <voidiss> Uh, look what the cat dragged in! It seems that the Human Rights Committee's 7th review and the criticism re UNWGAD actually put something in action: Sweden is now proposing a reform to give courts and not prosecutors the right to decide on restrictions and even to set a maximum time for detention. [2016-03-17 15:58:45] <voidiss> (By the way, thank you very very much, Emmy, for all the information you provided. Long rants don't annoy at all, they're very informative for me instead!) [2016-03-17 20:04:16] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-17 20:05:55] <M> Gov't mistake just confirmed that Snowden was the target of the 2013 Lavabit case [2016-03-17 21:01:57] <M> This email has gotten some minor attention already, but maybe time to bring it up again. Shows Google/Youtube enforcing a block on behalf of Hillary. [2016-03-17 23:45:22] <Emmy B> beautiful article by Action Aid! [2016-03-18 00:09:43] <Emmy B> Ladar Levison press statement on State citing Lavabite case in FBI vs Apple [2016-03-18 05:37:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-03-18 05:38:14] <WISE Up Action> ‘Looking for adventure’: German BNG agent turned CIA mole sentenced to 8yrs [2016-03-18 07:05:48] <M> Interesting article on how the US has moulded the "Insider Threat" program in response to WL/Manning [2016-03-18 19:08:48] <Cabledrum> [Tweet] Does anybody know something about it? [2016-03-18 20:42:06] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Not a clue, have @hcker_centre blocked, where not always as sharp: (from 2013) [2016-03-18 20:53:26] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-18 20:54:13] <Emmy B> but I see they changed their tune later. [2016-03-18 21:01:27] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-18 21:01:44] <Emmy B> I will unblock and engage. [2016-03-18 21:12:55] <M> If you look through all their tweets about WikiLeaks, it looks like they were misled by WLF for a period of time in the first months of their account, but it seems like they have always been supporters of WL & JA. [2016-03-18 21:18:39] <Emmy B> They just sent me a pastebin link and password I will go have a look. [2016-03-18 21:18:48] <Emmy B> via DM [2016-03-18 21:31:45] <Emmy B> more info on Jeffrey guy, copied and pasted to Cabledrummer. [2016-03-18 21:32:59] <Emmy B> here is the link but careful we don't know who we are dealing with [2016-03-18 22:04:38] <Cabledrum> hmm, unimportant old stuff [2016-03-18 22:08:07] <Emmy B> We've known about these sites but we've never come across this guy before, Sharpe [2016-03-18 22:14:41] <Emmy B> thx for checking out! [2016-03-18 22:15:01] <Cabledrum> Sharpe just seems to be someone who was in contact with MGT regarding the tinnitus stuff several years ago. [2016-03-18 22:16:34] <Emmy B> yes, that's all, I agree. [2016-03-19 01:10:10] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-03-19 02:59:01] <Bean> [Tweet] if y'all could retweet this: [2016-03-19 02:59:38] <Bean> and also visit [2016-03-19 03:06:38] <WikiLeaks> That's cool, bean. [2016-03-19 03:21:28] <Bean> should be some movement on this - looks promising [2016-03-19 09:19:10] <Emmy B> Excellent Bean :-) I am getting re-tweets coming out of my ears about the new campaign :-) wonderful graphics great idea! [2016-03-19 13:07:24] <M> [Tweet] WL: On this tweet, I get "Your query returned no results", but if I add a "www." into the url, it works. [2016-03-19 13:13:38] <WikiLeaks> Yes. It'd odd [2016-03-19 17:14:06] <M> [Tweet] Wow, this is some serious butthurt. [2016-03-19 18:21:23] <Bean> em - yay - only just begun! :) [2016-03-19 19:36:34] <WikiLeaks> Still sore at JA for calling him a 'foreign policy tech vulture' [2016-03-20 09:47:27] <WISE Up Action> Apologies for protracted absence - tied up with other things. Have done a very LONG Amnesty letter which I accidentally then published as a post for three seconds ffs - deleted and now published password protected as a page [2016-03-20 09:53:30] <WISE Up Action> Planning to send hard copy through the post. I'm not sure whether to cut it down - it'll be four and a half sides as it is now - and I haven't tried to make it shorter so far. Also hasn't got links yet - I'll do them in the letter as citations at the end - but will add them in here for reference shortly. [2016-03-20 11:14:36] <Emmy B> Lindi so beautiful, as always, loving it, may I use chunks of it for my letter to SNP parliamentarians please (altered to fit a different audience of course) it is all there <3 I have now collated all their e-mail addresses and will be drafting the letter this week, (and I would like to mention WiseUp as reference in it). [2016-03-20 13:55:06] <WISE Up Action> You're welcome to use any of it, Em, but I haven't published it so you can't reference it exactly if that's what you mean? Not sure why you want to? Can't you just use the info? - There's no need for any crediting if that's what you had in mind? You'll just need to wait till I've done links so you can give citations/refs. [2016-03-20 15:40:33] <WISE Up Action> [2016-03-21 10:59:06] <voidiss> [Tweet] I know this has nothing to do with all the rest, but today is the World Poetry Day and I want to share with you these two poems which are shockingly symbolical of our present world even though they were written in the '30s. [2016-03-21 12:09:10] <WikiLeaks> WISEup: Suggest "deprivation of liberty" instead of " de facto detention " [2016-03-21 12:12:09] <WikiLeaks> This quote: “Human rights law, the treaty body law is binding law, it is not discretionary law, it is not some passing fancy that a state can apply sometimes and not in the others” [2016-03-21 12:12:17] <WikiLeaks> should say who it is from [2016-03-21 12:13:19] <WikiLeaks> Human Rights Watch should be prominently cited [2016-03-21 12:13:35] <WikiLeaks> They are AI's biggest competition [2016-03-21 12:14:11] <WikiLeaks> " artists, law makers and politicians, Nobel Prize winners and human rights organisations" should be reversed in order and "artists" removed. [2016-03-21 12:16:05] <WikiLeaks> Side note: "It is often noted that once Human Rights organisations become prestigious, they are cautious about criticising their own governments. " actually this is likely to be the other way around. But no need to mention that. [2016-03-21 12:16:31] <WikiLeaks> AI also receives funding from UK gov. [2016-03-21 12:25:37] <WikiLeaks> Letter is great, but suggest cutting it by 50% or senior executives won't read it. [2016-03-21 12:26:01] <WikiLeaks> either that or creating a half page executive summary [2016-03-21 12:40:42] <WISE Up Action> Yes, that's a good idea. I haven't edited it down at all yet. To put the bullet points (eg) separately would make sense. The bullet points and the 'text' or thrust of the letter actually work to obscure each other atm, I think.. [2016-03-21 12:41:11] <WISE Up Action> There are no links or citations yet. [2016-03-21 12:42:35] <WISE Up Action> I'll be putting them in. [2016-03-21 12:48:05] <WISE Up Action> I'm sure there's plenty of dead wood too - amazing what you find you can do without when you get down to a serious edit. I'll aim to cut it significantly but retain the structure and thrust of it. [2016-03-21 14:00:44] <WikiLeaks> Structure is fine, except, as you say, where the bullets rival the text. [2016-03-21 17:54:49] <WISE Up Action> Btw, Greta - I love Auden x [2016-03-22 13:35:28] <M> [2016-03-22 13:50:04] <WikiLeaks> We don't want to spread this presently due to Belgium eating all the news. [2016-03-22 13:50:30] <M> Roger. [2016-03-23 07:14:54] <Emmy B> Sarah Harrison to be in panel for deciding Journalism award (if I understood correctly) :-) [2016-03-23 10:03:19] <Emmy B> @ M wrong link [2016-03-23 10:08:18] <M> Thanks! Will fix. [2016-03-23 21:11:53] <Emmy B> Important article on Google, US gov, Cuba. [2016-03-24 06:41:03] <Emmy B> Turkish Cypriot newspaper Afrika reports 1/3 of Turkish occupying troops in Cyprus have been removed by Turkey under secrecy back to the mainland Turkey to engage in battles against PKK. (via ThePressProject - Greece). [2016-03-24 09:44:54] <Emmy B> David Cameron's familiar intimacy with Hugo Swire, fellow Etonian. [2016-03-24 16:14:37] <M> [Tweet] Neat. [2016-03-25 14:32:16] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Now in English: [2016-03-26 04:51:38] <Bean> Would be great if anyone/everyone would like to post comments on this article about the #JA4me campaign at Mintpress - the more comments the more chance of having it on the front page [2016-03-26 21:55:20] <Emmy B> @ B will do as soon, wonderful article, thanks! [2016-03-26 21:55:48] <Emmy B> I don't know what to make of this: [2016-03-27 05:21:46] <Bean> thanks em! [2016-03-28 09:46:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-28 10:44:18] <LibertarianLibrarian> Done by me too! [2016-03-28 11:10:53] <Emmy B> lovely :-) [2016-03-29 03:16:38] <M> [Tweet] Obama: 10, 20, 50 years from now people will reading WikiLeaks [2016-03-29 05:26:35] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-03-29 05:28:13] <WikiLeaks> We need to avoid a repeat of AKAWACA with JA4ME [2016-03-29 05:29:07] <WikiLeaks> There are certain similarities in the psychological profiles of the women behind both. [2016-03-29 05:32:59] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] For example [2016-03-29 05:34:07] <Emmy B> Ok will support hashtag excersizing caution since we don't really know them well enough or long enough. Graphics amazing though and someone certainly has the gift of the gab! [2016-03-29 05:34:08] <WikiLeaks> She's clearly highly motivated but please try to make sure she's not a single point of control/failure. [2016-03-29 05:35:10] <WikiLeaks> The issue is more along the lines of if she goes rogue with that domain/social media accounts, how can the damage be minimised. [2016-03-29 05:39:29] <WikiLeaks> She's in berlin so there are some supports for her as long as she is there. [2016-03-29 05:40:01] <Emmy B> A very ambitious beginning but very well done, i will make further enquiries blumoon cutie had something to say at some point that I did not [2016-03-29 05:40:37] <Emmy B> Quite remember... [2016-03-29 05:41:55] <Emmy B> She was at the logan symposium Ping! Greta did you meet her there? [2016-03-29 05:55:33] <voidiss> No, unfortunately didn't, I discovered she was there only after. What happened with AKAWACA? #JA4me seems a great initiative, at least it has legs, and the website looks amazing. If I have to be sincere, I got the impression that Suzie is a bit running her own show, but still, I don't know her, it may just be a wrong impression. What is wrong with that particular tweet? I mean, I don't know what 'psychological profiles' we're talking about since I wasn't here when AKAWACA thing happened, what's the problematic issue that may cause her to go rogue? [2016-03-29 06:04:56] <Emmy B> Oh akawaca was a group of great supporters in Oz who supported WL/JA but at the time the WL party was launched there they were invited to participate like other supporters groups. Sadly (to my mind) this was a grave mistake. One thing is activism another is party politics. There was a fall out and WACA went public abandoning the project at a crucial time, and damaging the election campaign irreparably. [2016-03-29 06:06:12] <Emmy B> To go into further details would only open old wounds you can google wikileaks party, 2013 [2016-03-29 06:24:39] <Emmy B> Re ja4me it is simply too early to say, WL is right to be cautious, strongly motivated people are so creative, and this has sprang out of nowhere and going 100 miles an hour. Let's hope when the tough gets going sensible hats will stay on :-) [2016-03-29 06:57:29] <Bean> pretty sure that tweet was a joke to highlight the issue/Obama's hypocrisy [2016-03-29 06:59:15] <Bean> a central intention of the campaign is not having control centered in any one person - and is not a political party - but of course time will tell! [2016-03-29 07:29:33] <Emmy B> Thanks Greta! Good observations. Thanks Bean yes, time will tell. [2016-03-29 07:49:22] <M> Bean - Yes, which is why I joked in response. ;) [2016-03-29 07:57:09] <M> I wish the #JA4Me website had a more positive color scheme. It looks like JA is being chased by apocalypse zombies. The grey is so grim. [2016-03-29 08:21:46] <M> [Tweet] [2016-03-29 08:35:44] <WikiLeaks> Bean: We love the campaign, but if there is no overt structure there is a covert structure. A lot of 'leaderless' rhetoric is psycological cover for people who are very concerned about power gradients. This sensitivity to power can come from a desire not to be bossed around, but it can also come from another place. The first step to power is to stop others having power over you. The second step is to have power over others. In this case there are key assets such as twitter and the domain registration. Someone has these credentials and whoever does can exercise their person whims. [2016-03-29 08:35:51] <WikiLeaks> personal. [2016-03-29 08:37:33] <WikiLeaks> Twitter, DNS, bank accounts etc, in this way create power problems, turning 'leaderless' movements into FBI movements, e.g Sabu. [2016-03-29 08:39:26] <WikiLeaks> m, we don't mind the aesthetic. It's clear based on presentation this is not going to appeal to the middle class, but rather the lumpen prolitariat and teenagers. That's OK, since it is hard to have a campaign that appeals to both. [2016-03-29 08:45:54] <WikiLeaks> Actually, the campaign should recognise that constraint and seek to use it to its advantage. [2016-03-29 08:48:58] <WikiLeaks> In the case of AKAWKA these key assets, once developed though our "support", were then exploited by castro to wage a personal vendetta on JA to demonstrate her leverage. As leverage increases people expect concessions from us. We can't be in that position. [2016-03-29 09:03:22] <voidiss> So what could be the strategy to avoid this centralization of key assets? Creating separate groups with some active #JA4me supporters and feed that channel in case of a 'gone rogue' eventuality? The management of the Twitter account is going to rotate, it's a good sign... [2016-03-29 09:12:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good thought, Greta. We just need to keep an eye on them and watch for signs of power-hungry personalities. Try to head then off and encourage the better aspects. [2016-03-29 09:52:09] <Emmy B> Considering I swallowed MGT's lies hook line and sinker for a considerable time, and did his bidding for x number of months all in the name of supporting WL/JA I don't think I am the best judge, in fact, many of us were deceived, so I am taking WL concerns raised here seriously I really need to look into this properly. Also important to do this person justice. I will investigate. Thank you very much guys and girls <3 [2016-03-29 09:56:18] <WikiLeaks> Just wish to repeat how important this is to understand many people in 'equalitarian' movements "The first step to power is to stop others having power over you. The second step is to have power over others." [2016-03-29 10:02:21] <WikiLeaks> Through 'no leader' or 'we are all equals' rhetoric, those who have authority, deservered or not, can be pulled down to the same level as the ambitious. Then once the power aspirtant has one milimetre of covert advantage they're the boss of all. Should people challenge this state of affairs they can be described as attempting to gain leadership and surpressed. [2016-03-29 11:43:29] <Emmy B> My new Avatar solidarity with cabledrummer, this is an important month for him and freedom of speech <3 [2016-03-29 12:55:24] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-03-29 12:57:12] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-03-29 13:18:25] <M> Emmy - Are there some particular dates to watch out for re Cabledrum? [2016-03-29 13:31:09] <M> [Tweet] New from Barrett Brown, brilliant as ever. [2016-03-29 17:05:34] <Bean> wl - fully understand the power issues related to the leaderless concept - these are of course fundamental and recurring issues with regards to organisation of political movements - various different forms of organisation and their consequent crises of power will no doubt continue to unfold! my philosophy is to participate with good faith if the intention is positive, whilst always maintaining vigilance around the power issues. other folks are better equipped than I to deal with specific strategies as my energies are focused elsewhere (how's that for a cop out? typical 'artist' - ha) [2016-03-29 19:34:48] <Bean> from what i understand passes to the ja4me assets are not being held exclusively by one person and that, apart from practical aspects of this, it would seem to be a significant measure of goodwill with regards to wl [2016-03-29 20:43:21] <Emmy B> @ M 21st of April Appeals Court Frankfurt [2016-03-29 21:00:16] <Emmy B> Reminder what it is all about: [2016-03-29 21:01:00] <Emmy B> and more [2016-03-29 21:02:57] <Emmy B> in October last year it was a win for MGT and CD has appealed, which is the upcoming court date. [2016-03-29 21:10:11] <Emmy B> I am looking for ways to fundraise for legal costs in case is needed, any ideas pls share. [2016-03-29 21:21:15] <Emmy B> perhaps [2016-03-30 03:19:39] <voidiss> [Tweet] Oh shit. Waiting for him to share more info on this, but still... oh shit. [2016-03-30 11:19:15] <Emmy B> Greta keep us posted! [2016-03-30 11:20:49] <Emmy B> Hammond's hypocrisy over importance in respecting international agreements (in Georgia about Russia) [2016-03-30 22:46:27] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-03-31 13:11:28] <Emmy B> Bad vibes coming my way from my lady Saviour, may I be wrong may I be wrong! [2016-03-31 13:41:22] <voidiss> What? [2016-03-31 13:48:51] <Emmy B> *sigh* Suzie Dawson just sent me the most bizarre message [2016-03-31 13:49:26] <Emmy B> never mind [2016-03-31 13:59:45] <M> Bizarre how? [2016-03-31 15:33:32] <Emmy B> I asked her to link up with a friend and she started questioning who my friend follows and is followed by, not the friendliest! [2016-03-31 15:36:15] <Emmy B> On a more interesting note, have you seen this article combined Cablegate revelation about Clinton Appointee lobbying for Clinton Foundation with latest Clinton Email release: [2016-03-31 15:48:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Also Liberty has new Director: [2016-03-31 17:42:52] <Emmy B> This article about UK increasing police numbers to cover terror threat [2016-03-31 17:43:56] <Emmy B> used to have a photo of metpol guarding the embassy [2016-03-31 17:44:55] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-03-31 20:58:33] <M> New update from Swedish Prosecution: " Sweden has signed a general agreement on mutual legal assistance with Ecuador. The prosecutor has submitted a request to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London. This document was recently sent from the Swedish Ministry of Justice to the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador. It is not possible to estimate when a response can be expected. When all necessary permits and arrangements are ready, the interview will be performed by the supporting prosecutor to the case, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren, together with a police investigator." [2016-03-31 20:58:37] <M> [2016-03-31 21:01:36] <M> Will be interesting to see if anything comes of this after Cambridge Union debacle. [2016-04-01 15:39:14] <M> [Tweet] Support from Ida Maria, a pop singer I'm fond of. She's sent a few more supportive tweets in the past, too. [2016-04-01 23:22:18] <Emmy B> @ WL so grateful today! Thank you. [2016-04-02 01:23:46] <Emmy B> Greek gov in emergency meeting at Maximou (presidential Palace) over WL revelations being reported on Greek press here: [2016-04-02 01:28:48] <Emmy B> Another article reporting the Government meeting [2016-04-02 01:30:08] <Emmy B> Meeting attendees: PM Tsipras, Finance M Tsakalotos, Foreign Minister Kotzias [2016-04-02 01:38:16] <Emmy B> Further government ministers in attendance, a written statement is anticipated. [2016-04-02 01:41:15] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-02 01:42:27] <Emmy B> The above article the only one so far to include a complete translation of the transcript into Greek (others will now copy) at the bottom it mentions anonymous Greek gov comment [2016-04-02 01:44:16] <Emmy B> "Η κυβέρνηση δεν είναι διατεθειμένη να επιτρέψει παιχνίδια εις βάρος της χώρας", [2016-04-02 01:45:45] <Emmy B> "The gov is not prepared to allow games against the country" [2016-04-02 01:52:08] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Also CNN Greece has complete transcript translation, here they report Greek Gov meeting: [2016-04-02 02:10:52] <WikiLeaks> Glad you liked it. Keep these links coming emmy--they're helpful. [2016-04-02 02:14:28] <Emmy B> I am concentrating on Greek articles at the moment (the spiegel was an early extensive one, the Guardian a bit lame I think) I guess FT and US sites will come on board later. Bloomberg in US for sure will have to pick it up. [2016-04-02 02:15:49] <M> Guardian was PA's Alan Jones. [2016-04-02 02:16:13] <M> Which Independent picked up, as well. [2016-04-02 02:17:00] <M> [2016-04-02 02:25:38] <Emmy B> thank you M :-) [2016-04-02 02:27:48] <Emmy B> In this article is mentioned that Greek Gov circles say gov is angry also concerned whether telephone interception happened in Athens and the implications (ie interceptions going on) [2016-04-02 02:28:19] <Emmy B> [2016-04-02 02:29:27] <M> [Tweet] @YanisVaroufakis sent out a few tweets re the release, too. [2016-04-02 02:34:59] <Emmy B> The gov meeting is over gov Olga Gerovasily spokesperson reportedly said "«Η κυβέρνηση ζητεί εξηγήσεις από το ΔΝΤ σχετικά με το εάν η επιδίωξη δημιουργίας συνθηκών χρεοκοπίας αποτελεί την επίσημη θέση του Ταμείου». my translation "The Greek Government asks IMF to explain if the Fund's official position is to pursue the creation of conditions of bankrupcy" that refers to parts of the conversation where Tomsen implies they should wait till the summer with the evaluation so that by then Greek gov is against the wall financially and therefore more ready to accept conditions. [2016-04-02 02:35:32] <Emmy B> This is not the best site, I will look for others [2016-04-02 02:48:52] <Emmy B> This is a better publication (much respected Shipping Industry Newspaper) [2016-04-02 03:01:54] <Emmy B> Keep talking Greece Blogger offers an excellent summary so far plus some 'Miss Marple' comment on WL transcript, aparently who did it spelt on of the names in the way a Greek would spell it. [2016-04-02 03:53:57] <Emmy B> Its reported that Tsipras has had discussions with the President of the Greek Parliament as well as the President of the Hellenic Republic on the WL revelations and will be contacting heads of Greek political parties as well as foreign heads of states. [2016-04-02 03:55:40] <Emmy B> Tsipras will also be writing to Christine Lagard on the matter reported here: [2016-04-02 03:56:12] <Emmy B> Mega TV is one of the largest private TV stations in Greece [2016-04-02 04:09:38] <Emmy B> Interestingly, Justice Minister Paraskevopoulos also attended meeting which makes me think that concerns of interceptions where also part of the agenda [2016-04-02 04:24:01] <Emmy B> The President of the Hellenic Republic Pavlopoulos (politically coming from the right wing party of New Democracy - the Karamanlis fraction) has been brought in by the Syriza/Anel coalition, the minority partner of the coalition Anel, Mr Kamenos being the power broker, is extremely active than any recent Greek President. Syriza gov has called more than any other greek gov political party leaders meetings under the President of the republic. On this occasion Tsipras contacting him on this issue signals Prime Minister will seek co-ordination with heads of all political parties. What's cooking? President Pavlopoulos suggested ESM (European Stability Mechanism) can replace IMF. !!! [2016-04-02 04:29:01] <Emmy B> Earlier this year (Jan16) he stated from an official visit to Frankfurt, 'Serious and emblematic institution the International Monetary Fund might be, but does not know the workings of Europe and the euro, stated President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and supported the acquisition of similar technocratic infrastructure by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).' [2016-04-02 04:30:43] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The President's comments today: [2016-04-02 04:30:53] <Emmy B> [2016-04-02 04:35:09] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Tsipras said to him [2016-04-02 04:35:17] <Emmy B> [2016-04-02 04:39:46] <Emmy B> My translation: 'Greece keeps what has been agreed and will ask explanations regarding the official position of the Fund. I will inform the leadership of the countries and of the Institutions (Troika) of our position. We must not allow anyone to play with fire and we will not let Europe unprotected. Some ppl want to start a new crisis in Greece in order to influence the referendum in Britain and wound Europe" [2016-04-02 04:40:45] <Emmy B> [2016-04-02 04:46:59] <Emmy B> Tsipras has already spoken to Kiriakos Mitsotakis (new) leader of New Democracy (right wing currently leading the polls) will speak to other party leaders [2016-04-02 04:48:17] <Emmy B> [unlikely Greece forgets WL any time soon - what a stir and on a weekend!] [2016-04-02 04:56:58] <M> [Tweet] Coverage from AFP [2016-04-02 05:07:08] <Emmy B> Is it me or Western Press (with the exception of DerSpiegel) await for Mrs Lagarde (IMF) to wake up and make a comment before they start reporting on the matter? [2016-04-02 05:09:21] <Emmy B> [Media-image] oopsy spoke too soon [2016-04-02 05:09:57] <Emmy B> the FT has picked up the story but it is under paywall.... Anyone? [2016-04-02 05:12:43] <Emmy B> actually, if you click their link from their twitter feed you can actually read the article [2016-04-02 05:14:38] <Emmy B> no, wrong again! [2016-04-02 05:15:06] <M> One sec. Putting it on Pastebin. [2016-04-02 05:16:23] <Emmy B> very nice thank you :-) [2016-04-02 05:16:37] <M> [2016-04-02 06:43:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-02 06:45:34] <Emmy B> It includes 1 video of earlier comments by gov spokesperson Olga Gerovasily outside Maximou, Presidential Palace, and an extensive news coverage by state TV ERT. [2016-04-02 12:30:35] <Emmy B> Latest from @Mignatiou in Washington, he is a correspondent who always attends IMF briefings etc, he has a lot to report: [2016-04-02 13:12:46] <Emmy B> Video in English by Euronews: [2016-04-02 13:14:18] <Emmy B> Via Antenna TV [2016-04-02 13:20:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] IMF refuses to comment on Leak or discussions between its people: [2016-04-02 13:23:52] <Emmy B> Greek gov sources are quoted to say: “Μέχρι στιγμής, δυστυχώς, το ΔΝΤ δεν αξιοποιεί την ευκαιρία να διαψεύσει ότι η στρατηγική του είναι η πρόκληση συνθηκών πιστωτικής ασφυξίας στην Ελλάδα, λίγο πριν το κρίσιμο για την Ευρώπη Βρετανικό δημοψήφισμα” My Translation: "Up till now unfortunately, IMF does not make the most of the opportunity to deny that its strategy is to provoke a credit asphyxiation in Greece a little before the British referendum" [2016-04-02 13:41:52] <Emmy B> Some more news around the release in English by Blogger KeeptalkingGreece: [2016-04-02 13:44:03] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Tsipras Letter to IMF: [2016-04-02 13:44:42] <Emmy B> As it appears in HuffPuff Greece: [2016-04-02 13:47:15] <Emmy B> The PressProject has a good article on reactions from Greek Political parties (in Greek): [2016-04-02 13:50:49] <Emmy B> and a good summary of the release here (in Greek): [2016-04-02 14:08:21] <Emmy B> CNBC reproduces the FT article, free access: [2016-04-02 19:21:59] <M> [Tweet] Very different vibe at the UC Berkeley Logan Symposium. Alex Gibney spoke there, too. [2016-04-02 19:24:59] <M> [Tweet] Not all bad, though. [2016-04-02 19:31:22] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-02 20:57:29] <M> [Tweet] Apparently Ferguson also accused JA of "having blood on his hands". [2016-04-03 04:36:22] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-03 05:33:34] <Emmy B> Vice chairman of the European parliament and head of Syriza MEPs Papadimoulis has written to President of the European Parliament k.M.Soults, Presidents all political groups (except the M.Lepen) and the Head of the Working Group for monitoring the Greek program (FAWG) Mr. P. Gkoualtieri. about the WikiLeaks revelations, letter attached: [2016-04-03 05:40:33] <Emmy B> Greek Communist Party general secretary called the content of WL revelations reveal IMF 'ravens' propose Greeks choose between Scylla or Charybdis [2016-04-03 05:42:15] <Emmy B> Centre Union Party Leader calls for negotiations to finish quickly [2016-04-03 05:50:59] <Emmy B> The Leader of the opposition Kiriakos Mitsotakis (New Democracy Party, son of an ex Prime Minister, brother of ex Foreign Minister Bakogiannis) has questioned the wisdom of Greek government in handling the WikiLeaks release. Greek gov issued statement accusing him of defending IMF and even raising issues of telephone security and confidentiality of call conversations: [2016-04-03 05:54:45] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-04-03 06:06:16] <Emmy B> Apparently, not only New Democracy but 'Potami' as well expresses sceptisism about the time and content of the WL release (a supposedly social democrat party -not really-) headed by an ex journo who launched his party on the eve of the collapse of Pasok a few years ago, he calls the party 'river' [2016-04-03 06:17:04] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Greek Government sources quoting a WikiLeaks Tweet Here [2016-04-03 06:41:13] <M> In which Forbes tries to downplay WikiLeaks release, but doesn't do a very good job of it. [2016-04-03 06:57:28] <Emmy B> It is fascinating to watch the political maneuvering in Greece over the revelation, Greek gov trying to make something of it (do they push the right way to get what they want?) the Greek opposition trying to use the release for their own purposes as well as (some parties) using deflective techniques being more concerned about the origin of the tape rather than the content. [2016-04-03 07:00:08] <WikiLeaks> Wait what. Was Ferguson at Logan? [2016-04-03 07:15:12] <voidiss> Not CIJ's Logan, UC Berkeley's. [2016-04-03 07:24:06] <M> Yes. UC Berkeley's Logan is like the evil twin of CIJ's. Nearly all MSM speakers. [2016-04-03 07:27:58] <WikiLeaks> Funny to see Fergy, who met JA once 5 years ago, still obsessing. [2016-04-03 07:30:39] <WikiLeaks> He was making a feature film for Hollywood, his first, on WL; het got into bed with David House, of all people, who he made the star of his script (which we got hold of). He was beaten to market by 5th estate, so the studios pulled the plug on him. So his first Hollywood feature film was an epic failure. [2016-04-03 07:31:28] <M> Ah yes, I remember that script. [2016-04-03 07:31:44] <M> Hah, from his Wikipedia: "On May 1, 2011, The New York Times reported that Ferguson had agreed to make a film about Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for HBO Films. According to the IMDB the film is scheduled for release in 2013." [2016-04-03 07:31:55] <WikiLeaks> Rather than accepting that he was too slow, he appears to be trying to divert the loss onto JA. [2016-04-03 07:33:03] <WikiLeaks> The script was nasty and stupid. [2016-04-03 07:34:00] <WikiLeaks> Stupid as in it didn't make sense as a story. [2016-04-03 07:34:31] <WikiLeaks> Nasty as in it made JA into a scheming cult leader. [2016-04-03 07:36:24] <M> Whatever it takes to make JA a villain! [2016-04-03 07:38:27] <voidiss> Oh, not even very original, though. Anti-JA guys seem to love the cult thing so much, I'd like to know how invented it first. [2016-04-03 07:38:41] <voidiss> Their talking points are so repetitive. [2016-04-03 07:39:38] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Front Page news in Right-Wing Broadsheet Kathimerini: [2016-04-03 07:57:30] <Emmy B> Some articles in Greek (very few) explore the potential origin of the audio recording, especially as New Democracy party had a sceptic's view on the release, not on the authenticity but on the usefulness of such release. "WikiLeaks revelations: Who recorded Thomsen-Velkouleskou?" [2016-04-03 08:00:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Thank you Greta: [2016-04-03 08:29:21] <Cabledrum> Emmy: Thank you very much for your support!!! [2016-04-03 08:30:37] <Cabledrum> The court hearing (me vs. MGT at OLG Frankfurt) takes place on 21 Apr [2016-04-03 08:33:45] <Cabledrum> Meanwhile, I got a written pleading from MGT's lawyer, regarding the criminal charge against MGT for perjury. This at least means that the public prosecutor has started an investigation against him. [2016-04-03 08:41:43] <Emmy B> About time how long ago did you file the complaint? [2016-04-03 08:42:56] <Emmy B> Keeping my fingers cross for the 21st x [2016-04-03 09:06:14] <Cabledrum> We've filed the complaint in July 2015, after he lied under oath in the injunction case against me. MGT claimed that he is not responsible for http://wikileaksforum.comhttp://support-julian-assange.comhttp://wikileaksforum.com [2016-04-03 09:51:27] <Emmy B> Thanks for this update it is good to see progress after so long. <3 [2016-04-03 09:53:37] <WikiLeaks> Cabledrum: Great news! [2016-04-03 11:00:25] <Emmy B> I got so confused with Panama Papers thought it was an Upcoming WL release, sorry everyone for spreading the confusion! [2016-04-03 11:01:09] <Emmy B> Still, the most amazing news and a sign the whistleblowing continues :-) [2016-04-03 11:05:09] <M> There's something frustrating about the size comparison to Cablegate when the archive isn't public. [2016-04-03 11:06:46] <voidiss> Really. [2016-04-03 11:09:09] <Emmy B> They are either having bugs in their site or are being sabotaged, I clicked on an icon and went into a spammy news site: [2016-04-03 11:09:54] <Emmy B> [Media-image] This is what I clicked [2016-04-03 11:10:13] <Emmy B> could be my end or anyone else having same issue? [2016-04-03 11:10:53] <M> Yes. The link is wrong. [2016-04-03 11:11:29] <Emmy B> bizarre [2016-04-03 11:16:23] <WikiLeaks> The size difference is nonsense. [2016-04-03 11:16:39] <WikiLeaks> Cablegate was text, a highly efficient encoding [2016-04-03 11:16:59] <WikiLeaks> PP includfs lots of pdfs, scans [2016-04-03 11:17:42] <WikiLeaks> We have a role in PP, but can't say what it is yet. [2016-04-03 11:18:50] <M> Ooh fun. :) Looking forward to it! [2016-04-03 11:20:39] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-04-03 11:21:16] <voidiss> Can't wait! [2016-04-03 12:04:32] <Emmy B> I have just confused several people thinking it is a WL release, and I am going round unconfusing them - time to switch off computer and have a break...the brain is foggy. [2016-04-03 12:13:47] <WikiLeaks> please don't go around unconfusing [2016-04-03 12:21:01] <Emmy B> ok I am like a cat chasing its tail hahaha [2016-04-03 12:28:33] <Emmy B> (I only DMed the WL tweet) just published "Ποιοι θα ξαγρυπνήσουν στην Αθήνα; Τα Wikileaks βγάζουν στον αέρα τα άπλυτα των OFFSHORE!" my translation: "who will stay up all night (with worry) WikiLeaks airs the dirty Laundry of offshore" [2016-04-03 15:41:18] <Emmy B> Thank you vm for picking up on the Greek connection of the leak, here is an article from 2013 two out of three names mentioned on the docs you append are already mentioned in the Lagarde list [2016-04-03 15:52:17] <Emmy B> Stavros Papastavrou paid in Feb this year 3.3 million Euro fine for tax evasion as a result of the Lagarde List revelations [2016-04-03 15:53:21] <Emmy B> [2016-04-03 16:00:38] <Emmy B> How corrupt, the guy Papastavrou one of the closest advisors of ex PM Samaras, involved in the Troika negotiations reported here as 'often dining with Poul Thomsen!!!! [2016-04-03 16:01:47] <WikiLeaks> Reporters where? previous link? [2016-04-03 16:02:00] <Emmy B> from 2014 [2016-04-03 16:02:57] <Emmy B> hope google translation makes sense. [2016-04-03 16:10:02] <Emmy B> Again from 2014 Papastavrou visits with Christine Lagarde of IMF [2016-04-03 16:14:15] <Emmy B> As government negotiator with Troika, but surely she would have known his name was on her list? 2 years later he pays 3.3 million tax fine as a result of Syriza pursuing the Lagarde List Scandal (remember in previous years other governments where reluctant to take action on the list's tips, remember Vaxevanis publishing list and getting into trouble with the law... [2016-04-03 16:19:34] <Emmy B> Here he is called by Greek Public Prosecutor to answer Questions of financial crime from last summer: [2016-04-03 16:21:02] <Emmy B> And here is what he told the prosecutor: [2016-04-03 16:27:42] <Emmy B> oh dear, this guy seems to be connected in business with the wife of the current New Democracy Leader Kiriakos Mitsotakis !!!! [2016-04-03 16:29:33] <Emmy B> Here are the revelations [2016-04-03 16:30:13] <Emmy B> Very well respected political weekly magazine Epikera brought the story forward [2016-04-03 16:33:00] <Emmy B> She replies (again in Feb this year) "he is not a shareholder only on the company board" [2016-04-03 16:33:51] <Emmy B> Corruption all around rotten politicians defrauding the country grrrr [2016-04-03 16:44:25] <Emmy B> Gkrampofski or Grabofski or Grabovski is her name, is her name on the 11 million docs? [2016-04-03 16:51:45] <Emmy B> *head spinning* [2016-04-03 16:59:37] <Emmy B> Latest gossip on WL release: [2016-04-03 17:10:19] <Emmy B> Not of the best reputation news blog claim Deutsche telecome is searching for the leaker of the phonecall [2016-04-03 17:19:22] <Emmy B> goodnight! what a day! [2016-04-03 19:04:03] <M> [Tweet] Any info on this? And by searchable do they mean all or just docs covered in articles? [2016-04-03 19:07:24] <WikiLeaks> No. They mean a list of companies and people, but not docs and emails, in may. [2016-04-03 19:07:59] <M> Pah. [2016-04-03 19:11:50] <WikiLeaks> Think of the children! [2016-04-03 19:11:57] <WikiLeaks> Ah, law suits! [2016-04-03 19:12:05] <WikiLeaks> Ah, our funders! [2016-04-03 19:13:35] <M> Pah! [2016-04-04 00:43:54] <Emmy B> Open letter to Tsipras by Varufakis [2016-04-04 02:04:20] <Emmy B> Varufakis to Tsipras "WikiLeaks offered you a gift" [2016-04-04 03:11:11] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Tagesspiegel claims Greek secret services are behind the phone tape I cannot automatically translate article, here it is in German [2016-04-04 04:01:39] <Emmy B> The Tagessspiegel article is being reproduced a lot in the greek press [2016-04-04 04:02:31] <Emmy B> [Media-image] New statement from the Greek government regarding status of negotiations and Lagarde's reply to Tsipras [2016-04-04 04:11:13] <Emmy B> My Translation: Official announcement by Maximou (seat of government/presidential palace): After meeting government executives under the PM with objective to discuss the development of the negotiations, the following announcement is published: "The strategy of prevarication in negotiations so that conditions of asphyxiation are created just before the British plebiscite is indeed very silly. A silly thing that we are obliged to avoid. The negotiation must be concluded without unrealistic demands and extra measures, further than the ones defined by the agreement of last July. As far as security matters are concerned, the Greek government re-assures one more time that Greece is a absolutely safe country, furthermore, certainly from countries in which the overwhelming majority of the leaks from WikiLeaks has happened". (it means the US where IMF is based) [2016-04-04 04:12:34] <Emmy B> In Greek Μαξίμου και υπουργοί με «βαριά λόγια» κατά Λαγκάρντ [2016-04-04 04:13:37] <Emmy B> In English Automatic translation: Maximus and ministers with "heavy words" at Lagarde [2016-04-04 04:16:29] <Emmy B> IMF Troika Gathering in Berlin arranged for this week due to WikiLeaks revelations: [2016-04-04 04:22:45] <Emmy B> No comment on the WikiLeaks revelations from the Commission's Monday press conference despite questions [2016-04-04 05:46:17] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-04-04 05:46:38] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-04-04 05:48:54] <WikiLeaks> Emmy: We don't want the meta story on the IMF release to distract from the content or steal credit from our work making that trascript. Can you tweet at people, in greek that, as it says in the transcript, we made the transcript and any spelling issues are ours. [2016-04-04 05:49:05] <WikiLeaks> You can also direct to our tweet. [2016-04-04 06:23:45] <M> [Tweet] Analysis of Luke Harding's Putin-centric #PanamaPapers articles. [2016-04-04 06:31:00] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-04 09:45:50] <M> ICIJ Director calling WikiLeaks irresponsible: "We’re not WikiLeaks. We’re trying to show that journalism can be done responsibly." [2016-04-04 09:49:33] <Emmy B> Head of Greek Intelligence services denies they were involved in the IMF tape by making statement: [2016-04-04 09:51:47] <Emmy B> Tsipras is going to address his Parliamentary team later today, live broadcast : [2016-04-04 10:15:34] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-04 11:10:04] <voidiss> [Tweet] LOL. Obviously. [2016-04-04 11:42:05] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] Phil Hammond, loves a good leak. Holds the bad guys to account you see? Ha! [2016-04-04 12:28:42] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-04-05 10:02:58] <M> [Tweet] Looking forward to this full interview (tomorrow on Going Underground) [2016-04-05 10:07:29] <Emmy B> Great! [2016-04-05 10:39:35] <Emmy B> Pasok Politician Evagelos Venizelos petitioned Greek Parliament to have EYP (Greek secret services) give testament in a public inquiry whether they were involved in the WikiLeaks IMF release. His request was rejected "no one has ever claimed Greece was involved in the interception" said the presiding officer of the Justice Dept committee [2016-04-05 10:42:29] <Emmy B> But such efforts are clearly in an attempt to politicise against the Syriza gov, they are not serious claims. [2016-04-05 10:50:27] <Emmy B> Having now followed for several days the release in Greece it is extraordinary how people are using it in all kinds of ways it has certainly been discussed everywhere in media/newspapers. I think personally we get an idea of how transparency (albeit in this occasion forced) can bring about a more active political process of negotiation and impact as more and more people are engaged in the dialogue, trying to make sense of the particular process and when the revelations really mean or how they are used. [2016-04-05 10:56:47] <Emmy B> Athens stock exchange was affected as financiers interpreted revelations in a particular way (i.e. prospects for Greek economy) other opinions vary, saying IMF positions expressed in Leak is in favour of Greek position, others say the opposite, then you have opinions that Greece is being crushed in other more powerful players game or that once again democracy fails as no Greek gov cn really affect outcomes. And then, this surge to look abroad 'What did the German press say?" "what did Biden say"? what did the Commission did not say?" etc etc round and round, every single political party took a position... [2016-04-05 13:14:30] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-05 14:53:21] <M> Another attack from -- big surprise -- The Guardian: "The days of WikiLeaks amateurism are over." [2016-04-05 15:02:23] <M> Throws both WL and Snowden under the bus because who cares! They've got a shiny new source now! [2016-04-05 19:52:56] <Emmy B> 'co-founder of Occupy'? such humour! [2016-04-06 03:47:18] <WikiLeaks> This is the guy that work(ed) for google? [2016-04-06 04:04:27] <WISE Up Action> Hate the Guardian. And the 'activists' who yearn to associate with them. [2016-04-06 04:48:15] <Emmy B> [2016-04-06 04:48:36] <Emmy B> [2016-04-06 04:48:52] <Emmy B> [2016-04-06 04:50:22] <Emmy B> Editor of the Adbusters Magazine [2016-04-06 04:51:42] <M> Is this what you're referencing WL? [2016-04-06 04:52:41] <M> Seems to be another Occupy guy. [2016-04-06 09:40:13] <WikiLeaks> Jesus. Adbusters calling WL amateur. [2016-04-06 09:40:50] <WikiLeaks> Even at our worst we never decended to the level of adbusters. [2016-04-06 09:47:22] <M> The attacks against WL in the wake of Panama Papers have been pathetic. [2016-04-06 09:48:40] <M> It's journalists trying to justify withholding documents in a time where that is not publicly acceptable. [2016-04-06 09:56:17] <Emmy B> I think it is just the editor of Adbusters Magazine Micah who just made a flippant comment to attract attention otherwise I checked the Adbusters Twitter timeline and they had only positive comments about JAWL [2016-04-06 11:32:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-04-06 11:49:27] <WISE Up Action> What a tool DAG is. [2016-04-06 12:06:12] <voidiss> Oh my god. He has really put effort in trying to seem a complete idiot who has understood nothing about journalism and the difference between personal privacy and public interest information. The worst part is that actually he has understood all that pretty well but he willingly misleads everyone in his stupid articles. [2016-04-06 12:48:01] <WISE Up Action> He generated a spat with PeterJukes basically to bully and brag about having more followers - such a peacock. [2016-04-06 12:51:33] <WikiLeaks> He's a sad puppy with an inferiority complex who didn't make the bar, let alone silk. [2016-04-06 22:50:08] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-04-06 23:42:33] <Bean> anyone know how many panama docs have been published so far? also, how many snowden docs have been published? [2016-04-06 23:42:54] <Bean> wl - what's the total number of docs published by wl so far? [2016-04-06 23:44:01] <M> Panama Papers - 152 according to link WL had sent out earlier. [2016-04-06 23:45:43] <M> WikiLeaks archive is 10,036,041 documents. [2016-04-06 23:46:56] <M> Courage has Snowden archive at 579. [2016-04-06 23:53:22] <Bean> great - thanks! is the total number of snowden docs known? 1.7m? [2016-04-06 23:57:44] <M> That's what is commonly reported, but Greenwald has refuted it. [2016-04-07 00:00:03] <Bean> but hasn't suggested any other figure i guess? [2016-04-07 00:00:35] <M> Not that I'm aware. [2016-04-07 00:01:45] <Bean> righto - thx [2016-04-07 00:47:49] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-04-07 02:55:28] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-07 02:56:40] <Emmy B> Full of references to WIkiLeaks as a force showing the way to better journalism [2016-04-07 08:20:16] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-07 08:54:04] <M> Putin is warping WL's tweets re Panama Papers the same way the press has. [2016-04-08 03:52:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Worth a read from Craig Murray. [2016-04-08 08:17:52] <M> Update from Swedish prosecution: [2016-04-08 08:48:56] <M> [Tweet] Only reason Guardian survives is because people share their sources. [2016-04-08 09:44:20] <M> [Tweet] Great group. I hope there's video available afterward. [2016-04-08 09:47:08] <voidiss> There is already, on the event's website! [2016-04-08 09:47:19] <voidiss> And it will be posted on YouTube too. [2016-04-08 09:49:54] <M> Streams are working for you? I'm getting error messages. Could be a region thing. [2016-04-08 09:51:46] <voidiss> Uhm, yes, it's working fine here... [2016-04-08 10:08:01] <M> Bummer. I can't access any of their videos, live or archive, on any device. Guessing it's a US region block. [2016-04-08 12:05:24] <voidiss> Neither with Tor? Anyway, you can try to ask @journalismfest, maybe they know. [2016-04-08 12:08:05] <M> It worked through Tor, which is why I'm assuming it's a region-block. [2016-04-08 12:11:52] <M> [Tweet] Interesting group. [2016-04-08 15:29:46] <Emmy B> Ray McGovern on the PanamaPapers (Press TV) [2016-04-08 16:09:40] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Just keeping an eye on what MGT is up to in his facebook page: [2016-04-08 16:10:06] <Emmy B> Archived: [2016-04-09 00:50:17] <Emmy B> at 3.05 of the video state department refuses to pronounce if PanamaPapers is the product of theft (as they did for the WL and Snowden docs) [2016-04-09 00:57:29] <WISE Up Action> Emmy, WLF old main account still suspended? Has MGT bailed out? [2016-04-09 02:00:26] <M> [Tweet] Offered a nice, critical look. [2016-04-09 02:06:21] <Emmy B> @ W - I could not tell you why the account is suspended Twitter has never taken action to over 80 individual complaints I have filed in the past against @wikileaks_forum account. Twitter has suspended MGT's account once in 2014 and another time in Sep 2015 in response to Chris's complaints. They have also been suspended once perhaps due to copyright violation, as they used an artwork without permission. [2016-04-09 02:09:05] <Emmy B> I believe MGT de-activated account in Feb 2016 as a response to his legal troubles as a lot of the defamation was done against Chris and her family was in twitter, but he also has left proof of his identity there, as I document here: [2016-04-09 02:15:01] <Emmy B> But he did re-activate for a few days in order to momentarily attack my efforts to inform people in UK about the paid 5th of Feb heckler. Personally I think he will be back, note that when Twitter permanently suspends they say so and this is not the case here. [2016-04-09 02:23:32] <Emmy B> He might have masterminded the suspension himself in order to protect his account from being 'lost'. That is to say, if an account remains de-activated for certain amount of time then the handle becomes available again to be used by another user (you may not be aware but this is what happened to Christine Assange's original account, when she abandoned it, it was eventually picked up by MGT or his friends and used as a harassing account, and it is now on my list of troll accounts recommended for blocking) By becoming suspended he is in permanent limbo, being inactive but without the risk of losing the handle. As the twitter account is certainly in the midst of Chris's case against MGT, ultimately what we observe happening to it, reflects directly the outcome of the legal case and how MGT wishes to maneuver himself legally. [2016-04-09 02:24:43] <Emmy B> @ M thanks for all the wonderful resources. [2016-04-09 02:30:15] <WISE Up Action> Thanks Em. Yes I was actually thinking about whether the account handle could be taken up. Not missing him at al ;-) [2016-04-09 02:31:30] <Emmy B> ditto! [2016-04-09 08:31:22] <M> [Tweet] ListeningPost now on Youtube (AJEnglish had some region-block) [2016-04-09 08:31:59] <Emmy B> Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. [2016-04-09 09:15:44] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-09 16:29:11] <Emmy B> David Blunkett accuses Tory mayoral candidate Zac of being 'casual about sexual violence' after he defends Wikileaks founder in battle to escape extradition Read more: on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook [2016-04-09 16:29:46] <Emmy B> David Blunkett accuses Tory mayoral candidate Zac of being 'casual about sexual violence' after he defends Wikileaks founder in battle to escape extradition on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook [2016-04-09 17:20:26] <M> Article in Politico: The Coming Era of the Mega-leak. Interesting to note how many of the leaks mentioned WL had involvement in. [2016-04-10 01:56:11] <Emmy B> Shining Sarah [2016-04-10 02:16:04] <voidiss> IMHO, maybe in this case it's better to avoid RT/Sputnik's articles on WL comments about attacks on Putin etc. They tend to twist the meaning, as if WL said the whole Panama Papers were set up to ruin Russia and all those things, while actually they only pointed out to the US funds and some outlets's focus on Putin. Otherwise it's like playing the game of those who say WL is FSB or other crap like that. No? [2016-04-10 02:40:48] <Emmy B> I think you have to follow your instinct with these things Greta, personally I share all kinds of things that I find of interest. Even distortions and misrepresentations have an interesting story to say. I am generally more careful with what I share about JA's troubles, rather than WL publications. [2016-04-10 02:42:48] <Emmy B> But even there it is very interesting when Daily Mail claims David Blunkett uses JA's troubles to attack Goldsmith. [2016-04-10 02:45:33] <Emmy B> from a political perspective. [2016-04-10 02:49:37] <Emmy B> It combines the political battle for the Mayoral elections, the inter-tory conflict over EAW (recall backbencher revolt) and by implication the Brexit issue and finally, to my mind most interesting Daily Mail's own euroscepticism as instead of bashing Assange as they often do, they use his story as the umbrella under which to weave their own agenda in this case. [2016-04-10 02:59:26] <Emmy B> Reading on we can learn that DB was the Home Office Labour Minister who introduced the EAW under the pretext of terrorism, see here: [2016-04-10 03:02:49] <Emmy B> and he was also involved in another aspect of extradition law, the US UK extradition treaty where he admitted [2016-04-10 03:07:17] <Emmy B> Even for EAW he admitted: "There is room for improvement with the EAW," Blunkett told the Commons home affairs select committee this month. "When we agreed to the system we believed that people would act rationally." [2016-04-10 04:35:50] <Emmy B> Jeremy Corbyn mentions Google at 45:10 (UK BBC license fee payers) in relation to Tax evasion [2016-04-10 05:04:14] <Emmy B> Greek front page of newspapers on WikiLeaks release [2016-04-10 08:11:45] <Emmy B> Check out at 52:30 Ewan McAskill of the Guardian admitting an earlier error of judgement regarding WIkiLeaks' role in helping Snowden and commending Sarah Harrison for her role. [2016-04-10 08:12:36] <Emmy B> This possibly deserves an appendix to the spot on @ M diagram of The Guardian biases towards WL [2016-04-10 10:42:38] <M> [Tweet] Wow. [2016-04-10 17:42:16] <M> More from Ryle on WikiLeaks: "Referring to WikiLeaks, Mr. Ryle said, “We’re trying to reclaim ground that they stole — or, they took,” which mainstream journalism allowed because “we got lazy and sloppy and arrogant about what we were supposed to do: shine light into dark places.”" [2016-04-10 17:46:48] <M> Article itself says some quite good things about WL, calls Panama Papers "official WikiLeaks-ization of mainstream journalism". [2016-04-11 13:18:16] <M> [Tweet] Some issues, but good piece over all. [2016-04-11 13:24:22] <Emmy B> Very good points yes, perhaps a WL bounty pledge would be appropriate as with other appeals like for Trade Agreements. [2016-04-12 00:34:54] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-12 02:28:38] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-04-12 02:32:29] <WISE Up Action> I like Bethany Horne, although she has taken to be v critical of Correa. She 's maybe finding out that jumping in with the Graun isn't all she thought it would be. [2016-04-12 09:04:06] <M> [Tweet] Hah. [2016-04-12 09:39:35] <M> [Tweet] Surprise. Movement starting at Sheffield to no-platform JA. [2016-04-12 22:18:24] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-04-13 04:59:48] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-13 04:59:53] <Emmy B> hmmm [2016-04-13 08:22:11] <Emmy B> JA at European Parliament six days ago [2016-04-13 08:22:51] <Emmy B> more: [2016-04-13 08:32:46] <Emmy B> I think this is the whole JA speech :-) at EU Parliament [2016-04-14 00:08:49] <Emmy B> new Jason Bourne film inspired by WL and Snowden [2016-04-14 05:47:40] <LibertarianLibrarian> Now we have to wait and see if they're the 'good guys' or the 'bad guys'. [2016-04-14 05:55:22] <Emmy B> true Jenny :-) [2016-04-14 08:42:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-14 08:43:42] <Emmy B> Interesting how DAG has ingratiated himself with the Free Love cause. [2016-04-15 04:48:59] <Emmy B> Sputnik banned in Turkey [2016-04-15 07:56:07] <Emmy B> Tsipras mentions WL IMF Leak in Parliament [2016-04-15 13:14:17] <Emmy B> I am getting DMed by people who express concern about WL silence for 7 days now, even e-mails. HOPE ALL IS WELL and Twitter has not blocked them ! [2016-04-15 13:21:44] <M> WL has plenty of means of communication. If something was seriously wrong, they can certainly get the message out. [2016-04-15 13:31:07] <Emmy B> Yes thank you M, their FB page is active but it makes ppl anxious as it is not sth we are used to, they have never done it before, as if they are on strike. [2016-04-17 21:03:25] <Emmy B> Very important: First Commercial operator I am aware of who includes donations to WikiLeaks as a charity donations offer in their hotel bookings strategy linked to ppayment in Bitcoin [2016-04-18 01:24:16] <Emmy B> Greece: The Open Project by the @ThePressProject promises later on today to throw light to the Bailout Negotiations in Greece in an unprecedented manner. It hints that the volume of information will be substantial. Will it follow the WikiLeaks model? I shall keep you posted. [2016-04-18 01:24:39] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-18 01:26:14] <Emmy B> Tweet says: Enough with "information" - Everything out in the light! In two hours we Open up the Negotiation with the #OpenProject [2016-04-18 09:44:43] <Emmy B> Part of the #openproject @ThePressProject refers to the #WikiLeaks #IMF leak with a complete translation of the WL transcript into Greek and a short analysis (very much in the lines of JA's editorial). The Link is here: [2016-04-18 09:47:55] <Emmy B> The #OpenProject is a release of the original negotiating text between Greece and Troika. From what I understand bits of it (but not in its entirety) has appeared at times in Newspapers. @ThePressProject attempts to present it in its entirely, both in Greek and in English with the demand that the negotiations should not be made in the dark but in the open and place the original document on the Government Transparency Website 'OpenGov'. [2016-04-18 09:50:34] <Emmy B> In English the negotiating document is called 'Memorandum of Understanding' or MOU. [2016-04-18 09:54:17] <Emmy B> The Press Project has paired off with an English speaking partner: Forbes and they link to this article/analysis :"Greece's Latest Bailout Negotiations: Kicking The Can Again" [2016-04-18 10:14:56] <Emmy B> Here is the link in in open project that offers the option to view the original text in English: [2016-04-18 10:18:24] <Emmy B> Yes, they have done a 'WikiLeaks style' release presenting an original document although this draft MOU is not a whistleblowers' leak, (from what I understand) it is just that neither the Greek government, or the Troika, nor Greek/foreign MSM had ever published it. The Press Project is offering a lot more analysis than the WikiLeaks releases (understandable as this release is very much country specific). [2016-04-18 15:43:38] <WikiLeaks> John Jones was killed this morning. [2016-04-18 15:46:34] <M> How terrible. I'm so sorry. [2016-04-18 16:13:55] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-18 23:09:21] <Emmy B> Who is John Jones? [2016-04-18 23:11:26] <M> He represented JA. The man in the photos WL tweeted yesterday. [2016-04-18 23:15:48] <Emmy B> Thank you very much, and an extradition expert, I am sorry and at his prime :-/ [2016-04-19 02:01:36] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-19 02:01:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-04-19 02:03:41] <Emmy B> I am not sure which WikiLeaks release the article is referring to (rusty 46 birthdays brain) but seems important. [2016-04-19 05:40:20] <M> [Tweet] Separate from the Asylum series, it seems? [2016-04-19 06:36:09] <WikiLeaks> Name change. [2016-04-19 06:44:38] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Guardian's opportunity to have a dig [2016-04-19 06:57:37] <M> Hm. Better name, I think. More inclusive. [2016-04-19 06:57:44] <WikiLeaks> Yes. It says it is 'post wikileaks' in the subtitle. Then 'cover the period when WikiLeaks..' in the body. And claims JA and LP are not on good terms. [2016-04-19 07:12:06] <Emmy B> I am glad they changed the name so BBC's propaganda 'Asylum' will not come up in the Google searches for LP's documentary :-) [2016-04-19 07:16:18] <WikiLeaks> We're not big fans of the new name, but we can see that it is more accessable. 'asylum' is also now over-coupled to the northern african/middle east refugee crisis. [2016-04-19 07:18:46] <Emmy B> It's great it is showing in Cannes :-) [2016-04-19 07:22:48] <M> My only issue is its a bit generic. Sounds like an adaptation of the board game. Or could get confused for the Bollywood thriller. :P [2016-04-19 09:18:14] <M> [Tweet] The predictable and boring attack on JA ahead of his talk in Sheffield. (Interesting to note however they have switched to using CN or "content note" instead of TW for "trigger warning," probably because the latter now carries the censorship connotation.) [2016-04-19 10:59:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-19 11:19:04] <M> Great to see that idea come to fruition after so many years! [2016-04-19 11:20:55] <Emmy B> yes, I remember this was mentioned early on, amazing isn't it? [2016-04-19 14:59:44] <M> [Tweet] These people are ridiculous. [2016-04-19 15:53:43] <M> [Tweet] Great to see UN Special Rapporteur visiting JA. [2016-04-19 17:34:35] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-19 18:03:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm so sorry to hear about John Jones. That's truly awful. My heart is with his family and friends. [2016-04-19 18:04:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> I do think it was good to rename LP's documentary. Really looking forward to getting a chance to see it! [2016-04-20 02:05:35] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Innovative feature by The Press Project: The moment I tweeted a link from their English version site of their Open Project using their Twitter sharing button, my Tweet was automatically retweeted by their english version twitter account, I have never come across this set up before. [2016-04-20 07:08:27] <voidiss> [Tweet] This piece sounds almost comical in its blunt propaganda effort. The title, oh my god, the title. Why didn't he write something like "let's kneel in front of our powerful and merciful saviours"? But apart from that, it's quite interesting to see how the DOJ decided to investigate on the Panama Papers that *casually* didn't expose many US connections (at least in the published part). And also, worth noting this: [2016-04-20 07:08:50] <voidiss> Ops, here's the link: [2016-04-20 08:04:02] <M> Journos kept hinting the US revelations were coming, but at this point it seems that was just an attempt at appeasing the critics. [2016-04-21 00:23:13] <Cabledrum> My court hearing against MGT takes place today at the Higher District Court in Frankfurt. [2016-04-21 00:24:16] <M> Best of luck! [2016-04-21 00:28:53] <Emmy B> Will be standing by, Good Luck! <3 [2016-04-21 00:29:03] <WISE Up Action> Good luck CD! [2016-04-21 00:43:44] <Cabledrum> Thanks! I really hope that this is the end of the MGT nightmare. [2016-04-21 01:38:58] <voidiss> Oh, good luck! We're all with you! x [2016-04-21 04:49:24] <Cabledrum> The court hearing is over. The court didn't give any hint. So we have to wait for the judgement (in a week or two) [2016-04-21 04:50:47] <Emmy B> Thank you for letting us know, keeping my fingers crossed for you! [2016-04-21 05:09:06] <Cabledrum> [2016-04-21 05:17:18] <Emmy B> This is wonderful news! I better start writing :-) [2016-04-21 06:47:48] <WISE Up Action> Do you have a sense of how it went, CD? [2016-04-21 07:35:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Best of luck, Cabledrummer! [2016-04-21 07:54:38] <Cabledrum> WUA: No. The court didn't give any hint (as usual). Now, the court could decide to convene another hearing (which is unlikely) or they can make the judgment. We have to wait... [2016-04-21 08:26:30] <WISE Up Action> Ok thanks CD. Hope his perjury gets exposed. All the best. [2016-04-21 13:10:08] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-21 13:11:49] <Emmy B> The Press Project makes an announcement encouraging people to submit to WikiLeaks draft negotiating texts between the Greek Gov and Troika [2016-04-21 13:13:18] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-21 13:15:29] <Emmy B> Here the announcement is advertised in Twitter as follows: 'Transparency is in your hands #OpenProjectLeaks - With @WikiLeaks Protection' (Referring to the anonymous submission system) [2016-04-21 13:20:12] <Emmy B> The Announcement is an unreserved call to trust the impenetrable WL submission system and that instructions of how to submit safely will follow. The system will open on Friday. [2016-04-21 13:23:17] <Emmy B> <3 <3 <3 [2016-04-21 16:35:30] <M> [Tweet] Here it is in English. [2016-04-22 01:14:01] <Emmy B> Thank you M [2016-04-22 08:30:42] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-04-22 08:59:37] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-23 04:04:58] <Emmy B> JA to speak in Italy via video link at Wired Next Fest 27-29 May [2016-04-23 04:14:45] <voidiss> I'll be there! :) [2016-04-23 04:19:27] <Emmy B> how lovely :-) [2016-04-23 05:35:10] <Emmy B> The OpenProjectLeaks by The Press Project has now Tweeted their step by step instructions in Greek on how to leak to WikiLeaks. [2016-04-23 05:35:45] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-04-23 05:38:05] <Emmy B> It has been done very carefully and accurately as far as I can see, the only thing I can raise, there is no culture of whistleblowing therefore, there is no word to describe whistleblowers, in the translation the word 'informant' is used which in Greek as well as in many other languages has negative connotations due to historic references, ie WWII etc. [2016-04-23 05:41:47] <Emmy B> There is an expression in Greek ᾽κρούω τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου᾽ ' hit the danger bell' which means 'to alert to danger' which would be more fitting and positive but has no noun that I can think of. [2016-04-23 05:44:35] <Emmy B> No Greek could ever aspire to be 'an informer' the word is stained. We need a neologism for 'a whistleblower' [2016-04-23 06:03:14] <Emmy B> In support of WikiLeaks, Manning, Snowden, Asssange 28:30 - Interesting [2016-04-23 10:58:40] <Emmy B> Maina Kiai, Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai meeting with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy on April 19, 2016 [2016-04-24 13:27:16] <Emmy B> @TPP_en is re-tweeting Sands *throwing toy out of pram* Grrrr that woman! [2016-04-24 13:29:25] <M> Can you contact them and inform? Might be a bit weird from me since she's targeting me. [2016-04-24 13:30:19] <Emmy B> [Media-image] How do I explain Christine Sands to ThePressProject? *grrr* and not to re-tweet her? [2016-04-24 13:33:40] <Emmy B> I will try to speak to their journo Livitsanos (ex schoolmate - uncanny coincidence) let's see if they listen. *sigh* [2016-04-24 13:35:27] <Emmy B> (tomorrow) x [2016-04-24 13:46:54] <M> Cool. Thanks! [2016-04-24 22:51:30] <Emmy B> Very good analysis of how the game stands: US Germany Greece [2016-04-26 07:05:59] <Emmy B> @ M I just realised the extend of harassment Sands has thrown at you. I am sorry. Are you going to report the account to twitter? This could be useful proof of her capacity to harass: [2016-04-26 07:06:49] <Emmy B> Archived here: [2016-04-26 07:17:27] <Emmy B> I hope all this does not bother you, it shouldn't! just think, she comes across as possessed by the green eyed monster! [2016-04-26 07:19:48] <Emmy B> poor deranged woman: [2016-04-26 07:22:31] <M> Oh don't worry, it's more annoying than anything. Her information is largely incorrect so I don't feel threatened. I did report her for spam. [2016-04-26 07:24:19] <M> She is obviously craving attention/trying to provoke me, so the best response is to just ignore her. She'll get bored eventually. [2016-04-26 07:33:39] <Emmy B> She is going round all supporters trying to defame them just like MGT did, disguised with deceiving appearance. She did the same in the flesh, although she can be nice when she want to. I followed the same approach and yes, she eventually moved on. [2016-04-26 09:27:31] <WikiLeaks> Emmy: In dutch whistleblower is 'klockkenluders' (or something like that), which means "bell ringer". [2016-04-26 09:30:48] <WikiLeaks> What about for the prophets? Revealers? [2016-04-26 10:06:12] <Emmy B> Πληροφοριοδοτης = the one who gives information Πληροφοριοφωτης = the one who brings information to the light [2016-04-26 10:07:15] <Emmy B> In Greek you can easily create a new word to express a new idea. I will suggest to them, although it might be a bit too radical a proposal to create a new word into the Greek world :-) [2016-04-26 10:07:46] <Emmy B> Thank you! x [2016-04-26 10:08:23] <Emmy B> (in this way there is no connotation, no prior historic association) [2016-04-26 10:09:14] <Emmy B> The first word I mention is synonymous to informer the second people will ask, what does it mean? [2016-04-26 10:19:06] <WikiLeaks> It looks good. [2016-04-26 10:30:15] <Emmy B> Thank you! I just sent Gerasimos an e-mail let's hope they block Sands and consider my idea. [2016-04-26 11:17:09] <Emmy B> Sarah Harrison in Lyon May 6th for MediaPart Forum [2016-04-26 13:59:39] <Emmy B> About Correa/US relationship ad the Earthquake response. [2016-04-27 01:11:50] <M> [Tweet] By database it means collected data; no original docs. [2016-04-27 01:12:39] <M> We will see how it is. Disappointing if this leak dies so soon as the Offshore Leaks did. [2016-04-27 10:10:19] <M> [Tweet] [2016-04-27 10:12:32] <Emmy B> It is a Hollywood film !!! :-) I will go watch it in Sep. [2016-04-27 12:02:51] <M> Festival of Debate statement of policy re JA speaking there. It is good and well researched. [2016-04-27 13:03:27] <Emmy B> thank for sharing, you are right, [2016-04-27 21:54:33] <M> [Tweet] Current @sweden user on JA. [2016-04-27 22:20:10] <M> He sent out a couple more attack tweets after. [2016-04-28 09:06:11] <Emmy B> nice to see you h, looking forward to the new postings! :-) [2016-04-28 11:47:49] <M> [Tweet] New piece from Greenwald with refs to WL. [2016-04-28 22:42:00] <M> Carl Bernstein on WL: I think WikiLeaks has done some very useful things," he added. "I also think they've been reckless at times by putting information out without trying to protect individuals who work in intelligence. [2016-04-28 22:42:12] <M> [2016-04-28 23:37:57] <Emmy B> Public Servants in intelligence often need protecting from themselves methinks [2016-04-28 23:40:03] <Emmy B> As unaccountability of power which they possess leads to rampant abuse and destruction including self-destruction. [2016-04-29 01:29:20] <Cabledrum> The prosecutor has terminated the proceedings against MGT for perjury. We will contest this decision at the Prosecutor General. [2016-04-29 01:29:52] <Cabledrum> This is the third criminal investigation against MGT that has been terminated without charge, despite clear evidence. Obviously, MGT enjoys some "special protection". [2016-04-29 08:43:47] <Emmy B> Thank you very much Cabledrummer for letting us know, justice will at some point catch up with him, he cannot always evade it. We stand by you <3 [2016-04-29 10:29:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> Best of luck contesting it. Does make you wonder who is pulling strings behind him. [2016-04-29 10:57:20] <Cabledrum> Yes, it makes me wonder. Obviously, my notion of the independence of the German judiciary is somewhat too utopian [2016-04-29 14:06:30] <M> Apparently a Zimbabwean teen escaped the Zimbabwean London embassy by outrunning the police. [2016-05-01 15:18:23] <M> A note: The end of the month (May 28/29) will mark 2000 days JA has been arbitrarily detained. A good time to plan things and bring awareness. [2016-05-01 21:20:18] <M> Obituary for John Jones written by Geoffrey Robertson [2016-05-03 05:56:58] <Emmy B> The £50 heckler saga: I just received the latest from his (now ex employers) "This is to notify you that Mr Peter Penfold has been stopped from raising fund on behalf of IBA charity by the management. Any charity activity carried out by Peter Penfold should be reported to the police." Hopefully he will now stay away from the vigil and Knightsbridge. [2016-05-03 07:31:03] <Cabledrum> I have finally lost the court case against MGT. The judgement cannot be appealed. [2016-05-03 07:31:07] <Cabledrum> This means that it is illegal under German law to use the photo of MGT. I have to remove the photo from my server immediately. [2016-05-03 07:31:14] <Cabledrum> Also it means that I have to pay approx. 18000 Euros (which I do not have). [2016-05-03 07:31:28] <Cabledrum> I don't know any further details yet (I have to wait for the written judgement) but it smells very fishy. Even my lawyer says that he "doesn't understand the world anymore." [2016-05-03 07:31:47] <Cabledrum> MGT has won both cases against PC and against me. 3 criminal complaints against him failed, despite clear evidence. [2016-05-03 07:31:54] <Cabledrum> This is extremely frustrating. All attempts to stop MGT's illegal actions have failed. [2016-05-03 08:02:45] <Emmy B> I am very sorry for this Cabledrummer, I will assist with fundraising to cover the costs. <3 [2016-05-03 08:15:41] <WikiLeaks> Cable: when did you lose? [2016-05-03 08:15:51] <WikiLeaks> And PC's second case, when was that lost? [2016-05-03 08:16:24] <WikiLeaks> Make sure you have your assets in areas which are hard to seize. [2016-05-03 08:17:14] <WikiLeaks> You might be able to appeal to ECHR or UNHRC, though it will take years. [2016-05-03 08:17:35] <WikiLeaks> You have max six months to do so. [2016-05-03 08:18:26] <WikiLeaks> "doesn't understand the world anymore." -- that's either MGT's protections as a result of being an informant, or your lawyer not being very good and looking for an excuse. [2016-05-03 08:22:21] <Emmy B> PC's second case was not lost. There was a partial win. MGT is been found responsible for all content on his site, ie Chris has proved her case, albeit Judges were not 100% sure on the twitter responsibility, so this part has not been won but has not been 'lost' either. [2016-05-03 08:23:32] <Emmy B> But his twitter is also suspended so in effect there is progress there too. Albeit I could not give you any particulars a this mo. [2016-05-03 08:24:26] <Emmy B> @ Cabledrummer, I think let's wait for the details of the judgement and see what can be done! x [2016-05-03 11:05:30] <Cabledrum> I lost in Nov 2015 before LG Frankfurt (regional court) and now (21 Apr) before OLG Frankfurt (higher court). [2016-05-03 11:05:44] <Cabledrum> The court ruled that the verdict cannot be appealed before the Federal Supreme Court ("BGH"). [2016-05-03 11:06:13] <Cabledrum> "doesn't understand the world anymore." -- No, not a bad lawyer but a *very* strange and unexpected decision of the court. [2016-05-03 11:06:43] <Cabledrum> Along with PC's case and the discontinued criminal proceedings it simply seems to be perversion of justice [2016-05-03 11:08:17] <WikiLeaks> The purpose of the 'justice' system is to enforce the power of state instution and the property rights of the wealthy. Any benefits in another direction are random. [2016-05-03 11:09:19] <WikiLeaks> But they do tend to have good marketing. For instance, lawyers will tell the press that "this case will be decided on the law" because they know that it is unlikely to be decided on the law and they want to encourage the judge to decide on the law. [2016-05-03 11:10:42] <WikiLeaks> Similarly, they tell people to dress well, because if you don't, judges will decide that you are further from the property-class/state, whose interests they are really engaged in trying to protect. [2016-05-03 12:30:28] <Cabledrum> Similar to media censorship, I really would like to understand how it actually works. Do the judges decide on their own because they are biased against anything with the "WikiLeaks" label? Do they believe to do the right thing, even by violating the law? Or has someone from the ministry of the interior "recommended" how the judgement should look like? [2016-05-03 12:54:50] <Emmy B> Document everything and submit to a public depository for posterity, everything will eventually come out in the wash. Only a matter of time. [2016-05-04 05:54:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] MGT's dad in Twitter looking good [2016-05-04 05:55:07] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-04 05:55:39] <Emmy B> oh well! [2016-05-05 04:30:28] <Emmy B> Is anyone being followed by Omar Todd? [2016-05-05 04:31:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-05 04:33:15] <Emmy B> The tweet does not make sense and the link (a professor's profile) does not include the quote tweeted [2016-05-05 04:34:38] <Emmy B> oh one of his accounts follows me. [2016-05-05 07:51:48] <Emmy B> Greek Member of Parliament Papachristopoulos mentions the IMF WikiLeaks leak in a video here: [2016-05-05 07:55:17] <Emmy B> "What else could the government do" he says, "when it rolled out the dialigue with Thomsen and Mrs Velculesku, at this precise moment [the gov] fights the IMF tooth and nail, how would otherwise be able to 'burn' him" (he means discredit Thompsen). [2016-05-05 07:56:48] <Emmy B> But the exact words do not mean admission the gov leaked the phonecall. It could very well mean that the gov chose to 'adopt' the leak and use it to the fullest rather than dismissing it and distancing itself from it as any previous government would have done. [2016-05-05 08:17:49] <WikiLeaks> @WikiLeaksParty is tweeting pro-pedo material? wtf. [2016-05-05 08:37:50] <Emmy B> I think it was meant to be a quote from an article but the link doesn't correspond, linking to the profile of a professor, I contacted Omar Todd via Twitter [2016-05-05 08:38:28] <Emmy B> He said : [2016-05-05 08:39:46] <Emmy B> He doesn't that much anymore but he will 'suss for sure' I don't know what this means I [2016-05-05 08:40:09] <Emmy B> I asked him to take a look as it does not look right [2016-05-05 08:41:15] <M> The link goes to a professor who does research on child sexuality, so it is not a wholly unrelated link. It's very creepy. [2016-05-05 08:53:54] <Emmy B> That's why I am flagging it up [2016-05-05 09:02:56] <Emmy B> I sent another message to Todd I don't know who tweets from the account [2016-05-05 12:04:46] <Emmy B> Omar deleted the tweet. [2016-05-05 12:32:36] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The Greek MP re-tracted saying he was misunderstood [2016-05-05 12:33:44] <Emmy B> As I thought he explains he meant that the GR gov raised the WL release at the highest levels and used it to its advantage. [2016-05-05 12:35:27] <Emmy B> but with the same breath he continues: "I therefore state that the interception was done by WikiLeaks, it is impossible for EYP (Greek SS) to have made the interception ..." [2016-05-05 12:35:58] <Emmy B> the quality of Greek politics in all its glory [2016-05-05 23:22:28] <M> [Tweet] Neat. [2016-05-06 08:20:49] <M> Panama Papers source implies he tried reaching out to WL in his manifesto: "Even Wikileaks didn’t answer its tip line repeatedly." [2016-05-06 09:24:33] <M> Luke Harding reorders PP source's manifesto to use "The media has failed" quote to specifically attack WL. [2016-05-06 09:43:10] <Emmy B> They really embarrassing themselves [2016-05-06 12:00:47] <M> [Tweet] This is some serious bullshit. [2016-05-06 12:05:32] <M> (the accusation he's making) [2016-05-06 13:28:08] <Emmy B> What else are we going to read about PP? Certainly not any of the actual papers [2016-05-07 11:27:19] <M> [Tweet] [2016-05-08 10:22:35] <M> [2016-05-08 10:24:43] <Bean> [Tweet] Decision on Lauri Love's NCA case is this coming Tuesday: [2016-05-08 10:25:10] <Bean> [Tweet] PDF of the infographic: [2016-05-08 10:25:39] <Bean> Download the png: [2016-05-08 11:01:14] <Emmy B> Wonderful work Bean :-) thank you very much! [2016-05-08 11:31:03] <Bean> :) [2016-05-09 02:59:23] <voidiss> [Tweet] This is cute! OMG, I love cats and that kitty is amazing. [2016-05-09 05:16:34] <Emmy B> What can I say? Love both, how wonderful <3 [2016-05-09 05:18:26] <voidiss> Yes!! <3 [2016-05-09 06:46:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> That is absolutely adorable!! I miss my cat; she was with me for 14 years before she passed away. I hope 'Embassy cat' has the same long, happy life with Julian. :) [2016-05-09 11:43:14] <Emmy B> The kitten has gone viral! from India to Ireland...the world! [2016-05-09 11:44:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> Awesome!! [2016-05-10 01:34:50] <Emmy B> MGT's second twitter account @supportJAdotcom has been using my bunny Avatar. After a Copyright Complaint to Twitter the latter has removed the picture from MGT's account. [2016-05-10 04:28:27] <Emmy B> The fact that DAG has taken such a strong interest in the Lauri Love case is highly disconcerting to me. That Courage Twitter keeps re-tweeting someone who has proven to follow the gov line on all matters WL/JA with such zeal is also of great concern. [2016-05-10 04:32:07] <Emmy B> The RIPA 'safeguards' are hardly such, that the civil court decision celebrates RIPA is also greatly disconcerting. Where does the IP bill (which I hear will pass) stand in relation to RIPA? are we clapping today whilst this court decision only a tactical move for less safety in the future? One has to be an expert to even carry an opinion whilst the rest of us can scratch their heads. [2016-05-10 06:40:35] <Emmy B> Transparrency International crowdsourcing initiative re PanamaPapers : [2016-05-10 08:05:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I was surprised to see those DAG posts too. [2016-05-10 09:26:34] <Emmy B> Let's see what we'll see [2016-05-10 17:28:02] <WikiLeaks> What is CourageFound retweeting? Dag? [2016-05-10 17:30:33] <M> Yes. David Allen Green's live tweets from the Lauri Live hearing today. [2016-05-10 17:30:45] <M> *Love [2016-05-10 17:33:28] <WikiLeaks> Hard choice. But better to save Lauri and feed DAG. [2016-05-10 17:33:41] <WikiLeaks> As vulgar as he is. [2016-05-10 17:57:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's true. [2016-05-11 11:15:03] <Emmy B> I am very sorry for the passing of Michael Ratner, my condolences and sympathy to WL [2016-05-11 11:15:54] <Emmy B> Jeremy Scahill reports [2016-05-11 11:21:52] <M> Incredibly sad. He was an extraordinary person. [2016-05-11 11:22:09] <voidiss> Oh, god... I've just seen. It's terrible, I'm deeply sorry. :( [2016-05-11 12:13:26] <WISE Up Action> So sorry to hear about Michael Ratner. Oddly, was thinking about him earlier today. [2016-05-11 15:15:48] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh Wow!!! I am so sorry to hear about Michael Ratner!! That's a shock. He did amazing work. What a terrible loss!! [2016-05-12 06:20:53] <WikiLeaks> It is. Three lawyers died so far. On the plus side, no-one else. [2016-05-12 07:16:10] <LibertarianLibrarian> Let's hope no one else including lawyers. [2016-05-13 07:34:28] <voidiss> [2016-05-14 14:04:40] <Emmy B> Sorry to hear Facebook took down Embassy Cat Account. I think you can start a Facebook Page for Embassy Cat rather than an account. [2016-05-14 14:15:42] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-14 14:17:08] <Emmy B> I just set this up so it is possible to have it as a Facebook Page rather than an account. I can delete it so the name becomes available again or give it over to someone. [2016-05-14 14:28:40] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Ai Weiwei is a good friend of WL [2016-05-14 14:29:19] <WikiLeaks> please delete it [2016-05-14 14:29:29] <WikiLeaks> press are following the ban story and that ruins it [2016-05-14 14:29:37] <WikiLeaks> the ban story is more important than the page [2016-05-14 14:30:15] <Emmy B> ok [2016-05-14 14:30:27] <WikiLeaks> Or better make it non-public [2016-05-14 14:32:55] <Emmy B> sorry too late I deleted it permanently but better someone does create one page (non public) to secure the name so no troll grabs it. [2016-05-14 18:08:52] <M> There's two embassy cat pages at the moment. [2016-05-14 18:35:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> Facebook is evil in my opinion. Holding a name vs trolls privately would be OK but o/w better to run with the badness of Fb instead. But just my own opinion. [2016-05-14 23:58:16] <voidiss> [2016-05-17 00:06:43] <Emmy B> @ philJames2014 the prolific anti-wikileaks troll experiences its first twitter suspension due to copy right infringement of my photos. Yet another proof Twitter protects the $ rather than HR (81 complaints for fake wlf harassment and privacy complaints ignored). Our vigil street photographer Mem was seriously affected by 'PhilJames2014' messing up his work as to delete his twitter account, there is some justice with this suspension but it may not be long lived. [2016-05-17 00:16:05] <WISE Up Action> Good news, Emmy. [2016-05-17 00:23:59] <Emmy B> x [2016-05-17 10:44:18] <Emmy B> Check this out about Chelsea [2016-05-17 10:44:35] <Emmy B> [2016-05-17 11:31:20] <Emmy B> JA - Vox Pop but not sure from which speech yet [2016-05-17 11:33:49] <Emmy B> The perso who uploded it studies journalism in Sheffield so could very well be from JA's recent speech there. [2016-05-18 23:27:25] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-05-18 23:28:40] <Emmy B> Erdogan's propaganda goes home (US) to roost [2016-05-18 23:35:27] <Emmy B> article claims "Turkish American National Steering Committee" is financed directly by Turkish gov, it previously organised rally against the Armenians to dispel their rhetoric about Turkey perpetrating the Armenian genocide, and ...oh yes they are planning a celebratory march 20th of July to celebrate the 'peacekeeping turkish intervention in Cyprus' ie the 1974 invasion and occupation of 37% of the island, inclusive of ethnic cleansing and the horrors of a full military assault. [2016-05-19 01:37:06] <M> Seems like Risk was quite well received. Look forward to seeing it! [2016-05-19 02:14:58] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-05-19 04:39:28] <WISE Up Action> [2016-05-19 04:40:09] <WISE Up Action> Guardian just can't help but stir [2016-05-19 05:56:03] <M> They're upset that it's good. You can tell here, too: [2016-05-19 09:30:37] <M> [Tweet] Collected reviews so far [2016-05-19 09:31:22] <WikiLeaks> the reviews are being changed to be nastier as editors become involved [2016-05-19 09:31:58] <WikiLeaks> cine vue and variety both had strictly positive reviews (from a WL perspective) then they were silently changed. [2016-05-19 09:32:10] <WikiLeaks> please them as you see them [2016-05-19 09:32:30] <M> OK [2016-05-19 09:34:23] <WikiLeaks> note on the film we are not giving any position, since it is not helpful to endorse it or to disendorse it. Also it is going to be changed between now and distribution. [2016-05-19 09:35:14] <WikiLeaks> but it is helpful to push the positive (about us) reviews and the social prestigine of ou rpeople being at cannes [2016-05-19 09:38:12] <M> Guardian: [2016-05-19 09:39:43] <M> Reviews seem generally good, positive toward WL, but there's the usual "JA is a narcissist" trope etc. From the reviews it seems the Swedish case wasn't represented in the best manner, either. [2016-05-19 10:27:27] <Emmy B> Telesur [2016-05-19 10:29:08] <Emmy B> Expatica: [2016-05-19 10:29:18] <Emmy B> The Wrap: [2016-05-19 10:34:57] <Emmy B> Evening Standard: [2016-05-19 10:46:58] <Emmy B> ScreenDaily: [2016-05-19 14:59:55] <M> Daily Beast: [2016-05-20 00:02:33] <M> [Tweet] Partial victory for Rudolf Elmer. [2016-05-20 00:24:45] <Emmy B> good news! [2016-05-20 00:32:40] <Emmy B> Mossad re-organises Turkish MIT with meetings in Sweden? info via Bulgarian Turkish speaking minority party (google translate) [2016-05-20 01:56:36] <Emmy B> Indywire: [2016-05-20 07:30:51] <Emmy B> ‘Risk’ Director Laura Poitras on WikiLeaks, Julian Assange and US Election: ‘It’s Pretty Bleak’ [2016-05-20 12:14:54] <M> VICE calls Sarah Harrison "Morrison" throughout their entire review. [2016-05-20 12:53:49] <Emmy B> A remarkably well meaning effort in the Guardian's new review and LP interview: [2016-05-20 12:56:48] <Emmy B> The same journo also made a report yesterday again it was not vitriolic [2016-05-20 12:57:18] <Emmy B> Perhaps away from the toxic UK Guardian journos can produce some good work? [2016-05-20 12:57:44] <M> He's a film guy, not a news journo, so that may be partly why it's not so bad. [2016-05-20 13:11:02] <Emmy B> Which could mean his reputation as a film journo among his peers possibly a strong reason not to be tempted into the gutter other Guardian journos have enthusiastically jumped into with both feet... [2016-05-21 03:11:31] <WikiLeaks> It is the journos that interface with power that are the problem, since they know where to suck. [2016-05-21 03:35:48] <voidiss> The majority of the bad reviews writes about the same quotes or the same sections of the film - likely the openest to spin and ambiguities. [2016-05-21 03:35:54] <voidiss> Almost as if they all copy one from the other in order to present a homogeneous smearing portrait. [2016-05-21 03:45:34] <Emmy B> An absolute delight Embassy's cat timeline this morning :-) - have mercy! [2016-05-21 09:14:54] <WikiLeaks> Please add any nasty/damaging review quotes here (about WL or its people): [2016-05-21 09:29:37] <voidiss> You mean edits of the reviews or the film itself? [2016-05-21 09:33:23] <M> Film. [2016-05-21 10:25:07] <M> I think it needs to be updated to include EmbassyCat. Maybe a secret post-credit feature, hah. [2016-05-21 10:59:09] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-05-21 11:19:51] <Emmy B> Vice corrected their error in Sarah's name : [2016-05-21 11:24:04] <Emmy B> film comment: [2016-05-21 11:26:38] <Emmy B> RT: [2016-05-21 11:32:07] <Emmy B> The Irish Times [2016-05-21 11:33:49] <Emmy B> German Language: Profil: [2016-05-21 11:35:15] <Emmy B> Der Standard: [2016-05-21 11:39:15] <Emmy B> Stern: [2016-05-21 11:40:01] <Emmy B> Der Bund: [2016-05-21 11:43:02] <Emmy B> French Language: Le Monde [2016-05-21 11:43:34] <Emmy B> Telerama: [2016-05-21 11:50:16] <Emmy B> Le Point: [2016-05-21 11:57:36] <Emmy B> Spanish Language: El Heraldo: [2016-05-21 11:58:03] <Emmy B> El Telegrafo: [2016-05-21 11:58:30] <Emmy B> El Spectator: [2016-05-22 12:06:50] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-05-22 12:13:13] <Emmy B> For about a week now in my Google search 'News' results for 'wikileaks' articles, several articles appear in the search results from the online UK newspaper 'The Independent'. Not only there is no reference in the article to WL but also When I search for 'wikileaks' on the page in general again there is no reference (eg, a tag or a part article etc). This is a regular occurrence in the general search results (non 'News') but extremely rare for 'News' search selection and as it is only 'The Independent' that is doing it I am curious why and how it is done. Any ideas, would be good. [2016-05-22 14:25:49] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-05-22 14:26:02] <Emmy B> Magazine [2016-05-22 14:27:55] <Emmy B> Babylonia Festival 2016 Julian Assange speaks Sat 28th of May 20:30 Greek time via video link. All speeches will be live streamed. [2016-05-22 14:28:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-22 14:29:49] <Emmy B> I guess here will be the livestream: [2016-05-23 09:02:01] <Emmy B> SBS Movies about 'Risk': [2016-05-23 13:25:44] <M> [Tweet] [2016-05-23 23:17:35] <Emmy B> This is the only content article I have seen so far of JA's Sheffield speech: [2016-05-23 23:19:07] <Emmy B> This is the only content article I have seen so far on JA's Sheffield speech: [2016-05-24 10:30:26] <Emmy B> Putin and Assange the only non Brits at top 30 Yougov Intelligence index poll - puzzled as to why such poll was commissioned in the first place. [2016-05-24 10:34:07] <M> Obama, Clinton, Trump, Bush. Seems like general political figures that UK citizens would be aware of. [2016-05-24 10:34:51] <M> Amusing how JA has become such an influential figure in British politics. [2016-05-24 10:35:42] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-05-24 16:46:11] <SAWC Sydney> Typical stance, why no Bernie Sanders in that poll, he's having a massive social media response on Oz, is it not the same on UK? (Ian) [2016-05-25 03:17:25] <M> [Tweet] Good from PA Jones. [2016-05-25 04:13:30] <Emmy B> Reminder of my Trade Agreement Twitter Public List for use in latest WL Release (congratulations!) [2016-05-25 04:14:03] <Emmy B> If anyone else has put something together pls share here, thx! [2016-05-25 04:29:35] <WikiLeaks> Thanks 'em. [2016-05-25 04:31:42] <Emmy B> Thank you guys <3 wonderful public service! [2016-05-25 05:32:42] <WikiLeaks> Check out @SMcDonaldFCO now! [2016-05-25 05:32:53] <WikiLeaks> He's live in 20 mins. [2016-05-25 05:33:04] <WikiLeaks> #AskFCO [2016-05-25 05:33:22] <WikiLeaks> Good opportunity re JA / @DiploMog [2016-05-25 08:43:48] <Emmy B> I don't know what I am doing wrong in my Google searches but not a single reference in UK press about Tisa WikiLeaks release so far five hours after the release. [2016-05-25 09:59:32] <Emmy B> The Spectator on 'Risk': [2016-05-26 06:58:22] <M> [Tweet] Former Autralian SECDEF [2016-05-26 07:01:56] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! [2016-05-26 11:10:31] <Emmy B> Audio: Melinda Taylor on Swedish decision to uphold arrest warrant [2016-05-26 11:11:30] <Emmy B> The article is in Spanish but has automatic translators and the audio is both in Spanish and in English. Very good! [2016-05-26 11:12:08] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Here: [2016-05-26 11:16:37] <Emmy B> Mint Press News on Risk: [2016-05-27 07:01:28] <M> [2016-05-27 07:02:46] <M> And people wonder why whistleblowers won't go through the "system"... [2016-05-27 07:36:41] <Emmy B> at 2:14 JA speaking in Madrid in Democracy Conference [2016-05-27 07:43:58] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Yes! [2016-05-27 08:06:11] <M> Yes, very exciting to see Manning as the new beneficiary. [2016-05-27 08:20:17] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-05-27 09:25:13] <WISE Up Action> [2016-05-27 11:29:48] <voidiss> Oh my god. This is the album I've been waiting for since ever. [2016-05-28 02:50:10] <M> This sounds like quite the event at ULB. It is closed, but I hope to see some write-ups at least. [2016-05-28 03:12:24] <Emmy B> yep [2016-05-28 03:47:00] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-05-28 03:47:03] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-05-28 03:47:51] <Bean> have a couple more to tweet later today/this eve too [2016-05-28 03:49:14] <WISE Up Action> Really good work Bean! [2016-05-28 03:53:41] <Bean> cheers! [2016-05-28 04:31:52] <SAWC Sydney> Thanks Bean, your graphics are always great! [2016-05-28 09:29:48] <M> [Tweet] Ah, turns out that ULB event will be livestreamed. Fantastic. [2016-05-28 15:21:52] <Emmy B> great! [2016-05-28 15:57:39] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-05-28 16:33:41] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-05-28 16:36:00] <Emmy B> <3 Thank you! [2016-05-31 23:12:06] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-31 23:12:23] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-05-31 23:14:27] <Emmy B> @ M to my great disappointment youtube poster cut the Q&A session (about an hour) from his you tube video as you can see from the screenshots above. *Goodbye kitty cameo* [2016-05-31 23:15:08] <Emmy B> perhaps it is reposted under different url, haven't checked. [2016-05-31 23:18:56] <M> No she's still in there, at 3:59:15. :) The user just edited out the breaks between panels. [2016-05-31 23:19:54] <M> It's a bit confusing because (at least for the time being) if you scrub through the video time, the preview image is incorrect. [2016-05-31 23:34:50] <Emmy B> good news then! thanks :-) [2016-05-31 23:35:16] <Emmy B> *3:59:15* [2016-05-31 23:43:37] <Emmy B> hahaha my daughter was explaining to me the idea of 'fan service' in anime, I think the cameo qualifies albeit in cuteness terms :-) [2016-06-01 03:15:22] <Emmy B> Julian's video conference with Greek Festival [2016-06-01 03:16:07] <Emmy B> [Tweet] The organiser's tweet: [2016-06-01 06:33:54] <WikiLeaks> Hope they scrubbed that. They had terrible technical problems. [2016-06-01 08:08:22] <Emmy B> They must have, only a couple of blips and a barking dog :-) good Q&A [2016-06-01 11:53:38] <Emmy B> At 11:15 Dr. Alfred de Zayas (UN Special Rapporteur): Threats to Peace and How to Fix the United Nations, refers to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. [2016-06-02 01:01:49] <Emmy B> JA Speaking at Login Conference beginning of May from 38 minutes onwards [2016-06-02 08:28:23] <M> [Tweet] Usual Suspects inspired street art. [2016-06-06 06:52:29] <Emmy B> The WL tweet about Jacob has the same url link twice ie Jacob's twitlonger statement is not included! [2016-06-06 11:26:20] <Emmy B> The moment 'risk' premiers at Cannes and from what I read he is a protagonist, we get this defamation of Jacob Applebaum, so sad :-( but more importantly I wish him strength to what he has to face in the next few months. [2016-06-06 13:48:09] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah, this nastiness has spread far & fast including some people I otherwise liked. People are too quick to believe these kinds of accusations, esp. if the target is well-known and/or has a difficult or strong personality that isn't politic. The timing & the type of accusation just reminds me terribly of what was done to Julian. Hard to distinguish truth when it's all shaded by rumor and unprovable he/she saids. If he did do something, they are real legal avenues that should've been pursued in private not public accusation campaigns. [2016-06-07 10:57:11] <Cabledrum> Twitter has unsuspended @Godlike_Tyrant (for the moment) [2016-06-07 11:14:49] <Emmy B> *cough cough* [2016-06-07 11:16:31] <Emmy B> I am resisting temptation !!!! [2016-06-07 11:26:14] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-07 12:41:33] <Bean> [Tweet] oops - used old hashtag - this one better: [2016-06-07 15:32:20] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-07 15:39:40] <Emmy B> done mine Bean, thanks for the prompt! x [2016-06-08 12:25:51] <Emmy B> IPBill at Westminster : 67 MPs voted for "Amendment 482: protect whistle-blowers and those making unsolicited disclosures from criminal prosecutions. (67 ayes; 281 noes: a majority of 214.)" [2016-06-09 11:20:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-06-09 11:20:28] <Emmy B> For info [2016-06-09 14:35:19] <Emmy B> I just put a comment on the original article in Gizmodo about this statement and the link, hopefully the journalist can do an update but you know the original article has over 60 thou shares. [2016-06-09 15:17:51] <Emmy B> going back to my dinosaur egg - goodnight! [2016-06-09 17:38:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> This looks like another witch-hunt smear campaign. We've seen those before. Makes me suspicious. [2016-06-10 05:32:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, I agree Hazel, but it's tough to believe people you trusted will turn on you and when even the most innocent behaviors are twisted, it's difficult to fight. Jill B's story is a case in point. How absolutely innocent an interaction got turned into an abuse story is insanity. [2016-06-10 06:49:00] <Emmy B> [Media-image] oh dear, the smsteinitz pops her head again she follows Angela Richter and jacob info [2016-06-10 06:50:25] <Emmy B> [Media-image] on June the 8th and a day later Angela follows back...hoping AR understands what kind of journo this person is. [2016-06-10 07:01:30] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] [2016-06-10 07:01:54] <Emmy B> This is just unbelievable stuff! The Steinitz woman wrote about WLsup mobbing MGT which was false but to this day she has not apologised. This though is true mobbing. [2016-06-10 07:03:38] <Emmy B> I see... I don't really know Angela very well but perhaps I can send her a DM... [2016-06-10 07:04:10] <Emmy B> with Cabledrummer's link on the matter of MGT and Steinitz [2016-06-10 07:12:38] <WISE Up Action> Think someone should let her know Steinitz was pally with MGT, yes. [2016-06-10 07:15:31] <Emmy B> I sent her cabledrummer's link [2016-06-10 07:18:59] <Emmy B> Angela replied she is fully aware and thanked for the link *phew* [2016-06-10 07:20:11] <Emmy B> It really is straight out of that Snowden Intercept GCHQ manual, increasing tension to levels that a group breaks up [2016-06-10 07:20:32] <Emmy B> people fall out unable to work together [2016-06-10 07:23:17] <Emmy B> we saw it to an extend unfold at the fake forum, traumatising many, but the only (and I hope I am not sounding inconsiderate here) when you break up a group of skilled people these people tend to spread further and further and become cells that metastasise so in one way breaking a structure is destructive but could also spearhead something new. [2016-06-10 07:25:30] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-06-10 07:49:19] <Emmy B> poor kid [2016-06-10 08:49:24] <Emmy B> Important [2016-06-10 10:25:40] <Emmy B> Between 'Christine Sands' and MGT sockies the #Assange hashtag is spamville paradise today [2016-06-10 10:27:36] <WISE Up Action> Kind of shaking my head at the stupidity / naivety of people. [2016-06-10 10:46:23] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-10 10:47:08] <Emmy B> loving it, saving it :-) [2016-06-10 10:48:30] <Emmy B> Great timing as well Bean looking forward to some new posters to hold outside the embassy. <3 [2016-06-10 10:50:50] <Bean> you'll have them soon! [2016-06-10 11:01:43] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-06-10 13:10:35] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-06-10 13:12:13] <Emmy B> guest appearance from embassy cat? :-) [2016-06-10 16:01:30] <Emmy B> [Media-image] why would my search results page bring about 4 results for Clinton E-mail results when the summary column shows 8 e-mails? [2016-06-11 03:09:29] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-06-11 03:09:40] <Emmy B> a year ago [2016-06-11 03:12:28] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-06-11 03:12:55] <Emmy B> certainly an EAW critic [2016-06-11 12:57:38] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-06-11 13:01:49] <Emmy B> Thank you! Well I never Nigel Farage calls Hilary Clinton a crook and then he says something like (if I am not mistaken) : "I worked for the company at the time of watergate and what I saw..." what does this mean? any ideas? [2016-06-11 13:02:05] <Emmy B> [2016-06-11 15:28:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Agreed. We've seen all this before. [2016-06-12 12:19:51] <Emmy B> Andrea Espinoza @andreaspcar from the [2016-06-12 13:14:39] <Emmy B> Here is for ppl do not have access to ITV Peston show [2016-06-13 02:46:16] <WikiLeaks> Norton is vile. [2016-06-13 13:22:00] <Emmy B> I just asked for my name to be added onto the letter of solidarity for Jacob. [2016-06-14 05:39:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> I did as well, Emmy. [2016-06-14 06:01:48] <Emmy B> I have been having some exchanges with Bluey on the topic, she has written some stuff, some of which made me laugh [2016-06-14 07:03:38] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-06-14 07:07:25] <Emmy B> They First Came for Assange The Press Project has just tweeted their article about it, (fantastic!) with a link to original Campaign site [2016-06-14 07:37:45] <Cabledrum> Christine Sands again: [2016-06-14 07:39:33] <LibertarianLibrarian> Blue's tweet is great. I almost got fooled by that Sands twitter handle. Need to watch out for it! [2016-06-14 13:05:46] <Cabledrum> After the prosecutor terminated the proceedings against MGT for perjury, we have lodged a complaint against this decision at the Prosecutor General. Now, the Prosecutor General has rejected our complaint. [2016-06-14 13:07:17] <Cabledrum> Key point: In the eyes of the prosecutor, perjury is not punishable, as long as it doesn't affect the judgement. [2016-06-14 13:57:13] <Emmy B> scandalous! [2016-06-14 13:58:40] <Emmy B> So Christine Sands continues to target M, hmm... [2016-06-14 14:00:16] <M> Apart from the account name, she isn't doing anything. I think she got bored because I never responded to her harassment. [2016-06-14 14:03:11] <Emmy B> no one retweets her stuff is only able to occasionally fool someone, but your tactic seemed to work. [2016-06-14 14:48:18] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-14 16:53:13] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-14 16:53:36] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-15 04:48:14] <Emmy B> Excellent work and in perfect timing <3 [2016-06-15 04:48:39] <Emmy B> Article about First they came for Assange [2016-06-15 05:07:32] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-15 07:30:12] <Cabledrum> [Media-image] @Godlike_Tyrant got suspended again, for this tweet [2016-06-15 07:59:13] <Emmy B> Prosecution Cannot Confirm Probe Launched Into Assange Case Handling [2016-06-15 08:49:06] <Bean> collection of A3 print ready pdf posters for the 19th is here: [2016-06-15 08:50:26] <Emmy B> All ready for use on the 19th :-) [2016-06-15 08:51:11] <Emmy B> Lovely work :-D [2016-06-15 08:53:20] <Bean> :) [2016-06-15 10:27:12] <Bean> wl - no 'first they came for assange' event in london on the 19th? [2016-06-15 17:03:34] <WikiLeaks> Bean: No; too close to the 23rd [2016-06-16 12:58:09] <Bean> aaah righto [2016-06-17 03:26:26] <Emmy B> @ M Is it possible to have a summary of local times for broadcasting the live stream on Sunday? I think you had done a page in the past using world clock or something like this? Time is upon us, I assume it is 19:30 London Time but how about ppl in US or Australia, how will they know to tune in? [2016-06-17 03:27:31] <WikiLeaks> Yes. Good point. Can you find a useful workclock link? [2016-06-17 03:51:40] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Perhaps a counter: [2016-06-17 04:25:02] <Emmy B> or [2016-06-17 04:25:33] <Emmy B> [2016-06-17 15:55:21] <Emmy B> I just love this [2016-06-17 15:56:04] <Emmy B> More statements of support here: [2016-06-17 15:56:52] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-06-17 16:21:14] <Bean> Vids are up on the site now: [2016-06-18 03:49:45] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-18 08:05:49] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-18 21:40:05] <WikiLeaks> yes, but pitty that's so badly written [2016-06-18 21:40:24] <WikiLeaks> 'directed energy weapons' is a terrible diversion. [2016-06-18 21:46:01] <M> Yeah, that's when it lost me. [2016-06-20 02:52:56] <Emmy B> The 'First they came for Assange' Workshop from Madrid contains Julian's speech from 1hr 8min and Guilelmo Long in English [2016-06-20 04:12:51] <Emmy B> Hoping for videos of all workshops to be made available and posted on the freeassangenow website. [2016-06-20 04:30:21] <Emmy B> I missed the live broadcast, today is catch up :-) so much good stuff :-D [2016-06-20 09:11:33] <Emmy B> Short but good review of 'WikiLeaks Files" - Scottish Legal News [2016-06-20 09:15:09] <Emmy B> Conference Cycle on Julian Assange Inaugurated in Ecuador [2016-06-20 12:16:43] <Emmy B> This is a very good article from The Guardian, what happened? [2016-06-21 08:33:46] <M> Region-free link to FM Long on BBC. [2016-06-22 05:06:20] <Emmy B> [2016-06-22 05:06:33] <Emmy B> [2016-06-22 05:07:01] <Emmy B> Hitchens who Peter or Christopher? [2016-06-22 05:07:29] <Emmy B> Re: #BrexitClub [2016-06-22 05:08:07] <Emmy B> *can I have it both ways (Yes and No) please?* [2016-06-22 05:08:22] <Emmy B> *greedy* [2016-06-22 06:59:01] <M> I'd guess Peter, unless they're planning a seance. [2016-06-22 07:00:23] <Emmy B> hhahaha [2016-06-22 07:00:28] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-06-22 07:00:45] <Emmy B> *sorry mustn't* [2016-06-22 13:34:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-06-22 16:19:40] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-22 16:49:44] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-22 17:08:11] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-22 17:19:35] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-06-23 00:57:52] <M> [2016-06-23 03:13:27] <Emmy B> Thanks everyone for the contributions, @ Bean I endeavour to print as many Lauri Love posters as I can from your work but after we are done with Pride March (Saturday) in London supporting Chelsea. After Queer strike and Queer Friends of Chelsea Manning boycotte of London Pride due to the whatsitsname RAF flying over it, a few from the regulars will be joining Peter Tatchell's contingent here: [2016-06-23 03:15:03] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Hoping for different link at some point with video of last night's #FreeAssange US broadcast, the one shared by WL has world region broadcast restrictions on it. [2016-06-27 13:30:57] <Emmy B> Finally First they came for Assange in US (the Democracy now broadcast?) [2016-06-27 13:43:20] <M> Brussels event available too. [2016-06-27 14:01:08] <Emmy B> wonderful! :-) [2016-06-27 15:16:32] <Emmy B> Belgrade? [2016-06-27 21:43:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-06-28 01:01:35] <M> [Media-image] Fun Fact: WL is top Google result for searching Hillary emails. [2016-06-28 01:31:14] <Emmy B> yeah it is funny ! which makes me think, where are the e-mails Hilary sent to google and what do they say? [2016-06-28 13:39:48] <Emmy B> Pati Smith statement and song in support of Julian Assange "First They came foro Assange" Paris 19 06 2016 [2016-06-28 13:43:50] <Emmy B> "First they came for Assange" in Paris [2016-06-29 10:00:36] <M> [Tweet] [2016-06-30 03:29:00] <Emmy B> Ahm! :-D Nick Davis retires from journalism [2016-07-01 08:57:19] <Emmy B> I haven't been able to understand what's going on please brief x ta! [2016-07-01 15:52:58] <M> Great to hear Patti Smith gave a birthday shoutout to JA at her Hyde Park concert! Hope to see a video pop up. [2016-07-02 11:03:55] <WISE Up Action> [2016-07-02 11:13:28] <WISE Up Action> So Clinton was interviewed by FBI today for 3 hours [2016-07-04 03:52:04] <WikiLeaks> Please start, from now, pumping all our Iraq war stuff with #chilcot tag. [2016-07-04 03:52:44] <WikiLeaks> And then when the report leaks/is published, citing entries in our material. [2016-07-04 03:56:23] <Emmy B> Will start this afternoon [2016-07-05 00:26:47] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Sadiq Khan (current Mayor of London) might be vocal tomorrow on Chilcot, he was one of British Muslim MP's to sign an open letter to Tony Blair see here: [2016-07-05 00:34:16] <Emmy B> But is also interesting on the same cable the reports of other Labour reactions who condemned the letter. [2016-07-06 07:34:42] <WISE Up Action> Reports that Chelsea Manning has returned to Leavenworth after a day in hospital - unconfirmed reports of a suicide attempt. [2016-07-06 07:54:05] <Emmy B> omg [2016-07-06 07:55:49] <WikiLeaks> reports where? [2016-07-06 07:56:52] <WISE Up Action> [2016-07-06 07:58:34] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-07-06 09:24:48] <M> Daily Beast article now reads that U.S. officials confirmed Manning "was hospitalized after being suspected of attempting to commit suicide". [2016-07-06 11:46:40] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-07 08:54:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-07 08:55:10] <Emmy B> Here we go again!!! [2016-07-07 08:59:02] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-07 12:36:31] <M> [Tweet] Alex Gibney under fire again. [2016-07-07 12:58:51] <WikiLeaks> We assume Coney didn't mention Assange explicitly? [2016-07-07 12:58:55] <WikiLeaks> Or did he? [2016-07-07 13:07:26] <M> The transcript can be searched here: [2016-07-07 13:07:51] <M> WL and JA were mentioned but it says "unidentified speaker". [2016-07-07 13:08:26] <M> I can't access the video at the moment, but it may show who it is? [2016-07-07 13:16:59] <WikiLeaks> See tweet [2016-07-08 10:51:37] <Emmy B> [Tweet] In 10 minutes everyone! [2016-07-10 11:15:02] <voidiss> I can say it finally! Tomorrow my exams officially end and I'll be back, active as I was before! :) [2016-07-10 11:28:41] <Emmy B> lovely Greta! what a sigh of relief :-) [2016-07-10 13:02:26] <M> [2016-07-11 15:33:29] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Chelsea's legal team update [2016-07-11 20:43:53] <Emmy B> Thank you! x [2016-07-12 07:44:57] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-13 10:47:34] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-13 11:51:03] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-13 11:51:42] <Emmy B> As Mayor of London he knows a lot about the Assange Case. [2016-07-13 11:52:10] <Emmy B> is he also a US citizen? [2016-07-14 02:09:13] <Emmy B> 23 Questions by London Assembly members and answers by Boris Johnson about Julian Assange Policing costs during his tenure as London Mayor. [2016-07-14 02:11:25] <Emmy B> [Media-image] This is one of the last Q&A's [2016-07-14 13:37:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-14 13:39:51] <Emmy B> McDonnell's quote echoes JA's 'the superpower of the accused' recent analysis [2016-07-14 22:40:34] <Emmy B> why France Again? [2016-07-15 05:28:46] <WikiLeaks> 5m muslims in the country and constant adventurism in the middle east/northern africa. [2016-07-15 08:05:46] <Emmy B> Yes, but this is not new, they have been imperialistic for ever, in the 20's they were very much involved in carving up the Ottoman empire and got eg Syria as their cut before making peace accord with Kemal Ataturk, or their involvement in Africa has been constant in Algeria, during their civil war, but even before, in the 80's French security forces were involved. Still, in comparison to what other Western countries have been involved in, to me is surprising France is the one currently carrying the brunt. So much to understand... [2016-07-15 09:17:23] <Emmy B> perhaps all this history makes them a lot more vulnerable now [2016-07-15 13:44:58] <Emmy B> not at all [2016-07-15 13:45:37] <Emmy B> there is only 'when will they attack' there is no question they will [2016-07-15 13:46:28] <Emmy B> Koutsomitis is vile [2016-07-15 13:47:59] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-15 13:48:11] <Emmy B> bingo [2016-07-15 13:51:03] <Emmy B> The Kurds will be massacred? [2016-07-15 14:01:21] <Emmy B> al jazeera english live on you tube [2016-07-15 14:07:14] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-15 14:08:11] <Emmy B> is Kerry still in Moscow? [2016-07-15 14:08:58] <Emmy B> yes, interesting! [2016-07-15 14:13:18] <Emmy B> From March this year WILL THERE BE A COUP AGAINST ERDOGAN IN TURKEY? [2016-07-15 14:14:02] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Al Jazeera Live [2016-07-15 14:20:24] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-07-15 14:34:21] <Emmy B> greek pentagon and public order ministry meeting [2016-07-15 15:41:23] <WikiLeaks> We have a lot on turkey/gulen etc please pump it out [2016-07-15 17:42:13] <SAWC Sydney> [2016-07-15 23:52:25] <Emmy B> Thanks h for all the updates :-) [2016-07-16 03:22:54] <Emmy B> Please verify / cross check following tweets [2016-07-16 03:23:40] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-16 03:24:12] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-16 03:36:36] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Here is how the 'external enemy' is drawn in [2016-07-16 03:45:13] <Emmy B> The irony: [Historical note: According to the Turkish Language my country Hellas, Greece, is called 'Yunanistan' is a paraphrase of the ancient Greek word of Ionia, [2016-07-16 03:53:55] <Emmy B> "Last Update 16.07.2017 12:44 The IOANNAS ILIADI Turkish helicopter with eight people landed in Alexandroupolis. The helicopter belongs to the Turkish police. According to preliminary information sent out distress at 11:45 since morning and landed in Alexandroupolis at 11:51. Reportedly, occupants are seven soldiers and a civilian. They have "pulled out" their grades from their uniforms, so it is unknown yet who they are and what position they hold. It is likely to be people who have defected. Greek police is at the airport, and over the airport space a pair of F-16 fighter provide air support." [2016-07-16 03:56:15] <Emmy B> "Regarding the landing incident Turkish military Black Hawk helicopter type in Alexandroupolis airport in 1151 of 16/7, according to information from sources the Greek General Staff plans an immediate return of the helicopter to Turkey and the examination by the competent authorities of asylum applications of the eight occupants. [2016-07-16 05:25:19] <Emmy B> "Why political asylum requested by the coup participant Turks are "hot potato"! II. Karvounopoulos 16/07/2016 | 14:31 37 Views "Hot potato" the request of the seven military and a citizen of Turkey for political asylum. The Turks landed in Alexandroupolis helicopter Blackhawk, (photo from hoping that this will escape the consequences of their involvement in the attempted coup against Erdogan. The government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili said that the eight arrested accused Turkey of violating the constitutional legitimacy and participation in coup aiming to overthrow democracy and hinted that it will be very difficult not to be extradited. She pointed out that all legal procedures will be adhered to but she stressed twice in a television interview in ERT that the offenses for which they are accused are very serious. The point is a hot potato. An and the decision seems to be one way. The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was the first western politician who publicly backed Erdogan and even at the time when it was not clear which side would prevail in Turkey. It is rather difficult now to refuse extradition of eight Turks seven military and a civilian. But because in Turkey they have already begun to seriously discuss the imposition of the death penalty even for some of those involved in the coup attempt, there is an issue! The EU does not "cover" us to extradite defendants in countries that may condemn them to death. sources indicate that there is communication between Athens and NATO, in order to manage the issue." [2016-07-16 05:25:39] <Emmy B> [2016-07-16 07:32:49] <Emmy B> The military arrested across Turkey after the coup attempt amounted to 1,563, an official said. The issue is not only the number involved. The issue is who did Erdogan 'unwrap'. ▪I Turkey has captured fighter pilots, Commanders Special Forces amphibious force, and also the Governor of the landing craft of the Aegean fleet. ▪O Erdogan "removes teeth" from throughout the administration of the Aegean fleet on the basic accusation that they attempted to kill him. ▪Also it is not the army that performs the arrests in the army but the anti-terrorist service, this shows how problematic the situation is. The situation in Turkey is still not completely under control. [2016-07-16 07:33:09] <Emmy B> [2016-07-16 09:35:33] <WikiLeaks> The ending of the Hannibal directive now is likely due to Palestine ICC membership [2016-07-16 12:49:21] <Bean> [Tweet] arbitrarily hugo is off to the backbenches [2016-07-16 12:50:37] <Emmy B> Good info! [2016-07-16 15:54:28] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-07-16 15:54:55] <Emmy B> had to change password [2016-07-16 15:55:39] <voidiss> Were you using Tor? [2016-07-16 15:56:16] <Emmy B> no [2016-07-16 15:56:35] <voidiss> Uhm, weird... [2016-07-16 15:56:45] <Emmy B> I generally don't [2016-07-16 15:57:04] <Emmy B> never happened to me before [2016-07-16 22:25:33] <Emmy B> Thanks h! [2016-07-17 01:40:09] <Emmy B> Alternative analysis of the failed Turkish Coup attempt presented as pyrihic victory for Erdogan, highlighting Kerry's presence in Moscow as events unfolded and pointing at developments in Incirlic and US German tensions with the creation of Kurdistan within Turkey as a timely historic event [2016-07-17 03:53:36] <Emmy B> interesting analysis of coup attempt from kurdish perspective: [2016-07-17 03:56:38] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] from Egyptian perspective: [2016-07-17 08:56:49] <Emmy B> As long as Erdogan remains in Istanbul or Constantinople the easier he fits the 'Sultan image' and that is to say the last sultan. One has to ask why he does not return to his seat of government, Ankara, Perhaps he has actually been de-throned and prefers to be near the exit, the millions who've followed the path before him into Europe for safety, let us see whether there will be a helicopter available to take him to safety when the time comes and what will be its nationality. [2016-07-18 01:26:45] <Emmy B> Thousands attend/ed Gulen schools and associations are they all going to be targeted by Turkish state? Remember how bad things can get: progrom 1955 in Instabul 'cleansed' thousands, properties confiscated, businesses destroyed. This is not good. [2016-07-18 08:19:01] <Emmy B> Because of the political/military situation in Turkey any release could act as a release valve for a lot of tension. This may be very positive on the ground in Turkey long term but short term release may be spi [2016-07-18 08:19:21] <Emmy B> nned one way or another [2016-07-18 08:36:13] <WikiLeaks> Erdogan will spin it as a Gulen plot [2016-07-18 09:04:42] <Emmy B> although he pushes that line Gulen=terrorist organisation etc etc perhaps the real danger to his power is the people closest to him within his party who perhaps wish to retain some of their power and see him as a liability. I have no idea if indeed Gulen had anything to do with the plot, or his sympathisers did, how could I, but Erdogan has marked them as his enemy and so it is. The Gulenist supporters sympathisers, if we believe the US embassy cables as an accurate source is into millions within Turkey, imagine how many have gone to the schools, have been in Gulenist trade associations or charities, Erdogan paints with the brush of terrorists a very large part of the population, it is extraordinary how he chose to act with purging thousands from positions of state, in the legal,judicial profession, the army, the police, kind of disintegrating the state and terrorising a huge part of the state apparatus and the population, introducing a chaos element within his own ranks. The enemy within, instead of 'The Kurds', 'The Greeks' 'The Armenians' 'The Laz' . I wonder how he can sustain this in the medium or long term. I get the feeling things are very much in flux. Neither can we assume that the external powers to be are currently idle. Considering the importance of Turkey militarily, Erdogan is now a liability for them too, I don't know why Egypt comes to mind, perhaps because they were the only ones in UN not to condemn the coup attempt. [2016-07-18 09:05:54] <Emmy B> it is a complex situation hopefully the new release will help many to understand the situation and in fact, calm things down [2016-07-18 09:06:32] <Emmy B> it may also offer distraction and focus minds [2016-07-18 09:07:20] <Emmy B> at the mo everything is frozen by violence or the threat of violence [2016-07-18 09:07:38] <WikiLeaks> Listing Gulen as a terrorist group a month ago would have put many in a dangerous position. [2016-07-18 09:07:47] <WikiLeaks> So coup could be gulen related. [2016-07-18 09:09:34] <Emmy B> it is inevitable, event if he himself does not pull the strings, the thousands associated with the movement have been active state actors for years, in fact they were for years Erdogan's power base supporting his rise to power, as per US Embassy cables [2016-07-18 09:17:06] <Emmy B> it is just the scale of Erdogan's intention to criminalise potentially hundreds of thousand of people... on the other hand, Kurds have been at the receiving end of such discrimination for decades upon decades, previously Armenians, Greeks ethnically cleansed so society it seems is willing to accept such mass scale criminalisation of groups of people? but difficult to understand really what is happening. Trying to make parallels with other countries... de-baathification perhaps in Iraq, but it was done by an external occupying force, or the exclusion from power of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt... but again it is different. [2016-07-18 09:21:01] <Emmy B> Please be careful <3 [2016-07-18 09:24:11] <Emmy B> LOL!!! I googled FETO (from the poll) it comes out 'Fetus' and other abdominal stuff [2016-07-18 09:26:04] <Emmy B> Thankfully WikiPedia "Erdogan accused Gülen of being behind the corruption investigations.[21] He is currently on Turkey's most-wanted-terrorist list and is accused of leading what the current Turkish officials call the Gulenist Terror Organisation (FETO)" [2016-07-18 09:30:59] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-18 09:39:29] <Emmy B> Clinton's guy on Turkish Coup (above) [2016-07-18 09:40:04] <Emmy B> don't be fooled by the greek name the guy is 100% US of A and a friend of Turkey [2016-07-18 11:33:34] <Emmy B> US finance minister in Athens Wed/Thursday for meetings with Tsipras 'to speed up reforms over the summer so that comes september they can start discussing IMF debt haircut' interesting timing. [2016-07-18 12:02:15] <Emmy B> if all emails are in Turkish, how are we going to report them? Google translate I suppose. [2016-07-18 12:24:51] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Al jazeera's reporting of Wikileaks' upcoming release [2016-07-18 12:34:57] <Emmy B> so far western press has not mentioned the upcoming release the Independent, The Guardian, the Telegraph, the Mirror, no US publications have come up in my searches, which is surprising as in the UK at least most front pages of newspapers were all about Turkey. A controlled narrative is the name of the day perhaps, due to US/UK interests? just bizarre, But Reuters India, AlJazeera, some Turkish sites have reported it. [2016-07-18 12:36:57] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-18 23:17:33] <Emmy B> Newspaper Yeni Safak reports that arrested Brigadier General Hasan Polat claims to have had 12 meeting with Americans in Incirlic base, he claims The US and Feto planned the coup. Here [2016-07-19 00:27:37] <Emmy B> AK Party Wikipedia page: [2016-07-19 00:28:05] <Emmy B> AK Party website in English: [2016-07-19 00:28:21] <Emmy B> (will they make a statement later on today or will they ignore? [2016-07-19 00:33:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Very very interesting article and relevant to the AK Party from June this year [2016-07-19 00:37:07] <Emmy B> Website of Hizmet, the Gulenist movement: [2016-07-19 03:48:20] <Emmy B> Next thing we know Erdogan will be issuing 'Fatuas' [2016-07-19 04:01:21] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] The Daily Mail the first UK based newspaper to announce the pending leak: [2016-07-19 04:24:23] <Emmy B> No updates in FB WL page since the 13th of July, release not advertised :-( [2016-07-20 00:32:19] <M> [Tweet] I quite like this headline. It nicely sums up WL's publish or perish philosophy. [2016-07-20 01:36:26] <Emmy B> it is beautiful you are right :-) [2016-07-20 01:37:03] <WISE Up Action> +1 ! [2016-07-20 02:34:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] What some Turkish Journalists hope to find in the WikiLeaks documents [2016-07-20 03:22:01] <Emmy B> Plenty of Turkish officials comments on WL release at Al Jazeera (the only so far to pick up statements that I have seen) [2016-07-20 03:39:22] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Retweeted over 3000 times a fake tweet claiming location Pensilvania [2016-07-20 03:40:07] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] and story picked up by online publication [2016-07-20 03:42:05] <Emmy B> interestingly, the actual twitter account screenshot @wikileaks_turk has not tweeted such tweet so I think it is perhaps manufactured as a joke [2016-07-20 03:43:43] <Emmy B> I would like to meet such Greeks if they exists [2016-07-20 03:46:10] <Emmy B> another publication picks up the fake tweet as well: [2016-07-20 03:51:41] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Ah, The online site that WL recently tweeted link from Yeni Safak also picked up the story of the fake tweet, perhaps it is safer to tweet WL humour or disinfo rather than the actual stories [2016-07-20 03:52:53] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-07-20 04:05:38] <Emmy B> [Media-image] heheeh I shouldn't really I shouldn't.... [2016-07-20 04:17:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] My attempt to humour [2016-07-20 04:39:38] <M> [Tweet] Always amusing when governments try to downplay significance of WL releases while simultaneously blocking access to them. [2016-07-20 06:51:50] <Emmy B> I have been reading abouot Yeni Safak Newspaper, from where I shared a link earlier regarding Brigadier Hasan Polat, the paper has manufactured land printed stories including about Noam Chomsky. [2016-07-20 06:55:28] <Emmy B> Certainly not the most reliable paper and a clear Erdogan supporter and propagandist. So I asked a journalist from TRTWorld English who had interviewed Hasan Polat in February for TRT (it is state broadcaster in Turkey apparently) and he came back to say the story is unconfirmed. [2016-07-20 06:55:35] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-20 06:56:03] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-20 12:26:06] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-20 12:47:43] <Emmy B> [2016-07-20 12:48:03] <Emmy B> Erdogan live on Al Jazeera [2016-07-20 15:43:19] <Bean> [Tweet] The Canary [2016-07-21 10:34:49] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Bozzer Johnson seems very interested in the goings on of London embassies [2016-07-22 01:28:36] <M> This is ridiculous. [2016-07-22 01:30:07] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-22 01:30:26] <M> [Tweet] Also applied to those two tweets, but not the rest. [2016-07-22 12:02:31] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-22 12:14:36] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-22 15:27:46] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The @wikileaks_turk twitter account 'joke' tweet, is being picked up by more papers: [2016-07-22 15:28:30] <Emmy B> Congratulations to WL for an extremely busy week! :-) [2016-07-22 22:17:47] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-23 02:02:11] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Nice overview from SMH. [2016-07-23 22:54:30] <Emmy B> Louise Mensch [2016-07-24 00:36:14] <M> It's a vicious battlefield out there. But that's how you know the leak is important and hard-hitting. ;) [2016-07-24 09:15:25] <M> [Tweet] Hah. [2016-07-24 10:36:33] <WikiLeaks> If anyone has any infographic ideas/ etc it's going to be war this week [2016-07-24 10:55:16] <M> With what kind of info? For the release or to defend against more general attacks? [2016-07-24 11:51:40] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] I feel like Sander's response to the emails hasn't been publicized much. [2016-07-24 12:45:53] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-24 12:50:31] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-24 12:51:24] <M> Hilarious. This article literally says to ignore the content and focus on the source instead. "But leave aside the purported content of the Wikileaks data dump (to which numerous other outlets have devoted considerable attention) and consider the source." [2016-07-24 13:04:31] <Emmy B> Infographic? Ping! Bean <3 apologies for absence (in Greece) will get back into it as soon as I get the chance [2016-07-24 13:08:07] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] The hysteria from Dems and Reps is incredible [2016-07-24 13:12:34] <M> [Tweet] Wow. [2016-07-24 13:17:06] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-07-24 13:17:10] <WikiLeaks> scalp 1. [2016-07-24 15:36:23] <M> DWS trending at #1 [2016-07-24 17:06:18] <WikiLeaks> please link people the nsa dic-pic guy angle for any russia=wikileaks tweeters [2016-07-24 17:06:28] <WikiLeaks> filter:verified is handy for finding the more important ones [2016-07-24 17:53:26] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-24 22:58:01] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-24 22:59:23] <Emmy B> From translation: "Front page article in the pro-government newspaper Yeni Şafak, identifies the initiator of the coup the former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, retired - from May-General John F. Campbell" [2016-07-24 23:04:04] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Yeni Safak has a history of disinformation [2016-07-24 23:11:24] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-24 23:14:31] <Emmy B> "we have a lot of Intellectual Property and we have to protect it" hint for future excuse for censoring WL. Remember Turkey's excuse for blocking WL claiming they did it to protect personal data. [2016-07-24 23:32:33] <M> [Tweet] Wtf. [2016-07-25 07:32:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 07:35:22] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 07:52:31] <WISE Up Action> Oh dear ;0) [2016-07-25 08:10:23] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 08:33:14] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 10:30:18] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 12:07:41] <M> [Tweet] Snopes did well on their fact-checking. [2016-07-25 14:03:35] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-25 14:10:21] <WISE Up Action> Just to say, great stuff WLs! [2016-07-25 14:11:38] <M> Awful. There's a correction at the bottom of the article saying that it reflects that WL didn't publish it, but it's still the same article, save a few words. [2016-07-25 14:14:25] <Emmy B> [Media-image] what links anyway? [2016-07-25 14:23:44] <Emmy B> I am on my balcony in a Greek village and I can hear the Greek reporting from the Democratic convention including 'the e-mail scandal' from a neighbour's telly, *smile* [2016-07-25 14:35:04] <M> She is blaming WL for publicizing the database, but certainly she has brought more attention to it than anyone. [2016-07-25 14:36:31] <M> [Tweet] This tweet shows that she definitely thought WL published the files because she tells WL to remove them. [2016-07-25 16:41:06] <WikiLeaks> She's a Berkman centre pseudo-Turk [2016-07-25 19:05:14] <M> Lieberman: Fear of more WikiLeaks DNC emails cast cloud over convention [2016-07-25 22:07:09] <Emmy B> The very useful WL press release on Google warrants is not easily listed in the site's 'news' and therefore visibility is poor. Here: [2016-07-25 22:14:16] <Emmy B> In relation to attempts by Clinton and allies to link WL with Russia on the latest release, the implication is (apart from obviously attempting to discredit/weaken the release's impact), that it feeds into the Grand Jury 'Espionage' investigation. however flimsy the 'Russian conspiracy' is, the Grand Jury investigation role is to criminalise through a legal conspiracy. [2016-07-26 01:31:44] <M> [2016-07-26 03:29:49] <WikiLeaks> Morning m. [2016-07-26 07:35:37] <M> Morning. [2016-07-26 07:35:56] <M> [Tweet] Apparently Russia now "released" the leaks, too. [2016-07-26 11:23:06] <M> "A foreign government has hacked a political party’s computers—and possibly an election. It has stolen documents and timed their release to explode with maximum damage." [2016-07-26 11:25:36] <M> "Journalism" now indistinguishable from novels. [2016-07-26 11:47:29] <M> [Tweet] Also in today's journalism: Asking questions that have already been answered! [2016-07-26 12:46:58] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-26 14:36:56] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-26 15:25:01] <M> [2016-07-26 22:54:40] <Emmy B> Turkish airforce resumed yesterday the Greek airspace violations in the Aegean after a two week break commencing with the attempted coup. Indication Erdogan's gov back in charge of airforce and with enough time to enact foreign policy objectives. [2016-07-27 07:05:14] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-27 07:14:56] <M> This guy's page shows multiple screenshots from people showing Google's erasure of Trump as a candidate. [2016-07-27 07:21:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm not surprised at anything Google does. It's in Clinton's pocket. [2016-07-27 09:23:52] <M> [Tweet] Reichelt's history. [2016-07-27 09:27:30] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Getting weirder [2016-07-27 09:28:05] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary] [2016-07-27 10:58:59] <WikiLeaks> Trump is moving ahead of the story. [2016-07-27 13:01:36] <Emmy B> a selection of negative comments about WL vs privacy all together in an article here: [2016-07-27 13:16:08] <Emmy B> Interestingly Anna Applebaum is mentioned in the Wikipedia page about the DNCLeaks [2016-07-27 15:24:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> It makes much more sense that this is an insider leak. Bet plenty of people are pissed at the DNC's behavior. [2016-07-27 15:35:36] <WikiLeaks> Who is Anna Appelbaum? [2016-07-27 23:25:21] <Emmy B> Sorry it is Anne not Anna [2016-07-27 23:27:32] <Emmy B> from 2010 to 2016 a WL critic [2016-07-27 23:28:30] <Emmy B> From 2010 again: [2016-07-27 23:39:38] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Now Washington Post's European anchor for 'Global Opinions' initiative (if I am reading correctly) [2016-07-27 23:42:58] <Emmy B> Seems she moves in the same political circles with Carl Bildt the two keep popping up at the same places like the 'Global Opinions', and 'CETA' [2016-07-28 00:09:14] <Emmy B> Her writings at the spectator: [2016-07-28 00:10:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-07-28 00:11:19] <Emmy B> [2016-07-28 00:29:24] <WISE Up Action> Reads like that section on the WikiP page was written by Anne herself ;-) [2016-07-28 00:29:47] <Emmy B> yes that is why I mentioned it here [2016-07-28 00:33:14] <Emmy B> Carl Bildt and Anne Applebaum again together as participants in March this year "Europe at the Crossroads" it came up in my searches via AKP WL release here (Bergerdorf round table) [2016-07-28 00:37:05] <Emmy B> a pdf download, a guess it is from this e-mail: [2016-07-28 01:31:31] <Emmy B> [Tweet] The criminalisation of pupils attending Gulen schools next ? [2016-07-28 09:29:58] <M> [Tweet] Zeynep added another update to the top of her article clarifying that WL did not publish the documents. But she still attacks WL for promoting the link and also for not removing the tweet to the dead link (?!). [2016-07-28 09:37:43] <M> There's a lot of interesting stuff in this article about the downfall of DWS and the DNC. Not to mention this ludicrous attempt to keep them away from WL. [2016-07-28 09:37:58] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-28 13:51:16] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Not sure if this is Anne Applebaums 'Global Opinions' section but it is certainly anti-WL 100% [2016-07-28 13:52:38] <Emmy B> [Media-image] author ex speech writer for Bush [2016-07-28 15:09:19] <M> [2016-07-28 16:13:12] <WikiLeaks> Please quickly correct @joeunchill's story on The Hill re Turkey before it spreads [2016-07-28 16:34:47] <M> They corrected most of it, but tweeted them again since article stills says "WL eventually took the files down". [2016-07-28 16:36:40] <M> [2016-07-28 16:38:03] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-29 11:13:29] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-29 11:13:35] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-29 18:19:48] <M> [Tweet] Over 100k votes! [2016-07-29 18:47:54] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-29 23:05:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-31 00:39:28] <Emmy B> By Cal Thomas: WikiLeaks gift [2016-07-31 07:23:23] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Absurd piece in Dutch newspaper calls JA a terrorist who "mows around with a machine gun". Calls for life in prison; pressure to be put on Ecuador. [2016-07-31 07:40:55] <M> This is a neat interview with Arundhati Roy on Snowden, JA, etc. [2016-07-31 09:03:26] <Emmy B> lovely M thax vm x [2016-07-31 11:23:44] <M> [Tweet] There should be a counter for how many times Chuck Todd said "foreign government" in this interview. [2016-07-31 12:35:26] <Emmy B> I don't know much about this journo or the channel he is working for but he certainly disappointed his audience. [2016-07-31 12:51:52] <M> [Tweet] Interesting thread between Trevor Timm and Zeynep Tufekci. [2016-07-31 12:56:37] <M> Mostly it shows Zeynep veering off topic to attack WL in any possible way. [2016-07-31 13:12:34] <Emmy B> It will be interesting to see her stance in any future WL publications about Turkey. She is certainly making a name for herself. [2016-07-31 14:10:20] <Emmy B> Perhaps we could keep an eye on this lawsuit by Sanders supporters against DNC [2016-07-31 14:23:15] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] too tired to understand it but sounds interesting: [2016-07-31 16:34:18] <M> Interesting that the emails are being debated, but I think GOP was stretching a bit. They referenced three emails, but they are all part of the same chain. Basically, GOP is trying to blame Dems for the economical loss that North Carolina faced after it blocked a pro-trans bill that would have allowed people to use bathrooms based on the gender they identify with (rather than the sex on their birth certificate). [2016-07-31 18:11:05] <M> [Tweet] [2016-07-31 21:41:06] <Emmy B> thx M! [2016-08-01 09:14:22] <WISE Up Action> [2016-08-01 10:19:21] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] This is from a Guardian editor [2016-08-01 12:04:15] <WikiLeaks> Who is FZ? [2016-08-01 12:18:19] <Emmy B> his wikipedia page [2016-08-01 12:24:52] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-01 15:33:46] <M> [Tweet] Pretty solid reporting from CNN on lack of evidence behind Russian involvement in leaks. [2016-08-02 06:23:56] <WISE Up Action> This is good incisive piece critiquing the commentariat - a far better piece of writing than his usual. Responding to Owen Jones whining about Corbyn's reliance on people powered involvement [2016-08-02 10:59:56] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-02 13:26:10] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-03 05:04:43] <WISE Up Action> [2016-08-03 06:22:49] <Emmy B> The tweet appears to be deleted W [2016-08-03 10:41:07] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-03 21:35:04] <M> [Tweet] This could've been a decent article had the author not reached out to DDB. [2016-08-04 07:23:31] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Costas Efimeros from "The Press Project" knocks down the 'Wired' article with the same title: [2016-08-04 07:24:15] <Emmy B> "Has WikiLeaks Lost the High Moral Gound" [2016-08-04 08:05:45] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Google offers free training to UK journalists, must have gmail accounts for some of the training. [2016-08-05 12:14:04] <M> [Tweet] Confirmed: Hillary is a robot [2016-08-05 12:14:34] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-08-05 12:15:25] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-08-05 12:16:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-08-05 12:16:25] <Emmy B> [2016-08-05 12:19:12] <Emmy B> Although Bamford does not specify where he got access to Snowden rare archive of docs it does not exclude it might have been during his visit to Moscow, potentially damaging for Snowden and friends. Otherwise interesting article. [2016-08-05 12:31:04] <Emmy B> In Turkish but even with Google translate it is evident author attempts to use WikiLeaks in the 'FETO' polemic but also somehow taint WL with regards to selectivity of publications in Cablegate, its previous partnership with Taraf (Gulenist paper) but I cannot go further due to the poor translation: [2016-08-05 12:33:05] <Emmy B> [2016-08-05 12:37:26] <Emmy B> If WL is to continue with future AKP e-mails, it has been reported in the Turkish Press that the anti Gulen purge has started inside the AKP. [2016-08-05 12:42:28] <Emmy B> This article mentions proceeding against four former AKP ministers: [2016-08-05 12:44:48] <Emmy B> The Business insider also mentions something similar [2016-08-06 03:14:31] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] oh the irony, journos' cheer for Hilary [2016-08-07 12:47:15] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-08-07 12:48:35] <Emmy B> wasn't something like this in 'the fifth estate' first screen script leaked to WL? an iranian scientist passing nuclear info onto US or did I dream it? [2016-08-07 13:19:13] <WikiLeaks> It was. [2016-08-07 13:24:48] <Emmy B> perhaps I should listen to that Sam Adams award panel video... in perhaps Oxford... [2016-08-07 13:28:26] <Emmy B> perhaps the script writers where being helped... given access to state secrets imitating life only to throw WL under the bus... or a coincidence [2016-08-07 13:41:16] <Emmy B> The video [2016-08-07 13:42:22] <Emmy B> at 9:40 when JA talks about cultural bias/ propaganda [2016-08-07 13:43:48] <Emmy B> and at 11:11 about the script [2016-08-08 03:26:39] <Emmy B> I have been retweeting a lot of Turkish articles with 'Feto' in the title. The Turkish gov coined term the term FETO. The letter 'T' stands for terrorist. By using the term we implicitly accept the Turkish gov definition for these potentially hundreds of thousands of ppl. A very clever marketing strategy. [2016-08-08 09:08:55] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-08 10:04:53] <M> Would it be worthwhile to do a fact checker for that Gibney piece? Since it's in NYT and really chalk full of falsehoods. [2016-08-08 12:26:36] <M> [Tweet] Not sure how tight this analysis is. [2016-08-08 12:34:05] <WikiLeaks> Overstated [2016-08-08 12:34:21] <WikiLeaks> yes. fact-checker, re, gibney [2016-08-08 12:36:19] <M> Ok I will work on it [2016-08-08 12:36:34] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-08-08 13:04:15] <Emmy B> Danielle Blumenthal [2016-08-08 13:15:45] <WikiLeaks> Heh. We killed overland. [2016-08-08 13:22:37] <Emmy B> meaning? [2016-08-08 13:23:04] <Emmy B> *anyone* [2016-08-08 13:28:07] <Emmy B> ok I got it [2016-08-08 13:29:47] <M> Classic WikiLeaks. ;) [2016-08-08 13:48:20] <M> Do we have an alternative for It seems to be down lately. [2016-08-08 13:52:43] <Emmy B> oh dear I have a lot of fwlf links stored there. [2016-08-08 14:14:32] <M> Here is the beginning of Gibney fact checker. If anyone has time, please work on it; I will be unable to for the next few hours. [2016-08-08 16:51:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-09 11:10:32] <Emmy B> Wonderful news about filing an appeal in Sweden, many best wishes going your way <3 [2016-08-09 11:24:07] <M> [Tweet] Roger Stone story spreading. I don't think media is seeing this tweet since it's directed at Mediaite. [2016-08-09 11:58:43] <WikiLeaks> Stone is a bullshitter [2016-08-09 11:59:15] <WikiLeaks> Tryng to a) imply that he knows anything b) that he contributed to our hard work [2016-08-09 12:40:55] <Emmy B> Without knowing anything about the gentleman I get the impression he is mainstream and it is therefore surprising he does not run a mile from entangling himself in the WL story, perhaps if 1000 such ppl where willing to throw their hat in the ring, mudding the waters, the WL Grand Jury will become 1000 times bigger and therefore a lot more ineffective. - Current mood *amused* :-) [2016-08-09 12:50:54] <WikiLeaks> He's Carl Rove's harsher twin [2016-08-09 12:53:18] <Emmy B> oh dear! perhaps I should read on him, he is a player then not just a passing actor. Thank you. [2016-08-09 12:54:27] <Emmy B> The world is vast when you are traveling on WL express :-) what I will be reading about next? x [2016-08-09 13:18:08] <M> [Media-image] [2016-08-09 13:34:54] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-08-09 17:07:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL! Very apt checklist [2016-08-10 21:06:14] <M> [Tweet] I feel like we've seen this headline about 10 times over the years. [2016-08-10 21:09:41] <WikiLeaks> Yes. No doubt several more times. [2016-08-10 22:10:29] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] The Guardian very quick to publish in their online version the Press Association article on JA being questioned at the embassy, here: [2016-08-11 11:50:33] <Emmy B> Audio interview by Per Samuelsson in Sweden [2016-08-11 11:58:51] <Emmy B> But in Swedish [2016-08-11 12:03:34] <Emmy B> Marianne Ny is again on holiday according to Expressen: [2016-08-11 13:00:39] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-12 04:13:34] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary] Is this for real? [2016-08-12 04:17:36] <Emmy B> Speculation: preempting WL future revelations to minimise Clinton damage by identifying others as responsible of corruption not her? [2016-08-12 04:18:10] <Emmy B> What amazing few weeks we are witnessing [2016-08-12 05:52:31] <M> [Tweet] Yeah. Daily Caller is definitely not the most trustworthy source. [2016-08-12 10:45:32] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-12 11:41:53] <Emmy B> 'Charity begins at home' :-) [2016-08-12 11:42:24] <Emmy B> How Upper Class of them :-) [2016-08-12 13:51:49] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Not favourable by the 'Time': [2016-08-12 14:01:55] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Sanctions to Russia about email leak? what on earth? [2016-08-12 14:03:10] <Emmy B> US appears less and less credible, what about Snowden revelations? should the entire world put sanctions on US for what they are up to? [2016-08-12 17:40:13] <WikiLeaks> Yes. [2016-08-12 20:11:32] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-08-13 06:16:22] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Good overview of JA's talk today. [2016-08-13 06:22:15] <M> [Tweet] "The bulk, the hacker said, will be released on WikiLeaks." [2016-08-13 06:28:00] <M> Guccifer 2's account has been suspended. [2016-08-13 06:55:24] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-08-13 12:03:00] <M> So Roger Stone is still running with this. He says all his accounts were hacked "after it became publicly known that I was in communication with Julian Assange." [2016-08-13 13:20:37] <M> [2016-08-13 18:07:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-15 12:26:07] <M> Github archive down. [2016-08-16 05:36:31] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-08-16 06:55:28] <Emmy B> Thank you very much Bean <3 [2016-08-16 13:33:13] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Article with video of JA's recent interview with CNN [2016-08-16 14:04:28] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Marie marched with us in London Pride 2015 in support of Chelsea Manning, thought then she was bright and decent, both attributes reflected in her writing here: [2016-08-17 05:55:54] <LibertarianLibrarian> Agreed. I'm still stunned by Alison's behavior. I worked with her a bit and she seemed fine, if a bit young, but sometimes you never know what's going on in people's heads. There's some serious bad stuff going on inside Tor right now. [2016-08-17 05:57:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> I think going to pursue his degree is a good thing for Jake, actually, gets him out of a toxic situation, but it's sickening to see this kind of unsupported slander hurt someone who has done so much good. And to lose such a strong voice for freedom. [2016-08-17 08:36:18] <Emmy B> From where I am sitting they are all young Jenny :-) just some have more sense than others perhaps. [2016-08-17 08:36:49] <Emmy B> or (most likely) I live in a very different planet! [2016-08-17 11:10:49] <M> [Tweet] Bizarre article in Forbes. Basically: Russia secretly influences everything (inc. WL) and US should fight back by exposing Russian politicians as homosexuals. [2016-08-17 13:31:29] <Emmy B> articles claiming malware existence in the WL turkish release: [2016-08-17 13:47:50] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-17 23:21:27] <Emmy B> Greek Turkophone newspaper milletgazette (I hear financed directly by the Turkish consulate in Komotini in Greece Thrace region where about 120,000 Greek Muslims live) reports that Ecumenic Patriarch Vartholomeos (Turkish state does not recognise the title Ecumenic the equivalent of the Pope for Orthodox Christians) was aware of the Turkish coup and he had found refuge at a near by US base pretending to fly abroad all the while. A very dangerous assertion for his safety and the safety of the 2000 remaining Greek Orthodox Christians of Istanbul as the article suggests he held good relations with Gulen. [2016-08-17 23:21:50] <Emmy B> [2016-08-18 01:27:27] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] A perspective in line with the above is presented here: [2016-08-18 01:33:25] <Emmy B> if The Ecumenic Patriarch is expelled or forced to leave Istanbul (still Constadinople in Ecclesiastic terms and the continuous domicile of the ecumenic patriarchy of Orthodoxy the last 1500 years) who is going to host him? perhaps he will find refuge in Athos, the semi autonomous monastic community of Greece [2016-08-18 01:34:15] <Emmy B> (Putin visits so often) [2016-08-18 01:38:35] <Emmy B> Interesting cable regarding Gulen and Patriarch from 2009 [2016-08-18 01:42:07] <Emmy B> and later [2016-08-18 01:43:15] <Emmy B> [Media-image] But something is not quite right with the headers of the cables. [2016-08-18 01:49:25] <Emmy B> If the Patriarch is killed, another will replace him (he has to be a Turkish citizen already otherwise Turkish state does not allow him to take his position) but if expelled he may be able to finally call a synod to move the seat of orthodoxy elsewhere (it won't be the US) [2016-08-18 08:07:53] <Emmy B> [Media-image] *cough cough* hoping all is well! [2016-08-18 10:34:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-19 14:08:41] <M> [Tweet] I think this is #5? [2016-08-19 14:49:19] <M> "Dems Claim Next Wikileaks Release Will Include Fabricated Content" [2016-08-19 20:53:29] <Emmy B> Issue with WL Cable headers is unique to Cablegate, the other Cable Libraries ie Kissinger/Carter seem ok. Example cable [2016-08-19 20:54:21] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-08-19 20:55:20] <Emmy B> [Media-image] From Cabledrum's search database: [2016-08-19 23:42:37] <Emmy B> Sweden and Turkey are having a spat: [2016-08-19 23:45:36] <Emmy B> Interesting is also that at the end of June Sweden has been elected in the UN security council as of 1st of January 2017 for period of two years. [2016-08-20 01:05:49] <WISE Up Action> All aboard the hatchet job gravy train [2016-08-20 01:19:03] <Emmy B> You are so right! I have already tweeted at her highlighting some errors but the list frankly is very long. [2016-08-20 01:21:33] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-08-20 01:27:48] <WISE Up Action> Nice one Emmy. [2016-08-20 01:42:59] <Emmy B> :-) getting back into it :-) with WL being so much in the light with DNCLeaks it seems every Tom Dick and Harry who wants to win favour with the next US president or Erdo comes out blazing their guns at WL. [2016-08-20 05:39:52] <WISE Up Action> OT but the media treatment of Depp is interesting. Public are led to form an opinion on him, most that do actually know him are supportive, but buzzwords thrown around by his detractors and accusers to demonize [2016-08-20 11:49:52] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-20 11:49:55] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-20 22:21:50] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] This article I posted is being retweeted 40 times, far above other ones I shared [2016-08-21 07:27:30] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] The headlines linking John Jones's passing to DNC / Clinton are getting out of hand [2016-08-21 10:35:10] <Emmy B> Can't help thinking media tit for tat re DNC staffer death. [2016-08-21 10:57:33] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] "Despite media assertions Russia is behind DNC hack, US government does not say so." Collection/analysis of US official statements re Russia & DNC. [2016-08-21 11:10:50] <Emmy B> re JJ article shared by WL, mental health does not receive the same attention, funding or support let's be kind to each other at least <3 [2016-08-21 20:19:47] <M> [Card-player] This Roger Stone guy just keeps going... [2016-08-22 09:25:15] <Emmy B> Wrote to London Assembly (see my blog) about JA's situation, one member has replied: Dear Emilia, Thank you for your email. I will submit a written question to the Mayor at the next Question Time on September 14th - something along the lines of: How much has it cost the Metropolitan Police to monitor Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy? Do you think this operation is a good and acceptable use of public money? He should provide an answer by Monday 20th September and I will let you know. Best regards, David Kurten UKIP London Assembly Member [2016-08-22 09:27:59] <Emmy B> Although London Assembly has a very narrow remit mainly to scrutinise Mayor's budget, Mayor is obliged to reply. Sadiq Khan has never took a position on the matter that I am aware of, we shall at least see his position and can follow up with individual letter to the Mayor. [2016-08-22 09:31:21] <M> Good work. Look forward to hearing the response. [2016-08-22 09:38:35] <Emmy B> Thank you, the 14th is a wednesday, perhaps we can air our banners outside the London Assembly Building, in question day, let's see *inspiration* [2016-08-22 09:39:27] <Emmy B> Question time will be advertised somewhere on their website :-) [2016-08-22 09:59:38] <M> [Tweet] Nice interview with JA in El Telegrafo. [2016-08-22 21:18:29] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Man criticizes WikiLeaks, realizes he complains too much [2016-08-23 00:18:02] <M> [Tweet] AP tweeted this but currently there is no other information given. [2016-08-23 00:18:51] <WISE Up Action> Just saw that! [2016-08-23 00:24:24] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Daily Mail 16 minutes ago: [2016-08-23 00:26:29] <M> Thanks Emmy. It is still very vague. No specific examples, doesn't even state which releases contain the info. [2016-08-23 00:29:29] <Emmy B> Thank you, Correct, but it is widely reproduced Washington Post is behind a paywall [2016-08-23 00:31:00] <M> The full AP wire piece: [2016-08-23 00:31:21] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Here a one liner says article is automatically reproduced: [2016-08-23 00:31:42] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] here a lot more info and details: [2016-08-23 00:32:48] <M> Seems the majority stem from Saudi Cables. [2016-08-23 00:33:05] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-08-23 00:34:09] <Emmy B> Archived here: [2016-08-23 00:34:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-08-23 00:34:37] <Emmy B> yes, W By RAPHAEL SATTER AND MAGGIE MICHAEL, ASSOCIATED PRESS [2016-08-23 00:35:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] reminder from 2012: [2016-08-23 00:45:48] <WISE Up Action> WP running story on Clinton emails [2016-08-23 01:20:44] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-08-23 01:21:32] <WISE Up Action> Satter is desperately trying to make smoke. [2016-08-23 03:01:11] <M> Interesting to look through his past tweets re WL. He covered Saudi Cables when they came out, but I didn't see any mention of personal info concerns (however, I only skimmed his tweets). He seemed to turn against WL after AKP, DNC and has attacked them since. [2016-08-23 03:11:41] <M> Also note that he is trying to make this a new, recent story ("in the past year") but Saudi Cables where 95% of claims stem from are over a year old. [2016-08-23 04:46:09] <WikiLeaks> He's always ben a rat. [2016-08-23 04:46:27] <WikiLeaks> But he's jewish and engaged with the ((()))) issue. [2016-08-23 05:28:35] <WikiLeaks> [2016-08-23 05:35:50] <Emmy B> surprising I don't see any archived links from there, I thought I had archived some pages [2016-08-23 06:04:49] <Emmy B> Last wayback machine capture: [2016-08-23 07:23:25] <M> Looking into it [2016-08-23 09:15:15] <WISE Up Action> Satter is keeping going in general and wide-ranging attacks on WL /JA [2016-08-23 12:58:54] <WikiLeaks> Bog him down. Get him to show statements of his bias. [2016-08-23 13:03:28] <WikiLeaks> He's the son of David Satter, who is mentioned in our cables. DS is a senior member of the Hudson institute and a well known Russia basher and NSA apologist. He was expelled from Russia in 2008 and 2014. Rafael grew up in Washington DC [2016-08-23 22:41:18] <M> [Tweet] Hah. [2016-08-23 23:32:59] <Emmy B> Slatter now gave an interview about his findings, [2016-08-23 23:34:11] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-08-24 00:02:26] <WISE Up Action> :-) [2016-08-24 00:04:57] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-08-24 00:17:45] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] The Guardian picks up Satter story: [2016-08-24 08:27:12] <WISE Up Action> [2016-08-24 09:30:09] <Emmy B> At least we have some comment from metpol [2016-08-24 09:30:57] <Emmy B> When it suits such events are front pages when not, mostly unreported [2016-08-24 12:37:06] <Emmy B> [Media-image] We can expect the BBC to be bias and anti-WL but this paragraph is really too much: [2016-08-24 12:37:32] <Emmy B> good find W! [2016-08-24 13:10:31] <WISE Up Action> Grasp, churn, grasp, churn. 'Journalists' eh? [2016-08-25 08:10:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's nuts. Julian exposes corruption that led to regime change, and somehow that's a bad thing? In repressive societies who are already committing violence against their own citizens, it's somehow the journalist's fault if violence continues? [2016-08-25 10:20:10] <M> [Tweet] WL legal complaint against AP and Satter. Extraordinary how vastly he misrepresented his attempts to contact WL. [2016-08-25 10:22:34] <Emmy B> Yes [2016-08-25 12:10:12] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-26 00:13:40] <M> [Tweet] The attacks are so pathetic. DB put way too much effort into this. [2016-08-26 09:21:13] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] craig barns: [2016-08-26 15:20:30] <M> [Tweet] Good article on one of the most disturbing things about Clinton. [2016-08-28 12:29:14] <M> [Tweet] Def wouldn't count on CPJ. [2016-08-28 12:29:29] <M> Some of their tweets/retweets over the past weeks: [2016-08-28 12:29:33] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-28 12:29:36] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-28 12:30:28] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-28 13:19:46] <WikiLeaks> Yeah, we're setting them up to fail. [2016-08-28 13:20:12] <WikiLeaks> Is there a list of CPJ donors somewhere? [2016-08-28 13:22:20] <M> [Card-summary] [2016-08-28 13:22:40] <M> Those are all donors of over $500. [2016-08-28 13:24:21] <M> Another list here: [2016-08-28 23:03:05] <Emmy B> An unlike voice of support for WikiLeaks DNCLeaks [2016-08-28 23:15:53] <Emmy B> Missed Hugo Swire lost his gov job [2016-08-28 23:19:26] <Emmy B> but not before being made "knight commander of the order of St Michael and St George" by his mate Dave [2016-08-29 07:14:01] <Emmy B> Tufecki has jumped on the AP Satter article and got over 1200 retweets, keeps onto making a name for herself attempting to discredit WL. [2016-08-29 08:48:21] <WikiLeaks> which tweet had 1200 retweets? [2016-08-29 09:00:35] <M> [Tweet] This one. [2016-08-29 09:00:59] <M> [Tweet] Another 400 here. [2016-08-29 09:01:34] <M> (from a week ago at time of article release) [2016-08-29 09:02:56] <Emmy B> Yep that's it thanks M. [2016-08-29 09:03:42] <Emmy B> The angle of the attack aligns. [2016-08-29 09:05:06] <Emmy B> Extremely interesting both involve countries (Turkey and SA) that block WL. [2016-08-30 14:45:34] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-30 18:47:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-30 20:49:37] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] This is a good one in The RealNews [2016-08-30 20:50:10] <Emmy B> Corporate Media Casts Fog Over #Wikileaks to Protect Clinton [2016-08-30 20:52:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Medea Benjamen: Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois [2016-08-30 20:59:22] <Emmy B> An idea just popped into my head that a US PR company co-ordinates the recent attack on WL, imagine if SA finances it, and AP's Satter is involved. With the amount of RT's involved of his article, I would not exclude PR co pumping Re-tweets with fakes. This high level of RTs is such a bleep, such a rare thing for an anti-WL article that it reminds me of MGT's tactics, buying likes, fake followers and fake 'forum members and statistics' [2016-08-31 05:04:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Interesting article from 2014 mentions twitter 'withheld' censorship policy, quotes Zeyneb Tufekci [2016-08-31 09:04:35] <WikiLeaks> Cliton has spent many millions on Correct The Record, her on-line trolling campaign. [2016-08-31 09:05:05] <WikiLeaks> By June she had spent about $7m [2016-08-31 09:41:04] <M> Apart from the name, they don't even try to hide the fact that it's solely an attack/troll campaign. [2016-08-31 18:04:33] <M> [Tweet] Even the haters see through NYT's crap. [2016-08-31 20:00:37] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-31 20:00:42] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-31 20:13:33] <M> [Tweet] [2016-08-31 23:32:10] <Emmy B> the wikileaks hashtag is spammed with the NYT article and Minda Zetlin's spin off [2016-09-01 05:54:29] <M> [2016-09-01 05:54:34] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-01 06:26:30] <Emmy B> Good ones! X [2016-09-01 09:56:29] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-01 09:57:03] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-01 09:57:39] <M> Even though Greenwald had a questionable quote in the NYT piece, he's really fighting back at the WL hit piece. [2016-09-01 11:12:22] <M> [Tweet] Good response from Gosztola. [2016-09-01 13:00:25] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-01 13:46:32] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Other historical reflections from Greenwald [2016-09-01 13:54:30] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-01 13:55:59] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Support from Mint Press / Kit O'Connell [2016-09-01 14:02:28] <Emmy B> Perhaps finally trenches are being dug necessary preparation for when US administration show its hand. [2016-09-01 15:24:08] <Emmy B> The link to Mediastan video has wrong time stamp. Correct time is 1:26:44 [2016-09-01 15:25:27] <Emmy B> The Photo says "To Arthur - Thanks for a memorable Ed Board meeting" signed Barack Obama [2016-09-01 15:26:13] <Emmy B> Arthur being the Publisher of NYT -unbelievable! [2016-09-01 15:26:34] <Emmy B> A place at the table, literaly [2016-09-02 00:21:20] <Emmy B> Heh risking being a 'Russian stooge': [2016-09-02 00:21:37] <Emmy B> [2016-09-02 00:23:51] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-09-02 09:06:44] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-02 10:31:45] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-02 13:23:29] <M> [Card-summary],c2070805 Swedish press conference on JA case Sept 7. [2016-09-02 21:33:29] <Emmy B> What on earth! [2016-09-03 04:29:30] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-03 04:31:10] <Emmy B> Interesting article! [2016-09-03 04:34:20] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] I loved: Julian Assange and the new McCarthyism [2016-09-03 04:39:07] <Emmy B> More from him: When Will They Ever Learn? The New York Times Keeps Supporting More War: [2016-09-03 11:17:02] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-03 14:22:37] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Craig Murray on the passing of his mum and other subjects including his travel to Washington to give John Kyriakou the Sam Adams award as well as his forthcoming appearance at the House of Parliament Intelligence Committee [2016-09-03 14:23:57] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-09-03 14:25:04] <Emmy B> (great article W thanks for sharing!) I am back in the UK now and will be watching the developments closely :-) [2016-09-03 14:32:12] <Emmy B> Hehe Greek 'Kathimerini' (THE rightwing quality paper of Greece) summarised the Assange hit piece of NYT in 3 paragraphs (3!!!) despite their willingness to please US, all they could master was 3 paragraphs :-), *turning page* [2016-09-03 14:39:31] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Putin on DNC Hack (video) [2016-09-03 14:40:56] <Emmy B> "Ukraine today" own theory on Hacks [2016-09-03 23:45:54] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Oops Berlin on Target for manufacturing consent in 'Berlin Station' an espionage thriller starring CIA, whistleblower leaks etc. [2016-09-04 11:45:19] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-04 14:56:37] <Emmy B> [2016-09-05 00:59:39] <Emmy B> Extremely interesting how Singaporean police views whistleblowing, Virgil Griffith Explains here: [2016-09-05 14:26:26] <Emmy B> Craig Murray refused entry visa (under the visa waiver programme) to the USA [2016-09-06 07:48:53] <M> [Tweet] Preview of tomorrow's program on Swedish case. Do we have any indication whether it will be pos/neg? [2016-09-06 08:29:58] <Emmy B> hm hm [2016-09-06 09:05:59] <WISE Up Action> Feel encouraged by the preview. Would be a massive flip-flop to then attack JA based on that? [2016-09-06 09:41:00] <M> Yes. But one never knows with these things. [2016-09-06 09:41:11] <M> Put the two non-English quotes into Google Translate: [2016-09-06 09:41:13] <M> TO: There is no common measure to go abroad and keep questioning of a suspect. MN: This is a sex crime, and we are investigating it the way we normally do. [2016-09-06 12:57:31] <WikiLeaks> It is positive. That's why she's called the press conferece. Damage control. Promote the hell out of it to swedes. [2016-09-06 13:57:02] <M> Great to hear. [2016-09-06 14:01:55] <WISE Up Action> Yes, and Swedes seem interested in it - a few have shown interest in past few days. Will be hitting them some more. [2016-09-06 17:02:51] <M> [Tweet] This article says the program will discuss the ongoing US investigation into WikiLeaks as well as the real possibility of JA being extradited from Swe to US. It looks like they really did their research. [2016-09-06 22:36:25] <M> [Tweet] 3 articles on the program [2016-09-07 02:59:12] <WikiLeaks> Who wrote those? [2016-09-07 03:39:35] <Emmy B> At the bottom of the second post it says that article is a translation of an Esspressen article. [2016-09-07 03:44:05] <M> The first is translation of this [2016-09-07 03:49:25] <M> [2016-09-07 03:54:14] <M> Third one is translation of that DN piece. [2016-09-07 03:54:32] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-07 03:55:01] <M> [Tweet] English subtitled preview [2016-09-07 09:29:26] <WISE Up Action> Satter is still being a tool I see. [2016-09-07 10:05:29] <M> Having a ball with @McFall's tweets. He's trying to attack WL but is actually helping to destroy the WL-helps-Russia claim. [2016-09-07 10:05:45] <M> *@McFaul [2016-09-07 17:56:35] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-08 09:55:35] <Emmy B> AFP includes a short clip of our protest banners at the end of their short video coverage. [2016-09-08 09:58:55] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Here is the youtube video in AFP channel: [2016-09-08 13:08:16] <WikiLeaks> That was cool, em. [2016-09-08 13:08:36] <WikiLeaks> What did the locals say? [2016-09-08 14:11:57] <Emmy B> Mixed, we were asked by the guard/policeman to stand away from the entrance so we could not engage with everyone handing flyers but wait for those who came to approach us. Most who spoke to us were journalists who were curious but with short exchanges. SVT journalist very courteous another lady journalist was hostile, 2 women who worked with the police told us we should not be there, it was wrong for us to be there and that someone would come out soon to tell us, then they left, when a uniformed man came out he was alright just asked us to move to the other side. Many took photos or short videos silently, many smiled back, some where happy to see our messages, others enquired with specific questions. One man working with the police (plain clothes) said we should not be protesting at the police as this had nothing to do with the police it was the prosecution who was responsible, I explained that it was Marianne Ny that chose the venue, this police station and that is why we were there, he seemed embarassed. [2016-09-08 14:16:51] <Emmy B> The place we were sitting was not a thoroughfare, so we were mostly seen by the people who came and left from the building of the police station, mostly the ppl attending the press conference and others who had business with the police station. [2016-09-08 14:31:22] <Emmy B> I got the impression the location is not used to protests, even gentle ones like ours. I felt we were a surprise, was very pleased with the action and how things went. Only we did not see Marianne Ny herself coming in or out. The building was as big as a palace, there would be many entrances and exists. [2016-09-08 15:51:15] <WikiLeaks> Sweden is not used to protests full stop. [2016-09-08 15:51:41] <WikiLeaks> So the shock value is amplified. [2016-09-08 22:18:12] <Emmy B> Thank you H! [2016-09-09 01:37:21] <WISE Up Action> Great stuff Emmy (and Tom bless him!). x [2016-09-09 02:45:34] <Emmy B> He's amazing <3 [2016-09-09 02:45:49] <Emmy B> Thanks W x [2016-09-09 02:48:57] <WikiLeaks> wait. what is the graphic hazel press? [2016-09-09 03:48:50] <Emmy B> H a lot of the posts you put over here the last couple of days are over my head and I don't understand them, sorry for not commenting. [2016-09-09 05:51:22] <Emmy B> x [2016-09-09 08:37:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Massi attacks SVT documentary on Assange Case get rebuffed by producers [2016-09-09 08:45:30] <Emmy B> The article in English translation: [2016-09-09 08:46:11] <Emmy B> The original Massi article: [2016-09-09 09:07:50] <Emmy B> Dr. Binoy Kampmark on NYT attack on WikiLeaks [2016-09-09 10:13:31] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-09 10:21:00] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-09 10:21:03] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-09 13:30:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-09 21:19:27] <WikiLeaks> Cameron works closely with Sabu. [2016-09-09 21:19:36] <WikiLeaks> Or at least has, for years. [2016-09-09 21:29:02] <Emmy B> WL central has been publishing many interesting articles from Swedish which is great this one is from Rolf Hillegren [2016-09-10 11:33:37] <M> [Tweet] This doc uses WL 9/11 pager messages apparently. [2016-09-11 15:52:41] <WikiLeaks> Obama cannot run again. [2016-09-12 03:02:57] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-12 03:03:08] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-12 03:08:21] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-12 03:21:55] <Emmy B> Unbelievable stuff what a journey :-) [2016-09-12 04:37:35] <WikiLeaks> We have stuff on Clinton's health. Not trump. [2016-09-12 13:05:16] <M> [Tweet] The great thing about this poster is that it acknowledges both the US investigation into WL and the potential charges against JA. [2016-09-12 14:06:05] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-12 14:07:08] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-09-12 14:09:06] <Emmy B> Time to air the 'Thank you Ecuador' banner once more perhaps! [2016-09-12 16:21:20] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] From wapo: "The intelligence community has high confidence that Russian intelligence services hacked the Democratic National Committee but does not have the same level of confidence that Russia then leaked stolen committee emails to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, several administration officials said." [2016-09-13 11:10:44] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-09-13 11:13:15] <Emmy B> Julian is not an elected political person, why is this necessary? *concerned* <3 [2016-09-13 15:04:31] <WISE Up Action> [2016-09-13 16:40:01] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Manning has ended hunger strike as military says she will be provided with gender transition surgery. Still faces hearing on the 20th re suicide attempt. [2016-09-13 17:11:52] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-13 20:52:19] <M> [Tweet] Wouldn't be an election without good ol' "pneumonia talking points." [2016-09-14 01:02:49] <Emmy B> In response to my letter to the London Assembly members here: [2016-09-14 01:12:23] <Emmy B> I will update my blogpost accordingly [2016-09-14 01:30:29] <WISE Up Action> Good work Emmy! [2016-09-14 01:35:48] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-09-14 02:34:50] <M> Is this being interpreted correctly? People are reporting it shows that they were rewarded these positions for donating, but as far as I can see it could just be documenting who these people are. [2016-09-14 02:48:28] <Emmy B> I agree, it is a record of how much they have raised whilst in their stated position to date. [2016-09-14 02:52:36] <Emmy B> I just identified a third question by David Kurten (UKIP) to the London Mayor. 3]. Ecuadorian Embassy Intruder, Question No: 2016/2914, How was it possible for a potential intruder to scale the walls of the Ecuadorian Embassy when there is a permanent police guard stationed outside? [2016-09-14 03:00:19] <Emmy B> Written answers will be submitted by the Mayor by Mon 19th of Sep [2016-09-14 08:43:26] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-14 11:06:42] <WikiLeaks> Great work 'em! [2016-09-14 11:07:04] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-09-14 11:08:29] <Emmy B> Let's see what we get! x [2016-09-14 11:10:18] <Emmy B> I am reading JA's medical report, pls pass our love and concern for him, best wishes and hugs. [2016-09-14 13:06:43] <Emmy B> horrible woman, horrible! [2016-09-14 13:29:17] <Emmy B> George Soros supports Snowden? [2016-09-14 17:16:17] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-14 19:19:52] <M> ACLU, Amnesty, HRW calling for Snowden pardon, but didn't see a peep from Amnesty or HRW re Manning's hunger strike/suicide charge. [2016-09-14 23:03:39] <Emmy B> H we carry on regardless [2016-09-14 23:15:14] <Emmy B> M yes indeed I think perhaps Oliver Stone's film is a catalyst and an opportunity, if it also become a commercial success then it would help even more, it is the way of the world and I recall what wad said about creating cultural bias surrounding the script of the Fifth works both ways. The huge difference between the two Snowden Manning is their degree of Liberty and victimisation, Thx to WL Snowden's hope for freedom was planted early on, whilst Manning felt the full impact of state fury as was caught by the system thx to Lamo's betrayal. [2016-09-14 23:17:18] <WISE Up Action> Re M's point above, is there any 'official' reason why Courage don't openly support JA? [2016-09-14 23:20:35] <M> I would think it'd be a bit odd since he's a founder. [2016-09-14 23:21:02] <Emmy B> Of course they do but he founded it and he is not a beneficiary, we might have to fund one ourselves for JA [2016-09-14 23:27:23] <Emmy B> He has the defence fund for WL but they do not do advocacy work for him, like courage does for its beneficiaries, it is his lawyers and supporters individually (eg first support assange, our own modest efforts etc) that are advocating for his release. Here in the UK we are forming as you know JADC Julian Assange Defence Committee, so far just an email list perhaps we should put some more flesh and bones into it. [2016-09-14 23:30:32] <WISE Up Action> M: yeah that'd be it! Actually forgot that minor fact! :) [2016-09-14 23:36:49] <WISE Up Action> Thanks Em. [2016-09-15 03:54:06] <WikiLeaks> Last week JA resigned from the Courage board of trustees. He will become a beneficiary instead. [2016-09-15 04:01:51] <Emmy B> @ WL Wonderful News! [2016-09-15 07:43:28] <Emmy B> Plenty of ppl on JADC email list will be delighted to support Courage's efforts with letter writing supportive actions and any other planned initiatives :-) [2016-09-15 08:23:15] <WikiLeaks> well, courage has no extra capacity but it will self some time on administration [2016-09-15 08:23:36] <WikiLeaks> contact courage and see how you can slot it [2016-09-15 09:53:20] <Emmy B> Ok [2016-09-15 17:38:01] <Emmy B> Interesting article in Swedish regarding JA case, Marianne Ny, the SVT programme etc: [2016-09-16 10:13:51] <WISE Up Action> Emphasising Ny's role, it's idiosyncrasies and the criticism of it by legal peers are definitely things we'll keep highlighting. [2016-09-16 12:46:46] <M> [Tweet] Uhh... [2016-09-16 12:51:01] <Emmy B> Hmm [2016-09-16 13:02:36] <M> Iirc whatever has been offered in the past has been completely worthless [2016-09-16 13:02:53] <M> And in years prior Bob Carr lied about offering consular assistance [2016-09-16 13:15:54] <Emmy B> It's true, following this, all pretence is exposed. [2016-09-16 23:20:06] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-09-16 23:27:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-09-17 23:56:12] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Long interview with Oliver Stone and Bill Binney on the Snowden film very insightful - JA/WL also mentioned [2016-09-18 09:51:30] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-18 10:03:59] <Emmy B> Honestly, it makes me angry but all of this is extremely interesting as we can project to an extend what may happen when US unseals their indictment of JA. I note WP editorial mentions something about the US agreement with Scandinavia to spy on Russia being exposed, I assume Sweden to be included in the package. [2016-09-18 10:04:12] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing W x [2016-09-19 02:37:56] <Emmy B> Regarding David Kurten's 3 questions to the London Mayor Sadiq Khan Update 19/09/2016 : "Officers are drafting a response which will be sent shortly." [2016-09-19 04:06:50] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Who wants to go first? [2016-09-19 05:40:46] <Emmy B> WL Facebook Page has not updated since end of August. [2016-09-19 12:38:10] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] very interesting article on pardoning Snowden by ex ACLU/NSA employee TIMOTHY EDGAR detailing 'the Snowden reforms' [2016-09-19 12:38:33] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] here: [2016-09-19 16:36:46] <M> [Tweet] Ugh. [2016-09-19 23:34:55] <Emmy B> I think he is just commenting from the conference not sure he shares opinion. [2016-09-19 23:41:49] <Emmy B> Don't spy in us UK campaign use anti-russian and anti-china graphics to encourage ppl to sign in protest if the UK IPBill, the most bizarre marketing strategy considering it is the five eyes alliance that spies the world including the UK population that 'don't spy on us' purports to attempt to protect. Topsy turvey world, skewed by exceptional ism and hysteria 'it is the Martians!!!' [2016-09-20 04:03:31] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Marianne Ny is quoted directly by Associated Press [2016-09-20 05:40:16] <Emmy B> Well he's a liar [2016-09-20 05:58:57] <Emmy B> in political theatre yes [2016-09-20 06:54:15] <Emmy B> Today the London Assembly website has updated 2/3 questions by David Kurten with answers: [2016-09-20 06:55:09] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-09-20 06:55:23] <Emmy B> and: [2016-09-20 06:56:04] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-09-20 07:01:57] <Emmy B> As a note, on the 5th of February (UNWGAD ruling and last JA speech) there were MetPol officers present, their cost is not mentioned. Furthermore, MetPol statement regarding covert operation increasing surely has a cost but Mayor's officers oblivious to it. I also note these Mayor's officers do not mention that the costs are classified but there are not budgeted as if there is no operation what so ever. [2016-09-20 07:03:39] <Emmy B> The Mayor did not answer whether he thought the cost was a good and acceptable use of public money. The third answer about the intruder remains unanswered. [2016-09-20 07:03:50] <Emmy B> I will update the blog post. [2016-09-20 07:08:21] <Emmy B> Relevant URLs: [2016-09-20 07:16:33] <Emmy B> Another supporter Elsa has written to Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, on the matter of the intruder asking for an enquiry on why MetPol took so long to respond, if she gets a response I will ask if I can share it here. [2016-09-20 07:18:05] <Emmy B> Perhaps I should also ask the London Assembly member who asked these questions for further information and clarification, once the third question is answered. [2016-09-20 07:22:28] <Emmy B> @ H what was that FOIR link for Swedish Prosecution Office please and thank you! [2016-09-22 13:28:18] <Emmy B> [Card-player] fan/fun: [2016-09-23 14:00:42] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-09-23 21:11:33] <Emmy B> We will start letter writing to MP's campaign for JA in the UK, through JADC e-mail list (perhaps we can put it in wise up lis too? any ideas pls send me xxx [2016-09-24 04:30:36] <Bean> WL - should title at' rather than 'award'? [2016-09-24 04:56:01] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-09-24 05:04:39] <Emmy B> I love it I love it! :-) [2016-09-24 10:13:53] <M> [Tweet] Big surprise. [2016-09-26 14:09:34] <M> [Tweet] Apart from the headlined comment, this is actually a good interview. He defends WL's publishing and dismisses the idea of WL working with Russia. [2016-09-26 14:15:09] <Emmy B> good find M! [2016-09-26 19:20:04] <M> [Tweet] [2016-09-27 12:21:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-09-27 12:52:44] <M> It's 10 year anniversary of WL, so maybe something to mark that. [2016-09-27 13:45:52] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-09-28 04:42:30] <Emmy B> Peter Tatchel has confirmed he will attend our vigil on Tuesday :-) [2016-09-28 08:55:27] <Emmy B> Response from Assembly member: Dear Emilia, I have had some answers back from the Mayor for 2 or the 3 questions I have asked about Julian Assange and the situation in the Ecuadorian Embassy. I have attached them below. You can also view them online at: [2016-09-28 08:56:13] <Emmy B> Any ideas for further questions are most welcome, he seems in earnest. [2016-09-28 13:18:04] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-09-28 13:23:39] <WISE Up Action> Nice one Emmy. Good to have him speaking up. [2016-09-28 13:26:40] <Emmy B> Thank you! Once Jenny Jones moved on from the London Assembly I thought we'd never get any replies, I was thankfully wrong. :-) [2016-09-28 18:58:51] <Emmy B> [Card-player] JA at Pepe Grillo's M5s movement [2016-09-29 01:28:58] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Sir Bernard Hogan Howe resigns as MetPol chief [2016-09-29 18:03:27] <WikiLeaks> "there is no ongoing spending"; that is not what was stated. these people are easy to fool [2016-09-29 21:29:35] <Emmy B> yes [2016-09-30 21:03:56] <M> Politico changed their headline on leaked Hillary audio from "Clinton Mocks Sanders Supporters" to "Clinton gives her take on Sanders supporters". [2016-10-01 13:25:16] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-10-02 00:18:09] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-02 00:21:01] <Emmy B> Excellent! [2016-10-02 13:27:49] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-10-02 13:28:17] <Emmy B> very sorry to read all this, source has not been named. [2016-10-03 07:52:41] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-03 09:04:13] <M> One of the most telling things about Clinton supporters/the state of the Democratic Party is how many people responded in *support* of Clinton's alleged comment about an illegal assassination of JA. [2016-10-03 09:09:59] <WISE Up Action> Had a ridiculous ding ding argument with a Democrat guy recently. They really can't see or at least acknowledge what they've become. [2016-10-03 09:15:12] <WikiLeaks> Did you mention how they've they have formally merged with the neocons? [2016-10-03 09:24:18] <WISE Up Action> We were talking about how they treated Sanders. Guy was like 'he'd never have won, and anyway, he was lucky we allowed him the platform at all'. Party tool. In complete denial. [2016-10-03 09:29:19] <WikiLeaks> You can argue that, but it is undeniable that people like Kagan, Crystal, Wolfowitz are backing her, raising money for her, and in many cases socialising with her. [2016-10-03 09:40:23] <WISE Up Action> Bleak. [2016-10-03 09:47:05] <WikiLeaks> Yes, though it is questionable what the presidency ultimately does other than marketing. [2016-10-03 17:01:51] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-04 08:28:23] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-10-04 12:56:20] <Emmy B> Potential candidates for next MetPol Chief [2016-10-04 13:07:37] <Emmy B> Very extensive Daily Mail article [2016-10-04 23:44:42] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Morning! [2016-10-05 05:05:26] <Emmy B> Josh, just a thought! I hope WL has grabbed the domain names for the two new wl support twitter accounts! I haven't checked, beware of MGT grabbing them! Would have been the 1st thing he'd do. [2016-10-05 17:04:15] <M> [Tweet] Awful piece begets awful comments. [2016-10-05 18:48:13] <Emmy B> Domain names http://wikileakscommunity.org [2016-10-05 18:49:24] <Emmy B> pretty please with sugar on top :-) [2016-10-05 19:20:37] <Emmy B> Binoy Kampmark Droning Julian Assange and WikiLeaks [2016-10-06 08:01:47] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 11:53:22] <Emmy B> this is great Bean <3 thank you as always! [2016-10-07 11:53:38] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] too horrid to comment [2016-10-07 12:40:12] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 16:55:43] <M> [Tweet] Haha. New version of "I won't confirm or deny the authenticity". [2016-10-07 16:57:25] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 16:57:43] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 16:59:59] <WikiLeaks> great stuf bean [2016-10-07 17:06:33] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 17:07:05] <Bean> cheers - have a few older ones but of course they're best in the moment [2016-10-07 17:27:46] <WikiLeaks> Bean can you change "secret paid.." to "private paid" or "confidential paid".. Secret is ambiguous. That the speechs occurred isn't secret, just the content. [2016-10-07 17:29:07] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-07 17:29:15] <Bean> sure... [2016-10-07 17:31:28] <Bean> [Media-image] [2016-10-07 17:31:48] <Bean> [Media-image] [2016-10-07 17:32:04] <Bean> [Media-image] [2016-10-07 18:24:29] <M> [Tweet] Hillaryists linking to forged transcripts from a week ago to try and discredit WL. [2016-10-08 00:42:43] <WISE Up Action> Great stuff, Bean. And bravo WLs! [2016-10-08 10:51:49] <WikiLeaks> It's worth reading the entire HRC paid speeches attachment (80 pages). [2016-10-08 10:52:35] <WikiLeaks> It is one of the clearer expositions of western maximalist neoliberalism. [2016-10-09 04:04:07] <Emmy B> [Tweet] He is at it again [2016-10-09 12:01:44] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-09 12:02:16] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-09 12:03:45] <M> Kaine: "I have no way of knowing if the accuracy ofteh documents." [2016-10-09 12:04:02] <M> Tapper: "Well, you could ask her." [2016-10-09 13:56:59] <Emmy B> as an outsider, it is entertaining, not sure I'd feel the same if I were an American ;-p [2016-10-10 07:45:42] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-10 07:46:56] <M> [2016-10-10 08:53:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-10 09:46:28] <Bean> [Media-image] [2016-10-10 10:15:11] <WISE Up Action> Nice! [2016-10-10 23:39:10] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-10 23:39:15] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-10 23:39:57] <M> The attacks on WL are hilarious. [2016-10-10 23:41:37] <M> Also how Eichenwald's article proved how important releasing full docs is so people can point out bullshit analysis of said docs. [2016-10-10 23:49:52] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] And stoopid [2016-10-11 00:13:40] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Jardin has taken to cheap shots and RTs of cheap shots since the Clinton leaks. [2016-10-11 00:47:58] <M> She's been like that toward WL/JA as long as I can remember. [2016-10-11 04:11:16] <Emmy B> Extremely interesting remark, a very clear indication that both political camps public relations teams drown in overtime time-sheets and there will be a paper-trail of marketing reports, strategies and budget approval requests... [2016-10-11 04:19:11] <Emmy B> Ofcourse, the most serious anti-WL strategising will be done at darker corners whether in HPGary type organisations or closer to the nastier centres of power. But the current tide is also a strength and with some political centres in US (the greens clearly but also some Bernie Sanders supporters circles) finally vocally pro WL is a wonderfully hopeful thing. I also observe this budding support is inclusive towards WL as well as Manning Snowden ie the enlightening movement of transparency. Good stuff <3 [2016-10-11 04:29:56] <WISE Up Action> [2016-10-11 08:54:42] <Emmy B> Financial Troubles have hit the Greek 'The Press Project' staff is on strike till they get paid, Kostas Efimeros makes appeal for financial contributions or it will close, it is all very dramatic and uncertain. When I met Livitsanos a member of staff in the summer he hinted at trouble but I did not enquire at depth. Let's hope they will find a way forward and that the appeal for more contributors/members will have an effect. [2016-10-11 09:43:12] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-11 11:20:56] <Emmy B> new article in the guardian for Jacob [2016-10-11 11:21:27] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-10-11 12:57:20] <M> [2016-10-12 07:31:08] <M> [Tweet] Ridiculous article, but the claims from US Gov officials re WikiLeaks/its status as a media org etc. are rather frightening. [2016-10-12 10:59:04] <WikiLeaks> please give @ike_saul some love, he was very good to make that correction+admission and to even pin it [2016-10-12 11:12:54] <Emmy B> Will do, we will postpone Monday's special vigil to November, when we have a new day for JA's questioning. courage and patience <3 [2016-10-13 11:36:37] <M> "United Nations Delists http://ToddandClare.com [2016-10-13 11:50:14] <Emmy B> Pure sleaze, thanks for sharing M [2016-10-14 10:00:13] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-14 10:10:36] <Emmy B> Let's hope there are some Trumpists at the Grand Jury and leak the files :-) what a sweet Christmas Present that would be *dreaming* :-) [2016-10-14 10:13:33] <Emmy B> Unbelievable comments in US politics, both from the Liberal (Green) the Libertarian (Ron Paul), the Democratic Tradition (Carter) and the non conformist Republican (Trump) What remains reactionary is political establishment of all creeds. *Hopeful* [2016-10-14 11:34:38] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Tufecki wading in again [2016-10-14 12:09:27] <Emmy B> I find it extraordinary that the comments in the thread you shared all focus on journalistic standards and how the Podesta Release and coverage (two separate things but she mixes them up) don't pass muster, when this person has fixed its 'expert authority on WikiLeaks' through successful disinformation, ie the false story she spread regarding WL and Turkish female voters. [2016-10-14 12:11:48] <Emmy B> any attempt at rationality or scientific deduction seems abandoned? [2016-10-14 12:31:03] <Emmy B> In a future Clinton administration the protagonists of the Podesta emails will likely hold positions of power. Their comments now regarding the leaks can become evidence of bias and vindictiveness, also can be used in any future prosecution. I hope someone keeps a tally, particularly of people that might be political appointments in the justice system, DOJ, and other depts. The more they talk the better. [2016-10-15 07:25:57] <Emmy B> Greek The Press Project seems to have survived with generous donations and from Monday they start again. Pledge to continue their collaboration as media partners of WikiLeaks promising to 'catch up' what they have missed in relation to revelations whilst they were off air and also starting a co-operation with 'The Intercept', which is mostly unknown in Greece, specially mentioning to its revelations about the death of Tsakilidis (The Athens Affair - illegal interceptions by the NSA 2004/5 in Greece) [2016-10-15 07:28:11] <Emmy B> Kostas Efimeros upbeat although sober, a lot of work still to be done to secure the future financially. [2016-10-15 11:42:17] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-15 13:43:46] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-16 05:03:49] <Emmy B> Just a quickie I am starting a public list with anti-wl trolls because I can't do it from my existing accounts because If you have an account blocked you cannot add them to a list, I created acseparate account, i havent finished yet but the trolls already know since they get a notification when they are added on a list. Just so everyone knows. There was an enquiry by wl task force regarding a list that's why I am starting it. [2016-10-16 10:06:18] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-16 11:01:29] <Emmy B> It is here, I will not be tweeting from it, only purpose to have the list in Twitter. [2016-10-16 11:16:01] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Someone is attacking the WL merchandise [2016-10-16 15:10:31] <M> Anyone know why Alexa O'Brien went anti-WikiLeaks? She's blocked me. Seems she's teamed up with @20committee too. [2016-10-16 16:34:30] <Emmy B> Bizarre perhaps personal issues, I have never received a reply whenever I had tweeted her years back so I gave up. Wonderful work she has done great shame she feels this way. [2016-10-16 17:30:12] <WikiLeaks> She palled up with William Arken a former CIA guy. [2016-10-16 17:34:55] <Emmy B> Well, it will help her national security research then :-) but it's a great shame if it has influenced her point of view to that extend, poor Chelsea I hope we won't see a change towards Chelsea too just tragic. [2016-10-16 17:37:32] <Emmy B> He has a Wikipedia page [2016-10-16 18:49:24] <Emmy B> perhaps is fair to say that the 'precommittment' style of expression is not mainstream ;-p [2016-10-17 02:10:05] <Emmy B> Guys and girls all eyes on JAs lawyers for potential statement [2016-10-17 02:10:20] <Emmy B> I am approaching the embassy now [2016-10-17 03:42:54] <Emmy B> All is quiet outside the embassy [2016-10-17 10:15:10] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-17 10:19:20] <M> [Tweet] "Just"? That seems like a pretty big influence to me! [2016-10-17 10:55:16] <Emmy B> My notifications going through the roof, hundreds and hundreds of RTs never before I have experienced this. I aquired over 200 followers in a single day, do others have the same experience? WikiLeaks is hot. Hoping all this awareness will help them/JA [2016-10-17 10:55:30] <Emmy B> keep him safe! [2016-10-17 11:46:13] <M> [Tweet] Lord, the media is so bad. [2016-10-17 12:14:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Where is all this coming from? [2016-10-17 12:15:55] <M> Apparently from idiots like Roger Stone. [2016-10-17 12:21:07] <Emmy B> I am of a mind to go camp out there! [2016-10-17 12:23:38] <Emmy B> perhaps I need some more Mary Poppins [2016-10-17 12:23:49] <Emmy B> before I pop! [2016-10-17 12:26:35] <Emmy B> Mr WikiLeaks losing our marbles here!!! [2016-10-17 12:28:49] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-17 12:32:15] <Emmy B> I see... [2016-10-17 12:32:23] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing. [2016-10-17 12:39:24] <M> [Tweet] That statement along with this is interesting. [2016-10-17 12:42:21] <Emmy B> Time to re-visit JA's speech of the 4th of October to the Berlin 10 Year Anniversary Event. There are clear references there on pressure on Ecuador. [2016-10-17 12:43:28] <Emmy B> Can someone slightly better than me in video editing snip and circulate the particular point? or a time stamp might do for now. [2016-10-17 15:24:19] <M> [Tweet] Useful! [2016-10-17 15:59:05] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] WikiLeaks Clinton E-Mails check out video 14:41 "bird dogging" [2016-10-17 16:22:05] <Emmy B> What do you suggest @h I don't understand [2016-10-17 22:37:23] <Emmy B> [Tweet] such good news about Amy Goodman: [2016-10-17 22:38:02] <Emmy B> "the media can be the biggest force for peace in the world" [2016-10-17 22:42:13] <Emmy B> "we should be able to report and the state should not interfere" [2016-10-18 00:51:18] <WISE Up Action> Satter is being a tool again, referencing the Buzfeed stuff [2016-10-18 00:51:26] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-18 01:08:35] <Emmy B> MGT's Forum on the forefront again. [2016-10-18 01:12:40] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-10-18 06:57:19] <M> This is insane and despicable. Eckersley recruiting Gibney, Brooke, et al in order to prop up claim JA is a pedophile. [2016-10-18 07:12:24] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-18 12:00:40] <Emmy B> so we can concentrating on positive work :-) [2016-10-18 12:01:23] <Emmy B> Like you've been doing Bean!!!! Well Done <3 [2016-10-18 12:41:16] <M> This Buzzfeed report is surprisingly good. It basically explains how Todd&Clare forged a UN document accusing JA and got suspended. It even refers to Eckersley as an "anti-Assange writer". [2016-10-18 12:45:32] <WISE Up Action> M: ha. Nice. [2016-10-18 13:05:01] <M> The falling apart of Todd&Clare is fascinating and amusing. Currently their front page states that they are a "former United Nations Global Compact member" and links to their statement about JA. It's beyond ridiculous! [2016-10-18 13:15:45] <WISE Up Action> [2016-10-18 14:14:31] <M> Ask the author to, especially in light of the docs WL released. [2016-10-18 14:27:03] <WISE Up Action> Anyone think this has MGT's prints over it, or too complex for him? Some similarities to his old MOs? [2016-10-18 14:28:36] <Emmy B> I could not say at this stage [2016-10-18 14:29:19] <Emmy B> I have been thinking, since DNCLeaks how many disinfo plots did we have? [2016-10-18 14:32:13] <Emmy B> Satter's Saudi Arabia 'Privacy' claims / Tufeksi's Female voters / It is the Russians / now pedoplot. [2016-10-18 14:33:15] <WISE Up Action> Satter has been doing his schtick again today. [2016-10-18 14:35:35] <Emmy B> goodnight everyone <3 [2016-10-18 14:36:43] <WISE Up Action> Goodnight Em x [2016-10-18 14:37:21] <M> Did you tweet the reporter too? May be quicker. He's @Bernstein [2016-10-18 15:23:34] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-18 15:28:57] <M> Huh. Well, thanks & good luck! [2016-10-18 21:05:25] <M> [Card-summary] Dailykos author deleted her post stating: "I have removed this diary pending investigation." [2016-10-18 21:06:24] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary] Jesus. [2016-10-18 21:07:40] <WikiLeaks> This guy runs the company: [2016-10-18 21:19:49] <M> Extraordinary. It's really amusing to look through the Todd&Clare stuff and see how it's so obviously fake e.g. their FB posts all received ~300 likes but nobody ever commented. [2016-10-18 21:20:43] <M> I don't think I've ever seen such a devious plot so successfully and utterly destroyed so quickly. [2016-10-18 21:21:27] <WikiLeaks> We're a lot more capable than we were six years ago. [2016-10-18 21:23:21] <M> :) [2016-10-18 22:45:47] <WikiLeaks> [2016-10-18 22:56:53] <M> His response to being confronted: [2016-10-18 23:11:33] <M> It's really amusing looking at all of Todd&Clare's hilariously fake stuff. Like this book they put out by a fake publisher that has 21 pages. [2016-10-18 23:30:04] <M> He protected his tweets. [2016-10-18 23:32:20] <WikiLeaks> they also own the 'publisher' [2016-10-18 23:32:24] <WikiLeaks> undeleted now [2016-10-18 23:32:35] <WikiLeaks> with something deleted, presumably [2016-10-18 23:32:55] <WikiLeaks> this: [2016-10-18 23:35:00] <M> [Card-summary] Ah. It was these I assume? [2016-10-18 23:40:10] <WikiLeaks> did he delete the hillary or the "we're all fucked"? [2016-10-18 23:40:38] <M> We're all fucked is still there haha. [2016-10-18 23:41:05] <WikiLeaks> please contribute the to that reddit threat [2016-10-18 23:41:16] <M> That's where I got it. [2016-10-18 23:41:49] <M> Hillary pics are still there, both tweets he sent with it. He deleted the drone comments from that archive. [2016-10-18 23:43:15] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary] this is also super readable [2016-10-18 23:46:56] <Emmy B> The URL WL quotes above as deleted is the " @JudeNewcomb dude the drones are outside your door." [2016-10-18 23:59:12] <Emmy B> oops did I just kill this convo? goodmorning everyone :-) [2016-10-19 00:55:28] <M> Morning! @davidsoloff protected his tweets again, but didn't seem to realize how many of us had followed him and can still see them, haha. [2016-10-19 01:20:25] <Emmy B> Good on you! *hug* :-) [2016-10-19 01:47:46] <M> [Tweet] Cuomo finally admitted he was wrong after unsuccessfully attempting to defend his comments for days. [2016-10-19 05:11:03] <WikiLeaks> There are several tties to that address. [2016-10-19 05:27:24] <Emmy B> Well we are all spending time on this disinfo scheme so it is paying off, who ever is blowing the pipe [2016-10-19 06:21:29] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-19 06:25:48] <Emmy B> @h perhaps it is part of the checklist when shills hand in work-sheets, archived? tick, tweeted about it? tick, shared in FB? tick, created Reddit? tick and so on and so forth... [2016-10-19 07:04:31] <M> Soloff is back. Just tweeted: "@bennd77 dude this was completely a joke. Irony anyone?" In response to someone showing his now deleted drone tweets archived. [2016-10-19 07:38:18] <Emmy B> Is there a way of identifying who paid for filling the online form for the UK petty court? [2016-10-19 10:12:12] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-19 10:12:46] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-19 12:24:16] <M> [Card-summary] Statement from the current tenants of the former Premise building: [2016-10-19 13:50:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Sighs. [2016-10-19 16:12:07] <Emmy B> [2016-10-19 16:12:26] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] NBC: [2016-10-19 16:14:02] <M> Interestingly the article was written by William Arkin, who we were just talking about a few days ago! [2016-10-19 16:15:45] <Emmy B> reminds us pls? [2016-10-19 16:16:19] <M> WL mentioned Alexa O'Brien had buddied up with him when we were discussing her anti-WL shift. [2016-10-19 16:26:31] <Emmy B> Interesting! I think we are bund to hear more about this story. Since the pre-committment tweets imply Kerry/Ecuador/UK each country will have to spin their involvement before WL release, Ecuador came first, now US all we are waiting for is the UK, which will wisely wait to show its hand after the pre committment release. [2016-10-19 16:27:11] <Emmy B> for they are the masters in this game [2016-10-19 18:57:51] <M> [Tweet] Seriously disgusting. [2016-10-19 19:01:06] <M> [Tweet] Here is Hillary conflating WL with Russia to deflect question. [2016-10-19 19:11:05] <M> [Tweet] Jesus christ. [2016-10-20 11:23:43] <M> [Tweet] Glad to read this. :) [2016-10-20 14:00:16] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-10-21 08:40:32] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-10-21 08:40:46] <Emmy B> what on earth is going on? [2016-10-21 09:54:11] <Emmy B> One has to factor in latest attempts to discredit WL through disinformation which I have mentioned before, could very well be coupled with psychological warfare tactics eg attempted break into Embassy, presence of armed 'police', vans driving round Hans Crescent over and over again, yes they have been noticed this week, as well as all kind of other stuff that a four year vigil presence can attest to that never reach the twittersphere. [2016-10-21 09:59:58] <Emmy B> Many people are stopping outside the embassy in the short period that we are there tis week fretting about JA/WL with offers of help, urgent enquiries as to his health etc making us all worried and of course the main actors of this situation JA/WL & Ecuador could be part of the plan to force a desperate act ie attempt an exodus. This is not an ordinary. It is a siege and a war zone of a kind. Still, calmness must prevail and mental space for strategy always. I say it here as I say it to myself. [2016-10-21 10:02:43] <Emmy B> sorry, I mean all of this psychological warfare "could be part of the plan to force a desperate act ie attempt an exodus..." [2016-10-21 10:11:58] <WikiLeaks> BProp? [2016-10-21 10:14:03] <M> Black Propaganda, I assume. [2016-10-21 10:26:02] <Emmy B> Thank you for this [2016-10-21 10:27:06] <Emmy B> Which brings to mind a recent article I read about $500 million paid by the Pentagon to a British PR firm for White/Grey/Black propaganda in Iraq. [2016-10-21 10:28:31] <Emmy B> here: [2016-10-21 10:32:15] <Emmy B> [Media-image] OMG JA polemist Jessica Valenti is in the e-mails latest article WL have twitted: [2016-10-21 10:32:55] <Emmy B> I will follow the lead see if the article she wrote can be identified [2016-10-21 10:33:20] <Emmy B> Has anyone searched her in there, there might be other stuff on her. [2016-10-21 10:34:29] <Emmy B> oh, the article identifies the article Jessica Valenti wrote already... [2016-10-21 10:36:23] <M> [Tweet] Someone msm journalists always manage to find new lows. [2016-10-21 13:33:55] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Ecuador and JA [2016-10-21 14:11:02] <M> [Tweet] Thanks for this. Supporters with good intentions were getting caught up in conspiracy theories instead of using their efforts in more useful ways. [2016-10-21 14:15:55] <Emmy B> <3 <3 <3 xxx [2016-10-22 00:53:19] <WISE Up Action> Interesting times (Hannity) . [2016-10-22 04:15:38] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Prepare for anti-JA/WL propaganda on London Radio @LBC programme runs live now [2016-10-22 04:30:16] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] The presenter's bias views are illustrated already in 2012 here: [2016-10-22 12:41:03] <M> Reddit has gone full conspiracy theory re WL. They now think the account is "compromised" so no longer trust anything it's tweeting. [2016-10-22 13:04:15] <WISE Up Action> Getting first hand experience of the mind set of lots of new followers from the US this past week or two has been really eye opening. Very different to what Im used to. I'll leave it at that. [2016-10-22 14:17:49] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I don't trust bellingcat here they try to dismiss Todd and Clare links with Clinton's campaign team, still, who knows! [2016-10-22 14:18:02] <M> [Tweet] Uh. [2016-10-22 14:23:05] <WISE Up Action> Barrel scraped. [2016-10-22 17:16:26] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] The Sunday Times (subscription) about JA [2016-10-22 17:22:54] <WikiLeaks> ToddAndClare didn't just have the same address. They alos used the same phone number as premise and the technological references are similar. But it's also clear there is a lodon conneciton. [2016-10-22 17:23:15] <WikiLeaks> Does anyone have a text of thetimes article? [2016-10-22 17:27:40] <Emmy B> not me sorry [2016-10-22 17:53:09] <WikiLeaks> Bellingcat is part funded by the UK MoD and is UKUSA aligned. [2016-10-22 17:53:36] <WikiLeaks> Most of the research there is taken from 0xdeadbabe [2016-10-22 19:14:08] <M> Full text of Sunday Times: [2016-10-22 19:15:23] <M> It's a stupid, nothing article. [2016-10-22 20:56:19] <Emmy B> true [2016-10-22 20:56:40] <Emmy B> thanks for sharing though! [2016-10-23 10:36:28] <Emmy B> Officially blocked by Alexa O'Brian what a great shame she feels she has to, I hope all is well with her, great shame. [2016-10-23 10:39:06] <M> Was it in response to something you tweeted at her? Or just randomly; when she blocked me it was out of the blue. [2016-10-23 10:44:04] <Emmy B> Marie tweeted at her about a comment Alexa made and I replied to Marie with copy to her, I said something about at the end of a journey the best goodbye is 'look after yourself' something like this, she must have taken offence, so you are blocked too, well that's it then. [2016-10-23 10:46:46] <Emmy B> I am not sure with whom she is close to from the twitter community, I hope she has some good friend other than those around John Schindler, such a cruel bunch [2016-10-23 11:58:29] <Emmy B> But I just took a look at her timeline and she took the trouble to write 26 tweets to educate @MaajidNawaz (LBC programme I mentioned above) in defence of Manning's release that caused no harm, so thank goodness still firm in supporting Chelsea, which is great. [2016-10-23 12:25:42] <WikiLeaks> Anyone able to find a video or torrent of Thief (1981) which Gavin sarred in? [2016-10-23 12:27:47] <M> The whole thing is on Youtube, but I can see if there's a higher quality torrent. [2016-10-23 12:29:26] <WikiLeaks> [Media-image] Can someone improve the quality of this image (its too muddy / not enough contrast) [2016-10-23 12:31:31] <M> HQ torrent: [2016-10-23 12:31:43] <WikiLeaks> :) [2016-10-23 12:33:43] <WikiLeaks> What the YT link? [2016-10-23 12:35:03] <M> youtube .com / watch?v=-sDNvDRQTag (take spaces out -- it embeds the videos automatically now) [2016-10-23 12:40:10] <Bean> [Media-image] [2016-10-23 12:41:02] <M> [Media-image] Here's the one I did. [2016-10-23 12:41:26] <Bean> :) [2016-10-23 12:46:08] <WikiLeaks> [Media-image] Here's ours. Think m wins: [2016-10-23 12:47:03] <M> It's a nice photo. I hope there's a higher quality version out there somewhere! [2016-10-23 12:51:34] <Emmy B> Is it the same Kelly shared in his timeline? he shared it via DM yesterday I am not sure if this is the same quality but here it is. [2016-10-23 12:52:20] <Emmy B> [2016-10-23 12:55:17] <Emmy B> Oh I just realised he is not part of the chat, I thought he was. [2016-10-23 13:11:25] <M> Yes, it's the same version. [2016-10-23 13:12:28] <Emmy B> Thank you [2016-10-23 14:09:43] <WikiLeaks> New attack from Ball spreading. Not too bad. Suggest attacking on his bullshit rothschilds angle [2016-10-23 14:14:52] <M> Such an opportunist. [2016-10-23 14:29:51] <Emmy B> it is an opinion piece from start to finish, nothing new to say, it is an attack and he will be quoted but does his opinion carry weight? Useful to Clinton up to a point so unlikely to be quoted much in America, although he is being interviewed for a programme there, I think 'The circus'? his although an ambitious article, it is a highly personal one, very subjective and obviously evidently so. [2016-10-23 14:31:21] <Emmy B> For the UK it is different, many of the Media will love to re-produce and quote fro but he has not said anything that has not been said before. [2016-10-23 14:44:16] <M> [Tweet] Same show is having Roger Stone on. [2016-10-23 15:13:39] <WikiLeaks> There's new market demand. That it hasn't been sead before does not mean it has been heard before in the market that will hear it now. He'll use it to get TV slots. So it's necessary to create doubt that he's an accurate narrator. [2016-10-23 15:18:48] <Emmy B> true Mike Harris / James Ball they are in demand from 'Clinton campaign and friends' [2016-10-23 15:51:06] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] What is this? We can't see for security reasons: [2016-10-23 15:52:10] <M> Just some stupid phone filter that turns faces into Zombies. [DMConversationEntry] WikiLeaks added WikiLeaks Task Force [2016-10-23 15:57:56] <Emmy B> Welcome to WL Task Force [2016-10-23 15:59:00] <WikiLeaks Task Force> Thank you! [2016-10-23 16:00:37] <WikiLeaks> WLTF this is a low security channel for some very long term and reliable supporters who are on twitter. [2016-10-23 16:01:34] <WikiLeaks Task Force> Good. Thanks for adding me. [2016-10-24 00:28:11] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Another NYT article linking WL with Russia "WikiLeaks’ Gift to American Democracy" misleading title [2016-10-24 00:44:30] <Emmy B> I voted for statement by lawyers, even better a 'he is safe' article the perfect opportunity to champion his legal cases, status of refugee and UNWGAD ruling forwarding at the same time the difficulty of his situation. [2016-10-24 02:10:11] <Emmy B> [Card-player] James Ball on The Circus [2016-10-24 02:52:04] <Emmy B> Mike Harris on ABC Radio [2016-10-24 02:57:12] <Emmy B> interview was with @MatthewBevan of @RNBreakfast [2016-10-24 06:11:56] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Raphael Satter for AP at a different tone but seems to have established himself as the main writer on the subject: [2016-10-25 06:35:01] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-10-25 07:28:43] <Emmy B> What good work! [2016-10-25 07:32:55] <Bean> thx em [2016-10-25 07:33:03] <WikiLeaks Task Force> great! [2016-10-25 07:35:20] <Bean> graphic 3 and 4 need to go up at [2016-10-25 07:36:46] <Emmy B> So useful to have these up at WL site they are timeless :-) great resources x [2016-10-25 15:03:45] <M> [Tweet] This is pretty hilarious. Notorious anti-WL troll Robert Caruso wrote "Henry Kissinger’s strategies in Laos and Chile are models of success that should be emulated, not criticized" in an article, but then had the paragraph deleted. And now he claims it was WikiLeaks who wrote the line! [2016-10-26 07:19:07] <Emmy B> amazing! [2016-10-26 07:20:13] <Emmy B> Rita Skeeter and her magic quill (Harry Potter) [2016-10-26 07:21:50] <Emmy B> But here is one to take a look, an article best represent the attempts to defame, malign JA as a person as a means of weakening the WL work/publications. [2016-10-26 07:27:15] <Emmy B> Remember JA polemist Jessica Valenti has been mentioned in PodestaEmails and this one: [2016-10-26 07:29:44] <Emmy B> In her twitter timeline I see a lot of criticism against her but hey ho the tide turned and many were I believe silenced by a tweet that she shared depicting a photo of threatening message. In her tweet she implies that recent misrepresented reports have given rise to hate and threats against her, the screenshot is indeed horrid. [2016-10-26 07:37:12] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Her tweet was re-tweeted over 800 times, a rare for her timeline and gained her much sympathy. She has returned, flags flying high, with a Guardian article on sexual assault (25th of October) [2016-10-26 07:39:27] <Emmy B> Katherine Cross has shared her article. (I will be sending down @ WL Task Force way this tweet later today). Why I mention it here is simply, due to unfortunately my experience with the trolls my attention was captured by the persona that has [2016-10-26 07:42:05] <Emmy B> done the abusing. I think this is not a real person, it is a troll, so please careful how you respond to this issue as trolls are assisting Valenti in presenting herself as a victim and getting back on top of her game, sadly in my opinion, milking feminism for her pocket. [2016-10-26 07:45:28] <Emmy B> I place some links here regarding this persona Daniel Barber who did the abusing, presenting 'himself' as a Bernie supporter, 'he' (better, this persona) has a long history of abusive comments. [2016-10-26 07:51:48] <Emmy B> LinkedIn profile showing same photo and a twitter account: [2016-10-26 08:09:02] <Emmy B> 2012 incident when this persona was involved in a high profile twitter spat: [2016-10-26 08:11:10] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] again eg2: with comments: [2016-10-26 08:11:47] <Emmy B> So to conclude, beware of the trolls on this one. [2016-10-26 08:14:00] <Emmy B> I might be wrong but I think this persona has been successfully used to give Valenti a victim status which then leads to a wave of sympathy and support defending her ie the article Cross wrote both highlighting the abusive tweet and throwing the blame onto who else? JA and WL repeating all kinds of disinfo myths that lately have been thrown at WL/JA [2016-10-26 08:17:37] <WISE Up Action> Very interesting, Em. Thanks for flagging this. [2016-10-26 11:11:55] <M> [Tweet] Giant rant by Clinton spokesperson. [2016-10-26 16:24:52] <Emmy B> Malik Obama account tweeted by WL is not verified!!! [2016-10-26 16:29:32] <M> Yes, but I think the consensus is that its accurate. The relationship between him and Obama isn't exactly a good one, so it's not surprising to see such a tweet from him. [2016-10-26 16:31:18] <Emmy B> There is another account by him search the name [2016-10-26 16:34:49] <Emmy B> Here @malikobama_ [2016-10-26 16:36:31] <Emmy B> WL tweeted from @ObamaMalik without verification it's tricky [2016-10-26 16:37:24] <Emmy B> There is so much disinfo currently We're swimming in it. [2016-10-26 16:45:07] <M> Right. I guess my point is, Malik Obama is not a person of power or influence, so a statement of support from him is not really that meaningful. [2016-10-26 16:45:25] <M> So the idea that he would support WikiLeaks isn't really groundbreaking or anything. [2016-10-26 17:54:06] <Emmy B> Yep [2016-10-26 22:12:00] <M> [Tweet] FYI: Full text of this article. [2016-10-26 22:13:46] <Emmy B> Thank vm x [2016-10-26 23:15:50] <Emmy B> [Media-image] It was so good to have the video from Argentine yesterday with live phone call from the embassy to push out as 'proof of life' to the doubters but this morning I got this: [2016-10-26 23:25:28] <Emmy B> I just had someone very kind share a google drive files with the actual video which I have downloaded and will share later: [2016-10-27 01:04:02] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Lovely youtube clip of JA's teleconference with clips of his speech and answers in English. [2016-10-27 06:53:16] <WikiLeaks> the proof of life stuff seems absurd but is a very important and positve development [2016-10-27 06:53:31] <WikiLeaks> there may soon come a time when that demand is important [2016-10-27 07:00:42] <Emmy B> <3 xxx [2016-10-27 09:25:36] <M> [Tweet] There's so many bizarre op-eds on the Podesta emails. Journos feel the need to reassure their readers that, even though the emails are newsworthy, WikiLeaks is a bad thing! [2016-10-27 09:39:39] <Emmy B> I agree, considering #PodestaEmails speak eloquently of MSM's collusion with Clinton establishment this is the result of 'we have been found out'. Part of the political umbrella. But the threat is real for them as they are thinking journo's e-mails might be next on the list as WL 'does not hold anything as sacred' remember JA's Trafalgar speech 8.10.2011 'Journalists are war criminals'? perhaps some realise they might be next on the list as power actors. Sadly Greenwald/Wolf tet-a-tet discussion about privacy is both an expression of such fear and the development of an effective talking point. Suddenly WL threatens privacy. Perhaps end to end strong encryption advocates should provide the antithesis to such argument and demand such universal standard in online communications, a reference to Cypherpunks made by JA recently. [2016-10-27 15:40:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Oh dear if you have such friends.... @WL Courage trusties gone riot (sorry) Nadya claims JA is in cahoots with Putin [2016-10-27 15:41:23] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] quoted here too: [2016-10-27 15:42:51] <Emmy B> not trusties, correcting, they are on the advisory board hmmm what on earth happened there. [2016-10-27 17:41:37] <M> [Tweet] I think this says it all. [2016-10-27 18:30:08] <WikiLeaks> What m said. [2016-10-27 18:30:39] <WikiLeaks> She's almost not saying anything, though, if you read closely. She's just talking about RT and doesn't get the RT contract. [2016-10-27 19:17:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> Right now the American press has all gone just as insane as our political process. Wish I had time to be more proactive in aid to you all, but sadly I've been, to make a long story short, effectively laid off at work and I'm job hunting like crazy. But I'll keep RT'ing y'all as much as I can and my heart is always with you. [2016-10-27 19:24:59] <WikiLeaks> Sad to hear about your job. But change is good. An open horizon. [2016-10-27 19:29:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks. And yes, I have some good interviews lined up. Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know I'm still with you. Besides, my entire nation has gone completely insane. Clinton or Trump in the White House? I am so embarrassed! [2016-10-28 00:26:13] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-28 00:26:24] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-28 00:26:33] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-28 00:26:43] <M> [Tweet] Thoughts on this? [2016-10-28 01:10:01] <Emmy B> Thanks M about the Nadya tweets and I fell for the Daily Beast article bait hook and sinker in 10 seconds, great! [2016-10-28 07:04:19] <Emmy B> WL tweeted 1 hour ago the podesta21 but the webside has not updated with fresh emails [2016-10-28 07:06:42] <WikiLeaks> m, that top 100 is good, but the tone is too partisan [2016-10-28 09:10:43] <M> New from Pilger: [2016-10-28 16:23:19] <Emmy B> Chris suggested FOIRing the payment details for the Todd and Clare UK County Court filing against JA, follow the money to find out who did it. Apparently there is a small fee attached to the online filing submission. [2016-10-29 11:13:19] <WikiLeaks Task Force> Visualization of the DNC/Clinton/Podesta emails: [2016-10-29 15:15:45] <Emmy B> From 2013 Birgitta: 'I fully trust Mark' [2016-10-29 15:53:47] <Emmy B> re visualisations, a picture, a thousand words, Political Players around the world will be lightening candles to WL no matter what they say or not in public. In a future Clinton administration, they will know who to contact if they want things done. [2016-10-29 16:22:08] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] In April 2013 Kevin Gosztola interviewed Birgitta whilst she visited the US Part 1 of the interview is here: [2016-10-29 16:44:07] <Bean> [Tweet] @EmbassyCat may like to retweet this: [2016-10-29 19:13:31] <WikiLeaks> Birgitta came to the embassy to make peace about six months ago. There's no trust, one cannot trust a back-stabber, but there is an alignmet of interests. [2016-10-29 19:16:28] <M> That's good to hear. [2016-10-29 20:31:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm glad she made that effort also. It was a shame to see her swallowed by Hollywood-grandiosity before. [2016-10-29 21:58:29] <Emmy B> Well she certainly does not lack courage and must have taken a lot to overcome her pride which is commendable, many challenges lie ahead. [2016-10-29 21:59:03] <Emmy B> I agree Jenny! [2016-10-30 06:43:16] <LibertarianLibrarian> You're right also, Emmy. She has an opportunity here to do something amazing. And she'll hardly be the first seduced by Hollywood glamour. Hopefully she's learned from it. [2016-10-30 10:20:50] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] This is doing the rounds. :0) [2016-10-30 10:21:53] <Emmy B> :-) bless :-) [2016-10-30 10:46:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL! [2016-10-30 16:26:47] <M> "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it." Re people who would interview for campaign positions and then report on it. [2016-10-30 17:45:22] <M> [Tweet] [2016-10-30 23:30:04] <M> Faux account getting lots of retweets. [2016-10-31 11:01:06] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-10-31 15:55:28] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-01 13:38:20] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-11-01 13:40:40] <Emmy B> Beautiful Work! [2016-11-01 13:43:05] <Bean> cheers! [2016-11-02 12:33:33] <M> [Tweet] Hah. [2016-11-02 12:42:53] <M> [Tweet] Conspiracy camp really grasping now. [2016-11-02 12:44:01] <WikiLeaks> Trump is surging in several polls, though base trends are bad for him. [2016-11-02 23:33:03] <M> [2016-11-02 23:48:46] <Emmy B> Well thank goodness this interview provides: 1. "proof of Life" 2. "He is still in the embassy" to dispel the tails of the latest disinfo crawling serpents. Very sober times, important to think post election and see how WL will retain the recent surge in support from the US [2016-11-03 00:00:34] <WikiLeaks> Absolutely terrible that it is RT. [2016-11-03 00:01:08] <WikiLeaks> It was for ITV. Management then killed it, so it was sold elsewhere. [2016-11-03 00:12:37] <M> Ugh. So frustrating. Especially to hear that and then for RT to advertise it as their exclusive interview. [2016-11-03 00:13:08] <M> They also say "RT's John Pilger"?? [2016-11-03 02:23:24] <WikiLeaks> LIike all TV channels that do this crap. [2016-11-03 08:50:00] <M> [Tweet] RT no longer calling it their exclusive interview. [2016-11-03 08:56:11] <M> They deleted their previous tweets, too. [2016-11-03 11:12:25] <M> [Tweet] This is getting a lot of attention. [2016-11-03 11:12:49] <M> Not sure how people think 4chan is a reliable source. [2016-11-03 14:29:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> What is amazing is that even people who are otherwise smart are so afraid of Trump, they think all the facts of Clinton's corruption is bought by Trump. I detest Trump, but don't believe for 1 second that Clinton isn't utterly criminal. [2016-11-03 14:30:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Are bought... Bad grammar, sorry [2016-11-03 15:11:48] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Have people seen this? [2016-11-03 15:12:10] <WISE Up Action> Just putting it out there! [2016-11-03 15:20:08] <WikiLeaks> No coment. [2016-11-03 15:26:00] <Emmy B> I saw it. There will be 1001 opinions on the matter if US/UK establishment was not pushing the it's the Russians/Martians line. [2016-11-03 15:32:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL Emmy! But very true. Ironic how things come around again. The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming. *sigh* [2016-11-03 18:00:11] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-04 12:10:55] <Emmy B> After Internet is fully restored perhaps WL/JA consider doing an AMA in Reddit since the platform has been doing impressive crowd sourcing. [2016-11-04 13:21:37] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-04 13:37:00] <WISE Up Action> Oh Christ [2016-11-04 14:27:17] <M> I don't understand the push of all the satanic rutual articles. The email is a weird invitation, but the articles go on to assume he took part in it etc etc. [2016-11-04 14:28:22] <Emmy B> which one? [2016-11-04 14:29:10] <M> [Tweet] This and similar previous ones. [2016-11-04 14:29:42] <M> Especially with such a misleading headline. [2016-11-04 14:34:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> That whole thing is totally bizarre. Then again, anything the Clinton's and their cronies are into wouldn't surprise me too much. [2016-11-04 14:37:27] <Emmy B> If writers of articles are Trump supporters it makes sense to put a lot more in the story to put off Christian voters against Podesta. There is real deep fear for satan/occult practices (I am given talismans every time I go to Greece for perceived protection of me and the kids from the evil eye/satan and all sorts) among Christians as this is a major pre-occupation of organised religion. [2016-11-04 14:48:36] <Emmy B> let's not forget the origin of the term 'witch hunt' [2016-11-04 14:50:52] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-04 14:50:58] <Emmy B> when I say the fear is real, I will also put some context, early Christians were accused of drinking blood and practising cannibalism etc (holy communion misunderstood) [2016-11-04 14:52:40] <Emmy B> it is a can of worms as well as the stuff of comic strips [2016-11-04 14:53:19] <M> Right. The term comes from persecuting people based on ridiculous notions. So the hypothesis that Podesta participated in Satanic rituals should not be pushed because it distracts from his actual corrupt practices. [2016-11-04 14:58:50] <Emmy B> I am not saying that Podesta did anything like that. Still, the fear is real among Christian communities since, let's face it, organised religion has a lot of rituals that are controlled by priests but if they are performed by lay people, it is taboo, shocking. I am not familiar with the artist in question but the theme plays to the darkest fears and instincts of people. [2016-11-04 14:59:52] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's certainly not as important as the obvious corruption, but it symbolic of the attitude of these people who think they can do anything and get away with it. In that sense, only, it's worth noting. [2016-11-04 15:10:25] <Emmy B> PS in Greece, very much dominated by a Christian culture there are often scandals about satanists or occult practices, and people tremble. There is belief in the 'evil eye', reading the future in coffee cups, and sometimes one wonders where religion ends and magic begins as it gets blurry. :-) but in a set beliefs which accepts miracles and supernatural power like Christian communities do, there is also a recognition that evil powers exist represented by Satan, at a mild modern context the yin and yang but for organised church as well as people who believe, this is real. In our modern world we demand rationality above all in public office rather any sort of mumbo-jumbo although let's not forget her 'majesty the queen' is also head of the church of England :-p for Podesta this story is bad news. [2016-11-04 15:14:00] <M> Another of the emails confirms that John Podesta didn't go [2016-11-04 15:19:34] <Emmy B> true, but 'Marina missed you' implies familiarity ie they might know each other quite well. (the truth is if one wants to interpret the matter in a certain way they will) [2016-11-04 15:22:01] <M> More here. It's just a stupid lead to chase. [2016-11-04 15:23:07] <Emmy B> The worst things will be if he is forced to make a statement on the matter, then whatever he says will feed into the circle of gossip, it is the taboo aspect of the matter which is simply toxic. He may be dropped from the dinner list of many a Christian believe me, quietly. [2016-11-04 15:34:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> Can't say I feel sorry for him. [2016-11-04 15:43:57] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-04 15:48:49] <WikiLeaks> "Marina missed you" and "at the appartment" implies something rather close. [2016-11-04 15:50:06] <WikiLeaks> A lot of US east coast elite play with esotericism as a status signal to other elites. Like having a psychiatrist was a status signal. [2016-11-04 15:50:40] <WikiLeaks> He UFOism may be that project or is perhaps being done for electoral reasons. [2016-11-04 15:53:18] <M> [Tweet] But why not say that instead of promoting misleading & false stories like this? [2016-11-04 15:53:46] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-11-04 15:55:48] <WikiLeaks> Lobster risotto? [2016-11-04 16:17:30] <M> How about: "Podesta sacrificed his lobster risotto to Satan -- and you can, too!" That's a headline everyone can enjoy. [2016-11-04 16:22:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL [2016-11-04 16:27:06] <WikiLeaks> Haha. [2016-11-04 16:27:34] <WikiLeaks> That manning statement in NYT is very concerning. [2016-11-04 16:28:02] <WikiLeaks> He's shown no evidence of fabulism before. [2016-11-04 16:28:40] <M> Yes it was really bizarre. [2016-11-04 16:30:26] <M> With the solitary confinement and multiple suicide attempts, her mental state is very worrying. I hope we hear a visit report from the attorneys soon. [2016-11-04 16:31:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> I agree. Her treatment has been horrific. [2016-11-05 01:49:44] <M> [Tweet] Interview is quite good. [2016-11-05 08:22:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> Just had a friend ask me why WL isn't releasing anything on Trump. Had to explain, again, they can only release what they receive. Hope I got through this time. [2016-11-05 08:23:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some think that it's all bought by Trump. Drives me nuts. [2016-11-07 01:54:37] <WISE Up Action> Interesting.... [2016-11-07 03:08:50] <WikiLeaks> Is there a clip to the recent JA interview where he discusses the Swedish allegations? Swedes are playing PR offence this morning. [2016-11-07 09:08:51] <M> I can make one in a little bit. [2016-11-07 10:00:53] <Emmy B> That would be very useful thank you! [2016-11-07 10:40:20] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-07 11:08:47] <WikiLeaks> great, thanks [2016-11-07 11:22:31] <Emmy B> [Card-player] This is the original RT youtube video with time start of the discussion about the Swedish case [2016-11-07 11:23:27] <Emmy B> John Pilger has published the Transcript of the interview in his blog here: [2016-11-07 11:23:46] <Emmy B> We can make handy screenshots or pick up quotes. [2016-11-07 11:24:28] <Emmy B> Perhaps some quotes from there could be good onto posters etc. [2016-11-07 12:34:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] This Daily Mail article of JA's interview with John Pilger has been shared 36 thousand times and has over 1.500 comments, it focuses on the first part, all about Isis/Isil/Clinton Foundation and Trump. [2016-11-07 12:56:23] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-11-07 12:57:55] <Emmy B> [Tweet] (Hill writer) of this: [2016-11-07 19:19:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Going to vote early tomorrow. If you believe in any form of a higher power, pray for my country. 😭 [2016-11-07 20:20:12] <Emmy B> <3 [2016-11-08 10:30:45] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-11-08 22:30:27] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] [2016-11-08 23:57:25] <M> Haha. I don't even know what to say. I am genuinely surprised that Trump won. [2016-11-09 00:07:07] <Emmy B> Let's hope for peace above all starting with Syria [2016-11-09 00:12:22] <Emmy B> But will the five eyes alliance divert its horses away from the path the British empire hacked onto the political landscape of the world? It is business as usual, but hopefully more peace. [2016-11-09 02:57:51] <WISE Up Action> Starting to get shit from people about WLs role (David Duke is being vocal again). Complicated times. [2016-11-09 03:26:48] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] @ wiseup some good points raised here: [2016-11-09 03:57:27] <Bean> [Card-summary] [2016-11-09 04:14:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad I ended up sleeping through last night. Insanity. I don't like Trump but I do understand the vote. I suspect it parallels the Brexit - people showing how angry they are with the status quo. Going to be crazy for a while, but don't expect Trump to be anything but manages by the establishment. [2016-11-09 04:14:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> *managed [2016-11-09 04:18:38] <Emmy B> very true Jenny! [2016-11-09 04:29:43] <Bean> yes all of these challenges for the establishment are absorbed & manipulated to suit, but process is chaotic and so more cracks appear + establishment must embrace more overtly repressive tactics in that process - complete with xenophobia and all that other fun stuff (due to where the challenges are coming from) - also not necessarily in their interests re maintaining power and their global economy [2016-11-09 04:30:13] <Bean> 'fun' times [2016-11-09 04:33:25] <WISE Up Action> Media likes to simplify but similar to Brexit, different communities have different motivations and it's complicated. Again though yes frustration gets a vehicle and from people off the radar of political establishment and media bubble. Trump will be boxed in, he'll have to be. Interesting how that will play out. Remember his poor relations with GOP elite now. [2016-11-09 04:59:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, he'll have a fight with all of Congress to get anything done. It'll deadlock him. But I hope it trickles into some minds that this is sheer frustration and anger against the govt establishment and that is the lesson that should be learned and answered. [2016-11-09 05:12:54] <WISE Up Action> Feel Brexit always led by a power struggle between existing (Tory) elites with Farage gleefully intervening in Ordinary Bloke guise. Though Trump playing that character, absence of rival elite with GOP folding so quickly? Just my take.. [2016-11-09 05:15:26] <LibertarianLibrarian> The GOP has been falling apart for a while. This isn't a win for them, it's just showing the Dems are in just as bad shape. There will party shakeups. That will be the interesting part. [2016-11-09 05:26:28] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-09 06:56:41] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] TYT feeling the anger [2016-11-09 07:23:42] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] And [2016-11-09 08:59:33] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] This is interesting, Clinton got more votes than Trump? [2016-11-09 09:08:31] <WikiLeaks> What do those two TYT videos state? [2016-11-09 09:15:36] <WISE Up Action> WL: a general rant at Dems becoming the Establishment party, ignoring disaffected citizens and poor tactics re dealing with Trump. TYT saying they will be going after Dem party full on for the above. [2016-11-09 09:16:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good. Both parties need to learn some lessons. [2016-11-09 09:18:07] <WISE Up Action> Oh and also about pollsters / political scientists being bad / being favoured if giving 'right' numbers. [2016-11-09 12:33:40] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-11-09 15:01:23] <WISE Up Action> Had no idea who Pauline Hanson was. Actually got excited for a bit. Then.....oh. [2016-11-09 15:01:45] <M> Hah, I did the same thing. [2016-11-10 02:56:29] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] [2016-11-10 08:17:03] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-11-10 08:32:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-11-10 15:48:24] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-11-10 18:30:51] <WikiLeaks> How is that ccn tech interview? [2016-11-10 19:35:56] <M> It's ok. The editing is choppy. [2016-11-10 19:53:09] <WikiLeaks> tweetable or not? does he say stupid stuff? [2016-11-10 20:18:00] <M> Probably not. I don't think it's him, I think it's the editing. [2016-11-10 20:18:48] <M> There's one part where he says "WL has never until now failed in this vetting process." But there's literally points where they are editing in the middle of sentences. [2016-11-10 22:15:53] <Emmy B> Juan Branco interview is good, CNN throws everything at him, he responds very well, also, his genuine answers are winning. Yes editing is very obvious in chopping answers. I note that interviewer addresses JB as if he was WL rather than on the legal defence team [2016-11-11 07:17:56] <WikiLeaks Press> Hi folks, long time no see. [2016-11-11 07:21:36] <WikiLeaks Press> Sorry to be so absent, and I have no idea if this is the right place to post, as I can't even make it to the beginning of this convo. We are working on getting the site back up at the very least. May take some time still. [2016-11-11 07:28:12] <Emmy B> Wonderful news!!! please keep us posted, thank you!!! [2016-11-11 10:43:58] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-11-11 13:39:27] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Julian Fellows Brigitta etc [2016-11-11 14:02:41] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-11-11 23:58:13] <M> [Tweet] Some interesting comments in here. [2016-11-12 11:30:47] <M> [Tweet] Haha are these collector's items now? I wonder if I can find any still for sale. [2016-11-12 11:39:23] <WikiLeaks> We want some [2016-11-12 11:46:09] <M> Damn. They're already going for $200 on ebay. [2016-11-12 11:52:48] <WISE Up Action> Oh dear. [2016-11-12 11:57:09] <M> Some copies for $150. [2016-11-12 11:57:26] <M> I will check stores, but doubtful they are still out since it's been 2-3 days since the recall. [2016-11-12 14:02:39] <Emmy B> I know it is slightly off-topic here but Obama is to visit Athens this week possibly Monday the 14th. I read about what he will speak about, eg Turkey. The latter is very unstable, several politicians currently in gov and outside have been making bold declarations against Greek sovereignty derived by the 1923 Lausanne Treaty. Albania under Turkish influence has ripped up the naval border agreement with Greece and FYROMacedonia continues to propagate land claims over Greece in its constitution. US foreign policy has sadly favoured all adversaries of Greece. With Greece practically bankrupt, Troika still in control and Nato patrolling the Aegean for refugees, the situation is not ideal. That Obama chooses to visit is very curious to me. Their influence over IMF and Merkel regarding the debt and its forgiveness (not real forgiveness but a vehicle to manage it to allow some growth) is said to be Obama's 'gift' A lot will be said about the visit, (he will also visit the island of Lesbos) this week, it is an opportunity to tweet WL's most recent release about Greece and Cables full of the various national security problems described in them including Cyprus. [2016-11-12 14:18:21] <Emmy B> The week is not the best for a US presidential visit, on the 17th of November, a national day dedicated to the struggle for democracy when students, workers and others rose up in rebellion in 1973 to oppose the CIA backed junta and were brutally killed. 17 years ago Clinton visited Greece and half apologised for the US role in supporting the junta. Again there are plenty of WL Cables on the subject. These may be the issues in the news regarding his visit. [2016-11-12 15:16:01] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-11-12 16:27:02] <WikiLeaks> not due to be questioned [2016-11-12 16:27:10] <WikiLeaks> JA is the active party [2016-11-12 16:27:28] <WikiLeaks> Sweden finally forced to take his statement etc [2016-11-12 16:28:38] <WikiLeaks> think the 44 is no longer relevant [2016-11-12 16:28:53] <WikiLeaks> now it makes it look like they did so in other cases so they're reasoable [2016-11-12 16:29:16] <WikiLeaks> 'refused to say' is better as 'refused to agree not to'... [2016-11-12 16:29:26] <WikiLeaks> actually either is fine [2016-11-12 16:29:48] <WikiLeaks> shouldn't have anything about 'two women' now [2016-11-12 16:30:59] <WikiLeaks> lower the complexity the easier to remember and to relay [2016-11-12 16:31:10] <WikiLeaks> should always have the UN finding [2016-11-12 16:31:33] <WikiLeaks> don't say "secret investigation" etc [2016-11-12 16:31:47] <WikiLeaks> just say "case" [2016-11-12 16:32:40] <WikiLeaks> or DoJ case [2016-11-12 22:27:57] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Obama's visit to Greece on Tuesday the 15th, read the ignoramus pre-visit interview [2016-11-12 22:29:13] <Emmy B> with such views his visit will create major internal political problems for the Tsipras gov. [2016-11-12 23:30:48] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] oh the neo-cons give up a clue of what Obama should do in his visit [2016-11-13 07:57:47] <Bean> [Tweet] revised edition - thanks wl for edits [2016-11-13 08:14:18] <WISE Up Action> Thanks for doing this Bean! [2016-11-13 08:14:55] <Bean> no worries! [2016-11-13 08:17:35] <Emmy B> I will print and we could use it tomorrow :-) thank you ! [2016-11-13 08:42:37] <Bean> [Tweet] update on this one: [2016-11-13 11:26:10] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Is this link working for people? [2016-11-13 11:27:11] <M> Works for me [2016-11-13 11:28:52] <WISE Up Action> OK, cheers. Off to investigate.... [2016-11-13 13:37:12] <WikiLeaks> Grea, bean.t [2016-11-13 14:09:21] <M> [Card-summary] ABC actually put out a very accurate rundown of the Swedish case. [2016-11-13 15:49:11] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-13 15:55:13] <M> Judging by the comments and lack of views, I don't think anyone really cares what YAC thinks. [2016-11-13 16:03:00] <Emmy B> MGT all over again in my book [2016-11-13 17:24:10] <WikiLeaks> YAC has been a hater for ages [2016-11-13 22:49:49] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-13 22:54:25] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2016-11-14 09:36:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Who is this guy Aus peeps? [2016-11-14 10:08:13] <Bean> another right winger who's had a wikileaks *revelation* - was a john howard frontbencher in the early 2000s - in right wing of liberal (tory) party - evangelical [2016-11-14 10:30:58] <WISE Up Action> Ok thanks. [2016-11-15 16:02:02] <Bean> [Tweet] [2016-11-15 20:27:20] <WikiLeaks> what does the sw ambass say? [2016-11-15 20:31:25] <M> Nothing. Ross Cameron just calls him a creep without context. I guess just based on how Sweden is treating JA. [2016-11-16 04:47:44] <Bean> 'in the world of misinformation manipulation, Julian Assange is manifestly no innocent.'—demented rave here: [2016-11-16 04:47:51] <Bean> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-11-16 10:59:45] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-11-16 11:08:06] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! [2016-11-17 19:23:54] <M> [Tweet] [2016-11-18 01:55:44] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-18 09:32:31] <M> [Tweet] CJR repeating "WL exposed millions of Turkish women" lie. [2016-11-19 00:33:21] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] Just leaving this here for people to check out [2016-11-19 00:34:50] <Emmy B> Thank you! [2016-11-19 22:22:19] <Emmy B> [2016-11-19 22:35:19] <Emmy B> [2016-11-20 11:30:47] <WikiLeaks Press> yeah. it was left unpaid on accident, and m said they were asking too much for it back, so we are setting up at Still working out some things though, but will tweet when we're ready. [2016-11-20 11:38:48] <WikiLeaks Press> [2016-11-20 11:39:07] <WikiLeaks Press> Thanks Emmy [2016-11-20 13:34:43] <Emmy B> you are welcome, best of luck! [2016-11-20 23:09:02] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The Mayor of London officers have finally answered the final part of the questions by London Assembly Member David Kurten regarding the embassy intruder [2016-11-21 07:25:54] <WikiLeaks> there is a .press [2016-11-21 07:27:00] <WikiLeaks> Why did he ask a dumb question about 'police guard'? [2016-11-21 08:41:40] <Emmy B> he is new in politics and first time member of london assembly in last May's elections so he has never received my previous letters on the issue. I will be writing back this time directly to him (previously I wrote a general letter to all assembly members) with an opportunity to inform him better on the particular issues. He says he may ask a further question to the Mayor, so I better start thinking of suggestions, any ideas would be most welcome. Thanks. [2016-11-21 08:58:12] <WikiLeaks> All question sasked by them in the last six months about JA have been useless because they were no worded carefully enough. [2016-11-21 08:58:37] <WikiLeaks> [other than demonstrating that people are bothered to ask questions which is not nothing] [2016-11-21 09:22:46] <WISE Up Action> Didn't realise someone had actually been arrested for this. [2016-11-21 09:32:39] <Emmy B> @ wiseup it is the first time this information comes into the public sphere. [2016-11-21 09:37:54] <Emmy B> @ wl, perhaps there is a chance now [2016-11-21 09:40:21] <Emmy B> what kind of question would be useful? [2016-11-21 10:02:50] <WikiLeaks> Give some suggestions [2016-11-21 10:15:15] <Emmy B> Any questions have to be relevant to the responsibilities of the Mayor and the controlling function of the London Assembly otherwise they will not be within its remit to question and expect an answer. [2016-11-21 10:18:30] <Emmy B> Mr Kurten suggests: "I may ask a further question asking what the Met is doing to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Mr. Assange and the other residents of the Embassy given the recent incident. I hope that these answers from the Mayor are useful. Do let me know if there are any further questions you would like me to put to the Mayor about Mr. Assange and his situation, although I believe that ultimately it is only central government in Westminster which can lift the threats against him." [2016-11-21 10:21:54] <Emmy B> Perhaps the question should fine-tune 'wellbeing' to include a question regarding access to appropriate medical care defined by JA's published medical records? [2016-11-21 10:26:33] <Emmy B> A different direction of questioning perhaps could include Mayor's and Commissioner's responsibilities for the safety and wellbeing of JA and Embassy people particularly in view of UNWGAD (Sadiq Khan has been a human rights lawyer) and as the most surveilled embassy in the world. [2016-11-21 10:27:30] <Emmy B> of course any recommendations on my part may not be taken up by Mr Kurten but I can certainly try. [2016-11-21 12:09:58] <WikiLeaks> No, it's not helpful. All that will do is increase surveillance. [2016-11-21 12:10:21] <WikiLeaks> The questions should be arround refusal to reveal the spend [2016-11-21 12:10:27] <WikiLeaks> or about the robot cameras etc [2016-11-21 12:10:45] <WikiLeaks> or about why it was legit to spend that much $ in the first place if it wasn't in the second [2016-11-21 12:10:53] <WikiLeaks> or about have they request sweden pay [2016-11-21 12:11:02] <WikiLeaks> requested that sweden pay and if not, why not [2016-11-21 12:11:46] <WikiLeaks> in the swedish supreme court response by the swedish prosecution they state that the UK has never asked them to pay hence they do not have to factor in the expense into the proportionality of what they are doing [2016-11-21 12:12:31] <WikiLeaks> doubt it is the most surveilled embassy in the world [2016-11-21 12:12:47] <WikiLeaks> US embassy in moscow for example likely has greater [2016-11-21 12:19:52] <Emmy B> ok, thank you very much this is a good direction, I will go towards that end and let's see what we get. [2016-11-21 12:25:01] <WikiLeaks> The second point is probably good. The also avoid FOIA on the budget citing national security reasons [2016-11-21 12:25:10] <WikiLeaks> they [2016-11-21 12:30:13] <Emmy B> sorry by second point do you mean my second point "Mayor's and Commissioner's responsibilities for the safety and wellbeing of JA and Embassy people particularly in view of UNWGAD" or your second point "about the robot cameras etc" [2016-11-22 02:30:26] <WikiLeaks> asking swe for costs and sw saying in their court doc that since uk never asked for costs they are not factoring them into whether to keep the thing going or not [2016-11-22 03:47:21] <Emmy B> All good advise thank you <3 [2016-11-22 22:52:58] <Emmy B> oh well trolls galore at my timeline at the mo and a website just launched [2016-11-23 12:06:18] <Emmy B> [2016-11-23 12:06:38] <Emmy B> The site has been down for some time. [2016-11-23 12:14:28] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Just came across this: [2016-11-23 13:30:04] <WISE Up Action> These proof of life people :0/ [2016-11-23 13:35:07] <Emmy B> *I know!* [2016-11-23 13:35:41] <WikiLeaks Task Force> yes, they are *so* annoying. [2016-11-23 13:37:05] <Bean> ha same right now - sending them infographics... [2016-11-23 13:37:20] <Emmy B> should I start adding them to the troll list or is it a waste of time? [2016-11-23 13:38:41] <WikiLeaks Task Force> waste of time imo. some of them are real supporters who believe information they have been fed. (others are real trolls, but you'd risk putting several supporters on that list) [2016-11-23 13:39:09] <WISE Up Action> I'm just ignoring. [2016-11-23 13:40:20] <Emmy B> yes and it would take hours of work to identify who is who, I have started blocking [2016-11-23 13:42:56] <Emmy B> we got the same stories at the vigil by one young guy calling himself Alex who said JA had been smuggled to US the day there was a chemical leak at City airport (which was apparently a smokescreen so he could be smuggled out) - why can't I be rude every once in a while? [2016-11-23 13:48:47] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] a! JA conspiracies - redditors act [2016-11-23 13:52:53] <Emmy B> this is good news: putting the wiki back into wikileaks :-) it might be a good and cozy place to hang around [2016-11-23 14:02:49] <Emmy B> [Media-image] David Kurten (London Assembly Member) may not be the best informed in the details of the case or history but heyho, he is the first UK politician that I know to call Julian Assange a political prisoner, Congratulations! ( I was not aware he had asked this question 19 October 2016) [2016-11-23 14:06:31] <Emmy B> I would like to see London Mayor Mr Khan, a human rights lawyer, no less, say otherwise if he dares... [2016-11-24 17:39:20] <M> Online polls are a pretty silly thing. Modi has suddenly leapt SO far in the lead in the TIME poll - there must be a concerted effort to get him to win. [2016-11-24 17:40:14] <WikiLeaks> Something is not right with that tme poll. [2016-11-24 17:40:31] <WikiLeaks> JA was at 14% [2016-11-24 17:41:03] <WikiLeaks> But more seriously, if you go through the poll subjects you can see how many people voted yes/no for them. [2016-11-24 17:41:21] <WikiLeaks> 65% voted yes for JA [2016-11-24 17:41:33] <WikiLeaks> But half that for modi. [2016-11-24 17:43:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> That kind of poll is probably very easy to manipulate, either by Time or by external people wanting to force a certain result. [2016-11-24 17:44:03] <M> Well it's weird too because you don't have to go through the whole poll for your vote to count, but you do have to do it in order. [2016-11-24 17:44:37] <M> So people can just vote yes on JA and nothing else. But if you want to vote yes on Modi you have to vote on 20 others to get there. [2016-11-24 17:50:58] <M> Account based polls may have some worth, but anything that's 100% open doesn't offer any useful results or data. Except maybe who can round up the biggest online army. [2016-11-24 17:54:14] <LibertarianLibrarian> True, and they're vulnerable to any nut with computer skills and too much time on their hands. [2016-11-24 18:05:56] <WikiLeaks> Are you sure you don't have to go through the whole poll for your vote to count? [2016-11-24 18:07:15] <WikiLeaks> There is also their "Face to Face" poll which has toaly unclear weighting. [2016-11-24 18:07:33] <M> No not certain. It just seems that way since it shows the results after each vote. [2016-11-24 18:07:44] <WikiLeaks> Yes. It's a meassure of who can collect the most people/high quality bots. But that is a measure of something important. [2016-11-24 19:53:37] <Emmy B> In the meanwhile: [2016-11-24 20:01:09] <M> [Card-summary] JA previously said that he asked Lady Gaga to support Chelsea; she said she would but never did. And that the White House told her not to. (from this interview: [2016-11-24 20:01:51] <M> Celebrities will generally only support popular issues. [2016-11-24 20:07:34] <Emmy B> yes you are right, thanks for the link, well I have tweeted at her account let's see if her PR team takes notice. [2016-11-26 03:14:54] <M> Link to the FB page for JA talk: [2016-11-26 03:16:32] <Emmy B> thx listening now [2016-11-26 08:01:16] <M> [Card-audio] Audio recording (quality not so good) [2016-11-26 08:35:34] <Emmy B> Thanks very much M, I listened live and the audio quality was not so good. [2016-11-27 22:19:43] <M> Haha, the TIME person of the year poll has gone completely haywire. Putin now has 38%. [2016-11-27 22:31:42] <Emmy B> 😂 [2016-11-27 22:32:02] <Emmy B> next will be "Erdo" [2016-11-27 23:21:18] <WikiLeaks> Competition between state bots now. [2016-11-27 23:21:46] <WikiLeaks> TIME is pathetic for running such an easily rigged poll. [2016-11-27 23:22:45] <WISE Up Action> Theresa May lol. [2016-11-27 23:25:10] <M> Yes, that one is pretty amusing. Russia, India, N. Korea, Trump were expected. [2016-11-27 23:26:49] <WISE Up Action> Why is she even there? FFS. [2016-11-27 23:28:33] <WikiLeaks> GCHQ [2016-11-29 01:28:09] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-29 01:35:11] <Emmy B> Great news! thanks for sharing! in the meanwhile the proof of life accounts are definitely spamming bots, no real person would spam irrelevant comments in English on a Greek tweet. It is an automatic operation. [2016-11-29 01:36:30] <Emmy B> I am referring to the WL tweet in Greek from [2016-11-29 01:39:39] <WISE Up Action> On FB the POL posters are trying too hard now. Latching on to every WL post and using same language / messaging. Obvious orchestrated BS. [2016-11-29 09:55:15] <M> [Tweet] Haha BB knows how to celebrate. [2016-11-29 16:22:10] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Report on Bitcoin donations to WL [2016-11-30 09:25:53] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-11-30 12:34:14] <M> [Tweet] I hadn't seen this picture before. It's pretty fantastic. [2016-11-30 12:47:27] <Emmy B> Hehehe ;-D [2016-11-30 12:47:42] <Emmy B> We got her! [2016-11-30 12:48:04] <Emmy B> "How sweet it is" x [2016-11-30 12:51:45] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] How selective UK journos are [2016-11-30 12:52:33] <WISE Up Action> Yes great image of Emmys banner! <3 [2016-11-30 12:55:47] <Emmy B> Correction: "our banner" x [2016-12-02 22:44:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] An investigation may be launched in Germany over the recent WL leak [2016-12-04 11:01:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] “The #Election2016 Micro-Propaganda Machine” by @d1gi [2016-12-04 11:02:43] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Also about Google's role in all this [2016-12-05 15:26:05] <M> What do you know, Assange overlooked again. [2016-12-06 03:12:26] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I have published in my blog the Mayor's answer regarding the arrest of the Embassy Intruder here: [2016-12-06 03:15:38] <Emmy B> In the same post I have published a new question by David Kurten and an answer by the Mayor: Question: "Given the recent attempted break-in to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, how is the Metropolitan Police going to ensure the continued safety of Mr. Assange, who some would argue is effectively a political prisoner under house arrest? "Answer by the Mayor " The Police are obliged to execute the European Arrest Warrant for Mr Assange and will do so should he choose to leave the Ecuadorean embassy. Regarding the attempted break-in at the Embassy, I am assured that the MPS continually assess the security arrangements of all diplomatic premises in London. Clearly, it would not be appropriate to detail these publicly." [2016-12-06 03:16:40] <Emmy B> I note that the Mayors reply focuses on the EAW and not on 'he broke his bail' mantra. [2016-12-06 03:20:38] <Emmy B> Further to recent correspondence I have had with Mr Kurten, he writes that he shares my concerns about the welfare of Mr Assange and he has tabled this week a further question to the Mayor and I quote: "asking if he will seek to recover the operating costs from the Swedish government, considering that he has just invoiced Volkswagen for costs relating to the Congestion Charge due to the emissions scandal", I will monitor the website for any updates on the matter. [2016-12-06 10:15:06] <Emmy B> The next Question to the Mayor session will be on Wed 14th of December but it could very well be that an answer will not be forthcoming till much later, in a written format in the new year. [2016-12-06 16:14:45] <WikiLeaks> Ace question there from Mr. Kurten. Good job. [2016-12-06 16:53:22] <Emmy B> thx :-) [2016-12-07 21:32:02] <Emmy B> At 35:50 Michael [2016-12-07 21:32:52] <Emmy B> [Card-player] ignatiou asks state department spokesperson about the wikileaks release, he responds: [2016-12-07 21:33:54] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] via his blog here: [2016-12-07 21:35:47] <Emmy B> Greek title in translation : "Americans cover Erdogan's son in law about the smuggling of oil from ISIS" Transcript: [2016-12-07 21:36:30] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] (MR TONER: Let’s go to Michael and I’ll get to you, I promise. QUESTION: On Turkey. Mark, did you see these reports that the son-in-law of President Erdogan has ties with ISIS operations smuggling oil into Turkey? MR TONER: Yeah, I mean look, we’ve – first of all, WikiLeaks – we don’t touch WikiLeaks, we don’t touch the — QUESTION: Besides from WikiLeaks — MR TONER: No, but aside from that — QUESTION: Aside from WikiLeaks — MR TONER: — these are allegations we’ve heard before. QUESTION: Yeah. MR TONER: We’ve been very strenuous in saying that while we cannot rule out any illegal smuggling of oil – ISIL-refined or ISIL – ISIL-owned oil across the border from Turkey, because those routes – smuggling routes have been in existence, as we’ve said before, for centuries. Turkey has taken steps to seal up, close off its borders with Syria and that’s had an effect on this trade. But we’ve seen nothing to lead us to believe that there’s any kind of government involvement in this Trade). Πηγή: Οι Αμερικανοί καλύπτουν τον γαμπρό του Ερντογάν για το λαθρεμπόριο πετρελαίου με το ISIS (βίντεο) [2016-12-08 22:41:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Very important : 'Ögmundur Jónasson: The Icelandic minister who refused cooperation with the FBI' [2016-12-09 09:15:09] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2016-12-09 10:11:24] <Emmy B> The 'WDM' snake is coming home to roost? What's good enough for the M.E. good enough for US? scary, EU may follow suit. [2016-12-09 10:20:47] <WikiLeaks> Not 35.50 [2016-12-09 10:21:15] <Emmy B> wil check [2016-12-09 10:22:23] <WikiLeaks> 'WDM'? [2016-12-09 10:29:06] <Emmy B> sorry wmd's weapons of mass distraction - the lie the secret services pushed out to justify the war to Iraq [2016-12-09 10:31:13] <Emmy B> ok, I checked, it is 37minutes 50 seconds of the video above when Michael Ignatiou asks his question. [2016-12-09 10:33:58] <Emmy B> State Dept official answer ends at 38:47 so only a very brief mention. [2016-12-09 15:40:12] <M> Happy to see this :) [2016-12-09 15:45:36] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-12-09 15:48:36] <Emmy B> I have never noticed this bell before [2016-12-09 15:53:14] <WISE Up Action> No, me neither, but it's in some old pics I have. [2016-12-10 04:28:59] <M> [Tweet] [2016-12-10 15:43:04] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] More of 'nothing' from Washington Post about WL/Russia etc [2016-12-11 22:21:44] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] This is of great interest if true, regarding SA/US agreement on the Yemeni Oil Reserves. If true perhaps the current CIA stance on Trump (and his foreign policy) wishes to protect Saudi oil Interests? far fetched? [2016-12-11 22:22:34] <Emmy B> of course it is an Iranian publication ;-p [2016-12-12 03:56:30] <WISE Up Action> Loving the FB live feed WLs lol. [2016-12-12 05:18:28] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] Mensch-jobbery [2016-12-12 05:40:31] <Emmy B> She was at BBC question time a few days ago, surprised she was invited, praised Trump. On her best behaviour throughout mending fences and getting lots of applauds. [2016-12-12 05:41:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] for UK license payers: [2016-12-12 06:01:09] <Emmy B> oh the FB 'Live Feed' is additive, I just spent half an hour listening to the song and typing in the chat. Full of trolls of course, still it is fun! [2016-12-13 05:53:25] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] [2016-12-13 05:53:26] <Emmy B> What about if US asks his extradition for questioning .. Very dangerous grounds for him. [2016-12-13 13:39:18] <M> [Tweet] God. [2016-12-13 13:44:52] <Emmy B> What on earth is in it for them? [2016-12-15 10:32:55] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Interesting article on latest Cyprus geopolitical game: [2016-12-15 11:38:25] <M> [Tweet] [2016-12-15 11:43:14] <Emmy B> Thank you vm M ! [2016-12-15 11:45:04] <Emmy B> What time region is it do you know? [2016-12-15 11:47:55] <M> It says it's based in Dayton, which is EST. So that'd be 9:05pm London. [2016-12-15 11:53:45] <WikiLeaks> John Helmer is super interesting. [2016-12-15 11:54:03] <WikiLeaks> Australian journalist who moved to Moscow after being accused of being a Russian agent. [2016-12-15 12:00:41] <M> Are there any good articles about him? [2016-12-15 12:02:07] <WikiLeaks Task Force> No. There are a few from over a decade ago, but each only consideres a part. [2016-12-15 13:48:30] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Another article by Helmer from Nov 2016 on Cyprus again it is spot on geopolitically and also quotes 2 US Embassy Cables published by WL [2016-12-15 13:57:17] <Emmy B> In a nutshell Kissinger has a lot to answer for re Turkish invasion/occupation of Cyprus and the 1967-1974 junta in Greece !!! he played god with nations :-( 42 years later whilst Greece progressed further than before in the journey for Democracy (having got ridden the political destabilisation of the Monarchy) US/UK/Turkey continue to pressure Cyprus to accept the Turkish yoke and continue their non independence via the retainment of the 'guarantee powers'. Keep hoping for a miracle. [2016-12-15 14:03:12] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Anastasiades not the best President, but we must not forget what brought him to power... the political defeat of the previous President who had presided over the Mari explosion (July 2011) (WL revealed the whole background - remember Aug 2011 the bulk WL release- it could not be more timely) [2016-12-16 13:19:15] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] Just sharing this because comedian Jimmy Dore (who's on TYT often) has covered recent US events pretty well these past few months. [2016-12-16 13:42:08] <Emmy B> :-) [2016-12-16 23:37:55] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2016-12-19 14:10:37] <Emmy B> [Media-image] And the answer from the Mayor is most unsatisfactory reverting to obligations towards a valid EAW [2016-12-20 13:32:23] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Nicolas Soames MP (not a friend) asked recently a question in Parliament about costs and JA: [2016-12-22 00:40:12] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] My goodness who wants to work iat Google? [2016-12-22 17:53:43] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Gawd. Wired's "most dangerous people on the internet" (JA included). [2016-12-26 23:30:24] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] That Ben Jacobs of the Guardian who has misrepresented JA's words from the L'Espresso interview has done this thing before with reporting on Trump [2016-12-29 15:24:21] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Jacobs of course [2016-12-29 15:25:35] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2016-12-29 21:39:20] <Emmy B> What else will the US establishment manage to do till 20t of Jan? [2016-12-30 14:51:47] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Good from James RIsen. [2017-01-01 11:15:14] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] [2017-01-01 11:18:10] <Emmy B> hahaha [2017-01-03 06:57:30] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-01-04 13:00:51] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-01-04 13:05:53] <Emmy B> nice one! :-) [2017-01-04 13:36:35] <Emmy B> Pence on Trump quoting JA "Healthy sceptisism of president elect towards intelligence services" [2017-01-04 13:43:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Whether it was a horribly mistaken or not, the election clearly showed how angry the average American is with the Washington power structure. Even if Trump's a narcissistic moron, I was still relieved to see Clinton go down. And greetings from the geographical center of the US. My first full day in Kansas City. [2017-01-04 13:47:05] <Emmy B> Lovely to see you are back Jenny <3 [2017-01-04 13:48:00] <Emmy B> Do you think we should start a petition to Trump to pardon Chelsea Manning? The world is topsy turvy, could he do it? [2017-01-04 14:02:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> Trump could do it. He basically is focused on his own celebrity. Appeal to that. But I suspect that like Obama, he'll be controlled. [2017-01-04 14:13:19] <Emmy B> A good point there! I keep thinking of the gravy train with US/UK arming Saudia Arabia how many orders are in the pipeline... billions, and how his re-approachment with Russia is undermining decades worth of US/UK policy propping up islamists and others to counteract Russia, The British Empire followed the same policy before the Soviet Era. How on earth Trump is going to be allowed to go forward with a change in foreign policy?A recent Greek PM Karamanlis who tried to re-approach with Russia (without compromising Greece's commitment to Nato) and the Pythia op planned his assassination by US interests, he resigned before the end of his term triggering an election. How far would such interests go to protect the existing foreign policy? [2017-01-04 14:32:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good question, Emmy. I think he may make China and the Islamics (whatever they're called lately) into the bad guys. I'm delighted to see Clinton's anti-Russia agitating didn't get further, but I'm worried a bit re China. Trump will have to be careful there. But I can see Trump and Putin siding together more in regards to the Middle East. Not sure if that will be a disaster or a success, probably a mix, but I'm sick of this resurgent McCarthyism recently. Bad, bad, bad idea. Trump's a wild card. I think that's why I wasn't surprised he won and not upset either. He's a sexist narcissist but that's not new in political leaders. [2017-01-04 15:46:52] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Oh dear not another ME in Far East! Let's see what we will see. In the meanwhile buzzfeed bizarre: FBI has not askedd to see DNC servers [2017-01-04 16:41:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah. Trump's unpredictable so... Not surprised re FBI. Dropping the ball yet again. [2017-01-06 11:15:22] <Bean> WikiLeaks Art Force has lift off... [2017-01-06 11:15:24] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-01-06 12:44:37] <Emmy B> Wonderful! xxx [2017-01-06 14:49:34] <SAWC Sydney> I love this Art force! I'm jumping on board for sure [2017-01-06 14:54:10] <WISE Up Action> Like it. Up the WAF! [2017-01-06 14:58:06] <Emmy B> There is a lot of art in the (now inactive) blog: [2017-01-06 18:08:48] <Bean> Up the WAF indeed (sounds wrong)... thx for that link Em [2017-01-07 11:53:44] <Emmy B> Steinitz [2017-01-07 16:06:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's really bizarre how Americans have been led to believe simultaneously that Julian is under Putin's thumb and that he's gone 'right wing', both of which are clearly absurd and contradictory with each other (as most Americans still associate Russia with communism to some degree). Sarah Palin (this no endorsement of her) was ridiculed for saying the Russians are coming... Yet now it's Clinton saying the same thing and suddenly it's not ridiculous? I don't get people sometimes. Believe it or not, there actually is something between your ears. Try using for it a change. Argh! Then again, Senator Schumer may actually NOT have any thing between his ears. [2017-01-07 16:12:39] <Emmy B> hahaha [2017-01-07 16:12:44] <Emmy B> <3 [2017-01-07 16:13:24] <Emmy B> very good points there Jenny! [2017-01-07 16:18:59] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks. Just letting off steam. The whole Putin is the bad guy thing is absurd and out of hand. And why can't people get the simple concept that WL can only release what it's been given, can't magically make up stuff on Trump. And source is irrelevant, all the stuff on Clinton and DNC is TRUE however bad Trump may or may not be. Like Duh!!! When otherwise intelligent people repeat this stuff... *steam comes out of my ears* [2017-01-07 16:35:04] <Emmy B> The thing is why didn't the pro-Clinton media found good stuff for Clinton in the Podesta e-mails? it was her campaign manager after all, if they found nothing good about her in there well he was at least a lousy campaign manager, I have not heard one bad word written about him, complete denial of any responsibility. Yet they let their country go through this turmoil of 'Russia phobia' as if they are some kind of banana republic. How will the rest of the world see the US intelligence services playing the role that they do and Obama encouraging the 'I am shaking in my boots because of little Russia' the elephant scared of the mouse kind of thing, US has 900 military bases around the world is this the way to behave for internal consumption and to protect the gravy train deals with Saudi and the rest of ME tyrants? Is it worth it? I mean , is this the American Dream? The CIA, Clinton and friends are damaging the Brand US but perhaps it is not a bad thing...who knows, so much dust we just have to wait till it settles. [2017-01-07 16:39:38] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, good point re Podesta. I have no clue what will happen Trump is a wild card which may actually be a good thing, at the least we can watch the Washington power brokers running around after him which will be highly amusing (if they don-t gag him or worse first). [2017-01-07 16:46:12] <Emmy B> He has not held a single political office, what allies may he have in Washington, I don't know, the Republicans may be in the end the ones to control him, having Congress and Senate and President a lot can be done, but with such 'secure' environment for passing law, a weak opposition, perhaps we will see fractions within the Republicans playing both government and opposition. When was the last time that all three Con/Sen/Pre belong to the same party, and when are there elections for Congress again? [2017-01-07 16:55:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> Hmm, not sure last time all 3 in same party, though a lot of Republicans are anti-Trump. So who knows? Congressional terms are 2 years. I think they are staggered so some up every year. Senators are 4 years, and I think staggered as well. Some should be up in 2017, and definitely in 2018, etc. I'm pretty sure. [2017-01-07 17:00:58] <Emmy B> Well if the Democrats get their act together they might stand a chance, but some fresh air will be badly needed they missed their chance with Sanders to bring in some new ideas and re-allignment with what the times require to mobile voters, how long will they be involved in this self-defeating policy of the 'burnt land' since they lost. Alternatively, it might give an opportunity to other parties to move in fill the vacuum. [2017-01-07 17:06:49] <Emmy B> goodnight from me! :-) [2017-01-07 17:13:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> My party is in its best position in a long time, people want alternatives. So will be interesting. Good night! [2017-01-08 09:49:12] <Emmy B> [Media-image] in case one wonders who MGT communicates in twitter: [2017-01-09 09:42:16] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-01-09 11:10:57] <Emmy B> Russian consul in Athens found dead. [2017-01-09 11:11:22] <Emmy B> it keeps happening lately :-( [2017-01-09 12:00:04] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-01-09 12:43:57] <Emmy B> Indeed! [2017-01-10 18:03:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Some of the response tweets are good as well. LOL [2017-01-11 13:18:41] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Does this mean Chelsea will be free? by being on the list does it mean her sentences will be commutated? Is it a done deal? or is it simply for consideration? [2017-01-11 16:48:13] <WikiLeaks> Means Manning is on a list of names put together by his commutation committee for him to ignore. [2017-01-11 22:28:29] <Emmy B> I see, thank you. it will be another blow then. [2017-01-11 23:00:59] <Emmy B> Perhaps Trump will do it then, a political score releasing a hero the Dems imprisoned/tortured, that would gain him a page in history, that future Americans will salute, can he see this? [2017-01-11 23:41:46] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] I don't have subscription to the WSJ Christopher Steele names as the ex-MI6 agent who cooked up the Trump dossier [2017-01-12 13:00:05] <Emmy B> No, JA must not go to US please !!! [2017-01-12 13:01:16] <Emmy B> Chelsea has not stood firm for yrs to see him hang now!!! No [2017-01-13 01:14:16] <Emmy B> where is that JA's quote about the 5 eyes intelligence services being closer and more loyal to eachother than to their governments? would fit current events like a glove. [2017-01-17 13:42:41] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-01-17 13:50:01] <Emmy B> Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So he didn't leave the glory to Trump! [2017-01-17 13:50:15] <Emmy B> <3 [2017-01-17 13:50:45] <Emmy B> JA next! down with the Grand Jury! [2017-01-17 15:03:11] <Emmy B> I hope JA is not getting any ideas about going to US!!! over my dead body!!! [2017-01-17 15:14:07] <WISE Up Action> Hope this gives Julian heart. Let's all think this through and get him out. [2017-01-17 15:27:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> Great news. And yes, let us all hope this gives Julian strength. [2017-01-18 00:05:08] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-01-18 00:06:53] <Emmy B> the tweet linked by WL does not exist for some reason, but Pearson did a different tweet repeating her POV [2017-01-19 13:57:29] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-01-19 13:58:50] <Emmy B> lovely! xx [2017-01-20 12:37:00] <WISE Up Wales> Any update on situation with police build-up around the embassy since the WL tweet? [2017-01-20 12:51:08] <WISE Up Action> WLs? [2017-01-20 12:51:41] <WISE Up Action> Talk to us. [2017-01-20 13:10:37] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-01-20 13:10:48] <Emmy B> Please spread far and wide [2017-01-22 15:14:11] <WISE Up Action> All, just to advise to be wary of the PardonManning account. Seems to have changed hands recently and started anti-WL messaging. Already clashing with Emmy and other good people. May be worth watching. [2017-01-22 15:19:21] <Emmy B> Thanks Wise up, yes, please be careful re-tweeting them, (I know they have lovey graphics) very curious behaviour, we are investigating what is going on. [2017-01-22 15:38:58] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Here they sound just like MGT's early rhetoric [2017-01-23 23:35:08] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Luke harding at it again: [2017-01-23 23:57:45] <WISE Up Action> [Card-player] [2017-01-24 01:08:44] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-01-24 02:05:39] <Emmy B> The writer omits entirely JA has been questioned by Swedish prosecutors in the embassy, lying by omission galore, manufacturing bias [2017-01-25 06:11:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> No surprise re Harding or the Guardian. Professional jealousy and hidden embarrassment over their previous behavior. [2017-01-25 06:15:23] <Emmy B> [Card-player] true! here Fox travels to Sweden: "Assange dodging rape charges" introduction [2017-01-25 06:22:27] <LibertarianLibrarian> Amazing how people find it so easy to follow smear campaigns that anyone with the Internet could check for veracity (or in this case, fabrications). [2017-01-25 13:51:57] <Emmy B> What is happening in the US post Trump Jenny? [2017-01-25 14:15:13] <LibertarianLibrarian> A lot of whining, mostly. There were some women's marches and protests. In the hospital where I work, everyone is waiting to see what happens with Obamacare and no one knows yet. A lot of 'he's crazy, who did this, what's going to happen'-type stuff. I'm in the let's just relax, wait and see contingent. Glad he did dump the TTP, not so happy if he does anti-Muslim stuff. But basically, most Presidents end up tied by Washington bureaucracy, same old stuff. [2017-01-26 08:13:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] oh dear and so we know [2017-01-26 08:19:15] <LibertarianLibrarian> Not surprising. Trump's a reality TV person and they always try to be as outrageous as possible. Be more surprised if he settled down his verbiage any time soon. [2017-01-28 05:54:35] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2017-01-28 05:55:26] <Emmy B> A PlusD cable comes up with a GiFiles logo next to it. [2017-01-28 07:49:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-01-28 07:50:49] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-01-29 04:53:39] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Had to make the video private due to copy right notice, sorry, Watch out for the Guardian misreporting it and twisting it. [2017-01-29 06:59:23] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-01-29 07:13:08] <WISE Up Action> This is Trump filing registration with electoral commission (to stand in 2020) just 5 hours after inauguration. Doing so appears to give him more powers... [2017-01-29 08:30:40] <Emmy B> It is very interesting Thank you, I am learning more than I ever imagined about the US system. [2017-01-29 09:08:49] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Independent first cab off the rank [2017-01-30 06:00:52] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] UN intervene re Trump travel ban [2017-01-30 06:08:25] <Emmy B> Wow! [2017-02-02 10:27:15] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] I don't know what the Daily Mail is about here about fake stories and wikileaks : [2017-02-02 12:44:51] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Extremely interesting interview regarding US intelligence agencies [2017-02-17 15:20:38] <Emmy B> I got a reply regarding some costs occurred by CPS on JA's case [2017-02-18 01:37:27] <SAWC Sydney> Searching "ROGTV" is this right? [2017-02-18 01:37:57] <SAWC Sydney> I'm afraid I've misquoted. Can someone please search this up? [2017-02-18 01:39:23] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] It is ROJ TV see relating Article by Chris Spannos of Telesur [2017-02-18 01:40:34] <Emmy B> [Card-player] And here is Julian's whole interview with Chris on the very cable: [2017-02-18 01:42:24] <SAWC Sydney> Thanks! [2017-02-18 14:11:08] <Emmy B> Lauri Love's attorney Tor Ekeland @TorEkelandPC is so anti-Trump he keeps re-tweeting John Schindler @20committee !!! what is happening in America? [2017-02-19 04:19:28] <WikiLeaks> Stupid groupism. [2017-02-19 04:19:56] <WikiLeaks> Lauri will have to deal with Trump's DoJ [2017-02-19 04:20:24] <WikiLeaks> So Ekeland is playing to his peers and not to the interests of his clients. [2017-02-19 04:42:12] <Emmy B> Yes is of concern [2017-02-19 04:43:19] <Emmy B> We stayed for 45 min outside the TUC but had to move on as we were causing quite a stir apparently. [2017-02-19 04:45:48] <Emmy B> Really good conversation with some ppl but several opposition to correa ppl complained so organisers asked us to move. Originally we had approached organisers and they had agreed we could stay but changed their position under pressure. [2017-02-19 04:46:52] <Emmy B> Anyway we did really good work flyering whilst we were there :-) [2017-02-22 02:41:59] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Dems like leaks again [2017-02-22 03:53:03] <Emmy B> Wow 'you cannot stop wikileaks they already changed the world' [2017-02-22 03:53:03] <Emmy B> :-) [2017-02-23 14:54:48] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Another one. Greece this time. [2017-02-25 13:50:01] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Ha [2017-02-27 14:46:57] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Bizarre [2017-02-27 14:54:06] <Emmy B> The lobbyist features at DNCLeaks [2017-02-28 13:21:28] <Emmy B> Hrafnsson in the news [2017-02-28 13:22:21] <Emmy B> By Raphael Satter who is once more 'on the case' of WL for Associated Press [2017-02-28 14:23:11] <WISE Up Action> Satter beavers away to make nothing out of nothing. Though irritating, he gets minimal response mostly. [2017-02-28 14:27:04] <Emmy B> Still, he builds himself to be an expert an 'authority' to strengthen his future pen [2017-02-28 14:41:39] <WISE Up Action> He's spun it out to 7 tweets so far. Usual innuendo and nudge-nudge style. [2017-03-02 10:15:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually, Ted Lieu is one of the few good ones we've got in Congress. Surprisingly intelligent and solid. He's one of the few I follow. [2017-03-02 10:29:57] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Y'all seen what Bella's been putting out today? [2017-03-02 11:36:57] <Emmy B> Yes I have seen it, there is no attribution. [2017-03-03 13:39:18] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Lasso claims he wants to hand over JA to a different embassy [2017-03-07 22:27:30] <Emmy B> So if I want to search the Vault7 for stuff about Greece how do I do it? There is no search engine yet. [2017-03-07 22:37:49] <WikiLeaks> can be accesed by the WL advanced search [2017-03-07 22:38:48] <Emmy B> Thank you! :-) [2017-03-07 22:42:00] <Emmy B> Vault7 is not listed on the filter on the left of the screen so users would not know it was there. I narrowed search by date of release and had a Vault7 result. [2017-03-08 11:50:30] <Emmy B> Regarding the WIkiLeaks poll about collaborating with tech companies, I voted yes as it is in the public interest, WikiLeaks though should attempt to protect themselves as collaborating with tech companies can open up critisism of favouritism or/and 'aiding the enemy' since the USG definition of 'enemy' is so ad hoc (see Mannings trial). I think it is of use to ask that tech firms form consortium with committment to share fixes on an open bases and not to use this for competitive advantage over others in this way there is true public benefit. As long as the Grand Jury is ongoing How can WL share these 'CIA cyber guns' with the 'CIA Targets' - the tech companies- Only when the Grand Jury is disbanded and tech world stands up for WL can sharing the tools be perhaps safe for WL, in any case is good to find out what people think. [2017-03-09 08:12:49] <M> [Tweet] [2017-03-09 09:00:24] <Emmy B> Thank you M! [2017-03-09 17:36:30] <Emmy B> Pence against WL (video): [2017-03-09 17:56:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Spicer on JA [2017-03-10 01:53:12] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-03-10 02:21:39] <Emmy B> can't read it under paywall [2017-03-10 04:00:56] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] via AP EFF on #Vault7 and WL's offer to help Tech companies [2017-03-10 04:23:35] <Emmy B> Same Cindy Cohn of EFF appears in another article here: [2017-03-10 04:41:42] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Names [2017-03-10 06:35:50] <WikiLeaks> Stupid bay area neo- liberal [2017-03-10 23:08:11] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Again EFF director about Vault7, unimpressed [2017-03-11 03:03:44] <Emmy B> Vault7, Free advertisement, curation for eternity, or copyright infringement? [2017-03-11 03:06:48] <WikiLeaks> Cohn is part of the anti-Jacob persecutrixity [2017-03-11 03:10:56] <Emmy B> oh dear dear! [2017-03-11 03:13:56] <WikiLeaks> Despite EFF formally being his lawyers. Disgraceful. [2017-03-11 03:16:15] <Emmy B> I did not know this about Jacob's lawyers. The thing is perhaps she does not realise but at the Democracy Now interview (a broadcaster with obvious affinity and sympathy towards WikiLeaks), to the average viewer she comes across as 'covering up' for the CIA. In comparison, speaking to AP (generally hostile to WL) she is more willing to contribute to the debate and clear she views aspects of the release as positive and in line with EFF's consumer privacy objectives if nothing else. [2017-03-11 03:19:20] <Emmy B> We are 'political animals', she is acting 'politically' but perhaps, to my mind, compromising her function at the EFF due to her affiliations or personal bias. As Vault7 release progresses she is obviously going to be 'the person to go to' for commentary in media, we shall see her stance how it develops over time. [2017-03-11 03:28:37] <Emmy B> Congratulations btw :-) who would have thought an organisation so powerful, dark unaccountable, having performed many evil deeds will finally get some light thrown at it. It is also interesting to see the positions taken by commentaries, do they see the face of CIA/DorianGray or its portrait momentarily revealed by WL. [2017-03-11 08:17:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Cindy Cohn at Public Radio, San Fransisco [2017-03-11 08:24:44] <Emmy B> at 8 min. [2017-03-11 09:41:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sad to hear EFF director being wishy-washy on this; they should be strongly behind it and pushing for legal protections. Also sick to hear she was part of persecuting Jake. I've always been a strong EFF advocate and they usually do good work. Hate that kind of politics-playing. [2017-03-11 09:57:54] <Emmy B> What is happening over in America at the moment Jenny? [2017-03-11 10:14:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Life goes on. There's a lot of utter disgust with Trump, Washington, etc. I suspect most people just expect to get screwed over by govt. I think most people are against that stupid Mexican wall thing. Women's groups are generally up in arms re Trump, I'm still wondering why they weren't the same re Bill Clinton. The fight over the pipeline still ongoing. No one has a clue what's going to happen re Obamacare. And generally we all knew we were spied on anyway and no one ever liked the CIA, so I suspect the average person's response is 'so what's new?' Sad, but I had kinds thought the same thing. [2017-03-11 10:18:01] <LibertarianLibrarian> I don't watch network news or read NYT, rarely WaPo, because they're hired shills for whoever is paying them the most. Rely more on Twitter independents and RT and Democracy Now, but lately buried in work and learning Kansas City. [2017-03-11 10:19:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> Actually - sorry for rambling - all can be said in one word re American attitudes: Disgust. [2017-03-11 10:26:05] <Emmy B> Thanks Jenny, x [2017-03-11 10:32:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> 😞 The world's gone insane. But ❤'s from here to there. [2017-03-11 10:43:52] <Emmy B> :-) *hug* [2017-03-12 05:38:59] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Whilst in US CIA experts claim Vault7 an inside job, CIA's UK spokespeople at Henry Jackson Society point to 'Russia' [2017-03-14 14:10:22] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-03-14 14:19:14] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Trump Bots on Vault7? [2017-03-14 16:48:01] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-03-15 15:48:50] <WISE Up Action> She should be verified, or certified, or something. [2017-03-15 20:49:32] <Emmy B> bizarre! [2017-03-16 11:15:47] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] What is Thompson Reuters Special Services? Important to know: [2017-03-16 11:17:49] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Headed by ex FBI guy [2017-03-16 13:19:27] <WikiLeaks> Thomson Reuters is a data intelligence firm [2017-03-16 13:33:52] <Emmy B> Well, that was news to me, but the article is very telling. [2017-03-16 14:07:56] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Interesting info on GCHQ branch off set ups [2017-03-16 14:10:44] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Autism is in vogue, not too late to get my diagnoses perhaps :-) [2017-03-16 14:36:28] <Emmy B> Christine Ann Sands has turned anti-WL [2017-03-16 15:11:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> I use Thomson Reuters products almost daily. They provide bibliographic databases and citation management software. They are one of the big vendors in the library world. Not quite as horrible as the giant publishers like Elsevier but still big and costly. Nice giveaways at conferences, though. LOL [2017-03-16 15:12:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> I thought she was always anti-WL? [2017-03-16 15:13:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> I approve of jobs for people with autism, my cousin has it, but not sure how I feel about these agencies taking advantage. [2017-03-16 15:15:38] <Emmy B> yes I think they would take advantage [2017-03-16 15:16:34] <LibertarianLibrarian> 🙄 Sorry, tired at end of long day. Just dumped over 5000 articles on medication adherence in organ transplant patients into EndNote, speaking of the 👹. [2017-03-16 15:17:08] <Emmy B> :-) have a good rest Jenny! [2017-03-16 15:19:08] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yeah. My cousin briefly worked in the mail room of the White House under Clinton so he thinks the Clintons walk on water. He is functioning enough to do basic jobs and take public transport, but impressionable and developmentally delayed. Hate to see anyone like that misused. [2017-03-16 15:19:32] <LibertarianLibrarian> Thanks! [2017-03-16 15:32:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Can I just say that while I knew Trump was a lunatic, the latest stuff I heard is an absolute farce. Apparently his people are discussing trying to force people on Medicaid to work... but the primary reason for getting Medicaid is because you can NOT work - it goes to the handicapped and children. The only plus is that this is showing DC for the utter farce it is. But seriously??? [2017-03-16 23:20:52] <Emmy B> Oh the conservatives here have done the same. [2017-03-16 23:25:47] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] They appointed a private firm to re-assess all disability benefits, hundreds of people suffered as a result (many died) gov got rid of them but new provider not much better [2017-03-16 23:27:24] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-03-16 23:27:42] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-03-16 23:30:15] <Emmy B> [2017-03-17 07:08:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's insane! I'm a strong anti-govt-involvement advocate but there are reasons why we have to have the necessary evil, and taking care of children and the disabled is on that list. It's sick how much power the military and its parasitic industries have. We could solve so many problems if we just cut our military spending by even a fifth. Argh! [2017-03-17 07:18:52] <Emmy B> I agree Jenny x [2017-03-17 11:19:18] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-03-20 02:05:17] <Emmy B> I haven't heard anything further on the matter. [2017-03-20 02:08:56] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] On another matter, WL shared an article from 1995 on CIA promoting American Expressionism, I can't help wondering the parallel with Identity politics who have perhaps derailed more meaningful Human Rights struggles and anti-war political struggle, which eventually let the bomination of a US female presidential candidate receiving 20% of her political campaign being financed by Saudi Arabia!!!!! [2017-03-22 14:16:18] <Emmy B> From 2015 when Louise Mensch was pushing the James Ball and WikiLeaks forum conspiracy theories about WL: [2017-03-22 14:22:55] <WISE Up Action> Thanks Emmy. How dumb do those sycophantic responses look now. [2017-03-22 14:24:17] <Emmy B> :-) [2017-03-22 16:52:22] <Emmy B> [2017-03-23 09:17:27] <Emmy B> Constant interruptions on the audio live streaming! [2017-03-24 00:33:46] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Inside counsel: WL revelations a blessing in disguise: [2017-03-24 00:43:58] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] More Jacob stories (re)surfacing [2017-03-24 01:00:08] <WISE Up Action> Which Emmy has already seen, I notice :) [2017-03-24 01:43:07] <Emmy B> Yes thanks wise up!Bizarreness, Kevin Gallagher retweeted this and after I posted a comment on the twitter thread I got a tweet from Isis Agora Lovecroft (is it me or does the name aspire to emulate British aristocratic onomatopoeia) which she then deleted, something like 'I had to do something to stop him because of his behaviour' - I blocked her not wanting to be anywhere near such individual, anyway does anyone know this lady's real name? [2017-03-24 01:45:20] <Emmy B> And it is perhaps the amazing world of the ethers which leaves so much room for the imagination that some eventually lose touch with reality. [2017-03-24 07:30:34] <Emmy B> [Card-player] @ wikileaks no doubt the interference with the press conference yesterday had a qualitative effect on it. Even the audio recordings circulating in you tube without the pauses are of doubly poor quality since by removing the pauses caused by the interference the audio has the appearance of a normal essay type monologue but of course if you are trying to pay attention and understand what is being said the interruptions are evident, although by first appearance not so easily detected due to the JA's naturally steady tone of speech. For someone who perhaps may not have been aware with the interference and interruptions during the live transmission and hears the audio recording for example here: [2017-03-24 07:51:49] <WikiLeaks> It's a war. They hacked the three press conference systems last tuesday. [2017-03-24 08:14:18] <Emmy B> I see! it is the hardest of conditions still it did take place which was great, despite the problems. Old fashion technology as back up for the after event dissemination of information is important as journo's reporting on this would want easy to copy quotes from JA. This release will be revisited for many months to come, and as the different parts of the release go ahead interest will fluctuate but progressively increase, so plan B (old fashion technology for a back up recording of the press conference not a bad idea) JA is right that tech co's and tech journals/journalists reporting on the matter tend to ignore the political aspect of the issue, and so the analysis provided by WL during the press conference, bringing everything together (technical, political, geopolitical, legal) it is of great value in sparking discussions. Also, perhaps consider, at a time when the release is a bit further down, a round table discussion post publication with small number of ppl reviewing the releases so far, not live (no avoid interference), pre-recorded but with the possibility of going over the material and reviewing its impact (Brexit Club style but only 30-60 min long) of course it is easy for me to say... anyways we continue to be amazed at WL efforts to prevail no matter what so keep it up <3 [2017-03-24 08:16:27] <Emmy B> all the best! [2017-03-28 02:51:20] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Karin Rosander has answered my enquiry 'Evasion-R-US' [2017-03-28 02:57:19] <WISE Up Action> Good work Emmy. So all translation was completed around 16 March? [2017-03-28 04:00:27] <Emmy B> It seems so. Still extraordinary amount of time. Plus the Swedish Ministry of Justice could have hanged on to the report for weeks before passing it on to the Swedish Prosecution Service. [2017-03-28 04:05:30] <Emmy B> What I find misleading is the expression 'the report from Ecuador' as it can be misconstrued to mean the report that was received directly from Ecuador on the 4th of January, rather than what the Swedish Prosecution Service actually means as 'Report from Ecuador' ie the Report prepared by the Ecuadorian Prosecution/Justice Ministry about the Interview with Mr Assange conducted 14/15 Nov 2016, which was passed on to the Swedish Ministry under MLA and which the Swedish Ministry passed on to the Swedish Prosecution Service on the 4th of January 2017 after it was received by them at some unspecified time during Nov/Dec 2016. [2017-04-02 22:04:20] <Emmy B> <3 [2017-04-02 22:23:14] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Ciaron O'Reilly hacked by special Branch - Time for JA legal team to take a close look for evidence of malpractice in MetPol [2017-04-05 23:18:52] <Emmy B> Mindful of impersonating account [2017-04-05 23:19:11] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2017-04-09 14:03:45] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Haha [2017-04-09 14:20:40] <Emmy B> Thanks for sharing! [2017-04-09 15:25:08] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] The current page of the Holywood Reporter article about Laura Poitras' 'Risk' has been removed but a cached version exists and I archived it: [2017-04-12 00:11:49] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Not good [2017-04-12 09:03:27] <M> [Card-summary_large_image] Boston Globe saying new cut of Risk will be "less sympathetic" due to added 2016 election stuff. There were already some issues with depiction of Swedish case... I hope this hasn't turned into another anti-JA film. [2017-04-12 09:31:09] <Emmy B> let's hope no, but both globe and slate articles hope it is, clearly biased [2017-04-12 09:31:37] <Emmy B> Did you ever see it M? I did not manage to find it anywhere [2017-04-12 10:00:54] <M> I haven't. [2017-04-12 10:09:58] <Emmy B> I think it is great, in 2016 we had the UNWGAD double decision, the questioning by Sweden and amazing releases, so there will be amazing interest for the documentary. [2017-04-12 10:11:25] <Emmy B> let's wait and see... [2017-04-13 07:50:51] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Here we go again: WL helps Isis: [2017-04-13 13:07:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Not good: Pompeo against WL [2017-04-13 13:23:32] <Emmy B> [Card-player] A video [2017-04-13 13:40:22] <Emmy B> [Card-player] The whole video here: [2017-04-13 13:41:02] <Emmy B> Includes Q & A [2017-04-13 13:45:38] <M> [Tweet] [2017-04-13 13:46:20] <Emmy B> good one! [2017-04-13 14:40:54] <M> [Tweet] [2017-04-13 14:41:36] <M> Free speech is a weapon for government use only. [2017-04-13 14:46:56] <Emmy B> Well when Pompeo quotes the intercept in his anti-wikileaks rant in the video GG has some quick thinking to do. [2017-04-13 15:06:09] <Emmy B> Very dangerous for WL that CIA's head brings up the murder/execution of Richard Welsh CIA station master in Athens 1975 (WL GIFiles had some info on him) by "17th of November" in the introduction of his anti-WikiLeaks rant. I doubt he has particular knowledge, who wrote his speech for him and was he written in London perhaps? [2017-04-13 15:06:51] <Emmy B> he claims in the video to have just this morning returned from the UK [2017-04-13 15:53:50] <Emmy B> Pompeo's transcript as per CIA website [2017-04-14 00:02:30] <Emmy B> Will Sweden continue to ignore the need for JA's Political Asylum even now the head of CIA has had its very public rant? [2017-04-15 08:33:01] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] From 27 of March a lot of the arguments Pompey outlined in his rant can be found in this short essay she has penned another essay in her blog about Vault7 [2017-04-15 08:35:07] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-04-15 08:56:12] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] major mental health issues perhaps [2017-04-17 11:42:31] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-04-18 06:15:19] <Emmy B> Something to look at perhaps regarding de-listing [2017-04-18 09:39:46] <Emmy B> [2017-04-18 21:26:18] <Emmy B> Jeremy Corbyn with a 'y' for WikiLeaks searches [2017-04-19 03:47:45] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Well, he would know. [2017-04-19 07:39:24] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL [2017-04-21 11:14:31] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] The Guardian's editorial view "don't prosecute wikileaks" is just an opportunity for repeating all their smears about WL [2017-04-21 11:56:47] <Emmy B> Snowden got a promotion at the Freedom of the Press Foundation? sometime between Jan 2017 and Feb 23rd this year from Director he became President (as per his Twitter bio). I did not realise they had a President , I guess it means president of the Board. [2017-04-21 11:58:10] <Emmy B> 17th Jan [2017-04-21 12:05:52] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] here it says he became president in 2015 [2017-04-21 21:25:55] <M> [Tweet] Sad. [2017-04-21 21:26:43] <M> Pseudo journalist trying to back up her Assange hate. [2017-04-21 22:34:36] <WISE Up Action> 'Accepted journalistic practices' = sucking up to HRC. [2017-04-22 01:35:39] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Field of Vision is producing Adrian Chen's documentary? [2017-04-23 01:28:41] <M> Fake account getting lots of retweets [2017-04-23 01:31:17] <WISE Up Action> We're blocked already! [2017-04-23 01:43:52] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] me too after [2017-04-23 01:47:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I have reported the account twice, no effect. Wendy went to twitter to do a complaint, there is no customer service: [2017-04-23 01:47:47] <Emmy B> what are we to do? [2017-04-25 12:28:08] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-04-25 12:35:54] <M> [Tweet] [2017-04-25 12:38:30] <Emmy B> now that's funny! [2017-04-25 13:16:47] <WISE Up Action> US politics is just bullshit central in these times. It's hard to process. [2017-04-25 13:17:38] <WISE Up Action> BTW quite like Tracey's work. He seems a good guy. [2017-04-25 13:24:00] <Emmy B> yep [2017-04-27 13:44:40] <M> [Tweet] BB arrested again, believed to be for giving interviews [2017-04-28 06:02:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's crazy and yet another very scary sign of where my country is headed. Sadly, not much better elsewhere. [2017-04-28 11:15:33] <Emmy B> [Media-image] General [2017-04-28 11:31:44] <Emmy B> We really have to wait and see it for ourselves but according to Gizmodo "Risk" adds notoriety [2017-04-28 12:18:02] <WikiLeaks> Seems to have transformed into some kind of revenge porn against jake. [2017-04-28 12:25:25] <Emmy B> oh, what a shame, it is not very kind to say 'never mind' I think it is a great shame. A lost opportunity. It was so curious that the doc was forever postponed for release, first at Toronto under Field of vision, then at Cannes, now a year later finally out but we really must wait to see it as it is very true that a number of journos just can't wait to see blemish and they will find it even if it is not there. [2017-04-28 15:11:08] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Oh dear this does not sound good at all “Presently, the film is a severe threat to my freedom and I’m forced to treat it accordingly,” [2017-04-28 15:11:49] <Emmy B> I guess, I will stop promoting it then. [2017-04-29 03:12:09] <WikiLeaks> Just use it to promote the other films [2017-04-29 05:46:12] <Emmy B> ok, thanks, keep going! <3 [2017-05-01 06:09:58] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh, that's awful to hear. Both Julian and Jake have suffered enough. And I'd been looking forward to seeing it. :( [2017-05-01 06:23:07] <Emmy B> Let's hope Jacob has good support in the next few months and I mean psychological support for the attack. [2017-05-01 06:24:45] <Emmy B> Also hopefully he will not be forced to react other through his lawyers if he has to. [2017-05-01 06:27:26] <Emmy B> Primarily he must look after his wellbeing and not to 'accept the challenge' and feed the media frenzy. [2017-05-01 06:55:29] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes. Hopefully his doctoral work is going well and he's too busy with that. It still stuns me how so many people just turned on him like that. Hell of an organized smear campaign. Hate knowing that you can- trust people you thought you could. [2017-05-01 06:57:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's can't. [2017-05-01 07:47:50] <Emmy B> well... you know... s-e-x ... so much trouble!!!! but what can we do? the world has to be populated hahaha, sorry, this is all very serious, especially if it becomes life threatening situation with all the backlash. For the people directly involved it is tragic, for the rest of us, well it diverts from the power political nature of the story into yet again sex and its politics. Considering it is a documentary perhaps one has to enquire if it is autobiographical at the end of the day saying more about the film maker rather than its object, the story. If the Filmmaker becomes the story rather than the minstrel then what do we have? [2017-05-01 07:50:41] <Emmy B> I would love to see all versions of it, as 'Asylum' Sep 2016, 'Risk' April 2016, 'Risk' May 2017 and compare and contrast, but perhaps, at the end of the day, it is not so important. [2017-05-01 07:51:05] <Emmy B> sorry, 'Asylum' Sep 2015 [2017-05-01 10:18:38] <WikiLeaks> She broke all her written and verbal agreements. She's the daughter of a billionaire. Pretty boring US imperialism. Make agreements with the natives, predate on some young ones for good measure, get the loot, break the agreements, smuggle it back to the US and profit. [2017-05-01 10:20:25] <WikiLeaks> Profit matrix changed due to DNC and jakegate. She'd have been exposed as sleeping with her subjects and making them appear positive after jakegate, so she had to attack them instead to defend against accusations of crossing the line. [2017-05-01 10:21:25] <WikiLeaks> Meh. All so predictable. We knew after jakegate the film would be serious trouble. [2017-05-01 10:23:32] <WikiLeaks> He never should have had more than a bit role in the first place, since he's never worked on a single WL publication. She gave him equal airtime to JA since he was her boyfriend. Then she was too lazy to redo the whole film after jakegate, so she just reframed it all with a narrative spin. [2017-05-01 10:28:57] <WikiLeaks> Make a pro-WL film with a haigiographic depiction of your sex-accused boyfriend would have been the end of her oscar ambitions in the US for a few years given the current climate in the limo-left around Tribecca. [2017-05-01 10:30:24] <WikiLeaks> Would be nice to believe she just wanted to get back at jake but that presumes some humanity that probably isn't there. [2017-05-01 10:32:18] <WikiLeaks> Them after the Pompeo attack she didn't have time to pivot again, so now the film is naster than her profit matrix requires. Oh well. [2017-05-01 10:41:43] <Emmy B> I am very sorry [2017-05-01 11:16:34] <M> [Tweet] This tweet kind of sums it up for me. Take a film about one thing and then morph it into whatever is the trendy political topic at the time. [2017-05-01 11:57:18] <WISE Up Action> It's such a pity. Career (and bank) above all else. [2017-05-01 13:07:32] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Oliver Stone on World War 3, WikiLeaks and Putin => [2017-05-01 13:07:42] <Emmy B> :-) [2017-05-01 13:28:48] <WISE Up Action> Just leaving this here as not the place to discuss in detail - but mentioned before concerns over Manning on her release, that agenda-driven people may want to get close to her and use her. She's surrounded by a new crowd and we know hardly any of them. Just putting it out there for people to ponder. [2017-05-01 14:00:24] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] I just booked a ticket for 10th May [2017-05-01 14:01:16] <Emmy B> Thx WiseUp noticed the same, of concern. [2017-05-01 14:20:10] <WikiLeaks> Good idea. [2017-05-01 14:20:44] <WikiLeaks> Yes. They may attempt to instrumentalize her to distance herself from WL. [2017-05-01 14:57:32] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-05-01 15:28:40] <Emmy B> I know it hurts WL/JA but lets just remember the thousands upon thousands of people who have benefitted from WL/JA's work in a very profound way, to them this doctored doc means nothing. Take heart, the world is a big place and full of love for those like WL that do good work. There have been so many disappointments along this journey, but my goodness, how many victories, remember the superpower of the accused. <3 [2017-05-01 15:32:33] <Emmy B> and remember the victories that WL has won, it has won them for the world, now who can do better than that? [2017-05-01 17:07:46] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sad to see Laura sell out herself, WL, and Jake, plus basic honesty and the importance of WL and all it has accomplished. [2017-05-01 17:10:30] <LibertarianLibrarian> But you never know, it can still open eyes and make people think. As terrible as it was, The 5th Estate made me investigate the truth about JA & WL and listening to the real JA made a huge change in how I think and see the world me. [2017-05-01 17:11:00] <LibertarianLibrarian> 'Around me' [2017-05-01 17:32:37] <Emmy B> Always a silver lining :-) [2017-05-01 17:47:51] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary_large_image] she's backpeddling [2017-05-01 17:49:41] <WikiLeaks> And lying. Note on the 'shaking' footage, actually, JA is tapping his leg. We told her for two years to not use it because it looks like shaking. [2017-05-01 22:25:18] <Emmy B> whatever I say it's not going to make it better considering it is a betrayal, the voice over alone makes it a departure from any pretence of objectivity. But I have not seen it, when I will I will have more to say. [2017-05-02 11:20:28] <LibertarianLibrarian> Oh good grief. All that time & work and she doesn't have enough pride in it or responsibility for it, to present it honesty? Maybe it's because I provide medical information to doctors and patient families that can affect a child's health and life, but it just blows my mind when people misrepresent reality so casually. It's not even a pure fact versus dramatic presentation difference, much in pediatrics is based on limited evidence and clinician judgement, but just just an ethos of personal responsibility and trust when what you do and say impacts people's lives. Never understood deliberate lying or falsifying or shading truth just out of greed or ambition. [2017-05-02 11:22:06] <LibertarianLibrarian> I know it's a staple of politics and etc. But... I'm just disgusted. [2017-05-02 11:28:03] <WISE Up Action> Unfortunately the cachet of an award winner gives her opportunity to spin this without critique, and very few will know the true story. :( [2017-05-02 13:56:57] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] In this Newsweek interview LP defends WL/JA against what the interviewer puts forward after watching the film. It is an interesting duality, LP bakes a chocolate cake for commercial consumption, the packing house (journo) is trying to wrap it in a chocolate cake wrapping paper advertising how chocolatee it tastes, she objects at the wrapping paper insisting sit tastes of coconut and as the baker she is the authority on the cake...hmm... but one can't have their cake and eat it. She can't have it both ways or can she? [2017-05-02 14:38:45] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's going to be very interesting to see the final version (would love to see earlier ones as well). I suspect that she may be trying to walk a high wire without falling off. After everything, she'd look absolutely horrible if throws WL & JA under a bus yet she's trying to distance herself enough to 'fit in with the cool kids' so to speak. [2017-05-02 23:38:28] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Swedish Newspaper reports Samuelson petitions the Stockholm District Court to dismiss Swedish arrest warrant against Julian Assange to allow him to travel to Ecuador. [2017-05-03 05:55:21] <LibertarianLibrarian> Got to wonder when even Swedish courts are going to start realizing the utter absurdity of the so-called allegations. [2017-05-03 06:36:36] <Emmy B> I don't think the Swedish Courts will ever get the chance to consider any of the actual facts of the non-case against JA. So far in 6 yrs they have focused on procedural matters and requirements which strengthened the Swedish Prosecutors procrastination strategy to the point they both could. But! the current legal motion is the one that ties in with the CIA's historic role of collaboration of the Swedish Political world and perhaps even judicial regarding the illegal renditions, and the one that could, take the Swedish state once again in front the European Court of Human Rights. [2017-05-03 09:16:17] <LibertarianLibrarian> Keeping the pressure and public eye on them and their absurd behavior is always good. Just keep hoping some judge is going to finally get frustrated and embarrassed enough to toss it out. [2017-05-03 09:19:47] <Emmy B> Wouldn't that be wonderful? *yeah* :-D [2017-05-03 10:11:30] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I think this is a very important article in its perspective, linking Democrats in funding Christopher Steel's 'Trump Dossier' as a reaction to WL's announcement that a Clinton release was in the pipeline. [2017-05-03 10:20:26] <M> [Tweet] [2017-05-03 10:20:30] <M> [Tweet] [2017-05-03 10:21:58] <M> "Intelligence porn" has led to some pretty hilarious tweets. [2017-05-03 10:22:19] <Emmy B> Thank you! ;-) [2017-05-03 10:25:14] <Emmy B> I am retweeting :-) will make someone's day [2017-05-03 13:52:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> LOL! :) [2017-05-04 08:16:41] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I have submitted my Assange question for consideration by UNA, perhaps they let me ask, perhaps not. Will be very interesting to attend any way :-) [2017-05-05 06:33:39] <Emmy B> The more LP talks about 'Risk' the more I think less of her. Such a pity. I read all the reviews hoping that at least the doc might have original footage that could add something, one bit of something new or of interest, so far nothing of what has been reported is vaguely newsworthy to me, but perhaps because I have followed the story closely, still, you kind of hope that a documentary might actually bring something new to the public. I booked a ticket for the film's UK premier in June but it might be it's not the effort. [2017-05-05 06:55:13] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary] LP lies to Scahill's face here: [2017-05-05 06:56:03] <WikiLeaks> There were of course extensive written contracts and verbal assurances covering recordings of legal meetings (and everything else). [2017-05-05 06:57:41] <WikiLeaks> "Why does he trust me?" -- because of explicit contracts. [2017-05-05 06:58:04] <WikiLeaks> And WL took physical possession of all footage at the end of each recording. [2017-05-05 07:00:12] <Emmy B> That was sensible. [2017-05-05 07:02:09] <Emmy B> I've got to go now but I will listen to the podcast later, thank you very much for sharing, it has not come up yet in my google searches. Melinda Taylor did a great job with her article and I think it is right to say she spoke for all of us WL sup which happen to be women. [2017-05-05 07:02:35] <Emmy B> just keep going! <3 [2017-05-05 08:34:12] <LibertarianLibrarian> Glad WL has the full footage, which can be used to counter any revisionist/out of context clipping. And it stuns me that Poitras would denigrate Sarah Harrison in anyway. Melinda Taylor's article was excellent. [2017-05-05 18:54:44] <Emmy B> there is an option missing from Macronleaks intent list : those seeking alliances in the Continent against Whistleblowing protections, consider as an indicator, France political leadership intent to protect Assange, several presidential hopefuls offered protection, reflecting liberal approach, what would they say now? this hack strengthens the arm of Macron to reverse such liberal approach, de license RT, and bring public opinion to the pro censorship side. Who is going to play Crowdstrike's role? How is this going to influence Data and Communications policy in EU? so perhaps intent is broader to influence EU wide policy and of course yes considering the already fuelled anti-Russian military efforts by Nato at Europe's eastern border, muzzle public opinion dissent against build up of hostility operations there. Also I am sorry to say they might start treating such incidents as they do terror attacks. Perhaps perhaps perhaps. On the other hand it will be very interesting to see post elections results which French Media will report what from the emails and weather they will 'ethically' self censor. [2017-05-05 19:17:15] <Emmy B> if Ukraine is instrumentalised to influence communication policy in EU in the same manner it has been used to influence military strategy, Cyber warfare strategy will also be steared in the same direction. In the absence of a Britain stearing EU policy the US way due to its weakened Brexit position, Macron may yet play that role in the meanwhile, I mean, when did an Obama endorsed a French presidential candidate the eve of both first and second rounds. The snug is that EU/US policy in the Ukraine has brought about a civil war in that country, if now Ukraine has been instrumentalised to destabilise the EU then what is the expression? "the chickens have come home to roost" [2017-05-06 12:17:12] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-07 09:53:46] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Didn't know that Sweden 'looks after US interests in North Korea'. [2017-05-07 10:25:17] <Emmy B> Now we know! [2017-05-07 14:28:26] <Emmy B> In the video WL just shared there is an error!!! it repeats zeynep tufekci's fake news that WL released the names and addresses of hundreds of thousands of Turkish women [2017-05-07 14:28:59] <Emmy B> 3:20 min [2017-05-08 07:36:16] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Interesting review of Risk. People recognizing it as a botched job? [2017-05-08 08:29:14] <WikiLeaks> Zeynep is dangerous since she infects free speech conference and has a monthly column in the NYT [2017-05-08 08:29:55] <WikiLeaks> But essentially the entire free speech circuit is underwritten by US, UK and Sweden [2017-05-08 08:31:29] <WikiLeaks> As they're all involved in extensive cultural imperialism and cultural content exports it suits them [2017-05-08 09:22:25] <Emmy B> What an eye opener! But then historically British colonialism thrived as much under Labour as under the Conservatives. So, perhaps we should expect no better, still one must always expect better. [2017-05-09 14:48:49] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-05-09 14:51:52] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] [2017-05-10 08:47:57] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Ball is being a tool again I see. [2017-05-12 03:56:34] <WISE Up Action> People seen this? [2017-05-12 04:10:30] <Emmy B> How low can Ball fall! [2017-05-12 04:11:02] <Emmy B> I signed the petition [2017-05-12 08:17:58] <WikiLeaks> it is a terribly written peitition which will go no where [2017-05-12 08:18:20] <WikiLeaks> A new one needs to be created that has at least basica gramar [2017-05-12 08:22:06] <Emmy B> I know! Wendy is trying to do something [2017-05-12 12:51:49] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] I think this one need urgent attention from WikiLeaks Task Force [2017-05-13 21:00:17] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-13 21:01:43] <Emmy B> Risk online for free, I don't know if it is safe to click on link but I did and watched LP's doc. [2017-05-13 21:03:09] <Emmy B> some bits are bad, some bits are good, not as bad as I thought having read the reviews. [2017-05-13 21:05:28] <Emmy B> So perhaps I' won't be going to Sheffield on the 11th of June to view it after all , it has its UK premier at their film festival there. [2017-05-13 21:05:50] <Emmy B> oh, it was horrid to Jacob [2017-05-14 14:55:20] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Well done to genny for arranging the Welsh/Irish family statement for Chelsea's release <3 [redacted to protect third party personal and private information] [2017-05-15 23:37:16] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] With friends like these.... [2017-05-15 23:45:55] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-05-16 00:02:31] <WISE Up Action> Lovecruft put in touch with Manning by Chelsea's lawyers it seems. [2017-05-16 00:13:49] <WikiLeaks> That's not good. [2017-05-16 00:15:15] <WikiLeaks> Apparently ISIS ihas XY chromosomes. [2017-05-16 00:25:07] <Emmy B> [2017-05-16 08:16:47] <LibertarianLibrarian> This Lovecruft person sounds horrible. I'm blocked by her, yet I've never followed her or even heard of her before now. So sad to hear Laura went after Jacob like that in a film - that's so totally unprofessional. A personal breakup should remain personal. [redacted to protect third party personal and private information] [2017-05-16 08:17:23] <LibertarianLibrarian> And let me guess, that name is a complete fake. 'Isis Lovecruft' for goodness' sake. [2017-05-16 08:19:54] <Emmy B> does anyone know what her real name is? [2017-05-16 08:40:52] <WikiLeaks> Bruce Anders. [2017-05-16 08:41:27] <WikiLeaks> j/k [2017-05-16 08:55:44] <Emmy B> thanks, what does j/k stand for please? [2017-05-16 08:56:28] <Emmy B> it's ok I looked it up 'so now you know' [2017-05-16 08:57:32] <Emmy B> hang on this is a man's name, is my leg being pulled? [2017-05-16 10:45:01] <Emmy B> [Media-image] oh no, lost in translation [2017-05-16 10:45:29] <Emmy B> ;-p [2017-05-16 11:30:02] <Emmy B> The intercept has launched its membership programme 250 mil from Obay not enough it seems. [2017-05-16 14:05:44] <WikiLeaks> They never got tha tmuch. They got about 50 miil. [2017-05-16 14:16:21] <Emmy B> oh, the membership scheme is a good idea anyhow, [2017-05-17 01:25:17] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary],c2267320,c2267320 [2017-05-17 09:14:40] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] FFS Poitras in on this too [2017-05-17 14:42:02] <Emmy B> Thank you for all the tips!!! [2017-05-17 14:43:18] <Emmy B> What can I possibly say? [2017-05-17 15:22:55] <LibertarianLibrarian> Good grief, hope Poitras doesn't buy in to all the nasty psych stuff they tried to throw at Chelsea from the start. [2017-05-17 22:28:23] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Well, well, what is a UKGov funded institution BFI doing funding "Pulse" doc for Chelsea Manning with Laura Poitras being the Executive Director? Apparently, Chelsea's Lawyers have been collaborating with producers the last 2 years? [2017-05-17 22:37:16] <Emmy B> BFI [2017-05-17 23:17:43] <WikiLeaks> Executive Producer usually just means they helped to bring in some of the money or distribution. [2017-05-17 23:21:34] <Emmy B> Thx [2017-05-17 23:24:37] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] So she brought First Look Media then "The film was financed by the BFI, whose Mary Burke serves as executive producer, as well as First Look Media’s Topic & Field of Vision, whose Michael Bloom and Adam Pincus serve as executive producers." [2017-05-17 23:27:21] <WikiLeaks> Pincus. [2017-05-17 23:32:50] <Emmy B> [Media-image] the next cause I will support better speak Greek!!! :-) [2017-05-17 23:37:06] <WISE Up Action> Connection between the film being agreed and Chelsea's appearance on Twitter / raised media profile from a couple of years ago? [2017-05-17 23:39:33] <WISE Up Action> Seen you pincus quite a few people on the street, Emmy! ;o) [2017-05-17 23:46:26] <WikiLeaks> Risk was funded by Ford, Soros, Goldman Sachs and Omidyar [2017-05-17 23:46:42] <WikiLeaks> [by the end] [2017-05-17 23:47:53] <WikiLeaks> [Tweet] Solidarity: [2017-05-18 00:01:12] <Emmy B> Nice :-) [2017-05-18 00:02:01] <Emmy B> @ Wise up - <3 [2017-05-19 02:34:27] <WISE Up Action> What week eh! :) [2017-05-19 02:47:05] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Remember the Swedish case is a holding case, the Swedish props will be replaced with other props, the play goes on, we keep watching, supporting, ready for the next scene. [2017-05-19 07:03:47] <Emmy B> Both me and Wendy we are experiencing problems retweeting JA wl [2017-05-19 07:44:49] <LibertarianLibrarian> Twitter was down this morning, couldn't even get in at first. [2017-05-20 04:00:22] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] [2017-05-20 04:03:54] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-20 04:05:40] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] For previous attacks by Maajid Nawaz on Julian Assange see here: [2017-05-20 04:06:52] <Emmy B> Live now [2017-05-20 04:54:49] <Emmy B> hehehe he only had 2 ppl on, both on Julian's side, he cut the programme short but I am sure he was just interested in having his rant on air. [2017-05-20 05:14:56] <WISE Up Action> Haha sounds like it didn't go well [2017-05-20 05:26:16] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] you are right :-) regarding asylum in France JA's lawyer here says not in the cards [2017-05-20 15:05:03] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Elizabeth Massi Fritz still at it attacking both Marianne Ny and Assange [2017-05-20 15:13:57] <LibertarianLibrarian> Fritz still after money and notoriety. [2017-05-20 15:18:49] <Emmy B> Horrible when you see this amongst lawyers. [2017-05-20 16:43:02] <LibertarianLibrarian> Yes, but hardly uncommon. Fritz is only using her client for her own gain. Ny's just a stupid pawn of her political masters. I wouldn't be surprised to see her thrown under the bus. [2017-05-20 22:04:45] <Emmy B> I agree [2017-05-20 23:58:21] <WikiLeaks> Ny wil be thrown under the bus if there is not a big distractor [2017-05-20 23:58:51] <WikiLeaks> Fritz attacking Ny is big news [2017-05-20 23:59:20] <WikiLeaks> Ny heads up all rape cases in Sweden for a few years now [2017-05-20 23:59:48] <WikiLeaks> Fritz and her firm nearly entirely do complainants representations in such cases [2017-05-21 00:00:07] <WikiLeaks> e.g that includes appearing to Ny to do reopens [2017-05-21 00:01:13] <WikiLeaks> So it means that Fritz thinks that Ny is not worth investing in now. She was previously lock-step with Ny on every issue. [2017-05-21 00:02:54] <Emmy B> perhaps she'll retire as Rixstep kept mentioning in the past, an easy way out [2017-05-21 00:03:54] <Emmy B> can Fritz go to a third prosecutor and ask them to re-open the case? [2017-05-21 00:49:43] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-21 01:43:47] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-21 02:25:07] <WikiLeaks> It doesn't matter what she does. It was always a political case and with Trump and the release of Manning the case is politically dead. [2017-05-21 02:51:20] <Emmy B> :-) Thank goodness for that! [2017-05-21 08:14:25] <LibertarianLibrarian> I doubt there is anyone in Sweden who would touch it with a ten foot pole. Ny thoroughly embarrassed herself and the entire Swedish system, with UN condemnation to boot. [2017-05-21 11:27:18] <Bean> so wonderful to see this particular chapter end :) <3 [2017-05-21 11:27:30] <Bean> onto the next anniversary... [2017-05-21 11:29:38] <Bean> planning graphics for the big 5 year 'anniversary', so any rough ideas or specifics re those - including which aspects are a priority for an infographic - would be gratefully appreciated :) [2017-05-21 11:49:09] <Emmy B> yep sending separately :-) [2017-05-21 11:57:07] <Bean> great - thx :) [2017-05-21 13:50:32] <Emmy B> Has anyone heard fro Prof Ferrada de Noli? very uncharacteristic of him not to tweet when so much has been going on in Sweden. [2017-05-21 13:52:16] <Emmy B> Last tweet 18th of May [2017-05-21 14:29:16] <Emmy B> oh I just heard from him, it's ok, he's drafting a new article :-) [2017-05-21 14:29:44] <WISE Up Action> Just gonna say - not heard anything! [2017-05-22 23:52:50] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Was wondering why the prominent JA image in this story? [2017-05-22 23:53:47] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Then saw his pinned tweet [2017-05-23 00:07:37] <Emmy B> Thanks for this W - goodmorning! [2017-05-23 05:58:57] <Emmy B> Wouldn't be wonderful to have "UK Election club" broadcast? hehehe [2017-05-23 05:59:25] <Emmy B> one way or another we need cheering :-) it could be fun [2017-05-23 14:09:10] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-05-23 15:27:11] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] [2017-05-23 15:34:19] <Emmy B> one of the many stories in the book of WikiLeaks [2017-05-24 07:49:54] <Emmy B> My son's school cancelled school trip to the National Gallery today because of 'tourirism' how rare we can get an accidental smile out of this hysteria [2017-05-24 21:43:17] <Emmy B> reports US Admin has requested extended military co-operation btw US GR with focus on upgrading military facilities in the AEGEAN in view of the (now agreed) all NATO offensive on ISIS. A US delegation will visit military facilities in the Aegean. In other articles notes that US interest has been up till now limited and focused on Greece's Souda bay with developing US Naval facilities in Crete, now the focus will include other islands too, mentions Turkey's unreliability as a partner for a reason, but of course I see an increased US military presence in the Aegean as strategically controlling the straights into Black see and the Russian fleet stationed there, perhaps limiting its involvement in Syria in support of Assad. Reminder that Nato has already been deployed in the Aegean 'to control refugee flows from Turkey' albeit obliged Turkey with avoiding South East part as Turkey claims should be de-militarised due to Lozane treatie and other accords (Greece has militarised parts of the aegean since the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus). Also reports US pressures GR to sign 5 yr rolling accord for the use of Suda to the annually re-newed agreement in place claiming this would allow them to invest further on their Naval base. [2017-05-24 21:47:18] <Emmy B> Noting that UK MOD recently stated RAF upgraded runway and other facilities in their military sovereign base areas in Cyprus and statement that by 2019 it will be the largest UK deployment abroad, we are in for escalation of conflict in the Middle East. [2017-05-24 21:51:55] <Emmy B> Greece is a reluctant party and will resist its own military taking any part other than medical/humanitarian as it did in Iraq and Afghanistan but it's proximity to the area and the use of it's facilities clearly it involves the entire country in the adventurism perils of Western geopolitics. Trump's Tomahokes (however you spell them) were anchored at Suda prior to deployment. [2017-05-24 22:00:37] <Emmy B> Britain's divide and rule policy in Cyprus eloquently expressed in the 1960 terms of 'independence' (that truly never was) continued by US's Kissinger endorsement and assistance in Turkey's military invasion in 1974 (with signals assistance from US station in Crete and Israel's signals too) leaves Greece with no doubt on how determined to harm, its 'allies' are. Particularly telling is that not once have either Nato nor US condemned Turkey's daily air violations in the Aegean that have been forever increasing. As with geopolitics the big players like to have all options on the table. [2017-05-24 22:08:31] <Emmy B> here is one of the articles [2017-05-24 22:32:56] <Emmy B> [Media-image] From a different dimension (Oil/natural gas) Areas 1 and 2 are the internationally recognised exclusive economic areas of Greece and Cyprus, note the highlighted in red Greek island of Kastelorizo whose continental shelf is what links the Greek and Cypriot economic Zones. I read rumours 'crazy Erdogan' may attempt something this summer [2017-05-24 22:49:03] <Emmy B> one might think it as trivia but it was Kastelorizo that caused US President Lyndon Johnson to exclaim: "F . . . your constitution and your parliament," which we can read here (GIFiles) [2017-05-24 22:49:43] <Emmy B> (he wanted to give the island to Turkey) [2017-05-24 22:53:01] <Emmy B> (pincus much?) good morning :-) [2017-05-28 13:31:52] <Emmy B> I have come across something strange perhaps WL needs to take a look. The BBC have changed the content of one of their articles completely from 29.05.2012 and recycling part of the content in a new article dated 19.05.2017 with the same URL as the old one. I found this as I attempted to archive the new article at and got the message that this url has already been archived. Why would the BBC do this? in effect the original article has now been censored. I saved the new article on wayback machine as not to interfere with the record. [2017-05-28 13:33:27] <Emmy B> This is the new article: [2017-05-28 13:34:03] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] This is the old article: [2017-05-28 13:39:08] <Emmy B> just noticed the wayback machine has 158 captures of the same URL, it is JA's profile article which constantly changes, so it must be their policy to not change the URL, just like the Wikipedia policy, same URL different content. [2017-05-28 15:09:27] <WikiLeaks> Interesting. What has been censored? [2017-05-31 03:47:46] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] I hope she's been looked after and is being careful herself [2017-06-05 01:50:18] <Emmy B> The sovereign fund of Qatar owns Harrods and surrounding buildings. I hope the current political antagonism will not be brought in the streets of Knightsbridge. Harrods might now be boycotted by other Arabs affecting the bottom line? What will be UK's stance on this M.E. crisis. There is one factor that has not been substantially taken into account, Al Jazeera and its reach to Western audiences. An important week. Fingers crossed. [2017-06-05 09:40:06] <Emmy B> Egypt has asked from Greece to be its diplomatic representative in Qatar whilst the diplomatic relations are severed btw the two nations. Greece has always enjoyed very good relations with Egypt but the choice is perhaps an indication of a soft approach to this crisis. Egypt Israel Greece and Cyprus have been coming closer as they have been collaborating in demarcating/recognising eachother's economic zones in East Med in relation to monetising recently discovered gas reserves in East Med. Who will Turkey represent I wonder? [2017-06-06 08:10:53] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-06 08:11:19] <Emmy B> what is 'outfits'? [2017-06-06 10:25:10] <WikiLeaks> outfit=organization [2017-06-06 10:26:53] <Emmy B> sorry, I must have been asleep reading [2017-06-06 10:27:33] <Emmy B> thank you x [2017-06-06 10:40:59] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Holding my nose I read Andrew O'Hagan's latest interview in promotion of his latest book which includes from what I gather his vitriolic Assange essay. [2017-06-06 11:11:17] <WikiLeaks> Yes. The whole thing. He got a publisher in the US to re-push it in the new reality. [2017-06-06 11:24:10] <Emmy B> Good riddance I say, better late than never. Is he hoping for a film deal I wonder, oh Hollywood Hollywood the glitter, the lights! [2017-06-06 11:24:39] <Emmy B> the dollars!! [2017-06-06 11:31:54] <WikiLeaks> He has two primary motivations (1) money (2) keeping his upper middle class entry. [2017-06-06 11:32:20] <WikiLeaks> That's throughout all his work. [2017-06-06 11:43:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] hmm oh well, time to share this again 'O’Hagan Winter Lecture on Julian Assange, a personal perspective [2017-06-06 11:46:17] <WISE Up Action> Notice how all the Guardian peeps (and other faux-liberals) are suddenly Corbyn admirers now there's a sniff of a win! So transparently craven. Zero integrity! [2017-06-06 11:53:35] <Emmy B> yep it's true! [2017-06-06 12:21:20] <Bean> something that hasn't gone unnoticed by many corbyn supporters - even the woman at the bustop today - more exposure of the 'liberals' - bring it on! [2017-06-06 12:40:43] <Emmy B> Finally there is an opposition in this country, whatever the result on Thursday's elections the debate is widening. [2017-06-06 14:00:22] <WikiLeaks> Can someone find the Assange "Intercepted" transcript? [2017-06-06 14:00:35] <WikiLeaks> (podcast with Skahill) [2017-06-06 14:05:42] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Intercepted Podcast: Julian Assange speaks out as Trump's CIA Director threatens to "End" WikiLeaks [2017-06-06 14:06:30] <Emmy B> The Transcript is below the podcast in the same link [2017-06-06 17:43:53] <WikiLeaks> [2017-06-09 05:36:00] <Emmy B> [Tweet] Possible new Labour MP for Kensington [2017-06-09 05:37:11] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Not very knowledgeable about the Assange case (from her blog) here: [2017-06-09 06:05:13] <WISE Up Action> There's a 3rd recount there tonight apparently as Cons refusing to concede. Was hoping that Hugo Swire might lose last night, rumours of a challenge, but he was comfortable in the end. Likely to be some cabinet reshuffling now? [2017-06-09 06:10:38] <Emmy B> Amazing! If this lady wins we can pen a letter at the solidarity vigil to inform her about the case but will she ever read it? She should visit Julian as he is her constituent (although under asylum within the Ecuadorian Embassy). How can it be that this country ignores the right of an individual to have any political rights or political representation. I am not a British citizen but my local MP is obliged to represent me politically and if I write to them, they are obliged to reply and see to the matter I bring up. [2017-06-09 06:19:02] <WISE Up Action> Is the emb in Chelsea constituency not Kensington? Boundary very close? [2017-06-09 06:26:05] <Emmy B> I believe this is the Constituency where the Ecuadorian Embassy resides [2017-06-09 10:06:33] <Emmy B> There is a fair bit about DUP (Democratic Ulster Party) in Cablegate, not to be confused with the Sudanese DUP though, lots of filters needed to narrow down search results. [2017-06-09 10:24:07] <Emmy B> Sorry, Democratic Unionist Party [2017-06-09 13:16:12] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-11 15:19:14] <Emmy B> [Media-image] O'Hagan Reading his Assange hatchet job on BBC Radio this Thursday [2017-06-11 16:35:50] <WikiLeaks> please write a complaint to the bbc about 1) charges 2) balance 3) old news (published in LRB) [2017-06-11 16:36:34] <WikiLeaks> [plenty of pro-assange bokos but no reading] [2017-06-11 16:37:38] <WikiLeaks> [Card-summary_large_image] On Emma. Check out this photo closely: [2017-06-11 16:37:52] <WikiLeaks> Heh, heh, heh. [2017-06-11 21:44:05] <Emmy B> flowers from the Ecuadorian Embassy complete with flag ribbon :-) [2017-06-11 21:45:12] <Emmy B> Even if ribbon a coincidence indeed is a thing of beauty x [2017-06-11 21:58:47] <WikiLeaks> It's not a coincidence. [2017-06-11 22:01:06] <Emmy B> :-) [2017-06-11 22:01:50] <Emmy B> [2017-06-11 23:33:32] <WISE Up Action> :o) [2017-06-12 22:44:57] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] The Times article (subscription) claims " UN panel ‘ignored’ female sex victims in backing WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange" [2017-06-12 22:57:00] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] I registered and copied the article here: [2017-06-13 00:08:10] <WikiLeaks> thats released ages ago strange [2017-06-13 00:20:51] <Emmy B> I never read any article giving the details as from a FOIR though, perhaps this is new. One way or another the times is spinning an angle of women politics that might suit the foreign office objectives. Using a line that they think may appeal to a changing public opinion (more aligned with Corbyn HR politics that could accept the release of JA on bases of UN legal opinion) [2017-06-13 00:23:13] <Emmy B> Interesting that the spokesWOMAN was from the foreign office and not the Home Office, with Sweden turning tail the detention of JA remains a domestic matter more appropriate for a home office spokesperson. [2017-06-13 00:25:37] <Emmy B> Perhaps there might be a divergence of interests between Home office and foreign office objectives. But with the tsunami of political developments of the last few weeks who can predict what such gov instability might produce [2017-06-13 00:27:28] <Emmy B> *schoolrun* [2017-06-13 07:00:49] <Emmy B> Thank you WL for sharing the news of Kostas Efimeros death you honor him as he would like to be honored. He had written at length about his health problems that previously brought him close to death as a life changing experience. He has a child and wife who survive him, he lives in them. [2017-06-13 07:07:03] <Emmy B> It is too early to speculate the future of the press project it was is very much his creation and he mostly financed it. It has offered a lot to Greece at a time most needed. We shall see what the future will bring for the TPP. [2017-06-13 07:13:11] <WikiLeaks> The problem is that he was the brains and cash behind it. [2017-06-13 07:13:33] <Emmy B> Yes [2017-06-13 09:18:21] <Emmy B> The Greek PM Tsipras, government spokesperson, political parties, Varufakis and other political and newsworld people pay tribute to Costas Efimeros, WL and JA tribute noted. [2017-06-13 10:29:19] <WikiLeaks> :) [2017-06-13 10:34:23] <Emmy B> Surprising is the statement from New Democracy the conservative party paying particular tribute to him including being a WikiLeaks partner. [2017-06-13 10:46:04] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-13 10:49:20] <Emmy B> 'Know Thyself' - he did 'real name' Papadopoulos, someone said of him last year 'His collaboration with WikiLeaks was his ticket to heaven' :-) [2017-06-14 06:33:01] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-06-14 14:06:57] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-14 14:07:25] <Emmy B> I doubt she'll tell him off in public, only in private hehehe [2017-06-14 22:22:57] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Excellent EFF article in support of WikiLeaks and condemnation of its prosecution under the Espionage Act [2017-06-14 23:12:46] <WikiLeaks> strange they don't tweet it [2017-06-14 23:15:29] <Emmy B> it was published just over an hour ago and their last tweet was 10hrs ago so, in time it will come to be. :-) [2017-06-14 23:16:20] <Emmy B> Goodmorning everyone xxx [2017-06-14 23:19:22] <Emmy B> oh, I got a reply to my letter at the London Assembly, Mr David Kurten again (UKIP) he will put two Assange questions to the London Mayor: [2017-06-14 23:20:32] <Emmy B> Dear Emilia, Thanks for the update on the situation of Julian Assange. I'll put these written questions to the Mayor in July; unfortunately the deadline for June questions has passed: Julian Assange (1) Now that Sweden has withdrawn its arrest warrant for Julian Assange, will the Metropolitan Police re-assign officers posted to watching the Ecuadorian Embassy to more important duties such as keeping the public safe from terrorists? Julian Assange (2) Will you lobby the government to overturn the arrest order from the Home Office for a minor breach of bail conditions in June 2012 so that taxpayers money can be spent on more useful policing operations? If you can think of any other points you would like to put to the Mayor regarding the Metropolitan Police please let me know. [2017-06-14 23:21:17] <Emmy B> so if anyone has any ideas for a question please let me know [2017-06-14 23:54:55] <WikiLeaks> Those will go no where and get teh response "no permanent police assigned to outside the embassy" [2017-06-14 23:57:51] <WikiLeaks> Perhaps one on: will it investigate the decision to spend tens of millions of pounds spying on and attempting to arrest Julian Assange when this money could have gone to protecting us from terrorism? [2017-06-15 01:16:57] <Emmy B> Thank you I will forward. [2017-06-15 10:45:46] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-17 12:45:29] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-06-18 10:30:15] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-06-18 10:31:21] <Bean> update of an oldie today and a new one from @wlartforce tomorrow :) [2017-06-18 11:09:28] <Emmy B> Thank youuuu! <3 [2017-06-19 00:29:25] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-06-19 22:57:08] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Good article in the Telegraph (film) [2017-06-21 05:22:28] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The mask is down via The Times Diplomatic Editor: "It’s time the UK forced Assange out of hiding" [2017-06-21 05:26:42] <Emmy B> In a way is indicative of the role some journalists play being the mouthpiece of government, especially when the government does not have the guts to speak plainly and truthfully about the motives of its actions. This is what the UK government has not the guts (so far) to say to its public and Roger Boyes seems to say it on their behalf: "Ecuador has to understand: it is not a friendly act to harbour someone who wants to drive a wedge between Britain and its primary ally." [2017-06-21 05:36:18] <Emmy B> But (The Times 17th Aug 2012) he had other advise to the British government albeit he is clearly on their side: "If Britain is seriously considering the physical eviction of Assange – with all the ensuing diplomatic risk – it can mean only that the British Government has come to share the US Administration’s view of the WikiLeaks founder as public enemy No 1. Is there an alternative line of action? Only this: to allow Assange virtual squatters rights in the Ecuadorean Embassy. Sooner or later Ecuador will change its president or simply grow bored with Assange. We could be in for the long haul rather than a dramatic dawn raid." [2017-06-21 05:37:46] <Emmy B> [2017-06-21 05:38:20] <Emmy B> But he had a different advise to give to the British gov in Aug 2012, to basically sit it out. [2017-06-21 09:00:22] <Emmy B> In the event of UK Ecuador relations break down another country can officially take over representation see [2017-06-22 08:48:41] <Emmy B> [Media-image] the links shared by JA keep taking me to the correct site but it asks me to install Flash, I did twice but it still does not play. [2017-06-22 08:49:37] <Emmy B> This link works, via their Facebook page [2017-06-22 08:53:14] <Emmy B> oh it just stopped as soon as shared the link here :-( [2017-06-22 08:57:36] <Emmy B> this is working now [2017-06-23 09:40:52] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Extraordinary report at the Washington Post [2017-06-23 11:48:24] <WikiLeaks> Seems to be. But when you look at the revealed facts there's not much there that's new. [2017-06-23 21:21:36] <Emmy B> Yes on second reading I think you are right mostly recycling the same things. So many unamed officials are mentioned, the senate committes might start wanting to talk to them, we will see that perhaps the witch-hunt the Obama admin put in place might finally catch them too in its spider web. [2017-06-23 21:53:45] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Ray MacGovern on the Washington Post report (audio) [2017-06-27 04:29:26] <WISE Up Action> [Media-image] A bit at a tangent, but received this via a charity sector jobs email.... [2017-06-27 04:32:34] <Emmy B> oh dear! [2017-06-27 05:01:18] <WikiLeaks> urk [2017-06-27 09:44:06] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary_large_image] Theresa May's attacks on human rights laws are gifts for despots – UN [2017-06-28 09:25:19] <WikiLeaks> OMG [2017-06-28 10:03:27] <Emmy B> I must say I always thought women rock but not quite like that :-) I hope WL does not share this in its timeline though!, it would send the crazies crazier, I mean how many free printers does JA want to hand out in the end? [2017-06-28 10:07:13] <Emmy B> PS = take pity how many of them will we have to put up with? [2017-06-28 10:19:32] <Emmy B> [Card-player] from the same activist [2017-06-28 10:31:18] <Emmy B> [Media-image] But I find hard to determine what is art and what is not in all of this [2017-06-28 10:35:01] <Emmy B> perhaps if we still worshipped Dionysus we would be more accepting of the mix of insanity and art as divine and holy...hmmmm [2017-06-28 11:25:44] <WISE Up Action> Not exactly sure what I'm watching with that karaoke vid?!?! Do you know her Emmy? [2017-06-28 11:27:42] <Emmy B> no [2017-06-28 11:28:22] <Emmy B> not sure I want to either (scary) [2017-06-28 11:28:43] <WikiLeaks> This is really outrageous. But check out the look at the end: [2017-06-28 11:35:03] <WISE Up Action> Haha what a goon. He was pleased when that ended! [2017-06-29 11:07:53] <Emmy B> abroad from tomorrow till the 7th with limited access to wifi - take care everyone! [2017-06-29 12:04:38] <WISE Up Action> Take care Emmy and enjoy your break. X [2017-06-29 12:19:06] <Emmy B> Thank you! :-) [2017-06-29 22:13:39] <Emmy B> [Card-player] Podesta on Fox [2017-06-30 06:13:00] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] This is the pinned tweet of our old chum Raphael Satter (he of the anti WL fixation). [2017-07-07 10:04:39] <Emmy B> David Kurten (13-Jul-2017) 1. Now that Sweden has withdrawn its arrest warrant for Julian Assange, will the Metropolitan Police re-assign officers posted to watching the Ecuadorian Embassy to more important duties, such as keeping the public safe from terrorists? An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting. Julian Assange (3) David Kurten (13-Jul-2017) Will the Mayor investigate the decision to spend tens of millions of pounds spying and attempting to arrest Julian Assange when this money could have gone to protecting us from terrorism? An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting. Julian Assange (4) David Kurten (13-Jul-2017) Is the Mayor aware of private police contractors operating in Hans Crescent, Basil Street, and surrounding area of Knightsbridge, are they licenced and what is their exact role? An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting. Julian Assange (2) David Kurten (13-Jul-2017) Will you lobby the government to overturn the arrest order from the Home Office for a minor breach of bail conditions in June 2012, so that taxpayers money can be spent on more useful policing operations? An answer to this question will be uploaded within one week of the meeting. Julian Assange (2) David Kurten (14-Sept-2016) What will be the ongoing costs of monitoring Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy this year? Do you think this is a good and acceptable use of public money? [2017-07-07 10:07:15] <Emmy B> Questions to the London Mayor by David Kurten (for 13-Jul-2017) Answers will be posted on the website a couple of weeks later: 1. Now that Sweden has withdrawn its arrest warrant for Julian Assange, will the Metropolitan Police re-assign officers posted to watching the Ecuadorian Embassy to more important duties, such as keeping the public safe from terrorists? 2. Will the Mayor investigate the decision to spend tens of millions of pounds spying and attempting to arrest Julian Assange when this money could have gone to protecting us from terrorism? 3. Is the Mayor aware of private police contractors operating in Hans Crescent, Basil Street, and surrounding area of Knightsbridge, are they licenced and what is their exact role? 4. Will you lobby the government to overturn the arrest order from the Home Office for a minor breach of bail conditions in June 2012, so that taxpayers money can be spent on more useful policing operations? [2017-07-07 10:08:08] <Emmy B> Questions have been tabled at the London Assembly's website where the answers will also be posted: [2017-07-07 10:08:37] <Emmy B> [2017-07-10 13:27:16] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-07-10 13:29:40] <Emmy B> Trevor Timm is bad news in my book, sorry, God help RealityWinner and Courage. (May I be proven wrong) [2017-07-10 14:38:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> What did Timm do? Or fail to do? [2017-07-10 14:39:07] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'd hate to see Courage fail. [2017-07-10 16:56:16] <WikiLeaks> Why would courage fail? [2017-07-10 19:23:20] <LibertarianLibrarian> Just responding to Emmy's concerns about Trevor Timm, Laura Poitras, and Micah Lee re their involvement. Don't know the effect. [2017-07-10 21:37:41] <Emmy B> [2017-07-10 21:38:01] <Emmy B> [2017-07-10 21:38:31] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-07-10 21:41:54] <Emmy B> Alert!! I think these WikiLeaks Task Force Tweets were meant to be Direct Messages for this chat rather than public tweets. Some technical glitz no doubt. x [2017-07-11 13:20:17] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] First time I see this feature in twitter, a link that if you press it it automatically produces a tweet for you I have archived it [2017-07-11 13:22:26] <Emmy B> I guess it is this [2017-07-11 13:29:18] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] 😳 [2017-07-11 13:42:07] <Emmy B> He probably thought WL already had them. Good advise though. Well it is the first time I see US Deep state doing their job so openly and to see all 5 eyes under the CIA direction against the Potus is very interesting. Of course Trump politically is very rightwing, not of my persuasion, but what we see here is the cancelling of politics, when CIA is in cahoots with the Democrat & Republican establishment to get rid of Trump. Imagine what they must have threatened Obama with... we'll never know. [2017-07-11 14:03:07] <WISE Up Action> Keep saying it, but interesting times. [2017-07-11 14:06:34] <WISE Up Action> Seems like some on-going battles /struggles around Trump circle. [2017-07-11 14:22:01] <Emmy B> In Greece US secret services possibly with other collaborators planned an assassination plan (Pythia) against Right-Wing PM Kostas Karamanlis (it links with the 2004-2005 unlawful interception scandal - The Athens Affair) due to his re-approachment with Russia. Whether they intended to carry it out or they just did it to intimidate, we don't know but it worked, he resigned after only 2 years in government. The following government of the 'centre left' PASOK headed by Clinton's friend George Papandreou brought the Troika and IMF in spectacularly failing to manage the crisis and he resigned also after 2 years to hand over to a buraucratic coallition gov that lasted 9 months or so, then the right wing party of New Democracy headed by Samaras got elected, ex housemate of George Papandreou in US when they were both studying there, who also governed 2 and a half years till Syriza was elected in January 2015, then we had the 'No' referendum, then elections again in Sep 2015. Why I am saying all this? Yes the crisis and effective bankrupsy was the primary reason of the political instability but the complete failure of the political world to deal with the crisis, the rise of the Golden Dawn, points to an assault on democratic sovereignty that its beginning lies in US deep state destabilisation efforts during the Karamanlis government, first with the scandal of the unlawful interception of at least 150 people in government politics and the economy and then planning 'Pythia', at least as an assassination threat on Karamanlis if not the actual thing. With a country like Greece with fresh memories of brutal repression (Junta 67-74) etc etc, introducing such destabilisation is crippling to the political world as they do not have confidence they can actually govern the country. They did it with impunity to Greece why they won't do it to America? Perhaps they always did it but were not found out, now everyone can see (not the details of it) but it is so obvious CIA and the rest of them meddle. [2017-07-11 15:01:05] <WikiLeaks> interesting [2017-07-12 13:09:24] <WISE Up Action> Quite the claim! Mensch's forensic journalism strikes again. Actually clicked on this and tried to find the rest of it. There is no rest of it! [2017-07-12 13:13:46] <Emmy B> I really don't know what to say. [2017-07-12 14:37:47] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Australia at HRC? [2017-07-12 15:24:44] <Bean> Australia's Special Envoy for Human Rights: [2017-07-13 00:58:07] <Emmy B> Oh dear! [2017-07-13 07:15:43] <LibertarianLibrarian> Mensch's tweet links to what is apparently her own political blog of sorts, looks like a thinly disguised attempt at passing anti-Russian propaganda off as journalism. [2017-07-13 07:17:56] <LibertarianLibrarian> I'm starting to think that almost no countries are really qualified to be on a human rights committee, because governments worldwide are so corrupt. But I'd rather see Australia than Saudi Arabia. [2017-07-13 07:22:21] <Emmy B> I'm with you on this one! [2017-07-13 07:47:45] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Lawfare Blog discusses the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in relation to speculation about hacks (Leaks in our book) of DNC Emails etc [2017-07-13 08:28:45] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Thank goodness Courage and WikiLeaks archive the Snowden document release. Over at the Intercept their links are badly maintained. See James Bamford's article on unlawful interception in Athens 2004-2005 [2017-07-13 14:47:42] <WISE Up Action> [Tweet] Thread FYI [2017-07-13 17:50:11] <LibertarianLibrarian> That's a shame about the Intercept links to the Snowden material. Some parts of the Intercept are great and others are concerning. Makes me yet again grateful for WL. [2017-07-14 02:21:31] <Bean> [Tweet] this is sad [2017-07-14 04:45:34] <Emmy B> Let's hope it's not final [2017-07-14 04:46:27] <Emmy B> In the next election cycle he'll dust himself off and try again :-) [2017-07-14 05:16:33] <Bean> [Card-summary] yep possibility of a comeback [2017-07-14 05:52:39] <LibertarianLibrarian> It's a loss, but I'm sure he'll find new ways to make an impact. [2017-07-14 05:52:51] <LibertarianLibrarian> Seems one of the good guys. [2017-07-14 05:58:05] <LibertarianLibrarian> Sounds a bit like someone grabbed any technicality they could to eliminate him. Shame. [2017-07-19 05:04:04] <WISE Up Action> Relevant re JA's Twitter non-verification and the inaction to clear out imposter accounts: This vid is ludicrous on one hand and interesting on the other - at least demonstrating how Twitter favours can be bought... [2017-07-19 15:53:32] <Emmy B> All I got were one liners from the London Mayor! *not happy* [2017-07-19 23:57:07] <Emmy B> Answer 1 - The Mayor (13-Jul-2017) As you may be aware there is an active warrant issued by Westminster Magistrate Court for failure to appear, and the MPS are obliged to execute it. The MPS will provide a level of resourcing which is proportionate to that offence. [2017-07-19 23:57:43] <Emmy B> Answer 2 - The Mayor (13-Jul-2017) Julian Assange is subject to arrest under the Bail Act, for breach of conditions laid by the High Court. This is an operational matter for the MPS who are keeping the situation under review. [2017-07-19 23:58:48] <Emmy B> Answer 3 - The Mayor (13-Jul-2017) The allegation that the MPS have spent tens of millions of pounds spying on Julian Assange is incorrect. There is an active warrant issued by Westminster Magistrate Court for failure to appear, and the MPS are obliged to execute it. This is an operational matter for the police who are continuing to review the situation. [2017-07-19 23:59:30] <Emmy B> Answer 4 - The Mayor (13-Jul-2017) The MPS have not engaged any private police contractors operating in the surrounding streets of the Ecuadorian embassy. Organisations or communities may fund their own security patrols and the MPS will work with personnel in the most appropriate way to prevent and detect crime. [2017-07-20 00:01:07] <Emmy B> Question 4 was - David Kurten (13-Jul-2017) Is the Mayor aware of private police contractors operating in Hans Crescent, Basil Street, and surrounding area of Knightsbridge, are they licenced and what is their exact role? [2017-07-20 00:04:11] <Emmy B> The answer did not really answer the question so it could be an 'organisation' or 'community' exists that employs private police contractors or security patrols. If they Mayor will not disclose how can I find out? [2017-07-20 00:04:38] <Emmy B> The Council? The Home Office? a FOIR? [2017-07-20 02:41:24] <WikiLeaks> They should hammer them for the "not tens of millions" when they themselves said 12.6 million in 2015 [2017-07-20 03:02:01] <Emmy B> Yes! [2017-07-21 06:02:36] <Emmy B> In the Aspen Security video that WikiLeaks shared today in its timeline, Pompeo mentions that the name of a CIA agent was published which he found unconscionable, to lukewarm applause, when the interviewer asked him 'Do you talk about Phil Agee?" he says "Excuse me?" the interviewer repeats the name and Pompeo says "I'm sorry I don't know that name". Well in his anti-WL speech in April at CSiS [2017-07-21 06:04:00] <Emmy B> Who wrote his speech? obviously not himself returning from a trip to London that day. [2017-07-21 06:05:09] <WikiLeaks> Well spotted. He is not referring to Agee but a NYT reporter. [2017-07-21 06:16:33] <Emmy B> Embarrassing I thought, some people laughed but probably because they knew who Phillip Agee was. I can understand that perhaps Pompeo was not on best form, but for sure that April speech was not written by him otherwise he would have immediately picked up on the name and say something ' no not him' etc. The interviewer made references to his April speech about WikiLeaks earlier in this interview, so, Pompeo surely would have the April speech fresh in his mind, it did not happen a lifetime away. I guess someone else put Agee in there in the speech as a WikiLeaks/whistleblower equivalent from the past, from during the cold war when the trenches were clear cut and deep. And perhaps wanting to capitalise on Trump's public opposition to Cuba. Trying to pass Trump & his supporters the message that "I love WikiLeaks" is certainly in the same category/trench as Cuban loving Agee. Who knows. [2017-07-21 11:54:48] <Emmy B> [2017-07-21 11:58:10] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-07-21 11:58:52] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Full Interview is in RT [2017-07-24 16:57:43] <Emmy B> WikiLeaks Media partner Ta Nea gets new owner as the entire Publishing organisation Labrakis ownership is transferred to shipowner Vaggelis Marinakis here is a gossipi article about the sale [2017-07-25 22:27:38] <Emmy B> [2017-07-26 09:21:49] <Emmy B> Ivan Savvides (Russian-Greek) buys WikiLeaks partner (Espionnage Élysée) Ethnos and Imiresia [2017-07-26 09:24:27] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Also WLPartner for TiSA release in Greece. [2017-07-31 10:44:14] <Emmy B> The Macron Release will for the first time introduce the question is it verified or not, is it authentic or not. Up till now there was no question to answer whether an e-mail was authentic or not, they were all authentic. Prepare for the new Black PR spin. [2017-07-31 14:38:00] <WikiLeaks> We're happy with our strategy. 21k we certify, they other's we don't (but we very strongly believe that they are all authentic) [2017-07-31 14:42:40] <Emmy B> Good, it's great, Congratulations on the new release. Black PR will find any excuse anyways... [2017-08-06 23:39:41] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] Ed Pilkington for the Guardian enters the ring of the story: "The strange case of Fox News, Trump and the death of young Democrat Seth Rich" [2017-08-09 13:54:51] <Emmy B> [Tweet] [2017-08-09 13:55:01] <Emmy B> Everything ok? [2017-08-16 04:20:24] <Bean> [Tweet] [2017-08-16 04:37:53] <Emmy B> Bean this is beautiful Thank you!!!! Xx [2017-08-16 06:27:27] <Bean> no probs - 'happy' vigilling x [2017-08-16 06:30:47] <Emmy B> Thank you dear :-) [2017-08-16 06:32:42] <Emmy B> I am flying to Greece in the morning, so a few quiet days from me xx [2017-08-16 06:34:53] <Bean> safe travels! [2017-08-16 06:38:02] <Emmy B> Thank youuuu will be tweeting #Sun4Assange while away xxx [2017-08-20 11:51:47] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] In AlArabiya's "All has become clear now in the Qatar crisis" dated today [2017-08-20 11:52:04] <Emmy B> [Media-image] [2017-08-22 12:44:05] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] A response to Julian's tweet about Al Arabiya (they blame it on translation, disclaimer on opinions but claim other newspapers said the same) [2017-08-22 12:45:58] <Emmy B> [Media-image] The original article now includes a disclaimer [2017-08-22 12:48:11] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] The Peninsule (Quatar's Daily) covers the original story [2017-08-30 09:18:44] <Emmy B> [Card-summary_large_image] An article in Turkish 'A Haber' about Can Dunbar mentions Julian Assange but the Google translate is so bad it is difficult to establish whether there is any significance. Because it is apparently mentioned in court documents I share it here: [2017-08-30 09:23:46] <Emmy B> The article via Google translation [2017-09-01 10:49:38] <WISE Up Action> [Card-summary] Interesting discussion for the less than technical like me: What Are The Twitter Users With Eight Numbers In Their Name? Fascinating Investigation - LBC [2017-09-01 23:04:27] <Emmy B> Thank you!! Will watch when back at the 'Great Albion' why do holidays have to end? [2017-09-04 15:39:29] <Emmy B> "verification A process whereby a Twitter account receives a blue check icon to indicate that the creator of these Tweets is a legitimate source. Verified accounts include public figures and those who may have experienced identity confusion on Twitter." [2017-09-04 15:40:27] <Emmy B> plenty of identity confusion with all these fake JA accounts two suspended already but the supply seems limitless!!! [2017-09-16 23:08:40] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Laura Poitras' Risk to be broadcast tonight BBC2 10pm [2017-09-16 23:10:37] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Review by Radio Times [2017-09-17 15:05:24] <Emmy B> There is this company in Australia [2017-09-17 15:06:15] <Emmy B> the full site is like that, copy pasting comments [2017-09-17 15:06:41] <Emmy B> I am investigating [2017-09-17 15:14:34] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] [2017-09-18 10:23:19] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Website suspended ::-O [2017-09-18 10:23:55] <Emmy B> There goes my investigation... [2017-10-12 14:12:04] <Emmy B> [Media-image] Wikiman for sale for a bitcoin all proceeds to WikiLeaks [2017-10-17 23:45:37] <Emmy B> [Card-summary] Stratford's view on Ecuador [2017-10-25 13:40:37] <Emmy B> This is a Russian Documentary just published & shown in Greece about the plan to assassinate Greek PM Kostas Karamanlis [2017-10-25 13:41:10] <Emmy B> the doc has english subtitles [2017-11-10 02:15:51] <WikiLeaks> thanks [2017-11-10 04:30:46] <Emmy B> You are very welcome. :-) [DMConversationEntry] WikiLeaks left [DMConversationEntry] M left [DMConversationEntry] WikiLeaks Press left [DMConversationEntry] WISE Up Wales left [DMConversationEntry] WISE Up Action left [DMConversationEntry] WikiLeaks Task Force left [DMConversationEntry] voidiss left [DMConversationEntry] Emmy B left [DMConversationEntry] Cabledrum left [DMConversationEntry] LibertarianLibrarian left [DMConversationEntry] Bean left [DMConversationEntry] SAWC Sydney left [LatestTweetID] 931704226425856001